#the last of us part ll walkthrough
this-week-in-rust · 11 months
This Week in Rust 496
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Project/Tooling Updates
Solving the "floating point precision" problem with... floats?
Sniffnet v1.2.0
Bevy + WebGPU
rust-analyzer changelog #182
Update-informer v1.0.0
Pavex, a new Rust web framework - #4: Performance is a feature
Opensourcing Whichlang, a fast language detection library for Rust
How Much Memory Do You Need to Run 1 Million Concurrent Tasks?
Open sourcing our Rust crate audits
Rust & Nix: Parallels in Complexity Management
[audio] PyO3 with David Hewitt
Rust Walkthroughs
The magic of scope guards
Mocking in Rust: Mockall and alternatives - LogRocket Blog
Compress-a-Palooza: Unpacking 5 Billion Varints in only 4 Billion CPU Cycles
Resilient LL Parsing Tutorial
ESP32 Embedded Rust at the HAL: Timer Ultrasonic Distance Measurement
A guide to closures in Rust
Guide to parsing with nom
[video] N-Queens Puzzle (PART 2) - Rust - Codurance Screenkata
[video] Nico Lehmann, Flux: Liquid Types for Rust
RustConf 2023 Schedule
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is whichlang, a fast no-dependencies OSS natural language detector.
Thanks to Brian Kung for the suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
bilge - Allow others to define their own -Bits derives
Hyperswitch - Implement CardsInfoInterface for MockDb
Hyperswitch - Implement DisputeInterface for MockDb
Hyperswitch - Unite payment intent and setup intent in stripe compatibility
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
314 pull requests were merged in the last week
CFI: fix encode_ty: unexpected Param(B/#1)
diagnostic: wrap parens for ref impl trait param
resolve: only disambiguate binding key during define
add --remote-time flag to curl for bootstrap
add a conversion from &mut T to &mut UnsafeCell<T>
add creation time support to FileTimes on apple and windows
add derive for core::marker::ConstParamTy
always fall back to PartialEq when a constant in a pattern is not recursively structural-eq
better diagnostic for use Self::..
debug format Const's less verbosely
do not recover when parsing stmt in cfg-eval
don't expect normalization to succeed in elaborate_drops
don't inline functions with unsized args
don't skip inference for type in offset_of!
don't use inner macro in marker_impls
dont check must_use on nested impl Future from fn
erase ReError properly
erase regions of type in offset_of!
exclude inherent projections from some alias type matches
fix dependency tracking for debugger visualizers
fix doc comment for ConstParamTy derive
fix duplicate arcinner_layout_for_value_layout calls when using the uninit Arc constructors
fix local libs not included when printing native static libs
fix overflow in error emitter
fix recursion depth handling after confirmation
fix: emit error when fragment is MethodReceiverExpr and items is empty
get current target config from --print=cfg
give a more useful location for where a span_bug was delayed
give better error when collecting into &[T]
handle error body in generator layout
improve cgu merging debug output
keep only the trait when emitting the error for MyTrait + 'a
merge return place with other locals in CopyProp
merge some query impl modules into one
move rustc_middle/src/ty/query.rs to rustc_middle/src/query/plumbing.rs
only depend on CFG_VERSION in rustc_interface
optimize next_chunk impls for Filter and FilterMap
process current bucket instead of parent's bucket when starting loop for dominators
recover impl<T ?Sized> correctly
rename {drop,forget}_{copy,ref} lints to more consistent naming
replace QueryStruct with arrays local to rustc_query_impl
shorten backtraces for queries in ICEs
shorten even more panic temporary lifetimes
specialize ToString implementation for fmt::Arguments
specialize query execution for incremental and non-incremental
support PGO on custom project
support RISC-V unaligned-scalar-mem target feature
suppress "erroneous constant used" for constants tainted by errors
use error term in projection if missing associated item in new solver
add the weak-intrinsics feature
stabilize feature cstr_is_empty
stabilize feature nonzero_negation_ops
constify slice_as_chunks (unstable)
use code with reliable branchless code-gen for slice::sort merge
ascii::Char-ify the escaping code in core
hashbrown: add NEON backend for RawTable
hashbrown: add support for allocator-api2
regex syntax: fix overflow for big counted repetitions
cargo: lints feature
cargo: pass -C debuginfo after weakening if explicitly set
rustdoc: hide repr attribute from doc of types without guaranteed repr
rustdoc: include strikethrough in item summary
rustdoc: Only keep impl blocks from bodies
clippy: add minimal_cfg_condition lint
clippy: SpanlessEq improvements
clippy: match_wild_err_arm: do not lint in const contexts
clippy: redundant_pattern_matching: check for single-arm match
clippy: dbg_macro: don't remove dbg! in arbitrary expressions
clippy: don't suggest unnameable types in box_default, let_underscore_untyped
clippy: enhance needless_collect: lint in method/function arguments that take an IntoIterator
clippy: fix invalid_regex not recognizing new syntax introduced after regex-1.8.0
clippy: fix some suggestions generated by the option_if_let_else lint
clippy: ignoring let_underscore_untyped warnings in code from proc macros
clippy: rename integer_arithmetic
rust-analyzer: consider block impls in lookup_impl_assoc_item_for_trait_ref
rust-analyzer: expand format_args! with more details
rust-analyzer: add moved-out-of-ref diagnostic
rust-analyzer: highlight used trait assoc items when cursor is on trait import or trait bound
rust-analyzer: render hover actions for closure captures and sig
rust-analyzer: support C string literals
rust-analyzer: consider all tokens in macro expr when analyzing locals
rust-analyzer: fix preorder_expr skipping the else block of let-else statements
rust-analyzer: fix evaluating negation for floating point types
rust-analyzer: handle match scrutinee in closure captures
rust-analyzer: introduce new type var when expectation for ref pat is not ref
rust-analyzer: place type inlay hints after the item and without left-padding
rust-analyzer: process macro_use prelude in semantic scope resolver
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
There were a few regressions, but most were expected, and one in particular (PR #111807) is expected yield gains in object code performance at the expense of a slight compile-time hit. There are a couple PR's that need future followup, namely PRs #111364 and #111524.
Triage done by @pnkfelix. Revision range: 3ea9ad53..cda5becc
3 Regressions, 2 Improvements, 5 Mixed; 2 of them in rollups 51 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
[disposition: merge] eRFC: single-file packages ("cargo script") integration
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Stabilize inline asm for LoongArch64 (editor's note: "LoongArch" is not a typo)
[disposition: merge] Uplift clippy::invalid_utf8_in_unchecked lint
[disposition: merge] Uplift clippy::cast_ref_to_mut lint
[disposition: merge] Uplift clippy::undropped_manually_drops lint
[disposition: merge] Make pointer_structural_match normal and warn
[disposition: merge] [mir-opt] SimplifyLocals should also clean up debuginfo
[disposition: merge] Remove structural match from TypeId
[disposition: merge] Fix docs for alloc::realloc
New and Updated RFCs
[new] RFC: #[export] (dynamically linked crates)
[new] Generic Futures
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2023-05-24 - 2023-06-21 🦀
2023-05-25 | Virtual (Charlottesville, VA, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Practical Monads
2023-05-25 | Virtual (Ciudad de México, MX) | Rust MX
Proyecto "Taller de Rust"
2023-05-25 | Virtual (Karlsruhe, DE) | The Karlsruhe Functional Programmers Meetup Group
Stammtisch (gemeinsam mit der C++ UG KA) - various topics, from C++ to Rust
2023-05-25 | Virtual (Raleigh, NC, US) | Triangle BitDevs
Rust for Bitcoiners
2023-05-25 | Virtual (San Francisco, CA, US) | Data + AI Online Meetup
D3L2: Discussing Rust, Ballista, Ray SQL, DataFusion with Andy Grove
2023-05-30 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2023-05-31 | Virtual (Chicago, IL, US) | Chicago Healthcare Cloud Technology Community
Rust for Mission-Critical AI: A Journey into Healthcare's Safest Language
2023-06-06 | Virtual (Austin, TX, US) | WebAssembly and WasmEdge
Monthly WasmEdge Community Meeting - Run Rust Warp in WasmEdge -- Alan, Poon Yong Quan
2023-06-06 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-06-06 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2023-06-07 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2023-06-07 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2023-06-08 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nuremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2023-06-13 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Second Tuesday
2023-06-20 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | Berline.rs / OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-06-20 | Virtual (Washington, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2023-06-21 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2023-05-25 | Amsterdam, NL | Frontend Developer Meetup Amsterdam
Svelte Frontend Meetup (signup required) - Building a Svelte-Rust app using Tauri
2023-06-10 | Kuala Lumpur, MY | GoLang Malaysia
Rust Workshop/Hack and Learn Malaysia June 2023 | Event updates Telegram | Event group chat
2023-05-24 | Lyon, FR | Rust Lyon
Rust Lyon Meetup #4
2023-05-25 | Barcelona, ES | C++ Programmer Meetup.
Rust for C++ Developers.
2023-05-25 | Copenhagen, DK | Copenhagen Rust Community
Rust metup #36 at Adapt Agency!
2023-05-25 | Paris, FR | Rust Paris
Rust Paris meetup #59
2023-05-30 | Barcelona, ES | BcnRust
10th BcnRust Meetup
2023-06-03 | Plovidv, BG | AeroRust
Space Conference - Plovdiv
2023-06-04 | Plovidv, BG | AeroRust
Space Conference : Nanosatellite embedded workshop
2023-06-08 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Rust Aarhus meetup #2 sponsored by BRØLSTÆRK
2023-06-08 | Zurich, CH | Rust Zurich
Unsafe, Miri, SIMD - June Meetup
2023-05-30 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Canberra Rust User Group
May Meetup
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
I guess the nicest example of this phenomenon is shared mutability. Programmers have been arguing for decades whether it is sharing xor mutability that causes memory safety bugs:
"It's threads!" – shouted JavaScript and Python, and JS remained single-threaded, and Python introduced the GIL.
"It's mutability!" – screamed Haskell and Erlang, and they made (almost) everything immutable.
And then along came Rust, and said: "you are fools! You can have both sharing and mutability in the same language, as long as you isolate them from each other."
– H2CO3 on rust-users
Thanks to Jacob Pratt for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
0 notes
ampersand-antics · 11 months
Hello again folks, welcome to part... 4? Part whatever-this-is of me rambling about my adventures in totk. Since my last update I've done quite a few new things. Spoilers for late(r) game adventures down below!!! !!!!TOTK STORY AND GAMEPLAY SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT!!!
So I should have completed the Goron questline by now. Butttt I haven't. I just. Don't like the fire temple. I really like the ideas that I've seen so far, and the way they make use of the minecarts, plus adding Yunobo onto there to serve as a missile launcher. But it's dark and ominous and hot, three things I don't really like lmao. Plus I kept getting all confused. I got one of the locks and then just put down the travel medallion to keep my progress and left. I have the full Sheikah set now!!! I'm currently trying to upgrade it all to lvl2 to get the night speed up boost. The way I play totk, I'm mostly out at night sneaking around, so it'll be helpful. I'm also planning to go grab Sheik's Mask soon. I have the Sheik amiibo so I did a little time-travel-fuckery last night trying to get it. Imagine my surprise when I got paraglider fabric instead!! I looked it up to make sure the mask was still there (because, you might not know this, but I am a huge fan of Sheik) and I got a glimpse of where it is before I closed out. I'm probably just gonna follow a walkthrough to get it honestly because I want it Soon. I've sworn to myself not to follow any walkthroughs for totk but I think this time I"ll allow it. I also got the full Yiga set!!! It was so fun being able to go into the hideout and see them as people you can talk to and not just as nameless faceless enemies. I mean... they are still just nameless faceless enemies... but now they're nameless faceless enemies with a little bit of pizzazz. Also the earthwake technique?? AMAZING. Now I haven't used it in combat yet (bc I'm bad at remembering to use special skills in combat, sue me) but I love the way it was implemented into the game. I love the fact that it was implemented into the game in the first place!!!! AMAZINGGGG. Also I was Not expecting to get an off-brand Thunder Helm there what the fuck that's so col. The Yiga get so much more development in this game and they're even slightly more capable. Not by much tho.
I also have a newfound love for Lookout Landing. It's the first settlement of the game (if you follow the story path) and over time in the game it populates with members of other races??? As we all team up for one united stand against the newest apocalypse??? Amazing I love it. I loved seeing Bularia and Muzu and Harth there, but the most emotional I got was when I talked to this random Gerudo guard at the gate, who said something along the lines of "You helped us save our home, now it's our turn to help you save yours. You just focus on your goals and know we've got your back." From a story sense that is just so fuckin sweet, since Link has been forced to do everything all on his own carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. Except now he has help. (also pls I want that for me ;-;) And the music in the Lookout Landing just. it vibes. I don't really know why it hits me so hard but it does. There haven't really been many songs in the totk soundtrack that stood out to me yet (though I think once I start studying the ludomusicology of all this, that'll change, just like with botw). But I really love the Lookout Landing music. It's so hopeful compared to everywhere else. One thing I wish they'd done was make it so little elements of the different culture's soundtracks got implemented into it when they came to the landing, like it did in Tarrey Town. Maybe it does do that and I just didn't notice but I definitely noticed in Tarrey Town so.... Speaking of! Another place with music I liked! I finally made my way into Hyrule Castle proper. Like, the one in the skies. I don't know why I always thought it was so off-limits, this is a sequel to Breath of the Wild of all things, I shoulda known I could go up there. But anyways. The music there? Oh. My. God. I didn't think there was a version of Hyrule Castle theme that could freak me out and make me on-edge more than the BotW Hyrule Castle did. Boy was I wrong. It's so creepyyyy. I still like BotW's Hyrule Castle more (I miss Zelda's Lullaby ;-;) but this is definitely more fitting to the themes of this game (creepy floating ruin) and botw's is more fitting to it (ruins of a great majestic power that's now a shadow of its former self)
uhhh yeah i think that's all i have to say for rn. tune in for part 5 in a bit!
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ianisin · 4 years
THE MOST EMOTIONAL DEATH EVER in The Last of Us Part ll - Part 12
1 note · View note
81scorp · 4 years
Constructive criticism: XO: Wolverine
(Originally posted on Deviantart Sep 30, 2016)
Ah yes... X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
The first two X-Men movies may not have been perfect but they weren`t bad and at least they understood that at the heart of this comicbook universe was a theme about xenophobia. The third movie may have been bad but it was bad in a way that I was mostly OK with. Then... there`s this movie. I remember when I saw this in the cinema. The only people in the audience was me, two women and one man. Talk about overcrowded (he said, not without a small hint of sarcasm). I should have seen the warning signs right there. As the movie played on the screen I kept telling myself "It doesn`t have to be superfaithful to his origin in the comics, it`s still good, it`s still good... -ish". Technically, I was right. Then came the final fight in the climax, and that`s where I felt: "Really? You`re really gonna do it like that?" It was like, not only had they not put enough effort into getting it right. They had put extra effort into getting it wrong! Bastardisation of a popular character and crappy CGI claws aside, the movie had the structure of a videogame. Nothing wrong with videogames but (and I`m generalizing here) they don`t always have great stories and rely more on the player enjoying it because of the interactivity. Movies are not interactive. (And yes, I have seen walkthroughs of the videogame based on this movie, the story wasn`t that great in the game either but it was more enjoyable than the movie.) They had some great opportunities to tell a good, character-developing story. But when those opportunities came they just fastforwarded through them get to their own (mostly) generic revenge story. If I could travel back in time and rewrite this mess, what would I change? A lot.
We begin In Media Res (look it up on Wikipedia). Somewhere in... let`s say Kenya. Seven soldiers are preparing themselves for raiding a secret base. Four of them are wearing black clothes, black ski-masks and carry machine guns. (They are not mutants, they are normal humans who are highly skilled mercenaries. One of them have two swords strapped to his back). The three other soldiers are (besides not wearing ski-masks) dressed slightly different than the four other soldiers. They are Logan, Victor "Sabertooth" Creed and a woman named Domino. (In my version Sabertooth is smart, like he was when he was played by Liev Schreiber.) They enter the base, sneak around, fight some guards, find the Macguffin they were looking for (a rock made out of some alien metal) and exit the base. (Sabertooth seems to enjoy the killing more than Logan does. Domino`s superpower seems to be enhanced reflexes and agility.) On the planeride back to their HQ the mercs have taken off their ski-masks, the one with swords on his back seems to be ill. One of the other mercs asks him: "Wade. You OK?" Wade says that it`s probably just something he ate. He`ll get himself checked when they`re back at HQ. Back at HQ Stryker congratulates them for stealing the Macguffin and for another job well done. Wade goes to the doctor. Logan asks Domino if she`s ever had any second thoughts about the things that they do. Domino: (Short pause) "Nah." To get his mind on something else, Logan goes to the gym and starts beating a sandbag. He remembers his childhood.Logan`s childhood: Canada: 1887. Rose O`Hara, a young girl who`s parents have just died, have been sent to live in the mansion of John Howlett Jr. He was a friend of her parents and is a very kind man. She is soon introduced to the other people. John Howlett Sr (who unlike his son is not a kind man). Elisabeth Howlett (John Howlett`s wife, a reclusive shut-in). Thomas Logan (the grumpy, alcoholic, antisocial groundskeeper). "Dog" Logan (Thomas Logan`s son, a troublemaker who gets beaten by his dad). Last but not least: James Howlett (John`s son who`s physically weak and often gets sick). Rose, James and "Dog" become good friends after a while and we get a montage of them having a great time together. At the end of the day, Rose and James goes back to the mansion and Dog goes back to his father`s cabin. We get a small hint that there`s a thing between Elisabeth Howlett and Thomas Logan, the groundskeeper.
