#the layout was the same one from back when i still had my ipod and stuff from grade 4
munchboxart · 1 month
My jingle and notification sound is now Tomodachi Life theme. Once I make my own icons and decide on a style, it'll be all over
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dreamlover31 · 3 years
Love Will Find a Way: Chapter 31
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Alexa walked through the door, she hung up her purse on the coat rack then dropped her keys in a small, ceramic tray that sat on top of the small table beside the door.
When she placed her jacket on the second hook, a moment of pause struck as the faint sound of soft instrumental music sparked a sense of curiosity within, with furrowed brows to match her state of confusion, Alexa carefully crept up the stairs to investigate the strange occurrence.
By the time, she reached the top, it became apparent that the sound was coming from the bedroom, the door was opened slightly ajar while she stood in front of it. Slowly, her fingertips pushed it further outward until the whole scene came into view, dark brown orbs filled with wonderment at the decadent layout; there were tea candles burning on top of the dresser across from the bed, an Ipod touch plugged into a docking station parked in between them, the same soft, almost sensual like music that was heard earlier echoed throughout the room.
Her attention shifted from the dresser to the bed, where right in the middle, a small garment was sprawled out on top; Alexa took a few steps forward, then stopped at the foot of the bed, the lightweight piece of fabric hung between her fingers once it was removed from its spot, upon further inspection, Alexa formed the conclusion that it was a form of lingerie.
The material was decked out in white, the top half was covered in Chantilly lace while the bottom half flowed out in a sheer color that matched. A small giggle escaped her lips as she draped the babydoll over her clothed figure, at that point, she headed into the bathroom to peek at her reflection in the mirror behind the door, while one hand held the seductive piece of lingerie, Alexa attempted some amateur modeling moves with her lips pouted and hair being lifted upwards with the other.
Unbeknownst to her, a tall figure entered the room, his dark green orbs watched the young woman enact playfully at the mirror; suddenly, he spoke:
“Do you like it?”
Alexa gasped then jumped slightly at the sudden interruption, after a quick recovery, she turned in the direction of where the voice originated from, only to find that it was none other than Rafael, Alexa mimicked Rafael’s trademark smirk as an attempt to regain some level of dignity. A moment of awkwardness ensued before she replied:
“Did you do all this?”
Once again, his attention was drawn to the small piece of fabric draped over her body, so he asked again:
“Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful…but I’m not sure it will fit me”
“Oh, it will…it’s maternity lingerie”
Alexa smiled at him, her feet crossed the small distance between them and placed a tender loving kiss upon his lips, intermediately, their eyes locked onto each other. It was palpable how much love she felt in that moment, the object of her adoration and affection had gone to so much trouble to display such a grand romantic gesture, and yet there was a brief period of disbelief due to this sudden change of behavior, recently, the two of them had yet to regain intimacy since blowback over her indiscretion with Sean.
His gaze never wavered and yet, as he peered into the depths of those dark brown irises, Rafael could tell that she was a million miles away, it was at that point his hand landed on her shoulder.
“Hey, are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…it’s just…why did you do all this?”
His hand switched positions to where it cradled against the right side of her face, she leaned into his touch; at the same time, his expression faltered.
“Because I haven’t been fair to you…I know you’ve been trying to win back my trust and I’ve been dismissing them because of my wounded pride…at one point, I thought that if it happened once then it would happen again”
“It won’t, I promise”
“I know, I know…look my point is, I want to trust you again and I thought I would start with this”
Alexa kissed his palm in the same instant her hand slinked up and clasped on top of it, he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear with his free hand, in a hushed tone; he insinuated that she changes into the babydoll and show off some more of her modeling moves, the two of them shared a few chuckles as Alexa playfully smacked his arm.
She turned on her heel in the direction of the bathroom until Rafael grabbed her arm, Alexa gave Rafael’s face a once over for any signs of worry when their eyes met, but found none.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, I was just going to ask you if you still had that shawl you bought during our trip to the Rockaways”
“Yeah, I still have it”
“Good…because I want you to wear it with this”
Alexa grinned mischievously, “Ok”
Rafael released his grip from her arm then Alexa retraced her steps before making a stop at the dresser, she opened the middle drawer and found the crocheted shawl. With both items in hand, she stepped through the doorway into the bathroom, as soon as the door closed, Rafael quickly disrobed apart from his boxers, he propped himself on the edge of the bed during Alexa’s absence. After five minutes passed, he began to express concern.
“Are you alright in there?”
There was a hint of hesitance in her voice when she retorted, “I’m fine”
“Doesn’t sound like it”
Other than the music that continued to fill the room, there was a period of tension filled silence.
“Sweetheart, come on out…I want to see you”
“You’re going to laugh at me”
“No I won’t, I promise”
Within a few seconds, the bathroom door started to slowly creep open while his body still faced forward, then when it was free of any obstruction, Alexa sauntered out fearing that Rafael would take one look at her and see how ridiculous a pregnant woman looked in sexy lingerie, but to her amazement, the moment she peered into his eyes, there was nothing but pure lust and arousal.
His eyes drifted downwards taking in every inch of her, he couldn’t get enough of how it accentuated the newfound curvatures of her body and flattered her enhanced bust line, in that instant, he stood up from the bed and stepped to her. A small smile appeared on his face as he lovingly stared into the dark brown orbs filled with light.
“You are so beautiful”
Alexa’s face became flushed in a light shade of pink, her focus never left his as she relaxed her shoulders to the point where the loosely wrapped shawl fell to the floor, her hand reached for one of the straps attached to the babydoll, but then Rafael ceased her movement.
“No, let me”
Alexa nodded lightly, Rafael slipped his fingertips under the strap then pulled it down, he pressed his lips onto Alexa’s and began a slow pace downward, Alexa tilted her head back to give him more access; soft moans and whimpers emanated from her lips as he placed small wet kisses on her collarbone. Rafael’s other hand came up to pull down the remaining strap, Alexa stilled herself as the white laced garment glided down her body, it pooled around her ankles, meanwhile, Rafael laid both hands on her hips.
A marathon of slow, tender and sweet kisses nearly consumed Rafael and Alexa until there came a brief intermission for when he needed to catch his breath. Suddenly, his mouth melded with her breast, Alexa’s breathing became shallow as Rafael used his tongue to increase her pleasure along her nipple.
“Oh Rafi…Ohhh…mmmm”
His hand slid from her hip to the remaining breast where he stroked it with a soft caress, at the same time, Alexa was panting and moaning in tune with the music still being played; her arousal increasing with every sensational touch, fireworks were going off in her head and her body felt like it was on fire.
At that moment, Rafael paused his actions, which caused Alexa to whine in disappointment, he gave her a cheeky grin as he got down on his knees; with the lingerie and shawl gone, Alexa donned only a pair of white laced panties, to which Rafael discarded with his fingers hooked onto each side while they slid down her legs. As she stepped back from the circle of clothing, Rafael returned to his former position until they were facing each other again.
“Lie down on the bed”
Without argument, she pulled back the covers and slipped underneath, but not before she shifted her body to where she was laying on her side to accommodate her growing belly, Rafael slipped off his boxers then joined Alexa inside their bed, he carefully slid along side her.
Alexa pressed her back on his chest as his arm coiled around her belly, she giggled as he playfully nipped at her ear as her arm reached behind him until her fingers landed on the back of his neck; she guided him down to her neck where he nuzzled against it and started an onslaught of soft kisses.
Alexa purred at the overwhelming sensation of his lips caressing her hot skin, she tilted her head to where they were nose to nose with each other, at which point they were enthralled in a display of passionate kissing; their tongues moving in sync with each other.
During the act of unbridled passion, Rafael’s own arousal began to show signs that he was ready to elevate things, with a hand wrapped around Alexa’s leg, he draped it over his own then he carefully aligned himself with her entrance and slowly pushed forward inside her.
Alexa gasped as he began a series of slow, gentle thrusts, they were still facing each other when a collection of moans and grunts breathed into their mouths, a few more passionate kisses ensued as Alexa’s orgasm was nearing its peak. Rafael wasn’t too far behind, his hand slipped between her legs where he pressed his fingers upon her clit and started tracing small circles upon it.
“Oh, god Raf, don’t stop…I’m almost there”
Rafael shifted his body then with a well angled thrust, Alexa cried out in pure ecstasy while she grasped the sheets, a mixture of sighs and grunts of satisfaction flowed outward between them as Rafael came undone behind her, after a few minutes, their breathing slowed and Alexa turned to face Rafael once again.
“That was…amazing”
Rafael chuckled, then his hand came up from under the sheets, his fingertips stroked her cheek as their posture remained unphased; Alexa took him by the hand, with their palms flattened, her fingers slid up against his, she smiled sweetly as he kissed her fingertips.
“Marry me”
Alexa narrowed her eyes then laughed lightly, “It was good for you too huh?”
“I’m serious”
At that moment, Alexa glanced at him cautiously.
“Rafael…are you sure?”
“Of course, I am, after everything we’ve been through…I know in my heart that you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I found love again because of you, and from that love…we’ve created something even more beautiful, together we’ll watch her grow and have the privilege of being a part of every single one of life’s special moments…and during our final years, we’ll spend the days playing in a roomful of grandchildren and watching the sunset on our porch”
Alexa’s eyes welled up, it was like something out of a fairy tale, finally after all the heartache and loneliness, she had found a man who makes her feel special and adores her little quirks and eccentricities. This is the happiest moment of my life…I look forward to the days where the best part is waking up to his smiling face, where we spend our days together no matter what we do…but most importantly, just knowing that we love each other fiercely to where nothing can come between us. Rafael stared at her rather nervously when she didn’t answer, finally, he decided to reiterate his proposal.
“Alexa…you kind of need to say something”
“Oh…yes, I will marry you”
They smiled up at each other then shared one more kiss, after being completely drained of their energy, Rafael and Alexa snuggled up under the covers. Their hands comingled on top of her belly, before they drifted off to sleep, their little one gave a small nudge; they took it as a sign that she was just as excited as they were that their little family was about to be complete.
Tagging: @madpanda75 @laceybellerain @southern-magnolia @tropes-and-tales @teamsladsandgents @madamsnape921 @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @glimmerglittergirl @beccabarba
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What would you say is your favorite food? Scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese, bologna sandwiches, ramen, and pizza.  What color eyes does the person you like / love have? Are they pretty? I don’t like anyone in that way currently. What was the first television show you were obsessed with? Barney. I watched it over and over. There was a Barney in concert special that my mom recorded for me that I had on repeat haha. Do you like Mexican food or any other foreign foods? Yeah, I like some Mexican, Italian, and Chinese food.  What color is the keyboard you are currently using? Black and the letters/numbers/symbols are white.
Do you own any of those ‘chunky’ and cute rings? No.
What are you planning on eating for dinner tonight if you haven’t already? I don’t know. Do you own an iPod or MP3 player? If so, when did you get it? I have my iPod Touch still, but I haven’t used it since like 2012. Would you rather write a report or type it on a computer? I definitely would rather type it out, which is how I did all my essays in school since high school. The only time I had to handwrite something like that was for class assignments and exams. What color was the last jacket or hoodie you wore? Black. Do you receive more compliments or insults on a daily basis? I rarely get compliments. I insult myself all the time. Who is the lead actress / actor from your absolute favorite movie? I have many favorite movies, I can’t choose just one. Can you recite the alphapet backward? Yeah, it’d just take me a little bit longer. Do you eat chili when you get a hotdog, or do you like it plain? Sometimes I did that. I’m very weird with hot dogs. They’re not my favorite food by far, but sometimes I can eat one. Chili made it better. However, I do really like hot dogs from Costco.  Would you say it’s easy for people to make you smile or laugh? Usually.  When was the last time you went on vacation? Where was it? My birthday weekend back in July to one of my favorite touristy places. How many states have you been to in your lifetime? 3, apart of course from my own. Do you and your friends normally say you love one another? I had a friend who said that sometimes. I don’t know, I always felt weird saying it to friends. I’m not the lovey dovey type. I never throw those words around loosely. Have you ever been an outcast at your school or anywhere else? Yeah, I surprisingly went pretty unnoticed for being the only student there in a wheelchair. Do you own any dresses? If so, what colors are they? Yeah, a couple black ones and a teal and white one. Would you say you drink more pop / soda than you should? The only time I have soda now is when I take my medicine. I crush my medicine cause I can’t take pills, so it’s basically like a shot of soda a few times a day. I used to be someone who drank a can a day, but that changed about 2 years ago. Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast? Ew, neither. Give me coffee. How many different colors has your bedroom been painted? The walls were white when we moved in and we’ve never painted them.
Do you cuss? If so, do you ever cuss in front of your parents? Sometimes. I never cuss in front of my parents, though. It’s weird that I’m old fashioned or something about it cause my parents aren’t like that at all. I mean, my dad doesn’t cuss a lot, but my mom kind of does. I just feel weird. *shrug* Now it’s gone on so long that it would be pretty wild if I just shouted out “fuck” one day lmao. Would you ever tell your mom about the things you’ve done sexually? No. My mom and I are close, but that’s something I just wouldn’t share.  What was the worst news you’ve heard this entire week? I haven’t heard any bad news so far this week... Have you ever been in a car wreck? No. Do you have your ears pierced? If not, what do you have pierced? Yeah, just my earlobes. Has anyone ever told you that they think you have ADHD? No.  Do a lot of people understand you completely? Who does exactly? I don’t think anyone could understand anyone completely. I know I definitely don’t even understand myself completely. How is the weather outside right this second? 63F. Do you have a lot of trees around your house? What about buildings? Yeah to both. Have you ever disowned anyone in your family? For what reasons? No. Have you ever seen That 70’s Show? Do you watch it regularly? I watched it during its original run. If you could choose, what decade would you rather live in? I liked living in the 90s and early 2000s. How often would you say you get sick? I always feel sicky on some level or another, but as far as things like colds go it’s actually pretty rare. I got hit hard earlier this year with the flu and bronchitis, but that was the first time I had been sick like that in a few years. It surprises me because I feel like my immune system is shit. Is there anyone out there who has hurt you so much, you wish they’d die? No. Has anyone ever called you a socio-path before? No. Do you mind it when surveys ask you really personal questions? Nah. If I don’t want to answer something then I won’t, but ya’ll know I’m pretty open. When was the last time you told someone you love them? Earlier. Which one would you like more: kiss on cheek / kiss on neck? Neck kisses are nice. Does it bother you when people steal your stuff on MySpace? Lol I remember when people would get upset if you had the same layout or something.  Who would you say is the best actor / or actress in your opinion? There’s many talented actors and actresses. How many times have you been drunk in your life? Several times. What would you do if the last person you kissed said they hated you? That would really come out of the blue at this point. I don’t know what would make them say that now or why they would harbor such strong negative feelings towards me. I’m sure I’d ask him those things. Do you ever think you might be pregnant? I know for a fact that I am not. When was the last time you acted really immature? I don’t know. I get my moody moods and get upset over really stupid things. I’m a big baby. Do you enjoy watching comedies or horror movies more? I enjoy both. I’ve really gotten into horror movies these past few years.  As a child, did you ever have an imaginary friend? No. Does anyone call you baby? Who would that be? Nope. Can you rely on one or more people to take up for you? Yes.
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maevefiction · 6 years
Your Light in the Mist - Chapter 11
More than a week had elapsed since my last yoga session, and I was pleasantly surprised at my lack of stiffness. My iPod sat silent in the grass next to my mat…the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks proved to be the only music I required. Especially at six in the morning. The sun had just begun to rise behind us, its warmth exacerbating the flush my workout normally provided.
