#the misadventures of the phoenix and shadow sorcerers part 4: a frozen hell cat's heart
||The Misadventures of the Phoenix and The Shadow Chimera Sorcerers Part 4-A frozen hell cat's heart||
Hi Dears, Peahen mom here and I'm going to be writing something but this is a part 4 for a drabble series my friend wrote. IF you wanna read the other chapters. They are below. <3 They are really funny but I think you will love them.
||Drabble Summary||
It seems the next mission was unexpected when the others were having friends visit today. It seems some was busy doing their own thing during their vacation so all is well...that is until Rioto made one little mistake when he was on a mission for training when it comes to finding targets. Wanna see what? Read to find out.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
((Your reading part 4))
--- Warning ---
~Their will be swearing present
~A beat down will be present
~A sick little black fire hell cat is present
~worried demon fractions is present
~~Guests in drabble~~
Van Ink the dragon with the DBT, Taz Hellion, Kinie, Rioto Kir-IN, Daichi Pheon-X belong to my beloved amazing friend @demon-blood-youths
The cursed vixens along with Yuuka and her team dark eclipse nightshades belong to me. Ryomen Sukuna, Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, and Nobara Kugisaki is from the anime serious Jujutsu Kaisen. Also to me due to rping as them as muse
((Note: This drabble will have heavy grammar mistakes and errors but this was written for fun. I hope you understand but also enjoy please.))
It seems like a normal day for Megumi and the others here in Tokyo Jujutsu High even after the last three missions that went about. They were seriously crazy and yet, this leaves them already hoping for one normal calm mission to deal with! Well, it seems that's the case or a start. It begins with Taz's friends coming to visit once more being the DBT, the cursed vixens, and the dark eclipse nightshades. They wanted to take another vacation so they figured to visit Taz and the others.
Gojo was happy to see and welcome them even seeing the others doing well and hearing of the crazy adventures that went along. Though, it seems Taz and the others were doing alright. So....what would make this another mission? Wellllll....
Right now, Megumi was eating some lunch with Yuji and Daichi today as they were on a break. It seems it was needed after the missions but it was fine.
"You know, today is pretty good. So relaxing and quiet too." Yuji smiled happy eating some ice cream with Megumi reading something and Daichi relaxing with Eito sitting near by taking a light nap.
"True, having some days off is nice." he said stretching not minding this.
"Well, even after everything..it seems it was not too bad." Megumi agreed and he was not angry so that was good to know. The three boys sighed happily to relax now. It was like nothing could go wrong on this day. Nothing at all-
Suddenly, a loud bomb was heard making the three look up to blink. "Huh?" Megumi blinks but he goes to look through the window, seeing some cloud and some smoke. "......Oh what now?" he grumbled.
"What's wrong Megumi?" Yuji asked looking with Daichi coming too. Before he could explain, another loud bomb was heard but the boys shield their eyes to see something crash into the woods and hitting some trees. This even woke up Eito who snaps awake.
"...What the hell was that!?" Yuji said in shock seeing the smoke and dust with Megumi and Daichi not knowing. However they will in a moment.
"What's going on!? Are you guys doing something stupid again!" Megumi, Yuji, and Daichi blinks to look seeing Nobara there with Maki and a worried Taz. Kinie was sitting on top of her head.
"Yeah, what is with the fucking noise!? I'm trying to take a nap damn it!" Kinie hissed not liking her naps being ruined.
"We don't know. We were just resting before hearing the noise." Megumi said as the girls look then at the dust in the sky.
"Well, we might have to find out what is going on. I'm sure it's nothing...I hope." Maki sighed but the group looks to think about it. Their goes their day off. So being quick, they hurry off to see what the heck was going on.
In a while, they got through the forest to look around. They were trying to find where the noise came from but as they went through, it was starting to get colder? This confused the group since it was warm right now. So how in the world was it getting cold? To get their question answered, a familiar voice was heard.
