#the long awaited tag is drumroll...
krogerkryptid · 4 months
Hello hello new followers of mine (I wish this font was smaller with every fiber in my being I tried coding for an HOUR and alas it would not give me the font I requested) I've decided to do a tag as well since the vote for the project was almost tied. In the meantime have my map of queer Victorian London compiled through all of the fun and funky sources I have been reading for this passion project! No idea why the quality drops but that's CLASSIC social media so! (All the numbers are just in the order I added them and I'll add context/locations for all of them in a later post) There is added context for newbies under the cut to explain this whole thing and what I'm working on!
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For those new to the scene and have no context for what this map is or what I am ranting on about I am looking at historical queer culture, specifically in London, and cross referencing it to the Sherlock Holmes canon. Since it is easy for us to say that they seem to be written as queer coded from our lens of literature and life experience, I wanted to see how queer characters were written back then as well as examine the attitudes and understanding of queer behavior in society to see if ACD did things on purpose (my thought is he did my god some of the things cannot be coincidence) or if we are looking back at a Victorian era story with our 21st century glasses.
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just-my-fandom · 4 years
Rocky Road P1 (JJ Maybank x Routeledge! Reader)
This is a test chapter. If it gets the attention I want it to, we’ll continue. If not, this will be the only chapter, mainly because of the time each chapter takes since each episode ranges between 40 to 50 minutes.
Chapter 1
Word count: 3,538
Summary; After a hurricane, John B, Y/N, JJ, Pope, and Kiara plunge headlong into danger and adventure when they find a mysterious sunken wreck.
Pairing(s); John B Routledge x Twin Sister! Reader, JJ Maybank x Girlfriend! Reader, Pope and Kiara x Best Friend! Reader
Tag list; Currently None.
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“We’re the Pogues, and our misson this summer is to have a good time, all the time,”
“That’s what, a three-story fall to the deck?” The dark male at the bottom of the house, Pope Heyward, looks up at the brunette boy balancing on the roof before him, “I give you a one-in-three chance of survival,”
John B hums in thought, licking his finger before raising it to the sky, allowing the wind to hit said finger, “Should I do it?”
“Yeah,” A girl with (hair/color) locks and warm, (skin/tone) skin dangles her legs from the roof next to her twin brother, body leant up against the blonde male beside her, “You should definitely jump,”
“I’ll shoot you on the way down,” Pope promises, raising the staple gun in his hand so John B raised his eyebrows, pointing two fingers in a gun motion,
“They’re gonna have Japanese toilets with towe warmers,” A female with dark hair and dark skin climbs out of the unfinished home, looking up at her group of friends, “This used to be a turtle habitat, but, who cares about the turtles, I guess?”
“I care about the turtles, Kiara,” You fake a small pout to your best friend, reaching a hand over the railing to grab her fingers and squeeze,
“Can you please not kill yourself?” Kiara looks up and squints at your brother,
“Don’t spill that beer!” JJ calls up, one arm draped at your shoulders as the other raises his can to his lips, “I’m not giving you another one,”
On cue, John B lets out a curse as the beer can slips from his fingers, dropping and clashing onto the porch of the unfinished home beneath him,
“Smooth,” Kiara mumbles, looking over at a distant shout,
“Hey, uh, security’s here,” Pope states, and you clap your hands, sliding beneath the railing to jump down next to Kiara, JJs hand tapping your back thigh in a motion for you to start running,
“Boys are early today,” John B hops down, feet taking off into a sprint,
Your lips pull into a grin as you follow after your twin brother, pushing past shelves and jumping over paint cans through the constructed house,
“Hey, Gary!” You call, skidding past the older, bigger man, “No hugs for you today!”
You giggle as JJs hands lift your hips to raise you above the gate, his body dropping next to you before his hand takes yours and squeezes, allowing you to hop into the van before he follows after you, laughing,
“Hey, there’s Gary!” Pope calls, JJ leaning out the vans door to hold out a beer can to Gary’s running figure,
“You’re so close! You can do it, there you go!” With a toss, JJ watches the can hit Gary upside the head, “They don’t pay you enough, bro,”
“Okay, that’s enough,” You snort, tugging JJ into the van so the door shut, JJs body dropping next to yours with an excited breath of rushed adrenaline.
“The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth. It’s the sort of place you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island,”
“Alright, this is Figure Eight, the rich side of the island. Home of the Kooks. So guess where we don’t live. And then this is the South Side, or the Cut. Home of the working class who make a living busing tables, natural habit of, drumroll please,”
“The Pogues,”
You lift up the hook to the HMS Pogue, turning to shield the sun from your eyes with your hand. Moving across the boat, you move into where the steering wheel took place, JJ looking at you past his sunglasses and sliding a hand to your bare back,
“That’s Y/N,” John B introduces, “My twin sister and my pain in the ass. Or, blue bird as our father used to call her. Y/N is our mom of the group, somehow keeps us stable and in check from getting arrested three or four times a day,”
“And that’s JJ. My best friend since the third grade. He’s about as local as they come. Latest in a long line of fishing, drinking, smuggling, vendetta-holding salt-lifers who made their living off the water. Best surfer I know. Just, don’t tell him I said that,”
You yelp as your body drops into the water, awaiting for the wave above you to settle before rising above the surface. You snort, JJ stepping off his board playfully so he landed beside you with a hard splash,
“Together they’re known as Outer Banks’ OTP, as Kiara puts it. Been together since seventh grade and still going strong. Of course even with JJ as my best friend, I still gotta hand his ass to himself sometimes,”
“Don’t even get me started on micro plastic,” Sitting at the bonfire, Kiara is quick to shove John B away from the choke hold he puts her in,
“And that’s Kiara, or Kie, as we call her. When she’s not saving turtles or getting a dolphin tattoo with Y/N, she hangs out with us. I’m not really sure why, though. Pope thinks she’s secretly madly in love with my sister and uses us to get to her, but, I can’t see Y/N leaving JJ for even Chris Hemsworth, and that’s saying something,”
“And that’s Pope, the brains of the operation, finalist for the Lucas T. Vanderhorst Merit Scholarship, and the smartest person I know. His fathers this legendary character, Heyward. Anything you wanted on the island, Heyward could get for you,”
“So, that’s my crew,”
“John, Y/N, it’s come to our attention that you both are unemancipated minors living on your own,” The social worker in front of you at her desk sighs,
“No,” You and John B instantly respond, sharing glances before you grimace, “No,”
“I need honesty to help you,” The woman responds, eyebrow raised, “That’s what we want, right?”
