#the livers are the best part of Niji
juiceedapplee · 4 months
Full under the cut.
Selens grad shocked everyone including her, people are taking breaks which is understandable,
the en notice was missing important parts of the jp notice, niji essentially blames the livers,
Other livers leaving is great but also scary, head of overseas management is unqualified,
Niji kept her merch but nothing else, Zaion told us about management before,
And please Stop bullying Millie
I heard of Selens graduation, that she herself NEVER KNEW WAS GONNA HAPPEN, last night and I was so incredibly shocked.
I was then on twitter for about three hours looking at drama and everything
And the English translation left out an entire sentence and has mistranslations in it which piss me off so fucking much
And people are taking well deserved breaks because a surprise graduation, that the liver wasn’t even aware of, is scary and upsetting
And then Niji has the gall to try and blame one of the livers
Turning everyone on their oshi’s
And im so scared not just for my oshi but everyone else and especially people like scarle who stream almost constantly, like the girl streams pretty much everyday
Now I’m not a big stream watcher I usually watch vods and clips and I’m not someone who watches scarle often either but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen her on break
And I want everyone to find better management and better opportunities but there’s also the part of me that doesn’t want them to go
Because if they leave they may not come back, and I’m so scared of my oshi’s leaving and never finding them, like kuro, matara, dokibird, and u-san are all amazing and I’m so happy to see them but i can’t help but feel like that’s luck, we got people who wanted to come back and did
But others may not
Some may just leave and not show up, those who haven’t had a past life may never come back
and I’m not one for digging into finding livers past lives in case they quit or anything, and I try not to follow any alts that a liver may have while they’re still streaming
No business experience and is a singer which he’s still doing btw.
And management literally incriminating themselves by saying that they removed her access to accounts on dec 24 but she posted tweets after that.
That’s not good for them at all
And they kept her merch up but got rid of all her vids, vods, shorts, everything and privated her twitter.
It’s basically saying
Support us and make us more money!
And they admitted to doing public stealth graduations and terminations
Like it’s not going to do you any favors in the long run dude
And I never followed the Zaion drama but apparently she said something about management being bad and she was right.
And to everyone bullying livers and especially Millie,
Please Stop.
I get it. Selen is/was an amazing person but Millie didn’t do anything, she wanted to help fix whatever the problem was.
She wasn’t bullying or anything of the sort.
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saintjimmeh · 4 months
Might as well put my two cents in. It's early & I have a lot of thoughts rattling around so I apologize if this is kinda rambly.
With everything that's happened, I cannot support Nijisanji/Anycolor as a company anymore. Not after the bullshit they pulled last night. THAT BEING SAID...
I still support the livers, and I still support my oshis even though they were both part of that video. I might get hate for that from both inside and outside of the niji circle and I'm prepared for that. Hell, I made the mistake of going on twitter and seen what Ike and Vox are getting, and I'm sure Elira is getting as well. I'm with everyone else thinking that their statement was scripted and Vox, Ike, and Elira were basically forced into doing it or risk losing their jobs. This just seems... incredibly out of character for them, and it was painfully obvious in their voices that they were very uncomfortable the whole time. Something doesn't add up and I'm positive it's Anycolor hiding behind their talent like the cowards they are.
I really hope people understand that the three of them are in a losing situation right now. They could decide enough is enough and graduate. But like leaving any other job, that's not a decision they can make lightly. Leaving Nijisanji means losing their source of income, leaving behind the hard work they've already put in (and quite possibly LOSING it forever, because I wouldn't put it behind niji to private their channels if they graduated right now) as well as projects they're currently working on, losing a good chunk of the communities they've built up (which unfortunately is going to happen no matter what decision they make)... it can't be an easy decision to make, and while I'm disappointed that they did go along with this I don't entirely blame any of them either. I'm hoping that someday they're in a safe position to leave nijisanji behind and work on their own projects without some shady company throwing them under the bus. As much as it would hurt lose the *characters* of Ike, Vox and Elira... they are, at the end of the day, kind of just that. I'd rather support the actual people behind them in whatever they do.
Anyways that's kind of all, again sorry it was kind of stream of consciousness. Everything hurts rn & I'm just kind of hoping for the best for everyone who has been hurt. And I'm begging all of you to please not harass anyone, fans or livers, Selen/Doki, or anyone who has left the fandom completely, over this situation. Direct your anger at the company where it belongs.
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helshollowhalls · 1 year
I was correct. And I don't want to be.
Noctyx debuted, and at first I didn't know what to think of most of the members. Fulgur pretty quickly became my favorite, but I also liked Uki and Alban. I never felt the need to really try watching Sonny, but I lurked in Yugo's streams from time to time, checking out his content.
About eight months ago I just checked when the FalseEyeD video was released because I have no perception of time whatsoever, Japan was hit by an Earthquake and it was announced that Yugo would be on hiatus for a week due to inappropriate comments about the situation.
I remember talking to my best friend about the whole situation. She does not watch Vtubers, but I don't have any friends who watch them so anyone who talks to me runs into the risk of me ranting about Vtubers lmao I explained the situation as best as I could to her, venting my inability to understand why Yugo would speak jokingly of a natural disaster, capable of destroying cities, families and lives (And I still don't understand why he did, but that's besides the point). At the time I made the remark that if there was someone to graduate first from the current roster Niji EN had, it'd probably be Yugo. That statement wasn't made in anger or hate towards towards Yugo, nor with any ill intent whatsoever. It was simply an observation on my part based on how I personally perceived the whole situation, his actions and the behavior of the other EN talents at the time.
