#the midwife 2.8
aquariuminfobureau · 2 months
Among the most popular pet frogs, and among the most charming, are the fire-bellied frogs or toads - in the strictest sense, they aren't either - such as Bombina variegata, the yellow-bellied toad of the Western Palaearctic realm, and specifically Central and Southern Europe. This is a small and easily housed frog species, growing to a snout-to-vent length of 2.8 to 5.6 centimeters, or about 1 to 2 inches.
Within this species, racial differences exist in their markings across their geographical range. The northeastern populations are genetically distinct from their conspecifics in the rest of its distribution, to their west and their south. This deep divergence implies a pre-glacial common descent, and long isolation owed to climatic factors. For this species, the Carpathian Mountains were an ecological refuge, from uninhabitable Pleistocene climates. Also an Italian race of yellow-bellied toads, is often nowadays elevated to full species tank, as B. pachypus.
Bombina is a member of the costate frogs, a clade that also includes the well known genera Discoglossus and Alytes, the painted frogs and midwife toads. Costate frogs competently walk and hop, but they are not long-range jumpers. The costates are not only early diverging, but also protomorphic, retaining unspecialised pelvises that reflect their locomotor conservatism. It is the rearrangement of the pelvis in certain, unrelated frog clades, that allows such derived frogs to jump perfectly.
Bombina sp. are collectively known as the fire-bellied toads, because of their easily visible, yellow to red underbellies. As in those newts with a similar ventral coloration, this has evolved as an aposematic warning, or an advertisement of their toxicity to deter potential predators. To make obvious their coloration, these amphibians display their bellies when they are threatened by a larger carnivore, by flipping onto their own backs, or by employing the body language of raising up - this is the famous 'unken reflex'.
The species of Bombina are distributed from Europe across to Siberia and down beyond China. They are truly a Palaearctic faunal component, but their distribution is non-continuous, which is a result of ancient climate changes. There is an early divergence within the genus Bombina, separating a southern subclade, known as the B. maxima complex, and also a secondary division within the more northerly group, into the European group and the eastern B. orientalis.
At lower elevations, B. variegata lives in deciduous forests, whereas in higher terrain it is a denizen of conifer forests. A habitat generalist, B. variegata utilities diverse lentic and lotic waters. Relative to a sometimes sympatric Bombina species, B. bombina, it eats more terrestrial arthropods than aquatic prey in the wild. This fact allows for some niche partitioning where both species of Bombina are present in the wild.
Although the two species of fire bellied frog are quite distinctive in their looks and vocaluzations, they hybridize readily. However both morphospecies remain distinct, owing to natural selection disfavoring the fertile hybrids that result from these pairings. Thus in the case of these two Bombina species, racial mixing does not result in de-speciation through hybritity, nor has it resulted in the evolution of a new species from the hybrid stock.
B. variegata inhabits temperate, seasonal climates and the daily temperature it experiences, can shift by up to 10 degrees in the course of a day. A study of a B. variegata locality, found that the water temperature was 4 to 24 degrees centigrade, depending on the season. Whilst the air temperature there was 3-31 degrees. (At other localities where B. variegata is present, the water temperature may itself be 31 degrees.) Their season of activity begins at 8-10 degrees centigrade
B. variegata and other Bombina species need to have only shallow water provided for them, because they do not make deep dives for their food. Ideally, these anurans should be able to stand on their toes, reaching up so their faces are above the water. These anurans receive UV wavelengths as daylight in the wild, and benefit from a UVB emitting light source in the aquaterrarium. Bombina sp. do not damage live plants, and are thus suited to a planted aquaterrarium.
Some people have successfully cohabited Bombina sp. with other animals species, but there are risks. These frogs can reflexively lunge at animals that are perceived prey, and their glandular skins are themselves toxic, possibly creating problems should other animals come into contact with their skins. Nonetheless, similarly sized climbing animals, like tree frogs and anoles have been cohabited with Bombina sp. because they inhabit different areas of the enclosure, which minimizes interactions. Regarding conspecifics, male Bombina sp. may be aggressive to one another. The males of these frogs, have longer forearms than to the females.