Simon’s skill level was far, far above mine, and some of the poses he worked through made me stop dead in my tracks as I admired the way his body seemed to defy the very laws of physics. He volunteered to work with me whenever we had the time, and I gratefully accepted, though I fully understood that a grace such as his was something that couldn’t be taught.
We chatted while cooling down, learning that our birthdays were only a day apart, his on October 30th, mine on October 31st. He found my being a Halloween baby hilarious, and I was tickled that we shared the same astrological sign. Fellow Scorpios - no wonder he’d liked my tank top. I tried to get him to reveal his birth year, but he adamantly refused until I offered mine up first. The look of delight on his face as he screeched out ‘me too!’ was adorable, and when he high-fived me and christened me his sister from another mister I embraced him and kissed his cheek, grinning at the lovely blush it caused.
I took a seat at the patio table and opened my laptop with the intention of starting work on Tom’s website design. Simon sat next to me, both of us facing the ocean, and he began typing away on his phone. He harrumphed and gave me some wicked side eye.
My brow furrowed. “For fuck’s sake, what NOW?”
He showed me his screen, scrolling through his inbox. “Seven more since last night. You’ve made an awful lot of extra work for me, woman.” I rolled my eyes. He turned on his chair to face me. “I’m curious, though…I thought you just lectured to and consulted with PR firms, which would mean their actual clients wouldn’t know much about you at all. So, it’s kinda surprising that an artist would be willing to jump ship and leave their current rep in the dust to wind up where you are, wouldn’t you say?”
I sighed and finished editing my open layer in Photoshop before replying. “I started out working directly with clients. My first was Anne Rice. She’s is a family friend and was willing to give me a cha…”
He put a hand on my shoulder and shoved. “GET. OUT. I’m assuming this means you’re from or lived in New Orleans at some point? But it mustn’t have been for long, because you have zero accent.”
“Your assumption is correct. Born there, raised there, relocated to New York City in 1998.”
He nodded emphatically. “So you dumped the accent. Understandable.”
It was my turn for side eye. “I didn’t dump it. It just…faded.”
He snorted. “Whatever you say, Maude.”
I pinched his arm, reveling in the resulting squeal he emitted. “Faded. I’m like a chameleon with accents. Soon I’ll be picking up your dialect and sounding like a pretentious asshat, too. In which case, you have my permission to kill me.”
“You can call me anything you like as long as you solemnly swear to take me to Mardi Gras next year.”
I rolled my eyes and held up my hand, palm towards him. “Simon. Please. I don’t think you’re ready for that sort of thing. But, if you start training now, we might be able to pull it off.”
He tilted his head like an oversized puppy. “Training for what? Drinking heavily? I’ve been training for that for years.”
“No. Throwing beads into the crowd. And doing the princess wave.” I demonstrated both. “Because if we go, you must ride on a parade float. It can be arranged. I know people.” I frowned. “At least, I used to know people. Anyway, what I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted was that she was my first client, and it gave me a lot of clout. For which I am eternally grateful. I moved on after three years or so with her and began working directly with clients, most of whom were too small to have a decent PR firm behind them. I did everything, created websites, set up Facebook accounts, provided instructions on how to post, when to post, what to post, yada yada. Lots of hand holding and cajoling. Word spread, and bigger names took notice, which led to PR firms hiring me to work one-on-one with their clients for a specified duration. Most of them already had websites in place, so my focus shifted entirely to social media. In early 2010, I was invited to speak for two hours at a PR conference in San Diego…they wanted me to lecture on enhancing client reputation through social media. It was winter in New York, and they were willing to pay for my travel expenses so I thought, California? Fuck it, why not?”
Simon’s legs were crossed, his upper body leaning in towards me as he listened attentively. I had paused, and he motioned for me to continue.
“So, I spoke for two hours and they handed me a check for three thousand dollars. That was more than I normally made in an entire week and it blew my tiny little mind.  It seemed to be vastly less stressful than dealing with super huge egos and non-tech savvy artists and damn, the money. I adjusted my entire business model, and within a month I was turning down engagements because my calendar was full. PR firms were still asking me for assistance, so I set up a consulting procedure wherein I’d outline a plan for them to implement, collected my fee and was on my way. It was all so…easy.”
He laughed loudly. “And you decided to work for Prosper why?”
“Because my ‘easy’ job and the cash it generated had taken over my entire life. I was the job and the job was me. Much to my surprise, lecturing and consulting long term turned out to be a soul sucking bore…and it transformed me into a miserable drudge. I am, at heart, a creative individual and I missed doing graphic and website design, photography, and learning new things. Terribly. Working for Prosper allows me to do all that again, and then some. That’s why.”
He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his chin with one hand. “And I’m sure it has nothing to do with the exquisite creature sleeping soundly in your bed right now.”
“No, it doesn’t. He was actually the reason why I seriously considered declining Luke’s offer.” Simon looked puzzled, but I didn’t elaborate. “So. Why did you leave such a prestigious position at the Dorchester to become a PA? Just for Luke? Or is there more to the story?”
He grinned. “Damn, turned it right around on me, didn’t you? Touché, my friend. I went to university for business management and administrative assistance, and worked in the field until 2005. Cooking had always been my passion, and I had some sort of spiritual awakening wherein I decided I absolutely needed to become a professional chef or else I would shrivel up and die. So I did. I moved from place to place, learning, working, partying my ass off, and finally landed the sous chef spot at the Dorchester in 2009. It was dandy at first, but as the years passed I felt like I’d grown stagnant, doing the same thing night after night, having little input on menu changes and so on. Like you, I was bored. I was averaging 70 hours a week in that kitchen, cut off from the world, and it hit me that all I had gotten out of it was a nicely padded bank account…and that there was no one to share it with. I’d always loved being around lots of people, and there I was seeing nothing but the same damn faces day in and day out. In 2013 I happened across Luke’s ad, reworked my resume, and the rest is history. Unlike you, though, I don’t think I would have taken the job if it wasn’t for him, because the salary was abysmal. As soon as I saw him, I knew. He was it. The one. Love at first sight. I thank my lucky stars every single day that he felt the same way.”
After wiping the tears from his eyes, he took hold of my hand. “Maude, I don’t know if he’s mentioned it or not, but Tom’s had a rough time of it lately, and I’m so, so happy that you’ve found each other.”
“Me too, Simon.” I smiled, letting go of his hand. “Now, please, for the love of all things holy, shut your cake hole so I can get some work done, okay?”
“God, you are such a bitch.”
“I am. And you’re still talking. Cease.”
We worked quietly, side by side, until Luke poked his head out the doors to inquire as to when Simon planned on getting his butt in the kitchen and making some breakfast. As he got up from his chair, he peered over my shoulder at my laptop screen. I had a basic layout set and was in the process of choosing a color combination that would contrast perfectly.
“Wow, that’s a right brilliant color palette you have there, Maude. Is that for Tom’s site?”  
I nodded. “Does it look…familiar?”
He stared. “Yes…maybe…should it?”
I opened the tab that contained the HD photo of Tom’s eye that I’d drawn all my color options from. “Tada.”
Simon poked my shoulder and called for Luke to come see. He padded out onto the lanai, looked over my shoulder, nodded, then put his hands on his hips.
“So, when are you going to use your magic to revamp the Prosper site?”
I closed my laptop and put my head in my hands, then pushed my chair back and went to wait in the kitchen, muttering to myself about peace and solitude and how I couldn’t find any even though I was in paradise.
Tom bounded our of our bedroom just as Simon was plating our pancakes and bacon, freshly showered, wearing a pair of faded, loose fitting jeans and a tight, light blue V-neck tee. I leaned back on my bar stool and around the counter to look at his feet. Scuffed, well-worn boots. When my eyes finally made their way up to his face I was greeted with a dazzling, toothy smile. I groaned.
Simon pinched his cheeks. “Lovely of you to join us, Thomas.”
Tom lowered himself elegantly onto the stool to my right, resting his hand on my spandex-clad thigh as he leaned in to kiss me.
“Good morning, Maude. How was yoga?”
“Spectacular, actually. Simon and I had a lovely chat and I even managed to get some work done in spite of it.” He laughed and began slowly sliding his hand up my leg, edging ever closer to the apex of my thighs. Simon set our plates in front of us, raising a brow as he spied what Tom was up to.
“Um, excuse me. This is a fine dining establishment, people. No foreplay is permitted.” I glanced up from my plate and saw Luke directly behind him, hand cupping Simon’s ass.
“Whatever, asshole.” I pointed at my short stack. “Do you have syrup for these?”
He pulled a pot off the stove and spooned some of its contents onto them. “Made with fresh pineapples. Especially for you.”
All eyes were on me as they waited for a reaction. I broke off a hunk of pancake with my fork and shoved it in my mouth. “Mmm, yummy. Thank you.” Luke looked at Tom, who shrugged. I took another bite of breakfast. “Yeah, nice try, losers. I happen to like pineapples. Just not on pizza.”
Tom put his arm around my waist, pulled me to him and kissed the top of my head. “I had nothing to do with this. I swear it.”
I said nothing, ripping off a piece of bacon with my teeth instead. He tapped his fork on his plate.
“So, Maude, I was thinking…maybe we could take a ride out to Talk Story today? I called to see if Alani would be in, and she is.” I spun the stool around in his direction, dumbfounded. He smiled. “I did say I’d go back to meet her, did I not?”
“Yes. Yes you did.” I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. “What an amazingly generous thing to do. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me just yet. You’re going to be the one in charge of crowd control.” He stole a strip of bacon from my plate and swallowed it down before I could even muster a protest.
“I’d rather corral a group of a hundred people than have to sit next to you while I’m trying to eat a fucking meal, bacon stealer. And everything else stealer.”
He snickered, and I wolfed down the rest of my food, rinsed my dishes, put them in the dishwasher and headed for the bedroom, finally noticing that Luke and Simon had disappeared. I wrote a giant ‘thanks for breakfast’ on the chalkboard in the kitchen and drew a smiley face to go with it, figuring we wouldn’t be seeing them again before we left.
*************************************** After my much needed shower, I wound up standing in my underwear, staring into yet another wardrobe wondering what the hell to wear. Tom looked too damn good for me to get away with shorts and a T-shirt, and my black tank dress just didn’t scream ‘please behave and listen to the nice lady’. Tom was waiting patiently for me, sitting at the desk answering emails and returning calls. I looked at his boots, then back and my limited selection of dresses. The brown chiffon galaxy print sleeveless wasn’t an exact match, but pretty damn close. I pulled it off its hanger and laid it on the bed so I could unzip the back without it winding up on the floor, chastising myself for giving in to my everything-must-coordinate OCD once again. I slipped it over my head, put my arms through the proper holes and managed to zip it up on my own, then went into the bathroom to figure out a hair strategy.
I’d just wrestled it into a braid when I overheard Tom talking in the bedroom.
“How’s Los Angeles? Elsa? Kids? Good to hear. Oh, she’s unbelievable, Chris. Here, I’ll take you in and you can meet her.” He came around the corner carrying his open laptop.
“Chris Hemsworth, Maude Gallagher.” He turned the screen toward me, and there he was, Thor, God of Thunder. In my bathroom. He held up a hand in greeting.
“Hello, Maude. Nice to meet you. See you? Skype you?” He face palmed. “I have no idea what the correct terminology is.” I heard a woman yell in the background that meet was fine and for him to bring the tablet over to her so she could see me. He got up and walked into another room, and a beautiful blonde woman came into view alongside Chris. She waved madly.
“Look at you, you’re gorgeous. A natural beauty. And that dress…I am in love with it. You must tell me where you found it.” Her accent was a delight. She grinned. “I’m Elsa, by the way. Tom has told us so much about you I feel like I know you already.”
I waved at them. “Hi there. Lovely to meet you both. I’d like to say Tom has told me so much about you, but that would be a big fat lie, so suffice to say I’m sure he will tell me so much about you when we aren’t quite so…so…shit, what’s the word I’m looking for here?”
Tom moved to stand next to me, shifting the laptop so we were both visible, smirking. “Preoccupied. The word you’re looking for is preoccupied.”
They laughed, and Chris grabbed at Elsa. “Remember when we were always preoccupied?”
She slapped his hand. “Oh yes. I do.  And that’s why now we’re preoccupied with three little ones, my darling Christopher.” I heard children crying in the background. Elsa said a quick goodbye and ran off, and Chris followed suit so he could assist.
Tom put the laptop on the counter and pulled me to him, hands on my ass as he pressed me up against his crotch and rammed his tongue in my mouth, then backed away quickly, leaving me panting. “Well, I guess we should get going.”
I shot him a scathing look. “We should. But I have to pee first.” He walked out into the bedroom. As I sat on the toilet, I weighed my options for getting even. I mentally high fived myself as I pulled my underwear off over my feet and left them on the bathroom floor.
*************************************** We parked a block down from Talk Story, and I scouted ahead and left Tom in the Jeep. My gladiator sandals clicked on the sidewalk as I half-jogged to my destination, anxious to see if Alani was at the desk. She was, and I texted him to come on down. He ran to meet me, and I stopped him from holding the door for me and letting me go in first.
“Nope, you should be the first thing she sees.” I had my phone all ready to go in order to capture the moment, planning on sending her a copy as a keepsake. He walked through, and she looked up as the bell dinged to announce that someone had entered the store and the look on her face was one I knew I’d remember forever. He approached her, hand extended, and I was right behind him.
“Hello, Alani. I’m Tom.” She remained motionless. He turned to me. “This is Maude. We were here on Monday, and she told me that you’re a fan of my work and would perhaps enjoy meeting me.” She nodded, gingerly lifting her arm up but unable to make herself grab his hand. He took the initiative, holding it to his lips and kissing it demurely. She squealed, so high pitched I thought my ears might bleed. Four other girls came running out of the stacks, took one look at him, and began jumping up and down, screaming, phones in hand. I stopped filming so I could set the boundaries before any issues arose, stepping between them and Tom.
“Hi, ladies. I’m Maude, Tom’s social media manager. Let’s go over some ground rules, okay?” They lowered their phones and nodded. “Tom wants to be able to take pictures, sign for and chat with all of you, but in order for him to be able to do so you need to make sure you don’t post anything to social media until after we leave the premises. No texting or calling, either. If a crowd turns up, we’ll have to cut things short, and where’s the fun in that?”  
A husky, bearded, bespectacled man came out from the stacks, wearing a white and green palm leaf print Hawaiian shirt and khaki hiking shorts. “Girls, what the heck is going on up here? Why all the screaming? You know people prefer quiet when they…” He stopped short when he saw Tom, his mouth dropping open, then quickly closing as he grew closer, hand proffered. I figured he was the owner, so I let him pass.
“Aloha, Mr. Hiddleston. I’m Roger Marshal, and Talk Story is my baby. I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate your stopping by again…the girls were so bummed when they learned they’d missed you on Monday.”
Tom shook his hand vigorously. “Thank you for having me. Your establishment is outstanding…I’m a bit of a bibliophile, and if I had my druthers I’d be perusing the shelves here for days on end. My apologies for dashing off so quickly when I was in last, but I had a prior obligation and thought it better to come back when I had more time to spend.” He turned to me. “This is Maude Gallagher, my social media manager.”
I offered my hand and he clasped it gently with one of his, then placed the other on top. “Maude, nice to meet you. Is there anything I can do to make this easier for you both?”