"Uhhhh who the hell was that!?" Nobara asked looking left and right but Megumi felt his eye twitch knowing who. Daichi sweatdrops and Yuji sighed. The boys knew.
'Oh no..'
Rioto Kir-IN, a youth that serves the future Great Demon Lord Oda that carry the great power of Everlasting Winter of Dark Kirin was standing right there laughing happily while looking at his target. "You are defeated you cursed cat! Now, you shall suffer from the power of my wrath!" he said with a loud laugh.
"..Who the hell is that?" Maki asked but Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, and Sukuna sighed.
"You don't want to know.." they said.
Taz was worried to wonder who he was attacking another cursed spirit. However, the familiar scent made her confused. The smell was really familiar; roasted chestnuts with some daisy and fresh bread? She looks further but saw who.
A girl but she had one pair of black googles that looked destroyed, a bandana around her neck frozen or burned, torn up knee high jeans with all black shoes, a few trinkets hanging on the belt loops. Wait..that almost looked like.
"Jinx?!" Taz's voice was worried making the others look to her.
"Wait, Jinx? Isn't that one of your friends?" Nobara asked.
"Yes! But why is Rioto attacking her!?" she said but the others saw him laughing.
"Now, I shall banish and exorcist you to the others and free you from-"
This caused the other to tense and grew afraid hearing a familiar voice. He looks seeing the others from before but he grew pale seeing a angry Megumi.
"......Ohhh No..Oh NO NO NO! Not you again!" he said about to back up but he got grabbed by him as the others checked on Jinx.
"Jinx!? Jinx, are you alright?! Can you hear me!" Taz said worried seeing her shaking from being cold but she didn't respond to her like she had a cursed like cold.
"What the heck is she doing here and why was he attacking her!?" Maki asked but they got their answer when some sounds of running is heard looking up.
"Guys, where is he! I could have sworn he took Jinx over here!" another familiar voice was heard that Taz knew of. She looks seeing her leader of the DBT with some others in her fraction showing up.
"I'm sure they are around here Ink." Yuuka Nakano, leader of the dark eclipse nightshade was there with her team.
Even the other members of the cursed vixens were there worried to look for their leader. Yuji saw but stood up.
"Guys???" the groups look to see Yuji but also saw the others and the guy that attacked Jinx.
"YOU!!!" Echo was about to bomb him but Megumi looks to the now scared Rioto.
"What the hell did you do!?"
"W..What? I was just trying to help before heading off to my new school! do my first scout mission! That's all!!" said scared but Megumi was confused. What did he mean help!?
"M..Maybe I can explain.."
~~~~Timeskip: 20 minutes later~~~~
Everyone was sitting in the room but Ink was sitting by a now bundled up but still cold Jinx who was showing her black flamed panther ears and two tails but they were not black but blue!?
"So, let me get this straight. You 'volunteered' to help with a side mission with your new school." Gojo asked with seeing a scared Rioto sitting down.
"But it's some sort of starter mission to hunt down cursed spirits. You were given a mission to hunt down some cursed hell cat that took form of a girl?" he said seeing Rioto nod.
"...So you went and looked for this hell cat but you ended up finding Jinx here and think she's the cursed hell cat your looking for?" he asked but Rioto nods.
"But she is isn't she!? She said she was a leader of the cursed vixens so I thought she was it. She even said she was the cursed hell cat of black flames!" he said trying to sound innocent but Megumi did a face palm.
"You have got to be either brain dead or stupid. How the hell is she a cursed spirit!?" Shdwkyz said with arms crossed.
"Yeah, not to forget you even attacked Jinx and her team!" Nobara adds in angry to him.
"Yeah, not cool!" Mouse said with Melinda sighing.
"True..you didn't have to attack us." Melinda adds in but Jaron didn't know that.
"You attacked them!?" he said.