“Yeah,” You nod, shrugging, “But we’re being honest,”
“Okay,” The woman leans back, “When was the last time either of you spoke to your uncle,”
You look at your wrist- with no watch- glancing at John B who shifts in his seat, “Uh, thirty-four minutes ago,”
“When was the last time you saw him?”
John B looks at you this time. “Two hours and,” You pause, “Fourty-three minutes ago?”
“Kids, we’re gonna come out there tomorrow to talk to your uncle,” The worker sighs, again, “If he’s not there, we’re gonna move forward with foster care,”
You exhale a sharp breath, hand running down your face.
“Keep an eye for Hurricane Agatha. She’s coming hard and heavy tonight,”
“No phone service?” John B groans as he raises to his feet, body heavy with sleep. His finger flicks the light switch. Nothing. “No power?”
John B exits his bedroom to depart to the living area. On the pull out couch, laid his sister and best friend. While you laid on your back, breaths even, JJ laid on his stomach, arm draped across your tank-top covered chest with his head beside yours,
“Yo, JJ,” John B calls, hand smacking JJs upper back so JJs head snapped up, his movement startling you to lift your own head, “You been outside?”
“I have polio, bro,” JJ mumbles, lips pressed to your shoulder, “I can’t walk,”
You heave a laugh, turning to curl into JJ so his arm slid around your hip and pulled you closer. You finally heave a breath, pulling away from JJ so he moaned in protest, your grin tired as you grab his hand and pull him up with you,
“Agatha did some work, huh?” JJ calls out to John B in the front yard, leaning against the open screen door with a found beer in his hand, and looking at the time, you choose not to scold him for his choice of drink as soon as he woke up,
“Yeah she did,” John B hums, tossing a branch off the boat that was brought out to shore.
“C’mon,” You call, pulling your tank top off so you were left in the bikini you fell asleep in, “Gods telling us to fish,”
“What do we have here?” You lift a hand to shield your eyes, watching Pope turn to look at you from his deck,
“We have a safety meeting,” John B calls, hand at his shoulder in a fake walkie-talkie, “Attendance mandatory,”
“Cant, Pops got me on lockdown,” Pope frowns, JJ scoffing,
“Your dads a pussy, over,”
“Oh I heard that, you little bastard,” Heyward snaps, and you raise your chin with a smile,
“We need your son,”
“And hurricane days a free day,” JJ reminds,
“Who the hell made that up?” Heyward questions, and you furrow your brows in pretend thought,
“Pentagon, I think,” You grin, “We have security clearance,”
“You think I’m stupid?” Heyward questions, stepping forward when Pope drops the hose in his hand and lunges off the porch, landing on the HMS boat with a stumble so your arm wrapped around his shoulders, laughing,
“When you get back, you gonna clean your dirty ass room!” Heyward demands, as you wave, “And I don’t like your friends!”
“Hello, princess,” You lean on the edge of the boat, smiling dreamily at Kiara as she moves to the edge of her boat deck. You extend a hand, helping her step down before turning to look at JJ,
“One day, she’s going to take you from me, I know it,” JJ pouts, and you smirk, leaning sideways so your lips pecked his,
“Nah, I like blondes more,” You grin against his mouth, JJs hand coming up to cup the back of your neck,
“Take your beer before I barf,” Kiara cuts, shoving two beer bottles between you so you leaned back and took one, narrowing your eyes,
“Okay, okay,” JJ stands up, popping the top to his bottle and moving to stand on the edge, “I got this,”
“No, you tried this six thousand times and you failed every time,” You remind, leaning back so the beer that missed his mouth flew past you, John B groaning in disgust.
You reach up to tug at JJs shorts in an attempt to pull him back down, the sudden jerk of the boat forcing JJ off the ledge, your body lurching forward so you hit the edge of the boat- hard- groaning at the pain in your muscles,
“Pope, what the hell?” John B calls, as you lift you head, watching JJ resurface from the water,
“J, you okay?”
“I think my heels touched the back of my head,”
Pope snorts, stepping up, face dropping as he looks down into the water, “Guys,”
“What?” You finally sit up, following your gaze so you cursed, “Holy shit, there’s a boat,”
“No way,” Kiara moves next to you, “Holy shit,” She repeats, “There is,”
John B tugs off his shirt, your legs leading you off the edge so you dropped into the water beside JJ, hand over your nose.