“Actually, would you happen to have a room available that’s a bit more private?”
He nodded, then turned his attention to the desk. “Sure thing. Alani, why don’t you show our guests to the staff lunch room?” Her eyes lit up, and the faces of the rest of the staff fell. “Girls, you go too. I’ll cover the desk.” They thanked him in unison between excited giggles.
I tried to hang back behind Tom, but he slowed and fell into step with me and slipped his arm around me, hand on my lower back, whispering in my ear. “The way you jumped in and took charge did…things…to me, Maude.” His let his hand glide lower and lower, halting when he reached the spot where the waistband of my underwear should be. He felt around with his fingers, over my hip, diving quickly down into the crease of my left buttock then back up to my waist, gripping me just a smidge too hard.
I met his gaze, noting his narrowed eyes and the way his tongue darted out over and over to lick his lips. I smirked and whispered back. “Gosh, I’m sorry. I forgot to mention that I’m not wearing any panties. They sorta fell off back at the house and are lying on the bathroom floor, all alone and unloved.” The hand on my waist began to shake as we reached the staff room and he began breathing deeply as he attempted to keep his shit together. And round two of Friday’s Titillation Tease goes to…me.
Tom spent nearly two hours taking selfies, videos, signing anything the girls could get their hands on, and answering their seemingly unlimited supply of questions. The giant cup of tea I’d had on the ride over had finally hit my bladder, and I excused myself and went off in search of the bathrooms. There was only a one, unisex, located all the way on the other side of the store, tucked into an alcove deep in the stacks. Nice and roomy, too. I envisioned Tom fucking me up against the wall, then scolded myself for my blatant lack of restraint as I texted him precisely what I’d been thinking while I walked back to the staff room.
Roger had come back to check on them, which Tom took as an indicator that it was time to wrap things up. He was hugging each of the girls goodbye in turn as they left the room, saving Alaini for last. She rested her head on his chest, facing me, and mouthed ‘he smells like a FOREST’ while hugging him tightly. Up until that moment, I hadn’t been sure whether she recognized me or not. She stepped back and looked at both of us.
“This has been, like, the best day of my life. I can never thank you enough.” Her eyes shone with tears. “Would it be okay if I took a picture of you guys together?”
I smiled. “Of course. But I think it would be better if you were in it, too.” We posed, and Tom held out her phone to get the shot. I was entering my Prosper email address into her phone so she could send me a copy and she was putting hers in mine so I could send her the video from earlier when she cleared her throat.
She looked up shyly. “Um, I don’t mean to be rude or get in your business or anything, but I was just, you know, wondering…” She swallowed. “Are you guys, like, a couple?”
Tom grinned. “Is it that obvious?”
Her brow furrowed. “Well, you know, I saw what you posted on Twitter yesterday and I was like, hmm, and I know you guys work together and now seeing you in person…yeah. It’s pretty obvious, I guess.”
Tom took my hand. “Yes, Alani. Maude isn’t just my social media manager…she’s my girlfriend as well. And can I let you in on a little secret?” She nodded, awestruck. “When you saw us here on Monday, that was the very first time we met. So you played a rather important role in what turned out to be the best day of my life so far.”
I kissed his cheek. “Mine too, Alani.”
Alani flopped onto the nearest chair, clutching her hands to her chest. “That. Is. So. Romantic.” She leapt back up and hugged me. “We all want him for ourselves, but if he has to be with someone else, I’m really glad it’s you.”  
I patted her on the back. “Thank you. Hearing you say that means so much…honestly, I don’t have the words to express properly how it made me feel.” We let go of each other, and she made her way back to the desk.
I turned to Tom. “I need to hit the bathroom again before we head out.” He nodded and followed my lead. He didn’t mention my text, and I assumed he hadn’t read it yet. We didn’t see another soul on the way there, and the stacks outside the alcove were deserted as well. I recalled my vision of Tom fucking me against the bathroom wall and decided this was going to be my shining moment of public indecency. I opened the door, stepped in, then turned around to face him, left eyebrow raised.
“Want to join me?” I licked my lips. He barged past me into the bathroom, fingers already working to unbuckle his belt.
“I thought you’d never ask.” I locked the door, then did a 180. He held his fully engorged cock in his right hand, stroking it, catching any drips with his left. “I do believe I need to put this somewhere immediately so I don’t make a terrible mess on the floor.”
I bit my bottom lip as I tilted my head to the side. “I think I’ve got just the place for it.”
He ceased his stroking in order to back me up against the wall, growling in my ear. “Oh yes. You most certainly do.” He bent his knees as he lifted the front of my dress up to my waist, and I wrapped my leg around his, grinding my dripping pussy against him while I rubbed my clit. He groaned, and I slipped my glistening finger into his mouth. He sucked on it, and I felt the head of his cock at my entrance and his hands cupping my ass, his full weight on me, pressing me firmly against the cool tile.
He was panting. “Put your other leg around me and your arms around my neck.” I did the latter, but scoffed at the former.
“Um, there is no way in hell you’re going to be able to hold me up.”
He leaned forward to stare into my eyes, and his expression made me whimper. “Leg. Up. Now. Please.” As I complied he sheathed himself fully. I tried to bite back a ridiculously loud moan but was only partially successful. His mouth met mine, tongues dancing around each other. He pulled back.
“Maude, my apologies, but once I start moving I fear I’m going to last all of thirty seconds. If I’m fortunate.”
I clamped down on him. He began thrusting wildly, and I focused all my energy on not coming before he did. I was doing well until he started whispering in my ear using his Loki voice.
“Give in, mortal. Come for me. I know you’ve dreamed of this, me fucking into you for all I’m worth, you pinned against the wall, unable to sway those mesmerizing hips and have your way with me as you ride my cock to find your own selfish pleasure.”
He pounded into me, almost savagely, and as he felt my walls begin to flutter he put his hand over my mouth.
“Not. A. Sound.” I came, my scream trapped beneath his hand, the wet sounds of him moving in and out of me echoing eerily off the bathroom walls. “That’s it. Look at you, coming and coming all over my cock. So, so beautiful.”
He let his hand drop, and I could feel his thrusts becoming more erratic as I stared at him, his face red, jaw clenched, the veins on his neck standing out with his exertion. His head tipped back, fingers digging into the underside of my thighs, and his entire body shuddered as he orgasmed, come spurting hot inside me. I let my legs slide down one at a time, planting my feet as firmly as I possibly could despite the fact that they felt like they were made of Jell-O.  
He rested his head on my shoulder, and I rubbed his back. “I guess this means you got my text after all.” I felt him nod. “Well, if this is what not wearing underwear gets me, I’m never putting on another fucking pair ever again.”
We both laughed, quickly cleaned ourselves up, and I peeked out the door to make sure the coast was clear. Still not a soul around, and we said a final goodbye to Alani on our way out and proceeded to walk back to the Jeep. We sat for a while, neither of us feeling quite capable of driving.
He leaned over to kiss me, hand on the back of my neck, grinning as he pulled away. “I’m famished. Want to grab something to eat before we head back?”
“You already know the answer to that.” I noticed the street getting a bit congested, a small pack of women heading in our direction and what appeared to be a local news crew up the road a bit…I pulled out my phone and checked Alani’s Twitter feed. She’d posted the photo of all of us.
Here’s me just a little while ago with Tom Hiddleston and his girlfriend, Maude. He smells like a pine forest, and she’s super nice. #bestdayever, #thankyoutomandmaude
I showed it to him. “I’m thinking maybe we should stop somewhere a little further down the road. You?”
He started the Jeep, put it in first and stalled it as he tried to pull away from the curb, and then again on his second try. He smiled at me sheepishly. “Perhaps you’d better drive.”
“Gee, ya think?” We got out and switched places. I shook my head. “What a newb.”
He crossed his arms. “I am not a newb. I’m just out of practice is all.”
I patted his thigh as we got to the highway. “Right. Rusty stick skills. I remember.”
He chortled. “Yours remain top notch though, my love.”
I smiled smugly. “They do, don’t they?”
He raised his index finger. “Although, technically, you didn’t actually make use of them this go round, did you?”
“I’ll make up for it next time.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
“Well I’d fucking hope you’d hold me to it. That’s the whole point.” I saw a McDonald’s sign in the distance. “Dude, I want some French fries in the WORST way. And a chocolate milkshake. You game?’
“I most certainly am.”
“If you behave I’ll let you have my cherry.”
“Bit late for that, isn’t it?”
“How rude.”
“Perhaps. But true.”
“Not entirely true.”
“What do you mean, not entirely true?”
I turned off the highway and into the parking lot. The drive through line was mobbed, but the lot itself was relatively empty. “I mean that the fact that it’s a bit late for you to have my cherry is only partially correct.”
He stared at me as I engaged the parking brake, puzzled, then shook his head. “I’m not following.”
The left corner of my mouth scrunched up in mock irritation. “Really? Are you sure?” He shrugged, palms up. “Think about all we’ve…done.”
“Good. Now think about what we haven’t done.” I gave him a few moments to review, watching his face closely so I’d see it dawn on him. 3…2…1…aaaannndd there it was. His jaw slackened, hips lifting almost imperceptibly. “That’s right. I’ve played around, sure, but as far as actually having a cock in my ass…nope. Which means, technically, my anal cherry is still intact.”
He covered his face with his hands, groaning, but said nothing.
I went in for the kill. “So, Thomas…tell me. Would you like my cherry?”
Shaking his head, face still hidden, he spoke in a low voice. “Maude.” He paused, remaining silent for quite some time, seemingly avoiding my question. I wondered if I’d overstepped some sort of boundary, pushing him too far.
My mind was racing, and I frowned. “Wow.  I’m really sorry, Tom.”
He uncovered his face to take my hand, gazing at me with eyes full of concern. “Whatever for?”
“Because I put you on the spot there and just assumed it’s something you’d want to participate in. I didn’t stop to think that it’s something that might not be up everyone’s alley.” I rolled my eyes. “That didn’t come out…shit…DAMN. Anyway, that was incredibly presumptuous and I apologize for letting myself get so carried away. Please don’t feel like it’s something you have to…”
He leaned in to kiss me forcefully, covering my entire mouth with his, tongue darting over my lips, then pulled away before I could fully engage. “May I answer your question now?”
I shook my head. “Tom, you don’t need…”
“I know I don’t need to, but I WANT to. My answer is, with undeniable certainty, yes. Please accept my apology for not answering straight away. I’m afraid I was too busy thinking about how deliciously tight you’re going to feel around me and then I remembered that you aren’t wearing panties and it was all I could do to stop myself from dragging you onto my lap and fucking you right here in the McDonald’s parking lot.”
His eyes met mine, nostrils flaring, pupils blown wide open. Never before had I been able to do this to a man, make him want me so desperately using nothing but words. He squeezed my hand.
“That you’d trust me with something so intimate, bequeathing me such a precious gift, wishing to share something that you’ve not yet experienced with another, is…I’m honored, humbled, awestruck…so very many things.” He smiled timidly. “I’ve never been someone’s first anything before.”
My brows shot up, but I managed to keep my mouth shut.
“Maude, there’s something I’d like to ask you, but…”
“All right. This may be terribly intrusive, and feel free to not answer it if you don’t feel comfortable doing so, but…knowing what I do about you, sexually, I’m…surprised…that you…erm, never…anyway, I suppose I’m just wondering why.”
I sighed. Good job, Maude. This is what you get for trying to be a seductress.
“Long story short, you’re only the fourth person I’ve been intimate with. The first two were before I was twenty and not even remotely interested in such a thing. By the third I was very interested, but things fell apart before it happened.” I put my arms on the steering wheel and rested my forehead on them for a moment, then raised my head and turned to him. I couldn’t quite read the expression on his face.
“Okay, I’m not sure if that look means ‘I didn’t need to hear that’ or ‘wow, only three, what a loser’.”
He shook his head. “It’s neither. Well, maybe a bit of the first one, because the idea of you being with someone else is much more unpleasant than I would have imagined, but…it was mostly surprise that such an incredibly beautiful, intelligent, hilarious woman wouldn’t have men lining up to be with her.”
“Thomas. Stop being so fucking wonderful, won’t you? Christ. There was no line, believe me. I’ve always been at least a little chubby, but after I moved to New York I put on a huge amount of weight. There are reasons for that, but that’s another story for another time. By 2003 I was tipping the scales at two hundred and forty-seven pounds. I’ve always been a confident person, and I honestly never cared what anyone else thought about the way I looked, but…you know what I’m getting at here, I think. In late 2008 I started feeling like shit, and Anne, who’d nearly died due to undiagnosed diabetes in 2003, pushed me to see a doctor. Sure enough, that was the problem. It was early, and resolvable with lifestyle modifications. So, I kicked myself in the ass, and over the next year I lost more than eighty pounds, and that was when I…a woman in her sexual prime, in the best shape of her life…met number three. God bless him…I was on a mission, making up for lost time and he could barely keep up with me. One time I actually thought he was going to need an ambulance…sheese, why I am telling you this? Yikes. Sorry. Lord knows I don’t want to hear anything like it from you.” I unbuckled my seat belt. “Let’s pretend this never happened and go get those milkshakes, m’kay?”
He grabbed my arm as I opened the door, and I turned to meet his gaze. “I…Maude…I just…you are…everything about you…” He shook his head. “I fall deeper in love with you with every passing moment.”
“Right back atcha, baby.” He laughed. “Yeah. No way I was going to try and out-eloquent you there. Waste of time and energy.”
We went inside, his arm around my shoulders, and ordered two Happy Meals when we saw the new toys were Minions. Neither of us could resist playing with them as we ate. Tom went back for a Big Mac and chicken nuggets, which I shared. He stuck his fingers in through the lid of my milkshake, deftly picking up the cherry and popping it in his mouth, a huge smile on his face.
We both used the bathroom, separately, and as we were walking back to the Jeep I heard the voice of a young boy.
“Mom, Mom! That man over there! That’s the man you’re always looking at on your computer!”
A woman replied to him. “Mason, what are you talking ab…?” And with that, I knew she’d seen Tom. I pulled at his shirt, and he looked down at me and nodded. We turned around and waved. The woman was about my age, maybe a little older, and she looked like she might die of embarrassment when she realized we’d overheard their conversation. Tom strode over, hand extended.
“Hi there. Tom Hiddleston. And you are?” She moved as if in a trance, hand out, and he grasped it gently and shook.
“I…uh…um…Sarah. I’m Sarah. And this is my son, Mason.”
Tom beamed and shook Mason’s hand as well. “Lovely to meet you both.”
Sarah reached into her purse, dug around and pulled out a Coriolanus program. She cleared her throat. “I heard that you’d be on the island and I’ve been carrying this with me, you know, just in case.”
He took it from her. “Were you in attendance?”
Mason piped up. “We flew all the way across two oceans so she could go see your show. I saw Big Ben. It was really cool.”
Sarah was bright red. “I saw it twice, actually, but didn’t have time to stay after.”
Tom pulled a sharpie out of his back pocket. “May I?”
She grinned. “Please do.” He signed his name, as well as a message. ‘Sorry to have missed you there, but better late than never. Glad to finally have met you. XO’”
As he handed it back to her he asked if she’d like a picture with him. He introduced us, and I volunteered to do the honors so Mason could squeeze in as well. I gave him my Minion to keep him occupied while I took some shots of just Sarah and Tom. He held it up to give it back to me when I handed Sarah back her phone.
