#the more i've started listening to this advice the better my art has gotten
boilingheart · 2 years
most important thing i've learned through my years of drawing is YOU DON'T HAVE TO KEEP THE FIRST DRAFT/ATTEMPT. if it doesn't feel right just throw it away! try again! just kill it! try again! 9/10 trying again gets me the results than just cleaning the first one over and over.
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this already feels a lot better. the first one felt like she was floating but when i decided to just stop trying to fix it and just start over, i got IMMEDIATE results.
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ssalballoon · 8 months
i wanna get better at art but dont know how to start ^^' whats a good way to get into studying anatomy and improving as an artist? tysm 💗 love your art soso much
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more art converts 😼 yay!!
i think these asks were sent by different people but they're pretty related + a lot of my advice is the same! so i'll answer these together under the cut (it's so long oh gosh)
ok first of all i'm very flattered that people are asking me for art advice but i'm really not the most equipped person to ask TTOTT I've never been deliberately studious with my art so I feel bad offering advice when I've mostly gotten by with just drawing fanart and ocs a lot... my rate of improvement has therefore been slow, but I've still had an enjoyable learning experience so perhaps from that angle my input may help! i'll mainly refer you to external resources that have helped me
For anatomy + drawing humans:
1) I know I'm not diligent enough to sit down and study muscles, so instead I make it more enjoyable by drawing my favorite characters in a pose that targets the muscles I want to practice! (i default to drawing ppl naked because of this lol) This isn't the most efficient, but it serves as good motivation to get practice in. (honestly a lot of my general art advice has the undercurrent of becoming so obsessed with characters to drive your motivation to draw even when artblocked/ struggling with doubts!)
2) I want to refer you to Sinix's Anatomy playlist! Although Sinix focuses more on digital painting, he gives simplified anatomy breakdowns that include how muscles change shape under different movements/poses, which is crucial for natural human posing. the static anatomy diagrams from Google don't really help for that
3) What's just as important as anatomy is gestures! (especially important if you're used to drawing non-human objects I think!) Making figures look like they have flow to them will sell the "naturalness"(?) to your anatomy. If you have in person life drawing sessions accessible near you I'd recommend trying those out, or if you prefer trying it digitally there's this website!
This helps you not only get a sense of human proportions, but also natural posing! I'd limit the time taken to draw the poses from like 10 seconds to 1 minute(?) for quick gestures, and maybe 1 minute to 5mins(for now!! typically they go much longer) to study human proportions. I'd say don't spend a lot of time on them, repetition is more important!
4) I've also picked up on useful anatomy tidbits from artists online! Looking at how practiced/ professional artists stylize a body helps me focus on what the essential details are to convey a particular form (looking up "human muscles" and being hit with anatomy diagrams full of all the smallest details can be overwhelming! what do you even focus on?! so these educated simplifications really help me) Like Emilio Dekure's work! Look how simplified these figures are, and yet contain all the essential information to convey the sense of accurate form (even though it's highly exaggerated!)
(shamefully admits I've never studied from actual anatomy books so I can't recommend anything in that sense TTOTT)
For general improvement:
1) I highly recommend Sinix's Design Theory playlist and Paintover Pals! (+ his channel in general) You don't have to put them immediately into practice, but I think these are good fundamental lessons to just listen to and have them in the back of your mind to revisit another day. Plus these videos are just fun and very approachable! Design theory fundamentals are essential to creating appeal and directing a viewer's attention, and critiquing others' work/ seeing his suggestions are a good way to practice noticing areas of improvement+ solutions yourself!
2) If you prefer a more formal teaching resource, the Drawabox YouTube course covers all the basic fundamentals of drawing in short lessons. But honestly if I were starting out, this would be a little intimidating for me (and even now it still is! I haven't done all of them) But even if you don't watch them, the titles should give you an idea of the basic concepts that are valuable to pick up. I think it would be nice to keep in mind and revisit once in a while as you learn!
(One lesson I do encourage you to watch is the line control one! A confident continuous line conveys motion and flow much better compared to discontinuous frayed lines which I think is good to practice early by drawing from the wrist and shoulder)
3) As a universal piece of advice: Please please please use references! Use a reference for literally everything, observing is how we learn! You'll find that a lot of things you thought you knew what they looked like are inaccurate by memory alone. Also, trace! This is solely for your practice, tracing then freehanding has helped me grasp proportions when I was struggling! (of course don't post these online if you traced from art)
I've found that being able to compile references into easy to access boards has been very helpful in encouraging me to use references more. For PC, I think they use PureRef (free/pay what you want), and for iPad I use VizRef. VizRef is a one time purchase (which was definitely worth the $3.99 USD price imo)
4) On that note, try building up the habit to observe from media + real life and make purposeful comments about what you see! Like hey, when I bend my knee, the muscles/fat in my thighs and calves bulge outwards, I should draw that next time. Purposeful observation carries over to your overall visual library, and it's a little thing that adds up over time
5) For motivation, get into media you really enjoy, or make your own characters! The way I started art more seriously was by drawing fanart + OCs from anime that I liked ^^ For OCs it really encourages you to draw more because you're the primary creator of their art! Also you gotta see a lot of good art to make good art! Watching visually appealing media (like animation with appealing stylization/simplification) can passively help you learn just by observation.
