#the legend of frenchie king
lobbycards · 7 days
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Les pétroleuses (The Legend of Frenchie King), Italian lobby card (fotobusta), 1972
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Claudia Cardinale in…
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▪ Behind the scenes of 'Les Petroleuses' a.k.a. 'The Legend of Frenchie King', directed by Christian-Jaque in Spain, 1971.
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Claudia Cardinale and Brigitte Bardot's double: and yes it's a man!
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Bardot talked about the movie she was filming with Claudia and said that she was afraid that Claudia would end up hitting her in the fight scene between them since she saw her stronger than her and decided that she would have a double in that scene where they had than pushing, falling and fighting in the dirt; specifically in this scene:
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Brigitte meanwhile rested...
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▪ Credit: 📷 Photos by Terry O'Neill, 1971.
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cinemajunkie70 · 1 year
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zawazawanightmares · 2 years
Louise Leroi & Giantess
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You, Louise Leroi, are connected to Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ] Your partner selected the 18+ server.
Louise Leroi: Louise rode out along the desert, enjoying the fresh breeze, the sound of clopping...and the jackpot she just got from robbing an entire sheriff's office blind. Sure, it was a while till the next town but the luxury she would drown herself would make it worth it! The sun was getting pretty hot though...but her luck picked up when a giant shade washed over her and her horse. Yup, things are looking up for the new Frenchie King...way up, like the giant woman that she had to halt her horse to keep from running into. "..."
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: Louise saw an immense boot as large as her horse. Looking higher and higher, she saw a towering bare leg, shorts, and a whole young woman looming over her at giant size. She must've been at least 50 feet or 60 feet tall, with long red hair and a devil-may-care smirk on her face. She looked down at the horse and the little woman, then let out a big, booming laugh. "Well well well. What do we have here?"
Louise Leroi: "...Are you a mirage?" Louise's horse clearly wanted to get the fuck out of Dodge but Louise kept a tight grip on its reins, letting it know who's in charge. She don't run from any brawl, especially with a gal she's not even sure is real. "Or did I eat some peyote before I came out here?"
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: The colossal young woman lifted a massive, booted foot and nudged Louise's horse whilst smiling playfully. "Fraid not, l'il lady. I'm as real as a cinder block. Turns out, there's a lot of weird stuff in this here desert. I used to be as little as you are."
Louise Leroi: "Hey! Hands...feet off of Brigitte!" She barked, not liking the way the big gal was spooking her horse. "The hell you talking about, there ain't nothing out here that can get anybody this big!"
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: "And yet here I am, standing right here before your eyes. You ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, are ya?" She laughed again, then lifted a massive boot and stomped the ground as hard as she could -- triggering an earth tremor. She was hoping the horse would spook and throw off Louise.
Louise Leroi: And it did. Louise was hurled to the ground as the horse trotted off, fleeing as fast as her feet could take her. "That freaking---" Louise had to feel around for her hat before glaring up at the giant. She was already thinking murder. "YOU BIG BITCH! YOU COULD HAVE BROKE MY DAMN NECK! And that horse had all the loot on it!"
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: "Think very carefully about the tone ya take with me, runt," she rumbled while lifting that gigantic boot and holding it ominously over Louise's head. She could stomp down whenever she wanted. As the seconds stretched on, the lesson in power began to sink in.
Louise Leroi: Louise tried to growl but held her tongue. She was the maddest she's been in years...but she's not stupid. She's got no power in this situation. None of her six-shooters could hurt her, not at this angle at least. She needs to calm down and play it cool so that she can get out of here. Revenge is not in the cards right now...hell, it ain't even in the damn deck.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: The giant redhead licked her lips while Louise stewed in silence far below. It felt good to have power over little people. So very, very good. "Hey runt," the big 'un finally boomed. "There's a speck on my boot. Clean it off."
Louise Leroi: 'Course the giant bitch turns out to be...a giant bitch. Groaning, Louise got up to clean the speck off her boot. She hoped she was having a nightmare because if anyone was watching, she'd had to shoot them and herself.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: When Louisa was done cleaning that huge boot, the 'giant bitch' bent down and stretched a massive hand toward the little 'un. Lengthy fingers stretched out to grab her. "Don't flinch," she said with a big grin on her face.
Louise Leroi: "What the hell---" Louise tried to protest but bit her tongue as the giant woman scooped her up. Great, she debases herself for this she-beast and now she's gonna be eaten. Perfect ending to this day.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: The big girl held Louise in her hand and squeezed firmly, feeling her body's shape and curves. She held Louisa close to her face and smiled. "I love how angry this is making you. And yet you can't say a word in protest. You know who has the power here."
Louise Leroi: "Great. You a cop too?" Louise felt she was going to die anyway so she snarked at the giantess, not caring what her reaction since she felt her fate was sealed.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: She licked her lips while eying Louise and feeling her little legs, chest, and arms in her hand. She stroked Louise's head with her massive thumb. "Don't get snarky with me, little woman. Or I'll break you."
