#the last name isn't canon or anything just a placeholder name for the moment
themadearl · 4 years
Soulmate AU edition
Soulmate AUs where pretty strong back in the day huh
also, i wrote this in a sitting and it’s janky
Note: In this AU, people have the names of their soulmate on a part of their body. And Yuu x Leech twins. Also, along with the yandere tag, a warning for dubious consent activities with drugging.
Soulmate marks where a common thing in twisted wonderland
Legends said that the marks where a byproduct of a magic so powerful that it affected the world
It’s hard to say whether it was a blessing or a curse
As when there were people overjoyed for the existence of their perfect partner, there are those that despair when their other half passes before they even meet
Soul marks appears on your skin when your other half is born or appears the moment they are born if their other half already appeared before them
It is written in the handwriting of your other half
And there’s also different colors and shades to it
Normally, everyone usually gets a soul mark before they reach five
Those that receive their marks after ten are rare
Receiving marks after fifteen are almost unheard of 
After that, there only seems to be the possibility that there is no soulmate for them, which happened on a extremely rare basis
That’s why for Floyd & Jade to receive their mark when they were 17 was as if the Great Seven had appeared in front of them
They had hopes when they were younger
Thinking that one day, any day, a mark was going to show up
They started from checking daily, to every few days, to weeks
Until they almost forgot about it until one of their classmates showed off his newly gotten soulmark
It wasn’t the first time Floyd lashed out when his soulmark still didn’t appear
But it wasn’t on the magnitude of Floyd pummeling another boy into the ground
Jade didn’t felt like stopping Floyd as well
And no one would really notice if he stepped on the boy’s hand or threw in a few kicks right?
Both of them promptly received a stern lecture from the headmaster and had their parents called to the school which lead to another whacking from their dad
After that, no one really brought up anything about soulmates in front of them
Leaving only fleeting thoughts of soul marks and whether they really had a soulmate
Days go by and the twins find a new friend to hang with
A little octopus with no soulmark, just like them
Time flies like an arrow and the trio have entered their second year in Night Raven College
It was to be a same old day with the same old ceremony at the same old venue
Which is pretty boring by Floyd’s standards
Until a prickly sensation started to appear around his wrist
Which was totally not normal 
Floyd strolls into an empty classroom just to see what the deal was
And lo and behold, neat little characters with a dark blue grey color circles his wrist
The name spells out to be “Mayura Yuu”
There’s a sense of happiness that screams within his heart that he has a soulmate, that there is someone there for him
But the years of disappointment really gripes at him and it makes him want to lash out at his soulmate in spite
Before Floyd really has the chance to sort his thoughts, Jade barges in with his clothes messy and untucked
Jade pulls up his shirt to reveal the same mark as the one circling Floyd’s wrist
Which Floyd shoves into the face of Jade
And both of them can only stare at each other while trying to comprehend the massive bomb fate dropped on them
Until the flames that appeared caused them to snap out of thought
Just like everyone else, the twins heard news of the ‘special prefect from another world’
But thought of nothing much
Till the faithful day where Yuu signs her name on Azul’s contract to save Adeuce and Grim’s sorry ass
After Yuu and Jack leaves, Azul notices Jade slight pause at seeing Yuu’s signature
“What’s wrong?”