However, on the down side, Bombina sp can (sometimes) be difficult to feed on a proper captive diet. Often, Bombina adapt to taking items such as floating sticks. Therefore it is untrue that their intended food needs to move, without which the feeding response cannot be stimulated. However, this does not mean that all individuals in these species, are equally willing to do so.
Non-living items in the water are more likely to elicit a feeding response, because chemosensory cues travel better through water than through air, however, contrary to popular factoids, it has also been argued for decades that frogs can see non-moving items, and recognize them as food. I am aware that frogs belonging to distantly related taxa, can and do eat pre-killed prey - these are costates, pipids, bufonids, hyloids, and ranoids.
It is widely reported, and I can see no reason to doubt it, that the species of Bombina differ in their temperature tolerances and optimums. All species of Bombina should be fine at cool room temperatures year round, in a cool temperate climate. That is to say, when and where it is suitable for humans to live comfortably, without feeling hot.
Despite being quite southern in its origin, the popular giant fire belly species, B. maxima from high altitudes in southern China, is said to require lower ambient temperatures, than do the European species. But I know for a fact that B. maxima can be acclimatized, like members of the more northern clade, to an ambient temperature of 24 or 25 degrees centigrade. And I am positive that these frogs encounter such temperatures, which are scarcely soaring, in their wild, subtropical latitude habitats.
Although the B. maxima species complex, which extends to Taiwan and northern Southeast Asia, include the largest of the fire bellied frogs, but even they are not huge. It is rare for individuals to exceed 6 and a 1/2 centimeters, or 2 and a 1/2 inches long. There is still systematic disagreement between herpetologists, as to which populations within this clade constitute separate species, or for that matter, the extent of the different species recognised within this phylogenetic nexus.
The archetypal fire-bellied frog, the European B. bombina, is less commonly encountered in exotic retail, than is the Oriental or Korean fire-belly, B. orientalis. This is a very similar animal to the western B. bombina, the European fire-belly, but the East Asian species has a distribution from the Amur region down to northern China. This is a popular species for those interested in studying animal behavior. It grows to 4 or 5 centimeters, or 1 and a 1/2 to 2 inches.
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magnoliasinbloom · 5 years
The Midwife - II
AO3 :: Previously
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“Claire? Not Julia?” Mrs. Fitz was very confused. I was helping her make the bed in Jamie’s and my new room—our room as newlyweds.
“I do apologize, Mrs. Fitz. I did not know how the laird would receive me if he knew I was Jamie’s wife. His presumably dead wife, you recall.”
“Och, I do mind. The lad was beside himself wi’ grief.” Her eyes misted over. “He refused to eat, all he did was wander about the castle and help with the horses.” My heart tightened to hear it.
“I am terribly sorry about your granddaughter’s betrothal,” I mentioned cautiously.
Mrs. Fitz shrugged thoughtfully, arranging the pillows. “God kens I love Laoghaire, but… Dougal’s idea in making that match—nay, he needs a woman, not a girl. And Laoghaire will be a girl when she's fifty.”
I could understand what she meant. I hoped the girl would not be disappointed for long. I recounted my story for Mrs. Fitz: how my mother and I used to travel as healers, about my midwifing apprenticeship at l’Hôpital des Anges, Mother Hildegarde, and how Jamie and I met. She thought it terribly romantic that we were handfast, and that I had stayed behind to help the sisters through the epidemic.
As she left me to settle in, Mrs. Fitz turned at the door. “I do love the lad. I am glad he found you, dearie, in the end. Take care of each other.”
* * *
When Jamie and I stepped into the great hall for dinner the following night, we were the target of whispers and comments directed at us from all sides. News traveled fast in the castle; I could only imagine what was being said about me, Jamie’s wife, come back from the dead. I gripped Jamie’s arm tightly as he escorted us to our seats. He kept his head up high, meeting people’s stares with a frank gaze. We ate in companionable silence, and as soon as Jamie was done eating, I gestured for us to leave the hall.
