#the irony of posting into system tags for this isn't lost on me
sysciety · 1 year
Just because someone doesn't end up being a system doesn't mean their trauma wasn't "bad enough"
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tratserenoyreve · 6 months
stop censoring yourself it makes it impossible to block posts. I don't want to see a whole post about child pornography because you chose to write "p*rn" instead of calling it what it is. pretty ironic that you hate on ao3 so much even though it has a robust tag blocking system that prevents you from seeing content you don't want to, but you dont tag your posts, so i have to look at them no matter how triggering they are for me. thank you for that.
i know this is in reference to a post i made some time ago that has since been periodically reposted and recirculated repeatedly in bursts separate from the context of when i made it, and it isn't something i thought would be spread far from my own space.
while i do apologize for causing you stress as people apparently reblog chained it to you with equally blank tags, the post wasn't about any specific site and instead a criticism of the broader issue across the internet and multiple social medias, including this one.
i censor words like that out of habit for bot prevention, and figured it wouldn't get further than my usual circle of people who watch me chat about things.
every time that post circulates, i get an influx of people who say things like that i deserved to be abused, that i am making shit up, that my lived traumatic experiences are fit to be some voyeur's fantasy, and it does suck when this happens.
i could lock the post to reblogs, but it has also been pasted on other sites. the irony here that my very post exclaiming my frustration with people ignoring the boundaries i have has continually resulted in people ignoring my boundaries is not lost on me. that it crossed yours is also ironic.
i have other things going on in my life at the moment that aren't pleasant either, my main sentiment right now i guess is "i hope things get better"
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