#the main number told me to send customer service an email that they’ll respond to in 7 business days.
newtonsheffield · 2 years
Also glowworms
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ahnsael · 4 years
I just got an email from “Netflix” (with a return address that started with impster.ngipangzu(more random characters)@(more random characters).ngenbokmahezsekalee.com and a phone number of 007-803-321-2130.
This is obviously NOT Netflix. I mean, the first part of their URL ALMOST spells out “imposter.” Don’t trust ANYONE who emails you like this.
I’ve never even once subscribed to Netflix (I just wouldn’t have the time, even if there weren’t so many other streaming services from which to choose).
I contacted Netflix and they verified that it was a phishing email, and not to click on anything (which I didn’t do -- I just forwarded it to them -- they told me to forward the email to [email protected] though I did find it odd that the original email is formatted as such that nothing can be added to the email when it’s forwarded to be reported -- so I forwarded the email and then sent a separate email with an explanation after that’s what their Customer Service Rep on the official site advised me to do since I was unable to explain in the forward, but I imagine they’ll get the gist). But at least those were instructions I actually received on their official site.
Be careful out there. Always  be vigilant about emails you did not expect. Check with the main company to see whether it’s legit and do so by seeking them out yourself, not by clicking a link in an email. (in my case I knew it wasn’t them, since I’ve never done business with this company, not even a free trial, , and they’ve big enough to not send things from random-looking email addresses, so my only goal was to alert them that they may need to warn their members about this).
Being a good Netizen doesn’t mean supporting major corporations; but sometimes it IS letting them know that a thing is happening so they can protect their subscribers from this type of phishing email. Because I guarantee SOME would fall for this.
Also, I’m TEMPTED to respond to the original email with an insult...VERY TEMPTED -- but that would tell them that my email is legit and active and invite them to try again, so I’m not going to do that.
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729renegades · 5 years
OK, so maybe I worded that badly.
Last month I tackled the death of websites as we know them, and since publishing that article, many of my peers have shot me down, in much the same way as a blasphemer would have been in the dark ages for saying there was no god or that the earth was round.
In fact, at the time of writing the article, I had employed the services of one of the top UK digital agencies to help with my click-through conversions to boost the effectiveness of my online advertising.
From the start I was quite clear that I did not want to mess around with web pages and in fact, I was unwavering, that from the outset all of my new ad-words lead generating traffic would be driven to one of my Infusionsoft CRM Landing Pages.
A month into the deal, the vendor having agreed with these terms then proceeded to tell me that the sophisticated page design needed to drive traffic could not be generated by the CRM Landing Page.
What utter BS.
Firstly, all of the very high end direct marketing gurus emphatically protest sophisticated landing pages.
Secondly, I was always told that simplicity and downright ugly works best.
So, I cancelled the contract and demanded a refund after sending them a copy of my article for last month… Boy did the shit hit the fan.
I was told that: far from websites being dead, they were critical to the growth of business and at no time had they or my previous mentors ever suggested otherwise. OK, so was I confused, had I misread the message?
Over the last month I’ve done some serious soul searching and I still believe that what I said is true. There is no doubt that websites are what got me to where I am now, and I can still remember when Google AdWords were called Overture. Yup, I’ve been in this game a lot longer than most.
There is no doubt that over the years, the purpose and role that a website plays in your overall marketing strategy has changed. For some, it’s remained the same from day one. But, for others that embrace the technological advancements that we enjoy, the role it plays too must adapt with the ever changing way we engage with our customers.
As an example, and by way of explanation, then when I first set up a website for my business way back in 1999, it was an info site, its purpose was to let people know what I did and what my products were. My sales were driven by people phoning in and ordering.
Then as time progressed, I changed my whole site from an info site to a shopping cart and watched as engagement plummeted. The market was not ready for a direct buy now with no back story. So, I changed it back to an info site which is what it’s been ever since. For a period, the site had a shopping cart functionality which ticked over, but never did big numbers. I guess that’s because I sell high end and people want to have a natter before they commit.
The shopping cart functionality and the online purchase were removed from my site along with the price list 4 years ago.
“No price list?” I hear you say, “WTF is the man mad?”
Yup, no doubt about it, but when you have prices which are 10x the average, you need to engage with the customer, you need to have a dialogue and ease them into paying so much more. In the early days, the sales process went something like this:
Gardening Show > Flyer > Website > Call > Buy
Magazine Article > Website > Call > Buy
The purpose of the website was to inform, and as a result my site has always featured videos. Since upgrading my website 4 years ago, 2 more site overhauls have been instigated but never completed. “Why?” you ask.
too damn complicated
not fast enough to respond
by far too much specialist help required
Plus, and the most important reason, most of my traffic comes from AdWord Pay Per Click marketing
So, do I really want to spend a large amount of money on website overhaul when all of my traffic comes from an AdWord or a call from a referral? NO.
The website, as a whole, has a purpose for organic search; people who find you organically then go to see what you are about. But they have a lot of stuff to get through, and it can be hard work when you have a lot to share, so they leave either because you try to feed them too much or too little.
Nope, in my opinion it’s much better to drive people to a Landing Page, this is what I’ve always been taught.
A Landing Page for every product
AdWords Campaign for every Landing Page
Squeeze Page for every enquiry
A targeted email sequence for every Squeeze Page enquiry which relates to that product and that product alone
And an optional up-sell to other products on the Thank You page
This is a true marketing system or machine. It puts you in control of the info that the prospect gets. You’re in the driving seat of how they get it and when they get it, plus it gives you a database of potential, interested, customers, much better than just a website.
