#the mad songwriter [sammy tag]
studio-safehouse · 9 months
So, I heard that the Ink Demon is always listening. Is that true? I heard it from a pretty unreliable source. How do y'all feel about it?
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illusionlockarchive · 7 years
Belief and Persuasion- Chapter 3
hey folks! i’ve been working on a little batim prequel fanfic for a while n its finally done! its a little long, so im dividing it in 8 chapters total!
if you want to read more, i’ll be tagging this under ‘bap fic’ on my blog!
Joey Drew gives an interview about how he managed to build his empire, and focuses on the two things needed most: belief and persuasion, the latter of which is trickier. As he talks about his philosophy, we can see examples of his influence at work.
This chapter: Sammy Lawrence is caught by Joey after sharing his opinion of his boss with Susie.
"But won't their old ideas come back?" The interviewer now took notes absent mindedly, as if in the middle of a philosophy class.
"Oh, well then there's your chance at making sure when they do come back, you change them to your advantage." Joey pointed in the air triumphantly.
Sammy sighed as he helped pack the last of the items he had kept inside the sanctuary. He ran his fingers through his hair, breathing slowly. Darn it, why did this have to happen? Was there some divine force separating him from Bendy?
"Hey. Are you alright?" A hand on his shoulder and a warm, kind voice snapped him out of his vortex of unanswered questions. Susie, who had offered to help him, was looking understandingly at him.
"Sorry. It's just, the sanctuary had been so perfect for getting inspiration." Sammy told her, and it wasn't a lie, but it was not the only factor of why it had been important to him. Concentration and inspiration were of course important to a songwriter, but few things could replace the company of the little toon devil known as Bendy.
"Aw, well, we can still have our little breaks together now and then. Of course, if Alice is ok with it- lately all she wants to do is spend time with me. It's funny, Bendy seems weirdly fixated on you, too, even if Joey insists he's the one he should have a connection with." Susie tried to comfort him.
"... Really." Sammy made a pause to think about it. Was Joey mad at him for being around Bendy?
"Yeah! You won't believe the gossip Alice told me last lunch we had together. She said he almost threatened her because apparently to him she's not 'perfect enough', whatever that means. I guess the world is full of bosses who are cuckoo." Susie shrugged, rolling her eyes quite casually.
"I can't imagine why he'd say that. You're both perfect, together and as a solo. You're full of talent and have amazing voices. If he can't recognize that, well, he really is just a cuckoo boss." Sammy assured her.
Susie smiled. "You always know just what to say, Sammy. Well, I gotta go meet Alice soon, so see ya!" She waved and strolled off.
"See ya!" Sammy waved back as he watched her walk into the distant halls of the seemingly endless studio.
"Cuckoo bosses, huh?" Soon as she was gone, Joey's voice rang out, dry, sarcastic, mocking.
Sammy shivered as he turned around to face his boss with his unfaltering grin. "S-sorry, Mr. Drew, it's just a joke-"
"Oh, of course it is. Like your sanctuary also was- just for inspiration." Joey mocked as with difficulty he moved from his wheelchair and sat atop a table in front of them and caressed over a box that contained the drawings Sammy and Bendy had made inside the sanctuary.
Sammy took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "It won't happen again, Mr. Drew. Both the sanctuary and the jokes, I promise."
"My concern... goes beyond that, Mr. Lawrence." Joey moved back to his wheelchair and started inching closer towards his employee, his grin now a more sinister grimace. "As we've seen, Bendy is spending more and more time with you, up to the point he'll actually use up resources and time to please you. This is not in our best interests as a company. If we're going to move to plan B and revolutionize this industry, we've got to start taming the toons' wild manners and making them into real actors. You encouraging his little 'adventures' is not helping, and only wastes more time and resources."
Sammy kept quiet, eyeing the floor. He hated to admit, but some bit of what Joey said was true. They had moved a great deal of funds to make the plan of the ink machine work, and once the toons came to life, the studio was struggling to adapt, they were more of a distraction than inspiration. If they were going to stop storyboarding and start actually filming, they needed to adapt faster, and this just wasn't fast enough, considering how much the company's funds were depleting and the debt was increasing. Joey Drew Studios wasn't in its glory days anymore, and they had to activate their new plan, fast.
"... I will do anything that is needed, Mr. Drew." Sammy managed to pry his eyes out of the ink stained wooden floor and look into Joey's piercing eyes, determination now replacing his guilt.
"Good. Start by distancing yourself more from Bendy, encouraging him to come rehearse routines and read scripts with me. After all, it's not too proper for us mortals to be getting too chummy with demons beyond normal work and business, is it? You can worship him, but maybe not so, close." Joey grinned again, satisfied, and to make his point he held up one of the drawings the musician and toon had made, of them side by side, holding hands.
Sammy felt a sudden unease rise up his spine. "Don't touch that", he thought, but he did not say it. But, Sammy understood. He nodded his head quietly, but firmly, giving a low hum.
Joey's grin got bigger as he saw his employee understood the message. "Good." He grasped the drawing more firmly, as if threatening to do something to it.