Sure as shit, a boat. An expensive one, that is. Rising for air, you watch your friends talk all at once in hysterics for your finding,
“Did you see that?” JJ calls to everyone, Kiara nodding with a short, “Yeah, I did,”
“That’s a Grady White,” JJ swims up to the HMS boat, heaving himself up before twisting and taking your hand, “A new one of those is like five hundred Gs, easy,”
“That’s the boat I saw when I surfed the surge,” John B states, as you twist the water out of your hair, “Maybe it hit the jetty or something,”
“You surfed the surge?” Kiara asks, roughly, and you squint your eyes with a grin
“You didn’t?”
“Do we know whose boat that is?” Pope asks, heaving a breath of air from how long he held it underwater,
“No, but we’re about to find out,” John B picks up the anchor, saluting you before he jumps back off the boat, allowing the weight of the anchor to pull him down.
He comes back up in short time, hand raising to show you the yellow key in his hand, “I found this motel key,”
“A key,” Your smile drops into irritation, pushing away from the edge to sit down, the adrenaline quick to leave your system,
“Yes, a key, Y/N,” John B lifts himself up,
“Guys, we should report the wreck to the coast guard,” Kiara states, as the boat begins to speed off, “Maybe we’ll get a finders fee,”
“Yeah and not work all summer,” You hum, letting the wind blow dry your hair, “Maybe we should just go find out ourselves. Go to this motel, does it have a name?”
You reach out, taking the key from John B and reading the name before handing it back, “Let’s go lady and gents,”
A sharp whistle, and you look up at the damaged motel, “I thought the Chateau looked bad,” You raise to stand up, waiting for the boat to stop on the edge of the grass before hopping off, “Kie, Pope, keep a lookout,”
“Shouldn’t you stay here?” Kiara asks, eyes glancing to JJ jumping beside you,
“Are you kidding?” You grin, JJs arm sliding around your shoulders before he points up to the motel,
“Let me take you on a tour, sweetheart,” He teases, pulling you towards the steps with John B quick behind you,
“Just be so careful, John B,” JJ turns to grab John Bs jaw, mocking Kiaras demand to your twin brother,
“God, you’re so weird,” John B shoved him away, JJ scoffing as he looks at you,
“What was that about?” He asks your brother,
“I don’t know, maybe she wants us to be careful,” John B protests, and you roll your eyes,
“Or maybe Kiara loves you,” You tease, sliding your own arm around JJs torso as you walked in sync, “Come on, big brother, Kiara totally likes you,”
“If Kiara likes anyone it’s you, babe,” JJ states, “C’mon, we all know she’s secretly gay for you,”
“Maybe,” You hum, grinning as he removes his arm to send a light knock to the door on the key,
“Housekeeping,” He speaks in a high-pitch voice, receiving no answer,
John B unlocks the door, and you pear over JJs shoulder, body slumping in disappointment at the empty, boring hotel room,
“Check the bag,” John B orders, JJ unzipping it, “See if there’s a name on there somewhere,”
“Nope,” You lift the jacket on the stool, “No name,”
John B kneels down, your eyes watching as he pressed random buttons on the safe, “John, try this,” You hold out the sticky note with numbers, and he hums in thanks,
The safe opens with a short hiss, John B cheering out a small “yay” as he pulls it wide,
“Whoa,” You mutter, watching John B pull out a wad of cash and a small hand gun, “Holy shit,”
“What?” JJ steps up, instantly taking the gun and grinning,
“Put the gun back,” John B hisses, raising to his feet, “JJ, seriously!”
“This is a fucking spend gatt, man. Just... bam! Bam!” JJ pretends to shoot, your eyes snapping to the door upon hearing keys,
“Guys- cops!” You hiss, JJ looking at you before following John B to the window,
“Get it open,” John B presses, and the window opens wide, “Go,” You move out and onto the small roof under the window. JJ is quick to follow after, body pressing you against the side of the motel beside the window,
“Can they see us?” You whisper yell, JJs head barely shaking as he turns his head, silently staring at John B on the other side of the window,
A moments pause, JJs hand suddenly dropping the gun in his grip so it clattered off the roof and into the grass. Your jaw clenched as JJ presses himself harder against you, arms tight around your waist so you were nearly invisible to the window,
“You should have forgotten the stupid gun,” You hiss, lowly, JJ shushing you as his eyes flick between yours, then tilts his head to look at John B again. Your head leans forward into JJs chest, eyes watching in terror as Chief Shoupe peered out the window, then leaned away back into the motel room,
Your eyes flutter shut in relief, JJs hands loosening at your hips as your head leans back against the wall, looking back up to meet his gaze, “You’re an idiot,”
“Well that was fun,” JJ comments fifteen minutes later, your body laid across the front of the HMS Pogue, “Could have warned us sooner though,”
“We would have, except Pope was on the math team,” Kiara comments, showing Pope had failed to throw a rock at the window to alarm you,
“You were on the math team?” You glance at Pope, who rolls his eyes,
“The cops took everything like it was a crime scene,” John B speaks up,
“Did you guys find anything?” Pope questions, JJ raising his head before his hands, showing off the gun and the wad of cash,
“Dude, why take that from a crime scene?” Kiara hisses, and your eyes squint as Pope begins to panic about losing his scholarship,
“So it turns out, Scooter is the Grady White owner,” Pope shows up at the Chateau an hour later, pacing in front of you curled in the corner chair, JJ in the recline beside you, “We need to have total and complete amnesia,”
“For once, Popes right,” JJ speaks up, hand leaving your thigh to stand up, “See, I agree with you sometimes, deny, deny, deny,”
“Guys, we can’t keep that money,” Kiara speaks, and you lift your head off your hand,
“I agree with Kiara,” You nod, “We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs,”
“I agree,” John B echoes, and you raise your eyebrows at your twin brother, “This dude has never had more than forty bucks in his pocket, and all of a sudden he has a Grady White?” John B raises his hands, stepping into the house, “Just sayin’,”
Keggers. A party that brings Tourons, Pogues, and Kooks all together, somehow. They always seem to end with a fight, though. The one thing you looked forward to.
