#the horse is the king of the story
igotsnothing · 1 year
Ok, ok, ok...I was not that excited about this expansion. When it was announced, I thought I wouldn't like it at all because I'm more of a San Myshuno kinda gal. I love big cities, grew up in big cities, and always felt the countryside was great for naps, slipping into comas, and hiding out in the witness protection program.
Obviously I am an idiot.
Less than 24 hours since I began tinkering with this pack, I am now furiously and obsessively plotting this story.
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Asa Wyman was born and raised in Chestnut Ridge, where he proudly owns and runs his own ranch. He raises sheep, llamas, and keeps dairy cows. Asa is focused, hard-working, but also kind and generous. He's an idealist and is a deeply-feeling, sensitive person. This has led to much heartache in his life, but he doesn't know how to be otherwise. This soft-heartedness also causes him to make the impulsive decision to foster a severely neglected horse, Copper. While his intentions are good, he is completely out of his depth. Asa needs help with the horse, who has trust issues and is terribly defiant. This prompts him to reach out to the legendary horse trainer, Ignacio...
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Ignacio "Nacho" Rodriguez is part Chiricahua Apache on his mother's side and Chicano on his dad's side. His family moved to Chestnut Ridge when he was already in his early teens, which made him feel like an outsider among the close-knit cliques at school. As a result, Ignacio comes across as somewhat aloof and indifferent. He loves the landscape of Chestnut Ridge: the rugged land and wilderness call out to him. Although he is a passionate person, he doesn't believe in serious relationships or any type of long-term commitment. In fact, his few friends joke that only horses get Ignacio's complete devotion. He is known for being a horse trainer, a fabled "horse whisperer", whose services are often sought after even beyond Chestnut Ridge. So, when Asa appears before him one afternoon begging him to help Copper, he is intrigued...by both the case and the disarmingly charming rancher who is failing-oh-so-hard at keeping his obvious attraction secret...
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Copper is ADORABLE, my sweet widdle horsie-pooh! Look at him! Look. At. Him! He can do no wrong! Actually, he can. He has issues. He's scared and afraid to trust and it makes him difficult to deal with and defiant. Copper is verrrry smart, you see. He's got everything figured out: the foster guy doesn't know what he's doing AND he's on to the trainer guy's tricks. He likes it, though, when the two of them come see him at the ranch. He doesn't know what they're yammering and bickering about, but he feels better when they are both there. There's a warmth and sweetness he can pick up on when they're there and it's very soothing and healing for him; so, he needs to make sure they keep showing up. Together!
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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the king shunned, the lion dead, the knight lost, the princess absent. but the wizard lives.
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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Die wilden Schwäne / The Wild Swans by Hans Christian Andersen
Early 20th century
Artist unknown
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Just saw a screen rant article saying the horse and his boy should be skipped in Netflix’s adaptation of Narnia and I’d hear them out if it was about the orientalism because that would make the book tricky to adapt for modern audiences but not impossible (just look at fics or even headcanons that dive into aravis lore or just expand on calormen culture in general to be more 3 dimensional there’s some incredible fan writers out there)
The reason was that it’s “the weakest book in the series” 🤠
Like just, as a story. 🧍‍♀️
I will not stand for aravis erasure
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This is the story of an adventure that happened in Narnia and Calormen and the lands between, in the Golden Age when Peter was High King in Narnia and his brother and his two sisters were King and Queens under him.
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"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Horse and His Boy" - C. S. Lewis
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fiendishartist2 · 1 year
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today i bring you random tma doodles. tomorrow? who knows.......
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zurdurer · 2 months
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He neighs and whineys
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 140- Vengeance
Summary: Josie dreams of the past that holds a message. Stephane and Jo have another talk. A birthday party is planned. Josie experiences a new power. She and Charles search for something. Another side of Garrett is seen. A secret is kept. A surprise is in the works. An ultimatum is given. A visitor comes bearing bad news.
*Warnings* language, angst, death mentions, death, violence, graphic depictions, blood
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
Your dreams took you back in time as you saw yourself at Sarah's house, your best friend in your teen years and the one you saw Harker kill when Jareth had showed you the memory of it.
It was a typical weekend afternoon of tarot cards and witchy stuff that she was into and it also happened to be Halloween, the night she went missing and the day you unknowingly met Jareth the goblin King for the first time. Back then, you didn't believe in all that voodoo stuff so much, although you remembered how your mother did. Sarah though, was all about it, a witch herself and you didn't realize the truth of it all until almost seven years after her death.
For some fun and a break from taking care of your sick dad, you would go to her place to let loose since it was right next door. The night would consist of pizza, sneaking booze from her mom's pantry since she worked in the evening, and cranking up the music while Sarah filled the room with candles and would give you readings. As skeptical as you always were about it, strangely they always became relevant to your life at some point, but you would just chalk it up to be a coincidence.