"Don't you dare do anything to it", the thought passed through Sammy's head as he stared at the piece of paper unfaltering, gaze pierced, breathing heavy, like a wild animal stuck in that decisive moment of choice between fight or flight.
"Well, I've got things to do, and you do too. See you around, Samuel." Joey simply tossed the paper in the air as if it did not matter to him and drove off, letting it fall gently to the floor.
Sammy scurried to pick it up, and it was undamaged, only a small wrinkle at the part Joey had grabbed stood out. Sammy sighed in relief and put it back with the other drawings, looking over them sadly. But taking a deep breath, he finally closed the box and all the other ones as well.
He had made his decision. No more messing around, only faithful devotion to his cause.
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Chase You Down
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam (mentioned)
Word Count: 1,417 (including lyrics)
Warnings: none, it’s all fluff!
Request: Hello darling! Love your writing and umm i was wondering if you could do a Dean x reader , where Dean finds out the reader's little secret : singing and making her own music. Her own little world is music. And Dean is just shocked by her talent. Pure fluff and romantic Dean please ( request based on the song runaground-chase you down ). Thanks so much! Greetings from Transylvania!
Author’s Note: Listen to this song. It’s a good song! 
I DO NOT own the rights to this song and I made the reader a songwriter, making it so that she was the one who wrote this song. Please, this is fiction. I do not own this song or the rights to it. 
Please, if you want to be tagged, leave an ask or message and I’ll add you! Same goes for my Series Rewrite!
Feedback is always appreciated
Tags at the bottom
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Your name: submit What is this?
Ah, music.
What a beautiful way of expressing who you were. Music was universal. Music is what gave you purpose in life. You loved singing it and making it. Of course, no one knew of your little secret, not even Dean Winchester.
You didn't think you could tell him or Sam. Yeah, he was your boyfriend and he would support you no matter what it was but you liked having a little secret to yourself. It let you escape whenever you were feeling down or when you got done with a particularly hard hunt.
You had your own private studio in one of the farthest rooms away from Sam and Dean's as possible. Dean knew you were in the room a lot but you told him not to go in there. Curiosity struck him and whenever he passed by it, he always wanted to look inside and take a peek into your world but he didn't want to disrespect you.
You spent a lot of your time in there, creating new music and singing to ones that already existed. You were working on a song that you were really proud of and wished you had someone to show it to but for now, you just made the music.
You were working on a playful song that was based on yours and Dean's relationship. You see, in the beginning, he would do everything to try and make you his. You would always lead him on and tease him; making him chase after you.
You would always give him a little more each time to hold onto because you liked him back but you wanted to tease him. You loved the attention you were getting from him.
Finally, he snagged you up and so far, he never let you go. You were glad because you saw Dean as a keeper. You knew you two would be together for a long time.
Dean's birthday was coming up so you wanted to surprise him with the song you were working on. Dean would be the first person you would show your talents to in a long time so you were trying to make it perfect. Speaking of working on the song, you were in your little cove, trying to put together some of the lyrics.
Can you see me right now I'm comin' closer Think I figured you out Not like the others
The words came to you naturally, like you were meant to be a song writer. However, at this next line, you were stuck; trying to figure out what to say next. You thought about how you tried to make yourself blend into the other kind of girls that Dean dated so he would see other girls besides you but it wouldn't work. He saw right through you.
That's it. I got it! You wrote down the next few lines of the song and started the part over, singing and adding in the part you wrote.
You don't blend with the crowd I've blown your cover Now I'm takin' you down Takin' you down.
You grinned and let the music play for a while until the next verse. You were so stuck in your own world, you didn't see or hear the door opening. You sang the song again with such passion. When you turned around to get another piece of paper, you gasped when you saw shocked green eyes staring at you. You turned off the music and bit your lip. Damn, you were caught.
"How long were you standing there?" You asked in a small voice.
"Only a few minutes. I'm sorry, I knocked because dinner is ready but," Dean shook his head as if he wanted to rid that thought out of his head. "You are amazing."
"Oh stop. This is nothing. It's a hobby." You blushed, not mad that he heard part of the song that was for him.
“No, sweetheart, you have serious talent. If I’d known you were doing this the whole time, man, I was missing out. I should have barged in much earlier.” Dean said, walking into the room and shutting the door behind him.
“No, Dean, I’m just an amateur.” You blushed and held the paper tightly in your hand.
“You’re the best damn amateur I’ve ever known. Can I, uh, hear it?” Dean took a seat and looked at all the machines you had in here to make the music. If you could have real instruments, you would. Well, you do have a guitar and a portable piano but that was it. The rest of it was generated by machines.
“Dean…” You started to say.
“Please?” He stared at you with his beautiful green eyes and you sighed. You couldn’t say no to him.
“This was supposed to be for your birthday.” You admitted shyly.
“You were going to do this for my birthday?” He said with a smile.
“Well, yeah.” You nodded.
“Call it an early birthday present.” Dean persisted.
“Early? Your birthday is in 6 months.” You giggled. Dean didn’t say anything but stared at you with those eyes. He knew what he was doing to you. You sighed and nodded, setting the paper down and messed with the machine until the music started.
