#the most reactive is the positive one and it has such high energy that it IMMEDIATELY goes to make a compound
moodyseal · 8 months
There's no eloquent enough way to describe the emotion one feels when finding out they got a question wrong on a test because they doubted themselves and changed the answer at the very last moment
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The Zodiac (Sun) Signs pt. 1
Aries/Aries Sun
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positive manifestations (evolved Aries): fearless, autonomous, imaginative, energetic, and passionate.
negative manifestations (unevolved Aries): risk-prone, uncooperative, impractical, erratic, and reactive.
As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries are naturally acknowledged as independent leaders and rebels who are tasked with bringing new ways of life for others. Being ruled by Mars, their main concerns are to welcome new challenges, create in unfiltered ways, outgrow old limitations, seize the day, and experience instantaneous excitement. Aries detest being restrained or controlled by others, as they prefer to be the ones giving commands and paving their own path. Aries are skilled in assessing situations and understanding what’s needed from them, therefore, they are typically seen rising to the challenge and exceeding any standards placed on them. They are resourceful, curious, ambitious, vibrant, and resilient. Aries are often bestowed with an outgoing, extroverted, and dominant personality type (depending on other placements or aspects within their chart). Generally, Aries can be the best people to come to for motivational pep talks, physical tasks, or entrepreneurial projects. These people can be some of the most productive and moralistic visionaries that you’ll ever meet. Even so, their perspectives can sometimes be warped by a child-like optimism or a need for instant gratification and control. An Aries’ physical body is often athletic or durable and their energy levels are rather high and strategic, with an emphasis on activity in the head area. Aries are admired for their endless exuberance and insatiable desire to innovate. A life path filled with experimentation and breaking through norms is the standard for an Aries. Regarding their soul’s purpose, they are often led to pursue positions of authority or entrepreneurial paths that allow them to incite mass reform. Their life force is fed by engaging in competitions or challenges that are made available for them to conquer. An Aries person’s approach to life is often hands-on and straight to the point – everything they do is a testament to their will and courage. They can sometimes struggle to see life as a series of stages that require a gradual evolution or certain timing. Instead, they’d prefer to freely roam from one story of adventure to another with no consistent plot necessary. This zodiac sign has a very traditional relationship with masculinity and clings to their inner authority to guide them. Their relationship with their father figure can be tested at times due to a battle for dominance or constantly being pushed outside of their comfort zone by them. In other cases, an Aries will often feel a great amount of respect for the leadership skills their father possesses and will strive to carry on the torch.
Sun in Aries Transit
When the Sun enters Aries, new life is born and the time for transformation of self begins. Aries season is often characterized by renewed energy, creative surges, increased hobbies, focused career growth, and the chance to prove or strengthen existing leadership skills. Aries season teaches individuals to live in the present moment while honoring the need for foresight. You may be faced with an insatiable desire to expand and succeed but must be realistic with the standards that you place upon yourself. Of course, this transit can affect every person’s birth chart in different ways and will be most relevant to any Aries placements/Aries-ruled house(s) in a chart. But the general consensus is that Aries season can influence you to broaden your horizons and dominate with passion. When the Sun is in Aries, the collective energy is more charged with a need for authenticity and integrity. People may often find themselves questioning old beliefs, adjusting personal routines, changing jobs, defying authority, traveling/moving, or something similar. You may even stumble upon a new mentor or renew your divine masculine energy. During this time, you’ll be easily persuaded by big-picture thinking and will aim to be larger than life. On the flip side, it’s important to be wary of any impatience, aggressiveness, egocentrism, recklessness, or impracticality in your behavior. The themes of Aries season heavily involve clearing the old to make way for something new, even if it means ruffling a few feathers or setting fire to your old life in the process.
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cjoatprehn · 1 year
Survival Financial Request!
My mom’s been filing for bankruptcy, has been extremely financially stressed lately, and trying to get me over to her has been really stressful. She’s a burn victim from a Yankee Candle catching on fire on Halloween, she received 3rd degree burns on most of her body for trying to save her support dog. Between support animal costs, food, rent, and hospital recovery, she’s in dire need of aid. If y’all could and are in a position to help, could you send some money over, please, to help ensure she will be able to at the very least have some pressure off her shoulders? And a sweet note, if you want to—? Thank you…
Adding to this post-
I want to make clear I’ve been struggling to keep us and others afloat, and now I’m at a point in my life and health where I am no longer able to do so. They’re cutting away more food stamp money from many households in the legislature not just ours, and I’m in the process of moving to my mom’s to help out. And also—
I’m kinda Flipping out right now. I don’t want to lie, with the US being a 3rd world country now. I’m flipping out because last month…was the last month they would be giving food money in the 100s. With food so high and Rent higher. SSI—I don’t even know. …I’m smiling but I don’t know what else to do. My moms still recovering from 3rd degree burns, surgery, and trying to get me there, and I’ve learned that the Aunt that had control of late great grandma’s reservoir for funds…Help won’t last long.
I’m scared, and I’m losing hope. I don’t want to go out as the person who Fucking struggled and suffered their entire life, never got to flourish. …I’ve never thought of making a gofundme again. Every time I’ve made one it never reached anything. And…I-can’t even maintain a savings for long. If we run out of money or assistance, then my mom stops getting treatment. Her dog doesn’t get food or treatment…and we’ll lose the little we have left.
She doesn’t have any friends or many connections outside of herself or her former government job. So—I’m just—like—trying to convince her to.. at least accept my help. I know everyone’s not in the best financial situation to help but—I can’t continue giving good energy to the universe from an empty cup…so I really appreciate the support..!
For record only, no longer helping someone who wants to gaslight and abuse me. I’ve been evicted as of May 9th, 2023. I found a place to stay for last night and possibly tonight. After that I’m on the streets. I’ve accepted I might not make it. I’m bedbound forced to rest by my body and disabilities. My phone has been deactivated by my mom only to discover she can’t reactivate it due to my phone being 6-7 years old. It’s too old to be reactivated with its old line.
But…hey…I’m no longer at my abusive home situation. I don’t wish to tell my dad’s side of the family. My mom prolly let them know anyway. I don’t know for sure though.
…I’m so flipping screwed. Had to deactivate my throne, due to no longer having that address. So…I’m just.. Here. Waiting. Watching my time come closer.
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Thread of some of the abuse from my mom. I don’t feel like typing it all here..
…I’m scared. But I don’t know what else to do so I’m accepting my fate and situation for now at least. So.
Here’s to updates..
Late Update:
Got yelled at, insulted, and screamed at by my mom through text. She’s called AT&T to lock everything down; I asked her for my account information. When she didn’t answer for the next 5-6 hours. I had AT&T send an email and a text to her & asked her for what they sent her. I got accused of hacking. I’m Not getting my phone line back.
Oh and to top it off, she sent me a picture of Storme laying outside of where I used to sleep. With Storme saying hi. I relayed a message to Storme. It would be a goodbye unless we meet again.
…So I’m unable to exactly…Do anything so. Just…Trying to calm my heart rate down…It’s been elevated all damn day…and increasing..
Good News: The Situation has Partly Cleared!
I cued a erasure on the iPhone 14 Pro Max, which my mom gave me and then took away from me after snooping through my iPhone 8+ and kicking me out, as soon as it connects to the internet; that way, my mom gets to return the phone, she gets her $1K+ back, problem solved. However, twice my mom sent 2 “Reset Apple ID Password” pop-ups on my devices, which…fuck off, mom, tf?
