#the loml honestly truthfully absolutely
it’s 2023 and i still so often think about how fucking gorgeous rachel mcadams looked in that stupid eurovision movie
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soberrnatural · 8 years
Back of the Mind
Pairing: Sam x Reader 
Summary: Sam and Reader graduate from Stanford in less than two months. All seems to be going great for the two of them. Until Y/N hears something coming from the living room whilst the two of them are home alone and together in the bedroom... 
Warnings: fluff, mentions of miscarriage, briefest bit of smut, minimal angst
Words: 6,287
A/N: There is not enough words to explain how sorry I am for not posting the past month. I’m not going to use the excuse that I was disabled for the past month and a half (I’m on crutches, nothing serious!), because that should’ve given me more of an excuse to write more. But honestly, I’ve been procrastinating. I guess writer’s block is in the mix, too. But really, it was just me shying away from writing further. 
Honestly though, I think it’s because this part of the year is when I lost my cousin and then my best friend’s birthday is coming up and normally I’d be planning a massive party for the shittard, but I won’t be able to do that this year or any other year. Kind of sucks but I don’t know, I just feel useless at this very moment. So, I’m sorry. There is really no real excuse for my lack of writing. 
But on a good note; I’m going to start writing a book! Nothing to do with any television series or hot as fuck actors and actresses. I’ve actually decided to fulfil my dream to become an author and write a book. So, I’ll probably be posting less on here and focusing more on that. Another reason why I haven’t been posting as much as I used to. I’m so very sorry, But I promise I’ll try get what was requested posted and fulfil your needs. 
Thank you for being patient with me. Also, I apologise for any grammar or punctuation mistakes. And I’m also sorry if none of this makes sense, I had written the first half of it like weeks ago and then I only just finished the second half today and it’s probably a fucking mess. But yolo. 
I hope you enjoy the last part of the Back of the... Series! I’ve had people ask if they could have a spin-off to have an insight of Dean and Carmen’s little love story. Is that what people want? Because I can totally pull that off for you lovely readers. 
ALSO, any Riverdale fans out there? I decided to check it out and I’m hooked. Am I the only one who ships Jughead and Betty? I SCREAMED WHEN THEY KISSED OMFG! Btw, Jughead is the loml. Does anyone else think Madalaine (Cheryl Blossom) kind of looks like Holland Roden (Lydia from Teen Wolf)? 
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“Where’s mummy?”
You heard the little voice ask Sam. You couldn’t help but smile and wait for his answer. You were hiding in the kitchen and standing in front of the freezer to soak in the cold air that cooled your hot skin. It was a rather hot day and the air conditioner wasn’t doing much justice. If it weren’t for the four year old boy in your living room, you’d be stark naked and laying underneath the aircon.
“She’s busying saving the world with her superhuman powers. But she’ll be here soon, okay?”
The giggle that left your mouth couldn’t be prevented. Sam had always come up with different ideas to steer the child away from being upset about the absence of his mother. You adored Sam and the way he was with children. No amount of compliments could convince him that he was brilliant with children and that he would be the best father in the world.
“I have the bestest mummy,” Jackson, the little boy, had sighed in contentment.
Closing the freezer door, you walked back out into the living room and smiled at the sight. Jackson and Sam were drawing at the coffee table and crayons had littered the floor around them, as well as countless papers with Jackson’s scribbles on them. You leaned against the doorframe and watched them fight over a blue crayon.
Sam looked up when he felt your eyes on him and a grin plastered his face immediately. He let Jackson have the blue crayon and got up before walking over to you. He bent down to peck your lips quickly before standing behind you and watching the little boy stick his tongue out and draw some more. Sam rested his head on your shoulder and wrapped his arms around you.
“He’s adorable,” he cooed into your ear, “I want one.”
Your cheeks heated at his comment as you turned your head to glance at him. He had the cutest grin adorning his perfect face and you couldn’t help but lean forward and kiss him again.
“Slow down, cowboy,” you giggled, “Let’s finish school first.”
“We graduate in less than two months,” he pointed out as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, “Might as well start trying.”
“I don’t want to look fat in my wedding dress,” you truthfully told him as you looked down at your engagement ring. There wasn’t a day that goes by where you hadn’t looked down at your hand and admired to simple ring on your finger. From the day he got down on one knee nearly a year ago, you were giddy and ready to claim his last name as your own.
