#the mc is a resident at ucsf
redheadgleek · 1 year
Me picking up a book: oooo, the main character is a neurosurgery resident? This will be great!
Me: wait, why are you calling this a "brain surgery" residency?
Me: wait, why isn't she commiserating with her friend about early mornings? She's going to have to be at the hospital by 5!
Me: she's a second year resident. Internship is only one year.
Me: a fifth year is not a chief resident. Not in neurosurgery.
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Sometimes love is for... Part 1: ... a reason.
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Book: Open Heart (End of book 3)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC, and Tobias Carrick x MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Category: Eventual happy angst / AU
Summary: Casey MacTavish’s residency has ended and she is leaving Boston for a phenomenal opportunity at UCSF in San Francisco. But before she leaves, she has to say goodbye to the two men who entered her life and stole her heart during the past three years. How will it all end?
Part 1: Casey tries to make a hasty exit from Edenbrook, but Ethan can’t let her go before expressing his regret, and how he truly felt.
Warnings: None
Words: 1945
A/N: So, I posted angsty prompts and expected to write a couple of ficlets. Instead, I took four of the prompts I received and weaved them into this. The first part doesn’t actually have one of the prompts, you will find two in part two, and two in part three. I’m contemplating making a part four (70% sure I will), and if I do, you’ll see a few more prompts there. THANK YOU to all who sent prompts! I have quite a few left and I will write them all. Just be patient with me. :) I’m posting parts one and two tonight because… I want to. Three will be up within the next two days. I hope you enjoy this!
A/N 2: I am also participating in this week's @wackydrabbles. The prompt can be found below in bold.
SERIES MASTERLIST and more information on the series.
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Sometimes love is for... a reason.
Doctors tend to lose track of time; being awake at two in the morning or sleeping at two in the afternoon is just part of the job description. Casey couldn’t help but reflect on that as she left her final shift at Edenbrook while most of the world was heading into work.
“It figures I’d end with the overnight shift on my last day,” Casey laughed.
“Just be glad I didn’t schedule you for a double,” Ethan said with a smile that never met his eyes. “You know, for old times sake.”
“Hmm, memories,” she sighed as they came to a stop at the curb. She adjusted the cardboard bankers box resting on her hip and awkwardly rolled on the balls of her feet. “You certainly did enjoy torturing me these past three years.”
She turned to face him, then quickly placed the box in front of her, creating a barrier between them.
“So, I guess this is it,” she muttered softly.
“Yeah, after everything… this is how it ends.”
“Well, neither of us are dying, Ethan,” she said with a rueful chuckle.
“No,” he whispered, placing his hand atop hers. “Thankfully, not, though you almost crossed that off your bucket list here, too.”
“Ah, yeah,” she laughed. “I can never say that my time at Edenbrook was uneventful. I did it all here. Well, except actually die, and maybe I should get going before I tempt fate.”
Ethan looked down at her in her Edenbrook scrubs and labcoat for the last time, her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her crystal blue eyes gleaming in the sun, and his heart skipped a beat. She looked every bit like the bright, sunny intern that bounded into his life three years earlier. She had been through so much yet still maintained that sunny optimism that, though loathe to admit it, had even rubbed off on him.
“I know,” she stopped him, terrified of what he might say next. Her feelings had run the gamut for him, from idolization to affection to love, a brief period of disdain ushered in a renewed admiration and a deep friendship. But in recent weeks, as she transferred her work and they reminisced about times they had shared, she saw the longing in his eyes and, each time, she felt a pang in her heart. Whatever chance they had for more died long ago; she had moved and unintentionally fell in love, then had her heart shattered by someone else. Ethan would always have a piece of her heart. Still, after the emotional rollercoaster the past few weeks had provided, she couldn’t take one more poignant, painful revelation.
“I know,” she continued. “I’m going to have the brightest future, and I have learned all I can here. You’re proud of me, and it’s been an honor helping me become the doctor I am today. You’ve said it all, and I’m fresh out of Kleenex, so….” she trailed.
“Yeah,” he hesitated, nervously rubbing the back of his neck, “but I didn’t say I’m sorry.”
Casey bit her lower lip, letting out a small puff of air she didn’t know she was holding. “Ethan, you have nothing to apologize for.”
“Two years ago, in Miami, I should have….”
“Stop! We’ve had the conversation a hundred times before, and it’s in the past….”
“It will never be in the past. All I have ever told you is that I’m sorry I did what I did, when, in reality… I’m only sorry that I stopped.”
Casey took a step back, her eyes growing wide. “You… you what?”
He looked away from her, fixating his gaze on a bird soaring high above the Boston sky.
“The truth is… I let my cowardice rob us both of what could have been….” he returned to face her. “You’re the best student I have ever had and one of the most remarkable people I have ever met. I cherish the friendship we have built, but you will always be my most painful and my most beautiful what if.”