"Yeah, you son of a bitch! I should bomb your ass to the moon!" Echo said not happy with Vivi sitting being quiet.
"Vivi, is that true?" Shdwkyz asked seeing the other nod.
"Yes. We were-"
"HEY! IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOUR TEAM HAS THE NAME CURSED VIXENS! Maybe if you changed it I wouldn't have attacked you! DX" he points at them. "Besides, you were trying to find this school and attack and the same for my arch nemesis! I heard it from your so called leader!" he said pointing at the sick Jinx who was purring softly with her tails curled up.
"I WILL ATTACK AND GET RID OF ALL CURSED SPIRITS IN THIS WORLD. THAT IS THE WILL OF MY-" He started to say only to get bonked on the head by a annoyed Vivi. "OW!!"
"......So loud." she said with a vein showing near her forehead. Yuji and Daichi tense sensing her cursed energy. Yeah, still terrifying.
"Okay but why did you attack her though?" Yuuka asked wanting to know. "What did you do?"
"Huh? Oh simple! I froze her heart with my cursed energy so she will be stopped from taking over the school and hurting you guys!" he said proud but the others blinks to hear this.
"..H..He can't be serious....can he?" Maxine said with his arms crossed but they looked seeing he was serious. Though, Ink didn't take it well.
"THE FUCK!?" Megumi said.
"YOU FUCKING DID WHAT TO HER!?" Echo shouted now ready to strangle him.
"Wait, what do you mean froze her heart! The heck did you do to my sister!?" Ink said about to stand but Rioto got scared seeing the cursed energy from Ink showing. Though, Ink did see Jinx as a sister and friend but she was still angry seeing she was going to be exorcist like some spirit.
"Now now everyone just calm down." Gojo said but looks to Rioto. "Listen, I know you were given a start mission from your school but I think you got the wrong target here. That girl you attacked is Jinx Violet. She is a hell cat but not the one your looking for. Do you have a photo of her?" he asked.
"Of course I do! I was given the pic of the target!" he said reaching into his pocket to show it to Gojo and the others. He looks to the picture but then lifts his bandana to look at it then at Jinx.
Megumi looks too but his eye twitched to look at him.
"Ummmmm, that looks nothing like Jinx. That looks like more of a older teenager....." Vivi said looking at the picture.
"Are you blind! Of course that's her!" he said showing the pic and looks to compare. The target in the picture didn't look like Jinx at all but she was more lighter on the skin, she had all red hair, dark blue eyes and some cold frozen claws that looked like flames.
'.....This guy is a idiot....I feel bad for the school he's going on..' Rust thought with a sweatdrop. Breezy shook her head but she snatched the picture.
"Dude, look at the pic and our leader! Hard! how the hell is that her!? Are you blind or something!?" she said but Rioto blinks to look at the pic then takes it back.
"I'M NOT BLIND! Look!!! She looks just like the girl!!" he said not giving this up leading to some argument between him and Breezy. However, as they were fighting, Gojo got a phone call to blink and answer.
"Hello?......Uh huh.....yes, he's here.....oh? Huh, well, I can let you tell him. Hold on." he lowers the phone. "Rioto?"
He sees Gojo show the phone of a call for him. He blinks to take it. "Uhhhh hello?......Oh! Utahime sensei! Yeah, I'm alright......" He heard the voice on the other line. "Yeah! I was still finishing up my mission and I did it! I found the target like on the picture!" he seems proud but he even smiled. He heard the other speaking then Rioto blinks confused.
"Huh? What do you mean you guys already found the target?.....Uh huh, but I have her right here though! You sure it's-" he stops speaking when he looks to Jinx then at the picture. "........."
".....Wait...so the target the real one was found?..On the outer side where you were?" he sweatdrops. "And she was hiding there?" more sweat shows seeing some angry fraction members.
".......Are you sure it's her though? I mean, Gojo can send a picture.." he said but he lets Gojo do that quickly as he takes a pic of Jinx and sends it to Utahime. In a moment the other was shocked with some of the other students muttering when seeing this.