Yugo came back from his hiatus and I noticed that often times when his community posts popped up in my recommendations on Youtube, he was profusely apologizing for either canceling a stream or taking down the VOD for one of his streams because it 'wasn't good enough'. I felt bad for him. I don't know if he was simply too hard on himself or if management was being stricter with him due to the incident - or if it was a mix of the two. Whenever I watched any of his streams I never once thought they were bad. I enjoyed watching his content whenever I had the opportunity to do so.
Apart from the occasional posts about the streams, some of Yugo's encouraging community posts also made their way onto my feed. Seeing these little messages while doomscrolling my way through YouTube is something I - and I assume many of the Yuguys as well - will always treasure in my heart.
The announcement of Yugo's graduation is not something I ever wanted to wake up to. While I am not surprised, I hate myself for I guess in a way having predicted it. Sometimes I don't want to be right. It hurts.
Noctyx will never be the same. Nijisanji EN will always have an empty spot where Yugo should be from now on.
My condolences to everyone affected, especially the Niji EN livers, Noctyx in particular, his fans and the person behind the avatar. I hope that everyone takes and gets their time to properly grieve this loss. And I hope that the person behind Yugo is doing okay. I hope they can grieve properly and move on from this stronger.
Thank you for everything.
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pomurai-npuff · 4 months
After seeing the videos from both Tazumi and the livers, I really don’t know how I feel about the situation.
I still have livers within the company whom I want to continue to support, including the three who spoke out in the stream regarding Selen. It was a hard pill to swallow hearing them say those things about her and the situation.
I’m trying my best to stay as neutral as possible but it seems as though the situation isn’t simmering down. It makes it harder to choose who’s right/wrong.
Part of me really wants to continue to support them, but seeing that they’re working for a company that treated Selen like shit, makes it hard for me to fully support them.
I don’t know who to believe. A part of me wants to believe in the Niji livers, but the way they talked about Selen in that stream really sounded like some fake corpo shit. None of that shit sounded heartfelt.
My stance on the management will never change though. They handled the situation in such poor manners, I’m surprised they even got the job.
TL;DR- anycolor management- bad, tazumi- bad, niji livers- neutral, selen/doki- neutral
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vtuberconfessions · 5 months
i will be heartbroken for a while now. i remember when nina graduated from niji en i was so shocked. it just hadn’t occurred to me that anything like that would happen what felt like so soon after i started watching nijisanji. when mysta followed, it was less shock and more of a hollow ache. somewhere along the way i just accepted. when mika announced her graduation it was the same thing where i was more than anything just grateful we’d had her at all, and hoped the best for her. But Pomu… Pomu has been my kami oshi for… oh my god it’s been a year. She’s been a favorite content creator and liver of mine. she stole my heart so fast. and now she’s going. I have a feeling she’ll return to us one way or another. and her vods and videos are staying. she’s accomplished so much and i’m so proud of her and i wish her the best always. part of me will always rest with her as Pomu Rainpuff though. my silly little fairy. i will follow her wherever. but a piece of my heart will always stay behind with this version of her
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takkamek · 4 months
I've been going back and forth about the whole "Vox, Ike and Elira were forced to make that statement". because while it wouldn't surprise me to hear that nijikuro did pressure them, choosing the fan favorites to make that statement..... the two outcomes would be; the three are able to manipulate and sway public opinion to their side which then obviously makes niji look good; or what happened, backlash against Vox, Ike and Elira, so they're now less inclined to leave because fewer fans are willing to support them if they leave.
Vox is the golden boy and there's always been clear favoritism towards him and luxiem, so him not realizing it/wanting to keep that power makes sense. he clearly has a big voice in the company, and many come to him for advice, it's not surprising that he felt threatened. Ike is a big fan favorite, and to my knowledge has always seen as the 'reasonable' and chill/kind liver. but he is a big part of the music side--i remember seeing his name in the credits of many covers/og songs. so "if ike, of all people, is saying this, it must be true!" -is what nijikuro wanted the fans to think. Elira is also a big fan favorite and is like ''assistant manager'' as she's stated (iirc) that she does management work, giving her a lot of power over others, so her seeing those documents doesn't surprise me, even though legally she shouldn't have.
from what i've seen, people now bringing up clips from old, some deleted, streams, The Clique is/was real and connecting the dots ain't that hard. of course i'd like to believe the best in them but with everything coming to light, i think i can only give the benefit of the doubt to the livers whose names haven't been brought out--though i will extend this to scarle and aster as those were clearly fake screenshots.
maybe the management was pressuring vox, ike and elira to make that statement. but they could've said no, they could've chosen to be stealth suspended/terminated--it wouldn't have been easy but they could've done that. elira has a work visa in japan, yes, so nijikuro could've lied and pressured her to think that she'd be in huge legal trouble if they fired her then, but that's not true; iirc after firing you're allowed to stay in the country for 2-3 months w/ work visa.
so even if they come out later and say they were pressured, threatened to make that statement and they apologize for it.... unless something new and horrible things come out as well from the way nijikuro bullies/harasses/abuses their livers, a simple apology isn't enough for me. someone almost died, their friend almost died yet they're standing with the company.
and the worst part is that this all could've been kept under wraps. doki didn't say that she faced bullying and harassment from livers, nijikuro did that themselves, and vox, ike and elira added to it by naming themselves and enna and millie. So all of this would've stayed behind the scenes had nijisanji wanted that--had they agreed to allow selen graduate on somewhat good terms
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