As she laid the cards out one, she placed the last one in front of you. The high priestess that held the letters B and J on it.
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"Sooo, what does that mean?" you asked with an arched brow.
"The high priestess is a card of mystery, stillness and passivity. You need to reflect upon your situation and trust your instincts to guide you though what is to come. Things around you are not what they appear to be." Sarah explained, but then she just stared at the card with a head tilt.
"What things? My instincts tell me my life is exactly what it looks like...all fucked up."
"No...something is....amiss...now and into the future. I've drawn this card for you before, but it never spoke to me util now."
"Sarah, my dad is terminally ill with only a few years to live if he's lucky. That's what's amiss and that is the future."
"Jo, no...you're taking things literally, which sometimes the cards can be but sometimes they have deeper meanings, metaphoric even. I know you don't believe this stuff, but I'm telling you there's something huge about your life and your future. You see this?" she said and pointed to the lady on the card.
"Uh yeah...it looks like a queen or something. Oh my god Sarah?? Am I going to become the Queen of England??" you jested and laughed.
"No!" she scoffed. "But...you will be of some great importance. Something magical and powerful. The half moon at her feet tells me that. I know you never believe me, but I feel it in you. The witchy vibe. I mean come on, why do you think you and I connected so well. I believe you're a true witch who just don't know it yet."
"Yeah umm we connected so well because you live right next door." you chuckled. "I can't even make toast without burning it. I am far from a powerful witch."
"Jo, seriously. You even said your mom was into this stuff....and christ, look how your dad dresses and speaks, like he's from another century or something."
"She was, but I never saw her twinkle her nose and make things happen or ride a broom stick, or lure little children into her house like Hansel and Gretel. My dad, he's just old fashioned. Are you saying he's a witch too??"
"There are male witches you know. They're called warlocks and can you be serious for once? That's not what witches are all about. That's all fairytales. This is real."
"It's all hocus pocus if you ask me, pun intended but ok fine...so I am going to be some witch queen is what you're saying? Who's my King? He better be hot! And what do the letters mean?"
"Well...I definitely feel the J resembles you but...."
She stopped and cocked her head again as she ran her finger over the B.
"A...counterpart to you...soul mate of some sort maybe? I keep seeing the word....missing....and...child....a baby maybe??"
You hysterically laughed. "The B stands for baby? I certainly know I am not pregnant...oh god!! Wait! Am I going to have a baby with my future King??? If anyone is missing, it is him! Maybe his name starts with a B! Oh my fucking god, it Bon Jovi!! That's what the B and J stand for!"
"Stop it! It's not that! It's someone you will meet. They will have the answers you seek."
"I'm not seeking anything right now except to get drunk after my encounter with that creepy guy on my way here. Like, he knew my freaking name so I umm, kinda told him my name was Sarah."
"Oh great, now we have some weirdo stalking around here infatuated with the many looks of David Bowie that knows BOTH of our names now and he probably saw you come here because I saw him from the window when you were walking over, and he saw me too. Talk about going all out for a Halloween costume and I didn't like his eyes."
"Calm down, he's probably just some senior from school out trying to score free candy like they did in Hocus Pocus, which is why he knew my name."
"Yeah well, he wasn't carrying a trick or treat bag and he looked way older than that. Def a witch vibe on him too. Probably into some cult shit and will sacrifice me tonight. Speaking of weirdos, tonight for dinner, you will meet the dude my mom is fucking, some Phillip guy. He's def creepy. I get nothing but bad vibes from him, like the hair on the back of my neck stands up when he's around. Witches sense those things."
"Ok miss superstitious, you are not going to be burned at the stake tonight or sacrificed on some stone slab in the middle of the forest. I have an idea. Since you seem to think I am a witch, we should look for our third and fourth to complete the circle, like that movie the Craft. You can teach me how to change my hair color to blonde like that girl did, what was her name...oh that's right, it was SARAH.." you joked some more.
"Fine, mock this all you want. Even the song playing right now is a message. These things don't just randomly happen."
"So when all of this happens, always remember this day and always remember, things are not always as they seem...remember Jo...remember....remember....remember....he's alive...."
Her words reverberated and echoed as your eyes sprung open.
"Sarah??" you gasped as you sat up. "God, what the hell was that?" you asked yourself out loud.
You realized it was late afternoon and that you had been asleep on Lola's sofa since you had come back from seeing Garrett. You hoped he wasn't upset with you for making him leave but you weren't sure what Narcisse and Haldir were going to do after seeing you locking lips with the vampire. Although Garrett was under Amara's protection mark, you didn't know how far that protection went and didn't want to test the waters to find out. You also knew Garrett could hold his own against them or anyone for that matter, but you didn't want to see any of them get hurt.
You sat with Leean, feeding her and as you did so, you began to recall the song Sarah mentioned, so you softly sang it to her, for she was a witch too and already coming into her powers at the mere age of 5 weeks old.