The only reply Azul gets is a brief smile as Jade leaves to attend some more ‘private’ business
At first the twins have thought that there was a large age gap between them and their soulmate thus, making it so long before their mark appeared
But the appearance of someone with the same name and handwriting along with the rumor of being from another world 
Really begs the question of their mark only appearing as Yuu wasn’t originally from this world
Besides, the name of “Mayura Yuu” wasn’t one they have seen before 
The only way to really find out is to check if Yuu has the same marking as they did
As such, the twins devised a plan to find the truth they seek so much
Which is a simple plan really, place a portion of sleeping potion into her drink and search for marks
Jade invites Yuu to a free meal at Mostro Lounge after she helps to return a book Jade purposely left behind in front of Yuu
Such smart much wow
Yuu is unable to turn down Jade’s passionate and slightly aggressive invitation and agrees to show up
Looking back to this days, Yuu regrets everything
Like how she should’ve just left the goddarn book
Like how she should’ve not go to Mostro Lounge 
There have been signs, SIGNS that should’ve stopped her
But nooo, Yuu’s too nice for her own good and no good deed is ever unpunished
The meal was nice and there was a nice fruit drink along with it
Yuu noticed something was off too late as her body gets more and more tired
She last sees two pairs of heterochromatic staring back at her and her vision fades
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lazinesswrites · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
Hello! A few updates on They Say Love is a Journey:
The Document has now rounded 60k words, which I feel earns it a capital letter. There's a bunch of notes included in those 60k, but there's less and less notes, which leads me to:
Chapter 28 is mostly done, just one or two more scenes/moments to write + of course editing, though I've been doing some of that already.
Chapter 29 is also on the way now, with notes + some 'real' text
Chapter 30... who knows. I have some rough ideas/notes, but... Eh. (This will be the last chapter. Unless I decide to split 28 and/or 29, in which case 30 will still be the last, but will not be no. 30. But 30 is such a nice, round number...)
Not related to They Say, necessarily, but about writing: I've read/heard a lot of 'writing hacks' over the years, and one that sort of stuck with me (other that Neil Gaiman's "write!", but actually kinda related) is to. not stop writing. Obviously, sometimes you need a break or to do something else (like sleep. and eat. and other non-writing activities), but when you're writing, and you have the time, keep writing.
Okay, this got kinda long, so further explanation + examples under the cut.
For example: You're writing, it's going well, it's first draft, but you know where things are going, and the words are actually cooperating (I know, wonderful feeling when that happens!). But then there's a word you don't quite remember. Or you remember it, but in the wrong language. Or you think you need to check a thing in the source material, if it's fanfic you're writing. Or maybe you need to know when and where, exactly, the shower was invented.
Do. Not. Stop. Writing.
See, when you're just writing; putting one word after the other, you're in a creative mind-set. When you stop to fact-check or whatever, you bring yourself out of that and into a mind-set more focused on editing. And those are two entirely different processes! You can't do both at once! It's literally impossible! You can switch back and forth between the two (and sometimes you should!), you can even switch very quickly between the two. But you can't do both at once. And sometimes it can be hard to switch back to creative after you've already started editing.
What I do instead is, I put in a placeholder. Usually a * or two. Example: "Jace's parents were ** and Celine Herondale," - I don't remember the name of Jace's father (might've been James? I checked, it's Stephen) but stopping to google it would drag me out of the 'zone' or what you wanna call it, so I put **. From the context, it's clear what is missing, and I can search the document for ** so I can easily find it later (do be sure to do that, though, so you don't end up posting something with the placeholder still there).
I've heard people say you can write VT or something as your placeholder, and maybe with a short explanation in brackets: "Jace's parents were VT(google canon name) and Celine Herondale". VT is apparently a combination/order of letters that isn't often used in the English language, or something, which makes it easier to search for, since you don't have to sift though the actual words to find your placeholders.
Personally, I like ** better, because it's visually very different than the rest of the text so it's easy to find, and because I don't think I've ever actually used ** in a text as anything other than a placeholder. The brackets can still be a good idea though, or adding a comment or similar. Sometimes I'll also write the explanation between the *s: "Jace's parents were *dad's name* and Celine Herondale", though mostly I use that for when I remember a word in Danish but not English: "She added a *suppevisk* to the pot" (suppevisk= bundle of herbs you use when making soup/broth/stock). This means that I'll often just search for one * in my document, since both * and ** will show up then.
I actually use a similar system when I write by hand/in a notebook. Of course I can't search for the * the same way, but I'll find them when I type whatever it is up anyway, and if I figure out the word or whatever before I type it up, I'll just add a little sticky note or something.
So, yeah. TL;DR: Writing and editing are two different processes that you can't do at the same time (though you can switch between them) so often it will be easier to simply put a placeholder of some sort (i.e. **) and come back to it later, if there's a word you're missing or a fact you need to check.
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