In response, after checking with the select few, I have changed my Apple ID email, because she doesn’t know my Apple ID password. I will be working with Apple Customer Servicee to ensure she can not steal my Apple account through Screen Time (which is possible). Conclusively:
I have a bed and address, temporarily but for awhile, unsure of how long, definitely more than a few days. Right now, until things stabilize with assistance, I don’t have to pay yet, despite being willing to. Currently slowly getting out of survival mode. Many of my stuff remain at my mom’s. I am able to get another physical SIM for my phone. Throne should be showing and working now, because I now have a new address, temporary while I figure what to do from here. I am no longer am able to draw due to my stylus breaking and my disc tips running out. Still got to get back. Laptop is out of commission until I get a new laptop charger, or until I get my old one back. That’s the update for now.
…I’m…finally going to heal, now that I’m safe and in a warm & accepting, and lax environment.
Still going to need assistance, thank y’all so much for supporting me so far.
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learnwithmearticles · 5 months
Cosmic Rays
Science time! This week: cosmic rays.
Cosmic rays are not a strong concern for people on Earth, but they are constantly moving throughout the universe at nearly the speed of light.
What They Are
Cosmic rays are made up of particles. Most atoms start with a nucleus made up of protons and neutrons (subatomic particles), with an outer layer of negatively charged subatomic particles called electrons. Most atoms of cosmic rays have had their outer layers stripped and so are just nuclei.
As far as we know, they can come from the sun of our solar system, black holes, and exploding stars (supernovae). Scientists found this from studying particles and their energy levels, which can be used to find out the force and origin associated with the particles’ accelerations and velocities. Finding their exact origins is difficult because particles are pulled around by magnetic fields throughout the universe, but the origins listed above are the most likely due to their immense ‘strength’, able to send particles traveling at nearly the speed of light.
Many of the particles have the nuclei of hydrogen: one proton which has a positive charge. Cosmic rays have also been found to have helium, uranium, and other elements, though to a far rarer extent.
What They Do
These particles are considered high-energy, meaning they can cause a strong impact when they collide with something, such as cells of the body. Because of Earth’s magnetosphere and atmosphere, the majority of cosmic rays do not interact with life here.
Colliding with particles of the Earth’s atmosphere causes the particles from outer space to lose a lot of their energy, as well as turn into secondary particles, like neutrinos. Neutrinos are produced every time the nuclei of atoms collide or break apart. They are neutral in charge and completely harmless because they almost never interact with other particles.
(Neutrinos have no charge, so the energy associated with them comes only from the process that formed it. More energy in the reaction creates more energy in the neutrino).
Studying cosmic rays has helped us gain a lot of information about the universe.
Before the 1950s, studying cosmic rays was the only way to study particles smaller than atoms. From these studies, scientists discovered smaller particles like muons, pions, and kaons.
Blazars are another example. A blazar is a galaxy powered by a black hole. As matter goes into the black hole, large amounts of energy are emitted. We are able to discover blazars specifically because the energy ‘beam’ is in the direction of Earth, so the particles end up making their way here.
In addition to learning from cosmic rays, humans have faced limitations because of them. Cosmic rays are an ionizing radiation - they damage DNA and living tissue. Cosmic rays as they are in outer space, again, do not reach Earth to a harmful extent, but astronauts are exposed to them.
This exposure causes risks of cancer, cataracts, eye diseases, and bone marrow dysfunction. Recent studies, mostly on mice, have also associated cosmic ray exposure with mental states like anxiety and emotional reactivity, and impaired neurotransmission.
Scientists are still working on continuing manned missions in space, to the moon and, hopefully, Mars. The Artemis missions are working on being able to do so, but such missions have been halted for a long time since the Apollo missions.
Carbon-14 Dating
Another neat use of cosmic rays is in carbon-14 dating, to which they are essential.
Carbon dating is a type of absolute dating, meaning it provides exact years or periods of time for the creation and use of artifacts. It works on materials as old as about 60,000 years.
Carbon-14 dating relies on the decay of the carbon-14 isotope. The carbon-14 isotope is radioactive, has six protons, which makes it carbon, and 8 neutrons, while default carbon has six. It is one of the secondary particles caused by cosmic rays reacting to particles in Earth’s atmosphere; therefore, it could not exist without cosmic rays.
Carbon-14 exists in living organisms, and it starts to change when they die, gradually turning into other elements. Carbon-14 dating then measures how much carbon-14 remains in the organic material at the time of testing.
For example, carbon-14 dating was used to date the remains of Ötzi the Iceman, found frozen in the Alps. The hunter and his clothing, from carbon dating, were found to have died about 5,300 years ago.
Radiocarbon dating, like carbon-14 dating, is extremely valuable to archaeology and learning about the world around us. The existence of carbon-14, due to cosmic rays, has been essential to that learning.
Cosmic rays are an ever-present part of our world. They exist throughout the universe yet rarely directly affect us on Earth. While they have posed an issue on space travel, they have also provided invaluable information on the human past as well as the present universe.
Additional Resources
1. https://news.uchicago.edu/explainer/what-are-cosmic-rays#
2. https://news.wisc.edu/what-are-cosmic-rays-why-do-the-matter/
3. https://www.energy.gov/science/doe-explainsneutrinos#
4. https://news.wisc.edu/what-is-a-blazar/
5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10044754/
6. https://news.uchicago.edu/explainer/what-is-carbon-14-dating#
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phlve · 1 year
IT(N) — Introverted Thinking supported by Intuition
Analytical, interested primarily in the underlying principles, organized in relation to concepts and imagination. Perceptive, not dominating, decisiveness of thinking only shows within intellectual matters. Quiet, reserved, detached and usually aloof. Inclined towards shyness. Won't be convinced by anything except intellect - reasoning, explanation and theoretical logic. Serious and usually focused on the dark, sad side of life. Pessimism can achieve a state of reactive depression. the idea of working in a slowed. in conversations almost does not participate. occasionally interiects. serious mood. serious ethical position. Passivity in activities related to the charges seriously, timidity, indecisiveness, no carelessness and gaiety, a strong perception of heavy experiences, sometimes tearfulness. A sense of inferiority, fluctuations in the choice of fields of activity, passive in life, calm, apathetic, lack of energy and activity, honesty, kindness, slowness, clumsiness, not laughs heartily, neat clothing, difficulty in making decisions. Tries to see and create from everything a system of some core level natural laws and patterns, frameworks and structures of directed thinking, impersonal rationality. Has many interests and much knowledge, but don't like to advertise this fact and be in the center of attention. In their essence, they are precise and pedantic, not only in the way of thinking but also in how they relate to the world around them. You will scarcely meet a person believing in miracles and trusting in luck among representatives of this type. Consistency, reliability, ability to stick to their word - all of these are typical of representatives of this type. Generally excessively extensive knowledge of most philosophical principles, mathematical logic and theories, formulas etc. He knows how to dig to the essence of things, to reveal their internal structure. He sets for himself very high requirements, specific orders and devotion to an idea or a set of rules, varies on manifestation. Unless somebody else takes care of him, he can easily drive himself to starvation. Usually he even does not notice the quality of his clothing. He does not tolerate orders. He does not show much initiative, is reclusive and silent. "Sorry, I'm too scattered to learn about politics. I just learn about math/engineering.". This type often carries around a childish, autistic personality. "The world is the way I see it. If you have evidence that it's not the way I see it, too bad for the world. Anyway it is not my business; just keep your opinion to yourself. I think the world should be exactly how I see it".