Except when it’s your own idiots who start the fight.
“Did I offer this to you?” JJ raises his eyebrows along with the red solo cup, blue eyes harsh on Topper, the Kook princess’ boyfriend, “Didn’t think so, run along,”
In swift motions, Topper has smacked the beer into JJs face, JJ has lunged at Topper, and within seconds, Topper is drowning John B in the ocean and JJ is shooting a gun into the air.
“That’s enough!” Your shout silences the group. Huh. Okay. “Kooks, onto your side, Pogues!” You jab a finger towards Pope pulling John B up, “Let’s fucking go,”
“Youre not still mad at me, are you?”
Your eyes shift over to the blonde next to you. Hair blowing in the wind, your mind runs over last night events. Today’s event- John B searching the Grady White using stolen scuba gear,
“You brought out a gun, at a party,” You remind, head tilted to look at him,
“Okay, I was saving your brothers ass, just so you know,” JJ leans back, and your eyes run over his face, wide,
“My brother wouldn’t have almost been drowned if you weren’t arguing with Topper,” You protest, voice snipping, “So don’t bring this around on him,”
“Guys,” Kiara cuts, your eyes narrowing in irritation as you look at her, “Someone’s following us,”
“There’s two of them,” Pope squints, staring at the two figures on the boat behind, “And one of thems got a gun- holy shit!”
JJ is quick to grab your arm and tug you into him, free hand grabbing the edge of the boat as you drop onto the floor of said boat, your eyes wide in alert,
“Holy shit guys!” Kiara panics, your eyes pinching shut as JJs hand slid up to your head, his own lifting to look over at the two men shooting constant bullets,
“Damn it, move,” Kiara steps over Pope, picking up the fishing next piled at your feet,
“Kiara, get down!” You squeak, eyes tearing as she threw the net, cutting the second boats engine so John B is able to steer away,
“Oh my god,” You panic, sitting up as JJ follows, his hand sliding from your shoulder to your hip to check for any injuries,
“Okay okay okay. Can you please open the bag? We almost died over this shit,”
You kneel down in front of John B opening the bag, pulling out a container that held a compass,
“Great,” Pope steps back, shaking his head, “We found a compass,”
Your brows furrow as you take the compass, flicking it open so your eyes widened and looked up at John B,
“Dude, what?” JJ asks, “It’s not worth anything,”
“This was dads,” You exhale, throat suddenly tight as JJs face fell and his eyes searched your face, “This- this is dads compass, John B,”
John Bs eyes raise to yours, then up to the group behind you.
Could Big John still be alive?
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Good Day fellow CoD Fans
I will now write an essay regarding the story of a certain pistol, the M1911.
The M1911 is a handgun used mostly by every character in the game. It's your sidearm on most missions, and notable NPCs have used this in the game. But lets focus on one's M1911, one who has a certain moustache that either scared or impressed the shit out of our favorite F.N.G.
Captain Price's M1911. Yes the legendary gun that helped Soap kill Imran Zakhaev once and for all. Note that it was also the Pistol Captain Price used to kill Al-asad who hid in a safehouse somewhere in the mountains. That pistol had the most important bullets fired in Modern Warfare's history.
Now you would say, "Ray, I already know these. These were basic facts. I played the game. What's the point of explaining this?" Well the point is this exact gun also became the single thing that helped build one of our (or my) favorite characters in the game, no- of ALL TIME.
drumroll for Sgt./Capt. John "Soap" MacTavish.
After the events of Modern Warfare 1. We saw a massive time skip before Modern Warfare 2. He was already a Captain of his own Task Force. No context. But then again, he has a journal, a journal where he notes his thoughts, ideas, plans which he could never share to.
Take a look at the pages just after the mission : Game Over, where our dear Soap couldn't shake off the events occured on thay bridge, and the only thing that makes it all worthwile was popping Zakhaev's head, with a pistol pushed through him by his Captain. Yes it's the M1911.
After that he tried to recover, both physically and psychologically as the events really rattled his whole being. He lost a lot that day. And he swore to himself to get better. While recovering he writes the sentence:
This was the sentence that gave him the full drive. His character development phase began after this moment. And his first step to getting better was Moving On.
After the long recovery, thanks to Nikolai bringing booze and women to slow them all down, Soap took a break while awaiting for orders. And back in the fresh country of UK, he started ticking off the list on his moving on phase.
He visited Hereford and watched a horse race. It wasn't just an ordinary horse race, it was the same race Price watched when he was free, and noted that it was possible he was watching the same horses the Capt. used to. (isn't this dramatic. aren't you all sad yet?!) This was what really sent me to the thinking realm. I felt this. Soap was a simp for Price fanboy of sorts. Someone who was so impressed with his Captain that he idolized him. (isn't this us? ahahah we are soap 100%)
And this level of dedication is not simple. I am a Soap simp for years now and he still lives in my head rent free after all this time. Moments in my life I'll randomly bring him up and feel sad or feel good sometimes. This was what Soap felt during recovery. And the pistol was the only memento he had on him.