“This is what I have so far.” You said, pressing play. The upbeat song started, immediately filling the room with your voice.
Can you hear me right now I got your number And I'm callin' you out With liquid courage I can beat all my doubt There's not another So I'm chasin' you down Chasin' you down
You looked over to see how Dean was reacting and you saw the biggest smile on his face. He could listen to your voice all day if he could. You were his pride and joy and hearing this was amazing.
Can you see me right now I'm comin' closer Think I figured you out Not like the others You don't blend with the crowd I've blown your cover Now I'm takin' you down Takin' you down
The song played up until your voice stopped being played.  
“That’s it. I’m still working on it.” You blushed, letting the music still run. You got all of the music figured out; you just needed the lyrics.
“That is amazing.” He breathed out. HE stared at you with love and appreciation.
“Thanks.” You blushed even more.
“What’s it about?” Dean probed. He wasn’t going to let this go until you gave him answers.
“It’s about us. When we first met. You tried so hard to get me to be yours. It was fun teasing you. “You grinned, getting out of your shell the more you talked about it. Dean chuckled and got up, pulling you up with him.
“You gave me a hard time. But I have you now, that’s all that matters.” Dean grinned.
“You do have me. I have you. I don’t know why I waited so long. I guess I just wanted to know if you were serious about me or not. I love you so much. I’m glad that I said yes to you.” You grinned, not realizing what slipped out.
“Yeah, I’m, wait,” Dean’s eyes widened in shock, not believing what he heard. “What did you just say?”
“What?” You bit your lip, nervous about how he was going to react. You both never said those three little words to each other. You knew Dean loved you based on how he treated you but hearing it was a whole different story. He didn’t like to express his emotions and you hoped you wouldn’t scare him away.
“What did you just say?” He needed you to say it one more time.
“I love you so much.” You whispered, looking down. Dean wouldn’t let you slip away. He put two fingers under your chin and pulled your lips to his, kissing you passionately. The end of the song was playing and it was a soothing music, perfect for this setting.
He pulled away only to nuzzle your neck, peppering it with kisses. You laughed a little, squirming to get out of his grasp.
“I love you.” It was so quiet that if he wasn’t right next to your ear, you may not have heard it. You pulled away from him with a huge smile.
“Want to see what else I wrote?” You said, sitting back down by the machine. His grin only got bigger as he nodded. Sharing this with Dean was the best thing you did.
Forever tags:
@shorter-than-sammy @maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke
Dean Tags:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester
Other tags:
@jensen-jarpad @jpadjackles @notnaturalanahi @mysteriouslyme81 @deathtonormalcy56 @27bmm
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
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He... he ate it.
How the hell do I get the elevator to work now?
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
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SAMMY: I'm back.
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LOST ONE: Oh wonderful we were starting to think you d-
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LOST ONE: ....What is that.
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SAMMY: An inconvenience. He ate the supplies that would make the elevator actually move. So I took him with me so I could leave.
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LOST ONE: Why didn't you just leave him after you went up the elevator then?
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SAMMY: .......
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BORIS: .......
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
What about Sammy the sheep? Or… Sam the sheep? You like sheep don’t you?
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SAMMY: No! I am not a sheep, I am the SHEPHERD!!!
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BORIS: He reminds me more of a bird anyway.
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
Sammy, honey, I don't think your lord appreciates your time.
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You're just upset I was chosen as the prophet and not you. Don't try to spread lies about my Lord to me.
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
how many bones does sammy have
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Would it be too cliche to answer "206, but they're not mine"?
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
Oh! Sammy, I have a question. Do you ever hear whispers in the ink? Can you make out what they’re saying? What are they talking about? If not that’s fine, I was just curious.
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Yes, I can hear them. I was chosen to be the Prophet after all.
I hear what the ink says to me and I repeat it back to my flock, so that they can be set free as well.
As for what its talking about? It depends really. But most of the time I am told about what I need to do to get the Ink Demon to notice me.
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Sammy Lawrence!
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studio-safehouse · 3 years
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studio-safehouse · 3 years
SAMMY… how is your day? :)
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As many clocks as there are in my lord's image, I do not think any of them work.
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
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Next time it WILL be their turn.
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[time exploring has passed]
[but there's a sound from the next room]
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I don't think he saw me. But now I have to take the long way.
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
hey sammy, how do you play the banjo with four fingers? or just like in general, aren't you just ink? wouldn't the strings slip through your fingers?
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And to answer your other question, I was given a body that still abides by the same rules as the one before, the one I don't remember. I am solid enough to touch things.
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
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What the hell is that.
Timekeeper is now open for questions. Unless he runs away first.
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studio-safehouse · 2 years
Boris: Choosing who has to leave to collect supplies can be difficult.
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Boris: But maybe this time... you can help?
Send in an ask or leave a reblog or a comment to vote if BORIS, SAMMY, or THE LOST ONE should venture out into the twisting maze of the studio!
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You can only choose one!
(Update: Votes now collected!)
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