#the mandalorin fic
jake-g-lockley · 1 year
Shiny Things (Din Djarin x reader)
Masterlist | Spotify Playlist | Wanna be Tagged?
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A/N: If there is something that I love more than love, it has to be soulmate love! Also, I desperately had to channel simp Din somewhere after the last episode cuz have y’all heard the Rizzalorian? The song for this is Paper Rings - Taylor Swift, cuz, well, y’all gotta read and see hehe. Also dedicated to @sofasoap because we share a mutual distaste for *ahem*. Anyway! Enjoy the cute chaos.
Warnings: ugly men doing ugly things, mentions of repaying a debt, other than that very very soft Mando
Word count: 2.8 k 
“Come on now, hurry, that table over there doesn't even have their food and drinks yet.” the owner shoved you and you stumbled slightly, eyes casted downwards.
You sigh softly and begin to prepare the drinks, setting them on your serving tray . You stretch your arm slightly, trying to unknot the painful cramp that had twisted itself in one of your muscles, your eyes watering slightly as you get frustrated by the ebbing pain. You bit your bottom lip and picked up the tray, walking over to the table and setting a drink and a bowl of porridge  in front of a figure, keeping your eyes downcasted.
“Woah.” came a deep modulated voice and you froze, your hand still on the bowl of porridge.
You looked up, your eyes wide with alarm as you found yourself staring at a shock of silver, no, beskar, and a black t-visor. Din Djarin froze too, he didn’t mean to say whatever he said out loud. He could feel his cheeks going crimson with embarrassment, ever so thankful for the helmet that covered his face. Your face morphed to one of curiosity. You’ve never seen a Mandalorian before and you quickly scanned him, noting his broad shoulders and stoic posture that made him look almost regal.
“Hey! Come back here and tend the bar!” the owner shouted and you grimaced slightly, gripping your serving tray close to you before turning on your heel and rushing to the bar. 
You found yourself glancing at the Mandalorian ever so often as he spoon fed something in a little hovering pram. Your heart involuntarily sank a little.
“He probably has a wife somewhere.” you think sadly and continue to serve people at the bar, keeping your eyes tactfully off the Mandalorian,
When you saw him getting up to leave, you carefully ducked into the freezer, pretending to pull something out of it. You hear a clink of credits and glance outside, only to see the Mandalorian exiting through the front door, the hovering pram close to his right gloved hand.
That night, you dreamt of the Mandalorian, your hand was in his and you had your head against his shoulder as the both of you stared quietly at the setting suns. You woke up sad, beating yourself up for letting yourself think of the Mandalorian.
That morning you kept yourself busy, skillfully forming a rhythm as you prepared drinks, served and thanked customers. Your productive morning was cut short when a customer cleared his throat and gestured towards something that wasn’t on the bar before you had turned your back on it. A small bunch of wildflowers tied together with string and a tiny note was in front of you and you looked questioningly at the customer who notified you on it.
“Some big man in beskar left it here when you weren’t looking.”
You scrambled as soon as you heard the word beskar. Your hands snatched the note and your heart soared as you blinked at the tiny smiley face scrawled on the paper, followed by a tiny drawing that looked sort of like you that was scribbled with crayon.
You sighed and when your eyes dropped to the front door, you swear you saw a flash of beskar ducking away which made you giggle slightly. Despite being so far away, Din sighed when he heard the pretty giggle over the harsh sounds of the cantina. He suddenly felt someone watching him as he hid away from the entrance and his eyes met with a shopkeeper who was smiling at him, gesturing for him to come closer.
He sighed again and walked to the shopkeeper, Grogu babbling happily beside him
“I don’t have to see your face to know that you’re pining for someone, Mandalorian.” the shopkeeper teased as soon as Din was in close proximity. “I’ve been watching you.”
Din stayed quiet, squaring his shoulders slightly.
“So tell me then, was it love at first sight?” 
Din’s heart pounded under his armour. He’d never had this type of conversation with anyone and he wanted to close off. But, oh maker, he wanted to stand on top of the tallest mountain he could find and shout about how he felt when he looked into your eyes.
So he decided to compromise with himself, nodding slowly.
“It’s okay to feel like this, Mandalorian.” the shopkeeper says, arranging one of her many necklaces. 