“Nope, buddy, that’s yours now.” I held out my hand to Tom and he put his toy in it. “In fact, you can have Tom’s too. This way he gets to stay with his friend and won’t be lonely.” He thanked me so quietly I could barely hear him, eyes full of wonder at what to an adult was such a small gesture.
Tom hugged them both goodbye, and Sarah embraced me as well. She smiled at my surprise. “Thank you, both of you, so much.”
Tom put his arm around my waist as we walked the rest of the way back to the Jeep, placing a quick kiss on the top of my head.
“It is my personal opinion that you’re a much kinder, gentler person than you’d like everyone to believe.”
I sighed. “Yeah, yeah. And it’s all your fucking fault, too.”
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keegannmdu723-blog · 4 years
Getting Tired of martin guitars cutaway models? 10 Sources of Inspiration That'll Rekindle Your Love
Have you had these issues happening with your iPod? This technique simply might make your iPod beginning working once again!
1. Transform your iPod on. Ensure the battery is billed up enough to turn it on.
2. The sad iPod or sad folder should turn up on the display.
3. Place your ear up against the iPod and also you will certainly listen to the clicking sound inside (it sounds like an auto trying to start up, whenever it takes a couple of tries transforming the keys).
While the iPod is still making these audios, take the iPod in one hand, open up the hand of your various other hand, and also smack the slim side of the iPod versus the hand of your other hand. CAUTION: This approach is shown to work as an uncomplicated way to repair iPod hard drive imbalance, yet it might result in future equipment issues. Various other approaches of revitalizing a dead iPod are available below and may be much safer]
5. Continue slapping it on its side for at least 6 times, while the iPod is attempting to turn on. The trick is to loosen the hard disk.
6. Hereafter is must return to typical feature. If it doesn't, check out below.
7. There are several techniques out there that have actually all efficiently dealt with iPods, so don't offer up hope.
8. If, nevertheless, you are an even more hands-on kind of person and also do not wish to bother trying iPod aid through your computer, miss to the bottom of this steps page for information on exactly how to open up and also repair internally.
9. The very first reccomended steps are from Apple's assistance site.
1. Attempt to wait thirty minutes while iPod is charging.
2. Try another FireWire or USB with Dock Connector cable.
3. Try one more FireWire or USB port on your computer.
4. Attempt to separate all gadgets from your computer system's FireWire and also USB ports.
5. Attempt to download and install and install the latest version of iPod software and also iTunes. http://www.apple.com/ipod/download/.
6. Try these five steps (known as the 5 Rs) and it would overcome most iPod problems. http://www.apple.com/support/ipod/five_rs/.
7. Try to put the iPod into Disk Setting if it fails to appear on the desktop computer. http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93651.
10. If none of the above has benefited you, then you need to attempt the following:.
1. Attempt to attach your iPod with one more computer system with the iPod updater pre-installed.
2. Still cant see your iPod, put it in Disk Setting as well as connect with a computer system, instead of doing a Restore on iPod Updater. Go as well as format the iPod rather.
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1. For Mac computer:.
1. Open up the disk utility, wish your iPod shows up there (left hand side), emphasize it.
2. Most Likely To Tab Partition, click either Delete or Dividers, if stops working, avoid this step as well as most likely to 3.
3. Go to Tab Erase, choose Volume Format as MAC OS Extended (Journaled), as well as click Erase, again if stops working, miss it and go to 4.
4. Like action 3, however open up the Protection Options ... as well as pick Zero Out Data before click Erase. It will certainly take 1 to 2 hours to complete.
5. Eject your iPod and also do a Reset.
6. Open the iPod Updater as well as click Bring back.
2. For Windows computer:.
1. Go to folder My Computer.
2. Hope you can see your iPod there and also right click the iPod.
3. Choose Style. Make certain the settings go to Default and that Quick Layout is not checked.
4. Now pick Format.
7. In case you do not manage to do a Layout on a window computer, attempt to make use of some third celebration disk utility software application, e.g.Partition Magic.
Windows customers having difficulty with their iPods should locate a Mac customer. In lots of situations when an iPod will not reveal up on a PC that it will reveal up on the Mac. After that, when the iPod re-connected with a computer system, it will certainly be recognized as an fresh external tough drive, it will certainly show up on the iPod updater.
11. iPod still doesn't function? Maintain choosing these steps.
* Diagnostic mode option:.
o If you have attempted problem firing your iPod fruitless besides the steps above, possibilities are your iPod has a hardware trouble. The iPod's integrated Diagnostic Mode is a fast as well as simple means to determine if you have a "bad" iPod.
o You require to reboot your iPod before placing it into Diagnostic Mode. Examine that your hold switch is off by gliding the button far from the headphone jack. Toggle it on and also off to be safe.
o Press and also hold the complying with mix of buttons at the same time for roughly 10 seconds to reset the iPod.
iPod 1G to 3G: "Food selection" and "Play/Pause".
iPod 4G (consists of Image, Nano, Video Clip, as well as Mini): "Food selection" and also "Select".
o The Apple logo will certainly show up and also you should really feel the hard drive rotating up. Press and hold the following sequence of switches:.
iPod 1G to 3G: "REW", "FFW" as well as "Select".
iPod 4G (includes Photo, Nano, Video Clip, and also Mini): "Back" and "Select".
o You will certainly hear an audible chirp noise (3G models as well as greater) and also the Apple logo design ought to show up in reverse. You are currently in Diagnostic Mode. Navigate the listing of tests making use of "REW" and "FFW". The scroll wheel will not work while in analysis setting. For further information on Diagnostic setting can be discovered at http://www.methodshop.com/mp3/ipodsupport/diagnosticmode/.
o Attempt to do the 5in1, HDD R/W and also HDD check tests. Some successful cases have actually been reported after the running minority examinations under the Diagnostic setting. In situation it does not operate in your case, and also the scan examinations records show some errors after that it proves your iPod has an equipment problem and also it needs a repairing solution.
* Style your iPod with a beginning disk:.
Attempt to find a method to reformat your iPod, once more it does not matter which format (FAT32, NTFS or HFS) you choose, the trick is to remove the corrupted system data on the iPod. Reboot your computer at the regular method, connect your iPod back with it, open the iPod updater, as well as hopefully your iPod will certainly appear there for the Restore.
12. The next tutorial will instruct you how to open your iPod and also attempt to fix it. This should probably be done as a last resort, for opening your iPod will most likely gap your warranty. Furthermore, if performed incorrect, your iPod may sustain permanant damage while your issue may have ben quickly assisted by other processes.
* The most effective tutorial I've kept reading how to open an iPod is here: http://forums.ipodlounge.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=93789/.
13. That tutorial is how to open a 3rd/4th Generation iPod, although a lot of are likewise done. Google it if you're not completely satisfied as well as desire even more information; there are a great deal of fantastic websites available.
* Once inside, there are a variety of approaches you can make use of that have actually all been utilized to repair iPod issues. Make sure the hold switch is on! You don't wish to strike a button and mess something up! The techniques will certainly be detailed in order of exactly how effective I believe they are.
14. Disconnecting the Hard Disk Drive and also Booting Method.
1. Since your iPod is open, you should see your hard disk lying level ahead. The ribbon cable television affixed to the hard drive is removable, so do not be scared.
2. Gently pull the hard disk away from the cord in which it's attached, while holding the cable lightly in hand. You do not want to rip it out the motherboard.
3. Your hard drive ought to quickly break complimentary. Now that it's out, you can have fun with it, take a look around, yet the point is to provide it a little remainder.
4. Next off, now that the hard disk drive is out, thoroughly flip your iPod over so you're considering the screen. Take care not to rip the ribbon wire by the hold button.
5. Take the iPod off of hold function, thus enabling the buttons once more.
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6. Transform the iPod on. You might recieve a mistake message, and also you may be able to access menus.
1. If you get a mistake message, attempt rebooting the iPod.
7. Now transform the iPod off.
8. Reactivate the hold button. Your experiment is full.
9. Reconnect the hard drive as located prior to, and thoroughly change the back cover. Hope it works.
15. Calling Card Technique.
1. Since your iPod is open, you must see your hard disk existing level on the top.
2. Take a regular business card as well as fold it in half.
(The suggestion is that your iPod's difficult drive is too loose and also the folded up organisation card will place stress on it when enclosed for a successful spin and also no click. Don't fold it even more than when unless you have a factor, since even more pressure on the hard drive may maintain it from rotating, triggering also much more troubles.
4. Meticulously place the cover back on the iPod, making certain the card is in location properly.
5. Close your iPod and also hope it works.
16. Time to Spend Some $$ Method.
1. Get a job.
You probably have an equipment trouble (like me), and also you possibly require a brand-new tough drive. A routine substitute tough drive isn't as much as a brand-new iPod, but you'll have to shell out a couple throws if you want it dealt with.
Perhaps look right into acquiring a bigger tough drive to hold more useless spunk. It'll still set you back less than a new iPod.
4. Review over for info on exactly how to replace your hard drive. It's not tough.
5. Pray it's a hard disk issue after you bought one and can't return it.
If you have actually reviewed this far, you've tried everything, and also your iPod still isn't repaired, after that ask a person else already. Or simply steal your buddy's iPod.
* Make sure that the iPod has sufficient battery power to turn on.
* An option is open up your iPod (which nullifies the service warranty) and press the drive and it's enclosing cushioning. There is apparently some grounding that can come loose as well as this can fix points up again. This helped me as well as a close friend as well as if you are extremely mindful when you open up the situation, it is less violent than smacking it about.
* You can likewise go to an Apple shop and also ask to change the battery! They are happy to help you!
* Do not steal your buddy's iPod.
* Before attempting these approaches, contact Apple as well as see if you can obtain your iPod replaced absolutely free.
* This approach should only be as a last resort. If Apple's pointers do not work, first attempt running a chkdsk feature on your iPod.
* Do not break the hard drive!
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3minutehug · 5 years
once I've started playing superstar smtown there really is no other rhythm game that can replace it for me
The first rhythm game I played was guitar hero and my cousin didn't own the guitar controller thingy so we just played it using the ps2 controllers themselves and tho I like rock I didn't like all songs featured but still those were fun days 👍
At some point my friends who owned iPhones or iPod touch phones had tap tap in em and Id borrow their phone to play the game. The songs featured were the ones trending at the time and it was nice but not my fave oh and then it changed to tap tap revenge?? Idrk the difference? But still it's just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (lmao as if I didn't end up playing most of the phones batt off oop)
Then years later I went back and played another rhythm game called cytus!! The change of layout was p exciting for me, specially that both tap tap and guitar hero's layout are similar.
One thing I didn't like much tho was their music (╥﹏╥) it just wasn't my type. And they kept making free players wait a long time for a short song to load. What made me stay for a while was their unique layout
Oh and then I found voez! Made by the same ppl who made cytus. Their concept is cuter! Has the similar layout as cytus, but their songs are slightly better imo. They also featured cute art and altogether it made me feel good 😄
Oh then years later I got vacuumed back into kpop in 2017 after not rly minding it after 2012-2013
In feb 2018 in the midst of all the chaotic shit happening in our lives at the time my older sis introduced me to superstar smtown on her phone, a rhythm game featuring songs from kpop groups and idols under SM ent and it was like Whoa. This is it. This is for me!!! This is the one!!!
We were all super stressed back then and like you have no idea how happy it made me when i played it for the first time. A rhythm game featuring kpop songs from artists I actually know and love (aka just suju, shinee, tvxq, gg, fx back then) . Finally!!
the game also introduced me to more songs and to more artists and groups I'd end up loving (hello exo 👋) as for its layout I appreciate that it's similar to tap tap but in landscape mode and that you no longer need to shake the phone and accidentally throw it lmao
I didn't really know how to end this but yeah thank u for listening to me ramble about rhythm games!!
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zolganif · 5 years
I’m 17. My birthday is in November. I’m single. My last bf went back to his ex. I recently discovered a band that i really like.
Summer is my favorite season. I remember what happened March 13th 2009. I have a lot of guy friends and girl friends. I’m currently grounded. I like going out and having a good time. I have cut myself before. I have a quote site. I hate liars. My toenails are currently painted red. I’ve had the same best friend since the 6th grade. I deleted my Myspace exactly a year ago. I had fun on Valentine’s Day. I want to have at least 2 kids in the future. I wish I never quit cheer. I’ve been out of the country a few times. I’ve never met anyone with my last name other than family. I like dressing up and I’m very girly. I like it when people are patient with me. I guess I can be a hypocrite sometimes. And I’m ok with admitting that. I listen to different kinds of music. I’ve kissed 3 guys so far this year. My favorite color is hot pink. I thought Lady Gaga was way older than 29. My older brother and I are very close. Most of my friends are older than me. I want to go shopping and buy summer dresses. I like watching the Bad Girls Club and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. I wish I could sing. I’m usually texting. And/or listening to music.
I shower every day. I’m a junior in high school. I have a boyfriend over the age of 18. I enjoy almost all types of music. I failed my road test. I plan on going to college after I graduate. Currently, I think I would like to be a pastry chef. Pathological liars piss me off. Ellen Hopkins is my favorite author. I own more than 10 hoodies. Iced coffee is better than hot coffee. Turkey clubs are one of my favorite foods. I don’t eat seafood. Or beans. I’m in love. I’m pretty good at drawing. I get sick often. I can’t go a day without texting. I love strawberries. I want a bunch of tattoos. I also want my lip pierced. My room can never stay clean. I cook and do my own laundry when I’m home. I’m unemployed. My grandmother and I have a pretty close relationship. I don’t talk to my biological father. My mom is a short-tempered person. Transformers is one of my favorite movies of all time. Heroes is my favorite TV show. ^I love Hiro, Peter, and Sylar the most. I eat at Papa Ginos a lot. I have way too many pet peeves. I believe that aliens exist. I’ve never been obsessed with Twilight. I’ve read the series though and loved it. I take birth control pills. I love the colors red and purple. I go to Warped Tour every summer. I wear jeans every day. I’ve owned at least 3 pairs of Vans. Say Anything is a good band. I hate winter. I own an iPod Touch. I have over 2,000 songs on my iTunes. My phone’s a piece of shit. I live in Massachusetts. Call Of Duty games are awesome. I know how to drive. There’s a piece of jewelry I wear everyday. I have never consumed alcohol. I have never smoked. My best friend is older than me. I get along with most people. I enjoy the little things in life. I prefer pens to pencils. Football is one of the only sports I watch on TV. There’s a dictionary in my room. I own a PlayStation 2. And a Gamecube. I’m 16 years old. Christmas is the best holiday. I rarely ever go to the mall. Blink-182 has been my favorite band for years. I have a Twitter, but I never use it. I have 4 pets. I’ve held a chipmunk before. I’m always stressed out about something. I hate people who complain constantly. I need to work out more. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. Sometimes I sleep with my TV on. I log into Facebook every day. My room is huge. Hardcore dancing is stupid. I hate Tom Cruise.