We were near the side door when there was a commotion behind us. I turned to spot a head of blonde hair racing amongst the tables. Laoghaire—Mrs. Fitz tried to pull her back, but the girl was too fast. She approached us, me in particular. She came up to me and shoved me, palms outstretched. I stumbled, caught unawares, but Jamie held me upright.
“Seas!” Jamie exclaimed, placing himself between Laoghaire and myself. “Lass, get ye under control—this is no way to behave towards my wife!”
“Your wife?!” Laoghaire’s eyes were wild with anger. Mrs. Fitz had appeared behind her, and was doing her best to pull her away from us with quiet noises meant to soothe the girl. “I was to be yer wife! Ye broke yer promise, James Fraser! I canna forgive that!”
“There was no promise from me, and ye ken it well, Laoghaire,” Jamie said between clenched teeth. “I never agreed to it, and my uncle has accepted our union.” Everyone in the hall had fallen silent, the better to hear the confrontation.
“Jamie, let’s just go,” I pleaded, tugging on his arm. Laoghaire turned her attentions back to me.
“He’s mine! Get ye back to the hell ye came from, and leave him to me! Go I say!” Laoghaire stamped her foot like a child throwing a tantrum. My own temper got the best of me and I stepped around Jamie, bent on pulling her hair or clawing her eyes out, whichever I could reach first. He caught me around the waist first, though, and pulled me back into his chest.
“I shan’t be going anywhere, least of all without my husband,” I hissed. “You must cease to call him yours, girl, now that the law say otherwise.” I watched with a satisfied smirk as Laoghaire’s face fell, and she finally allowed herself to be towed away by her grandmother.
“Let’s go, Sassenach,” Jamie said quietly in my ear, as everyone watched Laoghaire leave the great hall towards the kitchens, and conversation started up again slowly in their wake. I broke free of Jamie’s grasp and left through the side door. Once out of the hall, I picked up my skirts and ran as fast as I could towards our room. I heard Jamie behind me, the heavy tread of his boots catching up.
“Sassenach—Claire!” He sounded out of breath as he neared my side. “I would prefer not to follow behind my own wife.”
I did not bother to turn around. “So walk faster.”
We reached our room and Jamie closed the door behind us. “Sassenach, ye must no’ mind Laoghaire—”
“Not mind! Jamie, she shamed us in front of the entire castle!” I cried, flopping down on a chair by the hearth. “She’s made me out as some sort of devious red woman who would steal you away on a whim…”
“Ye are not a red woman,” he replied, stifling a smile. “They ken now that ye are Claire Fraser, from Paris, my true and only wife.” He pressed a kiss to the knot of hair on my head.
“No one approves Jamie… I was not expecting cheers and applause, but all this speculation and gossip is unbearable. Please, when can we leave for Lallybroch?”
“As soon as the MacKenzie allows it.” He came over to crouch next to me and took my hand in his. “I never thought to ask, Sassenach… can ye ride a horse?”
I laughed at this change of subject. “Not terribly well. I mostly rode in a wagon on my way here. Maman and I walked most everywhere.”
“I think ye should practice. We’ll ride to Lallybroch. Although I do mind something Jenny wrote me awhile back, when I let her ken we’d been handfast… married women shouldna ride horses.” Jamie laid his warm hand on my flat stomach. I sat up abruptly straighter, and laid my own hand over his.
“”Tis no danger to me at the moment,” I said gently. He nodded, accepting my reply. “Should that change, trust you will be the first to know.”
* * *
Rabbits were nibbling at the carrots. I would ask some of the castle lads to set snares near the vegetable garden. My medicinal herbs were also at risk. I knelt, pulling up weeds tirelessly. I noticed the edge of my cloak was rent as well, a piece torn clean out. It was a castle hand-me-down, given me by Mrs. Fitz. I would have to mend it, but first, I needed to take care of my crop. I was so absorbed in my task that I barely noticed the shadow that fell over me. I looked up when it cleared its throat to find Geillis Duncan smiling down at me.