“Do you know anything about her?” Din asks, his voice surprisingly soft, not in his usual authoritative manner.
“She’s in debt to the cantina’s owner, which is why she always looks so sad. He doesn’t treat her right, the poor thing.” the shopkeeper sighed. “But I have to say, she has a heart of gold, son.”
Din wanted to say that he already knew that about you, the kindness in your eyes was unmistakable. But he nodded again, his chest tightening under the strain that his heart was feeling. 
“Go after her, son, you’ll regret it if you don’t.” the shopkeeper said, raising her eyebrows as if she had made her final decision. “Here, take this with you and give it to her, it's on me.”
She held out a simple silver necklace that had a small purple gemstone hanging as a pendant. 
“Oh no, I can’t take that.” Din says, holding his hands up.
“Fine, I will give it to your peculiar child then.” She rolled her eyes and handed Grogu the necklace, who gladly took it and stared at the stone that was refracting the light of the suns.
Din placed his hands on his hips and tried to give the shopkeeper a look of disdain but he couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“I can sense your reservations from here, Mando, hold your head high and do this. If you are not going to do it for yourself, at least do it for her.” she said, a finality in her words and he felt a push in his heart, his smile growing wider as a slight weight lifted off his shoulders. 
The next morning, Din sat on his bed and tried to rehearse what he would say to you, but nothing was going right. He frowned at Grogu and chewed on his bottom lip. Grogu babbles something and Din shrugs.
“Fine, you’re right, I’m gonna just wing it.” he grumbled as Grogu toddled towards him holding out the necklace in his little hand.
“Thanks buddy.” Din smiles under the helmet and picks Grogu up, taking a deep breath and standing up.
You were deep in thought, tapping the bar with your nail until a small modulated cough broke your thoughts. You whirled around and couldn’t help the smile that bloomed on your face when your eyes caught the gleaming beskar. You instantly forced the smile down glancing around for your boss but Din had already caught it and was trying not to fall off his chair from its intensity.
“Umm, how can I help you?” you say to the Mandalorian, your eyes downcasted to where his gloved hands laid on the table.
“A porridge for the little one.” said the voice. 
“Right, let me serve the other table and I’ll come back with the porridge.” you say, turning around and biting your bottom lip so that another smile couldn’t escape you.
On your war back to the bar, you felt a little tug on your loose pants. You looked down to see a peculiar little creature smiling up at you and you almost melted at the sight. You couldn’t help but kneel down and pat its head right there in the middle of the cantina. 
“Hi there! Oh, aren’t you the cutest thing in the galaxy!” you squealed as the little green creature jumped into your arms.
You cradled him and walked to the bar, giggling at his little babbles and Din tried hard to fight the incoming fit that was plaguing his head when he saw his son in your arms. With the baby in your arms, Din stared longingly as you rushed around the bar, getting the porridge ready. You turned around and set the porridge in front of the Mandalorian.
“Here you go! Porridge for your little one.” you peered over the counter only to see an empty hovering pram.
“Oh! Where is your little one?” you ask, your brows furrowing in confusion as you tossed your hair and bounced Grogu on your hip.
“Umm, you’re holding him.” the Mandalorian said and your eyes widened as you turned to look at the baby you were holding.
“He’s adorable.” you whispered, running a knuckle across Grogu’s cheek.
“Can I, umm, feed him?” you ask suddenly and Din nods without hesitation. 
“While you do that, can I speak to your boss?” Din says, seizing his chance. 
“Sure!” you called your boss and the porky man stumbled out of the back room, drunk as usual.
“What!” he barked and you tried to hide your grimace, gesturing towards the Mandalorian without a word, shielding the baby from the horrible man.
Din held his head higher, his hand forming a fist at the way the man was talking to his girl. Din blinked at the way he unconsciously called you his girl, forgetting what exactly he came here to do.
“Oh, a Mandalorian! Never thought I’d see one, I thought you people were extinct.” the porky man chuckled.
“Is there somewhere we can talk? I have an offer you can’t refuse.” Din says, his voice darker than anything you’d heard.
You watch as the Mandalorian was led away by your boss. You tilted your head, wondering what might he want with him. The baby in your arms squeals and you smile down at him, booping his little nose gently.
“Your dad will be back.” you assured the baby although when you looked into his big bug eyes you were not sure whether you were convincing the baby or yourself.