After the horse race, he tried Price's cigar, Villa Clara's, and dedicates a whole journal page just to say. "They're Smooth. Price has taste." and WOW it's beautiful.
After the recovery, he's now fit and ready for the 141. We can now see that this weapon will be his sidearm in Kazakhstan, Brazil and somewhere near Petropavlovsk, Russia.
Then at that fateful mission, Prisoner 627 was rescued.
"Price? I believe this belonged to you Sir." Soap returns the M1911, a happy moment for our fanboy. His Captain was alive and well.
At this moment the M1911 will be by Price's holster from Site Hotel Bravo up to the Prague where our favorite Scotsman would meet his fate.
"I'm sorry." Price places his pistol by him. The same pistol he gave to him to kill Zakhaev, the same pistol who's scratches were obsessed over by Soap, the same pistol which Price received when he was rescued. The pistol being handed to Soap was a symbol that he deserved that memento afterall. Price left it to him, he could've used it's bullets to fight, but he left it alongside Soap's dead body to symbolize that Price would never forget him, and Price was with him, beside where his body laid. A symbol of brotherhood that transcends that of blood relation.
tagging @samatedeansbroccoli
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caws5749 · 5 years
Blurb Night pt. 3- Demons and Angels
Tag List: @mymarvelwomen @hherewegoagain @morbid-gaymer @natasha-romanoff-fics @taramitch96 @marvelbanan @lesbian-x-blackwidow @firstangeldragonranch @stillfiguringmeout @natasharomanoffsbitch-x @5aftermidnight @disneykid125 @clintashaotp @arkkarchive @determinedpines @stop-drop-and-drumroll @little-spider-nerd @newestnewgirl @missmarvelobsession @fireflyglass
If you want to be added to my tag lists for any or all of my series/fics, let me know!
Requested: by anon. “Omg ur writing nat smut? How about demon!nat x angel!reader... or the other way around...”
A/N: *clears throat* *brings out megaphone* OKAY IM HAVING A LOT OF FUN WITH ALL THIS SMUT *puts megaphone away and continues writing*
Joint blurb night pt. 3 with @marvelsdc22 !! We’re having fun, getting in groove, and watching some mark
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“Hey there angel.”
You turned to see your girlfriend walking out of the closet in her Halloween costume. The red of her costume perfectly matched her red hair.
“Hello there devil.”
“I’m a demon,” she corrected, smirking.
“My mistake,” you acknowledged, eyes trying to burn holes through her skimpy costume.
“You know, we have a bit of time before the party, actually, if you want to-” she trailed off.
“You know that I do,” you whispered.
“Well, I think the angel needs to be less pure anyway. I think I can help with that,” Natasha said, her voice husky.
“Just tell me what to do.”
“Come here,” she instructed. Nat grabbed the blindfold from the drawer and came up to you. You turned and let her tie it. Once you couldn’t see anything, Natasha pushed you up against the wall. She nudged your legs apart.
“I’m going to show you just what it’s like to be with a demon,” she whispered, her breath hot in your ear. Your lips parted and she attacked them fervently with her own.
You waited after she removed them, curious to see where she’d go next. Natasha was taking a long time, and it was agonizing.
Upon hearing your voice, Natasha smirked. She had stopped to just enjoy the view of you in your tiny little angel costume. But, she’d had time to look, and she was supposed to be making you less pure.
Her lips pressed a kiss directly to your clit. You gasped and nearly bent in half, not expecting that at all. As soon as she had placed her lips there, she removed them. You eagerly awaited what was next. Though, you were growing a bit impatient, and Nat could tell.
“Before I fuck you senseless, I’m going to need you to beg for it.”
“Make me.”
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squaredcirclesirens · 7 years
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REVIEW: Making It Official And Rejecting The Hug
Rapid Results:
Kurt Angle confirmed that he will join forces with Ronda Rousey to take on Stephanie McMahon and Triple H at WrestleMania 34.
Asuka tapped Nia Jax out.
Bayley defeated Mandy Rose and gave Sasha Banks the cold shoulder after she saved Bayley from an after-match attack.
The Rundown
Kurt Angle kicked off the show by calling out Triple H. However, Stephanie McMahon‘s theme hit and the Commissioner came to the ring. Stephanie says Triple H hasn’t even arrived and begins taking personal digs at Kurt Angle and his family. She mentions Kurt’s Olympic and WWE achievements and says that’s not paying any of this bills, being RAW GM is. She blames Kurt for Ronda’s actions at Elimination Chamber and says the punch from last week made them even. She tells Kurt to use his head and not his ego.
Ronda Rousey strutted out and hugged Kurt Angle, then offering Stephanie a handshake. Ronda Rousey chants filled the arena as she said she’s starting to realize the people who got her in WWE aren’t who she thought they were. She called them bullies and Stephanie says she just doesn’t understand why bosses do what they do. She reminds Ronda that she signed a contract and she’s a part of the company that she oversees. She says she granted Rousey her dream and she’s able to have her debut on the grandest stage of them all, WrestleMania! Stephanie confirms that Ronda is able to pick her opponent, as long as they’re not a champion and they must be an active Superstar on the roster. Ronda Rousey announces Stephanie McMahon as her opponent and the crowd explodes with yes chants! Stephanie begins to say she’s not a part of the active roster and Triple H came out. Kurt reveals that Stephanie has both an executive contract and a Superstar contract, therefore she will face Ronda at WrestleMania! Kurt says Triple H has a second contract as well and announced that at WrestleMania, it will be Triple H & Stephanie McMahon vs Ronda Rousey & Kurt Angle!