So, there’s some overlap between having a Website and a Landing Page, namely that your website can just be a lot of landing pages and, yup, that’s fine if you’re in control of how that all works and functions; but I’m not computer savvy, and modern websites I find difficult to build, Word Press is supposed to be easy, but I find it’s not. So, hence back to my CRM Infusionsoft which can host the Landing Page and control the traffic and information feed.
No, I’m firmly of the belief that, as CRM’s become better, there will be no need for a website and the faster you get in control of the information fed to your customer, the higher the quality of customer you will attract. I’ve just rebuilt my 3 main Landing Pages and 2 weeks ago spent 8 hours in front of a camera shooting new videos, not for the website, for new subject related Landing Pages to drive traffic to take action.
Simplicity and Downright Ugly Works Best
Personally, for me, a website is an online brochure where people can browse but with little commitment to part with valuable information. But they’ll only find the website if they already know of you or you feature high in the rankings. If I’m going to pay good money for someone to look at my page, I definitely don’t want them browsing, I want fast action.
Let’s be honest here, look at any of the big boys of digital marketing: Frank Kern, Russell Brunson, GKIC, Chris Cardell, Dan Kennedy, Lisa Sasevich, Kim Walsh Phillips, Bob Proctor. They all use Landing pages either from a Google AdWord Campaign or from a Facebook ad from a referral link.
The one thing that stands out when you look at what they are doing: the page is simple and formulated. They ask direct questions to get direct responses. There is a wallet-opener opportunity and active engagement; you go directly into a structured multi step marketing email sequence.
Not once are you sent back to a website.
I say that again: after first engagement, you are never ever sent back to a website.
I guess what I’m saying then is: ‘What’s the point?’
If your CRM can host webpages, and you can build them quickly and easily, and
if your business is driven by advertising through Google, Facebook or LinkedIn; it’s simple landing pages that answer the direct question that the prospect was asking in the search phrase. So, what better medium than a targeted, content specific, landing page with a direct call to action?
Ok, so I hope I’m making sense… Just a couple of things that I need to clarify:
Primarily from an ad, you need to drive the prospect to a landing page. After an action is taken on a landing page, you can drive the prospect to an email sequence. You must not go directly from an ad to an email sequence.
I guess this is what my mentors were getting at when the shit hit the fan, because most people don’t have a CRM that can build Landing Pages, and therefore would need to do that within a website.
In their minds a Word Press site can hold a basic 10-page website, giving all the cotton wool experience that a prospect may expect, but within the fluffy organic pages you also keep 100’s of different landing pages, pages designed for one purpose alone: to make them give up their personal contact details so that you can send them stuff.
As I write this, I’m just getting my bags ready to fly to America to attend Dan Kennedy’s ‘Marketing to the Affluent’ 3-day seminar in Cleveland.
So, in next month’s edition, I’ll give you an update on what’s hot and what’s not in this arena.
from Blog | 729renegades http://bit.ly/2IKQsHe
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anthonyekoehler · 6 years
Complete Recovery Corp
Debt collectors like Complete Recovery Corporation cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If Complete Recovery Corporation violated the law, you will get money damages and they will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose! Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is Complete Recovery Corporation?
Complete Recovery Corporation was a call center and partner of ComCast based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Founded in 2003, Complete Recovery Corporation was not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and is believed to be closed.
Complete Recovery Corporation’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Complete Recovery Corporation is located at 5184 Wiley Post Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. The main telephone number is 801-266-4433 and the main website is www.completerecoverycorp.com/.
Phone Numbers Used by Complete Recovery Corporation
Like many debt collection agencies, Complete Recovery Corporation may use many different phone numbers to contact debtors. For an advanced search, visit www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/ and click “Number Search” in the “Lookup” dropdown menu. Here is one phone number Complete Recovery Corporation may be calling you from:
Complete Recovery Corporation Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Complete Recovery Corporation, take a look at the lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER is the U.S.’s federal docket which lists federal complaints filed against a wide range of companies. A search for the agency will display 7 lawsuits filed in the U.S., and these typically involve violations of consumer rights and/or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Complete Recovery Corporation Complaints
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law which applies to everyone in the United States. In other words, everyone is protected under the FDCPA, and this Act is a laundry list of what debt collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt, as well as things they must do while collecting debt. If Complete Recovery Corporation is harassing you over a debt, you have rights under the FDCPA.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Complete Recovery Corporation violates the TCPA. Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Complete Recovery Corporation took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. Complete Recovery Corporation, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Complete Recovery Corporation continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Complete Recovery Corporation is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it; this is commonly known as “pay for delete.” If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above. North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How do we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Complete Recovery Corporation’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if Complete Recovery Corporation violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped thousands of consumers stop phone calls. We know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs.
What if Complete Recovery Corporation is on my Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Complete Recovery Corporation is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Complete Recovery Corporation
Here are some of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) reviews and complaints against Complete Recovery Corporation:
“I recently moved and cancelled my Xfinity service and returned the equipment I had rented. A few weeks after my move I started receiving about two calls and one email every day from a company called Complete Recovery claiming that I still needed to return equipment to Xfinity. These calls have not stopped and the emails keep coming. I called Xfinity to make sure they received my returned equipment and they confirmed that they did in fact receive it. I then called Complete Recovery to let them know that Xfinity received the equipment and they need to stop harassing me. Xfinity even said that Complete Recovery should not be contacting me anymore but I am still being harassed…”
“For about a month I have been receiving phone calls from Complete Recovery at my work number. Complete Recovery is calling on behalf of Comcast. The company is requesting to help assist with returning equipment. The issue is that I am a current Comcast customer. I do not have any Comcast equipment. I have no equipment to return to Comcast. The account number that is referenced is ********. That is not my account number. I have written to both Complete Recovery and Comcast to cease and desist from these harassing phone calls.”