"I walk in worlds that no one can come by. I seek the trees and whispering stones. I dance at night and sing to the firelight to wake the witch who lives within me. I run with wolves and howl at the pale moon. I conjure storms that no man can tame. I love with fire so red it consumes you to wake the witch who lives within me. Music charms me like a spell. Voices fill me with tales to tell. All the women burned before are burning in my soul. All my darkness, all my fears fall away when their ghosts are near. Chanting, dancing, calling me to wake the witch in me. I sought the trees to flee all who hurt me. I whispered spells to endure their stones. I hid in dreams so no one could find me to veil the witch who lives within me. And now I fly at night like a raven. I dance with ghouls and devils till dawn. And in the forest, I’ve found my haven to wake the witch who lives within me."
Leean's big round moonstone eyes danced through yours as she listened to your voice. Little coos came from her daddy's shaped lips as she suckled and lightly kicked her feet.
Just then, a knock sounded upon the door. You already knew who it was, for your intuition told you and...you could smell the peppermint seeping under the door.
"Jo...may I come in?" Narcisse softly asked.
You covered yourself and carried Leean with you to the door, fretting that you were about to get an earful over the kiss of the vampire, but strangely, it was the exact opposite.
As you reluctantly opened, there the warlock stood and his typical grin with his hands resting at his midriff as his fingers fidgeted with his ring like always and there at his feet sat his loyal companion Merlin staring up at you.
"Well there's the two most beautiful girls in the world....and one of them has a most angelic voice from what I just heard, wouldn't you agree Merly?" he said in a baby tone as he tickled Leean's cheek. Of course, she cutely responded with an all out Thranduil smirk, making your heart shatter and ache for your King.
You turned and went to lay her down as Narcisse followed with his faithful feline right at his heels, who then jumped on the sofa making himself right at home as he laid down and yawned.
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You gave the Maine Coon some quick chin scratches and then went over by the window and sat down.
"Well...let me have it about Garrett, I mean, that is why you are here, is it not?"
He smiled his arrogant smile and sat down beside you."
"No, actually I am not here about that, although I must say, I don't know what you see in him, the vampire is so boring."
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You rolled your eyes as he continued.
"I came to tell you that I have retrieved your belongings."
He pulled out the spell book from within his jacket, along with the record and the dreamcatcher, then laid them beside you.
"The book was found in Claude's room and beside it laid a doll made with hay from the stables, smelling of my horse."
"Oh...gosh. Stephane, I am so sorry. It's all my fault, if I hadn't been in possession of the book, that never would have happened."
"Nonsense. The only fault here lies upon Catherine for her dastardly deeds and possibly her daughter too, which she will soon be questioned after she recovers from giving birth. Claude's diary was found as well and I have a pretty good feeling the answers are in there. I will read over it soon...but if you will notice the bookmarked page in your book. I think that explains the spell on Garrett."
After giving a concerning look, you quickly opened it to see the page stained with a yellow tint. You then looked at him in confusion.
"It's warlock blood, but still man's blood to a vampire and in this case, dead man's blood. Asher's. I can smell it. Somehow Catherine got her hands on it after his death. I have reason to believe she used Claude to place the spell. With that said, it is the same as if Garrett would have drank it himself."
"Jesus, what is it with this bitch and poison?"
"Because that's what Catherine is. Poison. Now...if you'll turn to the back, you'll find another item you were looking for...."
You flipped it to the back to find the letter you wrote to Thranduil.
"Thank you Stephane, for all of this. I will do better at keeping this book out of the wrong hands. I'm glad to have my dreamcatcher back as well."
Narcisse noticed your despaired expression when you mentioned the moonstone sleep aid.
"Jo? What is it?" he asked as he gently laid his hand upon yours.
'"It's...I don't know really. I had fallen asleep earlier and had this strange dream of...well actually it was a memory my friend Sarah who Harker killed. Honestly, I don't want to talk about it. It's my fault she is dead. I should have never left her that night, but I had to get home to my dad. The really fucked up thing is that she had cracked a joke that evening about something happening to her and of course I basically told her that she would be fine."
"You don't have to talk about it. I will say, I am sorry about your friend. She obviously meant a lot to you. And again, it is not your fault...it is Harker's."
"If only I had believed her about her witch sense and all. She figured out who he was that night and that is why he killed her. All the years I knew her, she was a witch just like me, but I didn't know I was and I made fun of her for believing she was. What a shitty friend I was."
"Jo...please don't be so hard on yourself. You were so young still and had no idea who you were. I wish I would have been around more for your dad, maybe I could have done something, or figured out what was going on. If only I had known he was sick."
"Stephane, you obviously had your hands full with Catherine and the situation with Charles. It's no more your fault than mine. You're right. It was Harker's and even my mother's. Jareth too. You would have been there for my dad if you could have. He knew how much he meant to you. You were a good friend to him. Hopefully we can find him soon and fix whatever Jareth has done to him."