A few years later: The kids are now teenagers. Dog has become a jerk and one day he tries to force himself on Rose. Rose knees Dog in the groin and James, who saw the whole thing, runs to his dad to tell him what Dog tried to do. John Howlett has a stern talk with Logan and tells him to raise his son better. Logan doesn`t like being told what to do and a few nights later he and Dog breaks into the mansion with rifles to steal some stuff, kidnap Elisabeth and run away. John hears them, tries to talk sense into them. James comes into the room, wondering what`s happening. Logan`s rifle goes off and shoots John. James is in shock, he punches Dog in the face and attacks Logan. Logan dies, everyone realizes that Dog has claw wounds across his face and James has boneclaws coming out of his knuckles. James runs outside, Rose runs after him and Elisabeth commits suicide with Logan`s rifle. Rose finds James outside, sitting on the gound. He says that he feels different: He doesn`t feel sick or weak in the way that he has felt all his life (His immunesystem has improved.), his sense of smell has improved and the boneclaws in his knuckles have retracted back inside his hands, leaving small holes that are already healing. Rose goes to James`s grandfather to get protection for James and herself, but he wants nothing to do with them, especially not some monster like James. He gives them money and tells them to leave and never come back. Rose and Jack travel through Canada and after about a month they find themselves in The Youkon territories where they seek refuge in a mining town. They pretend to be cousins and try to find work in the quarry. When Smitty the foreman asks their names James is still unable to talk due to his trauma. Rose, wanting to hide their identities, comes up with a name, the first that pops into her head: Logan. A couple of days later: Rose helps Smitty organize his paperwork and James (now Logan) has worked on the quarry a few days. He doesn`t like it, growing up with rich parents he`s not used to hard, manual labour. He is picked on by a bully, the camp cook, named Cookie, who often uses his massive size to intimidate Logan and rough him up. Logan fights his desires to fight back and is often rescued by Smitty. Sometimes Rose finds Logan staring at the nearby forest, as if he wants to belong with the animals. One day Logan pushes a full wheel barrow up a hill but quits when he has come halfway. He`s tired, cold, hates manual labour and doesn`t want to do this anymore. But then he gets determined, decides that he`s not gonna be a quitter, grabs the heavy wheelbarrow again and continues to push it to the top of the hill. We skip forward in time, Logan has reached the top tof the hill and is no longer a teenager, but a man (figuratively AND literally).
We learn that Logan has gotten tougher, better, and has earned the respect of his fellow workers, especially Smitty (but not Cookie). They`ve even given him a nickname: Wolverine. Logan still has moments when he looks at the nearby forest. One day one of the workers dies of pneumonia. There`s a funeral and later that evening Logan discovers Cookie in the cabin of the recently dead worker, stealing stuff. Logan beats up Cookie and runs to Smitty`s cabin to tell him about Cookies behavior. Through the window he sees Smitty and Rose kissing. It causes him to run away into the woods where he finds himself surrounded by a pack of wolfs. The lead wolf stares at Logan and growls. Logan unleashes his claws and stares back. After a minute the lead wolf accepts Logan as part of the pack. Meanwhile, back at the Howlett mansion: Logan's grandfather is weak and lies in his bed. He regrets chasing James and Rose away and is talking to someone about finding James. The other man turns out to be Dog, now an adult, but still with  clawmark-scars across his face. He swears to Mr. Howlett that he will hunt him to the ends of the earth. (NOTE: In my version Dog and Sabertooth is NOT the same person. Wolvie and Sabertooth doesn`t have to be related. They COULD be second cousins or something, but that`s as far as I`m willing to go.) Some time later: The mining town in Youkon: Logan has become distant from Rose as he is hurt by her engagement to Smitty. He tells her he always thought they would end up together. Smitty, meanwhile, is trying to sell off some possessions in order to raise money so that he and Rose can make their way to Vancouver, where he is to take another job, better suited for a family man. Unsuccessful in his attempt, Smitty decides to enter into a cage fight tournament to earn the money. Logan also enters the tournament when he finds out that Cookie`s in it. After getting the pleasure of beating up Cookie publically, Logan meets Smitty in the final match but takes a dive so that Smitty can win the prize money, travel to Vancouver with Rose and live happily with her. Smitty and Rose will leave in a couple of days and he tells Logan that since he knows that he can trust him he makes him the new foreman of the quarry. Smitty then leaves Logan alone to help Rose pack for their journey. Logan is attacked by Dog who has no intention to bring him back to the Howlett mansion but to kill him. Dog has the upper hand at first but then Logan starts to win the fight. The next moment everything happens so fast, Logan gets ready to unleash his claws to kill Dog, Rose tries to interfere and stop him and... Logan regains his senses. He realizes that he has stabbed Rose, his best friend, in the shoulder, and by doing so he has revealed to everyone that he is a mutant, a dangerous mutant. He flees into the woods. Smitty comes running to check on Rose and her injured shoulder, then they both watch Logan disappear. Back to the present: Logan is still in the gym. Victor Creed comes and talks to him, reminds him about what a badass and a killing-machine he was back in Vietnam and how he has lost a little bit of that edge now. He wonders what happened that made Logan go soft. Logan: "People change Creed, it happens." He walks out of the gym. We see that they were watched the whole time by a hidden camera. In a surveillance-room Stryker watches Logan leave the gym. He also points out that Logan used to be a more effective killer in the past. He`s afraid that Logan will one day grow a conscience and turn against him, good thing that he`s prepared. He turns and looks at another monitor, one that shows an X-ray of Logans skull, some parts of his brain has been highlighted. Turns out that they have been mapping Logan`s brain. Logan goes to his room, lies down on his bed and keeps remembering his past. Back to the past: We get a montage of Logan living like an animal in the woods, he still wears pants but they are very torn. A few times during this montage he steps out of the woods and looks at the human civilisation, wondering if it´s worth it to return to that world but rejects the idea. Finally at the end of the montage he decides to go back to civilsation. He steals some clothes that are hanging out to dry. A voice-over says: "Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a date which will live in infamy," followed by a montage of Logan fighting in World War 2. This is followed by a scene of Logan drinking in a bar in New york while eveyone else is celebrating that the war is over and Hitler is dead. Logan is not as enthousiastic as everyone else, probably because he has lived long, seen many things and knows this will not be the last war he fights in. Years later: Logan is fighting in Vietnam. He`s killing Viet Cong soldiers brutally and without remorse. He meets Victor Creed (who is nicknamed "Sabertooth") for the first time. They realize that they both have healing factors and become partners. In one scene Creed shows that he has great senses and aiming skills by throwing a knife at a tree. A dead Viet Cong soldier falls out of it, he thought he was safe, but no one is safe from Sabertooth. What made Logan go "soft"? He saw Creed kill too many innocent families. He saw a reflection of himself in Creed, what he could become if he continued down this path.
After the war is over Logan disappears for a few years. Stryker finds him one day in a bar in Osaka. He tells Logan that he has heard things about him and that he could have use for a man with his "rare talents". Logan is reluctant at first but agrees to join Strykers organisation: Weapon X. It only has three mutants so far: Logan, a woman named Domino and also (unforunately) Victor Creed. Domino`s power seems to be enhanced reflexes and agility but it`s actually the ability to subconscoiusly manipulate the probability in a situation to end up in her favor, or: luck. She explains that her power is largely participatory: in order for the luck to take effect, she must engage in an action whose chance she can affect. She can`t consciously control her ability, she can only activate it by being in a position in which she could be harmed. For example: If she where to stand still before a hail of bullets she would be a bullet-ridden corpse. If she tried to avoid the gunfire her power would kick in and allow her to miraculously move fast enough and duck just in time to avoid the bullets. "Learned that the hard way." she says and shows Logan some old bullet-wound scars. They go on their first mission accompanied by a team of four Ski-mask wearing mercs (the scene is short and the mission goes smoothly). Montage of them going on a few more missions. Finally they`re sent to the same mission we saw them do in the beginning where they had to steal an alien rock-Macguffin made out of metal. This time we see an abridged version of their robbery (because we don`t have to see the whole thing over again). Logan lies on his bed in his room, the flashbacks have caught up with the present. He closes his eyes and sleeps.
One day or a week later later: Stryker and a scientist are watching videos of Logan and Creed in action. The scientist asks: "So... Creed or Logan?" Stryker decides that the honor should go to Logan: He is more mentally stable than Creed and since he`s gonna be re-educated soon he will be easier to control. Stryker meets Logan later and tells him about a procedure that will make him stronger and indestructible. Logan thinks about it for a minute and accepts. They walk past a door that leads to the doctor`s office. The doctor gives Wade the bad news: he has cancer. Logan is led into a room where he is put into an aquarium and has a helmet put on his head. He is completely naked (with the exception of his dog tags, one says "Logan" the other "Wolverine"). Machines put the adamantium into his body and it is extremely painful for him. The pain makes him pass out and he goes to a better place: a happy childhood memory, back when he, Rose and Dog were children and best friends, before all the bad stuff happened. In the the real world Stryker gives the order: "Erase his memory." Zap! The happy memory is gone! And many other memories follow it`s path! Nothing left... but darkness... and an animal rage! A worker is removing the memory-erasing helmet (because continuity). Logan wakes up and unleashes his claws, he has only one thought: Escape! He acts purely on instinct and kills or wounds anyone who puts any effort in trying to stop him. After having killed a few people he is alone in a hall and has a few seconds to pause and collect his thoughts, this is when he notices that the claws on his knuckles are metal. Who did this to him? Why did they do it? How did he end up in this place? So many questions, no time to answer any of them. He must run! Run towards freedom! He opens a large metal door and is now outside. Stryker has given Creed and Domino the order to capture Logan, only kill him if absolutely necessary. (They can always use the adamantium on some other mutant with a healing factor. They only picked Logan over Creed because Logan seemed like the better choice.) The Weapon X facility is surrounded by woods (It IS near Alkali lake after all.) Logan has come a long way from the base and is now taking a pause so that he has the energy to run some more. Little does he know that Domino and Creed have already caught up to him. Domino is hiding on a cliff, aiming her rifle and Creed is hiding among the trees. (Logan can`t smell them because of the wind direction.) Logan`s words echoes in Domino`s memory: "Do you ever have any second thoughts about the things we do?" Domino whispers to herself: "Yes." We see that she`s actually aiming her rifle at Creed. Creed notices this and quickly throws a knife at her, she fires. BLAM!
Logan reacts to the gunshot and realizes that he`s still not safe. Gotta keep running. Domino hit Creed right in the forehead, Creed hit her... right in the shoulder. She gets up and, with a grimace of pain, pulls out the knife. Domino: "I hope that`s the last time I have to save your ass Logan." She holds her hand to her wound and walks away in pain. After a minute the hole in Creed`s head heals and he gets back up. His personality and intelligence has now changed, thanks to the bullet in his brain (Continuity!), he walks away, not remembering Logan and other parts of his life. Logan comes out of the woods, sees a town, steals some clothes that are hanging out to dry. One of the clothes is a cool looking jacket. He looks at his dog tags and sees that his name must be Logan. A new chapter of his life begins as he wanders towards the horizon.
Epilogue, before the credits roll: Wade Wilson sits in a bar. He`s had chemo but appearently it didn`t work. A man (who`s face we don`t see) walks up to him and reveals that he knows things about him and offers him a cure and a chance to be a superhuman. Wade is listening. Post credit scene: Creed is sitting in a bar, drinking. All the other guests are staying as far away from him as possible. A woman comes in, goes over to Creed and talks to him. She tells him that she works for a man that could have use for someone with Creed`s "special talents". Her eyes turn yellow for a second. (Gasp! It`s Mystique!)
And that`s how I would have done it.
0 notes
captainsafia · 6 years
Node module deep-dive: WriteableStream
Here we go again! I'm doing another Node module deep-dive on the ol' bloggity blog today. I figured I would dive into the WriteableStreams object. WriteableStreams expose methods that allow you to write to a stream. They expose multiple events like close, drain, and pipe and several functions like cork, end, and write. Before I dive into the WriteableStream object, it helps to provide a quick primer on the concept of streams.
Alright! Now that we've got that foundation set up, it's time to dive into the code. I'll be doing a code walkthrough of this version of the WritableStream. As I skimmed through the file, I was glad to find out that there were quite a few comments sprinkled throughout the code base to clarify what different parts of the library did. These explanatory comments made reading through the codebase much easier to parse through the code. The first thing that I did was examine the properties that were defined on the WriteableState object. The comments in the code base do a pretty good job of describing what each of the properties are, so I'll avoid going into detail on them here. From reading the code, it appears that the WritableState object holds information about the current WriteableStream (that makes sense!).
There's single function defined on the WriteableState that is designed to get the current buffer on the Writeable as a list.
WritableState.prototype.getBuffer = function getBuffer() { var current = this.bufferedRequest; var out = []; while (current) { out.push(current); current = current.next; } return out; };
The definition of the Writable stream outlines a few properties on the function. Namely, the programmer can specify special write, destroy, and final functions to the Writable.
function Writable(options) { // Writable ctor is applied to Duplexes, too. // `realHasInstance` is necessary because using plain `instanceof` // would return false, as no `_writableState` property is attached. // Trying to use the custom `instanceof` for Writable here will also break the // Node.js LazyTransform implementation, which has a non-trivial getter for // `_writableState` that would lead to infinite recursion. if (!(realHasInstance.call(Writable, this)) && !(this instanceof Stream.Duplex)) { return new Writable(options); } this._writableState = new WritableState(options, this); // legacy. this.writable = true; if (options) { if (typeof options.write === 'function') this._write = options.write; if (typeof options.writev === 'function') this._writev = options.writev; if (typeof options.destroy === 'function') this._destroy = options.destroy; if (typeof options.final === 'function') this._final = options.final; } Stream.call(this); }
The first function defined on the Writeable prototype introduces a rather whimsical comment.
// Otherwise people can pipe Writable streams, which is just wrong. Writable.prototype.pipe = function() { this.emit('error', new errors.Error('ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE')); };
You can't read from a Writeable stream so of course it doesn't make sense that you'd be able to pipe the output from a WriteableStream since it doesn't exist in the first place.
The write function is defined next. It takes three parameters: a chunk of data to write, the encoding of the data, and a cb (callback) to be executed once the write is done.
Writable.prototype.write = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { var state = this._writableState; var ret = false; var isBuf = !state.objectMode && Stream._isUint8Array(chunk); if (isBuf && Object.getPrototypeOf(chunk) !== Buffer.prototype) { chunk = Stream._uint8ArrayToBuffer(chunk); } if (typeof encoding === 'function') { cb = encoding; encoding = null; } if (isBuf) encoding = 'buffer'; else if (!encoding) encoding = state.defaultEncoding; if (typeof cb !== 'function') cb = nop; if (state.ended) writeAfterEnd(this, cb); else if (isBuf || validChunk(this, state, chunk, cb)) { state.pendingcb++; ret = writeOrBuffer(this, state, isBuf, chunk, encoding, cb); } return ret; };
The function grabs the current state of the WritableStream and checks to see if the data being written to the stream consists of Buffers or Objects and stores this distinction in isBuf. If the data being written to the stream is expected to be a Buffer but the chunk passed is not a Buffer, the function assumes it is an integer array and converts it to a Buffer. After that, there is some logic that makes sure that parameters are mapped properly. Namely, the user doesn't have to pass an encoding parameter to the function. When this is the case, the second argument passed is actually the callback to be called. If the stream has been ended, the function will call a writeAfterEnd function which will emit an error to the user since you can't write to a stream that has been closed.
function writeAfterEnd(stream, cb) { var er = new errors.Error('ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END'); // TODO: defer error events consistently everywhere, not just the cb stream.emit('error', er); process.nextTick(cb, er); }
Otherwise, if the data is a buffer the function will invoke a writeOrBuffer function.
// if we're already writing something, then just put this // in the queue, and wait our turn. Otherwise, call _write // If we return false, then we need a drain event, so set that flag. function writeOrBuffer(stream, state, isBuf, chunk, encoding, cb) { if (!isBuf) { var newChunk = decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding); if (chunk !== newChunk) { isBuf = true; encoding = 'buffer'; chunk = newChunk; } } var len = state.objectMode ? 1 : chunk.length; state.length += len; var ret = state.length < state.highWaterMark; // we must ensure that previous needDrain will not be reset to false. if (!ret) state.needDrain = true; if (state.writing || state.corked) { var last = state.lastBufferedRequest; state.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk, encoding, isBuf, callback: cb, next: null }; if (last) { last.next = state.lastBufferedRequest; } else { state.bufferedRequest = state.lastBufferedRequest; } state.bufferedRequestCount += 1; } else { doWrite(stream, state, false, len, chunk, encoding, cb); } return ret; }
There is a lot going on here so let's step through it bit-by-bit. The first couple of lines in the function check to see if chunk passed is not a Buffer. If it is not, the chunk is decoded using the decodeChunk, which creates a chunk from a string using the Buffer.from function.
function decodeChunk(state, chunk, encoding) { if (!state.objectMode && state.decodeStrings !== false && typeof chunk === 'string') { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, encoding); } return chunk; }
It then checks to see if the capacity of the stream has been reached by evaluating if the length of the stream has exceeded the highWaterMark and sets the needDrain parameter appropriately. Afterwards, it updates the value of the lastBufferedRequest stored in the state to the Buffer that was passed as a parameter and calls the doWrite function which writes the chunk to the stream.
The next functions defined are the cork and uncork function which are defined as follows. The cork function increments the corked counter. The corked counter actually acts as a Boolean, when it has a non-zero value it means there are writes that will need to be buffered. The uncork function decrements the corked parameter and clears the buffer.
Writable.prototype.cork = function() { var state = this._writableState; state.corked++; }; Writable.prototype.uncork = function() { var state = this._writableState; if (state.corked) { state.corked--; if (!state.writing && !state.corked && !state.finished && !state.bufferProcessing && state.bufferedRequest) clearBuffer(this, state); } }
There next function is a short and sweat function that allows the user to set the default encoding on the WriteableStream or raising an error if the user provides an invalid encoding.