Many idiosyncrasies, distinct lack of emotional maturity; he can only love or hate, his feeling doesn't come with nuances. Fails to understand social interactions, disconnected from ambients - social ineptitude. Eccentric, may have problems understanding the law, the common sense. Some manifestations of the type are more immature, more bizarre. Can be stubborn, won't stand being interrupted, hates when people argue with each other, can't live in a place where people are always discussing. "I won't perform plebeian tasks such as driving!"; extremely "anti-social" in a sense. Doesn't realize at all how he affects other people, thinks that he is always right, that he has a right to do what he might do. Assumes things about people, accuses people and expresses "anti-mainstream" preferences. Geeky, nerdy, not very adult, more like a teenager or a kid. Uses difficult, complicated language, tries to explain things in very solid and tangible terms, tries to show the structures and principles, oriented to dissect all multiplicities; creator of concepts, philosophical, a person of many ideas, theories. Carries with him personal conclusions able to explain and analyse the world. His logic is one of identifying order in apparent chaos, a parallel, polymorphic, multi-leveled logic, logic of contradictions and paradoxes, explaining the complicated. Justifications and assumptions from different viewpoints. Points out differences and inconsistencies in everything. Anxious, paranoid indecisiveness, prone to overthinking. Intolerance of uncertainty, black and white thinking. Focuses on probability, tries to isolate, abstract, the pure substance of things; won't accept changes in his behaviour or world. He sharply reacts to reprimands, but sometimes hides his irritation under an artificial smile. Does not second-guess, his decisions aren't based on intuitions, tries to avoid using faith. Uses premises. intellect, a set of forms of reasonings, logic. "My state is always adequate to the external world, and my inner person is standard." "Why bother studying your inner self if building a world of harmony is so much more interesting and acute?", he typically chooses one of his standard states and dwells in it most of the time. The "inner core" is made by ethical norms and principles, which secure the integrity of their internal world. Likes puzzles and riddles, axiomatic work. Many manifestations of this type will seem robotic, have problems with social adaptation, social relationships, sexual relations and intimacy. Fears human contact, struggles with duty and jobs, washes his hands as often as he can, out of phobia concerned with sensations. Worried about the food he eats, wonders if something's healthy or not. Very inclined to hypochondriasis or immoderation; he doesn't know how much to eat, needs to rely on logic and systematization.
His deficiency Is human relationships, which sometimes results in uncertainty and sadness in emotional evaluations o other people. This becomes especially evident in unfamiliar circumstances. Watching others, he tries to understand what is accepted in this company, what is favored, and what is rejected. But he cannot always adapt to other people and to new social situations. He may be cheerful or sullen out of place. Due to his weakness in differentiating emotional nuances, representatives of this type often see people in black and white colors: good or bad, kind or unkind, friend or foe. They are also sometimes viewed as stubborn and hard to persuade. They cannot stand untruth and falsity, and can be very firm and solid like a rock in matters of principle to them. Some versions may have a lack of genuine identity - they do not know themselves, everything "depends". Context is always important, they need all the details and information. Would answer 'neutral' or 'I do not know many times if asked about his own personality and character. "I understand everything better than others" - some manifestations think too much of themselves, egomaniac, may argue about intelligence (IQ, mathematics etc) and demonstrate to people his intellect, "intellectual superiority", tries to correct people's illogical behaviour. He loves positive emotions of other people, as if they charged. Moves towards the reigning "most positive" emotions, positive emotions and avoid places of high concentration of negative. He dislikes situations of intrigue, scandal-mongering, since in such a situation can become a victim of their own. Therefore it is always bad refers to the "whispering a secret", seeing it as evil intentions. The relationship people always have to be open, honest, kind. Word about the relationship must always coincide with the chores, or - there is something wrong. Saying that you love a person - this has to be seen and, in fact, and if in fact it is not visible - it means it's not true. Very suspicious in regard to himself and others, suspecting some "zapodlo", even if it's some tiny little thing, already strives either immediately break off relations, or exclude a person from the number of "friends", relatives of people currently, reducing contact with him to a minimum. Therefore, it may sometimes be known as a traitor, finding those who belong to it better is out there and to relocate, considering it is a strong argument for changing the "range". It may become a victim of "sycophants".
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tsasocial · 4 months
Emphasis on energy for Monforts at ITM in Istanbul
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Monforts, which is celebrating its 140th anniversary this year, will exhibit a Montex stenter chamber with an integrated overhead heat recovery unit at the forthcoming ITM textile machinery exhibition in Istanbul from June 4-8.
The heat recovery unit on display at the stand of Monforts partner Neotek (1116B in Hall 11) is just one of a range of energy-saving options the company is now providing for both new and existing line installations and will be pleased to discuss at the show.
Monforts Montex stenters and Thermex dyeing ranges are industry standards for the fabric finishing industry, providing many advantages in terms of production throughput and especially in energy efficiency and savings.
“Investment in new technology and capacity expansions are very important to our Turkish customers, in order to stay ahead in terms of sustainable, high-quality production,” says Monforts Area Sales Manager Thomas Paeffgen. “We find that they carefully assess the benefits of each advanced new technology in order to thrive in a sector that is constantly changing and as a result, have adopted ongoing strategies of continuous investment.”
Complete control
Recent Monfort installations in Turkey have included an eight-chamber Montex stenter at the Bursa plant of Ilay Textile – a leader in new printing techniques and technologies, with customers across Europe and a database of over 40,000 apparel design patterns.
“The Montex installation is providing us with much-improved control options for all process parameters and we are particularly impressed with the energy savings we are making,” says the company’s production director Fikri Savaş.
Istanbul Boyahanesi’s plant in Çerkezköy meanwhile now benefits from a Monforts Thermex Econtrol continuous dyeing line.
“The Thermex has allowed us to get down to fabric weights of 80gsm while considerably shortening processing times for heavier fabrics, considerably expanding our product offering,” comments co-company founder and director Kemal Taşkin. “It’s an extremely versatile range, allowing us to instantly see the results and to easily move between reactive and disperse dyeing, for example.”
Arta in Çorlu, an accredited supplier to leading European retail brands such as Marks & Spencer, H&M, Inditex and Top Shop has also adopted the Thermex system.
“It provides us with a far wider range of fabric finishes and surface effects than we can achieve compared to our competitors,” says Arta plant manager Mehmet Kaan Kalipçioĝlu.
Another Bursa-based operation, Altun Tekstil, a leader in home textiles and furnishing fabrics, has just commissioned the first Montex®Coat coating system in Turkey.
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At ITM, Monforts will also introduce its very latest coaTTex coating unit exclusively dedicated to air knife and knife-over-roller coating. For single-sided application with paste or foam, the versatile coaTTex is suitable for both incorporation into existing finishing ranges as well as installation with new Monforts lines, especially Montex stenter systems.
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Central location
“In Turkey we are very strongly supported by our representative Neotek, our solution partner on the ground for service, installation, and commissioning, providing specialized and rapid help to all of our customers,” says Thomas Paeffgen. “ITM is always one of the most important exhibitions for Monforts, for meeting customers not just from Turkey, but across the Middle East and Central Asia, as well as Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan.
“Istanbul’s centralized position makes it accessible to the majority of the major textile manufacturing hubs and as we mark our 140th anniversary in 2024, having been founded back in 1884, the ITM show will provide us with the ideal opportunity to celebrate with colleagues and customers all together in one location.”
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bluesky0341 · 5 months
The Silicon Carbide Ceramic Revolution: Ushering in a New Frontier of Material Innovation
In the ever-evolving landscape of materials science, a remarkable ceramic compound has emerged as a true trailblazer, captivating the attention of researchers, engineers, and industry leaders worldwide. Silicon carbide ceramic, a fusion of silicon and carbon atoms, boasts an extraordinary combination of properties that have propelled it to the forefront of cutting-edge technologies across a multitude of sectors. From aerospace and automotive to electronics and energy, this exceptional material is redefining the boundaries of what is possible, ushering in a new frontier of material innovation and driving unprecedented advancements in engineering and manufacturing.
Unparalleled Strength and Resilience One of the most striking features of silicon carbide ceramic is its unrivaled strength and resilience. Boasting a Mohs hardness rating of 9-9.5, it stands as one of the hardest known materials on Earth, second only to diamond itself. This remarkable hardness, coupled with its exceptional compressive and tensile strengths, renders silicon carbide ceramic an ideal choice for applications where durability and endurance are critical. From cutting-edge industrial tools and abrasives to advanced armor systems and ballistic protection, this ceramic material outperforms traditional materials, offering superior performance and an extended service life that defies industry norms.