“What can I help you with, Mandalorian?” the porky man asked Din as he slipped into a booth, a little far away from his girl.
Din’s heart was thudding loud enough that he could quite literally hear it despite the loud cantina. He didn’t even know your name, how could he free her? He took a deep breath before answering, letting the breath settle his heart, a reminder that he was doing this because it felt right. He pulls a bag of credits from his pocket and drops it in front of the man in front of him, who’s eyes lit up at the familiar jingle. 
“I want to pay the girl’s debt.” Din says clearly, his voice as steady as his purpose
“That girl? Are you related to her or something?” the fat man chuckled, and Din tipped his head without a word. 
Suddenly, the owner pushed the bag of credits towards Din making him absolutely confused. This wasn’t the way it was supposed to go.
“Mandalorian, I don’t think you understand, I need her here, she brings in the customers and does everything. You think I’d like to lose my best worker?” the owner chuckled, his three chins warbling. 
Before Din could retort, someone interrupts him and turns to talk to the owner. Din leaned slightly out of the booth, only to see you looking at him, Grogu still on your hip as you bit your lip nervously. 
Din didn’t know what else to do and when his heart sparked hard against his chest, he jumped up and ran towards you, scooping the baby out of your arms and plopping him into his hovering pram. Your eyes were wide with surprise as the Mandalorian took your hands in his.
“HEY! GET THAT MANDALORIAN!” yelled the owner from the booth. 
“My name is Din Djarin. Do you trust me? Please, just trust me, we need to get out of here.” Din pleaded with you, panting slightly under his helmet. 
Someone tried to lunge towards him and he kicked them hard, sending them flying into a table and you gasp.
“Come on!” Din urged, his hands still surprisingly gentle against yours.
You nod and watch him punch another person who tried to pull him away from you. Din pulled his hands away for a second, immediately slipping under your armpits and pulling you up and away from the bar, as if you were the same size as the baby. You scream and Din swings you, making your foot collide with someone’s face.
“I’m sorry!” you shout through the chaos as Din sets you down and pulls you by your hand and the both of you sprint out of the cantina as fast as possible, knocking down carts and tables.
“GOOD LUCK SON!” called the shopkeeper and Din shot her a two finger salute and pulled you as he ran faster, Grogu’s pram speeding up to keep up with the both of you.
Adrenaline was pumping through your system like it had replaced your blood. You felt like you were on fire as the Mandalorian, who was apparently called Din Djarin, led you quickly around corners. 
“That’s my ship! Run!” Din urged and the both of you ran to the open ramp, jumping in, Din shutting it almost immediately.
You collapse on the floor of the Razor Crest, taking in big gulps of air as your brain scrambles to take in the situation put out for you. Din had disappeared and soon you felt the rumble of the Razor Crest and you were soon airborne. A while later, you feel something soft against your hand and a big beskar helmet hovering above your face. You glance down at the baby who had been checking on you, his tiny hand patting yours.
“You okay?” the modulated voice makes your gaze snap back to the Mandalorian’s helmet.
You felt your brain seize and suddenly you were laughing. Your eyes were squeezed shut and you were cackling, balling yourself up into a ball.
“I can’t believe we just did that! THAT WAS AWESOME!” you jump to your knees and grab ahold of Din’s helmet, as if it were his face. 
Din was in shock. The sound of your laughter made him feel ecstatic. 
“Oh maker, I can’t believe you kidnapped me!” you laughed, throwing your arms around the Mandalorian’s neck.
“Yea… WAIT! NO! You ran away with me!” Din said, panicking a little. 
“Yea right, you were the one who literally snatched me away!” you squealed.
You loosened your arms when you realised that you had literally climbed into Din’s lap. You looked down bashfully and Din raised an eyebrow under his helmet.
“Thank you. That was the scariest, most cathartic thing I’ve ever done.” you shot Din a small smile that made him feel like Grogu’s mushy porridge. 
Din felt something poke his side and he turned to see Grogu slipping the necklace into his hand. Din cleared his throat, making your head snap towards his visor. 
“Look, I know this is going to sound like I have ulterior motives or something, and I know the circumstances look iffy.” he took a deep breath and continued. “But I’d like to ask you something and you could totally refuse and I’ll send you to someplace safe.”