Writable.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function setDefaultEncoding(encoding) { // node::ParseEncoding() requires lower case. if (typeof encoding === 'string') encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); if (!Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING', encoding); this._writableState.defaultEncoding = encoding; return this; };
The end function is called when the last chunk needs to be written to the stream. It writes the chunk by invoking the write function that we explored above, uncorks it fully, and clears out the WritableState by invoking endWriteable.
Writable.prototype.end = function(chunk, encoding, cb) { var state = this._writableState; if (typeof chunk === 'function') { cb = chunk; chunk = null; encoding = null; } else if (typeof encoding === 'function') { cb = encoding; encoding = null; } if (chunk !== null && chunk !== undefined) this.write(chunk, encoding); // .end() fully uncorks if (state.corked) { state.corked = 1; this.uncork(); } // ignore unnecessary end() calls. if (!state.ending && !state.finished) endWritable(this, state, cb); };
And that's that! I went through and read through the main portions of the WriteableStream object. I'll admit that prior to reading the code dilligently, I was a little overwhelmed by everything that was going on under the hood. Going through and reading the code function-by-function definitely cleared up a lot of things for me.
If you have any questions or comments about the above, feel free to ask me a question or reach out to me on Twitter.
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wewithus · 7 years
The Five Minutes for Freedom series is a collection of small, step-by-step walkthroughs designed to help you take concrete political action in support of the principles of We With Us. The articles in the series are designed to be read and their steps followed in order, as later posts frequently build on earlier ones. A chronological index of all posts in the series can be found here. While this information is targeted primarily at US readers, we welcome readers from all countries and encourage you to adapt these strategies as necessary for your jurisdiction.
5M4F 17: Back a Free and Fearless Press (Part 2) [Engage with critical press organizations; oppose Steve Bannon.] Dependencies: 5M4F9, 5M4F10, 5M4F16.
This week’s 5M4F we’re going to get set up to engage with and constructively respond to failures and missteps in the American news media. As consumers of news media, and as members of the American public who rely on the news media for accurate information to guide our political decisions, we have both the right and the obligation to demand that the news media cover the news accurately, in a way that actually keeps us informed, and that resists the urge to kowtow to political pressure or push versions of the news that may sell better but are biased or misleading. We’re also going to complain about Steve Bannon! It's fun! It'll be a party!
As a bureaucratic sort of note, I'm moving to trying to get these up every other Sunday--the next will go up on March 26. Hopefully, that way, they will be a little bit more resiliant to shocks due to (e.g.) me being sick for a week and a half.
If you want to do this all in one go: Only one set of calls this week (about Steve Bannon), so it's totally possible to do all of these in one go. Huzzah!
If you want to do this five minutes at a time: This one really lends itself to that, with the exception of Task #3, which is to write a letter to the editor. Other than that, it's kind of business as usual: calls mean scripts x3 (5 min total, probably) and calls x3 (5 min each). The four mini-research tasks (to locate your ombudsman's offices and letter to the editor procedures) are probably 5-10 min each. The letter-writing will take you however long it takes you to find something to respond to, and then to write a short, to-the-point letter; I suspect that the easiest way to do this is to make notes of what you would like to respond to in the news articles that you consume as the week goes on (a bunch of 5 min chunks), and then write your thesis (one 5 min chunk), draft your letter around that thesis (this may take multiple 5 min chunks), and then edit (this also may take multiple 5 min chunks) before sending. Good letters to the editor are short (most papers have an upper limit that's substantially <250 words), so it's not like you have to pen a lengthy screed or anything, but it will take some time.
Section links:
Familiarize yourself with the ombudsman’s office of your news sources.
Familiarize yourself with the process for sending letters to the editor to your news sources.
Write your first letter to the editor.
Complain about Steve Bannon.
Representatives of particular interest.
Protesting amid breaking news.
How to write your scripts.
Familiarize yourself with the ombudsman’s office of your news sources: Part of this task is just familiarizing yourself with what an ombudsman (not always called an ombudsman these days) does. The ombudsman (or equivalent) at a news outlet is the body that acts as the advocate for the public at that news outlet: there usually is one main, head-person of some sort, who may be referred to either as “the ombudsman” directly (or some less gendered version of that), or as “the public editor,” as at The New York Times. However, they often have a staff, which is why I’m using the phrase “the ombudsman’s office”, rather than just saying “ombudsman” by itself. (Also, note that I’m using “ombudsman” rather than “public editor” because it’s a more established term and it’s also going to be a lot less confusing when it comes to bullet pt. 2, which is about sending letters to the editor—the editor editor, not the public editor. See?)
Anyway. In their role as the defenders of the public interest, the ombudsman’s office does things like investigate complaints about their outlet’s behavior, or advocate for reader interests behind closed doors at that outlet; as well as enforcing the outlet's rules on journalistic ethics. If you want to take issue with the conduct of a news outlet (e.g., this paper’s reporting on A is consistently misleading or inaccurate because of X, Y, and Z), and you actually want action, not just a letter that is published in that outlet for the record and/or other readers, you should contact the office of the ombudsman. Which, again, may not actually be called the office of the ombudsman, which can make things a little tricky.
This is one occasion where Google is both the simplest and, I suspect, the best option. I happened to know that the public editor of the NY Times is called the public editor, so I googled “new york times ombudsman” to see what happened: Google did exactly the right thing, and returned the NY Times public editor’s office as the first result. I am going to guess, without loads of evidence but with a pretty strong hunch, that you can do this for most reputable media outlets and get pretty decent results.
Your task, for this subheading heading, is to find the ombudsman’s office (or equivalent) for the two (or more) main news sources that we chose last time; and track down the information you would need to contact them. Also make a note of how they publicly respond to inquiries: i.e., do they publish a blog or regular column about their work? If so, where can you find that? In your 5M4F document, either make note of, or save a link to, both any requirements that the ombudsman’s office makes for incoming complaints, and the place where you see the results. If there is a specific person identified as the ombudsman or public editor, note their name, too. Here is my entry for NPR (so, if NPR is one of your sources, you can just copy paste this--that's one source as a freebie!):
NPR Ombudsman/Public Editor: Elizabeth Jensen - @EJensenNYC
Familiarize yourself with the process for sending letters to the editor to your news sources: This should really say "letters to the editor or equivalent" but I'm getting tired of typing "or equivalent" over and over, so. If one of your sources is NPR (for example), they don't publish letters to the editor but they do accept and sometimes play listener comments, which would be the equivalent. You're smart people, you can use your judgement.
Anyway, letters or otherwise, figure out how your preferred news outlets accept and publish reader/listener/consumer feedback, whatever form that takes. Once again, track down the information you would need to give them that reader/listener/consumer feedback. Also make a note of how they publicly respond to inquiries: i.e., do they publish a regular "Letters" column? Do they play listener calls every morning at 8:11? Whatever form this appears in, where can you find it? In your 5M4F document, either make note of, or save a link to, both any requirements that the editor’s office makes for incoming letters, and the place where you see the results. Here is my entry for The Guardian (so, if The Guardian is one of your sources, you can just copy paste this--that's one source as a freebie!):
Letters to the Editor at The Guardian: [email protected] - more info
Write your first letter to the editor: Again, or equivalent: if you're going to make a call, the equivalent would be to write a script for yourself, practice it, and then make your call.
Probably the easiest place to write a letter at the moment is on the neutering of the ACA and the GOP's genuinely life-threatening proposal to replace it, especially if you are a person who is covered by the exchanges and in danger of losing your care. Lots of news outlets are asking for reader/listener stories, so this is an easy way to ease yourself in to the process of getting involved with your news sources, if that seems overwhelming on a broader scale.
If you don't want to write about healthcare, the question to ask yourself is: what is this news outlet's coverage missing, or obscuring, or eliding? As you're reading the news this week, especially when you're reading about issues dear to your heart and close to your lived reality, think about what the news articles say, and more importantly don't say? What do you know that can add to this story? That's your letter. Good letters to the editor are generally very short (significantly less than a page). That can make them hard to write when you're not familiar with the process, but it also means that you don't, like, have to do seven hours of research to write a letter to the editor. You want to keep your letter short, simple, and to the point: my recommendation is, if you're not familiar with how to do that, that you just write as much as you need to to get your idea out. Then, you cut it down, rewriting as needed to make things more concise. Once you get used to the process of honing your ideas to fit, letters to the editor will also become pretty quick to write.
Complain about Steve Bannon: Honestly at this point I don’t really care why you complain about Steve Bannon, just that you do it. There are just so many things to complain about. Given that he’s described the media as “the opposition party,” that’s certainly a fruitful potential place to start. Note that some issues are going to require you to be a bit cannier than others: note that Bannon's stated position on several topics (e.g. healthcare, DACA) has softened, but that matters very little in terms of how terrifying his actual actions have been.
Whatever you choose to tackle, write your postcard to President Bannon, asking him to rein in his <insert demeaning job title here> Donald Trump on the topic you've chosen, and then [make your calls] to your representatives asking them to go on record against Bannon's position on that topic.
New feature! I’ve compiled a summary of Senators and Congresspersons of particular interest, i.e., representatives whose seats that were considered “battleground” races in 2016 and are likely to have an especially hard time in 2018/2020/2022. Again, these people likely fall into one of two categories: one, they’re Tea Party hardliners who won’t help us out; or two, they’re moderates holding onto mixed or moderate districts. We want to press that second group, and press them hard, because that is how you swing mixed/moderate districts to the left.
In the parentheses after their names, I’m giving these representatives states, their parties, and their margins of victory in 2016. Note that the list is alphabetical first by state, then by the rep’s name. If your representative(s) is (are) on this list, especially if their margin was especially small, it is particularly important that you put pressure on them, and get other people in your district to put pressure on them too, because your vote could very well be their next swing vote—and they know it. If you contact these people, please either reblog or send me an ask letting me know how it went if you have a second (were they receptive? did you have to jump through hoops to get at them?) and I will compile (anonymously if you wish) that feedback to help other We With Us’ers put pressure where it hurts.
Congresspersons of particular interest (all info from Ballotpedia): Tom O’Halleran (AZ, D, 7.3%), Ami Bera (CA, D, 2.3%), Stephen Knight (CA, R, 6.3%), Darrel Issa (CA, R, 0.5%), Mike Coffman (CO, R, 8.3%), Stephanie Murphy (FL, D, 3%), Brian Mast (FL, R, 10.5%), Carlos Curbelo (FL, R, 11.8%), Brad Schneider (IL, D, 5.2%), Rod Blum (IA, R, 7.7%), Bruce Poliquin (ME, R, 9.6%), Jack Bergman (MI, R, 14.8%), Jason Lewis (MN, R, 1.8%), Don Bacon (NE, R, 1.2%), Jacky Rosen (NV, D, 1.3%), Ruben Kihuen (NV, D, 4%), Carol Shea-Porter (NH, D, 1.3%), Josh Gottheimer (NJ, D, 4.4%), John Faso (NY, R, 8.6%), Claudia Tenney (NY, R, 5.5%), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA, R, 8.9%), Will Hurd (TX, R, 1.3%), Barbara Comstock (VA, R, 5.8%). You can also refer to the lists of DCCC/NRCC targeted incumbents for 2018, though those are much longer and kiiiiind of like the Democrat/Republican letters to Santa, at this point in the game.
Senators of particular interest (all info from Ballotpedia): Marco Rubio (FL, R, 7.7%), Tammy Duckworth (IL, D, 15.1%), Todd Young (IN, R, 9.7%), Roy Blunt (MO, R, 2.8%), Catherine Cortez Masto (NV, D, 2.4%), Maggie Hassan (NH, D, 0.1%), Richard Burr (NC, R, 5.7%), Pat Toomey (PA, R, 1.4%), Ron Johnson (WI, R, 3.4%). Note that none of these senators are up for election again until 2022, and that Democratic senators, writ large, are, right now, feeling much more vulnerable than Republican senators, writ large.
Engage thoughtfully if you live in one of the states that appears to have a state-wide rising Republican tide: try to focus on the bipartisan elements of the issues that you’re arguing for, and (even if you can't keep it bipartisan) keep it personal, rather than general. Your Tea Party-backed senator doesn't give two shits about human rights, but they do have to care about how what they do in Washington costs their constituents.
Also, for now: don’t contact any of these people if they don’t represent you directly. That can have value when it looks like one of them might be about to make a broader run (e.g. for state-wide office, if they’re in the House; or for the presidency), but for now it’s just going to be a waste of your time.
A note on protesting amid breaking news: As always, I recommend searching a reputable news source, like one of those two news sources you picked in 5M4F15 or The Guardian if you haven’t done that one yet, shortly before you make your calls, for any breaking-news updates that may require you to tweak your scripts. It’s often also useful to check your representatives’ website to see what press releases they have on a given subject, so you know whether (for example) they have already gone on-record as opposing Steve Bannon. If they have? Ask them to do it again. Make it clear that this stuff is important to you.
How to Write Your Scripts (excerpted from 5M4F-5): The basic phone script for calling your representatives goes something like so:
Hi, {can I ask who I’m speaking to? <, if they don’t say when they pick up>} _[Jot their name down.] _Hi, <their name>. My name is <your name> and I’m one of <your representative’s name>’s constituents in <where you live>. I wanted to let <your representative’s name> know that I strongly <support | oppose> <the thing you’re calling about>, because <succinct explanation of reason why you’re calling>. Is <your representative’s name> planning to <do the thing you want>?
Then you have to plan for a few different responses:
They’re with you: Thank you. Could you please let <appropriate pronoun> know that <expression of gratitude> and <indication that you will continue to watch your representative’s behavior and hold them accountable>?
They’re neutral: This subject is very important to me because <longer, more in-depth and emotive reason why you’re calling>. I would very much appreciate it if you could let <your representative’s name> know that I feel very strongly about this and would really encourage <appropriate pronoun> to <do the thing you want>. Is there any way I could follow up with you or <appropriate pronoun> later?
They oppose you: This subject is very important to me because <longer, more in-depth and emotive reason why you’re calling>. Can I ask why <your representative’s name> is <not doing the thing you want>? [Let them give you a reason, and write it down.] Okay, thank you. I understand <appropriate pronoun> concerns, but as one of <your representative’s name>’s voting constituents, I would really appreciate it if <appropriate pronoun> revisited <appropriate pronoun> decision because <alternate ****succinct explanation of reason why you’re calling>. Is there any way I could follow up with you or <appropriate pronoun> later?
<expression of gratitude>! <polite send-off>!
I want to point out that you probably don’t actually really need to plan for all of these responses. You can probably make a pretty good guess where your representative stands based on their party affiliation. However, especially if your representatives are moderates and often vote across the aisle, it’s not a bad idea to spend a little time planning for all three cases, because then your behind is covered, and you can recycle this language over and over on later calls, to different representatives. And yes: we will be calling other representatives.
This is the sample script that I wrote back in November, on a different issue and to Barbara Boxer, who has been replaced by Kamala Harris, but it gives you an idea how the Mad-Libs-filling process works:
Hi, {can I ask who I’m speaking to? <, if they don’t say when they pick up>} _[Jot their name down.] _Hi, <their name>. My name is <Ginny Washington>, and I’m one of <Senator Boxer>’s constituents in <West Hollywood>. I wanted to let <Senator Boxer> know that I strongly <support> <her resolution to amend the Constitution to eliminate the Electoral College>, because <I think every American’s vote should count equally>. **{I just wanted to thank her for all her hard work on behalf of the principles of equal representation and equal protection under the law.**}
<Thank you so much for your time>! <Have a nice day>!
If you can’t make calls: I recommended before that if you can’t make calls, you copy down snail mail addresses so you can send snail mail letters, and that you grab an email address or online contact link no matter what. Calls are the most effective, if you can make them, but please, do send snail mail letters if you can’t, or an email if you also can’t swing a stamp or get to a post office. You can use the script above as a template for your letter, but you’re probably going to want to default to assuming that your representative opposes you, and you’ll have to of course make it sound like a letter and not a phone convo.
If you care about correct forms of address: weirdly, because these things are super arcane, technically the correct way to address your senator or representative is still “The Honorable <whoever>”, as in, “The Honorable Barbara Boxer.” That goes on the envelope. You can then write “Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms. <whoever>” as your salutation.
As always, the link at the top of the post goes to a poll on Google which makes a great checklist, and where you can check in and let your fellow humans know you’re standing up for them!
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
super mario sunshine gamecube
super mario sunshine gamecube
Super Mario Sunshine cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
Easter Eggs
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Use the links above or scroll down to see all the GameCube cheats we have available for Super Mario Sunshine.
Genre: Action, Side Scrolling Platform Developer: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: August 26, 2002
The Chuckster
There is a guy on the building left of the shine gate. Go to him and face the tower with the slanted window behind him. Talk to him, when you give him a coin he will toss you into the tower for a shine!
Hidden Room
To get to the hidden room you first jump on the boat th goes to the shine gate then to the island and back. When it goes under the bridge there will be a coin do a high jump to get to the hidden room.
Secret Lighthouse Shine
To get a shine on the lighthouse use the rocket nozzle to get get up on top. When you are on the top of the light house hold the rocket nozzle (when the boost meter goes off) and jump and quickly ground pound on the black piece and collect the shine.
Spin Spray
Do a triple jump and squirt water.
Tounge Power
Once you have Yoshi, go to delfino Plaza and search for birds. Once you find one, rush toward it and press B. Yoshi should extend his tounge at the bird. When it touches the bird, the bird will turn into a coin. I’ve only tried this trick in Delfino plaza, but you can try it in other places yoshi is found.
Fall Into Pit Without Dying
In Pianta Village, get on Yoshi and jump into the pit. You will hit bottom and be able to hop off Yoshi and run around.