Stephanie went to slap Kurt, but Ronda caught her arm! Triple H tried to sneak attack Kurt, but Kurt countered. Ronda got into Triple H’s face and Stephanie tackled her from behind! Ronda jumped to her feet and Stephanie sprinted out of the ring! Kurt Angle got Triple H into an ankle lock and Stephanie pulled him out of the ring. Ronda snatched McMahon by her hair and ripped her into the ring! She pulled Stephanie up and got her onto her shoulders. She then laid her out with a Samoan drop!
Nia Jax was set to face Asuka next! The bell rang and Asuka started with hard hitting strikes against Nia. Nia pushed her into the corner and body pressed her multiple times, then ramming her with her butt in the corner. Asuka tried to escape Nia’s hold, but Jax nailed Asuka with a headbutt and hair toss. Alexa Bliss and Mickie James were shown backstage. Alexa said Nia’s chances look good tonight and she needs to win. She then claims that Nia might not only end the streak, but end her career. Jax tried to splash Asuka in the corner, but The Empress dove out. She tried to capitalize, but Jax caught Asuka and hit her with a backbreaker. She then went for another maneuver, but Asuka caught her in the octopus stretch. Nia managed to escape and Asuka tried to roll her up, but Nia didn’t budge, The Irresistible Force pulled her up by her hair and pushed her into the corner. She then stomped on Asuka’s stomach and nailed her with right hand once Asuka was on the top rope. She lifted Asuka and swung her through the air before slamming her face first onto the canvas.
Back from commercial and Nia is whipping Asuka’s body around like a rag doll. During the commercial break, Nia powerbombed Asuka into the ring pole. Asuka gets Nia to her knees and goes for the hip attack, but Nia kicks out with absolute power. Nia picked Asuka up and tackled her into the corner. She then laid her out with a crucial body press. She picked Asuka up to her shoulders, but Asuka wiggled out. She pushed her into the ropes and nailed her with a pop-up Samoan drop! Asuka kicked out and Nia tormented the undefeated Superstar. She put Asuka back on her shoulders and nailed her with a deadly gorilla press. She then went to hit a leg drop, but Asuka moved out of the way. Nia tried to pick Asuka up, but she flipped her into an armbar! She then lifted Asuka and slammed her with a powerbomb, but Asuka didn’t let go! Jax slammed Asuka into the corner and back on the canvas, but Asuka still had it locked in! Jax got back to her feet, but Asuka bounced off the ropes and flipped Nia back over into the armbar! Nia grunted and screamed in pain until she tapped out. Alexa Bliss and Mickie James were shown backstage, both looking rather worried.
Nia Jax clutched her arm and was finally able to get to her feet. Disappointment shown across Nia’s face as the crowd clapped for her as she walked backstage.
Bayley came out to address her actions last week in the tag team match. Charly Caruso confirms that Bayley will face Mandy Rose but she has to ask about what Bayley did. Before Bayley could really explain what had happened, Absolution’s theme hit. Paige said Bayley finally grew a backbone and she doesn’t need Sasha to change her diaper anymore! She says Bayley is a stupid little kid who pushed the only person who liked her away. She then stated that life in the WWE is easier with backup, and if you have no one, you have nothing.
The two started with a lockup and Bayley held Mandy from behind. Rose pulled Bayley’s foot from under her and spun with a cartwheel. Bayley got to her feet and Mandy nailed her with a dropkick. Bayley got ahold of Mandy’s arm and began wrenching it. Mandy got out, and sent Bayley into the ropes. She caught Bayley midair and slammed her into the corner. She then nailed Bayley with a scoop slam. Bayley was able to spear Mandy into the corner and tried to hit her with a back elbow, but Mandy dove out of the ring.
We return from commercial and Mandy has Bayley leveled with a headlock. Bayley fought out, but Mandy sent Bayley into the air and held her up with a suplex. She then dropped Bayley to her feet and nailed with a wicked right hand. Bayley got Mandy with a few forearms and roll ups, but Rose escaped. Bayley ran off the ropes, but Mandy awaited her arrival with a hellacious bicycle knee to her face! She attacked Bayley with a series of forearms and mounted her for a pin, but Bayley kicked out. She pushed Bayley over into the ropes, but Bayley fought her off and pushed her through the ropes and dropped her with her signature apron stunner. She took Mandy down with her signature comeback and began slamming Mandy’s head into the turnbuckle and hitting her with a side suplex. She went to the middle rope and Sonya Deville jumped on the apron. She nailed Mandy with the back elbow and hit Deville off the apron. Mandy tried to roll her up, but Bayley countered into a pin of her own! Bayley picked up the win!
Absolution tackled Bayley and gave her the beatdown of her life. Sasha Banks ran out and took out both Absolution members. She rose Bayley’s hand and tried to hug her, but Bayley pushed her off.
Nia was seen backstage icing her arm as Alexa Bliss and Mickie James approached her. She sent Mickie away and sat down next to Nia. She says she knows Nia’s disappointed she lost to Asuka and lost her WrestleMania opportunity. She says it’s embarrassing and says she doesn’t want Nia to feel like she let herself or her family down. She claims she knows Nia won’t be at WrestleMania this year, but she will next year. She states Nia should be proud of what she has accomplished thus far. She says Jax has been bullied and she sees how people look at her. Tears streamed down Nia’s face as Alexa said everyone will lose respect for her if she lets this become her downfall.