“Anything Din.” you whispered, wondering if he had the same thing in his mind as you.
“Would you, umm, like to go out with me?” he mumbled and you almost didn’t catch it with how soft he said it.
Your face broke into a dazzling smile
“I’ve been waiting for you to ask me this since you sneaked away after leaving flowers for me.” you let your hand find his, only to feel something in his palm.
You pulled it up and unravelled his fingers, to see a familiar looking necklace sitting on the palm of his hand. Tears filled your eyes as you traced the stone, a reaction Din didn’t expect at all.
“Hey, what’s up?” Din asked, his thumb wiping the tears that had begun to spill from your eyes. 
“How… how did you find my mother’s necklace? I had to pawn it off years ago.” you said and Din’s eyes widened.
He sighed and brought the necklace to your neck, pushing your hair aside and clipping it before arranging your hair again, sliding his hands down to wipe your tears. 
“Long story, I’d love to tell you someday.” he whispered as you leaned into his touch.
“Someday? You are that confident that I’ll go out with you Mandalorian?” you chuckle through your tears. 
Din shrugged and you threw your hands around his neck again, pulling him close. No shiny thing in the galaxy could compare with your Din and in that moment, you felt true safely, sighing into his embrace, sure that he had felt the zing you had on that lucky day he came waltzing into the cantina.
Reblogs are appreciated~~~
Taglist: @fandxmslxt69 @joygirlmelii @wolfbook87 @randomnessfangirl @in-between-the-cafes @minigirl87 @alexxavicry @marygraceee @lia275 @euphoricosmo @violet-19999 @kierramofficial @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @lil-stark @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm @bubblezuku @cookielovesbook-akie @mandoloriancookie
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fluffypandabun · 2 years
Please Read!!
Disclairmer before you continue: This is a totally nsfw free, kink free, all of that free blog. No offense to anyone who sees tickling that way, but for me ticking is totally just an innocent and cute thing that makes people laugh and bond together that I happen to enjoy as someone who is touch starved. If you cant respect that, u may leave uwu
Hello!! My names Pandabun!! Welcome to my silly little indulgent sideblog!! Feel free to come and stay awhile, I enjoy writing so feel free to send in a request! Below are a list of all of my fandoms I write for plus what I wont write uwu
What ill write for: (Bolded means current mian interest)
Gravity Falls
Star Wars(Specifically Han and Chewbaca)
The Owl House
Sea beast
Strange world
Lego Monkie kid
Trollhunters (Only the first tv show)
Welcome Home
Treasure planet
The mandalorin 
Mistborn (Era 1 and 2 but i prefer 2) 
Mystery skulls
OCS (This is only for my mutals, tho occsionally i might do fics of my own ocs uwu) 
Theres probably more that im forgetting but always feel free to ask for a specific fandom!
Things I wont write for 
Ships (some ships are okay, im just not really a romance person so just keep that in mind)
X reader
IRL people
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djarinsbeskar · 3 years
Spandex and Smiles
I blame @aesnawan for beginning this entire fiasco of an AU based on this idea, and @alliterative-albatross for enabling us both with the most perfect headcannons. Is this edited? Nope. Beta’d? Nada. A complete mess I just had to get out of my head? Absolutely. 
I randomly tagged it to a Detective!AU I’m playing around with so who knows where this will take us. Anyway, on with spandex covered Cyclist!Din.
AU Masterlist
Word Count: 1,200
Warnings: Language
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader 
“You finally going to say more than two words to her this time?”
The harsh exhale that left Din wasn’t in exertion as one might think as he easily kept pace on the uphill climb known ominously as ‘Heart Attack Hill’ to anyone who bothered doing cardio this side of town. A two mile stretch with a constantly steep gradient, it was the biggest hurdle on the route before the more relaxing downhill cycle back into town.  
No, Din exhaled in exasperation as Fennec shot him a wolfish grin from beneath her helmet, barely a sheen of sweat on her skin and peddling much too easily for Din’s liking.
“Is that a yes?”
“That’s a ‘mind your own business’, Shand,” he bit out, his thighs burning with the repetitive push of every peddle. He could feel the tension in his quads and hamstrings, the muscles working hard against the resistance gravity attempted to push on him. His lungs burned and his skin was slick with sweat beneath his gear.