ok wow I could go on but this is already a lot of information TTOTT my main aim for this reply is basically: don't let anything discourage you from learning to draw!! drawing is so fun and brings me a lot of joy ^^ practicing often will of course help you improve, and the way to incentivize that is by having fun with it! i hope this could help!💞
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dragonroilz · 3 months
Hey there! I've come across your art ever since I got into Risk of Rain 2 (better late than never, I've been sleeping on this game for years, jesus), and I'm enamoured with it, to say the least. Is there any advice you could perhaps give for an aspiring artist?
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you're getting an essay whether you like it or not.
tl;dr of it if you dont want to read
- learn how to take critique
- dont skip fundamentals
- tracing is okay*
- be mindful when drawing
- you wont see good results for a long time
ok firstly, glad you like my art! i try my best on pretty much everything i make so the compliment is greatly appreciated!!
secondly, you have NO clue how much i love yapping about how to draw. im not an expert on how-to-draw-ology but i like to think i know enough to help other people not swing in the dark when it comes to getting better.
learning how to take criticism is THE most important part. not getting butthurt or at least listening to peoples critiques when they mean well is critical to improvement because its specialized advice for you. you have no clue how many young and/or new artists have gotten mad at me for giving critique when they specifically asked me for it. if youre looking to improve you gotta bite that bullet. not all criticism is valid(dont listen to people who are just tryna make you upset), but good and valid criticism can come from anyone. dont unvalidate someone's critique just because theyre not an artist or "not as good" as you. try and get as much feedback as you can and move onto the next piece instead of fixing something to perfection. you will get obsessed in a very destructive way.
learning fundamentals is another step to getting better. that means actually learning perspective, hands, anatomy, and all of the other stuff people hate drawing. its like lifting weights. most people dont like it but if you want to get stronger you need to put in the time to do the painful stuff.
chris christodoulou(ror's composer) actually made a similar comment about the topic of improvement in his field that was along the lines of "if you want to write music, stop playing video games and read a book". he got a lot of shit for saying that but honestly its true.
you need to treat art as a discipline if you want to get better at it. draw as much as you can for as long as you can before it becomes a health hazard. when im not resting i tend to draw at least three hours a day, not counting the 3 to 6 hours additional hours a day i draw during college. obviously a beginner doesn't need to draw that much but drawing daily is a good start.
if you want resources on where to look for fundamentals, Sinixdesign and Ethan Becker were who I turned to for advice that is relevant to the industry. There's definitely others out there but I tend to do more self studying so i don't know the more recent stuff.
something that they'll bring up is that tracing isn't bad AS LONG AS YOU DONT POST IT AND CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN. it's a good way to see how other people deal with stylization, but its absolutely not okay to post that stuff online. treat it like how traditional painters do master studies. its for your own education, not clout. and you shouldn't be drawing for clout anyway.
last but not least, draw what you love and you'll always love drawing. dont be afraid to hyperfixate and lose interest in things. it will help you continue your art journey. a lot of people in my art school have little to no motivation to draw outside of college because they have no interest in drawing outside of assigned work, which is not a great relationship to have with art if you want to pursue it in the long run. draw what you want to draw when the motivation hits you. if that motivation is risk of rain? draw it. if it's leg muscles then fuck yeah draw that too.
you can stick fundamental practice into your casual art by being mindful of what you are drawing. that can be done by asking questions about what's going on to further the progress of your art. its kind of hard to explain in text, but its basically just keeping in mind how your lines influence the piece.
in the beginning youre going to have ideas and none of them are going to translate to paper. its going to take years before anything will ever compare to whats in your brain and thats just the sucky part. ive been drawing seriously for about 5 or 6 years and theres still a ton of shit i do NOT wanna touch but i have to if i want to improve.
we're all sisyphus pushing that goddamn stupidass boulder and the only thing we can do is acknowledge how far we've come while still knowing that there's more work to be done. but thats kind of the shit that i live for.
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mcalhenwrites · 6 months
I'm sincerely trying to find answers to these questions. I'm seeking advice.
I'm going to start this off by stating that I'm still writing. I haven't quit. I'm not going to quit. This is about sharing. I've had so many people assume I quit writing or only will write for the sake of being a published author. I'll always be writing as long as I'm alive.
And as someone who firmly believes that people can choose whether or not to share their art with the world and no one else gets to decide that, I also believe that it's not wrong to want to have readers. Libraries and bookstores and art galleries and art sites and everything else - we connect to each other through art. It wouldn't exist if everyone just went, "Welp, I made the thing, good for me. Done!" And if someone is going to tell me that I should feel that way, I hope you keep all your writing and art to yourself. If not, I'd consider it a kindness to us both if you don't respond to this post through comments, DMs, or asks. Thank you. ;)
So onto the questions I'm seeking advice on.
