I had an amazing feeling when I finally held the tape in my hand. I just thought to myself that in the palm of my hand, there was this one tape that had all these memories and feelings and great joy and sadness. Right there in the palm of my hand.  And I thought about how many people have loved those songs.  And how many people got through a lot of bad times with those songs.  And how many people enjoyed good times with those songs.  And how much those songs really mean.  I think it would be great to have written one of those songs.  I bet if I wrote one of them, I would be very proud.  I hope the people who wrote those songs are happy.  I hope that they feel it’s enough.  I really do because they’ve made me happy.  And I’m only one person.
Charlie (The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky)
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I don't know if you've noticed this or not, but we don't communicate very well. When something good happens to me, I'm just afraid you're gonna make me feel bad about it. When something bad happens to me, I'm always afraid you'll say, "I told you so." I'm -- I'm not sure if that's always fair, and I'm sure I share part of the blame for this circle we get into, but ... you think your words don't have any effect on me. But they do.
Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls: Season 2, episode 2)
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And each person, we let ourselves care about is just one more loss somewhere down the line.
Dr. Meredith Grey (Grey’s Anatomy: Season 5, episode 18)
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Missing someone is like the happiest sad you can feel because it’s love.  Like it’s sadness but only because there’s love there.
Troye Sivan
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Change is nature, dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide.
Remy (Ratatouille)
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It’s a crime to deprive the world of your art.
Reggie (Like Sunday, Like Rain)
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It’s love that makes you fight harder for what you want.
Clary Fray (Shadowhunters: Season 1, episode 8)
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The sun is perfect and you woke up this morning.  You have enough language in your mouth to be understood.  You have a name, and someone wants to call it.  Five fingers on your hand and someone wants to hold it.  If we just start there, every beautiful thing that has and will ever exist is possible.  If we start there, everything, for a moment, is right in the world.
Warsan Shire
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Honestly, I feel like kids are so much more open to change, because they’re learning about the world and about themselves.  But adults can be so stuck in their own realities and what they’ve lived in the past that they don’t realise how things change, and that they have to open up their minds and move on from the era they grew up in.
Jazz Jennings
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People often use the word “despite” in the context of mental illness. So-and-so did such-and-such despite having depression/anxiety/OCD/agoraphobia/whatever. But sometimes that “despite” should be a “because.” For instance, I write because of depression.  I was not a writer before. The intensity needed--to explore things with relentless curiosity and energy--simply wasn’t there.  Fear makes us curious.  Sadness makes us philosophize.
Matt Haig (Reasons to Stay Alive)
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You don't have to spend money to turn into someone good. If you've got it, you've got it
Simon Cowell (The X Factor UK, 2016)
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My wife is the reason anything gets done. She nudges me towards promise by degrees. She is a perfect symphony of one. Our son is her most beautiful reprise. We chased the melodies that seem to find us until they are finished songs and start to play. When senseless acts of tragedy remind us that nothing here is promised. Not one day. The show is proof that history remembers. We live through times when hate and fear seem stronger. We rise and fall and light from dying embers, remembrances that hope and love lasts longer. And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love cannot be killed or swept aside. I sing as a symphony, Eliza tells her story, now fill the world with music, love, and pride.
Lin-Manuel Miranda (The 70th Annual Tony Awards)
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I won’t worry about it. I’m not worried about it. But I can’t guarantee I won’t think about it. It’s what I do. I think about things. It’s my nature.
Reggie (Like Sunday, Like Rain)
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Have you ever taken a good idea to somebody and it was a wonderful idea that you came up with and all they did was tell you why it won’t work?  Have you ever done that?  When I think of something wonderful, a great idea, God puts something in my head, all I wanna know is, how can I make it work? Don’t look at it as “what if he don’t, what if this doesn’t happen, what if it doesn’t work? “ ‘Cause all you need is one thing: what if it do
Steve Harvey
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Stop comparing yourself to others.  You can be the most beautiful rose in the garden and some jerk will still say they prefer daisies.
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Friends talk to each other but real friends listen.
Riley Matthews (Girl Meets World: season 1, episode 2)
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It’s hard to articulate this thing that I’m so afraid of: the future.  I mean, why should we be so afraid of the future?  It’s just time, isn’t it?
Felicity Porter (Felicity: season 4, episode 1)
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