God, it was fucking roasting this morning.
There was no way of escaping the heat this time of year, not even at seven thirty in the morning and momentarily, Din lost himself in the thought of the shower he would have once he got back home after dropping the kid off at day-care.
Fennec merely threw back her head and laughed, releasing the handlebar with one hand to give him a light punch to his shoulder and Din wondered aimlessly if he should stop being so competitive. After all, Fennec was the only one who kept pace with him at this part of the cycle, the others falling behind to a slower speed as exhaustion crept closer. Maybe, he would get more peace if he slowed down and let their chatter drown out his existence where he would mercifully be left to his thoughts and Grogu’s quiet gurgles and nonsensical, half-formed words from his child seat.
But then he remembered who made up the rest of this ragtag group of cyclists he had somehow found himself training with every morning and he scraped the idea entirely. No, Fennec was the least of his worries when it came to teasing.
One passing comment that he cycled to Cara at the office and suddenly he had a cycling partner, which turned into a cycling trio, which turned into a certifiable cycling circus. He still envied Boba for flatly refusing to join a team of any kind even when his own partner – Fennec – decided to test all their mettle by joining since she was a literal machine, her endurance unfathomable and awe-inspiring.
“You teasing Din about his crush on teacher again, Fen?” he heard Cara call up from behind. The two were incorrigible together. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a moment’s peace with them all working together in the same office.
Din sighed, his grip tightening on the handlebars of his bike.
That would teach him to tell them that his kids’ new day-care centre was on the way. Instead of continuing on to their own homes, like normal people, this motley crew of spandex covered idiots decided they wanted to wait at the school gates as he brought Grogu to the door before making their way home.
We’ll watch your bike!
“I usually bring it in with me.”
We want to say bye to the baby!
“Say bye now.”
I just really want to watch your ass in those tight shorts. It’s enough to give even me bi-panic.
“Fuck off, Cara.”
Suffice to say, none of them left. Which made Din overly aware of his every movement as he pulled off the small, bright green, frog shaped backpack from over one shoulder. Grogu sat comfortably in the crook of his free arm and squealed joyfully when he saw where he was, his small fists slapping onto the sweaty fabric against Din’s chest and shoulder.
Even if the slaps felt feather-light to Din, he knew his son was strong and it filled him with pride. Then the colourfully decorated door - filled with painted handprints and large colourful rainbows – swung open and suddenly, Din was filled with something distinctly different to pride as you wandered out with a bright, disarmingly beautiful smile on your face when you saw them.
For the first week or so, Din had been met by the owner of the day-care, who kept him updated on how Grogu was settling in. It looked like the bottomless toyboxes and the nutritious meals this place claimed to provide wasn’t the only reason he was excited to come here every morning.
When you lifted your eyes to meet his that first day, Din blushed. He could damn well feel the heat rise to his cheeks when you smiled at him and offered him your name. God, you were pretty. No wonder he way paying an arm and a leg for this place, with people like you taking care of his son.
“Mr. Djarin, isn’t it?” you had ventured kindly when Din made no effort to respond. He cleared his throat and nodded, your eyes softening at the corners as your smile turned gentle.
“Well, Mr. Djarin why don’t you let me take this little monster off your hands, we have a big day planned for the sandbox, don’t we?” you directed the question to Grogu who babbled on excitedly and reached a small hand out towards you.
“Uh—sure,” he responded lamely, inwardly cringing at how rough his voice sounded, harsh against the backdrop of children’s laughter and your sweet smile. He turned to look at Grogu, equally dark eyes staring back at him and his own gaze softened as affection bloomed in his chest,
“Be good,” he muttered before letting you take the kid into your own arms, the little boy nestling his cheek happily against your shoulder and popping his thumb into his mouth as he snuggled close to you. Din ran a hand carelessly through his hair and winced a little at the sweat-soaked strands; not the best first impression.
“Say bye bye, Grogu,” you spoke softly, your voice light as you waved your own hand to show him, Grogu immediately waving to him and the display made his gut clench, “see you after work.”
I, uh- yeah,” he nodded once, and held out the froggy backpack to you before he forgot and walked off still holding it. You took it with a small ‘thank you’ and he grunted in response.