Sun Glasses And Shirt For Mario!
When you get 30 shines go to the villager in delfino plaza who is on the beach! (he is wearing sun glasses) This man will give you a cool pair of sun glasses!When you finish the game talk to the villager again. However this time he will give you a pair of shades and a shine sprite shirt!VERY COOL!
Buy A Sunshine Star
When you get 10 blue coins. Go to the docks and on the left side go in there, and exchange your 10 blue coins for a sunshine star.
Total Coins In Game
There are 120 shines and 240 blue coins.
Cool View
All you have too do is g in the water, and press y. Then you have to look down so the view is underwater. Then you can squirt water and hover and it looks and sounds cool.
Swim Faster / Flip Trick
To swim faster, you DON’T have to use FLUDD. You have to go underwater (press b about 2 or 3 times) and press a and b fast (doesn’t matter what speed, but not slow). He looks kind of funny, but you swim faster than just pressing a or b alone. To do the flip trick, you have to go on land and press a and b fast. Mario will slide on his belly, then flip.
Boucing Under Sun-Cover
To do this you must go to dalfino plasa where the two sun-shade things are on the left side of the island and jump on top of a pinecone. If done correctly you will keep on boucing under the sun-shade part and on top of the pinecone.
Another Secret Level ( Must Have Yoshi For This Task)
To get to another secret level on Delfino Plaza first you have to get yoshi then sit on the docks and wait for a boat to come, jump on the boat and ride it out to the island where the woman wants you to bring her coconuts. Sit out on that island and wait for the next boat to come it will take you to a tall wooden platform with bananas on it NOTE: ( I suggest that while you are waiting for the boat on that island that yo make yoshi keep eating coconuts in that tree so he doesn’t die, do the same thing with the bananas on the wooden platform. ) When you are sitting on that wooden platform wait for a while and you will see another boat coming, when the boat gets close enough carefully jump on it. After you get on the last boat it will take you to the island where that dude is shipwrecked. Yo will see a green pipe with that yellow gunk on it that only yoshi can defeat. Spray the yellow gunk with yoshi`s juice, after the gunk is gone, jump off of yoshi and in to the pipe, it will take you to a secret level. NOTE: ( Jump on the boats very, very , VERY carefully because it is very easy for yoshi to fall into the water during this task.
How To Defeat One Of The Secret Levels
If you have seen the hint that tells you about a secret level in a green tube where tall grass is everywhere and you have to find red coins, and are having trouble with that level, these hints will surely come in handy. I`ll tell yo exactly where every one of the red coins are. The first one you find is on that wooden platform but you probably already Knew that. Then you will see a Pianta that is running around and freaking out because he is on fire, put out the fire then press B to talk to him, afterward and he will give you the next red coin. Then you use the rocket nozzle to get on top of a really tall wooden platform, while you`re up there press the Y button to look around, you will eventually see a red bird flying around, spray it with water until it is dead and it will give you a red coin. You will also see a bunch of those round things that have pointy things sticking out of them an have pink flowers on their heads, destroy all of those to get red coins. You will also see the blue ones that have yellow flowers on their heads and shoot black things at you when you get near them, kill all of those and each one will give you a red coin. And finally the last red coin, this one is pretty tricky to find, you will see several black holes on the ground that are shaped like squares, so what you do is you run all the way to a certain side of the place with tall grass, then you will eventually find a black square hole that has block on the side of it that looks like a watermelon, jump in that hole and walk forward and you will see a red coin on the side. If you have trouble finding the last one that I just told you keep looking because trust me it is there. NOTE: ( I would suggest, just to make it easier to use the yellow C control stick and point it up so that yo can see every thing in the tall grass rather then having to look around while that stupid grass is blocking you`re view) And I`m sorry for making you read this long, long, cheat don`t be mad. Any way that is exactly how you defeat that level, you enjoy that shine sprite.
Run Under Water
This trick only works in Delfino plaza.First get behind the tower whit the big shine sprite on. Then go to the lowest water. After that swim to the middle of the fence. When you are at is swim slowly to it and press B twice. If done correctly you will now fall down into the ocean standing at the bottom.
Faster Acceleration When Slide On Water
To do this (NO JUMP)hover in the air a little backwards, then quickly press B and push the analog stick forward at the same time. If done correctly you will have much more acceleration when you slide.
Easy Lives In Delfino Plaza
There is a little cave near the Pinna park cannon that contains a life up. Go to the little island near the lighthouse and spray the fire to get a life up (it is recommended the you have the turbo nozzle). Then after you get the blue coins from the people that want fruit, they give you a 1-up mushrooms (or as I call them “stalker mushrooms”).
Pantissimos Sand Sprint Made Easy
When you get to the part of Geleto Beach where you have to race el Pantissimo, immediately run to the isle as soon as you start the level. You should find a usable turbo box. Get it and race him. The shine sprite is as good as yours.
Free Shine Sprite
In Delfino Plaza, near the lighthouse, there is alittle beach. On the opposite side of the beach ofthe sunglasses guy, start spraying water. If youfind the right spot, you will see part of a shinesprite appear on the sand. Continue spraying thereand the picture will be complete. Then you have togo follow it.
How To Defeat Bowser
To defeat Bowser you ground pound the circle on each end of the pool. Thats how you defeat Bowser.
First, go to Pianta Village episode 8 Fluff festival coin hunt. Then, go to the platform on top of the big tree and squirt the sun. A picture of a shine sprite should apear finish the picture and you will get a shine sprite.
Getting To Corona Mountain
You have to beat the 7th level in every different world to get to Corona mountain. When you first beat all the levels, Delfino Plaza will flood, opening a place that was unreachable before.
Water Flinger
This is a cool move! It will fling water a long way ahead of you as Mario does a midair flip. This move can help you in the “Scrubbing Sirena Beach” section by cleaning up a lot more electric goop ahead of you. First, make sure you have your FLOOD on “hover” mode. Then jump in the air, press the L button and the R button at exactly the same time while in midair.
Easy Shine Sprite On Lighthouse
First you have to have your rocket nozzle (the red one) then go over and rocket up to the top of the light house (Gelato Beach Entrance). Rocket up again when you are on top of it then do a ground pound and the circle on top will bust and turn into a shine sprite!
Space Mario
This occurs in Gelato Beach�s sixth episode.Get what Yoshi wants to eat and jump on it.Spray with juice some paint to reveal a dune bud, spray it and it will take a giant foot-look, will be many coins and a blue coin too. Wait for the foot to dissapear. Spray it again, and at the last second it will transform, make a ground pound. Now, in airspace dismount Yoshi and the camera will zoom again in Mario, showing him high in the sky.NOTE: Reset the game then cause Mario won�t touch floor again, he will fall and fall and fall and fall.
Gelato Beach Secret
In gelato beach one of the shine sprites may be hard to find. Go up to the area where a lone dune bud stands next to the cliff. Spray it and a staricase going down will appear. Go down the steps but immediately spray the opposite wall. A shine sprite will appear.
Hiding In The Bushes
Heres another hidden mini game that most people over look. First go to the cannon that shoots you to pinna park. Look across the ocean to you right and you will see palm trees sticking out of the rock wall. Use the Rocket Nozzel to blast yourself ontop of the fronds. Keep going forward and you will see a pipe that leads to a “bushy” mini game. You have to find 8 red coins in really tall grass in this mini game.
Pinball Mario
In Delphino Plaza there is a entrance to a cool mini level that you can get a sprite for. Infront of the entrance to Noki Bay (the rainbow column) a boat will periodically appear at the dock. Jump on top of the boat and wait till your under the bridge. You will see a coin do a spin jump or backflip to jump up and use your hover nozzzel to get into the hole. (I reccomend using the hover nozzel for the mini stage) In the mini stage you use mario as a human pinball to get 8 red coins.
Fruit For Yoshi On Pinna Park Beach
Waht you do is squirt the sand and fruit and/or coins will pop up out of the sand.
Extra Yellow Coins In Delphino Plaza
To get extra yellow coins squirt the “Mario Wanted signs” in Delphino Plaza, Note; You may only do this once.
No Cataquackers
In Gelato Beach, there are 3 ways to bust cataquackers (the little fat ducks with no eyes):
1) Take a thingy to a weed, spray it with the hover nozzle, and let the dune bud do the rest.2) Follow the above code, but spray him first (only a suggestion!).3) Let the thingy run into the weed, get unconscious, and spray the weed to launch the dune bud.
Try each of these, and you’ll get a coin! (Red thingies, below episode 6, give you blue coins, but don’t get flung:it’ll hurt!!!)
Useless Book Thingy
This is about a useless book in Noki Bay.First do the “red coin” level and then go to the bottom of the bottle,then there is this pathway in the little building thing with a door in the back.After that you have to use your skills of changing the view so you can see behind the door and there is a book!!!NOTE:the door is locked and the book is IMPOSIBLE to get so dont even try to get it!
More On The 2-D Manta
There are a couple of good strategies for beating the manta. The first is good for when you have just started splitting up the manta, which you do by just spraying it with water. Switch to your hover nozzle and hover above the mini-mantas. If you go in circles, the streams will shoot out to the sides and you can kill a wide range of mantas. Don’t wait for your hover time to run out, however; make sure there’s a clear landing spot–which shouldn’t be too hard since the mantas can’t tell where you are since you’re in the air and they won’t try to attack you, they just want to get away from the water–and land. Once you land, though, make sure you’re quick in getting back in the air, because the mantas will be ready to leap on the first thing that moves. The second strategy is particularly useful when you’ve split up most of the giant manta and now you’ve got a bunch of hyperactive ultra-mini-mantas running around trying to kill you. Not good. But, have no fear. Just do a spin jump while spraying. To spin jump, rotate the control stick once really quickly as you push (A). If you hold down (R), Mario will spray water like a sort of levitated sprinkler. I call this the Levitated Spin ‘n’ Spray, but some refer to it simply as the Spin Jump That You Happen To Be Able To Spray Water At The Same Time. If you don’t want to jump, you can just spin ‘n’ spray while on the ground; don’t try this until you get really good at the spin ‘n’ spray–it’s kind of difficult to master, and if you screw it up in the air, you always have the chance to switch quickly to your hover nozzle and clear a landing spot, but if you’re on the ground when you screw it up, well, you’ve got a bunch of annoying little mantas that have been closing in on you. You can also cover more ground in the air–simple physics. The water will go farther when you’re in the air than when you’re on the ground. And don’t stick to just one strategy. Mix and match. Not that the computer will figure out what you’re doing; it just gets a little boring to be spin ‘n’ spraying all the time. Oh, and when you’re trying to beat the dude, stay on the beach right where the water breaks. This is good for a few reasons: one, the mantas won’t go into the water so they will all be in front of you; two, you will always have a clear landing spot because you are standing in the water and the mantas don’t want to go there; and three, if you run out of water you’re right there and don’t need to waste precious time and/or lives rushing down to the water, filling up, and rushing back again. Finally, clear off as much of the beach as you can before you go and talk to the hotel manager. It will make your life a WHOLE lot easier. Trust me. ^__^
Fall Through Ground
Play the first mission in Bianco Hills. From the start, go to where the houses are located. Drop down into the little path with a stream of water flowing through it. Go along the path to where the big water wheel is located. Do a Belly Slide to try to get under the water wheel. If you enter at the correct angle, you will go through the ground and die. This may require several attempts.
Pressure Shooting
Note: This trick requires the Speed Pack, and you have to hold R throughout the entire process, Jump in the water with the Speed Pack attachment and turbo speed through the water. Then, press Jump, immediately press X to switch to squirt mode, and you should see the external water appear, as on the Speed Pack.
Strange Point Of View
Go to Pianta Village and go to any episode when it is dark. Go to the pond near the very big tree and walk on the small land. Make Mario walk on the edge of it then go near the wall nearby. Mario should be walking on the water while hugging the wall. Then, press Y. Change the camera’s point of view upwards and press Y again. If done correctly, the camera should be stuck under the village and only Mario’s shadow and any person or object will be a “?”. If you want to return the camera back to normal, press Y.
To Beat Boser
To beat Boser you need the red nozer box. You go out to edges and hold r when you are in the air you click A. You do that on all four platforms.
Blue Moon
Go to Pianta Village on the stage (Secret of the Village Underside)and climb up onto the golden mushroom. Spray the moon for a blue coin.
Beat The Game Without Beating Bowser
When the town is flooded thats when you go to Carona Mountian. Once you get there just exit the level or kill your self (I suggest you don’t kill your self if you have a lot of lives but it is a lot more fun than just exitng the level) and once you get out, Delfino plaza won’t be flooded and no one will be mad at you!
Clean More Gunk Using Less Water
When cleaning dirt just do the jump spin and holdthe R button.
Secret Yellow Bird In Noki Bay!!!!
First, go to the level the shells secret.Turn to the left and start to swim. Then you will come to land. Run over there and wall jump up the little thing. On the left, you’ll find a tunnel. Run intothe tunnel until it ends. Then go into the GIANT hole.You will fall and bounce back up. At the top there is a tree with a yellow bird flying around it. Spray it 3 times and get a shine. (this is difficult, so it may take more than 1 try)
Free Hawaiian-like Shirt
Once you beat the game, save it and talk to the Pianta who gave you the sunglasses. He will give a free hawaiian shirt.
Gold In Delfino Plaza
When you get the rocket nozzlein Delfino Plaza, you need to clean off the 2 bells and the fake, giant star spirit for a real star spirit.
Star Spirits In Delfino Plaza
When you get more nozzles in Delfino Plaza, use them to shoot upward, sideways, or hovering to get the “hidden” star spirits.
Secret Shine
Wondering where to find the the second secret shine? Just head up to the sprout near the bottom of the cliffs, by the green pianta, and spray the dune bud until it makes a downway staircase. Instead of dashing to get the coins, start soaking the far wall of the staircase. You can uncover thid shine on almost any episode.
Easy Coins In Gelato Beach
Enter episode 8 “Watermelon Festival”, and pop the watermelons. A coin will come out each time you pop them.
Gelato Beach Hidden Level
In Gelato beach, water the dune buds until one reveals a sand castle. Enter the sand castle to get to the hidden level.
Beat 2-D Manta Ray
On Sirena Beach to beat the 2-D manta ray you have to keep spraying the manta ray don’t listen to whatever FLUDD says. Once you have kept on spraying him and all the little guys the Shine Sprite will be yours.
Light House Sprite
Yo get the light house sprite get the rocket nozzel then go to the light house. Use the nossel to get to the top. When you do get to the top ground pound the top to reveal the sprite.
Golden Bird Sprite
To get the golden bird sprite let the sun light up a little. When it does go to the small island where the Pianta is ship wrecked. Climb the tree,and then you will see a bird flying around squirt it a couple of water drops then a sprite will appear.
Water Slide Sprite
To get water slide sprite get the turbo nozzel in Isle Delfino. Then go where the two police menare. Use the nozzel to break the door where they stand.
Riddin A Lily Pad
While your in the water find a lily pad. Then jump on the lily pad and get out your water shooter thingy. After that piont the shooter in the oppisite direction that you want to go and spray water and the lily pad will move. (this wastes water but its fast and fun)
Extra Blue Coin
To get an extra blue coin go to the place where Mario starts and there will be an X on the statue(you need to clean it off first) spray the X until it disappears when it does go strait and then when you get to the water DONT jump off go left and get the blue coin wash off the other X on the wall and go back to the statue and get the coin where the first X used to be.
The Easiest Shine Sprite
On the beach in Delfino Plaza that is near the lighthouse. Spray water around the sand until you hit a spot that flashes yellow. Keep spraying that spot and a picture of a Shine Sprite appears.When the picture becomes whole, a real Shine Sprite will appear. Congradulations, you have just won The Easiest Shine Sprite!
Bell Tower Sprites
First, grab the Rocket Nozzle and head on over to one of the bell towers (they both sit by the ocean, and are right across from each other). Launch yourself up to a bell and start spraying. Don’t bother cleaning it from all sides, because if you spray in one spot long enough, it will clean the whole bell. Once it is spotless, a Shine Sprite will appear. Enjoy!
Get Mario’s Head Stuck In The Sand!!
Go to Gelato Beach or the beach in Delfino Plaza. Get a Rocket Nozzle and Equip it on FLUDD. GELATO BEACH: Stand on a tree or mirror facing the sand. DELFINO PLAZA: Stand on the lighthouse facing sand Fire the Rocket. As soon as it fires, press B If you pressed B as soon as it fired and landed in the sand, Mario’s head will be stuck in the sand!! (To get Mario unstuck, press A)
How To Get An Extra Star Sprite
On Delfino Plaza go to the light house and start to hover on the beach to get an extra Star Sprite
Noki Bay
When you get the giant light beam over the dolphin statue go in the center of it and look into the sun to get transported to Noki Bay.
Chorona Mountain
TO get to Chorona Mountain you need to beat seven episodes on each level to be able to fight bowers and bower jr.
Easy 100 Coins At Pinna Park
The easiest way to get one hundred coins at pinna park is to walk around spraying the beach outside by yoshi. You will get 100 coins in no time.
Last Red Coins On The SandBird
First you have to get all of coins on the bird. Just wait a little while then you see it on the tallest building (watch out of the bird it tips)
Easy Fruit
To get fruit easier just squirt it off the tree!!
Pinna Park Blue Coin Baskets
On the beach of Pinna Park, there are Blue Coins hidden in baskets that seem unopenable. Go into Episode 2 – The Beach Cannon’s Secret and lead a Bullet Bill into a basket and it will explode, revealing the coin.
Easy 100-Coin Shine Sprite In Pinna Park
The easiest way to get the 100-Coin Shine Sprite in Pinna Park is in Episode 2 – The Beach Cannon’s Secret. Wait for a Bullet Bill to come near you and spray it to get two coins. Just keep doing that.