But the two of you decided to take it slow and enjoy the excitement of being an engaged couple. The planning was hard work as it is and having a year to plan the wedding worked out great with the two of you and your busy schedules. That didn’t stop either of you second guessing the long wait. There had been a day when Sam wanted to put everything on a halt and get married straight away. You couldn’t blame him, there had always been days when you wanted to just take him to a church and wed him in an instance.
“You will still look absolutely beautiful to me,” Sam pecked under your ear before he reluctantly pulled away and walked back over to Jackson who had ran out of paper to draw on.
Your gaze followed his tall figure as he plonked down beside the blonde boy and helped him pack up the crayons. Little whines came from Jackson, saying he wanted to draw some more, but Sam had told him that we were going to order some pizza for dinner and watch a movie of his choice. That caught Jackson’s attention and he moved in lightning speed to clean up the mess he and Sam had made.
“Stop being so cheesy,” you complained in which made him turn to look at you, but secretly you loved it way too much. Although, he didn’t need to know that his words corrupted a zoo inside of your belly, “You know I’m lactose intolerant.”
“You’re not the only one” he said, referring to himself, with a grin plastered on his gorgeous face, “Maybe that’s why we’re so perfect together.”
“Because needing to use the bathroom at the same time after eating diary makes us perfect together,” you cocked your eyebrow as a chuckle emitted from his mouth with a mumbled “You know what I mean.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him before turning away and walking back into the kitchen to order the three of you dinner. It hadn’t taken long to call up and order the pizzas and it hadn’t taken long for the pizza to be delivered either. The three of you sat in the living room with a box of pizza on your laps – well, Jackson had a plate with two slices of your pizza – whilst you watched Snow White on the small screen.
Sam thought your attention was on the princess on the screen but it was very much caught by him. He was watching Jackson smile at the screen as he sat on the edge of the couch and pointed at the TV whenever something funny had happened. At one point, Jackson had said that he wished animals liked him enough to clean his bedroom. You giggled at the little boy before turning your attention back to the movie rather than your fiancé who was grinning at the small child.
Watching him interact with Jackson made you upset as you thought back to night you were both reunited. The scare was enough to keep you both wide awake all night as you panicked at the thought of being pregnant during your first year of college. You’d taken the morning after pill and felt relieved knowing there was no chance you’d be pregnant now.
Fate likes playing tricks, though. Four weeks had passed and you were with Carmen when you puked up the meal you had. Obviously, you shrugged it off and thought it was probably food poisoning. But the sickness continued for a week and it hadn’t passed. Carmen had eventually forced you to go to the doctors and that’s when fate decided to mess with your life.
“We found the cause to your constant vomiting,” the doctor had told you, “Congratulations, you’re pregnant, Miss Y/L/N.”
When you had told Sam the news, he was a mix of happy and distraught. Neither of you were ready to raise a child, though that was completely understandable. You were both young and clueless but nonetheless, you both decided to deal with the consequence of not wearing a condom and agreed to keep the growing infant inside of you.
You had just reached sixteen weeks and you had a small bump adorning your stomach. Sam found it was the most beautiful thing he had ever witnessed. He couldn’t take his eyes off your stomach as he watched the bump grow bigger with each passing week. You were never sure about your decision on keeping the baby, but after your first ultrasound, you couldn’t help but already feel attached. You had two beating hearts in you and the idea of being a mother had warmed your heart.
When the doctor told you that you were expecting a baby girl, neither of you could hold back the proud cries as you grinned at one another before looking back at the screen that showed your princess. You were having a baby girl and the first thought that had popped into your head was; “I hope she ends up with Sam’s hair.” The giggle that left your mouth caused confusion to embed in Sam’s features as he glanced over at you.
