#the least interesting or even emotional vent post bc im literally just mildly tired and annoyed
monimolimnion · 1 year
hi im mildventing about my cat :)
LMAO. lmao because she is totally fine.
tldr, a few weeks ago a semiferal adopted herself at me (i live on a farm). we think she's related to my brother's cats (same age and they live nearby, and those cats also just showed up like 'adopt me hi'. the color genetics also check out because of course i did that math).
her name is lark and she is just the sweetest cat i've ever known, constantly acts like she is late for her 9-5 at the biscuit factory. has a very sweet little half face. stole my heart immediately, obviously. pet tax:
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she has been in my bathroom for like four days, because i got her spayed (and she was already early pregnant ://///////// she is four months old. awful horrible). and even getting this to happen was lowkey a nightmare bc she is outdoors and only comes by whenever she feels like it, and we had nowhere to trap her overnight. now we're four days into her recovery and i am. Over It.
she's FINE is the thing. like she does not like the cone but she is not screaming or scrabbling to take it off. she doesnt even mind being inside that much. but mum and dad are both like 'will she be done soon :(' and my brain is just. [Bees].
she is meant to have the cone on for Seven To Fourteen Days and that was never going to happen regardless but like. im trying to leave her for as long as is sensible but even making that decision feels horrendous, because every option sucks, either im torturing this poor animal needlessly in a dark room all day by herself or as soon as i let her outside she'll chew her stitches open and then that will be Worse and i will be the moron who let it happen
(they literally let preganant TNR spays go after 72 hours. like she'd be fine. but anyway)
my routine is in shambles and my body hurts because im in there sitting on the floor with her as much as i can be and she doesnt even really want to hang out with me while im there she just wants to Groom Obsessively, during which i have to keep startling her if she grooms too close to the scar which makes her so Sad and then Me So Sad and. bro im tired.
(also i have my OWN surgery at the end of this month. which i should be resting for)
i am doing my Best. and while i originally thought what's best for her HAS to be me being in there with her, so she can have as much cone free time as possible, she is a cat and not a person and sleeps like a billion hours a day and when i am stressed so is she. she is fed, watered, and happy to see me by some miracle (if not really a lap cat atm which is understandable given the circumstances). i am not committing galactic war crimes by giving my cat a sensible amount of time to heal (but also releasing her before 7 days is up because she is an outdoor cat and there are limits to her - and importantly my - ability to cope w this).
[SCREAMS] anyway not long to go.
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