Red Coins At The Airstrip
Once you defeat the final boss, you can hitch a ride back to the Airstrip where you can collect eight Red Coins to get another Shine Sprite.
Get Another Shine Sprite
When you are in Delfino Plaza go to the lighthouse stand by the lighthouse and spray water on a certain part of the beach to reveal a Shine Sprite.
How To Beat King Boo Easily.
King boo is a boss located in serena beach. To beat this guy easily first butt slam on the 3 purple squares. dont worry about the little boos that he lets out, if you spray king boo all the little ones go away. Then king boo will lick the 3 wheels, if you get a “???” there will be 3 different enemies that pop out, these are all simple to beat, but if one does get you stuck, dont worry, they disapair soon. If you get 3 gold coin signs, you get alot of coins. but when you get the 3 fruit symbols, out pops all kinds of fruit and 2 hot peppers. First take a hot pepper and throw it at king boo, then while king boo is trying to put out the flame on his tounge, throw any other fruit at him and he will turn purple. Do not throw another hot pepper at him, this will be unaffective. Do this 2 more times and the shine is yours!
Hidden Coins
When you are playing levels if you see an M or an X on the wall spray it until you hear a sound and a coin will come out. Either infront of you or somewhere else.
A New Story Is Born
To have a new part of the town open up a new story get 10 sunshine stars. Everytime you do new storys open.
Sunny Shine Sprite
Go into Pianta Village Episode 8 and climb up to the top of the wooden platform on the tall tree in the middle of the village. Look up to the sun and spray it to reveal a Shine Sprite.
Wiggling Yellow Gunk
In Delfino Plaza, a Blue Coin is trapped in a small cubby hole by wiggling yellow gunk that hurts Mario when he touches it. To dispel the substance, squirt it with Yoshi juice.
Secret For Getting 100-Coin Shine Sprites
If you are having trouble finding 100 coins to get the Shine Sprite, spray the ground all over the stage to uncover coins.
Blue Coin Signs
Hidden in each level are different signs with another corresponding sign. Spray the sign and a Blue Coin will appear out of its corresponding sign. The Blue Coin will only stay for a short time, so be quick.
Ultimate Slip N’ Slide
To do the ultimate slip n’ slide first spray a little water in front of you, then dive on the spot where the water is and you will slide non-stop until you go to slow and stop or you hit something.
Beating Big Caterpillar
To beat big caterpillar, to a ground pound on the caterpillars stomach where the red arrow is pointing. Do this three times to get a shine sprite. But be careful!
Big Shine
Near the dolphin fountain, there is a person who wants you to collect fruit. Near her is a basket that is high up. jump onto the basket and then onto the ledge aove it. To the left, there is a pond. Fill up you water tank (if it needs it). To the left of the pool should be the big statue of the Big Shine. Jump onto the ledge that leads up to the statue. Next turn your Fludd machine to the spray/shoot mode and spray the Big Shine, trying to remove the mud. Once it’s all gone, a Shine will appear above the statue. Now what you have to figure out is how to get it! Good luck!
Blue Birds
Shoot the blue birds in every place that you see them to get a blue coin for each one.
Plaza/Airstrip 100 Coin Shine Sprite
You can collect the 100 coins needed for a Delfino Plaza’s Shine Sprite on the Airstrip. It counts either way, and is also easier to collect at the Airstrip.
Extra Red Coin Shine Sprites
In each stage there are secret stages that you must enter to complete an Episode, such as in Bianco Hills, the Hillside Cave Secret. After you complete the Episode, you can reenter the secret stage to find eight Red Coins in a certain time limit.
Dune Buds
In Gelato Beach, the small sprigs in the sand are Dune Buds. Water them and a sand structure will appear, possibly revealing coins or other secrets.
Travel Quicker
In some cases, you must travel quicker to reach a place or item within a time limit. To do this, just press B to hop along the ground, which is much faster than just running.
100 Coin Shine Sprite
In each level, including Delphino Plaza, you can get a Shine Sprite by collecting 100 yelloe coins within the stage.
Faster Belly Slide
To do a faster belly slide, squirt the ground in front of you, then press B to slide over it and you will continue to slide until you choose to stop.
Get A Shine Sprite
When you are in Delfino Plaza, go to the guy on the stranded island. Shoot the yellow bird that flies around and you will get a Shine Sprite.
Safety Hut
In the hotel level when the 2-D Manta Ray attacks go under 1 of the huts to not get hurt.
Mario’s New Look
After you beat bowser, find any sunglasses guy and talk to him. He will give you a “Cool Island Shirt” to wear.
Easy Cleaning
Instead of taking a bath each time Mario gets dirty, do one or two spin jumps.
Avoid Losing Health When Falling
When falling from high places, press L to do a Ground Pound. This will make you fall very fast and not lose health.
Avoid Dying
Pause the game when you are about to die and select “Exit Area”. You will be teleported in front of the level you were at and not lose a life. Note: This does not work if you are falling.
To get the sunglasses, talk to the man wearing glasses on the beach in Dolphic Plaza. The sunglasses tint your screen as if you were actually wearing them. He is also found in many other levels. He will not give them to you if you have less that 30 Shine Sprites.
Yoshi Juice
After eating a fruit, Yoshi can then spit out juice to defeat enemies.
Get Yoshi
Progress though the game till you get 25 Shine Sprites. Go to Pinnal Park and complete Story #4 . You will now be back in town. The Fake Mario will appear with an egg. Chase him down to get Yoshi.
Alternate Ending Screen
Successfully complete the game with all 120 Shine Sprites and the ending screen will show all the characters in the game.
Hidden Tunnels
Stand on the sun/moon shaped lids and do a ground pound. You can find some coins or items down there or use them as shortcuts.
Ending Bonus
Successfully complete and save the game. You can pay 10 coins to use a boat near the clock tower where Yoshi is found to return to the Airport level at the start of the game. Additionally, you can get a Hawaiian shirt in addition to the sunglasses that the man wearing sunglasses gives Mario normally during the game.
Mario Yoshi Luigi Buddy
Go to the main menu and press A, B, Y, Y, X, Z, L, L, R.
In Game Restart
Press A, B, L, R, X, Y, Z, and Start anytime in the game and it will restart.
Super Spin
To do a super spin, press R then imediatly press A.
Secret Blue Coin
In the pinta village episode: “The villages underside seceret”, get the yoshi and eat all the bees where the egg was. The last bee you eat turns into a blue coin.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Super Mario Sunshine yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Cannon Glitch
In defleno plaza that red thing by penia park viewing, is a cannon the guy will say he’s repairing it. But when you ground pound on the top of the cannon you will go inside the cannon. (note) dosen’t take you to penia park yet.
Under The Plaza Glitch
I accidentally did this while trying to do the walk under water glitch during the flood (go under the log by the pianta statue and start pressing A). Go under the log and press A and B alternatively until you sink and land. If done correctly you should fall through the ground and be in oblivion! Note: this may take a while to do. If you do perform the walk under water glitch without falling through, go to the market and jump up onto the canvas’ and jump again to swim.
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Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
Currently no guide available.
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alwaysanarcher · 7 years
Creepy small towns
It's been a while since my last update, but I've spent a good chunk of that time in a hidden mountain village called Haven. With a name like that, you just know there's something sinister going on beneath the surface.
That turns out to be cultists who have kidnapped Brother Genitivi, and killed any knights who came looking for him and the Urn of Sacred Ashes. So many cultists. It takes ages to go through the ruined temple and the caverns below it. And then there are dragonlings that appear out of nowhere, and drakes that slaughter us, and a huge dragon on the mountainside that I'm not going anywhere near.
Running the Gauntlet! I'm proud I solved all the riddles. Had an emotional reunion with Shianni. Fighting the duplicates of my own party was so tough and took so many attempts. (They're better at being us than we are!) The bridge puzzle gave me terrible flashbacks to old school adventure games. (I figured out the first part, but I confess I looked up a walkthrough for the second part.) And then the Ashes! Mission accomplished!
I have to fight the cult leader Kolgrim, because I didn't defile the Ashes like he wanted. Too bad.
Brother Genitivi wants to tell the world about the Urn. Bad idea. But I don't have the stomach to kill him in cold blood. So I guess we'll see what happens? It really should be a World Heritage Site protected by a National Trust.
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ianisin · 4 years
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ianisin · 4 years
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ianisin · 4 years
The Last of Us 2 - Walkthrough Gameplay (PS4) 2 YEARS EARLIER - Part 8
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ianisin · 4 years
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captainsafia · 6 years
Node module deep-dive: path
Another Monday, another Node module walkthrough! For the second installment of this multi-part series, I decided to take a look into the path module in Node. The path module gives the developer the ability to work with file and directory paths. You might've used it to do things like determine the base of a path or to join multiple paths together. This code snippet below shows a sample of how the path module works.
> const path = require('path'); > path.basename('~/this/is/a/test/file.html'); 'file.html' > path.dirname('~/this/is/a/test/file.html'); '~/this/is/a/test' > path.extname('~/this/is/a/test/file.html'); '.html' > path.join('~', 'this', 'is', 'a', 'test'); '~/this/is/a/test'
If you're interested in exploring the full-scope of the path module API, you can check out the documentation for the module.
Alright! Now it's time to dive into the code itself. Like last time, here is a link pinned to the version of the code that I will be walking through in this post. I'll include embedded code snippets but also reference relevant parts of the code base with links to specific lines.
Before I started diving into the code itself, I scrolled through it quickly to get a sense of the common patterns of the code. For the most part, a lot of the functions defined in this module iteratively compute different string manipulations. There are a lot of for-loops and conditionals. Another thing to note is the way that the API functions are exposed from the 'path' module. The 'path' module defines two Objects win32 and posix that store the function definitions for each platform. In the final export, the module assesses what platform the module is being invoked from and exports the functions that match with that platform. For my code read, I focused specifically on the functions defined for posix platforms, since that's platform I develop and deploy to most often.
if (process.platform === 'win32') module.exports = win32; else module.exports = posix;
Since the path module API exposes quite a few functions, I'll focus on some of the most popular in my read. The first function that I looked into is the join function. You've probably seen this used a ton in the configuration of Express servers and in Electron-based desktop applications.
join: function join() { if (arguments.length === 0) return '.';
The first thing that I found interesting about this bit of code is that it uses the arguments object in JavaScript. The argument object is a list-based data structure that corresponds to the arguments based to the function. The join method takes a list of paths to join as its input. Instead of defining a special parameter to use for the function, join relies on the arguments object which gives users the ability to provide an arbitrary number of arguments to the function.
var joined; for (var i = 0; i 0) { if (joined === undefined) joined = arg; else joined += '/' + arg; } }
The function iterates through each of the arguments, checks to see if it is a valid path, and joins it to a concatenated string called joined. The assertPath function is a simple function that checks to see if the parameter that is passed to the assertPath function is a string.
function assertPath(path) { if (typeof path !== 'string') { throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', 'path', 'string'); } }
Finally, the function normalizes the concatenated path and returns it.
if (joined === undefined) return '.'; return posix.normalize(joined);
In my opinion, that was a pretty straightforward function and an excellent example of the kind of code that definitely belongs in a standard library.
The last functions that I wanted to look into were the dirname and basename functions.
dirname: function dirname(path) { assertPath(path); if (path.length === 0) return '.';
The function starts off by evaluating the validity of the path that was passed in as a parameter.
var code = path.charCodeAt(0); var hasRoot = (code === 47/*/*/);
The function checks to see if the first character in the provided path is a / which indicates that the path provided is an absolute path that starts at the root directory of the file system (since we are on a POSIX system). This check is used later to preserve the presence of the root / in the final string.
if (end === -1) return hasRoot ? '/' : '.'; if (hasRoot && end === 1) return '//';
The main body of a function is a for-loop that iterates backwards through the provided path looking for a / character. If it finds it, it breaks out of the for loop and stores its index in a variable called end. Later, it uses end to get the appropriate substring in the provided path.
return path.slice(0, end);
So essentially, the logic of the dirname function is as follows: walk backwards through the path from the end to the start until you hit a / character. If so, that means you've iterated through all the characters in the filename and the remaining characters correspond to the directory name.
The basename function is a little more involved. It takes two parameters: path, the path to find the basename in and optionally ext, the extension to truncate from the basename. As per usual, it starts by evaluating the validity of the parameters that were passed in.
basename: function basename(path, ext) { if (ext !== undefined && typeof ext !== 'string') throw new errors.TypeError('ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', 'ext', 'string'); assertPath(path);
The logic associated with how it iterates if the user provides an ext parameter is a little complicated, so I started by looking at the logic for situations where basename is called without an ext parameter.
for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (path.charCodeAt(i) === 47/*/*/) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else if (end === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, mark this as the end of our // path component matchedSlash = false; end = i + 1; } } if (end === -1) return ''; return path.slice(start, end);
The function iterates backward through the string (similar to the dirname function) until it finds the first instance of the / character. This time, it uses the index of that character as the start of the slice on the path.
The logic for the case where the user does provide an ext parameter is more complicated because it has to keep track of the extension in the string.
for (i = path.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const code = path.charCodeAt(i); if (code === 47/*/*/) { // If we reached a path separator that was not part of a set of path // separators at the end of the string, stop now if (!matchedSlash) { start = i + 1; break; } } else {
It iterates backwards through the string to find the first / character and stores it as the start point for the slice and breaks out of the loop. If it doesn't find a / character at the position it is in, it alternately computes some logic to determine where the extension ends and stores that as the end of the string.
if (firstNonSlashEnd === -1) { // We saw the first non-path separator, remember this index in case // we need it if the extension ends up not matching matchedSlash = false; firstNonSlashEnd = i + 1; } if (extIdx >= 0) { // Try to match the explicit extension if (code === ext.charCodeAt(extIdx)) { if (--extIdx === -1) { // We matched the extension, so mark this as the end of our path // component end = i; } } else { // Extension does not match, so our result is the entire path // component extIdx = -1; end = firstNonSlashEnd; }
And that's that! Most of the functions that are exposed by the path module are simple string manipulation (and a lot of edge-case handling). From a quick-read through the code, there was definitely a lot more complexity in the functions that pertained to win32-based files ystems, especially around handling drives (C: and D:) and escaping things (fun!).
If you have any comments or questions, feel free to ask me a question or reach out to me on Twitter.
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captainsafia · 6 years
Node module deep-dive: querystring
So, I figured I would start a new series here on the good ol' blog. For a while, I've wanted to do code walkthroughs of standard libraries and popular packages in the Node ecosystem. I figured it's about time that I change that intention to action and actually write up one. So here it goes, my first ever annotated code walkthrough.
I wanna start off by looking at one of the most fundamental modules in the Node standard library: querystring. querystring is a module that allows users to extract values of the query portion of a URL and build a query from an object of key value associations. Here's a quick code snippet that shows the four different API functions, string, parse, stringify, and unescape, that the querystring module exposes.
> const querystring = require("querystring"); > querystring.escape("key=It's the final countdown"); 'key%3DIt\'s%20the%20final%20countdown' > querystring.parse("foo=bar&abc=xyz&abc=123"); { foo: 'bar', abc: [ 'xyz', '123' ] } > querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: ['qux', 'quux'], corge: 'i' }); 'foo=bar&baz=qux&baz=quux&corge=i' > querystring.unescape("key%3DIt\'s%20the%20final%20countdown"); 'key=It\'s the final countdown'
Alright! Let's dive into the fun part. I'll be examining the code for querystring as it stands as of my writing this post. You can find a copy of this version here.
The first thing that caught my eye was this chunk of code on lines 47-64.
const unhexTable = [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 0 - 15 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 16 - 31 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 32 - 47 +0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 48 - 63 -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 64 - 79 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 80 - 95 -1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 96 - 111 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 112 - 127 -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, // 128 ... -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 // ... 255 ];
What the heckin' heck is this nonsense? I did a search for the term unhexTable throughout the codebase to find out where it was used. In addition to the definition, the search returned two other results. They occurred on lines 86 and 91 of the codebase Here's the code block that encompasses these references.
if (currentChar === 37 /*'%'*/ && index < maxLength) { currentChar = s.charCodeAt(++index); hexHigh = unhexTable[currentChar]; if (!(hexHigh >= 0)) { out[outIndex++] = 37; // '%' } else { nextChar = s.charCodeAt(++index); hexLow = unhexTable[nextChar]; if (!(hexLow >= 0)) { out[outIndex++] = 37; // '%' out[outIndex++] = currentChar; currentChar = nextChar; } else { hasHex = true; currentChar = hexHigh * 16 + hexLow; } } }
All of this is happening within the unescapeBuffer function. After a quick search, I discovered that the unescapeBuffer function is invoked by the unescape function that is exposed from our module (see line 113). So this is where all the interesting action for unescaping our query string happens!
Alright! So what's all this business with the unhexTable? I started to read through the unescapeBuffer function to figure out exactly what it was doing. I started with line 67.
var out = Buffer.allocUnsafe(s.length);
So the function starts by initializing a Buffer of the length of the string that is passed to the function.
(At this point, I could dive into what allocUnsafe in the Buffer class is doing, but I am going to reserve that for another blog post.)