How can I overcome the shame of posting writing for about 14 years and still barely getting readers? (But often getting a lot of critique?)
I've been in writing circles, reading and cheering on others, and they read one anothers' writing, but I'm frequently passed over/ignored - and that's the kinder response. I've been told that I'm there for my support only, that I'm not a good enough writer myself, that my characters are all the same.
How does one keep posting links to their published work or AO3 chapters/works, when they never get any likes or reblogs across several websites?
When friends have done nothing but scold them for not being good at PR, when I'm just... I'm a writer, not a businessman. And I am trying, but even popular authors on social media have mentioned that word-of-mouth and boosting of their work on social media has impacted their success? That M*sk taking over one of those sites has negatively impacted their interactions and therefore their sales? (Wouldn't this mean they also suck ass at PR? xD)
Am I supposed to believe I have a chance, when even established authors are struggling?
I don't like myself very much, and I'm ashamed of level of skill, even though I enjoy writing so much I can't help but always want to do it. I can't help but create stories and get excited about writing them down. There are even times I feel like I've made progress. Gotten better as a writer.
But it's so hard not to end up letting other people make me feel ashamed.
It's true I shouldn't listen to those people, but why have they been so many, and why is the positivity always so few and far in-between? Maybe if it was one voice in one-hundred, but what if it's twenty voices out of thirty? What am I to believe then? When even friends clearly have no faith in my works and don't want to be seen associating with it?
I wanted to be a published writer. I wanted to make a little bit of an income on writing, so I'd have reason to do what I love even more.
But I've spent most of my life feeling like a fool who keeps humiliating himself. Who wonders if the truth is that I'm worse at writing than even I'm willing to admit.
I had one story that "took off" on AO3, but even that lost readers by the end, and no one is interesting in anything I have created before or since then.
And that story... I've been editing it heavily and even added chapters, and I'm like, "I should post the new version sometime" but I'm convinced no one even wants it. (And I'd have to do it for free, and I can't afford to do things for free. I just got on medicaid finally and went to a food pantry last week and keep applying for help, and I have to wait until April to see a doctor to get critical help for my multiple health issues that might make my ability to work even harder. I broke down and crocheted stock for a table this month, and the pain in my wrist is excruciating, and the pain my heart that I can't spend half that time making personal passion projects with something I only want to do as a hobby is even more excruciating. So no, not every story of mine can just be churned out for free.)
Anyway, thank you for reading and your time, and if you have legitimate advice/answers/support... I could use it. I could use it more than ever. 
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moeblob · 1 year
Before I post any art, I gotta say a thing. And I've told a few people already but I am gonna share it here, too.
TW; Anxiety (but like positive?)
At work I am quite well-known as "that person with anxiety". I think at most points, despite turnover rates of employees, at minimum 65% of all employees have seen me cry at work before. If they haven't, it's probably someone on night crew. The thing is though, it has it's really weird benefits? I'm absolutely not here to wish anxiety on anyone but when someone that isn't me has anxiety? A lot of coworkers will ask me to talk to the person in the middle of an attack because "hey you can relate".
And today all I had to do was listen to someone vent their work stress as she cried out back and vaped a little to calm down. Like, she didn't ask me to join her out back. A guy told me to go check on her so I did. And she just... let it all out. And as she calmed down and was about to go back in I told her "hey it's fine to feel better but if you go right back to where you were it's not gonna help anything. Go into the walk in cooler for a minute to literally cool off" and she paused and was like. Stunned. That it could be that easy. (note, the back? no AC. her station? the pizza station? ovens AND multiple people for body heat. outside where she vented? also hot!)
I just enjoy the fact that while it sucks to have anxiety, I've been there long enough to help multiple people through an attack because I'm just a small and little fella. The least intimidating person in the restaurant who has been seen crying more than any other worker.
I remember having my own anxiety attack and my GM at the time just walked over to me and stood at a slight distance and started to talk to me about a video game he'd been playing lately and when he left to get back to work, I felt better. He just ... rambled about something to distract me and it worked. I remember a manager who had real bad anxiety prior to working and had it under control who told me it was fine to feel anxious because your brain's stupid. And, as a restaurant, he's like "to your brain under an anxiety attack, you could have a line out the door or a lion at the door and it's the exact same sense of fear."
Basically, I haven't had super huge attacks at work lately but I'm still known for having them and for some reason, that gets spread around and no one ever acts like it's a defect. In fact, plenty find it relatable! And when I can help someone with advice I've gotten before or just distracting them with a silly story about the one time I walked in the back door and walked into the cooler and started to cry and shake and a manager found me and goes "did you even clock in yet?" and I shook my head and he told me to go home but after I sat in my car for a bit to calm down. It's nice to hear someone laugh when I tell them "so hey, at least YOU got to clocking in so you're getting paid to cry".