Isn’t it strange? That a thump, a sound, in regular motion within the confines of your body would bring such happiness to your everyday life? Does it not give you a smile? Every experience is shared, all feelings connected, the warmth of a newborn, like the glow of sunlight: precious. But in due time, the sudden loss of the second beating heart, before your princess starts her dance, her first step, the smallest but greatest, would have faded into oblivion. You had drowned in despair at the loss of your loved one. A half-hearted living being, empty at the core. All purposes lost to the wound on your soul as time passes by you. At eighteen weeks, you were carrying a dead infant. Carmen had been there to constantly remind you not to worry, always telling you that your little one will enter the gates amongst a grand parade. The heavens will watch her dance. A standing ovation awaits and she would merrily dance again. Sam would say that God had missed his Angel too much that he wanted her back home. You appreciated their comforting words but it hadn’t made you feel better, you doubt anything would have. Your loss was Heaven's gain and you couldn’t help but feel that God was too greedy, wanting all of the precious souls that walked among this Earth. In your case, the precious soul inside you hadn’t gotten a chance to walk this Earth, and for that, he was greedy.
“Baby,” Sam’s voice snapped you out of your train of thoughts and it was only then you realized that the movie had finished. You furrowed your brows at the credits and wondered how you managed to zone out for the rest of the movie. Feeling Sam squeeze your hand gently, you turned to look at him and gaze into his concern eyes.
You were about to open your mouth to tell him that you were okay, truly, when a knock sounded on the front door. It was then that you noticed the now sleeping boy on Sam’s chest with his thumb in his mouth. A small smile made its way onto your face as you admired the scene in front of you. But another knock sounded on the door and reminded you that it was Jackson’s mother ready to pick her son up.
You stood and pried the sleeping boy from Sam’s arms gently before slowly walking over to the front door and unlocking it. Once you opened the door, you were greeted with a blonde haired woman with strikingly beautiful grey eyes. She quietly cooed at the sight of her child sleeping soundlessly in your arms before stepping forward and taking Jackson into her arms.
“Was he good? I’m sorry if he made a mess,” Emeli whispered as she rubbed Jackson’s back when he begun to stir in his sleep.
“No honey, he was great. Sam and he drew and then we ate some pizza whilst watching a Disney movie, so everything was good!” You assured her as you leaned against the doorframe and folded your arms across your chest.
“Oh, thank the Lord. I’ll transfer the money over to your bank once I get home, okay?” She smiled at you as she waited for your protest.
Emeli was always so persistent that she owed you money for babysitting her child. You had known her since you first started your job at the popular restaurant in town. Even before becoming pregnant, she was persistent with handing you money for simple things like helping her choose an outfit for her date or doing her makeup. But to you, looking after Jackson wasn’t a job so you saw no need for her to pay you. You enjoyed looking after the gracious four years old that you had adored so much. Plus, seeing Sam play with him warmed your heart.
“Keep your money; we don’t need it, sweet pea.” You reminded her, smirking a little when you noticed her stomp her foot lightly. She was such a child for a twenty-four year old and you loved it.
“It’s the least I can do for looking after the devil’s spawn,” Emeli raised an eyebrow as you chuckled at her comment. You shook your head and pleaded that she’d stop calling him the devil’s spawn when in actual fact; her son was a blessing from the greedy man up above.
“He’s God’s Angel, Sam and I adore him. Instead of money, though, you could say yes to coming to my bridal shower,” you wiggled your eyebrows at her and hoped it’d convince her to say yes this time.
No amount of convincing could change Emeli’s mind about coming to your bridal shower. She had been worried about leaving Jackson with somebody else considering she had always come to you when she needed babysitting. You had told her countless times that she could bring him along and let him enjoy the attention of the countless women that were going. But she’d always glare at you and say “I’m not allowing my son to be around drunken women.”
“Fine! It’s a deal, babe. I’ll catch you around!” She gave in and let out an exaggerated sigh before she leant forward and hugged you softly. She turned around and walked across the road to her house. You watched to make sure she made it safely before closing the door and locking it behind you. You didn’t get the chance to turn around before you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull you flush against his torso. You let out a squeal of surprise as he lifted you off the ground and spun you around.
“We’re alone, at last!” Sam shouted before he placed you back on your feet again. Your hands gripped his arms as you turned your head to the side to look up at the handsome man you were lucky to call your fiancé.
“Selfish bugger,” you giggled as started to pull him towards the bedroom.
His arms tightened around your waist as he tried to pull even closer to his body before leaning down and kissing your lips gently. You brought a hand up to cup the back of his head as you kissed him back. A satisfied hum left his lips as your fingers tugged softly at his chestnut locks.