“Oh, Mistress Duncan! How are you feeling?” I wiped my hands on my apron and covered the glare of sunlight with my hand.
“That is precisely why I’m here, Mistress Beauchamp. Or should I say Fraser?” She still smiled gently, cradling her enormous pregnant belly.
“Fraser, I suppose,” I said, returning her smile. “But Claire will do just fine. Did you walk here?”
“I took my husband’s carriage. ‘Tis a little far to walk from Cranesmuir to Leoch now; I tire so easily.”
“I think perhaps even the carriage ride might be too much, all that jostling about,” I said, gauging the heft of her belly. “It could cause you to go into labor.”
Geillis looked surprised. “I didna ken that. Should I go into confinement?”
I shook my head. “Fresh air does you good. Just avoid the carriage rides from now on. Is there anything I can do for you, mistress?”
“I did mean to ask ye for a tonic. Ye see, after every meal I have this burning sensation in my throat. I feel as though I might vomit, and my stomach hurts as well.” She seemed embarrassed. “Do ye ken what is happening?”
I smiled to put her at ease. “’Tis common enough—heartburn. Do you eat heavily seasoned foods or garlic?”
“Both,” she replied. I nodded and rummaged through the herbs in my garden. I plucked a bunch of peppermint leaves and tied them with a piece of twine from my ever-present basket.
“These should help. Brew a cup of tea with the leaves after every meal.” I handed the sheaf of leaves to her, and she held them tightly. She gave me an appraising glance, and I knew what she would ask. What many of the castle inhabitants were wondering themselves.
“Are ye with child, Claire?” she inquired curiously.
“No, at least not yet,” I replied cautiously.
“Arthur—my husband—and I had trouble conceiving. We had tried for years, and nothing. And now, a miracle.” Geillis smiled beatifically, a glow about her.
“We’ve only been married a few months, and apart for most of them. When we are ready, I hope it will happen.”
She stepped closer and lowered her voice. “There is a wise woman in the forest, ken. Some say witch, of course. She has herbs and tonics like ye do. She can make a barren woman conceive. And she also helps the lasses who get in trouble.”
“Ye ken, trouble.” She gestured towards her belly.
“Oh.” I understood. “We called them angel makers in Paris. They were not as busy as the maîtresses sage femme, for all that. Do you know…” I hesitated to ask. “Does the wise woman use herbs to make angels, or… other methods?”
“I dinna ken… though those that survive the cure, shall we say, are often sick for days afterward. It minds me of witchcraft,” Geillis whispered.
“Do you believe in witches, Mistress Duncan?” I asked carefully.
“There are many things in this world for which we have no explanation. But to hold a bairn in yer arms, fruit of the union with yer husband… ‘tis a kind of magic some women would consider worthwhile to have, regardless of the cost.”
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beatrix-franklin · 8 years
Master-post of my insights and rambles.
This is for my own benefit more than anything, so that my posts / thoughts don’t become repetitive, but below is linked every essay style post i’ve ever written about Call The Midwife.
4.9 / 5.6 Parallel (prompted by @swearronchanel​‘s post) 
2.8 and 6.8 Parallel “holding on” (Shelagh and Sister Julienne)
2.8 and 6.8 Parallel “letting go” thoughts on Shelagh and Sister Julienne
3.4 the portrayal of choice (Shelagh and Patrick)
6.8 “because we’re us” (Shelagh / Patrick)
6.8 The Pill
6.8 The contrast between Life and Death
6.8 Trixie “terribly easy to hurt”
6.7 Rhoda Mullocks and Lydia [short thoughts]
“Embrace” Sister Julienne and Shelagh [series 6 spoilers included]
A little bit of nonsense: why we need to see the friendship between Shelagh and Trixie
Series 6: The Portrayal of mental health 
Trixie: 5.9 Christmas Special
Yellow as a symbol of hope for the Turners?
6.8 Patsy and Delia 
The relationship between Shelagh and Timothy 
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phgq · 5 years
Anti-vaping coalition rises in Davao City
#PHinfo: Anti-vaping coalition rises in Davao City
  Health Advocate Honeylet Avanceña signs the parents manifesto against vaping
DAVAO CITY (PIA)- An anti-vaping coalition from different sectors took root in Davao City, the first ever alliance of such kind in the country.