Casey sighed and pursed her lips, wiping a tear from her eye. Deep down, she felt the same way, but this was no time to accept it. Saying goodbye to one man she loved was difficult enough, but two? This was precisely what she had been hoping to avoid. Reluctantly turning to her side, she lowered the box to the ground. Reaching up, she wrapped him up in the warmest embrace they had ever shared, save for that one time when they thought it could be their last.
“Things happen the way they’re supposed to happen,” she whispered in his ear. “I’m so grateful for you, to have you in my life… Sometimes, it’s better to not ask what if. Instead, let’s be happy for what we have because it is so precious to me.”
“We could have been so good together.”
“I know,” she said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood. She pulled back with a smile. “I’m leaving Boston tomorrow, Ethan. And I’m leaving with you as my dearest, dearest friend. You… you have been this huge part of my life. I learned so much from you, and not just about medicine. Ethan, we were meant to come together, and I’m so glad we did. As much as I wanted us to be more, if we had taken that step, who knows how it could have ended.”
It could have ended with you staying here, at my side. It could have ended with us, together forever. He thought the words, but they did not escape his lips. His choices were his burden to bear, and he wouldn’t place them on her shoulders. He had already said enough.
“I could have spared you a lot of pain.”
“Me? I’ll admit, my ego took a hit that night, and I was hurt like hell for a while, but it’s not as if….”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“What do you mean then?”
He crossed his arms in front of his chest and fought to prevent rolling his eyes.
“Carrick. I wish I could have spared you having to go through….”
“Ethan,” she stopped him with a tap on his arm, “you had nothing to do with Tobias and me. Nothing. We got together on our own, and we made our mistakes on our own. None of that is on you.”
“If you had been with me, you could have been spared….”
“Spared what, Ethan? Tobias never hurt me.”
He looked at her incredulously, “Really?”
“Really. He was honest with me from the start. This was never going to be more than fun and companionship. Maybe more than friends with benefits, but never more than what it was. It’s not his fault I fell in love…he just didn’t feel the same about me.” Her voice cracked a little, but her pride refused to let another tear shed from her eyes.
“Forgive me for thinking he is nothing short of a moron for not falling for you.”
Casey laughed and brushed Ethan’s cheek. “Be that as it may, I’m glad things turned out as they have.”
“You are?”
“Yes. Personally? Nothing turned out as I had hoped for here, but that’s life. I didn’t intend to fall for him, just like I hadn’t intended to fall for you before,” she shook her head with a sardonic laugh. “I didn’t want you to turn me away, and I hoped that he’d eventually feel the way that I did about him. But that’s not what fate had in store.”
She bit the inside of her cheek forcefully, willing herself to remain strong, but from the corner of her eye, a single tear betrayed her.
“Goddamn it!” She said, wiping it away with a nervous laugh. “Here I am trying to sound so damn mature and strong, and lacrimation does me in!”
“It’s a normal process, Casey, how our body responds. And tears… they don’t make us weak or immature, they’re a sign of how strong we are.”
“Yeah? Well, that sucks,” she chuckled, “nevertheless. I’m going to miss you, Ethan Ramsey.”
He pulled her into a warm embrace.
“I’m going to miss you too,” he breathed. “But hey,” he smiled, pulling away, “who knows, one day I’ll finally visit San Francisco….”
“And if you don’t call me, I will find you, and I will hurt you.”
“I have no doubt about that.”
“Well,” she smiled. “This is goodbye. But do you mind if I don’t say it? Besides, it’s not forever. You’ll always be a part of my life.”
He smiled warmly. “Are you sure I can’t drive you home?”
“No. It’s my last day, and me, and my little box here, are going to take my last walk home from Edenbrook. Nostalgia and all.”
“All right then. At least you have a perfect day to do it on. Please, call me when you settle in.”
“I will.”
Casey turned on her heel and made her way home. A million thoughts of dreams that never materialized weighed on her heart and mind. But she soldiered on, doing all she could to look forward and not back.
Ethan was right about one thing; it was a spectacular spring morning. The air was still crisp, but the sun shone brightly on the abundant green leaves that covered the trees once again. The grey, barren branches that marred the landscape just weeks before now felt like a distant memory.
Springtime. Renewal. A new life: that’s what was awaiting Casey in San Francisco. UCSF was waiting, and its focus on helping underserved communities was everything she hoped for. Her new home awaited, no matter how difficult it was to leave the old. Tomorrow at this time, an entire nation would lie between her future and her soon-to-be past.