After that, there are a couple of statements that initialize different variables that will be used later on in the function.
var index = 0; var outIndex = 0; var currentChar; var nextChar; var hexHigh; var hexLow; var maxLength = s.length - 2; // Flag to know if some hex chars have been decoded var hasHex = false;
The next chunk of code is a while loop that iterates through each character in the string. If the character is a + and the function is set to change + to spaces, it sets the value of that character in the escaped string to a space.
while (index < s.length) { currentChar = s.charCodeAt(index); if (currentChar === 43 /*'+'*/ && decodeSpaces) { out[outIndex++] = 32; // ' ' index++; continue; }
The second set of if statements checks to see if iterator is at a character sequence that begins with a %, which signifies the upcoming characters will represent a hex code. The program then fetches the character code of the following character. The program then uses that character code as the index to look for in the hexTable list. If the value returned from this lookup is -1, the function sets the value of the character in the output string to a percent sign. If the value returns from the lookup in the hexTable is greater than -1, the function parses the seceding characters as hex character codes.
if (currentChar === 37 /*'%'*/ && index < maxLength) { currentChar = s.charCodeAt(++index); hexHigh = unhexTable[currentChar]; if (!(hexHigh >= 0)) { out[outIndex++] = 37; // '%' } else { nextChar = s.charCodeAt(++index); hexLow = unhexTable[nextChar]; if (!(hexLow >= 0)) { out[outIndex++] = 37; // '%' out[outIndex++] = currentChar; currentChar = nextChar; } else { hasHex = true; currentChar = hexHigh * 16 + hexLow; } } } out[outIndex++] = currentChar; index++; }
Let's dive into this portion of the code a bit more. So, if the first character is a valid hex code, it uses the character code of the next character as the lookup index for unhexTable. This value is stared in the hexLow variable. If that variable is equal to -1, the value is not parsed as a hex character sequence. If it is not equal to-1, the character is parsed as a hex character code. The function takes the value of the hex code in the highest (second) place (hexHigh) and multiplies it by 16 and adds it to the value of the hex code in the first place.
} else { nextChar = s.charCodeAt(++index); hexLow = unhexTable[nextChar]; if (!(hexLow >= 0)) { out[outIndex++] = 37; // '%' out[outIndex++] = currentChar; currentChar = nextChar; } else { hasHex = true; currentChar = hexHigh * 16 + hexLow; } }
The last line of the function confused me for a while.
return hasHex ? out.slice(0, outIndex) : out;
If we detected a hex sequence in the query then slice the output string from 0 to the outIndex, otherwise leave it as is. This confused me because I assumed that the value of outIndex would be equal to the length of the output string at the end of the program. I could've taken the time to figure out if that assumption was true myself but, to be honest, it was almost midnight and I don't have room in my life for that kind of nonsense that late at night. So I ran git blame on the codebase and tried to find out what commit was associated with that particular change. It turns out this wasn't that much helpful. I was expecting there to be an isolated commit that described why that particular line was that way but the most recent changes to it were part of a larger refactor of the escape function. The more I look at it, the more certain I am that there is no need for the ternary operator here, but I've yet to find some reproducible evidence for this.
The next function that I looked into was the parse function. The first portion of our function does some basic setup. The function parses out 1000 key-value pairs in the querystring by default, but the user can pass a maxKeys value in the options object to change this. The function also uses the unescape function we looked into above unless the user provides something different in the options object.
function parse(qs, sep, eq, options) { const obj = Object.create(null); if (typeof qs !== 'string' || qs.length === 0) { return obj; } var sepCodes = (!sep ? defSepCodes : charCodes(sep + '')); var eqCodes = (!eq ? defEqCodes : charCodes(eq + '')); const sepLen = sepCodes.length; const eqLen = eqCodes.length; var pairs = 1000; if (options && typeof options.maxKeys === 'number') { // -1 is used in place of a value like Infinity for meaning // "unlimited pairs" because of additional checks V8 (at least as of v5.4) // has to do when using variables that contain values like Infinity. Since // `pairs` is always decremented and checked explicitly for 0, -1 works // effectively the same as Infinity, while providing a significant // performance boost. pairs = (options.maxKeys > 0 ? options.maxKeys : -1); } var decode = QueryString.unescape; if (options && typeof options.decodeURIComponent === 'function') { decode = options.decodeURIComponent; } const customDecode = (decode !== qsUnescape);
The function then iterates through each character in the querystring and fetches the character code for that character.
var lastPos = 0; var sepIdx = 0; var eqIdx = 0; var key = ''; var value = ''; var keyEncoded = customDecode; var valEncoded = customDecode; const plusChar = (customDecode ? '%20' : ' '); var encodeCheck = 0; for (var i = 0; i < qs.length; ++i) { const code = qs.charCodeAt(i);
The function then checks to see if the examined character corresponds to a key-value separator (like the '&' character in a querystring) and executes some special logic. It checks to see if there is a 'key=value' segment following the '&' and attempts to extract the appropriate key and value pairs from it (line 304 - 347).
If the character code doesn't correspond to a separator, the function checks to see if it corresponds to an '=' sign or another key-value seperator that it uses to extract the key from the string sequence.
Next, the function checks to see if character being examined is a '+' sign. If that is the case, then the function builds a space-seperated string. If the character is a '%', the function decodes the hex characters that follow it appropriately.
if (code === 43/*+*/) { if (lastPos < i) value += qs.slice(lastPos, i); value += plusChar; lastPos = i + 1; } else if (!valEncoded) { // Try to match an (valid) encoded byte (once) to minimize unnecessary // calls to string decoding functions if (code === 37/*%*/) { encodeCheck = 1; } else if (encodeCheck > 0) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-extra-boolean-cast if (!!isHexTable[code]) { if (++encodeCheck === 3) valEncoded = true; } else { encodeCheck = 0; } } }
There's a few remaining checks that need to be done on any unprocessed data. Namely, the function checks to see if there is one remaining key-value pair that needs to be added or if the function can return on empty data. I assume this is included here to handle edge cases that might occur when parsing.
// Deal with any leftover key or value data if (lastPos < qs.length) { if (eqIdx < eqLen) key += qs.slice(lastPos); else if (sepIdx < sepLen) value += qs.slice(lastPos); } else if (eqIdx === 0 && key.length === 0) { // We ended on an empty substring return obj; }
The last set of checks checks to see if the keys or values need to be decoded (using the unescape function) or if the value at a particular key needs to be constructed as an array.
if (key.length > 0 && keyEncoded) key = decodeStr(key, decode); if (value.length > 0 && valEncoded) value = decodeStr(value, decode); if (obj[key] === undefined) { obj[key] = value; } else { const curValue = obj[key]; // A simple Array-specific property check is enough here to // distinguish from a string value and is faster and still safe since // we are generating all of the values being assigned. if (curValue.pop) curValue[curValue.length] = value; else obj[key] = [curValue, value]; }
And that's it for the parse function!
Alright! I went on to take a look at another function exposed by the querystring module, stringify. The stringify function starts by initializing some required variables. It utilizes the escape function to encode values unless the user provides an encode function in the options.
function stringify(obj, sep, eq, options) { sep = sep || '&'; eq = eq || '='; var encode = QueryString.escape; if (options && typeof options.encodeURIComponent === 'function') { encode = options.encodeURIComponent; }
After that, the function iterates through each key-value pair in the object. As it iterates through each pair, it encodes and stringifies the keys.
if (obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object') { var keys = Object.keys(obj); var len = keys.length; var flast = len - 1; var fields = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var k = keys[i]; var v = obj[k]; var ks = encode(stringifyPrimitive(k)) + eq;
Next, it checks to see whether the value in the key-value pair is an array. If it is, it iterates through each element in the array and adds a ks=element relation to the string. If it is not, the function builds a ks=v association from the key-value pair.
if (Array.isArray(v)) { var vlen = v.length; var vlast = vlen - 1; for (var j = 0; j < vlen; ++j) { fields += ks + encode(stringifyPrimitive(v[j])); if (j < vlast) fields += sep; } if (vlen && i < flast) fields += sep; } else { fields += ks + encode(stringifyPrimitive(v)); if (i < flast) fields += sep; }
This function was pretty straightforward for me to read. On to the last function exposed by the API, escape. The function iterates through each character in the string and fetches the character code that corresponds with that character.
function qsEscape(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { if (typeof str === 'object') str = String(str); else str += ''; } var out = ''; var lastPos = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { var c = str.charCodeAt(i);
If the character code is less the 0x80, meaning the character represented is a valid ASCII character (the hex codes for ASCII characters range from 0 to 0x7F). The function then checks to see if the character should be escaped by doing a lookup in a noEscape table. The table allows characters that are punctuation, digits, or characters to not be escaped and requires that everything else be escaped. It then checks to see if the position of the character being examined is greater that the lastPos found (meaning the cursor has run past the length of string) and slices the string appropriately. Finally, if the character does need to be escaped, it looks up the character code in the hexTable and appends it to the output string.
if (c < 0x80) { if (noEscape[c] === 1) continue; if (lastPos < i) out += str.slice(lastPos, i); lastPos = i + 1; out += hexTable[c]; continue; }
The next if-statement checks to see if the character is a multi-byte character code. Multi-byte characters usually represent characters for accented and non-English letters.
if (c < 0x800) { lastPos = i + 1; out += hexTable[0xC0 | (c >> 6)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]; continue; }
When this is the case, the output string is calculated using the following lookup in the hexTable.
out += hexTable[0xC0 | (c >> 6)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)];
Alright! There's a lot going on here, so I started working through it. The hexTable is defined in the internal/querystring support module and is generated like this.
const hexTable = new Array(256); for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) hexTable[i] = '%' + ((i < 16 ? '0' : '') + i.toString(16)).toUpperCase();
So the output is an array of stirngs that represents the hex character codes for 256 characters. It looks a little something like this ['%00', '%01', '%02',..., '%FD', '%FE', '%FF']. So, the lookup statement above.
out += hexTable[0xC0 | (c >> 6)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)];
The statement c >> 6 shifts the character code six bits to the right and executes a bitwise OR the binary representation of 192. It the concentates the result of that lookup with the bitwise OR of 128 in binary and the bitwise AND of the character code and 63 in binary. So I know that multibyte sequences begin at 0x80 but I couldn't figure out exactly what was going on here.
The next case that is examined is this.
if (c < 0xD800 || c >= 0xE000) { lastPos = i + 1; out += hexTable[0xE0 | (c >> 12)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)]; continue; }
In all other cases, the function uses the following strategy to generate the output string.
var c2 = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0x3FF; lastPos = i + 1; c = 0x10000 + (((c & 0x3FF) << 10) | c2); out += hexTable[0xF0 | (c >> 18)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3F)] + hexTable[0x80 | (c & 0x3F)];
I was genuinely confused by all of this. When I went to do some investigating on this, I discovered that all this hex-related code came from this singular commit. It appears to be part of a performance-related factor. There isn't a ton of information around why this particular methodology was used and I suspect this logic was copied from another encode function somewhere. I'll have to dig into this further at some point.
In the end, there is some logic that handles how the output string is returned. If the value of lastPos is 0, meaning that no characters were processed, the original string is returned. Otherwise, the generated output string is returned.
if (lastPos === 0) return str; if (lastPos < str.length) return out + str.slice(lastPos); return out;
And that's that! I covered the four functions exposed by the Node querystring module.
If you pick up on anything I missed on this annotated walkthrough, let me know on Twitter.
0 notes
allcheatscodes · 7 years
sonic adventure 2 battle gamecube
sonic adventure 2 battle gamecube
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
Easter Eggs
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Use the links above or scroll down to see all the GameCube cheats we have available for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.
Also Known As: Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Sonic Team Publisher: Sega ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: February 12, 2002
Shadow Chao
Hatch a regular Chao egg and only let shadow pet it until its black. Then keep only giving it only green Chao drives until speed is level 15. Also the stamina has to be at level 15. When it transforms it will have green stripes. Keep giving it the chao drives to turn it red. Do the same thing to make a sonic chao but pet it with only sonic until its white. And same thing with the stamina.
Ghost Chao
To make a ghost chao you must buy a white egg from the black market. Its simple after you hatch the egg. Just keep giving it bats and make it a dark chao. Then it will be a ghost chao.
Shadow’s Ancient Light
In the Sky Rail stage, go past the shortcut rocket and jump across the gap. Go past the chao box. The G.U.N. robots will appear. Use your homing attack on them and use it again to access the spring. You will go up and in between a circle of rings is Ancient Light,which allows Shadow to use Light Attack.
Chaos Chao
Feed every kind of animal to your chao only once! After he get the last kind of animal, he will go and turn into a chaos chao. Chaos chaos are immortal, they will never die. There is a neutral, hero, and dark chaos chao.
Sometimes when you’re watching your chao, s/he will. Um. *sigh*. Fart.
Use Omochao As A Weapon
The best stages for this one are City Escape or Dry Lagoon. First get close enough without touching him then pick him up. Run around for a little bit to gain speed then throw him at a robot. The robot will blow and Omochao will fall ready to be picked up again.
How To Make Your Chao Breath Fire
To make your chao breath fire simply go to stage select and then go to the wild canyon stage and get all three chao boxes in any order and you will get a dragon then don’t complete the level go back to stage select do this about two three time till you get at least three dragons give them to one chao and my chao Emmy only breathed fire after I gave her a nut!
Jump Head-Head Game
It�s with Sonic and Shadow in 2 player battle grind race stage. When the rails spin in a certain part of the stage wait for the turning, at the first second jump and aim into an Anubis head, and when you�ve landed, try to make “super jumps” making a spin dash and jumping, you�ll go really high and really fast going forward, and try to land in the next head. If you notice you will no make it to the head make an extra homing attack.
Skull Head Chao
Go to the dark choa garden as knuckles or rouge. Keep diging until you see a skull pot out. Pick up the skull and give it to one of your choas. (if you don’t want the chao to have anything on it’s head you have to jump on it)
Medal On Chao
Win a Chao race or Chao Karate. (I think it only works for Chao race) Your Chao will have a Chao medal on his or her chest.
3rd Mission “Finding the Lost Chao”
This hint will help you if you cant figure out how to find the Lost Chao on the 3rd mission for every level. What you need the most is the mystic melody. You should jump on top of the little statues you find (the ruins) and play it. Something will happen that will help you with finding the chao. EX City Escape: Go through the level until you hit the ground after falling down the building. Go to the left of the tree and *WOW* there is a statue. Play mystic melody on it and a spring will appear by the tree jump in it and you will grab a pulley. It pulls you up and there it is! THE LOST CHAO!!
2P Mini-Kart Racing
To unlock 2P mini-Kart Racing beat the stages “Route 280” and “Route 101”.
Break Through Force Field
This is a very weird glitch and very simple. Just turn the camera to where you are facing the water fall. Go to the far left of the water fall by the plant. Keep doing homing attacks until you break through the force field and split into two. You can float around in the sky and stuff It’s really cool. If you can’t do it look it up on another website or just keep trying.
Speed Up In Single And Multiplayer
First you must obtain the light attack first. Then you go to any of sonic or shadow stages. Find a apeed up item or collect 80 rings and head to a checkpoint. Once you have got the speed up item use the light attack skill and wait until the music is over then let it go. This you got a speed up. Note that if you get hit by any attack you will lose it. You can fall or restart and still keep it. In 2p you have to collect 80 rings and use speed up before you touch a checkpoint or you find a speed up with 20 rings.
Speed Up In Single And Multiplayer
In 1p Obtain the light attack skill then go to any of sonic or shadow stages in the stage select menu. To use speed up find a speed up item or collect 80-89 rings and head to any checkpoints. Once you got the speed up item charge it by using the light attack and wait until the music sequence is over and then let it go and boom you can now go faster. Note that if you get hit by a hazard or get hit by any enemy while still using light attack you will lose it so be careful. If you fall or restart you can still keep it. In 2p with sonic or shadow you can either collect 20 rings and find a speed up item or you can find any checkpoint with 80 rings. Make sure you always use speed first before you get the speed up item otherwise if you use it during the speed up you will run slower. You can fall, restart, etc. And still keep it.
How To Get The Chao In Security Hall
First, kill the spike robot on-screen by continously pressing B. Then, go to your left & jump on the platform where the hint thingy usually is. Jump on the spring & move towards the platform with the hint thingy & omochao are. Jump to grab the lift & jump when you reach the top. Climb up to the top & you will see the yellow A, B, & C thing. Then, without find ur way across the room without dying or falling off. Jump & grab the wall in front of you and climb on ur left to reach the platform where the mystic melody statue is. Then, turn around & glide to the next platform then jump & you will see the chao sitting there.
Quick Way To Get Rings
This way is different then any of the ones i’ve seen. Go to the stage select screen, and choose Route 101 with Tails, it’s the little picture of tails on the highway. Sorry I don’t know where it is in Story Mode. Well play this a couple times, I normaly get aout 200 to 300 rings each time I play, and I suck at the level. Either way, this is a great way to also entertain yourself while your Chao are sleeping!
Hint: Chao Swimming Or Flying:#2
For a swimming type, give a Chao a lot of animals that can swim and yellow Chaos Drives. Note: Swim type animals may decrease other abilities, such as running, power, or flying. At level 3, your Chao will be able to swim. You will soon notice that your Chao swims on its belly.
Hint: Chao Swimming Or Flying:
To get your Chao to swim, give it lots of animals that can swim. To make them fly, give them some flying type animals and bring them to the tallest cliff. Set it by the edge and he/she will walk off and start flying. Note: It may not fly the first time — keep trying.
Useful Shortcuts In
Shortcut #1 There are 2 rockets (the small silver ones you hold onto) in this level. This shortcut comes after the first rocket. You land on a road with one of those rotating pillars you have to somersault underneath. Pass under it and there is a downward hill you have to traverse. When going down, use the spindash to gain speed. At the bottom of the hill you can jump off to the left. Go forward through the air and try to land on a red balloon. This will direct you and get you back on the road, after skipping a chunk of the level. This is quite difficult to do and will require practice.
Shortcut #2 This shortcut is also quite difficult, but more useful and looks very cool if you can do it right. After the second rocket in the level, you go through a checkpoint and down another hill. Do the same thing on this hill, using the spindash to gain speed, but this time jump off to the right. This is hard because there is a loop to the right of the road you are jumping off of. You must master the tight squeeze between the road and the loop in order to make it, because if you hit the loop it will interrupt your path and make you fall. So when you jump off the road and through that tight squeeze, there will be a red, narrow platform below you with a spring on it. If you get close enough you can use homing attack to hit the spring. If this is done correctly you should be able to grind on the whole “golden gate bridge”, skipping another chunk of the level, instead of just grinding on the last segment. NOTE: this shortcut is necessary to use in order to do the 3rd mission of this level.
