#the last palindrome moths
mourningmaybells · 1 year
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there was a sewer woman.
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lailoken · 2 years
The Wending Garland:
Sidereal Rosary of the Wisefool's Craft
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As some of you may remember, around the Spring of 2021, I talked about creating and reworking a strand of devotional beads that I consecrated to the Wending Way. This initial consecration took place on the Spirit Night of Hollantide (Hallowe’en,) preceding the Wisefool’s Sabbath of Hallowmas—day of the Moth, who is emissary of the Dead—and the secondary consecration took place on the diametric Spirit Night of Ampletide (Walpurgis,) which precedes the Wisefool's Sabbath of Amplemas—day of the Snail, who is emissary of the Wild. This timeframe is meaningful, not just because of the holy days themselves, but because of the palindromic number of mystic significance that was present in the 181 days of evolution observed between the formation and reformation. What I share now is the next progression of a triune metamorphosis undergone by the implement I’ve spoken of here previously.
While I had been informed early on that there would be three distinct incarnations taken on by this implement, it wasn’t until the Wisefool’s Sabbath of Gathering Day that I was given clear instruction for this culminative transmutation. Along with a amalgamation of the first and second shapes taken on by the rosary—a strung garland of beads and a chain-linked loop of beads, coming together as a chain-linked garland—I was to incorporate a talisman of antiquity that I had been shown once long before (with the East Anglian triquetra of bronze used in the previous incarnation of the beads now incorporated into a rosary for my mother.) While I thought, when first shown the eight-spoked votive wheel, that I was meant to utilize it as a centerpiece connector in the secondary embodiment of my rosary, when the actual talisman presented itself to me in the physical world, it ended up being given over into the possession of another. It managed to find its way back to me by Grantingmas, however, and by the following sabbath of Savoring Day, all additional pieces had been acquired, and 49 days of specialized saining ensued. At last, upon the Sabbath of Hallowmas—a year and a day from the initial genesis of the instrument—the third and final incarnation of the beads came into being.
The ultimate step in the wending journey of forging this tool was a potent ritual of consecration that took place not long after, on the day of my birth. Therein, I was granted a ‘pure seed’ of the Sidereal Spider’s power, which was bound to a fragment of my Calon—the centralized corpus of my zoetic Spirament, somewhat akin to the ‘auric body’—and sealed within the devotional cord of beads. In doing so, I am given a direct and link to my initiator and Their eldritch inheritance.
The Wending Garland—Rosary of the Wisefool— is dedicated to my Craft, and to all of the powers and forces—Empyreal, Telluric, Aqueous, and Chthonian alike—which have conspired to teach, guide, and mold me as I tread the arcane passages of the Attercob’s Labyrinth. It is used, as it was in its previous embodiments, for prayer, trance-induction, and the Weaving of Cantrips.
This ternary incarnation is composed from:
10 Bloodstone beads (Heliotrope); a tribute to the Ancestors and the blood that ties us together across generations and realms,
10 Spiderweb Obsidian beads (Obsidianus Aranea ); a tribute to the Wyrding Web and its manifold progenitor, the Sidereal Spider,
10 Blue Elvan beads (Welsh Preseli Bluestone); a tribute to the Hidden Folk, and my ancestral ties to their Gloaming legacy,
40 Spirit Beads (Juniper Seed); seeds from my oldest arboreal patron, gathered in my homeland, and fashioned using traditional techniques that utilize the help of Ants in their creation.
9 Stone Beads from riverbeds, beaches, and lakeshores of personal and hereditary significance,
1 Ancient British Tin Votive Wheel (≈ 100 BCE—200 CE, )
And an Iron Ore Hagstone from the shores of the West Country,
For a total of 81 components (a number of great mystical significance, especially within the context of my Craft.)