I have seen the Statue of Liberty in person. I have been taking surveys for at least 4 years. I actually like the taste of beer. I change my layout a lot. I love Adult Swim. I usually just wait to rent a movie, instead of going to see it in theaters. I have had the opposite sex stay over while my parents were gone. I have taken a pregnancy test. I usually listen to music when I take surveys. I eat some sort of candy every day. My favorite actress isn’t very famous. I am dressing up for Halloween this year. I have a pretty common last name. I have never been to a Drive In. I want to live in another country. I love reality shows. My best friend is younger than me. I eat pizza at least once a week. I have at least one tattoo. I love dry eraseboards. I wear dresses a lot. I have cut my own hair. I call carbonated beverages ‘pop.’ I’m trying to grow my hair out. I’m using a laptop to take this survey. I have stolen a lot of things. I have been arrested. I subscribe to at least one magazine. My phone has a touchscreen. I love clean shaven men. I want to lose weight, I just have trouble getting motivated. I would rather take short surveys over long ones. I change the channel when commercials come on so I don’t have to watch them. I’m very bad at public speaking. I rarely get on Facebook anymore. I straighten my hair a lot. I really need a job. I know someone who drinks everyday. I’ve had something very valuable stolen from me. I have been depressed a lot lately. I want to have at least two kids. I have had surgery. I’m on birth control. I love cooking for people. I wrote on my walls when I was little. I have dyed my hair an unnatural color. I have had food poisoning. I am going shopping soon. I have unlimited texting. I still play on kid websites.
0 notes
janetchavezcom · 6 years
7 Fantastic Small Camper Trailers with Bathrooms Included
When you’re in the thick of the wilds, sometimes you’ll need to tend to the needs of nature. Doing your business outdoors is not ideal, however, when the nearest restaurant or building is miles away, it’s your only option. Or is there another way?
I know when I bought my first camper, space was a major consideration. I wanted to have as much space as I possibly could for the essentials that I couldn’t live without. Sadly, that meant saying goodbye to the bathroom and hello to nature’s toilet. If it’s good enough for every other mammal on earth, then it’s probably good enough for me.
However, as I’ve discovered in the years since then, it’s possible to have your cake and eat it, or in this case, have your space and a toilet. I’ve put together these seven amazing examples of compact camper trailers that make room for luxurious bathrooms.
Jay Sport Trailer
If you have the Sport Trailer, you need not pay for a room in a dubiously appointed hotel ever again. Revamped for 2017, this trailer packs an amenities filled punch, with all the essentials included without any wasted space.
Looking at the trailer for the outside, it’s compact, simple and sleek design contains a ton of clever features that have been included to ensure life in the wilds is that much easier. For example:
Retractable entry steps
Stabilising jacks for added safety
Large grippy off-road tires
Moving onto the inside you’ll be surprised at what’s been packed inside the compact package. The interior features:
Lot’s of clever storage spaces
A rust-resistant stove suitable for indoor and outdoor use
A generously proportioned sink
Hard wearing vinyl flooring
That’s just the start of it. If it’s beautiful sunny day, just open up the roof vent with built-in mesh screening and let sunlight and nature soak in. You’ll also have access to the following:
Luxurious heated beds for those cold nights
Multifunctional cushions
A functional dining area
Audiovisual capabilities
Of course, we’re here for one reason, and that is for the bathroom. In this respect the Jay Sport does not disappoint, boasting a heater that is larger than you’d expect for a trailer of this size, coming in at a sizeable six gallons. This water tank powers the indoors and outdoors shower, as well as the toilet and sinks taps.
Casita Travel Trailers Spirit Deluxe Trailer
When you’re looking to take your small family with you on your outdoor adventures, then the Casita Trailer might just be the perfect pick. This trailer easily fits in three adults in its 17-foot length. The dining area can be quickly and easily transformed into 2 sleeping spaces and is easy enough to switch it back as required, so making this space you need shouldn’t be a problem.
This trailer has been designed from the ground up to withstand a range of climates and terrain conditions. It’s made from a reinforced fiberglass and is custom fitted for each and every Spirit Deluxe. Additional external features you’ll not want to avoid missing:
Exterior fitted 110-volt outlet
A battery pack rated for 12 volts
A lockable freshwater fill
The option of connecting to city water
Exterior lighting
The interior of the camper is equally impressive, with a decently sized bathroom to boot. The toilet and the shower have been separated in order to provide increased privacy, and a powerful extractor fan is in place to deal with humidity and to ensure the space is well ventilated and smell free.
If you’re looking for additional space to store your space, you’re in luck. There are several carpet lined overhead storage spaces which are perfect for stashing additional camping equipment or other bits of gear.
Barefoot Caravans
Even though this is a UK based firm, Barefoot Caravans can send it to the USA. The trailer was designed by a quartet of caravan design experts, what’s even more impressive is that they received a well-deserved trust award for their efforts.
Perhaps the most appealing aspects of this trailer are its range of customization options available to the buyer. You can choose one of six colors for a range of the trailers features, such as:
The mini DAB Radio
The curtains (you can choose to have these made to your own specs or choose one of the available options based on your fabric choices)
The color of the kitchen or bathroom walls
The seat cushions, which can be either vinyl or fabric
You can pick from the following colors:
Lime green
Navy Blue
Duck Egg
You can either choose to make sure everything compliments each other or choose to mix things up to a more ecliptic design.
So, even though Barefoot caravans feature funky designs and sleek shapes, what else about them makes them a sensible purchase? There are a tone of features which make this a standout choice, including:
Adaptable seating area that can be converted into a sleeping area
Plenty of wardrobe and cupboard space for all your belongings
Attractive roof lighting
Polycarbonate windows made from recycled materials
Built in fridge freezer with enough space for a small family
We should of course also talk about the bathroom. Powering the shower, toilet and sinks is a 30 liter water tank with a combi water heater from renowned manufacturer Truma. Powering this can be accomplished with either gas or electricity.
The bathroom itself comes with a range of attractive features such as full portrait mirror, ample cupboard space, a shower, sink, and toilet. When you’re on the road with this trailer, you’ll probably never want to return to your home.
Lance 1575 Travel Trailer
Lance has been producing a range of truck campers and trailers for just over half a century. Exemplifying those years of experience and dedication of their craft is the Lance 1575, which despite is reasonable weight (2,700 lbs) has still managed to cram in a ton of useful features.
Just because you’re on an adventure, it doesn’t mean you have to be without the small luxuries. Lance has made sure you’ll have all the essentials to hand:
Optional spare tire
Vented roof space
Cleverly designed doors
Ample storage space
Insulated and laminated windows
Separated freshwater and wastewater systems
When you’re on an extended road trip, it’s normally the small things which make you feel like you’re in a home away from home, to that point, Lance has done a great job of making sure that all of those small things are present.
A key hook
Integrated clock
Cleverly designed work surfaces and tables
Curtains and shades for every window
Integrated stove with three gas burners
Built in fridge that’s capable of holding enough food for a small family
Thermostat controls for the easy adjustment of the internal temperature
And of course, there is a bathroom present as well. Lance have included a foot operated toilet that’s both easy to use and easy to clean. The toilet is plumbed into the black tank system and does its job very well. If you like plenty of light in your bathroom, you’re in luck, with the skylight providing bucket loads of naturally occurring light. It might be small, but the bathroom has everything you’re looking for.
United Recreational Vehicles, LLC’s iCamp Elite
The Elite range is known to be sporty, eye-catching, colorful and for their compact dimensions. Even though they are small in size, they are substantial campers made from an aluminum frame, reinforced fiberglass and industrial strength Styrofoam for insulation and sound dampening. This means the campers are more than just cute looking.
The Elite is one of the smallest campers we’ve come across and is even smaller than most of the diminutive options on this roster. As the external and internal dimensions are petite, you can expect to make some concessions if you’re planning a road trip with one these beauties.
The manufacturer has had to employee some clever design designs in order to save on space and maximize what is available. As such, furniture tends to have rounded edges that just fit with little room to spare. If you’re above 6 foot, the camper might not be for you, as the highest section maxes out just shy of six feet.
However, despite its size, the Elite manages to pack some great features into its footprint:
Increased fuel economy due to better aerodynamics
iPod connectivity for increased entertainment. If you love podcasts like me, this might be right up your street.
Weather resistant outdoor and indoor furniture
Fully wallpapered
Towing it is a piece of cake
At this point you might be wondering if they managed to squeeze a bathroom in, the good news is they did. Furnished with a shower and a rather nice toilet, the bathroom has everything you’re likely to need.
Scamp 13’ Standard Trailer
Scamp has proven that great things can be wrapped in small packages. The smallest offering from Scamp measures in at a diminutive 13 feet, which is far smaller than the largest offering from the same company. Despite the size, you can still choose one of the two-floor plans and the one we’re most interested in features a bathroom as the front and center, with a fully functional shower. Included in this layout is the following:
A sleeping area that converts to an eating and sitting area
Seats with clever storage compartments
An integrated gas-powered stove and sink
Ample closet space
Made to accommodate a small family, the Scamp utilizes intelligent design and thoughtful planning in order to best utilize all the available space. Powering the bathroom and shower is the 12-gallon holding tank.
If you’re willing to pay a little bit extra, you can buy and have the following fitted:
Reinforced cabinets
Carpeting or tough vinyl flooring
Additional power outlets
Power Converters
Built-in air con
Heat Strips
Exterior lighting
Integrated microwave
Airstream’s 2018 Sport
For nearly a century, Airstream has been producing vehicles with the traveler in mind. The latest 2018 sport exemplifies this design philosophy. The brand is so well known that nearly everyone without an interest in RVs will have heard of their vehicles.
The Sport boasts several fantastic features:
Air con and heating strips
Powerful integrated fan for maximum air circulation
Branded and matching dinette sets
Essential items such as microwave, fridge, gas-powered stove and oven
Sink covers that double as cutting boards
Full blackout window covers
Extreme visibility front windows
Built-in HD TV with sound system
Not to be outdone, the bathroom provides sophistication and class, everything is well appointed. Ventilation is provided by powerful roof fans, preventing moisture and air entering into the rest of the trailer. The toilet is made from porcelain and is easy to operate and clean. Adding the finishing touches are the retractable clothesline, the towel bar, and the custom-made shower head.
Not one to disappoint, the outside is equally well appointed. Mounted outside the trailer is the black water tank wastewater system which makes it easy to dispose of the bathroom waste. Additionally, you’ll find the following features:
Reinforced windows with dark tinting
Reflective and insulated room for increased temperature control
Extensive awning
Easily used inlet for fresh water
Hot and cold exterior shower
Hookup for cable TV
If like me you like to spend some time in the outdoors for weeks at a time, a few small luxuries can go a long way. You might be forgiven for thinking that in order to enjoy the room for multiple recipients, cooking areas, appliances and a bathroom, you’d need to invest in a large trailer.
As we’ve already demonstrated in this article, that’s not necessarily true. You can quite comfortably live, sleep, cook and shower in a camper that quite comfortably fits into a standard garage. The only prerequisite is knowing what to look for and where to find them
The post 7 Fantastic Small Camper Trailers with Bathrooms Included appeared first on Crow Survival.
source https://www.crowsurvival.com/small-camper-trailers-with-bathrooms/ source https://crowsurvival.blogspot.com/2018/08/7-fantastic-small-camper-trailers-with.html
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crowsurvivalcom · 6 years
7 Fantastic Small Camper Trailers with Bathrooms Included
When you’re in the thick of the wilds, sometimes you’ll need to tend to the needs of nature. Doing your business outdoors is not ideal, however, when the nearest restaurant or building is miles away, it’s your only option. Or is there another way?
I know when I bought my first camper, space was a major consideration. I wanted to have as much space as I possibly could for the essentials that I couldn’t live without. Sadly, that meant saying goodbye to the bathroom and hello to nature’s toilet. If it’s good enough for every other mammal on earth, then it’s probably good enough for me.
However, as I’ve discovered in the years since then, it’s possible to have your cake and eat it, or in this case, have your space and a toilet. I’ve put together these seven amazing examples of compact camper trailers that make room for luxurious bathrooms.
Jay Sport Trailer
If you have the Sport Trailer, you need not pay for a room in a dubiously appointed hotel ever again. Revamped for 2017, this trailer packs an amenities filled punch, with all the essentials included without any wasted space.
Looking at the trailer for the outside, it’s compact, simple and sleek design contains a ton of clever features that have been included to ensure life in the wilds is that much easier. For example:
Retractable entry steps
Stabilising jacks for added safety
Large grippy off-road tires
Moving onto the inside you’ll be surprised at what’s been packed inside the compact package. The interior features:
Lot’s of clever storage spaces
A rust-resistant stove suitable for indoor and outdoor use
A generously proportioned sink
Hard wearing vinyl flooring
That’s just the start of it. If it’s beautiful sunny day, just open up the roof vent with built-in mesh screening and let sunlight and nature soak in. You’ll also have access to the following:
Luxurious heated beds for those cold nights
Multifunctional cushions
A functional dining area
Audiovisual capabilities
Of course, we’re here for one reason, and that is for the bathroom. In this respect the Jay Sport does not disappoint, boasting a heater that is larger than you’d expect for a trailer of this size, coming in at a sizeable six gallons. This water tank powers the indoors and outdoors shower, as well as the toilet and sinks taps.
Casita Travel Trailers Spirit Deluxe Trailer
When you’re looking to take your small family with you on your outdoor adventures, then the Casita Trailer might just be the perfect pick. This trailer easily fits in three adults in its 17-foot length. The dining area can be quickly and easily transformed into 2 sleeping spaces and is easy enough to switch it back as required, so making this space you need shouldn’t be a problem.
This trailer has been designed from the ground up to withstand a range of climates and terrain conditions. It’s made from a reinforced fiberglass and is custom fitted for each and every Spirit Deluxe. Additional external features you’ll not want to avoid missing:
Exterior fitted 110-volt outlet
A battery pack rated for 12 volts
A lockable freshwater fill
The option of connecting to city water
Exterior lighting
The interior of the camper is equally impressive, with a decently sized bathroom to boot. The toilet and the shower have been separated in order to provide increased privacy, and a powerful extractor fan is in place to deal with humidity and to ensure the space is well ventilated and smell free.
If you’re looking for additional space to store your space, you’re in luck. There are several carpet lined overhead storage spaces which are perfect for stashing additional camping equipment or other bits of gear.
Barefoot Caravans
Even though this is a UK based firm, Barefoot Caravans can send it to the USA. The trailer was designed by a quartet of caravan design experts, what’s even more impressive is that they received a well-deserved trust award for their efforts.
Perhaps the most appealing aspects of this trailer are its range of customization options available to the buyer. You can choose one of six colors for a range of the trailers features, such as:
The mini DAB Radio
The curtains (you can choose to have these made to your own specs or choose one of the available options based on your fabric choices)
The color of the kitchen or bathroom walls
The seat cushions, which can be either vinyl or fabric
You can pick from the following colors:
Lime green
Navy Blue
Duck Egg
You can either choose to make sure everything compliments each other or choose to mix things up to a more ecliptic design.
So, even though Barefoot caravans feature funky designs and sleek shapes, what else about them makes them a sensible purchase? There are a tone of features which make this a standout choice, including:
Adaptable seating area that can be converted into a sleeping area
Plenty of wardrobe and cupboard space for all your belongings
Attractive roof lighting
Polycarbonate windows made from recycled materials
Built in fridge freezer with enough space for a small family
We should of course also talk about the bathroom. Powering the shower, toilet and sinks is a 30 liter water tank with a combi water heater from renowned manufacturer Truma. Powering this can be accomplished with either gas or electricity.
The bathroom itself comes with a range of attractive features such as full portrait mirror, ample cupboard space, a shower, sink, and toilet. When you’re on the road with this trailer, you’ll probably never want to return to your home.
Lance 1575 Travel Trailer
Lance has been producing a range of truck campers and trailers for just over half a century. Exemplifying those years of experience and dedication of their craft is the Lance 1575, which despite is reasonable weight (2,700 lbs) has still managed to cram in a ton of useful features.