Parents Against Vapes combines several multi-sectoral groups which include Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, JCI Lakambini Davao, Philippine Society of Private Midwife Clinic Owners Inc. Health Justice Philippines, Federation of PTA in Region XI.
Atty. Santos Torreña president Fedaration of PTA (Parents Teachers Association) in Region XI said that the current promotion or branding of vape as a healthy alternative to smoking is misleading.
“According to U.S. statistics, there has been 42 cases of death with the reason of vaping. Additionally 2,172 illnesses are connected to the practice,” Torreña said in a statement released to the media.
Vaping is the use of a vaporizer which simulates smoking and its other behavioral aspects, it is also known as e-cigarettes. Users inhales aerosol known vapor, which is a vaporized form of a liquid known as vape juice.
“There is still nicotine in it. Nicotine is a harmful substance that could affect the brain of a human being. It is commonly known fact that a human brain is not full developed until the age of 25,” Torreña said.
According to a survey there is a 2.8% increase in e-cigarette usage annually in the Philippines out of these users statistics show that high school students are more prominent in using e-cigarettes than adults which alarmed parents.
    Torrena said they are worried since vape juice can be bought like candy in a sari-sari store. He said the Davao City Comprehensive Anti-Smoking Ordinance also includes simulated cigarettes such as vapes as among banned to be used in public places and its sale to minors strictly prohibited.
In an event held on December 14 at Acacia Hotel in Davao City, various stakeholders of the anti-vape coalition signed a Parents Manifesto which supports President Duterte’s call to ban the use of e-cigarettes in public places nationwide.
The manifesto also calls on the banning of all flavors as this will entice children and youth to go vaping, restrict accessibility by ensuring that e-cigarettes are not promoted, advertised and   sponsored. The coalition also called on to ban the sale of e-cigarettes in areas easily accessible to children and youth such as malls, convenience stores and online shops.
Among those who attended the Dec. 14 gathering was President Rodrigo R. Duterte’s partner and staunch health advocate Ms. Honeylet Avanceña who delivered a talk on protecting Filipino children against E-cigarettes, she also led the manifesto signing.
Desi Marie Lucas Subido of JCI Lakambini Davao, one of the partners in the coalition  said that other launchings will be held in different parts of the country including key cities in Metro Manila. (PIA/RG Alama)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Anti-vaping coalition rises in Davao City." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1031935 (accessed December 26, 2019 at 03:06PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Anti-vaping coalition rises in Davao City." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1031935 (archived).
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newestbalance · 6 years
CATANIA, Italy (Reuters) – A baby boy named Miracle has been born on board a humanitarian ship – a bright spot as the tide of migrants risking sea crossings from Libya to Italy has increased as the weather has improved.
Migrants dance and sing to celebrate the birth of Miracle, a baby who was born on board the Aquarius, in the central Mediterranean Sea, May 26, 2018. REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane
There have been more than 1,800 migrants rescued by humanitarian ships, and Italy’s navy and coastguard vessels over the past three days, and one body was recovered, an Italian coastguard official said.
Arrivals from Libya, a staging post for people smugglers, have plummeted 85 percent this year from last as Italy provided support to the Libyan coastguard and to municipalities along the coast to stop migrant boats.
But good weather or other factors seem to have reversed that trend, for now.
“It’s really hard to know what’s happening inside Libya, or why the Libyan coastguard has not been so active in these last few days,” said Lauren King, a spokeswoman from the Aquarius, the ship baby Miracle was born aboard.
A woman (L), who just gave birth on board the Aquarius, reacts as she takes her newborn baby son, called Miracle, on board the ship, in the central Mediterranean Sea, May 26, 2018. REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane
The Aquarius is a rescue ship run by SOS Mediterranee and Doctors without Borders (MSF), which brought ashore 70 migrants in Catania, Sicily, on Sunday. The Aquarius is setting off again later in the day for the waters off the coast of Libya.