"You're too kind Jo. We will get him back. I promise you. I really should get going. I have a birthday party planned for you this evening. I figured you need a break and need to unwind."
"Ummm what??"
"Your birthday, remember? I know it's not actually until tomorrow but I'm too excited about it to wait. And...it's such a beautiful December day, strangely warm as usual which makes it perfect for a nice outside gathering. What color fireworks would you like this time. I had them do purple for you at the last party...that is your favorite color is it not?"
You were completely mind blown over his attentiveness to your likings. He had told you before that he paid attention to the little things.
"I...I...you...did that? for...me?"
"I did. So...purple again? I had a cake made too. It's 25 candles now right?"
Your hands went to your face, covering it as you began sobbing.
"Jo...sweetheart. What is wrong?" he kindly asked and pulled your hands down so he could cup your face in his.
"I...I haven't celebrated my birthday since my seventeenth one, which was the last one with my dad....and he died...well supposably died the next morning. He..he still, in his sickness, made sure a cake was delivered for me, candles and all....and also had a dinner sent to the house because he knew I couldn't cook for shit....and...and this would have been my first one with Thranduil...."
Narcisse offered the most compassionate smile. "I will cancel the party. I apologize for overstepping. I just thought something of some normalcy would make you feel better...."
"No...don't apologize for being nice. You went to all this trouble for me..so it's the least I could do to attend my own party. Purple...yes...and please don't put that many candles on the cake. One will suffice so I can easily blow it out."
"As you wish your majesty. Now...I do have one other reason I came here. You promised me a date sometime. Maybe tomorrow? An afternoon carriage venture along the countryside by my villa?"
"It's Garrett isn't it? Is someone making you spend time with him?" he sarcastically asked.
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"No one makes me do anything and you know it. And honestly, it is none of your business."
"Tell me then, is it my business when just the other day, you were kissing me?"
"Ok well you kissed me."
"And you kissed me back. It scared you didn't it? What you felt, so you turned to Garrett instead. But you, you came clear to the city to try and stop me from that fight. You care for me whether you admit it or not. You and I, we are the same Jo. Both witches that share a rare electrifying sensation when we touch. We empower each other."
"Maybe so...but this is all a game to you. You even said so yourself once, that you like games. I cannot trust what you say is real. I feel this is all just about winning to you, especially over that of a vampire. as if I am some prize...and he does not make me feel that way. I know him...I don't know you."
"Then get to know me. Give me that chance to prove that my feelings for you are genuine. What I said is that I had never had a worthy opponent. I will not deny thinking of you as a prize because you are just that and I would be the luckiest man to ever be able to call you mine. A winner indeed of true happiness that I have never experienced. All that I have done and am doing is because I have come to deeply care for you. This is all new to me. I know in the past I have come across as a seeker of victory but I assure you, that is not the case with you. Since our eyes first met, I wanted more. Much more. I have felt your approach long before you ever arrived."
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Narcisse certainly knew how to choose his words, but you knew he meant them. He wasn't wrong. You did feel something for him and yes, you were scared. And you didn't want to hurt Garrett because you felt something for him too. Your dream made sure you faced that. You were just flat out scared to move on because this isn't where you were supposed to be, having to choose between two men. You were supposed to be with Thranduil forever, for he was your only choice.
"I'll tell you what. I will not hold you to your promise, for I know you were just trying to keep me alive at the time. Wear a flower in your hair tonight and if you do, then I will know you have agreed to share a date with me tomorrow. There is fresh new array of them in my office that the servants brought in this morning. I would love to spend your birthday with you. I must be off. It is time to serve more retribution where it is due."
Narcisse got up, offered you a head bow and then left.
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Who crossed Narcisse this time? you wondered as you sat where he left you and stared out the window.
Lola then came in and her presence helped aid you in your decision for tonight.
"Lola...how would you like to join me tonight with Leean for a party. It is a beautiful day out and you are always stuck inside."
"A party miss? I was not aware that there was one."
"I was not either, but Narcisse was just here and informed he that he was hosting a birthday gathering for myself."
"It is your birthday? How wonderful..but...why do you not look so eager to attend? Oh how foolish of me to ask such a thing. Of course I know why. My apologies."
"No Lola, it is quite alright. I truly need to face reality and stop wallowing over what will never be again. Besides, he went to all the trouble to do something so nice for me when I was certain after what he saw today...well that's not important. Will you come? I hear there will be cake....and fireworks, although I don't know if that will startle Leean. That will probably be around her bedtime anyways. So what do you say?"
"Of course my lad...Josie. I would love to attend."
"Perfect. I need to do something first. Will you stay with her?"
"You know you do not need to ask. Of course I will."
"Maybe you could pick us both out something to wear while I am gone?"
Lola smiled and nodded, then you left for Stephane's office, still pondering over whether you would wear a flower or not, but you decided to go look at them anyways, for anything floral made you think of Thranduil.