It's just wild how a little understanding goes a long way? How it doesn't fix anything but dang it really does help to just co-exist as "ah yeah I get that - do you want some water?"
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drawsdenfiles · 7 months
I don't use tumblr a lot, but i check your blog all the time now and I wanted to ask what your process is for desiging Butcher's characters?
Aw, thank you for your question! I have way too much to say about this, here we go.
I started drawing them just based on how I imagined them while listening to the audio series, but lately I've tried putting more effort into actually reading Butcher's descriptions. It's his series, man, it's important to me that the characters look like the characters. ♥ Also, putting in that extra effort gives you a better chance at achieving a design other readers might've imagined too. ♥
After reading the descriptions, I'll try to incorporate more personal stuff into each character based on their personality, actions, and/or whatever, like, team they're associated with. For example, Lasciel's a Fallen Angel, right, so I've been giving her a pretty, albeit shattered, halo lately. Namshiel, too, has a broken halo in the form of some curved horns and floaty, magical gemstones. This part's really, really fun and an awesome creative exercise.
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Next thing is to not settle on a design until it feels right. It's an amazing feeling and you'll know it when it hits you. I can't tell you how long I thought about Kincaid's design and how hard it was for me to see him as a blonde. I don't know why! Kincaid took a super long time and I also ended up looking for outside inspiration- I've been playing the Witcher 3 a lot lately and you can totally see that guy in the Kincaid drawings I made recently. Always keep playing around with stuff. It's so fun. Dresden Files is the first book series I've actually gotten really into- seriously, I'm not much of a reader at all, but Butcher's descriptions of characters and scenes give you so much to work with. Aaaand, while I have you... If you're looking for some art-related advice-- studying anatomy/photo books and redrawing the pictures in them have helped me out a whole bunch. I spent hours and hours studying/sketching the shape of the collar bone back when I was in middle school. Really look into proportions too. An oil painting class I took in community college has REALLY helped me appreciate colors and shapes- I've never oil painted before and maybe the supplies can be expensive, but God, it's so worth it, man. My teacher was, and continues to be, a master. OH- and a color theory class too! It was kind of tedious, but I can see color in a totally different way than I used to before. These classes are your tools, man, whether you do traditional or digital art. Did any of that make any sense?? Thank you for your question! I love talking about art- I think it may be difficult for a lot of people, especially nowadays with the introduction of AI, but nothing beats creating something all by yourself, whether it's writing or drawing, etc. Putting in the work and getting that good feeling- it's super cool.
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bananastarion · 11 months
hello :)
I saw your post about you deleting your own art. I think a lot of people on here know the feeling, I know I certainly do. I immediately felt weirdly grandmotherly about what you said in your tags, like, oh no! oh poor baby! here, have some raisin cookies and some tea, let me hug you, nanny's here or whatever X)
I have deleted some stuff in the past as well (I write). It can feel better this way, it's a kind of mental hygiene, yea?
But listen, honey. That's the point. I'm making a bit of an assumption here, but to me it's downright terrifying to post the thing I've poured my heart and soul into and send it out into the webs. Maybe it's a little like taking your kid too school for the first time. If it (your art) doesn't do as well, if, for some reason, it doesn't seem to resonate with your audience as much as it does with you, that's incredibly hurtful.
So, because I feel that pain, I really do, I'd like to share THE best creative advice I've ever gotten:
When I was experiencing bad writer's blog, a GORGEOUS writer here on tumblr whom I admire very much, said this: "We (writers and artists) are capable of an incredible feat of self love. Ideas build up in our heads, long before we start actually creating. Then, one day, out of the blue, we sit down and type the first word" (or draw the first pencil stroke in your case, yes?) "people who don't create, have no idea how much it takes to do that." And that will probably never change. Sad, but true. That is sometimes reflected in the amount of response we get. (fuck notes am i right) Letting yourself get too dependent on that can feel really poisonous. It is, I believe, the exact opposite of that self love. The perceived "love" other people show for our work. It sucks the life right out of you. Everybody feels the need for that praise. When we fall in love with another person, we feel the same urge to tell them and shout it out into the world. But we also have that instinct to keep it (the love, the art) to ourselves, protect and shelter it. Think of a teenager in love for the first time. They may be more likely to blurt it out, unaware that people don't always respond to us as tenderly as we may wish. And that hurts, like hell.
But no matter how frustrated you get, always, always try to find your back to that! The self love! And self love doesn't mean seeing no flaws in your art, never criticizing or questioning what you do and how "well" you do it. It means to KEEP DOING IT, no matter what. Take breaks if you need to, breaks are great. But always get back to the self love. That is why we do it, I think.
So post if you feel ready for it. Or don't if you need to swaddle that babe for a little while longer (what). But keep creating and keep loving it.