“I had Comcast service for several years in Tennessee, and I brought my equipment to Colorado when I moved here. The rep who came out to our home and took the old equipment gave me a receipt for the equipment, yet Complete Recovery Corp continues to send emails and calls repeatedly. I called and emailed them to stop because I do not have the equipment, but I continue to receive threatening calls and emails.”
What Our Clients Say about Us
Agruss Law Firm has over 825 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 110 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great results and he handled them quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solve my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! Even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Complete Recovery Corporation Sue Me?
Although anyone can sue anyone for any reason, we have not seen Complete Recovery Corporation sue consumers, and it’s likely that the agency does not sue because they don’t always own the debt they are attempting to collect, and would also need to hire a lawyer, or use in-house counsel, to file a lawsuit. It’s also likely that the agency collects debt throughout the country, and it would be quite difficult to have lawyers, or a law firm, licensed in every state. However, there are collection agencies that do sue consumers; for example, Midland Credit Management is one of the largest junk-debt buyers, and it also collects and sues on debt. Still, it is less likely for a debt collector to sue you than for an original creditor to hire a lawyer or collection firm to sue you. If Complete Recovery Corporation has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible.
Can Complete Recovery Corporation Garnish my Wages?
No, unless they have a judgment. If Complete Recovery Corporation has not sued you, then the agency cannot get a judgment. Barring limited situations (usually involving debts owed to the government for student loans, taxes, etc.), a company must have a judgment in order to garnish someone’s wages. In short, we have not seen this agency file a lawsuit against a consumer, so the agency cannot garnish your wages, minus the exceptions listed above. If Complete Recovery Corporation has threatened to garnish your wages, contact our office right away.
Complete Recovery Corporation Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Complete Recovery Corporation, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Complete Recovery Corporation remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the original creditor remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive confirmation in writing from Complete Recovery Corporation for the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Complete Recovery Corporation, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Top Debt Collection Violations
Debt collection laws provide a laundry list of what collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt. Based on our years of experience handling thousands of debt collection harassment cases, here’s what collection agencies most often do to violate the law:
Called you about a debt you do not owe.
Called you at work after you told them you cannot receive calls at work.
Left you a message without identifying the company’s name.
Left you a message without disclosing that the call is from a debt collector.
Called third-parties (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) even though the collection agency knows your contact information.
Disclosed to a third-party (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) that you owe a debt.
Contacted you after you said to stop calling.
Threatened you with legal action (such as a lawsuit or wage garnishment).
Called you before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM.
Continued to call you after you have told the collector you cannot pay the debt.
Communicated (phone or letter) with you after you filed for bankruptcy.
Failed to mark the debt on your credit report as disputed after you disputed the debt.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay your fees and costs for helping me with my consumer rights case? No. We handle consumer rights cases based on a fee-shift provision and/or a contingency fee. That means either the other side pays your fees and costs, or we take a percentage of your recovery. Whether it’s a fee-shift case or a contingency-fee case, we don’t get paid unless you get paid, and you’ll never owe us a penny for our time.
What are the damages I can get under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? If a collection agency violates any section of the FDCPA, you are entitled to damages up to $1,000.00. You may also be entitled to actual damages if the violation caused you out-of-pocket expenses. For example, if a collection agency threatens you with legal action to induce you to pay the debt, you may be able to get your payment back as actual damages.
What are the damages under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act? You can get $500 per robocall, or $1,500 per robocall if the robocalls were willful. In any type of settlement, Defendants often pay much less than $500 per call. However, if there are 50 calls at issue, even at $250 per call, your case could settle for $12,500.00.
What type of debt is covered under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? Only consumer debt, such as personal, family, and household debts. For example, money you owe on a personal credit card, an auto loan, a medical bill, or a utility bill. The FDCPA does not cover debts you incurred to run a business, or debts regarding unpaid taxes, or traffic tickets.
Does the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act apply to banks or credit card companies? No.  Only third-party debt collectors are bound by the FDCPA. Original creditors, such as banks and credit card companies, are not bound by the FDCPA.
Are there state laws that protect me from original creditors? Yes! Several states also have laws that provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. If you live in California, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you have additional state-law rights.
Are mistakes on credit reports common? Yes! Are you one of the 40 million Americans who have a mistake on their credit report? Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly.  Along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or maybe you were a victim of identity theft.
What do I do if I have a mistake on my credit report? If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute them. My office will help you pull your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information. If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000.00, plus the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error.  The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency pays your attorney’s fees and costs. Therefore, you will not pay me a penny for my time. To speed up the process, please get a free copy of your credit report at www.annualcreditreport.com. You can also learn more about the FCRA and your rights at http://www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/practices/common-credit-report-errors/.
Share your Complaints against Complete Recovery Corporation Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Complete Recovery Corporation. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Complete Recovery Corporation over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at 888-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
The post Complete Recovery Corp appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
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agrusslawfirmllc · 6 years
Complete Recovery Corp
Debt collectors like Complete Recovery Corporation cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If Complete Recovery Corporation violated the law, you will get money damages and they will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose! Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is Complete Recovery Corporation?
Complete Recovery Corporation was a call center and partner of ComCast based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Founded in 2003, Complete Recovery Corporation was not accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and is believed to be closed.
Complete Recovery Corporation’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Complete Recovery Corporation is located at 5184 Wiley Post Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. The main telephone number is 801-266-4433 and the main website is www.completerecoverycorp.com/.