A beautiful rainbow of flowers in a large crystal vase sat on Narcisse's desk just where the sunlight shone in to feed them. Cleary there must have been a greenhouse on the grounds for they couldn't be from the gardens in the middle of winter, but then again, as Narcisse said, the weather was strangely warm...and you did see a purple one sprouting from the ground a few weeks ago after the ice storm.
Of course you chose a violet beings that it was purple. You put it in your hair and stood at a mirror to see how it would look, but all you could see was the memory of the vision you had at Lestat's of Thranduil in the mirror. You closed your eyes and turned away, trying not to cry again.
As you took the flower out of your hair, you stood there and just inhaled it's scent, reminding you of how you would sit in Thranduil's gardens for hours when he was out tending to his Kingly duties. How you missed his Kingdom. Would you ever be ready to go back? You knew you needed to. It was Leean's home...it was your home...and you missed Legolas something awful and surely he was missing Leean if not you. You needed, wanted to make things right with him, but could you? Knowing how he felt about you now and how hurt he was. And why couldn't you hear him anymore? Did you just imagine it all?
You began to leave when something caught your eye on the desk. It was the doll made of hay that Stephane mentioned they found in Claude's room. Out of some strange intuitive feeling, you picked it up and looked it over....and then, something happened that had never happened to you before. You saw a vision.
Arion, standing alone in a place of darkness with a mangled mane and he turned to look at you as if he saw you. His eyes were so sad and lonely.
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And then the darkness began to fade and you could see the surroundings. A place you didn't recognize but appeared to be some sort of desolate dungeon standing at the edge of a forest.
You gasped and dropped the doll and ran off to find Narcisse. As you turned a corner, you almost ran into Charles who was coming out of his chambers.
"My lady? Where are you off to in such a rush and why are you out of breath and look frightened??" he sincerely asked.
"Charles...you know the grounds here well, do you not?"
"I..I do yes, why?"
"Is there somewhere around here that is desolate...another dungeon maybe? A big round stone structure by a forest??"
"Umm..y..yes I believe so? A bit south off the back side of the castle. It hasn't been used for years. Why would you ask of such a place?"
"Can you take me there??"
"Yes, please Charles!"
"Josie, what is this all about??"
"Just take me there. If my vision is true, I am about to make your father the happiest man in the world."
After saddling up some horses, you and Charles galloped off down a discreet pathway behind the castle and headed off into the woods. Roughly twenty minutes later, you came to a clearing and at the other end of it was the stone building you had seen on the edge of a cliff, hidden behind the forest.
"Wait. Stop!" Charles loudly whispered. "There are guards?? Why are there guards at this run down place?"
"Because I believe your mother has something valuable to your father locked up inside of it. I'll take care of them."
"With what? Magic? My father has rules about magic used on his guards. Trust me, I just got an earful about it this morning."
"Fuck the rules." you quipped and rode off.
"I'm going to be in so much trouble...." Charles whispered to himself with wide eyes and took off after you.
"Halt! What business do you have here? This area is forbidden." One of the two guards said as he walked towards you with his sword drawn.
You dismounted and fearlessly walked up to him as Charles jumped down and followed.
"There is no need to draw your weapon on a lady!" Charles snapped. "I know who you are and you know who I am. Exactly what business is it that YOU have here at a deserted dungeon??"
"That is classified information young warlock. If your father wished you to know, you would not be questioning me. Now move along."
"I take no orders from you! I demand to know what is inside, for I feel my father has no knowledge of this at all!."
"I said it is forbidden." the guard snarled and took a few more steps towards the both of you as the other guard then joined him.
"What are you going to do if I pass? Kill me? My father will have your head if you harm me or Josie."
"I will not harm you...now the girl on the other hand means nothing to me...but...maybe for a small price, we can work something out? I have not had the pleasure of a woman in a very long time."
"Nor have I." the other guard said with a twisted grin.
"And I can see why you disgusting oafs. Narcisse will have your heads either way for I know what is inside. His beloved horse. Arion."
"What??" Charles strongly asked as he whipped his head to you.
"That's right. Arion is not dead. Your mother stashed him here to make your father suffer by making him believe she killed him and fed the horse to him. I'm sorry Charles but I told you Catherine was sick. Now, let us pass or..."
"Or what??" the guard laughed. "See, now we have a bigger problem. You should have minded your own business. We cannot let you go now...my lady." the guard said, bearing a sinister smile as he neared you.
Just then, something swarmed him. It was so fast that you couldn't even see it...but you smelled the gush of wind that burst over you....Garrett.
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The man backed away in panic, nearing a steep cliff that held only massive sharp rocks below at the ocean's edge. He was stormed again, but this time you saw something you had never saw of Garrett before. He appeared from a swarm of bats and raged in the man's face, causing him to lose his balance and fall backwards, screaming to his death below.
