#the moneyman
goodqueenaly · 8 months
Having recently read Thomas Costain’s The Black Rose, I have now also finished another Costain historical fiction novel, The Moneyman. To (very) briefly summarize, The Moneyman is the story of a real-life figure, Jacques Cœur, a merchant raised to the nobility by King Charles VII of France and made the king’s chief finance minister and one of his closest advisors, only to be disgraced and exiled after a false accusation of murder is laid against him by that same king. As I mentioned in my last post, The Moneyman is supposedly GRRM’s favorite of Costain’s works, so I was very intrigued to see if GRRM would borrow any ideas or character models from The Moneyman for his Westerosi works.
Unfortunately, once again I find very little to parallel with ASOIAF. The titular Moneyman himself might be as rich as Littlefinger, but the charges of embezzlement falsely levied against Cœur would be all too accurate if laid at Littlefinger’s door. Indeed, Cœur's deep, honest, but not sycophantic loyalty to Charles VII - a willingness to tell the king the truth coupled with a desire to look out for the best interests of the kingdom - could not be more alien to Littlefinger, whose selfishness and dishonesty are central to his personality. (In fact, the closer parallel to the Moneyman might be someone like Enguerrand de Marigny of The Accursed Kings.) I suppose you could compare Cœur to say, Davos Seaworth - the honest common man raised to the nobility by a grateful king - but Cœur is, well, defined by his substantial personal fortune in a way Davos obviously is not (because he has none, of course), nor can Charles VII’s petty jealousy of Cœur's wealth (and his subsequent willingness to condemn his devoted servant on trumped-up charges) be compared to anything in the relationship between Davos and Stannis. 
Now, is it possible that GRRM took a bit of inspiration from Cœur's trial at the end of the book for Tyrion’s trial at the end of ASOS? Maybe. Just as Tyrion was falsely accused of poisoning Joffrey, Coeur is falsely accused of poisoning Lady Agnes Sorel, the beloved mistress of King Charles. In both cases, the author makes very clear that the accused was not in fact guilty of the crime by setting the reader in the accuser’s point of view at the time of the supposed poisoning, while simultaneously using circumstantial and/or outright fabricated evidence to make the case against the accused seem that much more damning. (Nor, indeed, is an explanation lacking in either case: the author makes clear many times, through Cœur as well as other characters, that Agnes Sorel is too sickly to live long, while Littlefinger explains the Joffrey poisoning plot to Sansa in pretty plain terms after the Purple Wedding.) Just as Tyrion’s physical proximity to and post-murder handling of Joffrey’s wedding cup helped sell the testimonies to his guilt at his trial, so Coeur’s administration of medicine to the dying Agnes Sorel is used by the prosecution to portray Coeur as a fiendish poisoner. Too, much as Taena Merryweather falsely testified that she had seen Tyrion pour poison into Joffrey’s cup, followed by Shae's false testimony as to Tyrion and Sansa’s allegedly conspiracy, so on the stand at Cœur's trial Jeanne de Vendôme fabricates an elaborate story of poisoning which she supposedly witnessed firsthand. Additionally, just as Pycelle (correctly) reported that Tyrion had taken poisons from his stores in order to falsely suggest that Tyrion gave poison to Joffrey, so one witness at Coeur’s trial - a doctor whom Cœur privately derides as a “great windbag … pedantic and opinionated and yet at the same time servile to all forms of authority”, not too far off the mark from Pycelle himself - seizes on Cœur's real, though harmless, mercantile association with the East to falsely link Cœur to the “Eastern poison” which supposedly killed Agnes Sorel. Cœur also offers to confess to a crime he knows he did not commit, in order to save his alleged co-conspirator (though he later rescinds this proposal); somewhat similarly, Kevan offered, in vain, to have Tyrion confess in exchange for permanent exile at the Wall (an offer that I think was genuine on Tywin’s part). 
Now, while Cœur is not allowed to offer any defense on his own part (much as Tyrion was not at his trial), Cœur, unlike Tyrion, actually gets exonerated for the poisoning allegation, thanks to the testimony of an honest doctor who identifies the flaws in the case against Cœur. (Though Cœur is convicted of what Costain asserts were equally ludicrous charges and forced into permanent exile.) Of course, Costain didn’t invent the idea of trumped-up charges and patently untrue accusations in a legal trial (and Costain himself clearly states in his introduction and epilogue that he has, so he believes, adhered as closely to the real history of Cœur's downfall as possible), so it’s not that I think GRRM is uniquely indebted to Costain for Tyrion’s trial. Rather, while I think both are borrowing the same old tropes for similar stories, I can also acknowledge that this specific usage of those tropes may have been part of the inspiration for GRRM. 
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moonsidesong · 3 months
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@brifdi-daily week 11!!! a lot of my big faves this week wow wowwow
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sillydum · 7 months
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wroophruh · 1 year
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Okok hear me out,
So, what if Etho was Robin hood?
Robin Hood, Sir Ethos of Loxley.
An inventor and noblemen during the day, at night he stakes out to return the plundered riches of the poor. Fighting against the corrupted church that has been stealing from the people of Nottingham.
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iasips8 · 8 months
mk for me
gangs cutie marks (my version)
dennis: lipstick
dee: laughing emoji (or could be crying)
mac: dumbbell (i cant choose i might change it)
charlie: cheese
frank: moneybag
this makes sense to me no further questions
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moniquelewisofficial · 10 months
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companyenvy · 1 year
v: hyperion moneyman
takes place prior to tftb, when Vaughn is an accountant.
v: pandoran escapades
takes place during the events of tftb.
(may add a second during-tftb verse here as well for a different part of the story)
v: child of helios
Vaughn leads the Children of Helios, refugees from the escape pods of Hyperion's crashed moon base Helios who are now living on Pandora. From the outside, they seem like a bandit camp, so few Pandorans mess with them.
v: post tftb
post-game verse. Details tbd!
au: fantasy
AU in tandem with @companywrath and @companypride. Vaughn attended the same mage college as Rhys, but when they hijack a deal "Assquez", as Vasquez calls him, made, and are ricocheted into ensuing adventures Rhys quickly finds his passion isn't in magic or accounting -- it's in fighting with swords, axes and the like, what with his secretly-swole physique hiding just under his robes till then, and how much exhilaration he feels from adventuring with Rhys and Fiona, despite the danger present.
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imemon-blog · 2 years
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artistsounds · 2 years
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tizzle29 · 2 months
Every nigga ain’t your friend and most of these bitches for these streets!!!
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moonsidesong · 5 months
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bestie and i were discussing a scenario in which canes cup continuously worms his way into the moneynana household for no reason and they do Not Like Him (he brought his very safe friend with him this time)
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pslvtv · 4 months
Sri Venkateswara Mangala Sasanam | శ్రీ వెంకటేశ్వర మంగళా శాసనము | PSLV TV
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timphresh · 7 months
Tim Phre$h x Money Man x Type Beat (FREE D/L) instagram.com/timphresh twitter.com/myphreshlife [email protected]
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moniquelewisofficial · 10 months
You ain’t got at least 20k don’t say shxt. - Moneyman.
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companyenvy · 1 year
[That wasn’t a punch. If I punched you, you’d be on the floor.]
"Augh! Cmon, no way; that hurt!"
Vaughn rubbed his arm and sighed. That would bruise. Probably.
"You're a real piece of work, you know that?"
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