He offered you a simple nod of thanks before tucking tail; turning to make his way back to the nosy group standing around the gate, his cheeks flushing hotter when he grabbed his helmet from Cara and pointedly ignored her smirk.
“Looks like I wasn’t the only one admiring you ass,” she teased with a clap to the back of his shoulder, and he knew he would never hear the end of it.
Two weeks later, standing outside the gates of the same day-care, they still hadn’t let it go and he was beginning to contemplate the pros and cons of murdering his colleagues.
Maybe then he could go back to cycling in peace again.
Randomly tagging my Stitches darlings but feel free to let me know if you want me to stop tagging you!
@geannad @ayamenimthiriel @sarahjkl82-blog @gracie7209 @pychedelic-star @nova646 @theflightytemptressadventure @wantingtobekorra @computeringturtle @slayerette26 @kesskirata @greatcircle79 @boxdyeblonde @fangirl-316 @niiight-dreamerrrr @tanzthompson @theamuz @the-scandalorian @gallowsjoker @helmet-comes-off @ladyjenny19 @justanotherblonde23 @alliterative-albatross
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comrade-kenobi · 4 years
Sunlight- Din Djarin x Reader
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Din Djarin x Reader
May I offer you some Mandalorian fluff in this trying time? Prompt from this list.
Prompt: adjusting the pace they walk in so you can catch up
You and Din had been traveling with The Child for months now. Moving from planet to planet, trying your hardest to stay off the radar of anyone who wanted to harm you. Which was no easy task, considering the list of those after the three of you was miles long. That meant most of your time was spent crammed together on The Razor Crest. 
“What do you think the sun feels like, Din?” You asked with a dramatic sigh as you wistfully looked out the window in front of you. 
“What are you talking about?” Din questioned, turning to you. The modulator in his helmet picking up on a light chuckle.
“We haven’t been off of this ship in ages,” you replied, shifting so you could more comfortably hold the sleeping child. 
“It hasn’t been that long.” He argued turning back to the control panel, never one to give in straight away. Not when he thought doing so could put your lives in danger. 
“Din,” you put a hand on his beskar covered thigh to get his attention, and paused to emphasize your point. “I’m at least three shades paler, and I’m starting to think the kid thinks that freeze dried rations are real food.” 
“You are looking a little pale,” Din laughed. You didn’t say anything, you just stared at him with your eyebrows raised. 
“Fine,” he conceded, a heavy sigh crackling through the voice coder. “We’ll stop off at the safest nearby planet.” 
“Thank the stars” you cheered a bit too loudly, causing the child to stir in your lap. 
“Shouldn’t you be thanking me?” Din quipped, frustrated at his inability to tell you no. 
“Thank you handsome,” you sang, kissing him on the visor, where you assumed his nose would be. “I’ll go get ready.” 
As you skipped off Din was thankful for the beskar covering his face. It covered the blush that had crept up his neck over his cheeks as soon as you’d leaned in; and there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that had you seen it, you would have teased him for it. 
The three of you had docked on a small planet in a far away system. The child seemed to enjoy the sun, and the ability to stretch his little legs and run around. Before long you dragged Din to a market to check out what kind of food they had. Grumbling about how if you didn’t get something good to eat soon you’d wither away and die. 
Din didn’t like the idea of being around people, too many things could go wrong. But still, he obliged, unable to say no to those big, beautiful, eyes of yours. 
He was on red alert as you walked through the streets. It was hard to enjoy your surroundings, and match his long strides, especially with a wiggling child in your arms. 
When Din looked back he noticed that you were struggling to keep up, and his heart sank a bit. So he stopped a few paces ahead, until you were by his side. 
You smiled up at him when you reached his side, shifting The child to your hip so you could lock your now free arm with his. Din felt his anxiety ease up with you next to him, though he couldn’t feel your skin against his, the weight of your arm gave him comfort. 
You stopped at a stall to look at some toys and gadgets, things that would keep the child busy when you got back to the Crest. Din stood back and watched as you lifted up each trinket, offering it to the child. Smiling at how determined you were to find something he truly liked.
The child showed particular interest in a stuffed frog, clinging onto it tightly when you tried to take it away. Din tossed the vendor a few credits and the three of you were on your way again. Stopping every few booths to see what they had to offer. 