Cambridge Street was bustling with more traffic than usual, both by car and foot. It felt like something prevented her from reaching her destination with every step. Casey snorted, and her lips settled into a sad, twisted smile as she reflected on the irony. It was as if the city was conspiring to keep her there. The city, she thought. No matter how much she loved Boston, it didn’t have that strong a hold on her, she could leave it behind. But two people could have made her stay, yet neither found reason to do so. It caused her heart to ache, but she had grown to accept it. Her Mom was right, never force anyone to stay. They didn’t believe that love was enough, and she deserved someone who did. That sounded better than what she really felt, that deep down, neither of them truly wanted her at all.
She finally made it to the front of her building, pausing to stare at the ornate door that had welcomed her home each day for the past three years for one last time. All the memories this place held! Her dear friends had already moved on to their new homes. Sienna was in Chicago, Jackie and Aurora in LA, and Elijah, the only one remaining at Edenbrook, moved into his new apartment across town with Bryce. She was the last to go. Bryce and Elijah offered to stay the night with her, but she turned the offer down. She was a big girl; it would be fine. With one last look around, she swallowed and began to walk toward the door of the a place that had become sacred to her. A place that would always be home in her heart. She had one more night to spend there… and she would make it. Alone.
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roadworthyrp · 6 years
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“ The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter—often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter—in the eye. ”
AGE: 32
CURRENT MOTIVATION: To restore her brother’s eyesight and, hopefully, settle back into the town she grew up in while he recovers.
OCCUPATION: Tara attended UC Berkeley for her undergrad and after graduating joined the UCSF/Berkeley Joint Medical program to earn her M.S. in Health and Medical Sciences (Berkeley) and her M.D. (UCSF). From there she completed her residency at the UCSF Department of Ophthalmology. She was only a few months into a permanent position when her brother had his drug-induced episode and she had to move back home from California. She’s acquired a space in the middle of town for an eye clinic, Weisz Eyes. She has also made arrangements to perform ophthalmological surgeries at the local hospital whenever her patients require it.
STANCE ON THE MC: Oblivious. Despite the fact that she grew up in the town, Tara was always too focused on her studies to take notice of the criminal activity at home. In her senior year of high school, her twin brother, Tobias, dropped out and started dealing meth for the Reapers a short distance outside of Clearmont. This carries on once she left for college, and her parents relocated to California for retirement. Even now her knowledge of the gang is sparse, and her awareness of the MCs only comes from connections with former classmates.
JAVIER SOLANO: Two years her senior, Tara always found Javi studying late at the library. They helped each other out with homework, they ate a lot of midnight take-out. Once Tara’s brother joined the Reapers, and Javi was two years post-grad, Tara’s slight curiosity over the lifestyle allowed them to grow closer. Javi was a prospect for the Devil’s Crew. They almost had sex at one point, until Javi’s mother walked in and interrupted. They haven’t kept in contact since Tara left for college.
LANA SHAPIRO: As kids they were next door neighbors. Tara was the year above her in school, but they still hung out regularly. Walked to and from school together. Lana was the one to notify Tara about Toby’s episode and the effects of that. This was the first time she had heard from Lana in a few years, at least.
COLLIN KINGSFORD: As soon as Tara arrived back in town and saw her brother in the hospital, she confronted Collin, sat by his bedside. As the leader of the Reapers, she blames Collin for her brother’s psychosis. The confrontation was irrational and emotional, somewhat fuelled by her own guilt of lost contact with her twin. Collin’s reaction frightened her. Tara has tried to steer clear ever since.
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maryseward666 · 6 years
METALLICA's 'Dreamfest' Performance Angers Neighbors In San Francisco
According to SF Gate, METALLICA's concert in San Francisco Wednesday night (September 26) angered some of the neighbors because of the noise, which traveled a considerable distance across the city. METALLICA played a massive concert at Civic Center Plaza as part of the ninth annual Dreamfest fundraising event for UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital. People reported hearing the concert from as far away as Dogpatch, Cole Valley and the Mission. The performace was part of Salesforce's annual Dreamforce conference and the goal was to raise millions for UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals, the hospital that bears Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff's name. "Not a dream for me," wrote one local resident on Twitter. "Wrong to make an entire city a private venue. Anyone who thinks it's great is probably going home at the end of the week." "Most people outgrow making the neighbors listen to your favorite band sometime in college," tweeted another neighbor. "Clearly Salesforce thinks it's a good look in middle-age." The evening began with a reception in which Dr. Michael Anderson, president of UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals, presented Myla Cunanan, a 14-year-old cancer survivor, with the UCSF General Colin Powell Medal of Courage Award. The $1,000-per-ticket event also included appearances by Janet Jackson, plus MC Hammer and DJ Rob Garza in an after-party from 9:30 p.m. to midnight in City Hall. In total, the annual concert has raised $60 million for UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals. Dreamforce is described as "four days of innovation, inspiration and learning, equality, giving back and fun for the Salesforce community." [Read More ...]
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