RAW Talk:
I won’t be too hard on Ronda. She’s been here for such a short time and came from a totally different company. She needs to work on her promos and the way she talks. She seems so flat and quiet. Her announcing Stephanie as her opponent was so anticlimactic. Girl could have least yelled or got louder, but no. Nobody could barely hear her over the impromptu drumroll. And her Samoan drop? Girl, that was WEAK. But it’s okay. She’s extremely new and she has time to train before WrestleMania. Plus, I can already tell you this match isn’t going to be based off the wrestling ability, it’s more off the storyline. But that doesn’t make it any less important or exciting.
As for Nia Jax vs Asuka, I’m indifferent. Sure, I was pissed off when Nia lost again, but the after-match moment and backstage segment made me feel otherwise. Perhaps Nia is going face. And honestly, I’m not against it. Asuka’s streak is extremely annoying and makes her matches seem less interesting with us knowing she won’t lose on an episode of RAW. However, the performance is always there. This match was slow at first. I wasn’t really into it. But it started picking up and I loved Nia pulling out these new moves. The way Nia was slamming Asuka around and she wasn’t letting go was cool and honestly refreshing, but maybe a little unrealistic. But isn’t the majority of what they do unrealistic? Regardless, I hope this results in Nia Jax vs Alexa Bliss (maybe vs Mickie James as a triple threat) at WrestleMania. The talk Alexa gave to Nia was just so fake-nice, it makes me feel like they’re totally going to face off sooner or later. And Mickie James needs to explain herself and put Alexa on notice to insert herself into the match. Asuka can face Charlotte and show up to FastLane after her defense against Ruby Riott.
Mandy Rose vs Bayley was a quick meaningless match just to build off the tension between Sasha Banks and Bayley. Which I’m not mad about, but I wish Mandy could win or Absolution was involved in a storyline worthwhile. Anyways, let’s focus on Banks and Bayley. I loved how Sasha went for the hug and Bayley pushed her away. It’s adding depth to the feud rather than Sasha being the only one to torment the other. Bayley showing a dark’er’ side is honestly cool. I mean, I’m pretty sure Sasha is still going heel, but it’s nice that they’re making an effort into trying to throw us off or try to add more details to the storyline instead of making so black and white. If this does indeed happen at WrestleMania, I have no doubt that this will be amazing.
What did you think of RAW?
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never-shuts-up · 7 years
RAW 4/10 Adventure: Getting All Shook Up
So I got a message around 8 AM Monday that a friend of a friend had some openings for seat fillers for RAW at Nassau Coliseum that night. So the adventure began!
 I immediately texted D and by 10 AM we had both made plans to leave work early, and I was working on my second dose of kava and third or so near anxiety attack.
Left work at quarter to three, on the road by four… and promptly got stuck in traffic. Accidents kept popping up on the map and there were moments when we were certain we would never get there before the call time, and even contemplated turning around, but we were already on the GWB and I was still determined to try. 
When it was starting to look impossible, this exchange happened:
Me: I guess anything worth doing in life leads to either a scar or a story.
D: If you can call sitting in traffic “a story.” Unless it ends in “And that’s where you came from!”
Me: I think that would lead to a very specific selection of baby names.
Two hours later we rolled up to the Coliseum with less than a gallon of gas in the tank, no idea where the nearest gas station was, and no clue where to find our contact.
The particulars of us actually getting in aren’t important, but we found our guy and made it. We were given the rundown of how seat-filling works and shown to some really good seats where we would wait for a wrangler to come move us to empty seats on camera if and when we were needed. From there we got to see the first few matches, and then our wrangler found us and waved us down to even better seats, low in the bleachers on the other side of the ring. We were slightly above eye level with the wrestlers in the ring and right in front of the cameras, but any time they played toward the main cameras, we were watching them from behind. With some of the talent, this is a really good problem to have (insert a bunch of “peach” emojis here), and with some it’s not a problem at all because they are able to play to all sides.
The Highlights:
- Enzo and Cass opening things up in a taping for Main Event. They were super extra hyped up because it’s basically a hometown show, so much “how you doin’?” With which I just wanted to respond “stuck in traffic” as Enzo detailed the drive there from Jersey. Cass vs. Titus O'Neil while Enzo worked the crowd.
- Lucha cruiserweight tag team with Gran Metallik! This was the point when D and I both well and truly lost our shit. Luchadors at any non-lucha show are just so extra that you can’t not love them, and I want to give them the Best Dressed award for the night. Sparkle capes!!!!!
- Miz and Maryse opening the show with their John Cena & Nikki Bella bit. I was in stitches, because I thought they were done with that and certainly didn’t expect to see them coming to RAW with it. And then who shows up? As you know, it was Dean Fucking Ambrose! And meanwhile I’m thinking “shit. If Dean’s coming here, then Seth Rollins must be leaving because they would never tease us with the idea of a Shield reunion (or even messing with the leftover threads of that plot) without putting a giant wrench in it somehow.” This only dampened our spirits until the setup for the Sami Zayn vs. Miz match, which had me jumping out of my seat. Hell fucking yes! Sami in a singles match!
- Cruiserweights were an absolute treat because Austin Aries is hilarious, and Neville just sat next to the announcers’ table looking pissed. I don’t quite buy TJP as a heel, maybe I’m just not up on the history here, but I’ll gladly keep watching.
 - We moved seats before Seth’s “Fate” appearance, so we were watching it from behind, and that was a smidge disappointing but I know my face was in the background doing… I don’t know what. Emoting like a motherfucker. Cheering, crumpling, cheering again. I think D was sitting in the row in front at the time so he didn’t see my face, but I bet he could hear it. Watching Kurt Angle’s entrance, the entire exchange, and Samoa Joe getting shut. the. fuck. down. was magnificent.