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graywyvern · 3 years
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( "pareidolia weaponized, black and white" via nightcafe / @capybaradaily / me )
'I saw no living thing within; naught was there but bones.' --Moby Dick
Fingers stiffening on a knife Would carve in air an echo's face, Would wrench the laughter from a rock, From dead things in an empty place.
A star hung on a hollow wind In answer, dares hands hold it still; The desert, silent, taunts to birth A Christ to rape the barren hill.
The stone shall bleed, the black sky burn But when will the giant from slumber stride? How long must we cringe in a pebble's leer, Praising the mountain that watches us die?"
--Lorita Whitehead, Last Poems (1962)
The Grasshopper King.
backyard hark · what a roar making a pool · still i walk around our own
it's so mild and inviting now and for now i am not sick
Dark Dream Scene.
"Moth Ash (palindrome)
Too sere, moths Ah! To meld, arcing In ebony align
I wish to melt ‘Til, little moths, I wing, I lay
No... Benign, I cradle moth ash to Mere soot"
Steven Fraser
El cielo reflejado en el lago.
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mourningmaybells · 1 year
Broke out the ocs for a school requirement
but it happened just in time for the tournament
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
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“I remember a time when I used to walk the length of the island, thinking that every sadness I carried falls away with each step, and wherever my feet landed, a new sprout of flowers would grow to hold my sadness for me.” The coils of her silver hair loosened, probably due to the current humidity, but it’s lack of usual bounciness made Ariela wonder if it was trying to match her sullen mood. Even the ethereal glimmer in her eyes dimmed like a dying torch. Like a sunflower on the first day of June, whatever drew Ariela to her had withered away, and signaled the coming typhoon. The illusion was broken; Nastenka was as much a child as she was.
“Do you still do that,” Ariela asked.
“Sometimes. I don't know. I have my up and down days where I feel sad, but I can't remember why.”
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
(running out of motifs to use for characters) uhhh... claudio serrano is like a slug
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
Det. Buwanhari: My testosterone injections ran out Toyang: That's terrible. I'm 2000 pesos short for my bottom surgery Det. Buwanhari: I can't believe we're both so normal. Ariela: I'm a raised Capitalist!
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
💀 ladyillstonecraftfan4 Follow
Funny story,
only 2 days after the wake, some teenagers were already found conducting a seance. Her body's not there, boys.
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⚔️ toyangdeleonescolar343 Follow
The reunion did not go well
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🧶 ariadnesedec1_e3219 Follow
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i still can't remember my password on Neopets can someone help me out
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
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saul gone
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
bantay brontes is rya’s little guy and he looks like this
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
Charlie: You can't diminish the sanctity of a soul. Women were made as divine imitations of the goddess. Their spiritual energies concentrate in the womb to create life.
Toyang: If I had a working cunt I'd have an abortion every day just for fun.
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
...the cult of clairvoyant kings’ acronym is “tcock”... oh the rebellious youths will have a ball with this
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
TLPM is about one-sided love that drives you to near-insanity btw
(Leandro and his mom, Toyang and Eilie, Ariela and God)
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
Claudio:(talking to Nausica at the balcony, pinot noir in hand) An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, and so I won't be angry with them. I feel as if we have suffered on both sides. I only need their admission of guilt, along with an offering, and they'll be free of their sins. Toyang and Leandro: (looking at the Serrano Villa after all their friends and family died and being put on a dingy boat never to return until now)
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
studying catholic theology, Europe and pyramid schemes to make the worst 1940s catholic, trad wife, ‘feminist’ new wave mystic cult led by a man and female figurehead
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mourningmaybells · 2 years
i realize i do talk about my ocs like booktokers (only talking about tense scenes, one-liners out of context, memes and sex that one time) but, see, I’m not using it to convince you to buy a book i’m being purely self-indulgent and goncharoving so i get a free pass anyways when Toyang left Rya and never talked to her in 50 years and wrote all these letters to her but never sent them, and when Leandro slept on his father’s tomb as a way to try and connect to him
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