“Given the weather conditions … It’s better we’re out there and ready,” she said.
On Saturday, the leader of the far-right League party, which appears poised to form a coalition government with the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, said that the surge in arrivals meant someone was trying to undermine the would-be administration.
Slideshow (2 Images)
“The usual powers that be are threatening us with the migrant boats,” Matteo Salvini Tweeted.
The League has promised to take a hard line on irregular immigration and deport hundreds of thousands of migrants if the government receives the president’s endorsement and wins parliament’s backing.
Migrants rescued by the Aquarius spoke of horrific conditions and violence in Libya, including the mother of the baby born on Saturday.
“Both the mother and baby are doing very well,” Amoin Soulemane, the midwife on the Aquarius, said in a statement. Miracle, weighing 2.8 kg, was the sixth baby born on the rescue ship, but the first this year, King said.
When Miracle was brought onto deck by the midwife, the migrants on board celebrated his birth by singing and dancing — a far cry from the conditions they said they had came from in Libya.
The mother, whose name was not given, told MSF she had been “held captive, beaten, given very little food and extorted for money for release” during the year she was in Libya.
She was eventually able to escape from her captors, and on Thursday she set out to sea on a rubber boat with 68 others.
Writing by Steve Scherer in Rome; Editing by Alison Williams
The post Baby appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2GVCQnX via Everyday News
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
CATANIA, Italy (Reuters) – A baby boy named Miracle has been born on board a humanitarian ship – a bright spot as the tide of migrants risking sea crossings from Libya to Italy has increased as the weather has improved.
Migrants dance and sing to celebrate the birth of Miracle, a baby who was born on board the Aquarius, in the central Mediterranean Sea, May 26, 2018. REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane
There have been more than 1,800 migrants rescued by humanitarian ships, and Italy’s navy and coastguard vessels over the past three days, and one body was recovered, an Italian coastguard official said.
Arrivals from Libya, a staging post for people smugglers, have plummeted 85 percent this year from last as Italy provided support to the Libyan coastguard and to municipalities along the coast to stop migrant boats.
But good weather or other factors seem to have reversed that trend, for now.
“It’s really hard to know what’s happening inside Libya, or why the Libyan coastguard has not been so active in these last few days,” said Lauren King, a spokeswoman from the Aquarius, the ship baby Miracle was born aboard.
A woman (L), who just gave birth on board the Aquarius, reacts as she takes her newborn baby son, called Miracle, on board the ship, in the central Mediterranean Sea, May 26, 2018. REUTERS/Guglielmo Mangiapane
The Aquarius is a rescue ship run by SOS Mediterranee and Doctors without Borders (MSF), which brought ashore 70 migrants in Catania, Sicily, on Sunday. The Aquarius is setting off again later in the day for the waters off the coast of Libya.
“Given the weather conditions … It’s better we’re out there and ready,” she said.
On Saturday, the leader of the far-right League party, which appears poised to form a coalition government with the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement, said that the surge in arrivals meant someone was trying to undermine the would-be administration.
Slideshow (2 Images)
“The usual powers that be are threatening us with the migrant boats,” Matteo Salvini Tweeted.
The League has promised to take a hard line on irregular immigration and deport hundreds of thousands of migrants if the government receives the president’s endorsement and wins parliament’s backing.
Migrants rescued by the Aquarius spoke of horrific conditions and violence in Libya, including the mother of the baby born on Saturday.
“Both the mother and baby are doing very well,” Amoin Soulemane, the midwife on the Aquarius, said in a statement. Miracle, weighing 2.8 kg, was the sixth baby born on the rescue ship, but the first this year, King said.
When Miracle was brought onto deck by the midwife, the migrants on board celebrated his birth by singing and dancing — a far cry from the conditions they said they had came from in Libya.
The mother, whose name was not given, told MSF she had been “held captive, beaten, given very little food and extorted for money for release” during the year she was in Libya.
She was eventually able to escape from her captors, and on Thursday she set out to sea on a rubber boat with 68 others.
