#the misbegotten children of Halone™️: the dragoon™️
Moonfire Mayham
"Why the fuck are there hatchings in the liberty leave briefing?" Philippe mock-demanded, fixing a scowl on his face.
"Hatchlings are here because they're getting to go to Moonfire for the first week." Lysette, the newest 2IC for the House Dzemel dragoons responded. She lifted a booted foot off a chair as Reinhardt moved into the cluster.
"I see babysitting duty's on the menu for the first week." He commented, dropping down onto the chair. "Sucks to be you..."
"Whatddya mean 'sucks to be you'?" Came the retort from Stella, a House Fortemps dragoon. She glared at Reinhardt--or rather she and Noelle--her inner dragon--did. Reinhardt felt Paien shimmer into reality around his neck, his other half smirking.
"I'm not going to be in this mess. Have fun running herd this week." A shit-eating grin spread across Reinhardt's face as his seatmates exploded in curses.
"Listen it's not on me that you didn't put in for your time when your captains asked for it back then."
"You fuck!" Stella snapped, kicking the back of Reinhardt's chair as the auburn-haired dragoon cackled. Noelle was hiss-spitting at Paien, who just looked very smug.
"I wonder if we can fight to claim his vacation time." Philippe wondered aloud.
"I have zero qualms throwing your ass off off the Cathedral." Reinhardt reached into his pocket for his tomestone. "And I don't want to see any of you fucks loitering by us in Costa. Go find your own food!" Of course he was expecting the unit to ignore this and show up, it was practically tradition at this point.
"We should probably--"
"Attention!!" Came a shout. Every single dragoon stopped what they were doing, bolting to their feet. All eyes fixed on the front of the room, where Brucemont had just gotten on top of a small platform. Behind him, Helgrim cleared his throat.
"At ease!" He called. As one, the dragoons sat down. At a nod from Brucemont, Helgrim continued.
"This is the safety brief for those who drew the short straw for this half of the Moonfire Faire! If your ass is scheduled for liberty for the second week, then why the fuck are you in here!? If we find out you're scheduled for second week guess what you're gonna be doing for the full fuckin fortnight?! Check your leave papers now!"
"Always a dumbass that forgets." Lysette muttered, the group nodding in agreement.
"First Lance has the floor!"
"Here we go!" Stella stage-whispered, starting to giggle. Philippe was starting to snort, Lysette was biting back laughter, and Reinhardt was covering his mouth. Titters could be heard from various other locations. On the platform, Brucemont sighed. He fully anticipated a body count on the first day. The Admiral was probably already laying bets and placing ringers.
Ah well.
"Do not add to the population!" He bellowed. "Do not subtract from the population! Do not end up in these three locations; jail, the newspapers, or the infirmary! If you end up in the first, establish dominance quickly! If you end up in the second, you will be praying to the Fury for death by the time I'm done with you! If you end up in the third, you're going to wish that you had stayed there by the time I'm done with you! Pay your fucking bar tabs! Hydrate! That is all."
Note: Hatchling= squire, private
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🖊️For whomever you feel like talking about
🖊️ Augustine
From what Augustine had heard, the newest training roster for hopeful dragoons were full of rather... interesting characters. Not that it was unfamiliar to him, the Temple Knights and the High Houses all had their own stories of unruly squires.
The Knights-Dragoon however...had their own special brand of bedlam.
"Shouldn't someone..."
"No, no, let the youngbloods fight!" Helgrim cheered. Augustine shot a shocked glance towards Reinhardt, who was slowly shoving his way through the gathered mob around the three combatants. A fight had broken out in one of the side dining areas of the Congregation--over what Augustine had no idea, but Helgrim and the other senior dragoons present were cheering on a small Midlander hyuran woman, who was currently engaged in beating the ever-living shit out of a Highlander woman, while another group of squires were struggling to hold back and calm down an elezen woman.
"Those two have been bullying her ever since the class was formed. Teachers were about to step in but--" Helgrim shouted as with a scream, the midlander sized her opponent and threw her bodily over the dining counter.
"Seven hells!!!"
"I want her as my squire, I'll fuckin fight anyone else!" Another dragoon cheered. The elezen finally managed to kick and squirm past the people blocking her. With a battle-cry she snatched up a chair, and flung it with all her strength towards the smaller woman--
Only to gawp in shock as the midlander reached out with one hand, defecting the chair with one hand away from her. The roar of approval from the onlookers was loud enough to rival the bloodsands' spectators.
"YOUNGBLOOD!!" Helgrim cheered. Reinhardt finally shoved his way through the mob, snatching the elezen--who had recovered and was charging the midlander with another chair--by the back of her clothing and yanking her off course--
Only to get another chair broken on his back and shoulders from the highlander, who had recovered her wits and had come to help her friend. Augustine's eyes widened as his battle brother absorbed the blow, going stock still. An immediate and awful silence filled the room--Reinhardt was easily identifiable by his pearl-white armor and hair.
Oh shite--
And before anyone could blink--Reinhardt had snapped around, dragonfire bleeding into his eyes--
"SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND DO NOT FUCKING MOVE OR YOU WILL BE ADDRESSING THE FURY WITH YOUR NEXT FUCKING BREATH!!" His roar was enough to ensure immediate submission from the trainees, Augustine watched as the combatants instantly obeyed, while the other trainees turned as one and bolted for the door. Even a few of the older dragoons looked a little stunned. Helgrim however was laughing like a lunatic.
"I fuckin love training camps!"
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everything's fine. it's winter training. nothing can go wrong!
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When you hear something has Gone Wrong™️ on the training grounds while you're reporting to your commanding officer.
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Aymeric: Very Polite 'WTF?' Handelhoup: Done. Finished. The body is present but the soul has checked out for the day.
(Certified Young Dumbass Dragoon Fuckery™️: The Hamster Wheel Incident)
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