Phone Numbers Used by Complete Recovery Corporation
Like many debt collection agencies, Complete Recovery Corporation may use many different phone numbers to contact debtors. For an advanced search, visit www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/ and click “Number Search” in the “Lookup” dropdown menu. Here is one phone number Complete Recovery Corporation may be calling you from:
Complete Recovery Corporation Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Complete Recovery Corporation, take a look at the lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER is the U.S.’s federal docket which lists federal complaints filed against a wide range of companies. A search for the agency will display 7 lawsuits filed in the U.S., and these typically involve violations of consumer rights and/or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Complete Recovery Corporation Complaints
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law which applies to everyone in the United States. In other words, everyone is protected under the FDCPA, and this Act is a laundry list of what debt collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt, as well as things they must do while collecting debt. If Complete Recovery Corporation is harassing you over a debt, you have rights under the FDCPA.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Complete Recovery Corporation violates the TCPA. Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Complete Recovery Corporation took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. Complete Recovery Corporation, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Complete Recovery Corporation continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Complete Recovery Corporation is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it; this is commonly known as “pay for delete.” If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above. North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How do we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Complete Recovery Corporation’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if Complete Recovery Corporation violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped thousands of consumers stop phone calls. We know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorney’s fees and costs.
What if Complete Recovery Corporation is on my Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Complete Recovery Corporation is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Complete Recovery Corporation
Here are some of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) reviews and complaints against Complete Recovery Corporation:
“I recently moved and cancelled my Xfinity service and returned the equipment I had rented. A few weeks after my move I started receiving about two calls and one email every day from a company called Complete Recovery claiming that I still needed to return equipment to Xfinity. These calls have not stopped and the emails keep coming. I called Xfinity to make sure they received my returned equipment and they confirmed that they did in fact receive it. I then called Complete Recovery to let them know that Xfinity received the equipment and they need to stop harassing me. Xfinity even said that Complete Recovery should not be contacting me anymore but I am still being harassed…”
“For about a month I have been receiving phone calls from Complete Recovery at my work number. Complete Recovery is calling on behalf of Comcast. The company is requesting to help assist with returning equipment. The issue is that I am a current Comcast customer. I do not have any Comcast equipment. I have no equipment to return to Comcast. The account number that is referenced is ********. That is not my account number. I have written to both Complete Recovery and Comcast to cease and desist from these harassing phone calls.”
“I had Comcast service for several years in Tennessee, and I brought my equipment to Colorado when I moved here. The rep who came out to our home and took the old equipment gave me a receipt for the equipment, yet Complete Recovery Corp continues to send emails and calls repeatedly. I called and emailed them to stop because I do not have the equipment, but I continue to receive threatening calls and emails.”
What Our Clients Say about Us
Agruss Law Firm has over 825 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 110 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great results and he handled them quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solve my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! Even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Complete Recovery Corporation Sue Me?
Although anyone can sue anyone for any reason, we have not seen Complete Recovery Corporation sue consumers, and it’s likely that the agency does not sue because they don’t always own the debt they are attempting to collect, and would also need to hire a lawyer, or use in-house counsel, to file a lawsuit. It’s also likely that the agency collects debt throughout the country, and it would be quite difficult to have lawyers, or a law firm, licensed in every state. However, there are collection agencies that do sue consumers; for example, Midland Credit Management is one of the largest junk-debt buyers, and it also collects and sues on debt. Still, it is less likely for a debt collector to sue you than for an original creditor to hire a lawyer or collection firm to sue you. If Complete Recovery Corporation has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible.
Can Complete Recovery Corporation Garnish my Wages?
No, unless they have a judgment. If Complete Recovery Corporation has not sued you, then the agency cannot get a judgment. Barring limited situations (usually involving debts owed to the government for student loans, taxes, etc.), a company must have a judgment in order to garnish someone’s wages. In short, we have not seen this agency file a lawsuit against a consumer, so the agency cannot garnish your wages, minus the exceptions listed above. If Complete Recovery Corporation has threatened to garnish your wages, contact our office right away.
Complete Recovery Corporation Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Complete Recovery Corporation, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Complete Recovery Corporation remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the original creditor remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive confirmation in writing from Complete Recovery Corporation for the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Complete Recovery Corporation, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Top Debt Collection Violations
Debt collection laws provide a laundry list of what collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt. Based on our years of experience handling thousands of debt collection harassment cases, here’s what collection agencies most often do to violate the law:
Called you about a debt you do not owe.
Called you at work after you told them you cannot receive calls at work.
Left you a message without identifying the company’s name.
Left you a message without disclosing that the call is from a debt collector.
Called third-parties (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) even though the collection agency knows your contact information.
Disclosed to a third-party (family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors) that you owe a debt.
Contacted you after you said to stop calling.
Threatened you with legal action (such as a lawsuit or wage garnishment).
Called you before 8:00 AM or after 9:00 PM.
Continued to call you after you have told the collector you cannot pay the debt.
Communicated (phone or letter) with you after you filed for bankruptcy.
Failed to mark the debt on your credit report as disputed after you disputed the debt.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay your fees and costs for helping me with my consumer rights case? No. We handle consumer rights cases based on a fee-shift provision and/or a contingency fee. That means either the other side pays your fees and costs, or we take a percentage of your recovery. Whether it’s a fee-shift case or a contingency-fee case, we don’t get paid unless you get paid, and you’ll never owe us a penny for our time.
What are the damages I can get under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? If a collection agency violates any section of the FDCPA, you are entitled to damages up to $1,000.00. You may also be entitled to actual damages if the violation caused you out-of-pocket expenses. For example, if a collection agency threatens you with legal action to induce you to pay the debt, you may be able to get your payment back as actual damages.
What are the damages under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act? You can get $500 per robocall, or $1,500 per robocall if the robocalls were willful. In any type of settlement, Defendants often pay much less than $500 per call. However, if there are 50 calls at issue, even at $250 per call, your case could settle for $12,500.00.
