#the lunar chronicles is based off sailor moon
adelfie · 7 months
hello you wrote a fanfic where Tims teacher was failing him on purpose to send him into a spiral of self doubt where in a moment of 'i can fix this' (This being his grade) he followed his teacher into his car and nearly got killed, and I find myself LOVING the mystery behind the teacher and like how he almost sucseeded and stuff and I think it would be interesting if I could read a full 50 chapter book of that so I was wondering if I could borrow the idea of a fanfic of my own?
Hello anon! So glad you enjoyed OCLAL! :) Fun fact, the idea of a murder mystery with a teacher going after students was totally inspired by the anime Erased (sorry for spoilers! still a fantastic watch tho imo). Super sweet of you to ask for permission on this idea, even if that element of it is not from my noggin originally but STILL! I'm a big believer in, as a writer, being inspired by other works in order to craft a story of your own that you personally find fun (so long as it's not direct stealing, of course), especially in fanfiction where there's not any money involved. If you do write something, feel free to share it with me bc, obviously, I love the idea too! Have fun!
TL;DR: thank you and yeah, go for it! happy writing!
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🦇 Guardians of the Dawn: Zhara Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
❝ She had always imagined her magic as a steady flame within her, and the world around her as her kitchen. Elements were ingredients to be played with, like dough beneath her fingers. Zhara held her breath and concentrated, applying her magic to the mixture in her hands like heat to a pot of water. ❞
❓ #QOTD What was your favorite cartoon growing up? ❓
🦇 Magic is forbidden by punishment of death throughout the Morning Realms, after corrupted magicians turned into abominations and razed the earth 20 years ago. Jin Zhara must hide her magic—that is, until a strange run-in with a blushing boy named Han leads her to the magical liberation organization the Guardians of Dawn. As new members of the Guardians, Zhara and Han work together to restore harmony to the world, even as chaos begins to reign.
💜 S. Jae-Jones is proof that books are their own sort of magic. She's spun together the familiar threads of Sailor Moon, Cinder of The Lunar Chronicles, Avatar the Last Airbender, and cultural mythology to produce Guardians of the Dawn. The story's mythology takes little time to grasp before you're thrown into the adventure alongside Zhara and Han, who (for lack of a better word) are adorable together. The book touches lightly on more intense themes: familial obligation, grief, identity, to name a few. The secondary characters (namely, Xu, Han's genderfluid best friend, Yulana, and Jiyi) offer far more than support; they're an absolute delight.
🦇 Unfortunately, the writing comes off as a little juvenile at times (namely with 'The Good-Looking Giggles' and Han's himbo-esque nature), so I would place this at the younger end of YA. Perhaps more frustrating was the naiveté and ignorance of both Zhara and Han. My brain was piecing together clues not revealed until 10 chapters ahead, and not because of the dual POV or omniscient narration (the reveals for Yulana, Sajah, and even the Chancellor were set up a little too well). The worldbuilding, while gorgeous, is a little basic (which is why it's so easy to dive into, making that a double-edged sword). While a cute, mythology-based tale, I really think this story (and possible series), has a lot more potential.
🦇 Recommended to anyone looking for a bit of nostalgia through a magical retelling. The entire time I was reading it, I got HARD Cinder and Sailor Moon vibes. It wasn't until after I started writing my review that I noticed both were mentioned in the story synopsis. There's a hint of Avatar the Last Airbender in there, too!
✨ The Vibes ✨ 👠 Cinderella Retelling 🐱 Animal Sidekicks 💫 YA Fantasy Fiction 🔥 Elemental Magic 📚 Book Loving MC 🏮 Culture-Infused Mythology 🌈 Queer and Disability Rep
🦇 Major thanks to the author and publisher for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book.
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wormwoodandhoney · 5 years
murdocks-temple replied to your post: now that, for better or worse, we’re allegedly...
there’s a book series similar to this called the lunar chronicles! it’s loosely based off star wars + sailor moon but a scientific-fiction retelling of classic fairytales with a diverse group, where I believe 5 out of the 9 main characters are poc!
oh trust me, my friend, i’ve read and loved every page of the lunar chronicles! very much my thing! i have a tag dedicated to the books here.
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gideongrace · 5 years
Tell my some fav characters!! For: F, I, N, T & K
F - Nick Fury from the MCU (Also a badass.)
I - Iko from the Lunar Chronicles book series (Which is based off of a sailor moon fic!)
N - Nathan from One Tree Hill (Oh, I feel like I am dating myself with that one.)
T - Terry Jeffords from Brooklyn 99 (I love Terry like Terry loves yogurt.)
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