Satisfied with your haul you headed back to the ship. But you couldn’t bring yourselves to board just yet. So you sat in a grassy clearing by a stream. You laid on your back and soaked in the sun, unsure of when you’d be able to feel it again. 
The child sat happily on your chest, tossing around his new favorite toy. He never let it hit you if he wasn’t able to catch it. He’d simply float it back into his hands. A proud look gracing his tiny features knowing he had protected you from the plushy danger. 
A warm feeling crept into Din’s chest and settled into his heart when you lifted the child over your head, gently tossing him in the air. The child giggled and you set him down so he could run free for a while. 
“This is nice, isn’t it?” You asked, pushing yourself up so you were sitting by Din’s side. He hummed in agreement watching as the child rolled around in the grass. 
“Thank you for stopping,” you said quietly with a small smile gracing your perfect features. Din turned to look at you and you pressed your forehead against his visor. He looked into your eyes and nearly melted at the sight.
“Anything for you, cyare,” he breathed, leaning into your touch as much as he could. Savoring the moment, and imagining what it would be like to share more than a keldabe kiss with you.
You didn’t yet know what these things meant to him. But one day he would explain, he would explain how you made him feel, what a keldabe kiss was, and what cyare meant. One day he would tell you that he was hopelessly in love with you. But right now he was content to just feel it, and hope that you felt the same.
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Integrity Compromised: A Mandalorian Fic
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Set after the events of Chapter 8, Din discovers his armour isn't working quite the way it should do. In fact, it's becoming a dangerous and inconvenient pain in the ass. But the Armourer is nowhere to be found and he must seek out a specialist engineer to help him fix it...
It was Greef who recommended her. Of course he ‘knew a guy’. Or woman, in this case.
“An engineer of extraordinary talent,” Greef had said over the holo-com. And she would have to be, if she was going to be able to handle Mandalorian armour. Din would much rather have sought out the Armourer, of course, but there had been no trace of her – or any of the covert – since Navarro, and he was starting to get desperate. A Mandalorian without functioning armour was nothing at all.
Read on AO3
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thefanbasewhore · 4 years
I know you said you don't write much, but I just read your Mando fic and loved it. Can you do some kind of fix with Christmas? Maybe having Din try hot chocolate for the first time? Lots of fluff thank you xx
This is so sweet of you! Here's a a lil something for you.🎄 It gets a little christmasy? If thats a word lol. But soft!Din all the way.
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It's not surprising to Din, of course he doesn't expect you to stay inside the Razor Crest while he's away, would he like it that way? Yes, but even he understands how the walls seem as if they're slowly closing in, air gets thinner, things start to move in forms of shadows. Dark confines have a way of driving anyone crazy.
It's cold out though, heavy snow started to gather on his trip back to the crest even the bounty he shoved into carbonate complained of the cold the whole way. It made him nervous, you and the child, no where to be seen. He told himself to relax, that it's just a walk, you're smart enough to make it back but then again it was snowing heavily, have you ever even seen snow before? Din was worried.
With a click on a button on his right arm the hatch of the crest hisses open, footsteps heavy but abruptly stopped at the sight of your fingers touching your own, but instead it's attached to a string wrapped around your neck. It was given to you a while ago, been decided wrapped around your neck was a safe spot. Maybe he didn't have to go looking at all. "I'm glad you're back, Din."
It's a relief, even though snow has started to mat to your boots, clump in your hair, you're safe. Grogu is tucked into a bag that wraps around your shoulder, small green hand reaching out to touch the falling flakes. In your other hand a bag filled the brim but the dark brown makes it impossible to see what it is.
Din steps forward to the edge of the hatch, taking the bag from you as well as the baby, small whines as the baby descends deeper into the hull of the crest as he reaches out for the snow.
"It's beautiful out, don't you think?" The hatch closes behind, the crest already feels warmer.
"You like snow?" Din is curious, mostly because he's not the biggest fan. He doesn't like the cold much, actually he doesn't like any weather particularly, prefers a storm of stars through the Crest's windshield. The baby little fingers reach out to touch the basker of his helmet, small coos as his nose lifts toward your direction, large bars of chocolate catching his attention.
"Yes, it reminds me of my home. Actually of Christmas."
"Christmas?" You can't see it, but the question alone his filled with confusion. "What kind of word is that?"