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It all was happening so fast, you and Charles were frozen solid as you watched the horror unfold before you.
Garrett charged the other one with his fangs in full view, something else you had never seen on him before, and then he bit into his neck and ripped his throat out.
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The man fell to the ground and frantically scurried away from Garrett, ending up being backed against a tree.
Garrett leaned over the horrified man and bit into the other side of his neck, killing him instantly.
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Your terrified gasp caught Garrett's attention and he froze, keeping his head down. He then slowly opened his blood soaked hands and looked at them.
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Garrett's hands began to shake and his breathing became heavy.
"G..Garrett?" you squeaked as you took a step towards him.
"Stay back!!!!" he growled. "You...you can't see me like this..."
You ignored him and slowly crouched beside him, gently placing your own shaking hand on his shoulder. Your touch startled him and he quickly scooted away, keeping his back to you.
"I said stay away! This...this wasn't supposed to happen...they...they were going to hurt you...I could hear their disgusting thoughts."
"Garrett...it's ok. Please look at me."
"No! I...I never meant for you to see me like this. I can only imagine what you must be thinking. I heard your fear...I can smell it as well."
"Garrett...I...I'm not afraid of you, I was just taken by surprise. They were bad men Garrett...this...this is what you do to those kind of people."
"But you weren't supposed to see it! Not ever! I lost control...I...I'm so...sorry....I...I'm so ashamed..."
His voice was breaking as if he were going to cry as his entire body was now trembling.
"Garrett talk to me...Did...did something happen to cause this?"
"I...I'm a monster Josephine! Just like I always told you I was. That's what caused this. You...you need to stay away from me. I...I don't belong in your world just like everyone has told you."
"Garrett, stop talking like that. You are not a monster! They were the monsters. If you hadn't have come, even I myself would have hurt them. I was going to set them on fire. Does that make me a monster too then? Garrett, please...look at me...let me help you."
"Have a great birthday party and date with Narcisse." he softly said and then his scent rushed through your hair as he vanished.
"Garett wait!!!!!!! You don't understand!!!"
You turned to see Charles still frozen solid with wide eyes and shaking.
"Charles, it's ok. I know him. He wouldn't have hurt you. He was only protecting me."
"Even so, he's...a vampire...on our lands...he just killed two of our guards. I...I have to tell my fath..."
You ran up and grabbed him. "No! You cannot tell Narcisse about this, ever! Do you hear me?? He will have Garrett hunted and they will kill him and I will not let that happen! Those guards were evil and you know it. If Garrett hadn't killed them, I would have...and so would your father if he were here!! But the fact that it was a vampire won't matter to Narcisse, especially that it's Garrett. Please Charles, I'm begging you. I...I care about him...very very much."
"I...I don't know Josie. I think you should just tell him so he does not find out another way. He would understand that the monst...sorry, the vampire was only protecting you...and judging by the way my father looks at you, I would think that your safety would be all that mattered to him. Do you not trust him?"
"I...I want to...but...I just can't risk Garrett's safety...not after all he has ever done for me."
"If..if I stay silent, how will their deaths be explained?? It's quite obvious from the one's wounds what killed him. My father will eventually know they are missing and have them searched for."
"Then they shall not be found."
You turned to the dead guard and flung your hand out. It ignited into flames and you showered it over him, setting him ablaze.
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"There. No more evidence. He will burn to ash. As far as the other guy, he wasn't wounded. It will just look like he accidentally fell if he is found. As far as Narcisse, he only needs to know we found Arion here, nothing more."
"Jesus. Remind me to never piss you off. Alright. I won't say anything...but if I am asked...I will not lie to my father."
"Ok...I can deal with that. Thank you Charles. Now, let's go get Arion."
Sure enough, the snow white horse was inside alive and well, but seemingly depressed and in untidy conditions. His eyes lit up when he saw you, for he remembered his first meeting with you....and of course he knew Charles.
"It's alright now big fella. I am going to take you home where you belong and that wicked witch will never harm you again." you assured him as you lovingly stroked his nose.
He tilted his head and nudged it into your chest, making snorting sounds which had you and Charles laughing. Strangely, it was the first time you had ever heard the boy laugh and you felt slightly guilty for berating his mother in front of him. You understood exactly what it was like to have a love hate relationship with a parent.
You brought the Lipizzan horse outside and let him drink from the canteen you brought, then let him snack on an apple while you tried to untangle his neglected mane. Once he finished his fruit, you both took him back to the stables where the other horses were overly happy to see him as they loudly greeted him with many different pitched neighs and hoof stomps. You spoke with the stableman, asking him to see to it that Arion was pampered, cleaned up and well fed. You also told him to have him ready for a surprise tomorrow and to keep his return a secret until then, for Arion needed a good nights rest in the comfort of his home. After giving the gentle giant a kiss upon his nose, you then left to get ready for the party you were definitely not in the mood for after the recent events, for all you could now think about was Garrett, who was ignoring all of your calls to him. He obviously had heard your conversation with Narcisse and that is what had triggered his anger.