“I’m sorry, but I just really love you,” he murmured against your mouth and you felt him smile before pecking your lips again.
“It’s okay, I happen to really love you, too,” you spoke between kisses before he pulled away with a large grin on his face. It almost made you question his antics, but you knew better. He was in a playful mood and that usually meant he was going to attempt to outlast his stamina.
“You better,” he teased before tucking face into the crook of your neck and biting down softly on the skin as he hands begun to roam your sides. You wanted to move out of reach from his hands knowing that he was about to tickle you but you wanted to remain in his arms with his lips on your neck. Life was just so complicated when you were engaged to the younger Winchester.
“Sam!” You yelped as his fingers dug into your sides, making you squirm but his grip held you tight against him. His warm breath brushed against your neck as he chuckled, absentmindedly leading you towards the bedroom. Your laugh filled the silent house as he continued to tickle your sides before he managed to press you up against the back of the bedroom door.
And soon enough, your laughs were morphed into moans as he ravished you for hours. This time, you hadn’t needed to worry about wearing a condom as you were now on the pill. In the back of the mind, you knew that the pill wasn’t a hundred percent trustworthy, but you wanted the pill to fail you both so you could begin to make a family with the man on top of you.
His kind words reminded you that you’d look beautiful no matter what. He assured you constantly that he wouldn’t mind having you walk down the aisle with a massive belly only to meet him at the end. He told you that it’d be like vowing to the both of you that he’ll love you for the rest of his life and that he’ll never leave you. Of course, his theory would always rethink your decisions about pushing the family making further away. It didn’t sound so bad, after all.
So, here the two of you were, making love between the sheets with mouth-made marks and scratches from sharp fingernails. You could feel him fill every inch of you, making your walls clasp tightly around his long, thick shaft. It hadn’t matter what position you’d been in or the limited time you had or even the countless orgasms you already had, he had always managed to bring you to your climax within a record time. The words he spoke were enough to have you screaming his name at the top of your lungs and cling tightly to him as your body trembled with pleasure. Multiple rounds later and stolen breathless kisses, you’d both laid in bed bare for the world to see. Your chests were rising unevenly from your ragged breaths and your hearts were beating far too fast.
Neither of you seemed to care as you basked in the other’s satisfaction. You were lazily wrapped around Sam’s sweaty body as his hand absentmindedly drew patterns into your bare back. You felt far too weak to move and were glad that it was nightfall so there’d be no interruptions as you close your eyes and wait for slumber to reel you in.
But there had been an interruption that caused you to snap your eyes open and jolt your body up. Something had been knocked over in living room and you knew Sam had heard it too as he slowly sat up and peered over at you. Fear was written in his features as he listened to the intruder walk around the house.
“I think we’re being robbed,” you whispered to him, although something in the back of your mind kept telling you that it wasn’t someone robbing us, but much rather a something trying to get revenge.
“Yeah,” he frowned, “Stay here. I’ll go check it out.”
You wanted to protest and tell him to get back into bed. Whether it was because you didn’t want him to get harmed or you hadn’t wanted to be left alone in the bedroom for an unarticulated reason. You wanted to scream out to him when he opened the door and walked out unarmed. You wanted to run out and save him from any possible danger out there.
Sitting on the bed quietly, you listen for anything to give away the trouble that Sam was walking into. But you were greeted with silence and even after minutes had passed, there was nothing to assured you Sam was okay. Quickly, you got up and threw on a shirt and your underwear before you silently walked out of the room and kept your back pressed against the wall.
It was only when you got closer to the living room did you hear hushed voices talking to each other. You knew one of them belonged to your fiancé but the other remained a mystery. They didn’t seem to be arguing but it wasn’t a polite conversation either. You had heard Sam interrogating the mystery man, asking what he was doing in his house. The man only replied that he needed to see Sam, that it was an emergency.
“Sam?” It was then that you chose to call out your lover’s name and step out from the dark. Sam looked over the man’s shoulder and over to you with a soft smile on his face at the sight of you. The mystery man turned around, making you narrow your eyes at him, trying to find recognition in the familiar figure. And then it hit you.
A smile warped your face as you ran over and pulled him into a tight embrace. You hadn’t seen him since you were sixteen and it saddened you that Sam hadn’t spoken of him since the two of you had gotten together. He seemed hesitant at first before wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a gentle kiss to the crown of your head.
