#the middle drawing has an absurd amount of detail conpared to the others
sp00ky-scary · 2 years
My Wife <3 (platonic obviously)
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The love of my life Ivy got to be my second redesign victim, rant time!!!!
I haven't changed up her backstory too much from the usual Pamela Isley is a botany student who is groomed by her professor who then uses her as a human test subject before evading the authorities leaving her traumatized and more plant than human. She then flees to Gotham City and takes up the name Poison Ivy. So onto her design.
Not much to say about her pre-Ivy she was a pretty happy and naive person with a love for plants. She has naturally curly hair that's pretty long but almost always tied up, and her wardrobe consists of greens and warm colours. As Ivy her skin is green her hair is a much more unnatural red, the whites of her eyes are a yellow-green and her eyes which were once brown are now green. Her body is often covered in plants and fungi that are essentially an extension of herself, these plants can move and change and what plants cover her body often depend on the season. The clothes she is depicted wearing are also included in those plants. She can essentially reabsorb the plants into her skin which she only really does in Arkham or if she is wearing normal clothes. As Ivy she is prone to violent mood swings, has a lack of empathy with little care for humans specifically men and has no problem killing people. She shows what could be described as affection to very few people, Harley being one of these. The only thing she shows any positive emotion and love towards being plants. Also she has an internal conflict about the whole being both plant and human thing and struggles with her humanity. She's incredibly good at manipulating others although often relies on pheromones to do so. As is shown with her Arkham design if she doesn't get sunlight, nutrients, all the shit plants need she physically wilts, essentially like an actual plant would, her skin becoming paler and dead looking and her hair flattening. In Arkham she is put in a straight jacket due to her violent tendencies and if she's near other people she is forced to wear a mask (think Hannibal) over her mouth due to her toxic kiss (technically her skins toxic too but ya know that's pretty covered and usually how she fatally doses people is by kissing them). Onto the personal details, she's an aroace lesbian, she's friends with the Sirens and that's about it although she will begrudgingly work with Batman if necessary, and is what I can only describe as frenemies with The Riddler. She is friends with Scarecrow though. She's dating Harley although their relationship is nowhere near "normal" and not particularly healthy although it's as healthy as it will be for two criminals who frequent Arkham Asylum. I would like to note she initially couldn't control plants, she developed that ability over time.
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