As you and Charles arrived back at the castle, there was a large gathering of of guards and horses in the court yard, along with some man lying on the ground.
"Oh look, Narcisse is serving punishment to one of the guards who caused you trouble the other night in the dining hall. The other guard knew of what would come, so he fled, but he will be found soon enough and pay for his involvement. Come, let's go watch!" Charles eagerly said and trotted off.
How quickly the boy went from referring to Stephane as his father while defending him, then right back to addressing him as Narcisse when it came down to business.
When you walked in, the man on the ground was being tethered by his arms and legs. He saw you and your eyes locked.
"Please....I was never going to hurt you, I swear it! I...I had too much to drink. I shouldn't have said such vulgar things...I...I'm sorry my lady!" he cried.
You gasped in horror, looking all around for Haldir but he was not there. You then rushed up to Narcisse, who turned to you and explained what was happening.
"Do you know why they bind him at up the arms and legs? For a good clean break...or they can do it the other way, at the hands and feet...which do you think would be more painful?"
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"Stephane, you cannot be serious? Please, stop this now!"
"Why on earth would you want me to stop? You know how things are done here when it comes to harassment of women, especially you. I had my men stoned to near death as equal punishment over harming a bird, so certainly you must know that this offense would deserve a far worse punishment, for men like Asher should not breath at all."
"The...the crow..." you muttered, wondering where your feathered friend had been since then."
"Yes? I was told by witnesses that it was a black bird when I caught them just after the heinous act of hurling rocks at it. How did you know that?"
"Because that crow is my friend who has saved me many times from danger. He came to me that night, barely able to fly and covered in blood. I had meant it speak with you about it but so many things were happening. He told me, well, he showed Garrett what happened to him, but Garrett said he saw that you had returned from the city and were handling the situation. I'll have you know, the bird would have died if it had not been for Garrett. He healed him when I could not."
You defense of Garrett was another attempt to make Narcisse see he wasn't a monster in case what happened earlier with the guards was ever revealed, but of course, Stephane's response only proved your efforts pointless.
"Ah yes, the infamous heroic vampire saves the day once more. Well...for the crow's sake and yours, I am happy he was saved. Why was the bird here anyways?"
"He's a messenger and my guardian of sorts. Usually he has something to tell me or bring to me. He is how I had gotten my moonstone back. I guess he knew I needed it or something."
It then be became clear to Narcisse that, that is where Thranduil's letter came from that his guard found nearby one the ground that night. The crow somehow knew the Elvenking was alive and brought it here to tell you.
"Can we get back to what's happening here Stephane? I understand you have rules and beliefs and whatever but...I was the victim and I am telling you, it was only drunken words. He does not deserve to die over it. He is sorry, you heard him,...and I believe him. Please, punish him some other way."
"He is only sorry because he is about to be drawn and quartered. Carry on." he then said to the horsemen as if your words meant nothing.
They began moving the horses, pulling his arms and legs nice and taut as the man screamed in sheer terror.
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"Stephane Narcisse!! This is not you!!! I thought you believed the spell had been broken?? This is a disgusting vile act!" you shouted in one last plea to save the man.
"Tell me something Jo...your King has done similar and even far worse things to those worthy of their punishments and you did not have a problem with that, so why is it that you have a problem with how I operate things here?"
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"I never said I liked it and many times, I told Thranduil how I felt about it, not that it's any of your business, and many times I was able to get through to him because he had a good heart inside of him that only I or Legolas would ever see....and I have seen that heart inside of you. This man does not deserve to die and if you go through with this, you can shut that party down and kiss your date goodbye, and me for that matter, for I will not stay where death takes precedence over what is right. You told me you were not a soulless animal now prove it!" you reeled with your own nose flaring like that of your Elvenking's.
Stephane's bright blue eyes softened and he turned to Bash and nodded at him to stop.
"Release him and take him back to the dungeon. This is your lucky day Rossif." he said to the warlock who mouthed the words 'thank you' to you with tears in his eyes.
"Will I...see you tonight then? Hopefullllly with a flower in your hair..."
You wanted to say no and you wanted to still be mad at him...but you couldn't and it drove you crazy that this warlock lord was growing on you.
You simply nodded with a light smile and left.
On your way to the front entrance, you sensed someone familiar. A vampiress and only vampiress that smelled of baby powder. Selene.
As your eyes scoured for her, you then caught sight of the dark haired vixen standing on the edge of an empty loading dock where she could easily dart off over the Rhun if detected.. Discreetly, you snuck off and made your way there.
"Selene?? Oh my god...." you raved as you stepped onto the dock and then ran to her.
She braced herself for the impact of your bear hug, laughing as you pounced upon her.