What type of debt is covered under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act? Only consumer debt, such as personal, family, and household debts. For example, money you owe on a personal credit card, an auto loan, a medical bill, or a utility bill. The FDCPA does not cover debts you incurred to run a business, or debts regarding unpaid taxes, or traffic tickets.
Does the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act apply to banks or credit card companies? No.  Only third-party debt collectors are bound by the FDCPA. Original creditors, such as banks and credit card companies, are not bound by the FDCPA.
Are there state laws that protect me from original creditors? Yes! Several states also have laws that provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. If you live in California, Connecticut, Florida, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you have additional state-law rights.
Are mistakes on credit reports common? Yes! Are you one of the 40 million Americans who have a mistake on their credit report? Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly.  Along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or maybe you were a victim of identity theft.
What do I do if I have a mistake on my credit report? If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute them. My office will help you pull your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information. If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000.00, plus the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error.  The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency pays your attorney’s fees and costs. Therefore, you will not pay me a penny for my time. To speed up the process, please get a free copy of your credit report at www.annualcreditreport.com. You can also learn more about the FCRA and your rights at http://www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/practices/common-credit-report-errors/.
Share your Complaints against Complete Recovery Corporation Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Complete Recovery Corporation. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Complete Recovery Corporation over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorney’s fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at 888-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
The post Complete Recovery Corp appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
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anthonyekoehler · 6 years
Tate Kirlin Associates
Debt collectors like Tate & Kirlin Associates cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If Tate & Kirlin Associates violated the law, you will get money damages and Tate & Kirlin Associates will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose!Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is Tate & Kirlin Associates?
Tate & Kirlin Associates is a debt collection agency based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Founded in 1993 (according to Bloomberg), this agency is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau and has received over 60 negative reviews and complaints via the BBB in the past three years for billing/collection problems, harassing phone calls, attempting to collect fraudulent debts, and unlawfully threatening actions that weren’t intended to be taken.
Tate & Kirlin Associates’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Tate & Kirlin Associates’s address according to its website is 580 Middletown Boulevard, Suite 240, Langhorne, PA 19047; the alternate address listed by the BBB is 2810 Southampton Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154. The main telephone number is 800-355-0333 and the main website is https://tatekirlin.123fastpay.com/Home.aspx
Tate & Kirlin Associates Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Tate & Kirlin Associates, take a look at the lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER is the U.S.’s federal docket which lists federal complaints filed against a wide range of companies. A search for the agency will display nearly 200 lawsuits filed across the U.S., most of which involve violations of consumer rights and/or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
Tate & Kirlin Associates Complaints
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law which applies to everyone in the United States. In other words, everyone is protected under the FDCPA, and this Act is a laundry list of what debt collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt, as well as things they must do while collecting debt. If Tate & Kirlin Associates is harassing you over a debt, you have rights under the FDCPA.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Tate & Kirlin Associates violates the TCPA.Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Tate & Kirlin Associates took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. Tate & Kirlin Associates, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Tate & Kirlin Associates continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Tate & Kirlin Associates is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it;this is commonly known as “pay for delete.”If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above.  North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How do we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Tate & Kirlin Associates’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if Tate & Kirlin Associates violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped thousands of consumers stop phone calls and we know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs.
What if Tate & Kirlin Associates is on my Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Tate & Kirlin Associates is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Tate & Kirlin Associates
If you’re on this page, chances are you are just like the hundreds of consumers out there being harassed by Tate & Kirlin Associates. Here are some of theBBB reviews and complaints against Tate & Kirlin Associates:
“I received a letter claiming I owed them several hundred dollars for a debt that was paid over six months ago to a different creditor.”
“I received a letter from this agency stating that I have a debt to another agency in the amount of $139.97. I dispute this debt. I do not owe anything to this or any other company. If I ordered anything in the past for free trial I always stopped the next order by calling their customer service during the trial period. I read a lot of reviews on this site that have similar complaints and even the amount owed is the same.”
“I received a letter saying that I owe another agency money. I do not have any business relationship at present nor in the past with this entity. What can be done to stop this company from harassing people? Can they report this stuff to the credit bureaus with no evidence? Seems like they are trying to collect information about me, they know nothing about me except what they got off of the internet, my name and address. This is scary if they can report this stuff to the credit bureaus.”
Based on 13reviews on Google, Tate & Kirlin Associates receives a 1.9-out-of-5 rating. Here are some of the reviews on Google:
“Just got a letter from them saying they’re willing to settle a debt for 50% off. I have no debt with the amount they’re trying to collect and the debt is not on my credit report. Their website immediately asks for payment info without showing a balance first. Totally a scam.”
“Cannot reach anybody regarding why they’re taking money out of my account, and more importantly how they got my bank account info. Cannot leave a voicemail, cannot send an email, no way to contact them. Now I have to change my bank account. Very bad people there and I hope life pays it back to them.”
“Apparently Tate & Kirlin Associates do not care about the law (FDCPA Fair Debt Collections Practices Act) that prohibits them from calling 3rd parties to collect a debt! Guess they’ll care when they have a judgement against them for it!”
Cases We’ve Handled against Tate & Kirlin Associates
Threats and harassment from collection agencies can be pretty intimidating. However, we can stop the harassment and get you money damages under the law, and the collection agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. Here are two cases we’ve handled against Tate & Kirlin Associates:
Brian v. Tate & Kirlin Associates – In February 2018, Brian of Buchanan County, Missouri, filed a claim against Tate & Kirlin Associates for violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Complaints consisted of harassing phone calls, including after the plaintiff requested that the calls stop, and ignoring the plaintiff’s dispute of the validity of the alleged debt. The case was resolved in March 2018.