Easy Chaos Chao
First you have to make shore the chao transformed 2 times (goes into a teared shape cocoon twice) and then make a list of all 21 animals no chaos drives. Cheetah rabbit boar seal penguin otter parrot peacock condor bear tiger gorilla raccoon skunk sheep unicorn dragon phoenix bat skeleton dog and sea monster. Last you have to get the animals and give your chao 1 of each animal and soon after it becomes a chaos chao. There are 3 types the hero dark and neutral chaos chao, to get a specific chaos chao you raise it as a hero dark or neutral chao.
Level Up Tip
There is 1 level up item in each stage for all thecharacters.
Easy Rings Fast
For easy rings go to the chao garden as Knuckles.(Need digging ability) Then Just jump and dig andabout every 8 times you’ll get a pumpkin. When youget one go to the black market and sell it for 50rings, repeat again and again for a fast way toget rings.
When Is My Chao Going In The Cacoon
Your chao will go in the cocoon at ether levelsof 9,1 0 or 11. when its done it will probably be an angel or devil chao.
Shiny Nomal Chao
To get a shiny normal chao, you have to mate with a shiny white chao and a nomal chao.
Transparent Chao!
First buy a shiny Brown egg and a shiny sky blue egg. Then after they become adults breed them. Note: They should have a transparent chao. if they don’t, experiment a little:)
Chaos Chao Garden
To get the “Chaos Chao, garden” raise a “Nuetral, Chaos Chao” you can probably can find out how somewhere on this site.
Find Your Lost Chao
Find the place where you play the Mystic Melody,and then go to the obstacle. Warning: If you do not find the lost Chao, you will find a free life.
Lost Chao In Metal Harbor
Having trouble finding that chao? Well, you have to have Sonic’s bounce bracelet and mystic melody in order to get it. Go through the level until you come to the area (after you do your first ring dash) where the jets bomb you. When you come to the second set of rings, don’t do the ring dash! Go to the left and there’s a little building like thing with different levels. If there’s a chao box, your in the right place. Get in front of the building and bounce with the bracelet to get to the second level. In the room, there’s the infamous ruins. Do the mystic melody and follow the platforms. Soon, you’ll get to that chao. Good luck!
Pool Quest Cheat
In the 2 player mode treasure hunt race in the Pool Quest stage you have to find a enerald underwater this can be hard because you may drown but Chaos Zero will not drown he is made of water try it.
Free Master Emerald Piece
This is very alike to the secret room in Dry Lagoon except it doesn’t take that long. To get a free emerald piece in Wild Canyon, you will see boulders and stones going up with the wind. As you are going up, crash into one of the stones and an emerald piece will be inside. I beat the level in 40.7 seconds and a rank “A” with this hint.
Realistic Effects
I am not sure how this happened, but somehow there is a way to break the screen. I have only done this in City Escape and I think you have to make a GUN robot shoot the screen. When you complete the level, the crack goes away.
Watch TV With Your Chao
If you beat the final challenge race in Chao Stadium, the prize is a miniture red TV. The TV show is Sonic snowboarding down City Escape.
Horse Animal For Chao
In Rouges Dry Lagoon stage find and destroy all 3 chao boxes in the last one their should be a horse animal.
Two Of The Same Chao!
Do you have a very good chao that you want another just like well now you can this is how. First you need a GBA and a GBA and GC link and two memory cards. Put the chao you want two of into the GBA KEEP IT ON get out of the chao place. go on the other memory card go into the chao place and take the chao out and than put it on to the other memory go back to the first memory card and youll see two of the same chao.
A Sad Chao Death
Well, if you have a chao you don’t like, go to the dark garden. Then, go over to the gravestone right below the birdcage hanging from the tree. Next, jump onto the gravestone. From there, jump into the cage and put the chao down. Eventually, the chao will run out of food and die. But, if you put a hero chao in there, they have a VERY limited time to live. NOTE: I have never done this to any of my chao because I think its cruel.*sigh*
Unlimited Chaos Drives Or Animals
O.K, listen up chao breeders, this is a slight glitch that makes it easier to give your chao animals and chaos drives. This takes away the trouble of going and getting more animals/chaos drives. First, you will need to go to the garden with the animal/chaos drive of your choice. Second, get your chao and place him down facing you, and pet him so he won’t move. Then, get the selected animal/chaos drive and stand infront of your chao leaving a chao space inbetween. Then, press the B button and your character will put the animal/chaos drive in the space. Then, your chao will grab it, but intead of raising its stats and the item disapearing, it raises stats and the item bounces right back! Go try it!
Secret Room
Go to the Dry Lagoon stage with Rouge. Go on the ground and walk around until you find a turtle gaurded by two robots. Kill the two robots and follow the turtle. When he is in the water jump on him and press B. When the turtle comes up jump in the water. You should see a smaller turtle swimming (if you don’t, wait until you do). Go very close behind the turtle and press B. You will go through a strong current. When you are out of the current press and hold A until you are above water. I think you can get it from there. Good luck!!!
Sonic Chao
To get a Sonic Chao buy any color egg then when you go back to the garden after buying an egg rock it buy holding B when you pick it up. Give it only green Chao drives and after 2 hrs. of only giving it run/green Chao drives it will be a Sonic Chao.
Shadow Chao
Buy any color egg, when you go back to the garden after buying an egg throw it at a wall and feed it only green chao drives for an hour.
Rouge’s Treasure Scope
Ok. Here is what you need. Rouge’s mistic melady, and the power kick thing. Here is what you do. First, go to the Security hall stage. Then, as soon as you start, turn arround and jump and grab the red handle thing that pulls you up, then go left past the floating robot with a sheld untill you see the box,where you play the mistic meadly. Then, hop on the platforms untill you get to the last one, then break the boxes and, TA-DA! There it is.(For an extra life,turn around and put on the scope.)
Super Fast Money
First get any item that is worth money. Bring it to the chao garden black market. go to sell item and right after you hit sell item and it begins to give you the money press RESET on the box. Don’t shut it off cause it won’t save unless you go to the garden and exit. When you go back to the garden it will be like nothing happened. you’ll have your item and th money you got from selling. so if you hit your chao it will be O.K. cause you didn’t save it before you hit reset.
Chao Trasformation
To get a chao to transform, you must spend a lot of time in the Chao Garden. (I mean A LOT) You need to make your chao 4 years old in game time. (To know how old your chao is, go to the Health Center in the Kindergarten) Once at age four, your chao will either trasform or die. If you treat it poorly, it’ll get a gray caccoon around and die. But if you treat it nicely, a pink caccoon will go around the chao and will come back into an egg. This is what you do to get an Ultimate Light(Hero) Chao, Ultimate Dark Chao, or Ultimate Chaos Chao. Yay!
A Hint To Get Dark Chao
Ok. First, get a Dark fruit. More than 5 at least. Then give them to your chao, if it doesn’t work, go to a action stage and get some rings.(Get more than 120 rings to get a Dark fruit.)Then try to give any kind of fruit, if he doesn’t get it, then bingo, if he does, give him more dark fruits.
Secret Story
When you beat both Hero and Dark story you get another story called last.To get to it go the story select screen.
How To Defeat The Robots W/ Tentacles
When you fight the robots you try to attack them but they hide in their shells. To defeat them just keep attacking eventually they pop out to attack. If you keep attacking you should end up hitting their head. Note: This works best with Tails or Eggman.
Forest In The City ?!?!
This is more of a Glitch than a hint. On the City Escape level when your running away from the G.U.N. Truck you should come to a ramp. DO NOT JUMP OFF IT. You must have a sheild/ring grabber to do this trick. After going past that first rampyou will come to a turn. Jump while your turning. You should hit the top of the truck and lose your sheild/ring grabber and fly over the buildings. Then you will fall and fall and the buildings will become invisible and you will hit a invisible ground and lose all your rings. You will then continue to fall and you will fall into a forest and die.
Chao Evolutions
If you spend 1 hour with wour chao, it will evolve. After another hour it will evolve again. If you give it 1 of every animal, after another hour it will evolve again into a chaos chao. If you don’t give it the animals, the cocoon may turn grey, in which case your chao will be reborn as a baby. If it does not turn grey, it will evolve again to the same chao with a different look. This processcan repeat over and over.
Second Chao Evolution
After a Chao’s first Cocoon evolution, it does evolve once more. However this second evolution is just a gradual change in the appearance.
How To Get Blue Flame On Your Dark Or Hero Choa
Go to pumkin hill and destroy all three choa boxes and there will be a fish animal at the last box. Give that fish to your choa and it will have a blue flame! Warning: It might take more then one,if u give it choa drives the flame will go away,and it will take away the animal parts.
Beat The Bio-Lizard Easily
Start the fight by standing for about 1 second, just enough for him to catch up with you, then run the opisite was, but don’t run to far or you will be chased by his tail. After about 30 seconds he will rest, leaving you on oppertunaty to hit him, grind up the flashing pipe and Home-attack the Red Life Suport System. Now run around again and this time when he stops he will try to shoot you with energy balls, to avoid the high ones, do a sumersalt, to avoid the lower ones, just jump. He should be resting again after about 5 shots. Grind and Home-attack again. For the 3rd hit, he will shoot faster energy balls. Do the same as the last ones, just be quicker with it since he fires more at a faster rate, again when he rests, grind and Home-attack. For the 4th hit, he will now create tiny eggs to atack you, Home-attack them to reach the Life Support System. For the 5th hit, he will make more eggs, but now, like the energy balls they are faster, just Home-attack and hit the Life System. For the 6th and final hit, he will mess with the gravity after the 5th hit and make some more eggs that move in a circle, to make it the his Life System, carefuly make your way to it and Home-attack it.
Make Your Chao A Chaos Chao
To make your Chao the ultimight life form you must let your chao reincarnat at least twice and gie him 1 of evey animal then when he reincarnat’s the 3rd time he should be a adult imortal chaos chao you can see what these chao will look like by racing in hero races and dark races.
Beat Finalhazard Easily
Finalhazard: This guy is fun! The Bio-Lizard hoocked whats left of him to the ARK and plans to still destroy Earth. For the 1st hit, he fires some aggs at you on and off. Just hit the A button to fly up, or the B button to fly down and push forward to move, and if you start to lose rings, go behind the Bio-Lizard to switch Sonic to Shadow and vise versa, but you should just switch when you are about at 5-10 rings. Now that you know the controls, move toward the red swelling area and try to dodge the eggs. (they are easy to dodge on the first hit), press B or A near the swelling area to damage him. For the 2nd hit, he fires some lasers now, just dodge them and hit the swelling area. For the 3rd hit, he keeps the lasers on this time and tries to hit you, they are harder to dodge now, just hit the swelling area. For the 4th hit, he shoots 2 lasers this time, this gets difficult now, try to dodge both lasers and get to the swelling area also, he shoots eggs out after about 20 seconds if you havent hit him yet. For the 5th hit, he shoots eggs and lasers now, try to dodge and hit the swelling area. For the 6th and final hit, he shoots even more eggs and his lasers are more accurate, it is very hard to hit him now, but when you do, you have beat the game!
Dark/Hero Trait Fruit
To make a choa turn hero of dark faster, have them win a couple of races, then feed them a lot of food. After that go to choa kindergarten and buy either hero trait fruit, or dark trait fruit. Then leave your choa alone for a while buy playing with another choa in the same garden, your choa will transform faster than if yo just train and feed it.
Pure Black Chao
To get a pure black chao (not the ones you pet with a dark character) you have to buy it in the tiny chao garden. It 20000 rings but its worth it.
Call Chao
Instead of having to chase down an energetic chao, you can call him to you side. Use the same character to give upgrades to the chow for a little more than 2 years of it’s life.(game time not real time) Use the doctor to determine how long this is. After two years, if th3e chow can walk, you can use the same character it knows to and whistle to call it over. If It’s not sleeping or swimming, it will run over with a smile on it’s face. This won’t work if you hit the chao or do anything that would ordinarily remove a hat.
Hide The Pause Menu
When the game is paused, push and hold X and Y to hide the menu.
Tails Can FLY
Find a place where tails is on foot (chao garden) press and hold A and tails will fly!
Shadow’s Mystic Melody
In the Final Chase get to the pole that has an electric fence all around it get to the top and you will see a square platform with Mystic melody.
While doing a jump press A down the whole time and you’ll do a trick!
Rouge’s Mystic Melody
First you need to go to the Dry Lagoon stage and you need the Pick Nails and Iron Boots power-up items. Next go to the ledge of the top area. (in the small oasis) Then you destroy the iron containers. Then you will see a painting that you can dig into. The Mystic Melody is behind the painting. (if i remember correctly there might be two paintings that you can dig into, if you dont find the Mystic Melody in the one you dug into then try and find the other one)
Tails’ Mystic Melody
First you need to go to the Hidden Base stage andyou need the bazooka power-up. Next you keep going until you see a small pat with a chao box on it. (you might see a chao box before the one that you need to go on but still ckeck it out just in case its the right one and you go past it) Then after you destroy the chao box destroy the iron containers behind the chao box and then you will see the Mystic Melody.
Knuckles’ Mystic Melody
You will need this item if you want to get past the 3rd mission on all of knuckles’ levels. firstgo to the Wild Canyon stage, then go up the air tube then go look around until you find a statue thats alone, then go above it’s head (on the wall)there will be a painting, you have to dig into thepainting then you will drop into another room in there you will find it. Use Mystic Melody when youcome by a little shrine then you will have to do (or go on) whatever happens after a while you willcomplete the 3rd mission. (which is find a lost chao)
Knuckles Sunglasses
Go to the meteor level,when you start you should see a big platform in the middle of the level, go on there and blow every locked door open with the big meteors that are blue to open them. Once you find the metel crate, break it open and there should be a switch, once you hit it, you should see a very short clip of where you need to go and it opening, go down there to get the sunglasses. They will let knuckles see invisibal stuff.
Ring Trick
Beat hero story level final rush, get the mystic melody there. In stage select beat collect 100 rings, when you do the misson, find the lost chao, collect as much rings as possible through the level and go through the back ring at the end, do this until you have 999 rings, this is useful for getting the shiny eggs. NOTE: Don’t get hit by ANY enemy, or you will lose all your rings and only 20 will appear!! When you have 999 rings look for the ruins and play the mystic melody by it, and bounce your way up to the chao!
Review The Cinema
To make it simple, just beat the story’s once and then you can go back to a certain scene and start from there. Each time you exit the story mode you can start from a different scene. This works with the Hero, Dark, and Last scenes.
Extra Abilities
Magic Gloves (Sonic): They allow sonic to change nearby enemies into balls that you can throw at other enemies. After aquiring the bounce attack, go back to the city escape stage. Right after you run vertically down a building, you will see four metal boxes on the floor in front of you. Using the bounce attack, destroy the boxes. Under you are the Magic Gloves.Laser Blaster (Tails): The laser blaster is a booster for your cannon. Whenever you destroy an enemy, there will be an explosion destroying any enemies near it. To get it, go the Prison Lane stage after aquiring the Vulcan blaster. In the last hallway, in which you are separated from the goal by a barred wall, you will see enemies in the room. Destroy them all, and the door will open, allowing you to finish the stage. Instead of finishing the stage though, turn around. There is one enemy in the top left corner. Once destroyed, a door to the left of the goal will open. This reveals four metal boxes. Destroy them and behind them is the laser blaster.
Secret Beetles
You know when you find gold-like beetles. Destroy them very quickly or else they will dissapear. Kill one, you will have an extra 1000 points (not coins).
Secret Dragon In Aquatic Mine
Climb around the tops of the walls in the small circuler room where you get the air necklace.
Knuckles: Air Neckalace
To get knuckles`s air necklace, go to Aqatic mine and lower the water down to 3 (the switch is on the top floor right across from the mystic melody platform). Now go to the floor you started on and run around. Sooner or later you will find a small opening near a GHOST DANGER sign. Drop in and walk down till you find water. Swim down and go through each tube and down into the little drop off. After that you have keep on pressing A to swim up faster. Finally, jump once to reach the Air Neckalace. Swim back down on your way, you will never loose air.
Alternate Costumes In 2-Player Mode
Finish all of the character’s missions.
Unlock Green Hill Zone
Get all 180 Emblems and unlock the 3D version of Green Hill Zone from Sonic The Hedgehog 1.
Challenge Races
To Unlock the challenge races complete all of the chao races.
Alien Chao
Feed your chao lots of yellow animals (this takes time to do so be patient!).Then keep on feeding your chao tellow chao drives.After a while it will starn to turn dark and greenish.Note: This works best in the dark chao garden.Also it will start forming antlers just like alien.
De-leg Your Chao
In Dr.Eggman’s level Lost Colony, when you start go down the hall and in the room to the left should be a bat. Pick it up then go to the choa garden. Give it to your choa. He will lose his legs.
E102 Appearance
In Rouge’s Inside the Pyramid stage, one of the robots you blow up is E-102.
Big The Cat Appearances
In Knuckles’ Pumpkin Hill stage, go to the one of the train gates. You can see Big The Cat hiding behind the gate, waving to you. In the City Escape stage, Big The Cat appears after the last corner in the G.U.N. truck vs. Sonic scene. Look for him at the right of the screen, running downhill on the sidewalk away from the truck. In the Tails stage where you are running from the police and you first get your hover ability, Big The Cat can be seen again. There is a part in the level where you need to knock a column over in order to use it as a step to reach a higher level, from which you hover over to a platform with a police barricade and two robots. If you miss the platform and fall in the hole, you will see Big the Cat sitting on the girders underneath the platform. You can also see him in the battle against Sonic while playing as Shadow.
