I want to scream.
I have some tags blocked, but people I follow are posting about the shit I have the tags blocked for, expect they aren't tagging there damn post with the tags I have blocked.
So now I get to see the damn shit I don't want to sit even though I have the tags for it blocked but people won't use those tags so the post won't get hidden even though I don't want to see it!!!!
F Me!!!
Please for the love of everything can people just tag their post properly so it gets filtered by the blocked tags I have. And I promise you it's not a long list of block tags I have it's just a very specific select few for things I don't want to see and yet I see blogs that I've Loved making posts about the thing I don't want to see and they aren't tagging them properly so now I have to see these posts that I've been trying to block because I'm sick of seeing them and it doesn't help that a while ago I would get harassed by bot accounts that were stealing legitimate people's information and pretending to be them to make these specific posts I have tags that are usually going along with them blocked.
It's just like I have these specific tags blocked for a reason and then people just make posts and reblogs with zero tags and I end up seeing the shit that I have the tags blocked for. Really don't want to see this shit on my timeline and I know I could just unthaw the blog that's doing it but it's multiple blogs and the other content they make is what was the reason they got me to follow in the first place and now they're making posts about this shit that I don't want to see and it's disheartening because, what the hell!? :(
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How has Wilson just never come to the conclusion to just not take anything house hands him food drinks anything. Cuz there's bound to be a point that he has to reach just think maybe I shouldn't accept anything from house in fear of being drugged again. XD XD
made a montage of the different times House drugged Wilson :3
I love the moments when Wilson finally realizes what’s happening his reactions are priceless
i had to cut the video very short so tumblr would let me post this, full vid is on my TikTok and has all the moments: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP8dKKBbP/
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I'm going to make another rant post here. :P
So anyway recently felt like fully getting into a fandom that I had seen in passing and slightly engaged with but never really got into it but I thought it was awesome.
And you see I thought I'd get into it nowadays because the initial wave of it hidden seem to be finally over I thought yeah it's been a good few years it's over it should be fine there shouldn't be any problems with it the initial hype and stuff of it should should have died down by now there isn't going to be any drama there isn't going to be any problems there isn't going to be any bad things happening.
Well as soon as I go to want to engage in it something bad happens, and like do you guys ever just have that happen to you where you finally are excited and like ready to engage in something that has peaked your interest has has made you think it's so cool and then it just falls apart in front of you and your left feeling like an empty husk of nothing.
Cuz I'm feeling that right now and like I've been through a good few fandoms worth just terrible things went down in them and those are mostly because I ended up getting on the train for the fandom early and it's life and of course that's bound to happen but I didn't think it would happen to this fandom that I wanted to engage with because it's been a good few years the initial stuff of it has been over and done with it was finally calming down over things and it was starting to like mellow out and then this happened.
Awesome yes I am just going to leave it there and I am just going to leave you all guessing on what the hell I'm talking about because I'm not going to tell you what fandom I'm talking about it could be anything and honestly I'll say this much it really could be anything but it's just a fandom that I thought was cool and the stuff people were making for it was great but now I'm not really sure how to feel but I still want to get into it but I don't know anymore.
I just feel tired, can't we just have one good thing happen can we reverse the internet back to the days where we had to post on the forms websites, back when we couldn't easily spread information about something bad happening because that's where it all goes wrong.
Anyway I think I'm going to go back to not engaging with the fandom right now, go back to napping on the idea of joining it. Lol
But I can say I'm pretty sure if I give it a good few months maybe a year it'll have been forgotten about. Lol. And everything will be all hunky dory all sunny and happy again. xD
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1. Funny
2. That is so dang new!? Also yay, a Team Past member!! Hooray!!
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Rant post
I don't want to be a burden to my friends so I'm posting this here isn't. Cuz I'm sure enough one will see it and I'll be nice to get off my chest. Still going to give it proper tags tho. Lol
Does anybody else just have that one person in their life that takes shit way too far into a point that it's uncomfortable and kind of annoying but they still continue it after that even though you're showing visible signs that you're uncomfortable with what they're doing and wanted to stop but don't want to be rude by calling them out about it.
Because I do I have someone like that in my life and I've told them time and time again to stop doing things and taking things to the point that it makes me uncomfortable.
And it's not like they're blind or anything they can clearly see I'm uncomfortable when they continue to do the things but they still keep going anyway and even worse is a lot of the times they'll say they're just joking around they're just having fun it's a joke don't take things so seriously it's not a joke when it makes the other party uncomfortable it's not a joke when it makes the other party upset it's not a joke when it makes the other person mad or angry or anything.
It's only a joke when the other person is also enjoying it and laughing along.
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Tiny friends
Photographed by Miles Herbert
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if i was the twelfth doctor and i was losing a beautiful manic pixie dream girl with big brown eyes to an irrelevant british army vet i would start eating my own organs
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Can someone redraw this as House from House MD? This feels very much like him, and Wilson or Cuddy or both would be standing near by looking disappointed. xD
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WTH, trying to go though the gravity falls tag here and it's spammed full of bot post!!
Like it's ever 4 to 5 ish normal post there will be a bot post that just has random unrelated tags on it, two of the tags being #gravity falls and #book of bill
So I'm making this post, if you see a post unrelated to gravity falls please report it!! Help clean up the gravity falls tag!!
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And they tricked each other with their own eyes, even if they says they didn't get tricked that's a lie. :)
wilson is more evil than house he just tricked us with his big brown eyes....
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To be fair they're not wrong on the snail thing, because there's also a movie called Turbo about snails that race each other.
But yes that pipsqueak of aman is very babygirl. 💖🥰💖
Sorry that Turbo is my babygirl. It will continue.
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If you vote, please reblog for a bigger sample size of this poll!
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Damn, you go David Tennant. He's both the King and Queen right here and he doesn't even know. XD
An like the person above, God bless David Tennant. 💖🥰🎉
Also that lady is certainly digging herself into a hole. Rip she probably won't be missed much. If she gets into anything again I'm sure she'll lose it soon after anyway. Lol
has tumblr found out about kemi badenoch basing her campaign launch around being anti-david tennant specifically. do we all know about this
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Yo I'm so normal right now.
Like one would never understand how normal I am.
Okay but like I am struggling to pick a team.
Like I want to go with past because of the potential it could have on the fourth game, but I also want to go with present because the first platoon game I ever played was 2.
Future is cool but like we kind of already got a future-ish thing in the DLC and having a whole game based around future stuff I mean definitely cool, but I think there's far more potential with past. Imagine it took place during the Great turf war or something now that would be awesome imo.
Also, the one time I pray the middle team won't win, cuz like I feel like the all the games are already technically the present. Lol
Anyway I'm totally not freaking out about Grand festival. No not at all. 😅🥰☠️💀
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A fun fact I learned last year, you're supposed to add water to those markers to get them to work.
Where the hell in the fine print did they put that cuz I never saw it! 😭😭
when I try to show something to a friend related to an interest they like but I know nothing about, I feel like a relative giving them this
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