Louise Leroi: "Go to hell." The pressure on her head assured her that she was dead already so she decided to die with her boots on, so to speak...even though the way this woman was feeling her body, she wondered if she was going to die with a different feeling.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: "Fuck you, Tiny," she said before taking Louise in both hands and tearing off her clothes as if they were tissue paper. She flicked aside her guns. Soon Louise as naked in a giant palm. The big red head grinned while holding her up to those big blue eyes. "Now turn around slowly in my hand. I wanna get a good look at yer body."
Louise Leroi: "What the hell..." She was stunned at the giant's actions, her original thought being a joke. But now she was at the mercy of a giant...what's the word...tribade or whatever?! Remembering that she wanted to live, she turned around and got on all fours, showing her big, toned ass off to the giant woman who was eying her like the sheriff did when she opened her top a bit to avert his gaze from the safe.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: And the giant looked back with cool, pitiless blue eyes. But there was lust in them too. "That's better. I knew you could treat me right with the proper motivation..." Her palm was soft beneath Louise's hands and knees. The giant 'tribade' lifted her other hand and extended a titanic fingertip that touched that bare little butt, rubbing it tenderly. "I didn't like women before I got big. Now, I don't really differentiate between you little people..."
Louise Leroi: What the hell kind of logic was that...what, is turning giant like going to prison? Still, Louise didn't have much room to protest when she felt how damn big that fingertip was when it rubbed up against her ass, making it feel like a gal was back there rubbing up against her like a polished bedpost AND she was starting to get turned on. This day was getting worse and worse...
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: Another finger extended out and rubbed all up and down Louse's itty-bitty back, relishing in the sumptuous smoothness of it. And that bedpost-sized finger (it may have even been larger!) prodded forward, splitting Louise's little cheeks while the big girl licked her lips. "It forced me to broaden my horizons. Just like how I'm forcing you to broaden yours."
Louise Leroi: "You gotta be kidding...!" Louise was in no mood to "discover herself" at the hands of a giant woman she met in the desert...but she really didn't have a choice, as the giantess continued to prove to her as she rubbed her soft, smooth finger along her back while her dirty cheeks were split by the other. This bitch was really gonna take her in the middle of nowhere? Stealing don't deserve punishment like this!
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: "Relax, runt. This is gonna be like taking a bedpost. Or two bedposts..." Her cheeks reddened with excitement as she pushed her finger down a little, rooting about before finding Lousia's little sexlips down there. She rubbed them for a moment, but her fingertip was too big to really stimulate anything properly. She just bit her lip while pushing it forward -- forcing that giant digit in past her lips and further...
Louise Leroi: "HOLY...!" Louise was actually getting fucked by her...and it felt so damn good! She was already wet so the giantess' digit was met with no resistance. She could only grip at the woman's hands as she began to pant from the sheer absurdity and pleasure of the fingering.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: That gigantic finger rammed all the way up into Louise in an instant, splitting her wide and slamming the end of her vaginal cavity. Then the giant thrusted again and again, wielding her finger with merciless strength and speed. She just blushed and bit her lip. She was sopping wet downstairs.
Louise Leroi: Louise's screams of pleasure echoed throughout the desert. The infamous bandit had finally found a bitch bigger than her...and she was breaking her like she was a wild bronco. She could only pray this giantess couldn't make her cum because she would never be able to face the almighty after humiliation of this caliber...and, on that thought, she squirted all over the giant woman's hand as she came harder than she ever did in her life, whining like a cow being milked.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: She grinned as Louise's little cunt started to spasm around her fingertip. When she was done, the giant plopped her finger out and licked Louise's juices off of it. Then she gave Louise's ass a hard flick. "Looks like you're all bark and no bite. You came faster than a jackrabbit." Another hard flick. "Lover."
Louise Leroi: "Fuck..." Louise would have cried if she wasn't so tough. But she was all too aware this wasn't her proudest moment. She needed to get back on top somehow...she rolled over on her (sore) ass and posed while puckering her lips, acting like her previous behavior was all an act. "Damn girl...I'll sell the farm to have a night with you." She looked right into her eyes. "How about a kiss for yours truly?"
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: Perhaps the giantess was truly taken in my Louise's act. Or perhaps she simply didn't care. Either way, she put on a lusty grin and leaned her gigantic mouth closer and closer down until those massive lips spread across Louise's itty-bitty face. Soft, smooth lips smothered Louise as the giantess puckered up and kissed. It was wet and sloppy. Her tongue licked over Louise's features.
Louise Leroi: Louise did her best to return the kiss...and to remember her plan because damn, if that kiss didn't get her hot and bothered again! Her lips covered everything, her breast smelt like roasted beef and her tongue made her entire body shiver...she tried to taste as much as she could of that pink organ as she could before the kiss broke.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: As the kiss broke off, that giant tongue rubbed its great big fleshy tip against Louise's face for several moments, leaving a long strand of saliva as it finally retreated. Then the giant just held Louise in two palms and smiled down at the naked little thing. "I control you. You always obey me and do what I say. But so long as you can accept that I'm on top..." Her voice softened a little and she bit her lip. "I'll treat you right, lover."