If you need a partner in crime and art, please: feel free to hit me up anytime. We could be accountability buddies, or art buddies or the agony-that-is-the-creative-process-buddies, or just friends :)
And if this monstrositiy of unsolicited advice is totally missing the point, feel free to ignore me. :)
Sorry it took me a minute to get back to you, I've been super busy this week helping my dad plan a wine dinner ahdjkfh it's a whole thing... anyway.
It was really kind of you to take the time to write all of this for a stranger, so thank you. I used to be a prolific writer and artist, it would just flow out of me effortlessly. It was never on a professional level or anything, but I didn't do it to impress anyone. I did it entirely for myself.
Then some things happened in my life that destroyed my confidence (not just in my art, but in general) and my creativity suffered immensely. I developed a terrible block that has lasted for years, with no end in sight. Every time I try to get back into things, I find myself frustrated that my output isn't even close to par with what I had done years ago. And most of my work from the past has been lost or destroyed, so I have nothing to show for it. It feels so frustrating, like some part of me has been lost that I can't recover, and now that I'm older it feels too late to bother trying to get it back. So when I finally, actually try while fighting my block every step of the way, putting in a tremendous effort for a lackluster result, only to have my perceptions (seemingly) confirmed by receiving no validation, it really hurt me in a way I wasn't expecting it to. I was considered a prodigy as a child, but my skills quickly stagnated and declined as I got older due to mental health issues... I feel like I let everyone who once believed in me down. Even my own mom, who has a masters degree in art, said "You were good for a child, but you're just not very good anymore. Maybe it's time to find something else", and that was kind of the final nail in the coffin for me.
I think you hit the nail (different nail than the one in the coffin...lol) on the head, that it's not my creativity I've lost, but my self love. Your insight was beautifully said, and rings true. Sorry to just dump my life story on you here, but thanks for listening and caring. It sounds like you can relate, and I'm sorry that you can, but I'd be happy to help encourage you and engage with your creative work as well! Hit me up any time! You seem like an awesome person, and your message was in tune and on time for me. :)
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mirshinelt · 2 years
Listen to Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins on Audible.
In the past I was never really keen on reading self help books. I always felt like there was no point on reading them because I knew what I needed to do but instead I choose to make excuses to procrastinate or not do it. But this is why I think this book by David Goggins has become a favorite of mine at least enough for me to recommend the book. A part of me felt like or rather had grown comfortable in making excuses and using the trauma I went through growing as a crutch. Meanwhile what I needed was a wake up call and stop making excuses for myself. In truth I had started my journey or rather my redemption arc months before I even found out about Goggins's book but after having gone through 2/3 of the book already I have to say this book is just the right thing I needed to push myself off the edge. I also like the inclusion of the task he gives at the end of each chapter it felt interactive and it gave me a goal to get to it got me thinking about things a lot and it got me realizing or rather accepting that I can't keep making excuses I can't use my situation as a crutch if I intend to live the best life I should walk the talk I gotta just do it no ifs or buts about it. So for any of you trying to pick yourself up and wanting to change your life for the better I highly suggest that you pick this book up. Personally for me I much prefer the audiobook as it's set in a semi podcast format so you can actually hear Goggins himself add context and more advice to it. Personally I'm more of a listener then a reader. However if you can't get the audiobook then getting the text is also just as good and still leaves a lasting impact. Or if you have the time then do both have the audiobook playing as you are reading the text and fully immerse yourself in Goggins's work of art which is what I choose to do and when I tell you it left a lasting effect it sure did.
Side note: if you don't do well with strong languages the text version also comes in a more softer toned down one. Though personally I'd rather take in the raw unfiltered one strong language and all. Because quite honestly it leaves a lasting effect and you actually feel the emotions rushing through. But that's just me though everyone has their own preference. Unfortunately the filtered version does not have an audiobook so you're going to have to just settle with reading the text. Again still worth the read and it'll leave you facing yourself.
Months ago I was convinced that I was a healed girl I'd overcome my traumas and all. But when I tell you this book had proven me wrong it did. The effect each chapter leaves on you forces you to reevaluate your life, what you've gone through and what you're goals are even who you are as a person. With the passing of every chapter I felt myself more and more enraged at the life I've let myself go through all in the name of being the victim. You are going to cry a lot you are going to feel angry a lot you might even feel a little anxious needless to say this book will literally leave you feeling like you've taken yourself apart inside out part after part and it's not going to be fun all rainbows and sunshine and it's the furthest from feeling comfortable. But you know what they say success begins at the end of your comfort zone if you're feeling comfortable you're not thriving. Self improvement is not for the weak of hearts you need to be brave to leave behind your comfort zone. I haven't gotten to the end but if it's anything to go by I don't want to live like the me in the past. I had always told everyone how I was a warrior a fighter but in truth I was playing a victim making excuses after excuses. It's time I walk the talk I didn't want to be know as who I was in the past I want to strive to become the warrior the fighter I had been saying I was. With that said if you're wondering what book to pick up on I'd say your best bet is to pick up this book. It's quite literally life changing.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Do you any advice for someone who's going to start college this fall? At this point I'm asking everyone I know that's gotten through college for advice, because I'm very nervous about not being able to handle it academically or financially.