Writing by Steve Scherer in Rome; Editing by Alison Williams
The post Baby appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2GVCQnX via News of World
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Christmas Day TV: Queen’s message wins TV ratings battle
Image copyright PA
The Queen’s broadcast topped TV ratings on Christmas Day, overnight viewing figures have shown.
An audience of 7.6 million watched her annual message on BBC One, ITV and Sky News.
BBC One’s Mrs Brown’s Boys had the second highest number of viewers, with an audience of 6.8 million.
It was followed by two more BBC One shows – Strictly Come Dancing with 6.5 million viewers and Call the Midwife with 6.3 million.
Image copyright BBC Studios/Alan Peebles
Image caption Mrs Brown’s Boys came in at number two
EastEnders rounded out the top five, with its Christmas Day special attracting 6.3 million viewers.
Jodie Whittaker’s debut as Dr Who, at number six on the list, was watched by 5.7 million.
The 35-year-old Broadchurch star has succeeded Peter Capaldi to become the 13th Time Lord.
ITV’s highest rated programme was Coronation Street with 4.8 million viewers, making it number seven on the ratings list.
The Great British Bake Off on Channel Four was watched by around 2.8 million people.
Why the Queen’s ratings reign may not last…
Image copyright PA
By Lizo Mzimba, entertainment correspondent
Coming together to sit and watch the Queen’s broadcast is still a traditional part of Christmas for many families, and it is one of the main reasons that year after year the programme (broadcast on multiple channels) comes top of the overnight ratings.
Once Christmas catch-up viewing is taken into consideration, it is likely the Queen will be overtaken at the top by another programme.
Because with so much choice on 25 December, viewers will often opt to watch some shows live, while saving others to watch later.
For example, this year there was a significant overlap between three of TV’s most popular programmes – Call the Midwife on BBC One, Coronation Street on ITV and the Great British Bake Off on Channel Four.
Overall, figures for some individual shows do seem to be dropping slightly year on year, but that is probably inevitable with the increasing amount of choice available on traditional channels and from on-demand services like Netflix and Amazon.
Top 10 programmes on Christmas Day
The Queen – 7.6m (BBC One, ITV and Sky News)
Mrs Brown’s Boys – 6.8m (BBC One)
Strictly Come Dancing – 6.5m (BBC One)
Call the Midwife – 6.3m (BBC One)
EastEnders – 6.3m (BBC One)
Doctor Who – 5.7m (BBC One)
Coronation Street – 4.8m (ITV) rising to 5.1m when ITV+1 is included
BBC Teatime News – 4.2m (BBC One)
The Highway Rat – 4.0m (BBC One)
Cinderella – 3.6m (BBC One)
The post Christmas Day TV: Queen’s message wins TV ratings battle appeared first on dailygate.
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jasonjdking · 7 years
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Arkive Species of the Day for December 24, 2017 Iberian midwife toad (Alytes cisternasii) NEAR THREATENED
The Iberian midwife toad grows to a length of about 40 mm (1.6 in), males being rather smaller than females. The snout is rounded and the eyes large, with vertical slit pupils. There are tiny, often orange, warts on the upper eyelids. The parotoid glands are relatively small and the tympani distinct. There are many tubercles on the body and concentrations of glandular warts under the arms, in the groin area and on the ankles. The limbs are fairly short. The colour of the upper surface is brownish-grey with dark spots, and the warts are often reddish. The underparts are unspotted and greyish-white
This toad is native to Portugal and western Spain at altitudes of up to 1,300 metres (4,300 ft) above sea level. Its preferred habitat is Mediterranean-type scrub, rough grazing and light oak woodland.
Mating takes place in the autumn and the eggs are laid on land. The male then gathers up the egg mass and wraps it round his legs, carrying it around until the developing embryos are ready to hatch. He can carry as many as 180 eggs resulting from four clutches laid by different females. The male deposits the hatching tadpoles in suitable water bodies where they continue their development. Metamorphosis occurs about four months later when the tadpoles measure about 70 millimetres (2.8 in) in length.
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