“I can’t believe it’s you, Y/N,” Dean muttered as he pulled back and glanced over your body, clearly noting that you were only wearing Sam’s shirt and smirked at the thought of his brother getting some action.
“Yeah, I found her,” Sam mumbled more to himself than to his brother. But Dean had heard him as he pulled back and turned to look at his younger brother again with a frown imprinted in his facial features.
“How come you never told me?”
“We barely spoke and I didn’t want to distract you from work,” Sam muttered and you were about to question him but a pounding on the front door distracted you from doing so. Dean stood silent as he watched the door; Sam was peeping through the living room window and noticed the same car that gets parked there basically every day. He begun to converse with Dean again, already knowing who was pounding at the door.
“Y/N! Open this fucking door!” You heard from behind the door and it made you want to whine at everyone for interrupting your alone time with your fiancé. Maybe you could ignore her and pretend you weren’t here and then maybe she’d storm away, but that idea ceased to exist when she yelled again, “I can hear Sam talking to you and the lights are on!”
“What is this? A reunion party?” You muttered to yourself as you trudged over to the entrance and opened the door for your annoying best friend. The brunette woman pushed right past you with her hand in her hair and a frantic look on her face. Immediately, you knew something was wrong if she was stressing out easily. Normally, she was chilled back and relaxed.
She paced back and forth, her fingers clasping her dark brown locks as she tugged at them frustratingly. She was stammering and it was obvious that she hadn’t known where to begin. Her face paled and she stood still as she must’ve just thought of the worst outcome of what was troubling her.
“Carmen, what’s wrong?” You closed the door again and walked over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She tensed under your touch before relaxing. But then she remembered why she was here and her body tensed up again.
“There’s an emergency,” she puffed out as her hands fell to her sides after I pried them away from tugging her own hair further more. My brows furrowed as I took in her statement and she was about to open her mouth before she got interrupted–
Carmen’s head turned in the direction from where the voice came from and almost instantly her body relaxed again. She let out breath, one that she seemed to have been holding in, before she walked over to the man wearing the same worn out jacket he wore when she first met him.
“No fucking way,” she said, “Dean?”
Her hands reached out to touch his face as if she hadn’t believed that he was actually in front of her in that current moment. Dean’s head slightly leaned into her touch and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by either you or Sam. The two of you remained silent as watch the scene unfold in front of you. By then, you had absentmindedly walked over to stand beside your fiancé as you watched your best friend’s eyes well with tears.
“Fuck me,” Dean whispered and coughed to cover the crack in his tone, “You haven’t changed a single bit.”
“You’re still a hot mess,” her hand fell to her side as she smirked up at him and stood up straighter.
The pain that ghosted behind her eyes was immediately replaced with joy. You had known how sad she had become since she found out that you came across Sam. Carmen had admitted that she had envied you but told you that she was glad that you were happy. Right now, she was standing right in front of her happiness and you couldn’t have been any gladder with her choice of timing.
“Ehem,” Sam coughed, “Why are you two here?”
You elbowed his side and narrowed your eyes in his direction, silently cursing him for destroying their bittersweet reunion. He winced and rubbed his side as he glared at you, his eyes telling you that he wanted them gone. You begged with pleading eyes to keep watching them rekindle their love, but he simply shook his head before turning back to the two in front of us. With a huff of annoyance, you turned your gaze back to Carmen and Dean and noticed that they had witnessed the two of you telepathically yelling at each other.
“Well I’m here to tell Y/N important news,” Carmen finally spoke up after an awkward minute of silence passed you all by.
“And I’m here to tell you important news,” Dean told Sam, gaining a questioning glance from his long lost love beside him.
“Okay, so tell us,” Sam prodded, only receiving an eye roll from you at his impatience.
Carmen’s eyes flickered from Sam to Dean before landing on you. Dean’s gaze happened to flicker from you to Carmen before landing on his younger brother and it was obvious that what the two of them didn’t want to share what they wanted to say openly. Panic lit up behind Carmen’s eyes as she stared at you. Sam’s foot irritatingly tapped on the floor and you knew it was a sign of annoyance.