Thermal Prowess: Withstanding Extreme Temperatures Silicon carbide ceramic's prowess extends far beyond its mechanical might, as it exhibits an extraordinary ability to withstand extreme temperatures. With a melting point soaring to approximately 2,700°C (4,892°F), this material can operate in the harshest of high-temperature environments without compromising its structural integrity or mechanical properties. This exceptional thermal resistance has rendered silicon carbide ceramic an indispensable asset in industries such as aerospace, where components like heat shields, turbine blades, and nozzles are subjected to intense heat and harsh conditions. Moreover, its high thermal conductivity makes it an excellent choice for thermal management solutions in electronics and power systems, ensuring efficient heat dissipation and enhancing overall performance.
Impervious to Corrosion and Chemical Attack Beyond its mechanical and thermal prowess, silicon carbide ceramic exhibits a remarkable resistance to corrosion and chemical attack. Its inert nature and low reactivity make it an ideal choice for environments where exposure to acids, alkalis, and aggressive chemicals is a constant challenge. This inherent chemical resistance has made silicon carbide ceramic a preferred material in the chemical processing industry, as well as in the development of high-performance chemical sensors and protective coatings, ensuring longevity and reliable operation in even the most demanding conditions.
Revolutionizing Semiconductors and Optoelectronics Silicon carbide ceramic's unique electrical properties have opened up new frontiers in the fields of semiconductors and optoelectronics. Unlike traditional silicon-based semiconductors, silicon carbide can operate at higher temperatures, frequencies, and voltages, making it a prime candidate for applications in power electronics, high-frequency devices, and high-power switching. Moreover, its wide bandgap and high breakdown field strength position it as a promising material for next-generation optoelectronic devices, such as high-efficiency LEDs, solar cells, and ultraviolet detectors, enabling advancements in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies that were once thought unattainable.
Transforming Biomedical Solutions and Prosthetics The biocompatibility and inertness of silicon carbide ceramic have also made it an attractive material in the realm of biomedical applications. Its resistance to corrosion and chemical attack, coupled with its mechanical strength, make it a suitable choice for implants, prosthetics, and medical devices. Furthermore, its ability to promote bone growth and integration has opened up new avenues in orthopedic and dental applications, offering improved patient outcomes and enhanced quality of life. The potential for silicon carbide ceramic in the biomedical sector is vast, paving the way for innovative solutions that enhance healthcare and improve lives worldwide, transforming the way we approach medical technology and patient care.
Sustainable Excellence: Embracing Eco-Friendly Innovation In addition to its exceptional performance, silicon carbide ceramic is also a sustainable and environmentally friendly material. Its production process is energy-efficient and generates fewer emissions compared to traditional ceramic manufacturing methods. Moreover, its durability and longevity contribute to reducing waste and minimizing the need for frequent replacements, aligning with the principles of a circular economy and promoting a more sustainable future. As the world strives for greener and more eco-friendly solutions, silicon carbide ceramic emerges as a prime candidate, offering both superior performance and environmental responsibility, setting a new standard for sustainable material innovation.
Overcoming Challenges and Unlocking Future Potential While silicon carbide ceramic offers numerous advantages, there are still challenges to overcome in order to fully realize its potential. One of the primary hurdles is the high cost associated with its production and processing, which can limit its widespread adoption in certain industries. However, ongoing research efforts are focused on developing more cost-effective manufacturing techniques and exploring alternative synthesis methods to make silicon carbide ceramic more accessible and economically viable, paving the way for its widespread integration across various applications.
Furthermore, researchers are continuously exploring new frontiers and pushing the boundaries of silicon carbide ceramic's capabilities. Areas of interest include the development of advanced ceramic matrix composites, incorporating silicon carbide ceramic into additive manufacturing processes, and exploring its potential in energy storage and conversion technologies, such as fuel cells, batteries, and hydrogen production. These endeavors hold the promise of unlocking new frontiers in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable technologies, driving innovation and shaping the future of energy systems.
Additionally, the integration of silicon carbide ceramic with other advanced materials, such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, and metal alloys, holds great promise for the development of hybrid materials with enhanced properties and functionalities. These synergistic combinations could lead to groundbreaking discoveries in fields like energy storage, electronics, aerospace, and structural applications, further expanding the horizons of silicon carbide ceramic's applications and enabling revolutionary advancements that were once thought impossible.
A Pioneering Future: Shaping the Next Generation of Material Innovation As the world continues to evolve, the demand for advanced materials that can meet the challenges of the future grows ever more pressing. Silicon carbide ceramic has emerged as a true pioneer in this realm, reshaping the boundaries of what is possible and driving innovation across diverse fields. Its unique combination of mechanical, thermal, chemical, and electrical properties has positioned it as a versatile and high-performance material, enabling groundbreaking advancements in industries ranging from aerospace and automotive to electronics and energy.
With its exceptional properties, sustainable nature, and the boundless potential for further exploration and integration with other advanced materials, silicon carbide ceramic stands as a beacon of promise, guiding researchers, engineers, and industry leaders toward a future where material innovation knows no bounds. It inspires us to push the limits of what is possible, to challenge conventional thinking, and to embrace the transformative power of cutting-edge materials technology.
As we embark on this journey of discovery, silicon carbide ceramic will undoubtedly play a pivotal role, ushering in a new era of material innovation that will shape the course of human progress, driving technological advancements, enhancing sustainability, and improving the quality of life for people around the globe. This remarkable ceramic compound is more than just a material – it is a testament to the boundless potential of human ingenuity and our collective pursuit of excellence in science and engineering.
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fortunewindows1 · 6 months
Debunking top myths related to using Aluminium windows
Aluminium windows in buildings have been around since the 1930s, and many landmark buildings in western countries prominently featured them in their designs during that era. With World War II, its application saw a new dawn in aviation, manufacturing tanks, automotive engines and others. From then on, the usage of Aluminium products and the market around it changed forever. Countries leading the war increased their aluminium production capabilities, and new aluminium alloys were seen almost everywhere.After the end of the war, Aluminium gained more widespread use in the construction industry and soon surpassed steel and wood window sales in commercial and institutional construction. It might be surprising to know that aluminium windows first appeared in railroad cars, streetcars and buses, as early as 1912.Today, virtually all commercial properties and a significant number of adobes use Aluminium framed windows to increase durability, provide an aesthetic charm to the overall building design, create a sense of wonderment and provide safety and security. Additionally, as it can be easily cast, machined, and formed, architects prefer using Aluminium to tackle wind pressure in high-rise buildings when used in facades, glazing, cladding, curtain walls, etc.However, despite holding a significant position in the fenestration industry, certain myths float around the usage of Aluminium in windows. Experts believe that the reason behind this could be its popularity as it is firmly holding the market globally. Below are some of the myths one should steer away from while considering an aluminium window for their property.
Do aluminium windows cause condensation?
The fact of the matter is that this is no longer the case today. As a metal, Aluminium has the same thermal insulation level as wood and uPVC. Today, it is all about quality, design and glass specifications. The modern-day high-performance aluminium windows do not cause any extra condensation, and they are designed with the latest thermal break technology that has excellent thermal resistance properties to improve the energy efficiency of the building. The hollow chambers in the glass filled with insulation provide aluminium windows with outstanding transfer coefficients that ensure the indoor temperature is always perfect.
Are aluminium windows difficult to maintain?
It is one of the most unsubstantiated myths about aluminium windows. The answer to this is a straight no! Aluminium has an added advantage that requires almost zero maintenance and is less reactive than most other metals. It is weather-proof, termite-resistant, and detrimental to pests and insects. Furthermore, it does not rust, flake, or peel off easily and it is very appropriate for places constantly exposed to the outside environment. A quick clean of the glasses and frames every three to four months will help remove sedimentary dirt and keep the windows looking elegant.