Just because you’re on an adventure, it doesn’t mean you have to be without the small luxuries. Lance has made sure you’ll have all the essentials to hand:
Optional spare tire
Vented roof space
Cleverly designed doors
Ample storage space
Insulated and laminated windows
Separated freshwater and wastewater systems
When you’re on an extended road trip, it’s normally the small things which make you feel like you’re in a home away from home, to that point, Lance has done a great job of making sure that all of those small things are present.
A key hook
Integrated clock
Cleverly designed work surfaces and tables
Curtains and shades for every window
Integrated stove with three gas burners
Built in fridge that’s capable of holding enough food for a small family
Thermostat controls for the easy adjustment of the internal temperature
And of course, there is a bathroom present as well. Lance have included a foot operated toilet that’s both easy to use and easy to clean. The toilet is plumbed into the black tank system and does its job very well. If you like plenty of light in your bathroom, you’re in luck, with the skylight providing bucket loads of naturally occurring light. It might be small, but the bathroom has everything you’re looking for.
United Recreational Vehicles, LLC’s iCamp Elite
The Elite range is known to be sporty, eye-catching, colorful and for their compact dimensions. Even though they are small in size, they are substantial campers made from an aluminum frame, reinforced fiberglass and industrial strength Styrofoam for insulation and sound dampening. This means the campers are more than just cute looking.
The Elite is one of the smallest campers we’ve come across and is even smaller than most of the diminutive options on this roster. As the external and internal dimensions are petite, you can expect to make some concessions if you’re planning a road trip with one these beauties.
The manufacturer has had to employee some clever design designs in order to save on space and maximize what is available. As such, furniture tends to have rounded edges that just fit with little room to spare. If you’re above 6 foot, the camper might not be for you, as the highest section maxes out just shy of six feet.
However, despite its size, the Elite manages to pack some great features into its footprint:
Increased fuel economy due to better aerodynamics
iPod connectivity for increased entertainment. If you love podcasts like me, this might be right up your street.
Weather resistant outdoor and indoor furniture
Fully wallpapered
Towing it is a piece of cake
At this point you might be wondering if they managed to squeeze a bathroom in, the good news is they did. Furnished with a shower and a rather nice toilet, the bathroom has everything you’re likely to need.
Scamp 13’ Standard Trailer
Scamp has proven that great things can be wrapped in small packages. The smallest offering from Scamp measures in at a diminutive 13 feet, which is far smaller than the largest offering from the same company. Despite the size, you can still choose one of the two-floor plans and the one we’re most interested in features a bathroom as the front and center, with a fully functional shower. Included in this layout is the following:
A sleeping area that converts to an eating and sitting area
Seats with clever storage compartments
An integrated gas-powered stove and sink
Ample closet space
Made to accommodate a small family, the Scamp utilizes intelligent design and thoughtful planning in order to best utilize all the available space. Powering the bathroom and shower is the 12-gallon holding tank.
If you’re willing to pay a little bit extra, you can buy and have the following fitted:
Reinforced cabinets
Carpeting or tough vinyl flooring
Additional power outlets
Power Converters
Built-in air con
Heat Strips
Exterior lighting
Integrated microwave
Airstream’s 2018 Sport
For nearly a century, Airstream has been producing vehicles with the traveler in mind. The latest 2018 sport exemplifies this design philosophy. The brand is so well known that nearly everyone without an interest in RVs will have heard of their vehicles.
The Sport boasts several fantastic features:
Air con and heating strips
Powerful integrated fan for maximum air circulation
Branded and matching dinette sets
Essential items such as microwave, fridge, gas-powered stove and oven
Sink covers that double as cutting boards
Full blackout window covers
Extreme visibility front windows
Built-in HD TV with sound system
Not to be outdone, the bathroom provides sophistication and class, everything is well appointed. Ventilation is provided by powerful roof fans, preventing moisture and air entering into the rest of the trailer. The toilet is made from porcelain and is easy to operate and clean. Adding the finishing touches are the retractable clothesline, the towel bar, and the custom-made shower head.
Not one to disappoint, the outside is equally well appointed. Mounted outside the trailer is the black water tank wastewater system which makes it easy to dispose of the bathroom waste. Additionally, you’ll find the following features:
Reinforced windows with dark tinting
Reflective and insulated room for increased temperature control
Extensive awning
Easily used inlet for fresh water
Hot and cold exterior shower
Hookup for cable TV
If like me you like to spend some time in the outdoors for weeks at a time, a few small luxuries can go a long way. You might be forgiven for thinking that in order to enjoy the room for multiple recipients, cooking areas, appliances and a bathroom, you’d need to invest in a large trailer.
As we’ve already demonstrated in this article, that’s not necessarily true. You can quite comfortably live, sleep, cook and shower in a camper that quite comfortably fits into a standard garage. The only prerequisite is knowing what to look for and where to find them
The post 7 Fantastic Small Camper Trailers with Bathrooms Included appeared first on Crow Survival.
source https://www.crowsurvival.com/small-camper-trailers-with-bathrooms/
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dreamlover31 · 7 years
Love Will Find a Way: Chapter 31
Alexa walked through the door, she hung up her purse on the coat rack then dropped her keys in a small, ceramic tray that sat on top of the small table beside the door. When she placed her jacket on the second hook, a moment of pause struck as the faint sound of soft instrumental music sparked a sense of curiosity within, with furrowed brows to match her state of confusion, Alexa carefully crept up the stairs to investigate the strange occurrence.
By the time, she reached the top, it became apparent that the sound was coming from the bedroom, the door was opened slightly ajar while she stood in front of it. Slowly, her fingertips pushed it further outward until the whole scene came into view, dark brown orbs filled with wonderment at the decadent layout; there were tea candles burning on top of the dresser across from the bed, an Ipod touch plugged into a docking station parked in between them, the same soft, almost sensual like music that was heard earlier echoed throughout the room.
Her attention shifted from the dresser to the bed, where right in the middle, a small garment was sprawled out on top; Alexa took a few steps forward, then stopped at the foot of the bed, the lightweight piece of fabric hung between her fingers once it was removed from its spot, upon further inspection, Alexa formed the conclusion that it was a form of lingerie. The material was decked out in white, the top half was covered in Chantilly lace while the bottom half flowed out in a sheer color that matched.
A small giggle escaped her lips as she draped the babydoll over her clothed figure, at that point, she headed into the bathroom to peek at her reflection in the mirror behind the door, while one hand held the seductive piece of lingerie, Alexa attempted some amateur modeling moves with her lips pouted and hair being lifted upwards with the other. Unbeknownst to her, a tall figure entered the room, his dark green orbs watched the young woman enact playfully at the mirror; suddenly, he spoke:
“Do you like it?”
Alexa gasped then jumped slightly at the sudden interruption, after a quick recovery, she turned in the direction of where the voice originated from, only to find that it was none other than Rafael, Alexa mimicked Rafael’s trademark smirk as an attempt to regain some level of dignity. A moment of awkwardness ensued before she replied:
“Did you do all this?”
Once again, his attention was drawn to the small piece of fabric draped over her body, so he asked again:
“Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful…but I’m not sure it will fit me”
“Oh, it will…it’s maternity lingerie”
Alexa smiled at him, her feet crossed the small distance between them and placed a tender loving kiss upon his lips, intermediately, their eyes locked onto each other. It was palpable how much love she felt in that moment, the object of her adoration and affection had gone to so much trouble to display such a grand romantic gesture, and yet there was a brief period of disbelief due to this sudden change of behavior, recently, the two of them had yet to regain intimacy since blowback over her indiscretion with Sean.
His gaze never wavered and yet, as he peered into the depths of those dark brown irises, Rafael could tell that she was a million miles away, it was at that point his hand landed on her shoulder.
“Hey, are you ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…it’s just…why did you do all this?”
His hand switched positions to where it cradled against the right side of her face, she leaned into his touch; at the same time, his expression faltered.
“Because I haven’t been fair to you…I know you’ve been trying to win back my trust and I’ve been dismissing them because of my wounded pride…at one point, I thought that if it happened once then it would happen again”
“It won’t, I promise”
“I know, I know…look my point is, I want to trust you again and I thought I would start with this”
Alexa kissed his palm in the same instant her hand slinked up and clasped on top of it, he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear with his free hand, in a hushed tone; he insinuated that she changes into the babydoll and show off some more of her modeling moves, the two of them shared a few chuckles as Alexa playfully smacked his arm.
She turned on her heel in the direction of the bathroom until Rafael grabbed her arm, Alexa gave Rafael’s face a once over for any signs of worry when their eyes met, but found none.
“What is it?”
“Nothing, I was just going to ask you if you still had that shawl you bought during our trip to the Rockaways”
“Yeah, I still have it”
“Good…because I want you to wear it with this”
Alexa grinned mischievously, “Ok”
Rafael released his grip from her arm then Alexa retraced her steps before making a stop at the dresser, she opened the middle drawer and found the crocheted shawl. With both items in hand, she stepped through the doorway into the bathroom, as soon as the door closed, Rafael quickly disrobed apart from his boxers, he propped himself on the edge of the bed during Alexa’s absence. After five minutes passed, he began to express concern.
“Are you alright in there?”
There was a hint of hesitance in her voice when she retorted, “I’m fine”
“Doesn’t sound like it”
Other than the music that continued to fill the room, there was a period of tension filled silence.
“Sweetheart, come on out…I want to see you”
“You’re going to laugh at me”
“No I won’t, I promise”
Within a few seconds, the bathroom door started to slowly creep open while his body still faced forward, then when it was free of any obstruction, Alexa sauntered out fearing that Rafael would take one look at her and see how ridiculous a pregnant woman looked in sexy lingerie, but to her amazement, the moment she peered into his eyes, there was nothing but pure lust and arousal.
His eyes drifted downwards taking in every inch of her, he couldn’t get enough of how it accentuated the newfound curvatures of her body and flattered her enhanced bust line, in that instant, he stood up from the bed and stepped to her. A small smile appeared on his face as he lovingly stared into the dark brown orbs filled with light.
“You are so beautiful”
Alexa’s face became flushed in a light shade of pink, her focus never left his as she relaxed her shoulders to the point where the loosely wrapped shawl fell to the floor, her hand reached for one of the straps attached to the babydoll, but then Rafael ceased her movement.
“No, let me”
Alexa nodded lightly, Rafael slipped his fingertips under the strap then pulled it down, he pressed his lips onto Alexa’s and began a slow pace downward, Alexa tilted her head back to give him more access; soft moans and whimpers emanated from her lips as he placed small wet kisses on her collarbone.
Rafael’s other hand came up to pull down the remaining strap, Alexa stilled herself as the white laced garment glided down her body, it pooled around her ankles, meanwhile, Rafael laid both hands on her hips. A marathon of slow, tender and sweet kisses nearly consumed Rafael and Alexa until there came a brief intermission for when he needed to catch his breath. Suddenly, his mouth melded with her breast, Alexa’s breathing became shallow as Rafael used his tongue to increase her pleasure along her nipple.
“Oh Rafi…Ohhh…mmmm”
His hand slid from her hip to the remaining breast where he stroked it with a soft caress, at the same time, Alexa was panting and moaning in tune with the music still being played; her arousal increasing with every sensational touch, fireworks were going off in her head and her body felt like it was on fire.
At that moment, Rafael paused his actions, which caused Alexa to whine in disappointment, he gave her a cheeky grin as he got down on his knees; with the lingerie and shawl gone, Alexa donned only a pair of white laced panties, to which Rafael discarded with his fingers hooked onto each side while they slid down her legs. As she stepped back from the circle of clothing, Rafael returned to his former position until they were facing each other again.
“Lie down on the bed”
Without argument, she pulled back the covers and slipped underneath, but not before she shifted her body to where she was laying on her side to accommodate her growing belly, Rafael slipped off his boxers then joined Alexa inside their bed, he carefully slid along side her.
Alexa pressed her back on his chest as his arm coiled around her belly, she giggled as he playfully nipped at her ear as her arm reached behind him until her fingers landed on the back of his neck; she guided him down to her neck where he nuzzled against it and started an onslaught of soft kisses.
Alexa purred at the overwhelming sensation of his lips caressing her hot skin, she tilted her head to where they were nose to nose with each other, at which point they were enthralled in a display of passionate kissing; their tongues moving in sync with each other.
During the act of unbridled passion, Rafael’s own arousal began to show signs that he was ready to elevate things, with a hand wrapped around Alexa’s leg, he draped it over his own then he carefully aligned himself with her entrance and slowly pushed forward inside her.
Alexa gasped as he began a series of slow, gentle thrusts, they were still facing each other when a collection of moans and grunts breathed into their mouths, a few more passionate kisses ensued as Alexa’s orgasm was nearing its peak. Rafael wasn’t too far behind, his hand slipped between her legs where he pressed his fingers upon her clit and started tracing small circles upon it.
“Oh, god Raf, don’t stop…I’m almost there”
Rafael shifted his body then with a well angled thrust, Alexa cried out in pure ecstasy while she grasped the sheets, a mixture of sighs and grunts of satisfaction flowed outward between them as Rafael came undone behind her, after a few minutes, their breathing slowed and Alexa turned to face Rafael once again.
“That was…amazing”
Rafael chuckled, then his hand came up from under the sheets, his fingertips stroked her cheek as their posture remained unphased; Alexa took him by the hand, with their palms flattened, her fingers slid up against his, she smiled sweetly as he kissed her fingertips.
“Marry me”
Alexa narrowed her eyes then laughed lightly, “It was good for you too huh?”
“I’m serious”
At that moment, Alexa glanced at him cautiously.
“Rafael…are you sure?”
“Of course, I am, after everything we’ve been through…I know in my heart that you’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I found love again because of you, and from that love…we’ve created something even more beautiful, together we’ll watch her grow and have the privilege of being a part of every single one of life’s special moments…and during our final years, we’ll spend the days playing in a roomful of grandchildren and watching the sunset on our porch”
Alexa’s eyes welled up, it was like something out of a fairy tale, finally after all the heartache and loneliness, she had found a man who makes her feel special and adores her little quirks and eccentricities.
This is the happiest moment of my life…I look forward to the days where the best part is waking up to his smiling face, where we spend our days together no matter what we do…but most importantly, just knowing that we love each other fiercely to where nothing can come between us. Rafael stared at her rather nervously when she didn’t answer, finally, he decided to reiterate his proposal.
“Alexa…you kind of need to say something”
“Oh…yes, I will marry you”
They smiled up at each other then shared one more kiss, after being completely drained of their energy, Rafael and Alexa snuggled up under the covers. Their hands comingled on top of her belly, before they drifted off to sleep, their little one gave a small nudge; they took it as a sign that she was just as excited as they were that their little family was about to be complete.
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robertkstone · 6 years
2017 Subaru Legacy Sport Long-Term Verdict
In Motor Trend’s version of My Two Dads, MT’s fleet admiral Erick Ayapana and I joined forces to shepherd a young and spirited Subaru Legacy through its journey of discovery in our long-term garage.
Shortly after the June 2017 issue went to press, Erick needed to give up his seat to help foster another vehicle, and that’s when I took over. Between the two of us, we logged 20,460 miles almost exclusively on the means streets of SoCal, although head honcho Ed Loh took it on a trip to Sacramento, and web producer Erika Pizano hustled up to San Francisco for a weekend trip. Other than that, it was mostly used to get me between El Segundo and San Pedro and for the occasional downtown dash for hockey.
