#the king of everythiiiiing
igotsnothing · 1 year
Ok, ok, ok...I was not that excited about this expansion. When it was announced, I thought I wouldn't like it at all because I'm more of a San Myshuno kinda gal. I love big cities, grew up in big cities, and always felt the countryside was great for naps, slipping into comas, and hiding out in the witness protection program.
Obviously I am an idiot.
Less than 24 hours since I began tinkering with this pack, I am now furiously and obsessively plotting this story.
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Asa Wyman was born and raised in Chestnut Ridge, where he proudly owns and runs his own ranch. He raises sheep, llamas, and keeps dairy cows. Asa is focused, hard-working, but also kind and generous. He's an idealist and is a deeply-feeling, sensitive person. This has led to much heartache in his life, but he doesn't know how to be otherwise. This soft-heartedness also causes him to make the impulsive decision to foster a severely neglected horse, Copper. While his intentions are good, he is completely out of his depth. Asa needs help with the horse, who has trust issues and is terribly defiant. This prompts him to reach out to the legendary horse trainer, Ignacio...
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Ignacio "Nacho" Rodriguez is part Chiricahua Apache on his mother's side and Chicano on his dad's side. His family moved to Chestnut Ridge when he was already in his early teens, which made him feel like an outsider among the close-knit cliques at school. As a result, Ignacio comes across as somewhat aloof and indifferent. He loves the landscape of Chestnut Ridge: the rugged land and wilderness call out to him. Although he is a passionate person, he doesn't believe in serious relationships or any type of long-term commitment. In fact, his few friends joke that only horses get Ignacio's complete devotion. He is known for being a horse trainer, a fabled "horse whisperer", whose services are often sought after even beyond Chestnut Ridge. So, when Asa appears before him one afternoon begging him to help Copper, he is intrigued...by both the case and the disarmingly charming rancher who is failing-oh-so-hard at keeping his obvious attraction secret...
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Copper is ADORABLE, my sweet widdle horsie-pooh! Look at him! Look. At. Him! He can do no wrong! Actually, he can. He has issues. He's scared and afraid to trust and it makes him difficult to deal with and defiant. Copper is verrrry smart, you see. He's got everything figured out: the foster guy doesn't know what he's doing AND he's on to the trainer guy's tricks. He likes it, though, when the two of them come see him at the ranch. He doesn't know what they're yammering and bickering about, but he feels better when they are both there. There's a warmth and sweetness he can pick up on when they're there and it's very soothing and healing for him; so, he needs to make sure they keep showing up. Together!
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
Bow to you was everythiiiiing. So well written and interesting to read. I loved the entire concept of the story and all the characters. That’s something that I really admire about you, you can pretty much do any concept and create something so good. I must admit that I developed a little soft spot for jungkook with this finale chapter I KNOW I KNOW he was an asshole and did this to himself but I want to believe that he genuinely feels remorseful. That he realized that he could have been in Yoongis spot if greed didn’t take over. However i am happy about the ending, understand me right. Im happy that Belle got her happy ending with Yoongi, he seems absolutely smitten ALSO A BABY??? YEEEEESSSS IM SO EXCITED. I would do anything to see mountain king Yoongi running after his little baby causing chaos. Overall this was a really good series. I loved it from start to finish. Looking forwards to your next stories. Great job!!
Thank you so much for this message! You're too kind, I really enjoyed writing this series and the support people gave it has been truly amazing! It's been a common thought feeling sorry for Jungkook a little so don't worry, you're not alone hahah
Omg Yoongi and Belle would cherish their baby so goddamn much. I have a request pending in my drafts for this series post childbirth so you can stay tuned for that! Thank you again for reading my story and I hope you like my other ones too!
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