Are the Aluminium windows neither sustainable nor eco-friendly?
Aluminium is 100 per cent recyclable and non-toxic, leaving a minimal ecological footprint. It can be recycled multiple times without losing its properties, making it an inexpensive source of material for production runs. The recycling process requires just five per cent of the initial energy consumed to generate the primary metal. Hence, this unique metal feature makes it one of the most sustainable options for windows.
Aren’t Aluminium windows strong enough?
Having the most robust structural integrity of all other metals in the world, the impact-resistant properties of Aluminium make it carry heavy loads and maintain the dimensions and tightness of window frames effortlessly. As they are designed to withstand extreme climatic conditions, high-performance Aluminium does not rust, warp or split over time and thus are perfect for windows.
Are Aluminium windows not Stylish and suitable for vintage buildings?
It is important to debunk the myth that aluminium windows are not stylish. To cater to your needs, high-quality Aluminium is widely available in various styles, shapes and shades. Earlier, it was available in silver, white, or hardwood sub-finish only, but, now with powder coating, it can be coloured in almost any hue and shade. Depending on personal preferences and décor style, glossy and matte framed aluminium windows can also be installed. As Aluminium is highly malleable, for traditional buildings, aluminium windows are an incredible choice to elevate the aesthetics of the overall building design.
In conclusion
From the early eighteenth century till now, Aluminium has always been one of the most trusted metals in the world. It has seen transformations like no other metal. Moreover, it comes at the fore for future projects with its high demand in commercial and residential properties. There are almost no criteria for aluminium windows in which they do not perform as well as other equivalents. It is already leading the global race for sustainable buildings, and one cannot imagine a dream house or office premises without Aluminium — as that is the only way forward to a prosperous and sustainable world.
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quantzigblogs · 1 year
Top Organizations in the Hydrochloric Acid Market Worldwide | SpendEdge
Originally Published on: SpendEdge | Top Companies in the Global Hydrochloric Acid Market | SpendEdge
Describe HCL. The fact that hydrochloric acid is so valuable in so many different applications makes it a "workhorse" chemical. The manufacture of batteries, photoflash bulbs, fireworks, and the processing of steel are a few of the major applications for hydrochloric acid. Gelatin production and sugar processing both benefit from it. Due to its high sensitivity, hydrochloric acid must be handled with the appropriate safety measures. The majority of the objects it comes into contact with are damaged by this acid's strong stench and significant corrosivity. If you're wondering how such a reactive liquid can be stored without damaging its container, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) containers work great for holding up to the storage of this acid.
The most recent procurement intelligence research from SpendEdge on the worldwide hydrochloric acid market focuses on the market drivers, best practices for procurement, important suppliers, growth trends, and various other crucial market data.
Leading manufacturers of hydrochloric acid
The current headquarters of BASF are in Germany and it was established in the year 1865. The largest chemical manufacturer in the world is reputed to be BASF. The company's solutions and products are primarily focused on increasing quality of life, providing healthy nutrition, and resource conservation. Chemicals, plastics, performance chemicals, catalysts, coatings, crop technology, crude oil, and natural gas exploration and production are among the products they offer. Hydrochloric acid is available from BASF in a number of grades and is always of the highest purity.
KGaA Merck
Merck KGaA is the longest continuously functioning chemical and pharmaceutical firm in the world, with an illustrious history spanning more than 350 years. A multinational corporation, Merck KGaA employs over 53,000 people in 66 different countries. The company started working with liquid crystals in 1967, which led to its current market-leading position. Currently, a sizable portion of the company's income come from liquid crystals. The company currently holds the top spot in the world for making liquid crystals for monitors and flat-screen TVs.
Kemira was established in Finland in the year 1920. The company initially concentrated on supplying the expanding need for chemicals in the industrial, mining, and fertilizer sectors. The business developed expertise in a variety of fields over many years, including manufacturing, textile fibers, paints, and pigments. By combining membrane grade (BAT) chlorine, hydrogen, and demineralized water, the company produces pure hydrochloric acid.
Fisher, Thermo
The merging of Thermo Electron and Fisher Scientific resulted in the establishment of this American biotechnology product development business in 2006. The organization currently has over 70,000 employees working for it across over 50 different nations. This company's hydrochloric acid is packaged in ampules to prevent contamination and guarantee product integrity, which is one of its primary selling points.
A multinational manufacturer of chemicals and materials, Solvay has its headquarters in Belgium's capital city of Brussels. Solvay, a company with roots in 1863, is renowned for its breakthroughs in the chemical sector. The business serves industries like aerospace, automotive, energy, and healthcare by operating in a variety of areas, including chemicals, advanced materials, and speciality chemicals. As part of its commitment to sustainability, Solvay places a high priority on creating environmentally friendly products and minimizing its environmental impact. It is still a major force in the chemical and materials sector, advancing technology and tackling global issues with its research and innovation initiatives.
The Occidental Petroleum Company
With its headquarters in Houston, Texas, Occidental Petroleum Corporation, also known as Oxy, is a well-known American international oil business. It was founded in 1920 and has since grown to be a significant participant in the oil and gas sector, engaged in the production, marketing, and exploration of hydrocarbons as well as chemicals. With a significant presence in the United States, the Middle East, and Latin America, Oxy operates on a global scale. The business places a strong emphasis on sustainability and has made progress in lowering its carbon footprint thanks to cutting-edge technologies. It is noteworthy that in 2019, it bought Anadarko Petroleum, further strengthening its status as a top energy provider with a dedication to environmental responsibility.
Learn more about the major market influences, best practices for purchasing, and pricing trends in the global market for hydrochloric acid.
To contact our specialists, click here.
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idigitizellp21 · 2 years
The Top 3 Perks Of Whey Protein
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                                The Top 3 Perks Of Whey Protein
Not all protein is created identical. Some forms of protein, such as whey, are better in terms of nutrition and absorption compared to others. Not everyone is aware that whey protein is one of the best-studied supplements in the world. It not only contains an incredible range of essential amino acids but also is absorbed quickly.
Numerous studies and research shows that it can help you increase strength, boost muscle and lose significant amounts of body fat.
(source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20565767/ )
However, whey is more than just protein. It contains a wide variety of nutrients, some with powerful biological results. Athletes and fitness enthusiasts vouch for whey protein as they not only act like a brilliant dietary supplement but also a great health supplement. Indeed, why not! It has gigantic nutritional contents which add to the wide range of health perks.
Before we jump into the deep sea of whey protein, Let’s understand what is Whey Protein?
The fluid that separates during the cheese-making process is used to create whey protein. This thin liquid coating is referred to as "whey." The whey is then separated from the whey protein. If you had left a bowl of curd at home not refrigerated, you would have noticed a thin, floaty layer of water on it. The name of that substance is whey.
It is one of the most well-known and often-used protein supplements for overall wellbeing. It is typically offered in powder form, which may be combined with various foods and beverages like milk or water to make a shake or even energy bars and meals.
Some awestrucking benefits of whey protein
1) For vegetarians, best protein rich supplement
The top-ranked protein supplement is whey protein because it provides a comprehensive range of amino acids which complements strength training. Whey protein benefits vegetarian eaters tremendously as Lean protein is scarcely available in vegetarian diet. Whey protein becomes quite crucial for them which substitutes the protein content in eggs, chicken and fish.
2) Promotes Fat Loss and Lessens Appetite
Whey protein provides a wholesome nutrition snack or meal which helps you to reduce food craving for a prolonged time. By doing this, you control your urges to eat junk and choose a better, healthier option instead. IF consumed with utmost responsibility, whey protein has proven to aid weight and fat loss in the individual. It has been demonstrated that those who periodically consume whey products consume fewer calories through the day from food. Whey protein converts your caloric demands from high-carb and high-fat foods to a pure protein source, helping you to maintain a protein rich healthy diet.
