#the last time they were onscreen I literally clutched my pillow and went hhhhh
absolute-snzaster · 2 years
ok that last tag ramble post got me thinking and. the only g/rey’s a/natomy character I can think of that I really want to see with a cold is O/wen (probably C/ristina era even though she’s absolutely not my type of caretaker, I just don’t like T/eddy and O/melia was the worst), but there’s another possibility I’m suddenly very, very stuck on:
K/aimelia inducing fic. A/melia confessing the kink and K/ai indulging her like the sizzling hot fuckin babe they are. literally the only thing that’s stopping me from writing this right this second is I’m not fucking smart enough (listen do you really think a neurosurgeon x neuroscientist queer pairing is gonna dive into kink without some sort of discussion of the science behind it. they are not.) 
anyway all this to say. where my g/rey’s a/natomy loving snzfuckers at
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