Welp. First piece of advice: take a deep breath and try to relax a little. I know that sounds trite when facing the prospect of a major life change like college, but I'm willing to bet that it's not going to be nearly as scary as you think. I've been both a college student and teacher, so I can advise on both levels, and while it's definitely very different from high school, that's not a bad thing. High school is all about regimentation and standardization and checking boxes and fulfilling requirements, whereas college allows you much more scope to think for yourself and take a creative and individual approach to fulfilling your assignments. You won’t be punished for doing it the "wrong way," unless it really is genuinely wrong, but it's harder to do that than you think. College professors don't have a rubric that they have to follow for every student, or one simple and single way of assessing progress. I went to a hippie liberal arts school that was EXTREMELY in favor of individualistic and personal assessment, but even a regular state university has more latitude than high school.
If you do find yourself struggling with the adjustment, or are unclear about exactly what kind of work is expected from you: for the love of god, talk to your professors! Speaking as someone who faithfully held office hours every week, hoped for students to show up, and then they usually didn't, only to email me with some kind of last-minute problem or question that they could definitely have discussed beforehand, I repeat: talk to your professors! We don't bite, and we're usually more than happy to help and support you or clarify anything that's difficult or uncertain (though please, also read the syllabus to see if your minor procedural question is answered there before emailing us about something that's clearly stated on page three). Professors LOVE it when students take the initiative to learn more about what they want and what they're planning to do. Likewise, if the professor runs, for an example, an essay-prep session in class, listen, take notes, and then actually do what they say. (Am I also speaking from experience here, wherein I would painstakingly explain what criteria I wanted in an essay and then often get... Not That? Possibly. Possibly.) If you panic, isolate yourself, assume that they'll be angry at you, and don't ask for help when you need it, you'll end up making the situation a lot worse than it actually needs to be. Professors have heard a lot. You won't be the first student with whatever your particular problem is, and as I said, we appreciate it when you reach out and proactively contact us.
Likewise, almost all universities will have a dedicated mental health and counseling support center, an academic services and advising center, and other offices intended exactly for terrified freshmen like you, who are entering an unfamiliar environment for the first time and need a friendly authority figure to teach them the ropes without judging them. That is part of what your tuition dollars are paying for; please make FULL use of them. Once again, if you're struggling in silence and assuming that everyone who could help you is just going to judge you for not knowing better, you will sabotage yourself from getting the help that could prevent a minor situation from snowballing and turning into something major. With just a little common sense and self-awareness and ability to recognize when you need an outside hand, you don't have to be scared, truly. We all struggle and have blues and down moments or the "sophomore slump," which was a literal thing in my case since I was depressed as hell almost all year. But you don't have to do it by yourself, and nobody will be mad at you for asking for help, especially before a situation has become bad.
As for money: it depends on what kind of economic background you come from, whether you're used to living independently, if you plan to work either on or off campus, if you have work-study or financial aid, or basic experience in planning out a monthly budget. Textbooks are a total scam; do not buy them at full price from the bookstore, and instead search for free online PDFs or discounted copies at places like AbeBooks. There are other online textbook repositories that I can't remember right now, but a quick Google search can turn them up. If you're on a meal plan or buying your own food, living on campus or commuting from home, that will also affect your expenditures. Try to keep track of how much you're spending every month, what your sources of income are, and if you're going to need any extra. If so, there are likewise plenty of campus resources dedicated to matching students with part-time work and other ways to make a little extra cash. Once again, don't wait until you're actively drowning; if you see something becoming a problem, do your best to address it. You will have to make your own choices about what kind of social events you want to do and how much you expect it to cost, but in my view, college parties are supremely overrated and definitely not something you need to do all the time, especially if you're only doing it since you're worried about not "meeting people." You will meet people everywhere and automatically and make new friends, not only at parties. It will also save you a lot of money if you don't develop any expensive habits.
Overall, while college is certainly a huge adjustment, you can take comfort in knowing that tons of other kids your age are doing the exact same thing, they're just as scared as you, you're not alone, and there are dedicated and professional support networks that exist for you, and very much WANT you to make use of them. You're not "bothering" or inconveniencing them; they're always delighted when students reach out to them, since that's what they are there for. So yes; with a little planning and practical thinking, you'll be just fine.
Good luck!
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radicalravioli · 4 years
Daddys little whore ¡teacher!frank iero smut
Tw.daddy kink,very sexual,alchol .
Frank, Mr iero, frankie , sir , mister , the cool music teacher, the dude that you met at a gig , punk rock 25 year old man who acts like he's 19 . Those are many names that describe Frank iero my music teacher , the one who stole my heart on the first day of freshmen year .
I'm a senior now so I've had a crush on the man for quite a long time.
Of course you can't say he's the sexiest teacher, I mean there's Mr Way out art teacher , Mr Toro our math teacher and
Mr Way number two aka Gerard's brother aka Mikey or our English teacher .