This means I didn’t do a lot of open-highway driving, which probably accounts for our combined average of 26.3 mpg being a little less than the 29 and 31.1 mpg estimates from the EPA and Real MPG, respectively. Despite the lower numbers, the Legacy still managed to impress in the fuel mileage department because the whopping 18.5-gallon fuel tank made for a long-distance hauler that would often go 14 days and 500 miles between trips to the gas station.
For reference, our Legacy’s Subaru sibling, the 2016 Outback, which also has an 18.5-gallon fuel tank but weighs 203 pounds more, averaged 23.4 mpg over our year of testing it.
The interior is spacious and comfortable. My preference is to sit high and very close to the steering wheel, and I never felt cramped in the Legacy. It has a height of 59.0 inches, more than 3 inches taller than our last long-term sedan, a 2016 Honda Civic Touring, and I always felt I was sitting a little higher than I normally would in sedan.
Ergonomically, everything is within reach of the driver, the controls are easy to manage, and the steering wheel and mirrors are a breeze to adjust.
The back seat has plenty of room for cargo, human and otherwise, with 38.1 inches of legroom for the former—the same as in the larger Outback. The Legacy also excels in one of the most important back-seat metrics—zero complaints about comfort from passengers.
One disappointment for me was all the scratches the console suffered with what I’d consider a light amount of abuse. Over the year the center console has developed some unsightly scars, presumably from tossing my keys into the cupholder upon entry. An everyday vehicle should be able to withstand a little torture. To combat this I trained myself to leave the keys in my pocket and use the keyless entry, which when you commit to works like a charm. I also took the time to adjust the settings to turn off the annoying beeping that accompanies every locking and unlocking—it was loud enough that I worried about waking the neighbors. The world needs less beeping, and I’m doing my part.
Aesthetically, the Starlink multimedia console could use some work (and Subaru must have agreed, as newer models have updated looks). It does, however, have an actual volume and tuning knob along with plenty of options for listening to music. It offers pretty good clarity when listening loud, as well.
The multiple power and USB ports were much appreciated, as was the smartphone notch built into the center console. However, the execution of a device notch should be further fleshed out in the future. It would have been nice to be able to seat the phone in the notch and connect it to power or the console. Good idea, but not 100 percent there.
One person on staff seems to think my devotion to legacy technology makes me a Luddite. I think that’s a bit harsh and an inaccurate understanding of the word, but you’re the benefactor of my inability to let go of past devices. For a while I was listening to my music and podcasts via Bluetooth streamed from my Dropbox app, and that worked pretty well, but recently I switched it up and have been using the aux input to listen via my iPod classic. I went the aux route because directly connecting the large iPod library was too much for the stereo to handle, and it would often glitch out and restart the iPod. It does work to connect your music device directly via USB, but I had spotty results and went with the technologically inferior analog aux input.
The Bluetooth streaming ability was easy to connect, so much so that while picking up the car from the valet, I got in and noticed the car’s Bluetooth had, from a distance, already synced to my phone and begun playing the show I was listening to. That’s a stereo eager to start streaming.
The Subie does have a CD player, and just to make sure it worked, I dug a disc out of storage. For a second I thought maybe Subaru could be bluffing to see if anyone noticed, but it played.
The navigation system went largely unused until I dropped my phone’s unlimited data plan. To save myself from the data-depleting Waze, I used Subaru’s onboard navigation, and to my delight it worked really well. Using real-time traffic updates, the nav steered me clear of a particularly nasty off-ramp construction project that stole hours from a bunch of co-workers.
Out on the road, although this model was called a “Sport,” it really doesn’t give off a sporty vibe. Its 0–60 time of 9.1 seconds is comparable to the Outback’s 9.5 seconds, and in the passing metric, the time to go from 45 to 65 mph, the Legacy and Outback again were comparable with 4.7 seconds for the wagon and 4.5 for the sedan. The Camrys and Accords of the world are at least 1.5 seconds quicker to 60 and at least a half-second quicker in passing.
So this is not a sports car by any stretch, but despite its name I never really expected it to be. It does get up to speed in a safe amount of time and does not struggle to maintain speed on the highway. The continuously variable transmission seemed to make the right “shifts” at all the right times without any lag or jerkiness. I mostly didn’t notice it.
The ride itself was smooth. The Legacy was able to absorb many of the minor bumps in the road, and it eliminated a lot of the annoying road noise to make for a pleasant commute inside the cabin. This allowed me to cut some of my fellow commuters some slack when they behaved a little less than noble. Oh, well. I’m happy in here.
We took the Legacy to the dealer for three scheduled oil changes, tire rotations, and inspections, and without any other problems springing up, we spent $0 on repairs or normal wear and tear. The Outback long-termer also cost us nothing to maintain, and our VW Passat also included free maintenance. We spent $483.20 on four service visits over 30,828 miles with our 2016 Civic, however.
In the last nine months I’ve enjoyed my time in the Legacy. I’m not naturally much of a lead foot, and generally I prefer comfort over aesthetics, so the very workmanlike, smooth-riding Legacy fit my driving disposition pretty well. It’s nice when you and your car are compatible.
Read more about our 2017 Subaru Legacy Sport:
Update 1: Track Days
Update 2: Help!
Update 3: Questions and Answers
Update 4: Driving with AWD and Using the Nav System
Update 5: How it Compares to the Updated 2018 Model
Our Car SERVICE LIFE 13 mo / 20,460 mi BASE PRICE $24,815 OPTIONS Sport Value Package ($4,095: EyeSight Driver-Assist system with blind-spot detection and rear automatic emergency braking, Starlink telematics and navigation, Power moonroof, 18-in wheels, Keyless Access w/push-button start, Sport appearance package); Side cargo net ($88) PRICE AS TESTED $28,998 AVG ECON/CO2 26.3 mpg / 0.74 lb/mi PROBLEM AREAS None MAINTENANCE COST $0 (3- oil change, tire rotation, inspection) NORMAL-WEAR COST $0 3-YEAR RESIDUAL VALUE* $20,100 RECALLS None *IntelliChoice data; assumes 42,000 miles at the end of 3-years
2017 Subaru Legacy Sport POWERTRAIN/CHASSIS DRIVETRAIN LAYOUT Front-engine, AWD ENGINE TYPE Flat-4, alum block/heads VALVETRAIN DOHC, 4 valves/cyl DISPLACEMENT 152.5 cu in/2,498 cc COMPRESSION RATIO 10.3:1 POWER (SAE NE from PerformanceJunk WP Feed 3 https://ift.tt/2EPwYeX via IFTTT
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Warhammer 40K Dev On Xbox And PS4 NEO One Electricity Variances, ‘Numerous AspectsI Will
Court papers registered in OraclesHA patent infringement suit against Google and its Android systems that are operating demonstrate that the private coverage of Google is to let pick Android OEMs get chosen usage of the smartphone OS. The files exclusively report Motorola—the same Motorola Yahoo has reported it'll purchase—and Verizon, which could properly be used like a struggle of fascination by the different OEMs of Yahoo. I did sonot know if at this time he got the sport or just ready again there till I dropped awareness and gone aside. The complete sport somewhat emits a Mario Kart-like experience also, that is constantly a-plus, and the sport is quite wonderful. That being said, muchas I enjoy cell gaming, between battle-to-the-bottom, FTP and games being consistently broken by OS changes, we regrettably nolonger see it to be in a position to support the somewhat higher-budget advanced games later on and eventually exchange the infrastructure of portables. Be informed, there are several points in this game that may not be suitable for everybody!!! It keeps the fundamentals of games that are Pokémon past — catching Pokémon, battling at Gyms, using items, developing your animals — having an insane angle: You're all carrying it out all-in real life. The Samsung $649 ATIV 500T ($769 having keyboard connect), like different Intel Atom based drugs, could operate most Windows applications: meaning x86ANDWindows-7 apps much like another complete Windows pc. The latter is of attention to Zelnick, who wants to view parity across portable and system types, consequently to not present a weaker solution to smartphone consumers. I believe that desire is boiled down seriously to by the main distinctions between Android and iOS supporters. The Xbox One isn't simply able to create definitely better hunting games the Xbox you have on loads of situations made 1080p games. they appear to know once they reach that stage of the game although We never tell these difficulties to the venture communities. Course's developer,, is creators of the augmented-reality game Ingress on which Pokémon Go's engineering and layout is situated, Niantic, earlier an internal start-up at Google. The 3D method lets you view the whole ninety moments from start to finish as you are currently seeing a system sport doing his thing. You will be able to utilize simple time that is portable with single variety through the cell phones lifestyle. Different new features declared today are the capability to revise gameplay and sport economy parameters in games instantly without having to post a new type of an application to Yahoo Perform, as well as a new service that offers designers the ability to estimate which consumers are most likely to invest profit their games (or drop out). We looked-for an employee to available the shelving that were secured together with the game racks inside and walked straight to the technology division. Should the research work in their favor, the sport could possibly be involved in to a significant employment programme that provides 1,500 new hires to the enterprise each year. http://elveszettszepseg.info feel like unless recreation remotes for cellular became a convention or several new insight product that is groundbreaking were designed, anyone nevertheless will not get the type of finetuned rapid -response you receive from controller inputs that are console. Anyone got a spot there, if peopleis requirement is just a replicated of the initial game. This week I used to be floored by person movies regarding Stop Fort, a-game that could be just like Minecraft in visuals but has so much hidden range when I pick up an ipadmini that it will likely be my initial iOS DL week that was next. If having built in actual remotes Apple previously decides to produce a device I believe Mobile gambling will get a good possibility of being taken seriously. Stopper your Android smartphone in via Flash, when the files are in your Windows pc, where you can choose Available product to view information and you ought to get a pop up screen. As you Can easily see, there's plenty of fps togo about and also the recreation must manage effortlessly sufficient on low detail on the low-end equipment. I had been in the retailer considering Android drugs and there's about 500 of them, numerous using HUGELY different rates and unique UIis. Everyone cannot purchase mobiles that are pricey so each business generating greatest and low-cost phones, now in indian cheap mobiles marketplace very tuff. The rising star of mulitchannel retail is cell, according to your study of U.S. and U.K. people executed by way of a digital marketing class Econsultancy it is not a really stunning discovering — presented the capabilities and pervasiveness of today's smartphones — however the results underline the expanding role phones are enjoying in buyers' life. Felton Rezz in the activities that are first has-been updated to be the twin brother of Grimroth in the film. Worse, people linked to Stylish say, improvement on the recreation is consistently abandoned by Stieglitzis interference. Each one of these gives its own distinctive advantages to some child while holding mobiles are available in a variety of different requirements and sorts. After FIVE years (SIX in the event that you rely the original Intel statement), it is period the builders end horsing about and acquire their programs uptodate. It had beennever frustrating like many fatalities of Recreation of Thrones are, nevertheless it was however heartbreaking. I do believe LOTS OF activities would work great on portable with some adjustments for the podium. Should you pop in a brand new hard-drive, deploy Snow Leopard, while you explained subsequently import Your Own Time Appliance back-up, which should operate great also. Bingis risk is the fact that by determined by adopters to manufacture the components and adjust the OS, the user may derive not get themselves of Yahoo's sources and the OS for their private use. However it generally does not fit for the control, already tried with the PS3 my iPad and controller Sport!!! The point that set back out game one of the most was modeling and animating the Pokemon. Most TELLY string H five devices that are mobile are not low in excellent and facilitates dual-SIM (GSM) element. Well claimed, and I consider they presently do, using the expansion of mobile gambling in their home country. He once informed some kiddies when a game is preordered sufficient it often can come previously away. Besides Battlefield 1 because from your PlayStation age I can't consider that anymore regardless of this being World War 1 and till around three years into the Xbox 360 Console it had been nothing but World War Two shooters. Since the original was therefore without spirit it felt just like a deceased globe We'll also skip Watchdogs and also the hacking was extremely trivial however the additional activities you stated along with a collection that you did not we'm really getting excited about. Chances are there are still a number of Android coders who're utilizing the tools that are outdated to develop their software. Take me subsequently, presently eighteen, began computer, using game boy, ps1 ps3, received an iPhone and now an ipod itouch. Then a job is not as uncomplicated as it seems to be as it pertains to spying on others cell phone. It is not unimportant for one to decide that in which phone they or, she really wants to criminal on. In this page of today's, numerous traveler application exist on the market to criminal on telephones that are several. Many Sonyericsson cell phones have the standard attributes that are there-in all the mobiles that are other, however distinct mobiles get different exclusive marketing idea which make them differ from their competitors. Most of these activities even have before buying the version that is full free version which you may try out. The sport even offers a huge amount of new epidermis packs that you can obtain to improve your character's appearance. The 3DS offers probably among the finest sport libraries of any mobile era. Furthermore on these enterprise that was android differing additional companies and software physicians is possible. the sport recording app from Samsung is super-cool although I'm-not sure whether or not it's on the performs took nevertheless. Last year introduced that he strategies to quit operating After-Game of Thrones systems up because he does not appreciate it as much as they used to. They likewise really wants to create method for other hobbies - they traveled to help poor people this past year,. The 2 clubs include mentioned the game is going to be introduced concurrently on the consoles together with the Laptop, although it'sn't clear perhaps the recreation is only likely to be to the recent generation consoles or whether there may also be a Xbox 360 and PS3 type. Not or imagine it there's a middle-ground between a serious 50 hr game and a 5 minute sport that is relaxed. The games do not get the official release-date, but Nintendo has mentioned they will not be unready to play by the Holidays” of 2016. Sport Of Thrones is the world's most unlicensed exhibit This. Will most likely not help it to shed that identify. Anyone in that more cash doesn't imply quality that is better and I certainly agree; that is why we chosen if I acquired the decision I'd elect to enjoy with an excellent system game-over an iOS recreation. If anyone iPad or else has found a better strategy to prevent games proper sort their iPhone, be sure to let the responses are known in by me! In case you come across activities using violent information, attempt marketing them on a website like and By letting your children, activities that are right are chosen. I just want to buy a whole game and enjoy with it. That's it. Number money regarding health pills or improvement that is quicker.
0 notes
noplacecalledhome · 6 years
10 Best Hotels To Stay In Patton Woods Texas – Top Hotel Reviews
Patton Woods Texas is beautiful and has lots of hotels. Ofcourse we are only looking for the best hotels in Patton Woods Texas. It’s important to compare them because there are so many places to stay in Patton Woods Texas. You’re probably wondering where to stay in Patton Woods Texas. To see which hotel sounds better than the other, we created a top 10 list. The list will make it a lot easier for you to make a great decision. We know you only want the best hotel and preferably something with a reasonable price.
Our list contains 10 hotels of which we think are the best hotels in Patton Woods Texas right now. Still, some of you are more interested in the most popular hotels in Patton Woods Texas with the best reviews, and that’s completely normal! You can check out the link below.
Skip to the most popular hotels in Patton Woods Texas.
10 Best Hotels In Patton Woods Texas:
Scottish Inns Galveston
One of our top picks in Galveston.Scottish Inns Galveston offers accommodations in Galveston.Each room at this hotel is air conditioned and has a flat-screen TV. Every room has a private bathroom. For your comfort, you will find free toiletries and a hairdryer.There is a 24-hour front desk at the property.Kemah is 21 miles from Scottish Inns Galveston, and Texas City is 12 miles from the property. William P. Hobby Airport is 38 miles away.
the location is great because it’s close to the cruise ship terminals and it’s nice you can keep your car there.