Whey protein isn't just recommended for people who do intense workouts or training. It is also advised to meet daily protein requirements even for people who are not very active throughout they day. Explore best quality whey protein products online.
3) Complements Muscle Growth
When paired with strength exercises or physical fitness routines, protein, especially whey, can contribute positively to muscles growth. The magical ingredient of amino acids in the whey product, particularly leucine, can lead to an affect muscle growth tremendously.
Additionally, it also supports muscle repair, making you ready for next physical challenges sooner.
4) Helps to reduce muscle inflammation
Inflamation is a natural part of response to damage. On the other hand short-term inflammation after a workout is proven to be beneficial. A large review study found that high doses (greater than or equal to 20 grams/day) of whey protein supplements significantly reduced C-reactive protein (CRP), a key marker of inflammation in the body. So this could be your best friend post a heavy workout or after a rigorous sports or fitness training.
5) Enhance the body’s antioxidant defenses
Antioxidants are nothing but elements that act against oxidation in the human body. This means they are responsible to not only reduce oxidative stress but also lower the risk of various chronic diseases. One of the most important antioxidants which is produced by the human body is glutathione, unlike other antioxidants which we get from food items. Additionally, glutathione production in the human body depends on the supply of several amino acids, such as cysteine, which can get exhausted sooner or later.
Last Words of Advice:
Whey is widely available online as well as physically at the sports nutrition store or a local chemist. The sudden massive demand for nutritional supplements and powders have given rise to substandard and copy of big brands producing quality supplements. Therefore, it is extremely vital to check for authenticity and quality of the product before you make a purchase decision. You can now verify the best supplement branded products in India on our verify products page, enabling you to make smart purchases.
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saspowertechsblog · 2 years
power factor correction services
power factor correction services
For your business to save money and get rid of unnecessary overspending, optimizing your plant's energy consumption is crucial. Achieving the optimum power factor correction services is essential because more efficient equipment consumes less energy. Reactive power loads caused by low power factor (PF) increase consumption and lead to higher costs because more current is required to achieve the same effect.
What is Power Factor Correction?
Machines must be powered to operate. The electric motor requires more electricity to operate than the visible useful work on the motor shaft Some power is needed to maintain the desired magnetic field, but it has no beneficial effect. Reactive power also called magnetizing power is one such element Utilities give a certain amount of reactive power for free, but consumers with high reactive power need to pay more. 
The ratio of real or usable power in kilowatts (KW) to  total power (active and reactive) in kilovolt-amperes is called power factor (PF) (KVA) Either: power factor = KW / KVA or power factor = available power/total available power
Theoretically, the work factor can take values ​​between 0% and 100%; at 100%, also known as the unity power factor, all power is delivered as active power If the value is zero (0%), the motor will not rotate and be productive, which means that all power is supplied as reactive power The utility company must meet all KVA (total wattage) requirements. A high power factor is essential because customers can only do useful work from the KW (usable) fraction. Generators, transmission lines, transformers, switchgear, and cables are all subject to additional loads due to the reactive power required by electrical equipment such as transformers and motors, In addition, reactive power can lead to significant energy waste.
Power factor correction is the process of increasing the efficiency of an electrical system to deliver as much power as possible as real power Power factor correction services provide significant financial savings and environmental benefits through improved energy efficiency and reduced electricity consumption throughout the electrical system.
Benefits of power factor correction
power factor correction services offer several advantages These benefits include an overall reduction in power system losses, increased load capacity on existing circuits, and reduced demand loads on the power system Power factor correction also has significant environmental benefits, meaning your business can reduce its carbon footprint and benefit the environment in addition to having a positive impact on your bottom line. 
 1. Reduce application fees 
Most electricity providers charge for peak metered demand based on the greater of two values: peak recorded demand in kilowatts (KW meter) or percentage of peak recorded demand in KVA (KVA meter) If the power factor is low, the percentage of KVA observed will be much higher than the demand in KW. Therefore, reducing power loads with power factor correction will improve the power factor and help you pay less for electricity.
 2 Increase the load capacity of existing circuits
Loads using reactive power require reactive current. By adding power factor correction capacitors to the end of existing circuits near inductive loads, the current carried by each circuit can be reduced. When new machinery or equipment requires more capacity, the circuit may be able to support a greater load due to the improved power factor, eliminating the need to extend the power distribution network and saving your business thousands of dollars in unnecessary upgrade costs. In addition, the resistive losses of the circuit are reduced due to the reduced current flow.
 3 Better tension
The voltage drop in the line increases as the line current increases, causing the voltage to drop across the device. An improved power factor increases the voltage across the device by reducing the voltage drop in the conductors. 
4. Reduce power system loss
Although the reduction in conductor losses alone is not enough to pay for the installation of capacitors, it can sometimes be a desirable added benefit, especially in older plants with long supply lines or load-carrying operations. pumping on site. Since the loss of the system conductor is inversely proportional to the square of the power factor and the reduction in current is proportional to the increase in power factor, the loss is proportional to the square of the current in the system.
5 Reduce carbon footprint
Your business can reduce its carbon footprint by using power factor adjustment to reduce power loads on your electrical system This reduces the load on the network. Improving the electrical efficiency of the power system through power factor correction, and reducing demand on the grid can reduce carbon output by hundreds of tons over time. 
 Improve power factor
 What are the consequences of a low power factor on your company's electrical system? 
A low power factor can cost your business hundreds to thousands of dollars in fines and penalties every month. In addition to the obvious financial costs associated with low power factor, operating an inefficient power system also has environmental impacts. By simply implementing a power factor correction solution, your business can dramatically reduce its carbon footprint while reducing strain on the network and saving you money Transit companies often use high voltage capacitors  to increase the supply voltage by reducing the line load
 Power Factor Correction Solutions
Power Factor Services Ltd Complete electrical system restoration services for your business A power factor correction specialist will inspect and audit your company's current electrical system during an on-site visit, which typically initiates the power factor correction process Our on-site assessment report, prepared after gathering the necessary information, reveals any delays, losses or strains that could damage your electrical system The time required to prepare a site assessment report depends on the size, scope, and application of the electrical system The current power factor of your electrical system is determined from the website rating report and based on your existing electricity provider:
Determine how much savings can be achieved through labor factor correction; provide appropriate work factor correction options to achieve the desired work factors and the costs associated with these work factor improvements Determine the payback period for the proposed power factor improvement.
Depending on the extent of the changes, this may only take a year or two. A power factor correction solution can be implemented in several ways, such as installing a harmonic filter, servicing or repairing a capacitor, or installing a power monitoring system feed. Because every company's power system is unique, each power factor correction recommendation we make is specifically tailored to meet your company's power needs.
We specialize in providing power factor correction services solutions to businesses across a wide range of industries, including industrial plants, manufacturing facilities, and sprawling commercial structures You need to understand the impact this could have on your company's electrical system and the benefits of power factor correction, regardless of your company's industry, if it suffers the losses and penalties associated with a low power factor.
Contact our experts!
Because every business has a unique power system, there is no one-size-fits-all power factor modification solution. Contact the power factor correction experts at SASPowertech to discuss your company's power system requirements and learn how power factor services can help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint.
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drogba-prospect · 2 years
How to Imprint on Girls between the Ages of 18-22
Imprint Definition
(of a young animal) come to recognize (another animal, person, or thing) as a parent or other object of habitual trust
Offering Maslow Hierarchy of Needs (Pimps Use This)
Self-actualization Needs
Self-actualization needs are the highest level in Maslow's hierarchy, and refer to the realization of a person's potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. Maslow (1943) describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be.
Psychological Needs
Esteem needs are the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy and include self-worth, accomplishment and respect. Maslow classified esteem needs into two categories: (i) esteem for oneself (dignity, achievement, mastery, independence) and (ii) the desire for reputation or respect from others (e.g., status, prestige).