- Finn Balor vs. Jinder Mahal: OMG. Finn did his infamous entrance crotch pose on our side of the ring, almost directly in front of us, and I died a little. Aside from a messy forearm, Jinder did make Finn look good, but then again Finn always looks good, and even though he doesn’t really work the crowd as much as others, his grace and intensity always impress, and the crowd was With Him 100%.  (Before and after this match was when my phone started blowing up with messages from friends who saw us on TV, and the timing could not have been better to capture us at peak enthusiasm.) Of course, I’m pissed that Finn got concussed, but so grateful that I was able to see him wrestle just once.
- Sami vs. Miz was everything. I danced like a lunatic to Sami’s music, and we had several “ole ole” chants going. We booed the Miz so hard he turned around and full-on glared at our entire section a few times, which just made us boo louder. The energy we built up for Sami felt great, and he was definitely taking and appreciating it, and effing killed it. And of course we all freaked out again when he won; I was doing the Running Man at my seat and giving zero fucks what that looked like.
- 8 Man Tag Team Match - so many highlights. Too-sweeting Gallows & Anderson, who finally ditched the dopey shoulder pads they wore last week. The Hardys being the Hardys and so so so many “Delete” and “Brother Nero” chants. They may not be broken, but I think we might be. Sheamus and Cesaro doing their James Bond meets Magic Mike entrance in the kilts. Watching Cesaro take a beating from G&A and the Shining Stars at the same time, for a long fucking time, was punishing, but the ups outnumbered the downs. The guys in the row behind us had a gigantic Irish flag, so Sheamus gestured right at us to acknowledge it during their exit, and D had a whole “Immortan Joe looked at me! I am awaited in Valhalla!” moment.
- The end of Ambrose vs. Owens, which in general was more satisfying than a lot of the Ambrose matches in recent memory, he actually seemed to flip the switch in a more believable and useful way. By this point we were really getting tired, and thinking about the logistics of leaving… and then Chris Jericho showed up to deliver a “bye, bitch” Codebreaker at his former bestie, the televised part of things ended, and shit got interesting. How interesting? Samoa Joe interesting. 
Then more interesting.
Seth Freakin’ Rollins interesting.
I made a sound that I’m pretty sure only dogs and bats can hear.
 So the match that was supposed to happen last week went forward as a dark match. I was marking out for all of it. There were “Stupid Idiots” chants, which were everything. I think D didn’t have the heart to make fun of me for freaking out when Seth sold the knee thing, because I always die a little when that happens. But everyone’s favorite shiny pants goofballs triumphed, of course, and Jericho got to work the crowd and tell Long Island we made the list. (After our ordeal getting there, if I had the List I would have put Long Island on it for sure. I would have put Long Island at the TOP of the fucking List and everyone who drives in the greater NY area as well, because fuck it all.) During this part, he was playing toward the crowd on the camera side, and Seth was standing in the opposite corner working our side, including some great drumroll-spirit-fingers when Jericho built up to his signature line. Couldn’t have asked for a better ending. I wanted to go down to the floor to try and catch a closer glimpse or a high-five or something on their way out, but decided that kind of access should be saved for the people who paid a shit-ton of money to be there, not our freeloading asses.
The Low Points
- Mixed feelings about Nia vs. Charlotte. It looked like Nia was finally getting her due and getting to be the monster we all know she can be, but even though I couldn’t tell from where we were sitting, I heard later that it looked wildly unsafe on camera. Charlotte looked pretty wrecked at the end, but I couldn’t tell if it was just her selling it really well.  Later, Alexa and Mickie’s big reveal built Monster!Nia up further, and I freaked the hell out at seeing Alexa. The only problem is, Nia gets way too close to being too real, to an extent that gets scary - and even if you don’t know much and don’t know what you’re looking for, you can feel something is out of place.
- The Wyatt teaser. I don’t really understand the logic of trading him. Eater of Worlds vs. Demon King has the potential to be pretty badass, but it kicks the whole Wyatt Family narrative right in the balls.
 -  Slut-shaming chants aimed at Maryse, who was leaning on the apron right in front of us during the Sami/Miz match, with her butt sticking out in some very accentuating black and rhinestone shorts. I think I yelled “I don’t agree with your decisions, Maryse, but I respect them!”
- The Roman backstage beatdown I have a lot of mixed feelings about. I’m not a fan of backstage beatings after a certain point - a few blows or throws to build up a plot are fine, but watching someone get full-on wrecked never sits well with me. Sometimes it just feels cheap. And this definitely did not sit well. As seat fillers, we were told that we should cheer or boo with the people around us, but I really couldn’t. I could not get down with it for a LOT of reasons, and was really glad not to be on camera. I know there were good plot reasons for it to happen this way, but I couldn’t really get into the tidal wave of emotion the rest of the audience was riding. If anything, it made me feel seasick. Especially when they started replaying it. Repeatedly.
Overall? Amazing night. Worthwhile experience. Some of the trades seemed to be set up well, some didn’t seem all that necessary, but it kind of has to be considered as a whole with Tuesday’s Smackdown. As the FIRST live WWE event that D and I have been to, it was really one for the books, and I would not trade it for anything. Even though it had its flaws, I was thrilled to death to be there, and grateful for every moment. Also, if you watch this and see some goofy platinum-blonde in a yellow scarf cheering and hollering her heart out next to a tall, long-haired ginger dude, let me know. I was flailing extra just for you.
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