"It is soooo good to see you again! I have missed you immensely. Is everything alright? What has brought you to the danger zone?" you asked with a chuckle.
"Well I have certainly missed you as well, my only human friend and I wish this was just a social call but..."
"But? What's going on?" you asked in wariness due to the irresolute look in her ice blue eyes.
She reached into the pocket of her black leather pants and pulled out a small piece of folded paper, then reluctantly handed it to you. Dithering to open it, you slowly unfolded it and softly read it aloud.
"This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I am leaving Devil's Island. You will not see me again. You know you and I could never be and I cannot bear to look you in the eyes again after you saw the real me. I would rather be truly dead than to feel this kind of pain. Hopefully I can make that happen. The dumbest thing I ever did was fall in love with you but it's the happiest I have ever felt. I will carry the memories of you with me until my last breath. I am so sorry I have ever hurt you. I love you. Forever. Goodbye my little one....- Roman"
"This...this is a joke right?? He's just going to leave me??"
You crunched up the letter in a fury and walked to the end of the dock, shouting out into the sky.
"You promised!!!!"
"I..I'm sorry Josie. I begged him to change his mind but he wasn't having it and he wouldn't tell me what happened."
"I'll tell you what happened. Garrett's a fucking LIAR!!" you screamed back at the sky again. "He can't leave anyways, he has my..."
You stopped yourself, because no one but you and Garrett knew about your moonstone's whereabouts.
"You mean the gem? He told me where it is in case you needed it. Don't worry...I will never tell a soul."
'Wow, well I guess he thought of everything didn't he. I guess this means he really is leaving...I...I..."
You could feel your chest tighten as a panic attack threatened to consume you.
"He...he leaves me now, when I need him more than ever....he's gone." Tears filled your eyes, blurring your vision. "Well I guess he made my choice quite easy for me....although it would have been quite simple."
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"I would have chose him....."
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the-monkey-ruler · 8 months
Tales From Journey To The West (2014) 西游记的故事
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Director: Wu Min Screenwriter: Malaysia Starring: Jiang Guangtao / Zhang Lu / Ma Zema / Yang Tianxiang / Zhang Jie / Guo Haoran / Tut Harmon / Yang Xi Zhang / Kai / Qiang Yan Mengmeng / Lin / Chen Zhang Taikang Zhang Lei / Guo Yixiang / Cao Yuntu / Huang Zhenji / Yang Mo / Liu Qianhan / Ban Chuang / Wei Chao / He Guannan / Hou Hongyi / Zhang Zhe / Tang Xiaoxi / Baomu Zhongyang /Yang Ning / Liang / Su Shangqing / Xiaoqiang / Yang Jing / Wang Guannan Genre: Animation / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2014-01-26 (Mainland China) Number of episodes: 52 Single episode length: 11 minutes Also known as: Stories from Journey to the West Type: Retelling
This film is based on Sun Jingxiu's radio version of "Journey to the West". In the form of stories told by Sun Jingxiu's grandfather, this film tells the story of Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing who protected Tang Monk on his journey to the west, overcame difficulties and obstacles, and eliminated monsters along the way.
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/25830641/
Link: https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Journey-West/dp/B07FS9PX7N
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allylikethecat · 5 months
Working on the new All the King’s Horses chapter and debating if I should give Fictional!Matty a break or make his backstory even MORE tragic…
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nights-flying-fox · 1 year
Thinking about how in centaurworld Horse and the Nowhere King parallel so well.
Both end up changing, both hate the way they change (im talking about Horse hating how she is now unrecognizable to Rider). While one destroys herself (or attempts to), the other one destroys others. While one decides to try to be better for the people she loves, the other decides to try more and more to go back to what he was not caring about who he hurts.
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beyhr · 2 years
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horse gfs <3
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marthalmary · 4 months
Arthur "save a horse, ride a cowboy" Pendragon
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masked-alien-lesbian · 5 months
I don't know if this has been done yet but if you had to be in one of the colonies in Wake the Dead pre-Olympus, which one would you be in?
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keycomicbooks · 5 months
Batman #1 (2016) Batman Day 2016 Scott Kolins Variant, David (Dave) Finch Pencils, Tom King Story
#Batman #1 (2016) #BatmanDay2016 Scott Kolins Variant, #DavidFinch Pencils, #TomKing Story, "I am Gotham, Part One" 1st Appearance of Gotham and Gotham Girl. SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA  https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Batman%202016.html#BatmanDay2  #KeyComicBooks #DCComics #DCU #DCUniverse #KeyIssue
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rjalker · 8 months
some guy: hey if you go pour water on this stone over there God will send down a hurricane to wreck the land.
All the knights of King Arthur's court: ohhh shit we gotta go try this right now lets go cause devestating storms for fun this is fun
A guy Who Lives On That Land: Stop fucking causing devestating storms we fucking live here
King arthur's knights, without fail: no. I'm gonna try to kill you now :)
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