Louise Leroi: Louise knew she meant every word...but she wasn't giving up yet. "How about you lie me down...and get on top of me, beautiful?" She teased. "Just be gentle..."
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: "On... top of you?" She seemed confused. "But I'd crush ya."
Louise Leroi: "Not all your weight, ditz." She put both hands behind her head. "I just wanna see ya...all of ya...above me. Maybe rub against me a little? We can finish together..."
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: It was putting her hands behind her head that really sold the request. The big redhead just couldn't resist. "Fine. Hang on a second..." She paused to drop down and set Louise on the ground at her feet. Then she rook a moment to kick off her boots and fully undress. Soon, a giant, naked redhead was looming over Louise. "Okay, little girl. Get ready, 'cause here I come!" She started to drop down to her hands and knees, positioning her crotch over Louise...
Louise Leroi: Alright, the bitch fell for it. Time to...wow, she really had a set of knockers on her. Her body was pretty nice too, now that Louise had a good look. She actually had to lie down to sell her previous lie so that she prepare for the giant pussy coming down on top of her...
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: "Fee, fi, fo, fum..." She actually said it while bringing that colossal red-haired cunt down onto Louise! Massive lips dripping and quivering with excitement. Curly and coarse red pubic hair. A huge clitoris already visibly engorged... It all came pressing down onto Louise unless she took some evasive action!
Louise Leroi: Louise wanted to move. She should have...but she didn't. That pussy practically crashed on her...and she began to move her entire body against it, the hairs tickling her whole body as she moved up to suck on and kiss her clit, fruitlessly grinding herself against her lips as she felt like she was a different person. Maybe...she really was this giant's lover.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: The giant was flat on her stomach, but she made sure not to put all of her weight against Louise. That giant cunt was still heavy and pressing down hard, but not with crushing weight. And the giant just bit her lip while grinding her massive clitoris against Louise's little body. That was all she cared about. She was breathing hard and grunting with clenched teeth.
Louise Leroi: Louise kept at it, kissing and sucking on the giant's clit while managing to trib her entire body against her massive folds. The smell, the taste, the hairs...all factors to her cumming again, feeling like she was being set on and screwed by the biggest bitch she ever met...outside of that horse-breeding skank she woke up in bed with, forgetting what they did but the entire room smelling like tequilla...
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: The giant suddenly, violently came. She didn't even need to touch herself. Grinding against her little lover was enough. Her spine arched back, she bared her teeth, and she pounded the ground with a massive fist while her cunt clenched and unclenched in hot, spasmodic waves of euphoria. And she squirted juice all over Louise's body like it was nothing.
Louise Leroi: Louise bathed in the juices with a contented sigh. How appropriate that she ended up being stolen by the last thing she expected (despite clear prior experience)...another woman.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: The giant rolled over with earth-shaking force, then grabbed her sopping wet lover and deposited her upon a huge, flat stomach. Then she just spread her arms and legs while panting hard. "That was good for me, little girl," she rumbled.
Louise Leroi: "Damn...me too." She managed to croak out. "Guess I ain't King anymore..." She grumbled.
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: "Who's King now?" The giantess smirked and flicked at Louise's nude body rather sharply. "I wanna hear you say it, lover."
Louise Leroi: Louise looked up at her. "...You are. You the new Frenchie King."
Giantess [ F / 20's / Redhead /Lit. S/RP ]: "Damn right I am. Now come give your King a kiss."
Louise Leroi: Louise crawled up and, for the first time in years, planted a gentle kiss on a lover's lips. She was just property now...but she wasn't sure whether she minded or not.
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petersonreviews · 2 years
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Claudia Cardinale and Brigitte Bardot on the set of The Legend of Frenchie King, 1971 
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atomic-chronoscaph · 3 years
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Brigitte Bardot - The Legend of Frenchie King (1971)
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20th-century-man · 4 years
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Claudia Cardinale / production still from Christian-Jaque's Les Pétroleuses [English: The Legend of Frenchie King] (1971) / photo by Terry O'Neill.
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lobbycards · 7 days
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Les pétroleuses (The Legend of Frenchie King), Italian lobby card (fotobusta), 1972
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cosmonautroger · 4 years
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twixnmix · 4 years
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Brigitte Bardot on the set of Les Petroleuses (The Legend of Frenchie King) in Spain, 1971.
Photos by Terry O’Neill
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putall · 5 years
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Posters for The Legend of Frenchie King: Brigitte Bardot & Claudia Cardinale
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ohyeahpop · 5 years
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Brigitte Bardot on the set of ‘Les Petroleuses’, 1971 Ph. Terry O'Neill
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cutescreenfashion · 5 years
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atomic-chronoscaph · 4 years
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Claudia Cardinale - The Legend of Frenchie King (1971)
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lobbycards · 7 days
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Les pétroleuses (The Legend of Frenchie King), Italian lobby card (fotobusta), 1972
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Brigitte Bardot on the set of Les Pétroleuses in 1970.
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