You laugh, it's soft with small dimples that form on the corners of your lips. It's enough to make him smile under all the basker, but it's not like you can see it.
"I wish you were able to see it Din. There are beautiful lights everywhere, bright whites and colors, there's singing. You exchange presents, and even decorate trees."
"decorate trees?" It's his turn to laugh, holding the child back from reaching out to the chocolate on the small table tucked in the corner.
"I'm being serious. Me and my family would go to a farm every year, cut down our own tree and bring it inside and make our own decorations for it." Din notices the small frown on your face, his throat dries at the fact that he's the reason for it. The memory of your family was one you never wanted to share... It hurts too much.
"I-I, I didn't mean to laugh. I didn't mean to upset you cyare, I'm sorry." Din's feet carry him close to you, face inches away to show his own seriousness.
"No, you didn't upset me Din. It does sound kind of ridiculous." It's a sad smile but not his fault, "Anyways I have a Christmas tradition for you to try. It's called hot chocolate, I couldn't find marshmallows though but it's still good, promise."
The excitement comes with a big smile as you move to warm the small stove. The child slips from his grasp, pulling on your pant leg, reaching forward to try and dip his fingers into the hot mixture but you don't allow it.
The new aroma of sweet, melted chocolate takes over the crest, even the Mandalorin's mouth waters at the smell. Before he knows it a cup is being pushed into his hands. It doesn't look to appetizing, a thin, dark liquid that kind of looks like fuel?
Your hands stay a locked on his a little longer then they should, warming his entire body with slight embrassment. The proximity making his cheeks warm, he wasn't used to having women close to him. It's not even that, it's the fact that you were this close, big doe eyes urging him to try it.
"Oh, yeah, sorry." You realize that he can't drink it in front of you. Now he feels disappointed, heat flushing his chest, stomach dropping. He's about to get up, he doesn't want to make you move but is surprised as you turn around, bringing the child with you.
"I won't peak, I promise. I'll make sure Grogu doesn't either." He already knows that, eyes roam the small of your back with thought. A small gasp of surprise leaves your lips as the warmth of his back against your own. His helmet is released with a loud hiss, the child is too busy drinking his own chocolatey goodness to pay attention.
This feels personal, his stomach hot, a new level of intimacy for the pair. He stares at the cup between his hands, he already feels warm enough with your heat, he doesn't want to finish it, he doesn't want to leave you. "Well? How is it?"
Din presses the mug against his lips, taste buds exploding with the heat of it. It was delicious, and very, very sweet. "It's good. Very good, thank you."
His voice sounds different, less static, more like a human. "I used to chug this stuff as a kid, my mom used to always make it. But with marshmallows, we need marshmallows. Does space have marshmallows? Like anywhere?"
He finds the rambling cute as well as the small memory he offer him, he imagines a small version of you with a pile of whatever the hell marshmallows are on your hot chocolate.
"I don't miss earth at all." You admit, "it's not home anymore, it's not where my family is anymore. I rather spend Christmas with you and Grogu, you are my family now."
His heart thumps inside his chest, his breath stopping at the confession, chest still, he wants to say that you're not safe with him, you never will be but he decides against it, he talks with his heart instead of his fear. "I don't know what Christmas is but I'm happy to share something you love so much with you."
The hot chocolate is long forgotten as he slides his helmet back on. His bare fingers soak the touch of your face, running over the highest parts of your cheeks bones. The child looks between the two with a small coo.
"I can't replace them, but I will try to be your family."
You press into his hands, leaning against the tanned digits. "You already are Din, I love you."
The three words are put out, never to be taken back. While Din had always put up a hard front, tried to make it impossible to love him out of fear you managed to weasel your way through the tight cracks filling his heart completely.
"I love you Cyare, I'm sorry I made it so difficult for you to love me." He regrets all the times he decided not to ask if you were okay, hold you close at night. His heart feels like it's going to explode as your press your forehead against his.
"It was never hard to." Din stays there for a few more minutes, just enjoying the warmth of not only your skin but inside his body.
It confuses you as he stands quickly, opening the hatch and finding the sharpest object he can manage. "Are you coming?"
Your head turns, confused as you hear his amused tone. "Well who else is going to pick the tree to decorate?"
The smile that curls those lips are enough for Din to die a happy man.
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