I'm probably the closest with Mikey and Frank , I mean don't get me wrong I still think that Gerard and Ray are cool it's just that. I tell Mikey everything and Frank is the funny teacher that every student adores .
I want to do one thing before heading off to college , and that's hooking up with him .
Yeah that's my plan you heard me.
I've been dressing in some more reviling clothes , I'd wear matching lace underwear with a bra that I had bought specifically for this occasion .
Sometimes I'm in my room alone touching myself to the thought of him and what those tattooed hands could do .
Today I was most definitely gonna get his attention .
I hurried to Mikey's class knowing I'd be late , I spent the whole night on tumblr and reading some NSFW fics.
Gotta love tumblr .
I put on my normal uniform it's just that I put on knee high black socks , a chain to my usual plaid red skirt , then my Converse and finally a black hoodie that on the sleeves wrote
'Daddy's little whore'
With nothing beneath it .
I was gonna hit it off hard .
I opened the door to English as I spotted Mikey in his chair and the students writing some essay or something .
"Morning Mikey , sorry I'm late" I called him by his fist name witch he never liked , but I was practically his best friend so i had a pass .
"Morning y/n take a seat and if you're late again btw this is the fifth time this week , I'm gonna give you detention got it "he said still glued to his papers .
You see Mikey has gotten suspicious , especially cuz I started to dress like a slut .
I'd usually tell Mikey the details about my crushes and how they look like and so on .
And he'd tell me to go ask him or her out .
But I didn't tell Mikey about Frank , I simply can't . He's his best friend and band mate , I can't just straight up say 'hey I like my music teacher I want him to bang me against his desk and call me his dirty little slut '
Hell nah
So I decided to keep it to myself.
Well mostly myself.
I sat down next to my blond haired bestie and gave him a side hug .
"How's it going my man " I told Patrick
He smiled , turning away from his work .
"Hey there n/n , I'm good " then he looked at my outfit
"Trying to impress ireo again ?"
He whispered, I nodded and took off his fedora to ruffle up his strawberry blond hair .
He scratched his face up and snatched his hat away from me adjusting it .
"By the end of the year I'm gonna smosh with him " I chuckled lightly as the fedorable tiny human smiled at me .
"Y/n , you know that Anthony and Ian put the copyright struck on the word 'smosh' so use it carefully " Mikey said smiling at me .
"It's ok y/n !" Ian yelled across the classroom as Anthony put Ian's hand down and smiled at me before getting back to work .
In a flash the bell rang and all the students left the classroom .
I waved at pat and turned around to face Mikey's hazel eyes .
"Soooooo any new crushes huh y/n "
Mikey wiggled his eyebrows at me as I rolled my eyes at him .
"Yeah" I said fiddling w the sleeve of my hoodie .
I could hear him whisper a small 'yes' and punch the air . I giggled and sat down next to him .
"So tell me all about them " he said taking a sip of his coffee on the table .
I nodded as I tried to think of a way that I can describe Frank to Mikey without him knowing .
"So he's a bit older than me , and has this black hair that is always greasy but it makes him look good and hazel eyes but they are a bit more on the green side then brown and he's covered in tattoos and ugh imagine what those tattoo covered hands can do " I went on and on. Pausing a couple of times go take a deep breath.
"Uh-huh so he has hazel eyes and black hair and Is covered in tattoos.....that sounds like frank" he knit his eyebrows together and sent me a confused look .
Then realization hit him and his face turned from confused to a shocked one .
"Holy shit you're in love with Frank that's why you wore all those slutty clothes it's because of him " he mumbled as I looked at him in panic I thought he was gonna tell me that I'm weird and that I'm some kind of weirdo that falls for way older men .
"You have next class with him , holy crap you need to hook up " he said looking at me  with a smirk , I smirked back and he gave me some advice on him and how to get him easily .
I left Mikey's classroom and skipped lunch to hang out with my friends .
As usual we climbed up some tree and sat on a branch while gossiping about teachers and other people
Oh don't forget the part where we smoke and Pete brings booze so we get pretty much wasted before class .
"Come on Patrick it's just a bit of alcohol , don't be a pussy "I slurred as Patrick looked at the bottle and shook his head .
"Pat , Patty , Trick , my best friend come on man get loose " Pete said as Andy and Joe stared at Patrick in amusement .
"I told you guys I'm not drinking " said the blond as he pushed away the flask that Pete shoved in his face .
I sighed looking over to Pats orange juice , I smirked looking at Pete and handing it to him .
"Oh yeah " I whispered as pat was too interested in looking at Ryan Ross and Brandon Uries painting that was hung up inside the school .
Pete poured a good amount of booze in Patrick's juice and winked at me .
I heard the bell ring and headed to music .
My time to shine.
I smirked to myself as I entered ieros class .
"Morning Mr Iero "
I smiled at him and his hazel eyes as he looked me up and down eyes glued to my knee high socks .