Ample parking. Microwave, fridge, bathroom. Larger room.
Staff was nice and accommodating. Loved the inclosed areas.
You may park your car as long as u want. nice layout of the hotel.
Location. Continental breakfast and clean room. Free parking.
For more info click here.
Best Western Plus Seawall Inn & Suites by the Beach
One of our best sellers in Galveston! Free Wi-Fi and an outdoor pool are featured at this Galveston hotel. It is a 5-minute walk from the beach.Cable TV is provided in each room at Best Western Plus Seawall Inn & Suites by the Beach. Complete with a microwave, the rooms also include a refrigerator. The private bathrooms also have a hairdryer and free toiletries.A 24-hour front desk and free parking are among the conveniences available at Best Western Plus Seawall Inn & Suites by the Beach. Meeting facilities are also provided.The hotel is 1 miles from East End Historic District and 2 miles from Pleasure Pier.
Staff very helpful in making suggestions for restaurants and places to go and visit.
Renee is fantastic! Dave was very pleasant. Overall,a super experience – will be back!
Bed was comfortable. Room ,lobby is clean.breakfast was good.area around food kept clean an neat.
The lady at the front desk was very helpful she had red hair than the day orange
Christine was very helpful and had a wonderful personality. My husband and I were very happy and impressed with her. We had a very nice time in Galveston. We’ll probably return to the same location in the future. Breakfast was good. There were a lot of different choices to pick from. Eggs. toast, sausages, waffles, coffee, milk cereal yogurt juices etc..
For more info click here.
Homewood Suites By Hilton Galveston
Homewood Suites By Hilton Galveston offers accommodations in Galveston.The rooms include a flat-screen TV. Each room includes a private bathroom.There is a 24-hour front desk at the property.Kemah is 22 miles from Homewood Suites By Hilton Galveston, and Texas City is 12 miles from the property. The nearest airport is William P. Hobby Airport, 39 miles from Homewood Suites By Hilton Galveston.
Excellent breakfast !!!staff worker Peter was very helpful and nice great spacious room I absolutely loved we found our new hotel when we go Galveston most definitely will be returning
Excellent service. Breakfast very good. Beds awesome
This hotel is brand new and beautiful. The staff is very friendly and hospitable. When we asked for things like towels and extra linens, they had someone there within minutes. It was very clean and well kept (there was always staff cleaning and mopping somewhere). The breakfast was hot and very tasty! I would definitely stay again! Our suite also had a beautiful view of the gulf!
eggs were good and the pillows & bed very comfortably
The price was very reasonable but the amenities and breakfast exceeded my expectations by far! I WILL no longer stay anywhere else. Thank you
For more info click here.
The Tremont House, A Wyndham Grand Hotel
One of our top picks in Galveston.The Tremont House is just a 5 minute drive from Galveston Beach. Guests at this hotel will enjoy a flat-screen TV and an iPod docking station in each room.Free Wi-Fi and cable TV are included in the classically decorated guest rooms of this Galveston hotel. In-room tea and coffee-making facilities are also provided for added convenience.Room service and valet parking are featured at the Wyndham Tremont House. The hotel also features a dry cleaning service and a 24-hour front desk.Just a 5 minute walk separates guests from the Cruise Terminal and the dining and shopping options of the Strand Historic District. Saengerfest Park is also less than one mile away.
The hotel is beautiful and staff were good. The bed was very comfortable.
Location was great. Rooftop bar was a fun place to be.
Wasn’t aware of the courtesy car and was impressed with the help at the hotel
The bartender (Rebecca) was great and easy to talk with and made the evening a lot of fun. the rooms are always great and you get an elegant feeling. love the “olde worlde” ambiance. really like the rooftop bar.
The quiche in the restaurant was very good. There’s a great view from the Rooftop Bar.
For more info click here.
La Quinta Inn Galveston East Beach
This property is 1 minute walk from the beach. Just feet from the Gulf of Mexico, this Galveston hotel offers rooms with free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs with premium cable channels. Guests can lounge near the outdoor swimming pool available on the property.Tea and coffee-making facilities are included in every room La Quinta Inn Galveston East Beach. A hairdryer and ironing facilities are also provided in all rooms.A complimentary breakfast with muffins, waffles and fruit is provided to all guests each morning. A laundromat and a 24-hour front desk are provided for guest convenience at Galveston East Beach La Quinta Inn.Overlooking the gulf and steps from a number of coastal beaches, this hotel is 3 miles from the Galveston Island Convention Center. NASA Johnson Space Center is a 30 minute drive from the property.
Coffee maker supplies had been wet and we all hard so unable to have coffee in the room
The staff all seemed pretty nice. Room was clean
Was dirty smell very bad and a lot roaches front desk service was good but nasty room i got better hotel in galvveston for the same price or better
Pool not working, cockroaches in the room. Checked in and got up to the room and came back down and checked out!!
the bed was really comfortable, down side was that the restrooms were not very clean. there was dog hair on some of the towels and on the floor.
For more info click here.
DoubleTree by Hilton Galveston Beach
One of our top picks in Galveston.This property is 1 minute walk from the beach. Steps from beautiful beaches on the Gulf of Mexico, this Galveston, Texas hotel features an outdoor pool and an on-site bar and restaurant. Scholes International Airport at Galveston is a 15-minute drive away.Free Wi-Fi, cable TV and a mini-refrigerator are featured in all of the temperature-controlled rooms at DoubleTree by Hilton Galveston Beach. Select rooms offer views of the Gulf of Mexico.DoubleTree by Hilton Galveston Beach features on-site dining at Foxtail Bar and Restaurant, which serves breakfast and dinner.A modern fitness center, a gift shop and laundry facilities are available.Galveston College is a 5-minute drive away and Inverness by the Sea Golf Course a 10-minute drive from the hotel. The historic Strand District, the Aquarium at Moody Gardens along with a number of cruise ship terminals are also nearby.
The breakfast and bar staff was wonderful! I liked being able to ride the bikes out front. The breakfast buffet was great and a great value for $12.99.
Everything was extremely nice. Beautiful view and pool
very close to historic pier and beach, rooms are very nicely furnished
Everyone was incredibly nice and helpful. The beds were so comfortable! Cool decor and very clean throughout the hotel!
Staff was very friendly and room was clean. Will be back next trip with husband and kids.
For more info click here.
Hotel Galvez and Spa, A Wyndham Grand Hotel
One of our top picks in Galveston.This property is 2 minutes walk from the beach. Located in Galveston, 22 miles from Kemah, Hotel Galvez and Spa, A Wyndham Grand Hotel features air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi throughout the property. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar. Private parking is available on site.Each room has a private bathroom fitted with a bathtub or shower.You will find a 24-hour front desk at the property.The hotel also provides free use of bicycles. William P. Hobby Airport is 39 miles away.
The bartender Steven was wonderful; our suite was beautiful.
The Room Service Breakfast was very good. I enjoyed the spa and the pool.
The history. Loved the lobby with bar and restaurant full of life! People enjoying their family and friends.
The history, antique look. Floors were quiet. Stand up shower was superb.
The view was incredible for me and my wife. Yea the room was a little on the small size but wasn’t there to have a party. Bed was amazing. Couldn’t have asked for a better staff. From check in to check out was perfect.
For more info click here.
Four Points by Sheraton Galveston
One of our top picks in Galveston.This property is 1 minute walk from the beach. On historic Galveston Island, this hotel overlooks the Gulf of Mexico and is just across the street from the beach. The hotel features an on-site bar, restaurant and an outdoor pool.Free Wi-Fi access and a flat-screen TV are included in every room at Four Points by Sheraton Galveston. They are furnished with a work desk and equipped with a coffee maker.Oasis, the hotel’s on-site restaurant, offers casual dining for breakfast and dinner. Also on-site is the Oasis Bar, as well as a snack shop. Room service is available.A fitness center and a business center are both provided at the Galveston Four Points by Sheraton. They are open 24 hours a day.Moody Gardens and Schlitterbahn Waterpark are within 4 miles of the hotel. Pleasure Pier is less than a mile away.
The room and hotel were good , the bed was very comfortable.
Location and the bed was amazing. Slept better than at home
Across from the beach, we stayed when Galveston had its Mardi gras and the main parade was on the street across which was extremely convenience. Very underwhelming hotel room for a Sheraton though, bed not particularly comfy, etc.
Window was facing back of Wendy’s, flood light came on at about 5:40AM. No dark out curtains light flooded in.
The hotel was outdated not clean the price was not worth the stay … the breakfast was ok
For more info click here.
Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Galveston Beach, TX
Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Galveston Beach, TX is located in Galveston, 22 miles from Kemah and 12 miles from Texas City.Every room comes with a TV. You will find a coffee machine in the room. Every room is fitted with a private bathroom. Extras include free toiletries and a hairdryer.The nearest airport is William P. Hobby Airport, 39 miles from Country Inn & Suites Galveston.
The location was nice. Right across from the beach.
It was my wife’s birthday and the check in and check out for one night couldn’t have been easier. The room had an amazing view and was clean and accommodated us very nicely. We will be back.
Breakfast was good, across street from beach, close to restaurants
The location was great for walking to the pier and nearby restaurants.
I like the first room I was put in but next door to us the had a large barking nonstop dog and we had to be moved to another room.
For more info click here.
Knights Inn Galveston
One of our top picks in Galveston.Knights Inn Galveston is located in the The Seawall neighborhood in Galveston, 22 miles from Kemah and 12 miles from Texas City.Some units include a sitting area to relax in after a busy day.You will find a 24-hour front desk at the property.The nearest airport is William P. Hobby Airport, 39 miles from Knights Inn Galveston.
Lady at the desk is from the place we use to always stay. Very happy to see a familiar face. Love her!
Small friendly hotel on the beach font good access to. All bars restaurants sea
Price was good, check in and check out process was easy. The rooms were in a great location for the parades.
The room very small and not very up to date usually the Knight Inn are good bed was comfortable but not enough pillows I would not stay here again and will not reccomend it
The only thing I liked was the location next to the beach but it was also next to a biker bar! Do not much sleep was achieved due to the loudness of the bikes and music.
For more info click here.
Top Hotels In Patton Woods Texas Conclusion:
The above is a top selection of the best hotels to stay in Patton Woods Texas to help you with your search. We know it’s not that easy to find the best hotel because there are just so many places to stay in Patton Woods Texas but we hope that the above-mentioned tips have helped you make a good decision.
We also hope that you enjoyed our top ten list of the best hotels in Patton Woods Texas. And we wish you all the best with your future stay!
Related links:
https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-splitters-for-iphone-8-top-reviews/ https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-hdmi-splitters-and-switches-top-reviews/
The post 10 Best Hotels To Stay In Patton Woods Texas – Top Hotel Reviews appeared first on The Seversons.
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Poetry Brief: Reflection
At the start of this brief I learned the importance of the main elements and principles of design. They are used in every single piece of work, so they have to be fully understood in order to create the most visually captivating piece possible. Below is my research into the different elements and principles.
In design, space is defined as the areas around, between and within components in a piece of work. An example of this is the use of negative space to create subtle images. Negative space is the space around/between the subject(s) of an image. The subject of an image is called the positive space.
Repetition is used in design to give a sense of consistency and cohesiveness. It is simply the repeating of the same elements throughout a design. One of the most famous uses of repetition is Andy Warhol’s pop-art work. The iconic image of Marilyn Monroe is known everywhere for it’s bright and colourful repetitive pattern of faces.
Balance in design is all about placing components specifically to create an aesthetically pleasing arrangement. There are two forms of balance in design; formal and informal. Formal balance is when both sides of a design are symmetrical, in terms of arrangement. Informal balance is when the two sides aren’t symmetrical, but the design is still balanced. Balance can also be one of three types; horizontal, vertical and radial.
Contrast in design is one of the most aesthetically pleasing principles, in my opinion. It is just the use of completely different components in the same design, but when it’s done well, it is captivating. Whether it’s colour, text or images, we like it. One of the most famous examples of contrast being use to draw attention is in Apple’s iconic iPod adverts. They used a brightly coloured background with a blacked-out silhouette of a person wearing bright white earphones connected to a white iPod. This immediately makes you focus on the white iPod, the product that they were aiming to sell.
Shapes are the 2D areas in an image. They can be either geometric or free-form/organic. Geometric shapes are more regular, like squares and circles. Organic shapes are irregular and random, and are harder to replicate. Shapes are often found in infographics, such as the work of Fernando Volken Togni.
Lines are possibly one of the most fundamental aspects of all design work. They can be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved or even zigzag. They’re used by every type of designer as the basis of any piece of work.
Texture refers to the way that things look or feel. In design, it means exactly the same. Where fashion designers might make clothes feel a certain way, graphic designers can do the same by creating digital textures.
Direction is found in all designs, no matter how subtle. It is used to reflect the tone of the design. There are three different types, each with a different intention. Horizontal direction implies stability and calmness, and vertical direction suggests a certain formality. Oblique direction, however, gives a sense of action or movement.
Our first day-brief was to experiment with letters and how they are created and used. First we had to create a collage using cut and paste techniques, and also letterpress techniques. I then put mine through the risograph machine, which made it look so much better. Then we had to draw wooden letterforms, and annotate them with the various parts of letters. This was very educational; I never knew how complex letters were before this.
I then went on to look at how these principles and techniques are used in editorial design following the next day-brief. We were tasked with creating a front cover and two double page spreads for an architecture magazine called Arkitekt. I enjoyed this brief as I got to use InDesign for the first time ever. I’m happy with my final magazine, especially the logo. I spent a long time doing a two-point perspective drawing - also for the first time - of the word Arkitekt. Despite this success, if I was to go back and change anything it would be the front cover. I feel that the layout and balance of images is incorrect, and should be redesigned completely.
Moving onto the final and main brief, I had to design a poster to celebrate a chosen poet/poem for International Poetry Day on March 21st 2018. After much deliberation, I chose Snow by Louis MacNeice as my poem. My initial thought after reading the poem was to create some kind of window, with the poem outside in the snow and huge, warm roses on the inside. This seemed like a great idea, especially since we had been tasked to incorporate a 3D element into it. However, I soon realised that this idea was impractical, and had to move on. I then started researching into concrete poetry, and thought that my poem would look great in the shape of a snowflake. I began using a typewriter to write out the poem and other key words, and it looked so aesthetically appealing I knew I had to include it. This led to me using a combination of my own typewritten words and the font American Typewriter to create the timeless, classic feel of the poem. I kept the poster in black and white, also to portray an old-timely feel. I felt that this worked so well, so after a few tweaks it was complete.
I then went on to experiment with the risograph machine, turning my poster red and purple. However the snowflakes got lost in the colour, and it took away the classic feel of the poster, so I kept it the same as before. Despite this, I would really like to use the machine in the future, because it has the potential to be one of my favourite techniques.
My inspiration for this poster came from two main places; a lecture by my tutors, and my research into artist Ian Hamilton Finlay. Jane Anderson and Ally Standing gave a lecture called Type As Image, which I found fascinating. I especially liked the work of Ji Lee, who very cleverly used words as images. This inspired my concrete snowflake idea. As well as this, Ian Hamilton Finlay  was a Scottish poet and artist. He used concrete poetry to create strangely enthralling designs, which is something that I wanted to replicate.
In summary, I am pleased with and proud of the poster that I created. I feel that it fits the brief and also would catch my eye if I passed it on the street. I have learned lots of techniques that I will definitely use again in the future.
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