“Dad’s on a hunting trip and he hasn’t been home in a few days,” Carmen and Dean spoke once they noticed Sam’s impatient glare. All four pair of eyes widened in that moment.
“You guys are hunters?” Dean choked out as he stared at the two of you ladies in disbelief.
Sam remained silent and watched the commotion. You couldn’t meet his gaze because you knew that behind those hazel would lay multiple emotions; betrayal, disbelief and hurt. You hadn’t shared with him a large amount of your life but neither had he. You knew why he hadn’t told you, they were the same reasons as your own. You didn’t want to drag him into a dangerous life. But now you know; he was always in the same dangerous life you were in.
“This explains what he meant,” you mumbled to yourself as you begun to distant yourself from your fiancé. You balled your fists tightly as the thought of their father harming your own flooded your mind. You remembered your father talking about another hunter who left him to nearly die on a hunt but Belle, Carmen’s mother, had came across him just in time.
“What who meant?” Dean spoke up as he studied your actions.
“Your fucking dad,” you wanted it to come out as a growl, but it came out as a mere whimper. You couldn’t bear the thought of losing your father, too. If that son of a bitch got a hold of your father, you’d make his death a slow and painful one. Even if that meant losing the two brothers in the process.
“Excuse me?” Dean growled and stepped forward but Carmen grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
“That night when you first took me to Bobby’s,” you turned to Sam who had remained silent the entire time, “When your dad took me outside to talk. He mentioned that he knew my father and that if I didn’t stay away from you then there would be consequences. I didn’t think much of it.”
“He said that to you and you never told me this?” Sam frowned and stepped closer to you. You didn’t bother moving away from him, you wanted him to hold you. After all, you weren’t mad him, but much rather his father.
“First of all, how was I meant to tell you without you questioning why he said that? Secondly, I didn’t want you worrying. I simply just wanted to be with you and live a normal life,” you whispered to him as he pulled you against him, wrapping his arms tightly around you.
And it was sincere – all that you said. There had not been a day that had gone by without you questioning if you should tell your teenaged lover the truth about your life. Though, the guilt that you felt when he left without knowing your true identity soon subsided and you believed that leaving him in the dark was for the best. Having someone know about a huntress’s lifestyle was perilous. Being exposed in this lifestyle made you a target – it made everyone you knew a weakness to your system, it made them a target.
From the moment Sam walked into your life, you knew from that moment that you were going to shelter him from your dark storyline. You weren’t going to expose him to the monsters that lurked beyond the shadows. You weren’t going to risk losing him to a creature that was better off dead. So, you kept it hidden. You vowed you’d never tell him the truth.
But here you were now with the truth spilled on the floor in an impure mess of disbelief, hurt and tragedy. Everything that you kept locked away for many years was leaking out of your pores and there was no point in closing them back in. The love of your life had just revealed that he lived in the same lifestyle and you were going to be honest with him one hundred percent from now on.
“What about you Carmen?” Dean asked, breaking you from your train of thought.
“My mother hunted alongside her father and we met when my mother dropped me off at her place,” the brunette woman answered the emerald eyed man with a stern voice and straightened her posture; the action warning you that she was trying to close up the hurt she felt.
“You told me you met her through tutoring her,” Dean frowned at the thought of the woman he loved lying to him.
But you knew from the look on his face that he couldn’t blame her for doing so; he, too, lied to the love of his life. That seemed to be the main problem in the hunting life; heck, in your opinion, the biggest problem you’ll come across is unfolding the untold truths from those involved in your life. Hopefully though, from now on, neither of you will see the need to lie to the other. It’d make life simpler.
“That wasn’t technically a lie,” she replied with pursed lips, “That same night she was studying and she was struggling in a subject and so I helped her.”
“Hold up, why did you say dad? You two aren’t sisters?” Sam pulled back, but still left one arm wrapped around you as he held you to his side. You looked up at him and took him his puzzled gaze, you couldn’t help but giggle. He looked adorable when he was confused.
“No, but her father acted like more of a father than my biological father ever did,” Carmen answered him, making you look over at her and smile softly. Her body was still rigid and you knew her too well to know that she was about to shut down if we kept talking about things that made her feel like breaking down.
You noticed Dean looking at her with pain written in his features and you wanted nothing more than to scream at him to pull her into his embrace. But he remained glued to his place, being sure to keep a safe distance between the two of them. His gaze met yours for a second and you silently screamed for him to change the topic before the inevitable break down that your best friend will have.  