"Yes, it seems he might have looked at the picture wrong and attacked another thinking she was a cursed spirit......you think so? Well, we will keep him here till you pick him up. Yes, Jinx is fine..but a little sick. Seems he froze her heart but she will be alright.." Gojo smiled.
"How the hell is she alright!? She's looking like she got the damn flu!" Sukuna grumbled even if her cursed energy was super cold that Jinx was still shivering.
"Well, we can treat her but Jinx will be fine." Gojo said but Rioto sweatdrops but he was rubbing the back of his head. Daichi shook his head. "You can reverse it can't you?" he asked seeing Rioto laughing.
"Of course I can! Look it's not that hard!" he goes to Jinx but rests a hand on her back trying to focus on his cursed energy. He sees his hand glowing blue but saw Jinx still shivering like a curled up kitten before she stops. Rioto took his hand off her back to smirk proud.
"See? All better!" he said laughing as a win. The others looked to Jinx but she slowly sits up sniffling.
"Uhhhh Jinx? You okay?" Ink asked but that's when the others saw her about to sneeze.
"Ah....ah.....ahhhh...Achoo!!!" That's when a blue ice like fire ball shows up from the hell cat and caused a giant explosion in the wall leaving some smoke and a giant gaping hole. The fractions were coated in dust and twitched.
"O.o Ohhhh....Oops." Rioto blinks but Daichi coughed.
"WHAT THE FUCKKKKK!!!!" Echo shouted.
"Well, that was unexpected.." Vivi mutters but coughs with the other girls to blink from this. Yeah, that didn't fix anything at all.
"Hold on, I think I can-GAH!" That's when he got grabbed by a very angry Nobara.
"YOU SERIOUS THOUGHT THAT HELPED!? YOU MADE IT WORSE!!" Nobara said annoyed with Rioto now as she was shaking him after grabbing his shirt.
"I'M SORRY! I CAN FIX IT!" he said but Jinx was about to sneeze again.
"Jinx, no no no! Don't sneeze!" Echo said as the cursed vixens tried to help their leader but she sneezed causing her team to shout again. The DBT, The dark eclipse nightshade, with the other jujutsu students shield their faces from another giant explosion but it was even colder to look.
Jinx accidentally frozen her teammates in ice!
Jinx sniffles but giggled. "Sorrie....." she mutters but Megumi looks angry that Rioto was shaking scared.
"W..wait, wait wait I can-"
"THAT'S IT!!" he shouted chasing Rioto who screams in fear running away. "GET BACK HERE! "
"NOOOOOO LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" he cries as the DBT was shocked but Gojo blinks to hold back from laughing.
Yeah, this was going to be a long day off for them or to say in short, it was ruined. Hours later, the others were sent home but Jinx was now stuck in bed. The other cursed vixens were wrapped up in blankets shaking from the cold but given hot tea. Rioto was caught by Megumi but he got more slaps and hits as he was crying. Now he was more scared of Megumi now.
"This..has been one crazy day off.." Maki said.
"Agreed.." Nobara said.
"My head hurts.." Yuji said from all this.
"Stop being a baby Brat..." Sukuna said.
"Well, that was almost like a side mission for you guys but hey, at least you got something in for future ones." Gojo smiled to his class but they sighed shaking their heads but they got jumpy seeing Jinx about to sneeze again. She did but made a bigger explosion.
"WILL SOMEONE PLEASE KNOCK HER OUT TO SLEEP! SHE'LL BRING THE DAMN SCHOOL DOWN!" Kinie shouted angry from the school with other students wondering what the heck just happened.
At least Rioto apologized before being taken back to his school with Utahime saying sorry with Gojo saying it's fine. Daichi facepalmed shaking his head with Megumi still heated but he was fine. A day off was crazy but at least it wasn't a serious one right?
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