Rebecca v. Tate & Kirlin Associates – In August 2012, Rebecca of Portage County, Ohio, filed a claim against Tate & Kirlin Associates for violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Complaints consisted primarily of attempting to communicate with the plaintiff after receiving a cease-and-desist letter. The case was resolved in October 2012.
What Our Clients Say about Us
Agruss Law Firm has over 795 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 105 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great results and he handled them quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solved my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! Even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Tate & Kirlin Associates Sue Me?
Although anyone can sue anyone for any reason, we have not seen Tate & Kirlin Associates sue consumers, and it’s likely that the agency does not sue because they don’t always own the debt they are attempting to collect, and would also need to hire a lawyer, or use in-house counsel, to file a lawsuit. It’s also likely that the agency collects debt throughout the country, and it would be quite difficult to have lawyers, or a law firm, licensed in every state. However, there are collection agencies that do sue consumers; for example, Midland Credit Management is one of the largest junk-debt buyers, and it also collects and sues on debt. Still, it is less likely for a debt collector to sue you than for an original creditor to hire a lawyer or collection firm to sue you. If Tate & Kirlin Associates has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible.
Can Tate & Kirlin Associates Garnish my Wages?
No, unless they have a judgment. If Tate & Kirlin Associates has not sued you, then the agency cannot get a judgment. Barring limited situations (usually involving debts owed to the government for student loans, taxes, etc.), a company must have a judgment in order to garnish someone’s wages. In short, we have not seen this agency file a lawsuit against a consumer, so the agency cannot garnish your wages, minus the exceptions listed above. If Tate & Kirlin Associates has threatened to garnish your wages, contact our office right away.
Tate & Kirlin Associates Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Tate & Kirlin Associates, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Tate & Kirlin Associates remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the original creditor remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive confirmation in writing from Tate & Kirlin Associates for the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Tate & Kirlin Associates, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Share your Complaints against Tate & Kirlin Associates Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Tate & Kirlin Associates. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Tate & Kirlin Associates over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at 888-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
The post Tate Kirlin Associates appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
Tate Kirlin Associates published first on https://agrusslawfirmllc.tumblr.com
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anthonyekoehler · 7 years
Synchrony Bank
Creditors like Synchrony Bank cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If Synchrony Bank violated the law, you may be entitled to money damages and Synchrony Bank will pay our fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose! Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is Synchrony Bank?
Synchrony Bank, formerly known as “GE Capital Retail Bank” until June 2014, is a bank service based in Draper, Utah. It is currently a subsidiary of Synchrony Financial, which is based in Stamford, Connecticut, and is the country’s largest provider of private-label credit cards.
Synchrony Bank has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau since 2006, but has received over 4,6000 complaints from consumers in the past three years, most of which are for billing/collection problems (2,500+) and product/service problems (1,500+).
Synchrony Bank’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Synchrony Bank’s mailing address is 170 Election Road, Suite 125, Draper, UT 84020.  Synchrony’s main phone number is 866-226-5638 and the main website is https://www.synchronybank.com/.
Phone Numbers Used by Synchrony Bank
Synchrony Bank likely uses hundreds of different phone numbers to call consumers.  Here are some phone numbers Synchrony Bank may be calling you from:
Synchrony Bank Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Synchrony Bank, take a look at the number of lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER lists over 5,400 lawsuits filed against Synchrony Bank in the United States, and there are also likely hundreds of claims filed through the American Arbitration Association. Nowadays, most credit card companies have arbitration clauses, which mean that if you have a complaint with a credit card company, you must file your claim in arbitration. Arbitration limits discovery, is not public, has a limited appellate process, and, most importantly, is funded primarily by the banks and big businesses. While it can be difficult to get a fair chance in arbitration, but the good news is we have filed hundreds of credit harassment cases in arbitration, and we know how to aggressively fight these cases against the big banks and businesses even when arbitration is necessary.
Synchrony Bank Complaints
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Synchrony Bank violates the TCPA. Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Synchrony Bank took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. Synchrony Bank, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Synchrony Bank continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Synchrony Bank is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it; this is commonly known as “pay for delete.” If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above.  North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How can we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Synchrony Bank’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if Synchrony Bank violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped hundreds of consumers stop phone calls from Synchrony Bank and we know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs.
What if Synchrony Bank is on My Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Synchrony Bank is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Synchrony Bank
If you’re on this page, chances are you are just like the hundreds of consumers out there being harassed by Synchrony Bank. Here are some of the reviews and complaints against Synchrony Bank:
“Regarding Synchrony: They take much longer than any other bank to post; they don’t always send e-mail confirmations of transactions; in one week they have lost two separate mobile deposits; even when they have a mobile deposit, it doesn’t show up as “pending” on the website. It’s completely invisible until it posts, and their staff have no access to check for you either. I’m getting out as fast as I can and would NEVER recommend this shoddy outfit to anybody!”
“Worst company because their customer service team is argumentative and refuse to provide copies of statements via email and you can’t obtain them via their website. I didn’t receive a copy of my statement this month which I need in order to submit to accounting for payment. I was refused a copy via email and they claim all they can do is mail a copy which takes 10 days but that will not extend my due date which is tomorrow. Horrible service, with today’s technology there shouldn’t be any reason they can’t email a copy of a current statement or have them available for download on their website. Each and every one of my other creditors can and will email me a copy of a statement immediately or they are accessible on line. Seems they want to find a reason to charge additional fees. Just bad business and completely unethical!
“DO NOT DO ANY BUSINESS WITH THEM. They constantly tack on late fees that have no bearing on reality, their system for automatic payments is completely broken! They consistently hang up on me when I will not pay the full amount on the phone! Refused to send any sort of receipt for my records of payments. I get constant harassing phone calls from employees all over the world, and the late fees they have places have made it almost impossible for me to get my balance back to date. They’ve charged me $500 of late fees that I haven’t been able to help!”