Love and belongingness needs - after physiological and safety needs have been fulfilled, the third level of human needs is social and involves feelings of belongingness. Belongingness, refers to a human emotional need for interpersonal relationships, affiliating, connectedness, and being part of a group
Basic Needs
Safety needs - once an individual’s physiological needs are satisfied, the needs for security and safety become salient. People want to experience order, predictability and control in their lives. These needs can be fulfilled by the family and society (e.g. police, schools, business and medical care).
Physiological needs - these are biological requirements for human survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep.
First Date Completion
Show her the tip: study lots of things and tease your knowledge by starting conversations on different topics
The In and Out: try and get her number in 5 minutes. This mentality will cut down long conversations being filled with science
End on a high note: if you see the end coming during a good conversation say you have an appointment to get to and ask for her number
Date: Actually talk about those things
7 Easy Ways To Show Extreme Confidence
Frame Control
Frames: the unspoken context that dictates the rules of any interaction (example: someone asking you “tell me about yourself” at an interview compare to a party). Who ever controls has power.
Control The Frame With Your Body Language & Tone: You control people by entering big and brash. By doing this you establish the frame by having the other person react to your emotional state. You can also control a frame when responding slower and subdued when someone directs you to do something. Take your time; you don’t have to jump because somebody said so. When in conflict and someone you’re talking to is losing control and getting angry stay calm and do not rise to it. Tonality is When telling someone to do something tell them with a lower inflection. When making something more inviting speak with a higher inflection. For charisma, setting a higher energy frame is best for entrances and greetings. Slower and less reactive frame is better in moments in conflict
When In Confrontation, Attack The Frame, Not The Content: Challenging the content means you accept the frame and need to defend yourself. Shifting the framing is a verbal way of taking back control. This is done through the heart of quick wit. The simple act of not defending goes a long way. In fact the less you focus on defending yourself the better your banter will become.
Have The Belief That You Are Not There To Impress: When someone who’s working with you try to belittle you, remind them that you can leave. Don’t attack the person attack the frame. Shifting your mindset to “this person needs me to partner with them” this mindset will allow you to push back when needed, you’ll give better advice, and sub communicate a powerful position they’re more likely to associate with. Rather than to work for the praise of my partners, allow them to work for yours; compliment them when they impress you. When people have been accepted to something exclusive it makes them accept it much more if they were simply sold into that thing
Become an expert at framing people’s options: Give them 2 options the thing they don’t want to do and the thing you want to do. Control the menu which is to say you control the options that are only available in anyone’s mind. The person who controls the menu controls the outcome.
Socratic Method*: The Socratic method (also known as method of Elenchus, elenctic method, or Socratic debate) is a form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.
Create Options For Yourself: In any negotiation the person with the better second option is going to win they can afford to care less
6 Psychological Tricks to Read Anyone
Increase Self-Awareness: Notice when you're forming or changing opinions of other people. When you don't know someone you don't have an opinion on them. You don't trust them or distrust them, like them or hate them, it's just neutral to you. After you talk to someone for the first time within the first five minutes your going to force a strong opinion about them. You don't know this person, you don't know what they're saying is true and you don't know their resume. You need to get good at forming opinions.
Find Where Their Attention Is (eye contact is huge): Are their eyes making contact with and is their body facing yours. Are they asking or answering engaging questions?
Get Good at Identifying Micro-Expressions: Get good at recognizing when someone is trying to hide an expression. Look for momentary loss of control to hide expression.
Identify Common Patterns: Look for consistency in the way people engage with you.
Make Predictions Based on People's Body Language: Start making predictions. Foreshadow what you think is going to happen in a conversation. You can do this through how people talk to you versus others.
Experiment In Your Own Life
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rebeccajordan092 · 2 years
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chreudina · 2 years
Protetox Reviews – Just Don’t Miss Golden Opportunity
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All the ingredients into Protetox bolster make an effort to eliminate inflammatory reaction and additionally induce hence having to do with honed muscle tissues. Additionally raises the natural bodily systems which helps lesser a few of the. Biotin, called Vitamin H, will also be comprised to boost well being and help influence having diabetes together with additionally. Additionally it enhances the body is opportunity to metabolize body weight and fat. It is always included in sufficient goodies, this includes meat, poultry, fish, and human milk. Protetox operates on the distinctive rule which has specific degrees of countless constituents. These components assist the body lose fat together with suscrose to regenerate electricity not to mention vigor. They additionally struggle with oxidative worry, which will bring on desire. Superb combination of these kinds of formulation is usually that can assist the body burn calories also try to improve their metabolism. As a result , you can expect to use up more calories and slim down faster than previously. With this supplement, you might really completely full a lot quicker and have a little more vitality.
The other component that may possibly make Protetox creative is a employing typical vitamin antioxidants. Vitamin C is considered the most all-natural strongest natural antioxidants. New investigation out from the National Cancer Institute (NCBI) suggests it can trim down frame inflammation merely by significantly 24 percent. In addition, it can 'abnormal' amounts to do with cytokines in addition to C-reactive protein (CRP). Protetox is manufactured out of genuine grow crops substances and also has a wide range of compounds and mineral deposits. Several 100 % natural ingredients also include Banaba, Guggul, Bitter Melon, Juniper Berry, Licorice, and Cinnamon. A new assist just happens to be loaded with Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Zinc. Discover very happy with the data, you may put it back and purchase total refund. Protetox has been confirmed to build anti-inflammatory amazing benefits, or maybe fat reduction characteristics. These particular natural ingredients was put into action and therefore accredited using professionals before being deeply in love with the industry. One may check out this fabulous website to get information belonging to Protetox review.
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As well as elevating your metabolic rate, Protetox has lots of various health benefits for the body. It expand the hormone insulin understanding, that could be crucial in those with diabetes mellitus. Supply you power in your body . and keep navicular bone and therefore pearly white's strength and durability. Moreover it offers anti-inflammatory residences, who are excellent for cardio health. Protetox is formed inside FDA-approved manufacturing unit. Further, it possesses healthcare work references and even reliability research to suit its usefulness. The elements have been studied merely by world-renowned exams services and safe and secure with regard to people to drink. The finished products could be backed by a cash backwards offer. Protetox provides a large strength minerals. Elevated numbers of vitamin antioxidants make things easier for the body to take in foods. This unique fat burner accommodates an assortment of essential nutrients that will help our systems shed weight and sustain an excellent balance due of additionally. Additionally enhances the energy, reduces emotional tension, enabling the bodies cells purpose on losing weight targets. The supplementation is composed of various what are good mind health insurance prevent. To discover more details about Protetox reviews, you can our website.
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findingmyselfatm · 3 years
I'm writing another astrology post so you know what that means: venus-mars
Dislcaimer: I am no professional, take what resonates
Venus-mars is an interesting one imo, mainly because the planets are so different. Venus: love, affection, romance, and Mars: anger, temper, ambition and drive (ahem ahem and sexuality).
Anything in aspect with Mars becomes related to our ambition, drive and sexuality. Depending on the sign as well, anger has more potential to manifest in this area.
So, with venus-mars, relationships are like a battleground (not to be dramatic or anything-). Motivation, anger and conflict comes from them, and can manifest in a multitude of ways depending on the aspect and sign.
Hot. OK no jk jk, but really appealing, sexually or not. Venus is love and beauty, and mars is rawness for the lack of a better term. Together, they form a very contrasting but intriguing aura. What is supposed to be traditionally gentle and romantic turns intense and shocking.
May or may not find themselves in a lot of conflict in relationships (more common with harsh aspects).