"Morning y/n , I see you changed up your look today " he smirked at me and my stomach flipped .
I turned pink as I put my hand on his chest rubbing the fabric of his thin dress shirt .
"Yeah , yeah I did the uniform was too old fashioned for me with all those boring clothes" I said as I took a seat .
Frank explained something to the class and I listened carefully , not to him but his voice of course .
It was so stern and husky and god darn sexy .
I pressed my thighs together , I was dripping and I needed some attention now .
I got up from my seat and swayed over to the door as a hand grabbed my wrist .
"Y/n"he said sternly , obviously annoyed by my behavior.
"Yes Mr Iero " I turned to face him .
"Did I say you can leave the classroom ?"
His eyes filled with filth as I started becoming more wet down there .
I shifted in my place and shook my head .
"Detention , see me after class "
I did it , I thought . Taking a seat on my chair and nodding innocently .
Throughout the class Frank has been giving me looks and winking at me from time to time .
It made me wanna jump on him and rape his ass.
All the students left the class leaving me with Frank .
I was exited knowing what I'd get for being such a bad girl .
"I'm aware that you know better then not to disobey me sweetheart" he purred as he stood up to look me in the eyes .
"You know bad girls like you get punishments ...." he whispered in my ear as he planed a kiss on my neck .
"Girls like you get to be fucked against the wall for not listening" he took my wrist and made me stand up .
He then forced my lips to his as he put his hands on my waist and I put mine on his chest .
I pushed him on his chair and strangled his hips . His nails dug deep in the skin on my thighs as his tongue danced with mine in the war for dominance .
He moved to my neck to leave open mouthed kisses on my neck , nibbling and marking what's his .
"Oh baby how I dreamed of this moment" he purred against my neck as I took off my hoodie .
His eyes bugged out seeing that there's nothing beneath .
"Aw sweetheart dressing up for me , how nice of you " he smirked and moved to undo my bra .
He yanked it on the desk as he moved to grope them , he took one nipple in his mouth and nibbled making me moan .
He grinds himself on me , his erection obvious.
"Wanna blow me baby ?" I melted in his embrace as I lowered myself on my knees and carefully unzipped his slacks and slid them down .
I palmed him though his boxers as he groaned bucking his hips.
I pulled his boxers down for his erect bud to spring free , as I looked at him hungrily and pressed my tongue against his tip spreading pre cum.
I took him in and bobbed my head as he groaned and slowly fucked my mouth .
He pulled on my h/c locks and moaned , sweat forming on his forehead as his dark brown hair stuck to his skin .
I moaned against him causing to him buckling his hips again and making me gag .
He pulled out his stiff cock , a bit string of drool stuck to it connecting my swollen lips to him .
"You did so good baby , such a good girl". He smirked and lifted me up to his hight , pressing a kiss to my lips as I moved and strangled his hips once more .
He reached under my skirt and moved my panties to the side , his fingers brushing against my wet folds making me moan .
He smirked his hazel orbs filled with lust as he lined himself up with me .
"Now sweetie , are you going to be a good little slut for daddy and let me fuck this tight little pussy in peace or are you going to disobey me and be a naughty little girl" he growled as I nodded .
"Use your words baby "said the brunette as I whimpered . Squirming under his touch .
"Yes sir " I said on the edge of a moan his voice was beyond sexy and I was dripping .
"Perfect "he shot me a smirk before slamming into me , I bit my lip trying to to cry out in pleasure .
A muffled moan escaped his lips as I bounced up and down his dick .
I shifted my hips for him to hit the g spot. As he suddenly hit it , I shut my eyes as squeezed them trying not to moan .
The room started to smell like sex as he was making the most beautiful sounds .
I couldn't hold it anymore and just moaned out in pleasure as he looked at me and dug his nails in my his harder.
He started to twitch as my thirsts became sloppier.
"Y/n - fuck -"he groaned as I reached my orgasm .
"Fuck!" We yelled in sync as we both came , I squirted all over his cock while. A hot liquid ran down my thighs .
He pulled out and patted against my shoulder as I stood up trying to find my panties. The stuck out of the pocket of his dress pants , he put on his boxers and stood up .
"You were very well behaved today miss y/n , you have been excused from math class and I hope you have a lovely day " he said as I headed out the door , suddenly he spanked my ass and left a kiss behind my ear .
"I'll see you sir "
"Hope this happens again "
"The feelings mutual"
I chuckled to myself as I entered art sitting next to Pat again .
"You wouldn't believe what happened " I whispered as he turned to me and took out his earbud.
"What " he smiled sending me a confused look
"I accomplished my goal "
I said proudly as his eyes went wide .
He was about to say something as Pete cut him off .
" you hooked up with Iero WHOOO "
Pete fake wiped his tear
"I'm so proud of you , my baby is finally gown up " .
Hi boiz so that was it , like I said PLEASE REQUEST MY BRAIN IS EMPTY JUST DO IT .
Thanks for reading .
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