On Google, Synchrony Bank receives only a 2-out-of-5 rating based on over 20 reviews. Here are some of the reviews on Consumer Affairs:
“Don’t do it! My Synchrony card is with Ashley Furniture, it’s a high-interest card. A lady from India called me, accused me of skipping payments. I told her that I have a record of all transactions. Then she said … don’t deny facts sir. I made extra payments, all payments were beyond minimum due. They still find ways to rob you. They are now adding late fees for being ahead. Make sense? This is not an American company.”
“If I could give them less stars I would. They tack on extra late fees every month and they haven’t made it possible for me to pay on time once, then they add late fees which they won’t combine with a monthly payment. Constantly gouging extra money out of me and the customer service reps hang up on me if I don’t pay what they suggest I do. They also continually refuse to send me any receipts so that I am able to prove my payments.”
“The most frustrating institution to deal with. No matter what you do it seems they find a way to add additional monthly fees and when you try and talk to customer service, you spend hours going through a terrible automated system just to be treated poorly by anyone who finally answers the phone. You are better off looking for change in local parking lots then trying to get this institution to assist you in any way.”
Cases We’ve Handled Against Synchrony Bank
Threats and harassment from collection agencies can be pretty intimidating. However, we can stop the harassment and get you money damages under the law, and the collection agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. Here are some cases we’ve handled against Synchrony Bank:
Michelle S.B. v. Synchrony Bank – In November 2017, Michelle of Caldwell County, North Carolina, pursued a claim against Synchrony Bank for violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and North Carolina Debt Collection Practices Act (NCDCPA). Complaints included harassing phone calls, including the use of an auto-dialer to call the plaintiff’s cell phone, and “harassing, oppressive, or abusive” conduct when attempting to collect debt. The case was resolved in February 2018 and Michelle was happy with the results.
Richard K. v. Synchrony Bank – In July 2017, Richard of Nassau County, New York, pursued a claim against Synchrony Bank for violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), particularly concerning the unlawful use of an auto-dialer (“robocalls”) to contact the plaintiff’s cell phone. The case was resolved in October 2017 and Richard was pleased with the settlement.
William R. v. Synchrony Bank – In January 2017, William of Orange County, Florida, pursued a claim against Synchrony Bank for violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA). Complaints consisted primarily of harassing phone calls, including to the plaintiff’s family members and with the use of an auto-dialer (“robocalls”) to contact the plaintiff’s cell phone. The case was resolved in October 2017 and William was happy with the outcome.
What Our Clients Say About Us
Agruss Law Firm, LLC, has over 690 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 100 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us.
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great result and he handled it quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solved my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss law firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! He even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Synchrony Bank Sue Me?
Yes, Synchrony Bank can sue you. Synchrony Bank can hire a lawyer to file a breach of contract lawsuit against you for the underlying debt, fees, and costs. If you’ve been sued by Synchrony Bank, do not ignore the lawsuit; you may have defenses.  If you ignore the lawsuit, default will be entered and Synchrony Bank may seek to garnish your wages. If you receive notice of a lawsuit, contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible, even if you intend to represent yourself pro se.  If Synchrony Bank has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm as soon as possible; we’re here to help.
Can Synchrony Bank Garnish My Wages?
Yes, if Synchrony Bank has a judgment entered against you. If Synchrony Bank is currently garnishing your wages or threatening to do so, contact our office as soon as possible.
Synchrony Bank Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Synchrony Bank, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Synchrony Bank remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the third-party debt collector remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive written confirmation from Synchrony Bank confirming the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Synchrony Bank, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Share your Complaints against Synchrony Bank Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Synchrony Bank. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Synchrony Bank over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at (888)-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
The post Synchrony Bank appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
Synchrony Bank published first on https://agrusslawfirmllc.tumblr.com
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agrusslawfirmllc · 7 years
Synchrony Bank
Creditors like Synchrony Bank cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If Synchrony Bank violated the law, you may be entitled to money damages and Synchrony Bank will pay our fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose! Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is Synchrony Bank?
Synchrony Bank, formerly known as “GE Capital Retail Bank” until June 2014, is a bank service based in Draper, Utah. It is currently a subsidiary of Synchrony Financial, which is based in Stamford, Connecticut, and is the country’s largest provider of private-label credit cards.
Synchrony Bank has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau since 2006, but has received over 4,6000 complaints from consumers in the past three years, most of which are for billing/collection problems (2,500+) and product/service problems (1,500+).
Synchrony Bank’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
Synchrony Bank’s mailing address is 170 Election Road, Suite 125, Draper, UT 84020.  Synchrony’s main phone number is 866-226-5638 and the main website is https://www.synchronybank.com/.
Phone Numbers Used by Synchrony Bank
Synchrony Bank likely uses hundreds of different phone numbers to call consumers.  Here are some phone numbers Synchrony Bank may be calling you from:
Synchrony Bank Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with Synchrony Bank, take a look at the number of lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER lists over 5,400 lawsuits filed against Synchrony Bank in the United States, and there are also likely hundreds of claims filed through the American Arbitration Association. Nowadays, most credit card companies have arbitration clauses, which mean that if you have a complaint with a credit card company, you must file your claim in arbitration. Arbitration limits discovery, is not public, has a limited appellate process, and, most importantly, is funded primarily by the banks and big businesses. While it can be difficult to get a fair chance in arbitration, but the good news is we have filed hundreds of credit harassment cases in arbitration, and we know how to aggressively fight these cases against the big banks and businesses even when arbitration is necessary.