Quickly Complete Security Hall Stage
In the Security Hall stage you play as Rouge The Bat and are given 5 minutes to complete it. This can be quite difficult. If you have enough lives you can do this trick. If you cannot seem to find the Emeralds, intentionally die. You will keep the existing Emeralds that you have collected. You will begin at the start of the level and the Emeralds will move to different places. This is the fastest method for completing the stage if you are having trouble.
Run On Foot In City Escape Stage
At the start of the City Escape stage, instead of landing on the ground with the board, scrape the roads on the board. When on foot run full speed at a wall and get knocked down. Pause the game if you fall after hitting the wall. Choose to restart the stage to run on foot and not on the board.
Chao Pillow
Go to a Chao Garden and get a coconut. Then with a sleeping Chao, pick up the coconut and put it by the its head. The coconut will act as a pillow.
Pumpkin Head For Chao
Find one of the Skeleton Dogs; the easiest place to do so is the Pumpkin Hill stage with Knuckles, and combine it with your Chao. With either Knuckles or Rouge, start digging around in the Chao Garden. Eventually a pumpkin will appear. If you give it to the Chao mixed with the Skeleton Dog it will put it on its head. If you want to take it off, either throw or hit your Chao.
Good And Evil Chao Races
Get a good Chao and a bad Chao to unlock the good and evil Chao races.
Hero Garden For Chao
Raise a Hero Chao with one of the three Hero characters. Continually feed and train the Hero Chao and it should evolve (creates a tear-shaped “cocoon”). Once it evolves, ascending stairs should appear at the main Chao lobby leading to the Hero Garden.
Dark Garden For Chao
Raise a Dark Chao with one of the three Dark characters. Continually feed and train the Dark Chao and it should evolve (creates a tear-shaped “cocoon”). Once it evolves, descending stairs should appear at the main Chao lobby leading to the Dark Garden.
Hero Or Dark Chao
To make a Chao a Hero, simply use a Hero character and keep petting them. If done long enough, it will go white and be a Hero. To make it Dark, just use a Dark character and do the same thing.
Multi-player Characters
Collect all 180 Emblems to unlock the following hidden multi-player characters:
Racing: Hero Sonic Space Sonic Amy Racing: Dark Shadow Space Shadow Mecha Sonic Shooting: Hero Tails Space Tails Choa Shooting: Dark Eggman Space Eggman Big Hunting: Hero Knuckles Space Knuckles Tikal Hunting: Dark Rouge Space Rouge Chaos
Play As Tikal The Echinda In Kart Mode
Successfully complete all of Knuckles’ stages and missions with an “A” ranking to unlock Tikal The Echinda in kart mode.
Play As Metal Sonic In Kart Mode
Successfully complete all of Shadow’s stages and missions with an “A” ranking to unlock Metal Sonic in kart mode.
Play As Amy Rose In Kart Mode
Successfully complete all of Sonic’s stages and missions with an “A” ranking to unlock Amy Rose in kart mode.
Play As Rouge In Alternate Costume In Kart Mode
Successfully complete all of Rouge’s stages and missions to unlock her in an alternate costume in kart mode.
Play As Knuckles In Alternate Form In Kart Mode
Successfully complete all of Knuckles’ stages and missions to unlock him in his alternate form in kart mode.
Play As Tails In The Tornado 1 In Kart Mode
Successfully complete all of Tails’ stages and missions to unlock him in the Tornado 1 in kart mode.
Play As Shadow In Alternate Costume In Kart Mode
Successfully complete all of Shadow’s stages and missions to unlock him in an alternate costume in kart mode.
Play As Sonic In Alternate Costume In Kart Mode
Successfully complete all of Sonic’s stages and missions to unlock him in the PSO suit in Kart mode.
Bonus Stage
To get a 3D version of the Green Hills Zone stage, from Sonic The Hedgehog, you must get all the Emblems, including Kart, Timed Boss, and the emblems for all “A” rating. Once you have them all, which should total 180, the island next to the Green Forest stage will have the face of Sonic on it.
Last Stage
Successfully complete the Hero and Dark side story modes. Then, enter story mode and a “Last Stage?” selection will appear on the menu between the Hero and Dark selections.
Boss Attack Mode
Successfully complete the Hero or Dark side story modes to unlock boss attack mode. You will be able to fight the bosses from the side of the story you completed.
Kart Racing Mini-game
Successfully complete Tails’ driving quest in the Hero side story to unlock the kart racing mini-game in the Hero side story. Successfully complete Rouge’s chase mission in the Dark side story to unlock the kart racing mini-game in the Dark side story.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Sonic Adventure 2 Battle yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Additional Gardens For Chao
There are 2 additional gamrdens for your Chao to play in. To unlock them, you merely have to get a corresponding chao. To unlock the Hero Garden, Get a Hero Chao. To get the Dark Garden, get a dark chao.
Easter eggs
Eggman’s Volkan Blaster
Go to the iron gate stage when you see a room with a circle of rings stop. There will be two tanks destroy them. I think you can figure out the rest on your own.
Dr. Eggman’s Mystic Melody
You need to go to the Sand Ocean stage and you need the Jet Engine power-up. Then right at the biggening of the stage you will see a spinning platform, then go off to the left and use your Jet Engine to fly over to it. Another hint is that when you get Mystic Melody you will bummed out because you have to finish therest of the stage right? well think again i found out that when you get Mystic Melody for Dr. Eggmanthat if you press start and go to exit that you will still have Mystic Melody! (beware though, i dont know if will work for everyone else but it probally does)
Play As Eggman In Alternate Eggwalker In Kart Mode
Successfully complete all of Eggman’s stages and missions to unlock him in his alternate Eggwalker in kart mode.
Warning/Danger Glitch
This code can only be used in the dark story mode. When you complete the dark story a vidio should come up that shows eggman putting in the last Chaos Emerald. Then the computer screen should say “Warning!”. Then the credits will come up and at the very end, it will show the last scene only the computer will say “Danger!”. It’s very weird.
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
halo 3 odst xbox 360
halo 3 odst xbox 360
Halo 3: ODST cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Halo 3: ODST cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Halo 3: ODST.
Also Known As: Halo 3: Recon
Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter
Developer: Bungie Software
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: September 22, 2009
First, go to Sandbox. Then, go to ball form (edit mode). Find a floating teleporter. Vwala. You’re there.
Kill Wraith Fast
All you have to do is grab a plasma pistol, charge it and shoot it. Run to the wraith and hit the back part of it. NOTE: it’s better if you keep charging your plasma pistol and shooting it so the wraith wont be able to move.
How To Kill A Brute Chieftain Fast
Sometimes Brute chieftains with hammers can be a pain in the butt. I found a way to kill them in seconds. OK, what you do is arm yourself with a plasma pistol and a rocket (if there’s one). First you wait till he’s in range, then you charge up your plasma pistol, fire a full charged plasma pistol at him, he will stop and his shields will be weak enough to be killed with only ONE rocket. Or if there’s a vehicle on the map then you can splatter them head on and instant kill.
Map Over View
On the level sandbox go to it in forge and turn into a robot and look up in the air and you should find a 2 way node fly through it and you should find your self looking down on a grid of the map. Don’t turn back into a human or you will fall and die what you need to do is drop a few things on the grid and then fly over the items you dropped and then you can turn into a human it is also fun to fill up the grid up with any thing to walk on and have fights up there.
Assembly SKULL
On the halo 3 mythic, go to forge and go to assembly and when you start go to the middle of the level and you will see a big tower and from the tower there are two pipes (one on each side)if you turn into the flying robot you can fly up to them and if you go to both of them and look on top of them you will see the skull on the pipe surrounded by orange bars.
Longshore Skull
The skull is located behind a vent by a blue fish sign. The vent overlaps the water. I recommend going in forge mode and getting to it, you might die in the process, so don’t worry if you do it is hard to get behind the vent.
Sgt. Johnson
To get sgt. Johnson, you can only get him by reserving the game. When you reserve it, the store (if it participates in the event) will give you a token with a code to unlock him. This info is useless to anyone after: 9-31-09.
How To Get A Wraith In Firefight
Just start a firefight mission that has a wraith and when the mission starts find a sniper rifle or carbine or anything you can snipe with snipe the gunner this will make it easier hold on to the sniper for later. Run up to it with a plasma pistol overcharge it and put down the wraith use melee to brake open the hatch-the thing in front of the gunner seat then when you can see his head crouch down to were it doesnt say hold rb to jack then hold rb and shoot it with your sniper and voila, you have it note: if you get out it will blow up.
Aa Wraith On Tsavo Highway
Go through the level until you get to the aa wraith items you`ll need:a plasma pistol, and a br55 or ma5c take out the gunner first board it and punch it 2 or 3 times the cockpit door should be busted charge your plasma pistol and shoot it should be down for about 3 to 5 seconds crouch to where it doesn’t say hold rb to board then hold rb and shoot him when he dies you should have jacked the aa wraith.
Easy Triple Kill With Laser
Go to lost platoon on campaign (put scoring on) and use the laser on the wraith and you should get a triple kill or go to firefight (u can put either team or free for all I like team) and go to either lost platoon or ONI alpha site.
Easy Both Tubes Achivement
All you have to do is when you get on the tank give one rocket launcher to a marine riding on it and the other one behind the tank to another and let them take a couple of shots. Give it to the both riding in front and you will get it faster.
Hidden Place On Sand Box
GO to Forge mode and go to sand box. Once you’re in sand box there is a teleporter above the map if you go through it, you would be on top of the map. Also if you delete everything there will be a box in the ground. Delete it and go down the tunnel. Then after that you will reach the secret room. Then all you have to do is have fun.
Toggle Between Pan-Cam And Normal
During a local game hold: Left Analog Stick + Right Analog Stick and press LEFT when “Show Coordinates” is active.
It’s Confidential
On the mission Tayari Plaza a little bit after you meet up with the marine they’ll be one of the roadblock things with an elite dead over it. You go a bit farther and a wall says “BELIEVE” and there will be tons of dead elites. Buck will then ask DARE what’s up with the elitse and she’ll say it’s confidential.
Another Fast Way To Kill A Brute Chieftain
Yes the brute chieftain is a pain but when it comes down to it hes not all that tuff. As he charges toward you with the gravity hammer avoid it and follow close behind and melee it in the back for a quick kill and hes out of your way as well works good for any charging enemies.
Flamethrower Location On Data Hive
On the mission The Data Hive on any difficulty there is a ice covered room. Instead of turning right to get to Dares location you go straight. Then on the right there should be the flamethrower. Then also if you kill 10 enemies you get the I like fre achievement.
Easy My Clothes Achievement
First you overcharge your plasma pistol at a brute. After that you hit be and on the side of your screen it will say “MY CLOTHES”. You must get 10 in one mission to get the achievement.
Kill A Brute Chief With No Ammunition
To save ammo on the gravity hammer user kill him after you get him to swing hit him in the back to assassinate it works when his shield is on to.
Sandbox Secret Room
First and foremost do the level sandbox on forge once you have done that then turn into the robot. In the middle of the map there is a type of pyramid, inside of the pyramid there is a grav lift, the little square where the grav lift is on can be deleted [square looks like part of ground] once deleted there will be a hole where the square was, jump through. You will fall for little while then you will fall into a pretty big room then put whatever you want in the room and play like you would above ground.
Easy Kill
An easier way to kill the big guys with shields and green lasers are hard to beat, but there’s a way to kill them. Any gun would work, preferably a good one. Get close to the brute and when he tries to strike you with his arm, sidestep and get around him. Once around him you shoot, or hit, him in the orange part of his back. Do this a few times and he will surely fall.
There are mongooses in most of the supply caches so look for them.
Sandbox Skull
On halo 3 mythic on sandbox this skull is somewhat hard to get. There is two methods one you can create a tube all the way out to it (by the way its out in the area where you get shot. Out on the edge of the map in a small ditch) using building materials. Another way is two set a trip mine down and set it on instant respawn. Grab it and keep throwing it down time after time until the explode overloading the map. You are free to walk in the area they shot because they don’t shot you. I prefer this way because it is easier but you can try the other method if you like it.
Orbital Skull
On the halo 3 mythic, go to forge and go to the level orbital and when you start walk around until you find a corner at the end of two hallways where you will see two crates and a hallway above with glass windows and the side will have a yellow and black bar with cones in front of it. If you look over the rail you will see steam. Anyway, if you switch to the flying robot and go to the very top you will see two black platforms sticking out of the wall. If you look between them you will see the skull but you can’t get to it so land and turn sideways then switch back to human. Walk around scaling the wall (it may be a little hard to do but if you keep trying you will make it) and then the skull will appear in front of you in the little corner of the black platform.
Toggle Show Coordinates
During a local game hold: LB + RB + Left Analog Stick + A + Up.
Toggle Hide Weapon
During a local game hold LB + RB + Left Analog Stick + A + Down.
Firefight Characters and Missions
“Buck” Firefight Character Complete “Tayari Plaza” on Normal or higher.
“Mickey” Firefight Character Complete “Kizingo Boulevard” on Normal or higher.
“Dare” Firefight Character Complete the Campaign on Legendary difficulty.
“Dutch” Firefight Character Complete “Uplift Reserve” on Normal or higher.
“Romeo” Character Complete “NMPD HQ” on Normal or higher.
Lost Platoon Complete the Uplift Reserve campaign mission on any difficulty.
Alpha Site Complete the ONI Alpha Site campaign mission on any difficulty.
Chasm Ten Complete the Date Hive campaign mission on any difficulty.
Last Exit Complete the Coastal Highway campaign mission on any difficulty.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Halo 3: ODST yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
My Clothes Achievement Glitch
When you kill a jackal with a shield take their plasma pistol and if more jackals are around with shields charge your pistol and shoot their shields and melee them and in the right bottom corner (i think) it will say my clothes and however many kills you got doing this. (it may not work all the time but it worked every time for me)!
Secret Room On Longshore Glitch Video
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Halo 3: ODST yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Full Achievements List
Heal Up: Find your first Medical Kiosk and use it to heal yourself. (5 pts)
Tourist: Access the city map and download it to the VISR. (5 pts)
Dark Times: Kill five of your enemies in VISR mode. (5 pts)
Boom, Headshot: Get headshots in any level using an automag. (5 pts)
Stunning: Use a plasma pistol to stun a vehicle and then immediately kill thedrive. (5 pts)
Ewww, Sticky: Kill 5 enemies in a level using sticky grenades. (5 pts)
My Clothes: Overcharge your plasma pistol and then immediately kill 10 Brutes. (5pts)
Pink and Deadly: Kill 5 enemies using the Needler Supercombine (any covenant). (5pts)
Trading Down: Trade weapons with another character. (5 pts)
Headcase: Finish a level with an active Skull. (5 pts)
Tayari Plaza: Complete the Tayari Plaze level (on Normal, Heroic or Legendary).This will also unlock a Firefight character. (30 pts)
Uplift Reserve: Complete the Uplift Reserve level (on Normal, Heroic orLegendary). This will also unlock a Firefight character. (30 pts)
Kizingo Boulevard: Complete the Kizingo Boulevard level (on Normal, Heroic orLegendary). This will also unlock a Firefight character. (30 pts)
ONI Alpha Site: Complete the ONI Alpha Site level (on Normal, Heroic orLegendary). This will also unlock a Firefight character. (30 pts)
NMPD HQ: Complete the NMPD HQ level (on Normal, Heroic or Legendary). This willalso unlock a Firefight character. (30 pts)
Kikiwani Station: Complete the Kikiwani Station level (on Normal, Heroic orLegendary). This will also unlock a Firefight character. (30 pts)
Data Hive: Complete the Data Hive level (on Normal, Heroic or Legendary). Thiswill also unlock a Firefight character. (50 pts)
Coastal Highway: Complete the Coastal Highway level (on Normal, Heroic orLegendary). This will also unlock a Firefight character. (50 pts)
Completing Campaign on Normal, Heroic or Legendary: Get 100 points for each.Junior Detective: Find your first mystery-unraveling clue. (10 pts)
Gumshoe: Find your third mystery-unraveling clue. (10 pts)
Super Sleuth: Find your final mystery-unraveling clue. (10 pts)
Both Tubes: Kill 10 enemies with the Rocket on Kizingo Boulevard. (5 pts)
Laser Blaster: Kill 10 enemies with the Spartan Laser on ONI Alpha Site. (5 pts)
Dome Inspector: Get 15 headshots in NMPD HQ. (5 pts)
I Like Fire: Kill 10 enemies with the Flamethrower on Data Hive. (5 pts)
Wraith Killer: Kill all Wraiths in Uplift Reserve. (5 pts)
Good Samaritan: Don’t kill any Engineers in New Mombasa at night during the entireCampaign, alone or with another ODST. (20 pts)
Naughty Naughty: Kill 10 Engineers in New Mombasa at night, alone or with anotherODST. (5 pts)
Listener: Find your first Audio Log. (5 pts)
Tuned In: Find 3 Audio Logs. (15 pts)
All Ears: Find 15 Audio Logs. (30 pts)
Audiophile: Find all the Audio Logs in the game. (75 pts)
Be Like Steve: Finish an entire round making only one kill. (5 pts)
Be Like Marty: Finish an entire round without making a single kill. (10 pts)
Scoring more than 200,000 points in Firefight on Crater, Lost Platoon, RallyPoint, Security Zone, Alpha Site, Windward, Chasm Ten or Last Exit: Get 10 pointsfor each.
Vidmaster Challenge – Classic: Complete any level solo on Legendary, on LIVE, withno shots fired or grenades thrown. (25 pts)
Vidmaster Challenge – Endure: In Firefight, on any mission, pass the 4th Set on4-player Heroic LIVE co-op. (25 pts)
Vidmaster Challenge – Déjà Vu: Complete Highway on 4-player Legendary LIVE co-op,with Iron, and no Warthog or Scorpion. (25 pts)
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