“Wait, so why did you live with your grandparents?” He asked, diverting the conversation away from Carmen, not before glancing in her direction again.
“Because my father was always away hunting,” you answered him and leaned into Sam’s side. His hand tightened on your hip and you were grateful for the action, for you knew what direction this conversation was about to head in.
“What about your mother? Didn’t you live with her?”
The question was a simple one but the answer was most difficult to reply with. You could lie like you did with many others and say that your mother left you when you were younger and spare yourself the heartache. But all the truths you had kept bottled up for your whole life had already piled up on the floor beneath you; there wasn’t any point in lying anymore.
“She died when I was five months old,” you choked out, your sight becoming blurred from the unshed tears in your eyes, “Carmen’s mother died the same way a year after you two left.”
“How did they die, if you don’t mind me asking?” Dean asked you both and you looked over to Carmen to see that she was already looking at you. She raised her eyebrow to ask for permission to give out the truth behind our mother’s absent presence.
“Burned on the ceiling,” Carmen seethed, “By that stupid fucking Azazel prick.”
Sam’s arm loosened around you as he stood up straighter and looked over at Dean. The two had locked gazes and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by either you or Carmen. She eyed them curiously as you looked up at your fiancé. His gaze dropped from his older brother’s to yours and you knew that whatever the two were telepathically conversing about was indeed about the yellow eyed demon.
“This guy didn’t happen to have yellow eyes, did he?” Sam asked the two of you ladies, but his eyes remained on your face. In any other situation, your cheeks would’ve heated up by now due to the intense look on his face. But instead, you frowned and studied his features to try figure out how he had known that.
“How did you know?” Carmen asked the question you were thinking of.
God bless her for being so nosy, you thought.
“He killed our mother when Sammy was six months old.”
The silence that remained after Dean’s statement was suffocating. Carmen had sucked in a breath at her train of thought and was staring at the emerald eyed man with questioning eyes. He noticed this and clearly understood her silent query as he nodded softly in her direction. Within a second, she wrapped her arms around him tightly as she whispered incoherent things into his ear. You
You looked away from them and up at your fiancé again who was studying the scene in front of him. He must’ve felt you staring at him as he turned to look at you. You, too, had wrapped your arms around the love of your life and squeeze every ounce of love you could give into the embrace. His pressed a kiss to your forehead and mumbled that he was sorry about your mother just as you did the same.
Neither of you needed to apologize, though. What was there to apologize for? Things happen for a reason and you’d never question Fate’s choices, but the reason behind your mother’s death would always remain a mystery. You’d just hope you won’t die trying to figure it out.
“So, dad’s missing,” Carmen interjected after a couple of minute’s silence. She wiped her cheeks and pulled away from Dean who gave her a weak smile. Though, you hadn’t pulled away from Sam’s embrace, you decided to stay in the warmth of his arms.
“So is our father,” Sam rested his head on top of your own as he relaxed under your fingertips drawing patterns on his back. Your ear was pressed to his chest and you could hear the beat of his heart fasten. You couldn’t suppress the giggle that left your mouth, which in return gained a confused glance from Dean and an eyebrow waggle from Carmen. Sam’s chest vibrated from the soft chuckle that emitted from his mouth, knowing why you were giggling.
“So, what do we do?” You coughed to ease the awkwardness.
You wanted nothing more than to pull away from Sam and punch Dean in the arm when you caught him rolling his eyes at you. Well, in your defense, there are many other options to choose from in this situation so the question was well needed. But Dean had clearly thought that you must’ve been stupid from the lame question you had asked.
“We go look for them both and haul their asses out of the crap they’re in.”
The moment Dean opened his mouth; you knew immediately what he was going to say. If it weren’t for the fact that your father was missing, you would’ve declined and stay behind to finish school. But this wasn’t just your father missing; it was also your fiancé’s father who had dropped off the face of the earth. You weren’t just going to sit back and let them do the work, you were going to drop the opportunity to live a normal life and go and find your father.  Plus, it’s a bonus that you were going to be crisscrossing the country with three of your favourite people.
Looks like we’re going on a road trip, you inwardly yelled in glee.
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