Synchrony Bank Complaints
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if Synchrony Bank violates the TCPA. Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If Synchrony Bank took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. Synchrony Bank, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did Synchrony Bank continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If Synchrony Bank is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it; this is commonly known as “pay for delete.” If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above.  North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How can we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop Synchrony Bank’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if Synchrony Bank violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped hundreds of consumers stop phone calls from Synchrony Bank and we know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs.
What if Synchrony Bank is on My Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead of the debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If Synchrony Bank is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
If a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against Synchrony Bank
If you’re on this page, chances are you are just like the hundreds of consumers out there being harassed by Synchrony Bank. Here are some of the reviews and complaints against Synchrony Bank:
“Regarding Synchrony: They take much longer than any other bank to post; they don’t always send e-mail confirmations of transactions; in one week they have lost two separate mobile deposits; even when they have a mobile deposit, it doesn’t show up as “pending” on the website. It’s completely invisible until it posts, and their staff have no access to check for you either. I’m getting out as fast as I can and would NEVER recommend this shoddy outfit to anybody!”
“Worst company because their customer service team is argumentative and refuse to provide copies of statements via email and you can’t obtain them via their website. I didn’t receive a copy of my statement this month which I need in order to submit to accounting for payment. I was refused a copy via email and they claim all they can do is mail a copy which takes 10 days but that will not extend my due date which is tomorrow. Horrible service, with today’s technology there shouldn’t be any reason they can’t email a copy of a current statement or have them available for download on their website. Each and every one of my other creditors can and will email me a copy of a statement immediately or they are accessible on line. Seems they want to find a reason to charge additional fees. Just bad business and completely unethical!
“DO NOT DO ANY BUSINESS WITH THEM. They constantly tack on late fees that have no bearing on reality, their system for automatic payments is completely broken! They consistently hang up on me when I will not pay the full amount on the phone! Refused to send any sort of receipt for my records of payments. I get constant harassing phone calls from employees all over the world, and the late fees they have places have made it almost impossible for me to get my balance back to date. They’ve charged me $500 of late fees that I haven’t been able to help!”
On Google, Synchrony Bank receives only a 2-out-of-5 rating based on over 20 reviews. Here are some of the reviews on Consumer Affairs:
“Don’t do it! My Synchrony card is with Ashley Furniture, it’s a high-interest card. A lady from India called me, accused me of skipping payments. I told her that I have a record of all transactions. Then she said … don’t deny facts sir. I made extra payments, all payments were beyond minimum due. They still find ways to rob you. They are now adding late fees for being ahead. Make sense? This is not an American company.”
“If I could give them less stars I would. They tack on extra late fees every month and they haven’t made it possible for me to pay on time once, then they add late fees which they won’t combine with a monthly payment. Constantly gouging extra money out of me and the customer service reps hang up on me if I don’t pay what they suggest I do. They also continually refuse to send me any receipts so that I am able to prove my payments.”
“The most frustrating institution to deal with. No matter what you do it seems they find a way to add additional monthly fees and when you try and talk to customer service, you spend hours going through a terrible automated system just to be treated poorly by anyone who finally answers the phone. You are better off looking for change in local parking lots then trying to get this institution to assist you in any way.”
Cases We’ve Handled Against Synchrony Bank
Threats and harassment from collection agencies can be pretty intimidating. However, we can stop the harassment and get you money damages under the law, and the collection agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. Here are some cases we’ve handled against Synchrony Bank:
Michelle S.B. v. Synchrony Bank – In November 2017, Michelle of Caldwell County, North Carolina, pursued a claim against Synchrony Bank for violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and North Carolina Debt Collection Practices Act (NCDCPA). Complaints included harassing phone calls, including the use of an auto-dialer to call the plaintiff’s cell phone, and “harassing, oppressive, or abusive” conduct when attempting to collect debt. The case was resolved in February 2018 and Michelle was happy with the results.
Richard K. v. Synchrony Bank – In July 2017, Richard of Nassau County, New York, pursued a claim against Synchrony Bank for violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), particularly concerning the unlawful use of an auto-dialer (“robocalls”) to contact the plaintiff’s cell phone. The case was resolved in October 2017 and Richard was pleased with the settlement.
William R. v. Synchrony Bank – In January 2017, William of Orange County, Florida, pursued a claim against Synchrony Bank for violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA). Complaints consisted primarily of harassing phone calls, including to the plaintiff’s family members and with the use of an auto-dialer (“robocalls”) to contact the plaintiff’s cell phone. The case was resolved in October 2017 and William was happy with the outcome.
What Our Clients Say About Us
Agruss Law Firm, LLC, has over 690 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 100 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us.
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great result and he handled it quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solved my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss law firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! He even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can Synchrony Bank Sue Me?
Yes, Synchrony Bank can sue you. Synchrony Bank can hire a lawyer to file a breach of contract lawsuit against you for the underlying debt, fees, and costs. If you’ve been sued by Synchrony Bank, do not ignore the lawsuit; you may have defenses.  If you ignore the lawsuit, default will be entered and Synchrony Bank may seek to garnish your wages. If you receive notice of a lawsuit, contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible, even if you intend to represent yourself pro se.  If Synchrony Bank has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm as soon as possible; we’re here to help.
Can Synchrony Bank Garnish My Wages?
Yes, if Synchrony Bank has a judgment entered against you. If Synchrony Bank is currently garnishing your wages or threatening to do so, contact our office as soon as possible.
Synchrony Bank Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with Synchrony Bank, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will Synchrony Bank remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the third-party debt collector remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive written confirmation from Synchrony Bank confirming the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with Synchrony Bank, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Share your Complaints against Synchrony Bank Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about Synchrony Bank. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by Synchrony Bank over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at (888)-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
The post Synchrony Bank appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
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