You can skip this one if you're uncomfortable with sexual topics. Switch energy. Ok no jk again- but let me explain. I think venus-mars makes someone more passionate and intense, and somewhat daring with a fluctuating (perhaps high) libido. That's why I think most of them wouldn't be exactly bottoms. If so then at least a bratty one-
As previously stated, motivation is tied to their relationships. They may be more prone to easily get discouraged or encouraged by others' people responses. I think these people are reactive as well. Altho this doesn't always mean hot-headed, or a quick temper. F.e. gemini trine libra mars. Not the most confrontational of signs, but together with that air energy they are more likely to get involved in others' opinions.
Their type can vary, but definitely has some mars like traits. Ambitious and confrontational. They can also enjoy some push and pull as flirting a lot, also some banter and raw exchange of emotions.
I heard these people make great dancers and like, it's true??? I have libra venus square cancer mars, and despite this because of other aspects in my chart and my disinterest in the sport I suck at dancing. BUT, I have a couple of friends with venus-mars and uhm, I'd honestly ask them for lessons.
I also have a theory. These people can base their appeal on how they look, which ain't bad but if overdone it simply becomes overlooking their other qualities. They're more than their looks.
PROTECTIVE! Mars is also about protecting your own (coming from the traditional scorpio part of the planet), so these people can be very protective of their loved ones, especially if venus or mars is in a sign like cancer, taurus, scorpio or capricorn.
Venus conjunct mars merges the two planets together. One isn't without the other. In romance, they love a challenge, some drama, typical run and chase. They can be somewhat pushy, but this shouldn't be mistaken as being inconsiderate. They're involved and devoted to their passions. They can also have high stamina (take that as you will).
Venus trine mars is an easy aspect. Things flow easily. They're energetic, which draws people in. Protective and proactive in their relationships (more depending on the signs). Definitely fun. The dark side is that the trine can be easily taken advantage of. They can become disregarding of others and push their ambitions, or be too passive and neglect their own goals for their relationships.
Venus sextile mars is another positive aspect. Attractive and daring, many people like them. A little wild as well, and I am sensing dancing talent with this one. More low-key than the trine, but more responsible I believe.
Venus square mars is our first harsh aspect. Sheeee, I have this one :/. Internal conflict is big here. Feminity and masculinity are in a fight. Their relationships, romance, love and harmony versus their goals, ambitions and anger. Depending on the signs, one side is stronger than the other, applies to opposition as well. F.e: scorpio venus square aquarius mars is more likely to choose themselves, meanwhile pisces venus square gemini mars others. This creates a lot of inner turmoil but also confusion in their relationships. Take this with a grain of salt btw. The key here is compromise. They gotta find the middle ground between their romantic and passionate needs, peace and aggression.
Venus opposite mars is our last harsh aspect. The opposition expresses itself more outwardly. These people can have a lot of conflict in their relationships, but also how they display their character as well (venus like or mars like?). They may experience a lot of contradicting emotions as well regarding romance. This aspect however offers an attractive magnetism, excitement too. The way to deal with the opposition is to take the middle road, and find what suits them best while not neglecting one planet or the other.
As an end note, I kind of like venus-mars aspects. The harsh ones are indeed difficult to deal with as an outsider, but there are plenty of good parts as well. Very passionate, and exciting.
Thank you for reading!
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prof-peach · 3 years
Hello there.. My name is Ranny and I saw Pokemon matchups are open.
I read somewhere among your posts that Ghost types could be good for little exposure to the outside? I could be mistaken, but I'll leave it to the expert.
I feel I'm quite.. difficult.. to matchup with and I can't think of something myself, I don't want to hinder any Pokemon's growth with my circumstances.. which I should probably explain? I guess I don't need to go into too much detail but I have a lot of anxiety and depression, social anxieties and ptsd (very reactive to things moving too fast above me). I have fluctuating agoraphobia also, when at a severe level being too close to windows and doors will trigger panic attacks.. I have mobility issues down to Fibromyalgia, communication and management difficulties due to Autism, and I have a hard time concentrating or get lost in hyperfocussing down to ADHD..
I'm very introverted, an INFJ personality, but I do get lonely, very lonely. My depression pretty much has me feeling low more often than not but also pretty hopeless in finding a Pokemon friend, partner, companion, or anything that won't ultimately become hindered by my existence..
Any shred of hope I have of finding someone, even if just the right direction toward one, has been poured into this.. But ultimately, please don't feel too bad if you can't think of any or don't have any available.
I have seen many specialists for my mental and physical health too, it's a painfully slow process, I just thought some company might help the journey perhaps..
Fingers crossed, huh?
Many kind regards, Ranny
The right thing you did here was explain. I’m able to give you a far more accurate suggestion because of that, so thank you for being honest about what you need a Pokemon for, aside from good company.
You’re not wrong, finding a Pokemon must have been hard for you, no one individual Pokemon could cover all the bases. That being said, a group of three low impact species could indeed help you here.
Because your situation is so specific, there’s a little less wiggle room on what you could get away with keeping, but for sure you have some choices.
So first off, emotional help, shuppet. A Pokemon happy to be indoors, often willing to help those who show them love. They’ll help regulate the moods, keep you calmer, happier, and overall more freed up to handle other things. The feelings of anxiety and depression are exhausting, You know that, but without that constant background noise of it all, you’ll have a lot more energy and opportunity to enjoy more things. In serious cases, even two shuppet would help, so talk to your doctor and also the pokecentres near you about this. This of course can be done over the phone or online, if it suits you better. Shuppet are underrated, and have high populations in the wild, I don’t know why folks overlook them, perhaps the dex entries around the species spook them. Either way, can’t suggest better than them.
Second up, indoor happy psychic types. The psychic lines are adept at aiding day to day, if you hurt and can’t reach something, or you feel tired and can’t get up to deal with going to the bathroom or something, they’re more than capable of using telekinetic powers to assist your movements, even in the bad days. Some are fully able to learn how to help regulate moods too, predicting panic attacks for their trainers, using various methods to help you before things get too stressful, or even dangerous. They also regulate brain waves, so your autism may feel a little easier to manage the longer you spend with a psychic partner. It’s proven most psychic types will do this automatically, to aid their human family day to day.
My top psychic pokemon picks for you:
solosis - a Pokemon that can and does exist in the vacuum of space, they don’t require food like average Pokemon, and have a very upbeat outlook on things more often than not, thrive indoors, so long as they get enrichment and company.
Espurr - correctly trained these Pokemon can also double up as a really good buddy for those who feel calmer when petting or brushing fur. They can be great loving companions, but also are notoriously happy entertaining themselves should you be busy, and find the life of an indoor Pokemon quite agreeable sometimes.
If I was in your position, and I felt like I could afford and handle three, I would get all three Pokemon I suggested. This gives them days off, time to relax, and breaks from the duties of a support Pokemon. Everything needs time out, so having a care rotor will allow them to plan for time out, to do things they enjoy too.
You’ll have to take this list to your local adoption centre, or even lab/professor, and they will help to put you on a waiting list for the correct species you decide upon in the end. You can’t just go and catch one from the wild in this case, these Pokemon all need very intense and specific lessons to help them be the best aids to you. The facility that eventually helps you find a set of partners will then try to match your personality to those of the support Pokemon then have ready to be rehomed. Get ready for a few visits to the facilities, to meet potential matches, but it’s well worth it. The company and love Pokemon give us is proven to aid in mood, and wellbeing. I think it’d really do you well to take at least a shuppet on.
Be aware, when possible it’s still nice for these Pokemon to go outside, even if you don’t. If you have access to a yard, or a shared garden, try to let them have time in the sun when possible if they are interested. Socialising them is also advised, even if only with friends and family’s Pokemon, send them with trusted individuals to the shops, just to take a break from the house, you know, normal junk like that.
The facility that will eventually assign you a partner will make sure to pick individuals who suit your lifestyle as best as possible, so you shouldn’t end up with a partner who isn’t ok with the conditions you’ve set out.
Do not lose hope, there’s a combo out there for everyone, and I think this set is a good one for you from what you’ve told me. Hopefully you can move forward and make some neat friends!
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