#the mousa estate is complete!!
bobnewbie · 8 months
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finally...it is finished
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Brother of Dead Bin Laden Follower Moves Within Dem Party Circles
   Political photo ops and more for CAIR operative Ahmed Bedier.  
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   It is no secret that the Democratic Party has benefitted from a Muslim community that has felt alienated by the GOP. Adopting this community, though, comes with a hitch. Much of this constituency’s leadership is associated with overseas terror. One case in particular is that of Ahmed Bedier, a Florida delegate of the Democratic Party who has been a representative for Hamas-linked groups, the spokesman for a Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader, and the brother of a follower of Osama bin Laden. He has photos with Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, the late John Lewis and more. Why would a political party embrace such a dangerous individual?
   Ahmed Mustafa Bedier arrived in the US from Egypt with his family, when he was eight years old, spending his youth in both Illinois and Oregon. When his parents relocated back to Egypt, he elected to remain, as he had gotten used to secular American society. In time, he made his way to Florida, where he became somewhat of a financial success, purchasing real estate, shopping at upscale stores, and driving a fancy BMW. In 2000, Bedier went through a dramatic change, becoming an observant Muslim and attending a radical mosque, the Islamic Society of Pinellas County (ISPC), soon taking on the position as the mosque’s Outreach Director.
   In November 2002, Bedier became the Communications Director for the Florida office of CAIR. CAIR or the Council on American-Islamic Relations was established, in June 1994, as a key part of the US Palestine Committee, a terrorist umbrella group led by then-global head of Hamas, Mousa Abu Marzook. In 2007 and 2008, CAIR was cited by the US government as a co-conspirator (unindicted) in two separate federal trials dealing with the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas via a US charity, the Holy Land Foundation (HLF). Bedier founded CAIR’s Tampa chapter and later would take on the role of Executive Director of CAIR-Florida.
   As Bedier began his involvement with CAIR, he as well got involved in the well-publicized case of soon-to-be convicted terrorist Sami al-Arian, becoming al-Arian’s unofficial spokesman in the media. Al-Arian created a Tampa, Florida network for Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), an entity responsible for the deaths of over 100 innocent people, including Americans. In December 2005, during an interview for TV, when asked if he believed al-Arian’s involvement with PIJ was immoral, Bedier infamously stated, “To a certain degree. Now, before 1995, there was nothing immoral about it.” Prior to 1995, PIJ took credit for five terrorist attacks and eight murders.
   In addition to CAIR, Bedier has served as the Florida Events Coordinator for Islamic Relief (IR), a group that has been banned by a number of nations. They include: Israel, which has labeled IR a front for Hamas, United Arab Emirates (UAE), which has designated IR a terrorist group, and Bangladesh. In 1999, Islamic Relief was reported to have shipped more than $6 million to Chechen rebels with ties to Al-Qaeda. In 2014, Britain’s HSBC bank cut ties with IR over worries about “terrorist financing.”
   In February 2011, Bedier found himself, along with hundreds of thousands of others, in Cairo, Egypt’s Tahrir Square to witness the speech of Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the US-banned spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who had just returned to Egypt from exile after the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The following month, Bedier stated, on a Tampa radio show that he co-hosts, “I went to Egypt for the revolution…”
   Bedier’s younger brother, Amir, was also in Egypt for the revolution. In December 2012, after Amir was shot and wounded in the face outside the presidential palace, where many clashes between police and rioters had transpired, Ahmed took to social media to praise him. He said Amir was there “not to protest, but to help the injured.” He said Amir “represents the good people of Egypt, the heroes.” Ahmed’s kind words seemed to be little more than cover to protect his brother, because the sentiment expressed could not be further from the truth.
   Amir was no hero. Indeed, he was a follower of al-Qaeda. Evidence of this was revealed on his then-Facebook page, when, in May 2013, Amir, under the name “Amir MB” – MB meaning Muslim Brotherhood – changed his Facebook profile picture to that of Osama bin Laden. He soon followed that up by changing the picture to that of Abdullah Azzam, the deceased mentor of bin Laden and co-founder of al-Qaeda, who is known as the father of global jihad.
   On August 14, 2013, Amir was shot and killed by Egyptian police at Nasr City’s Rabaa al-Adawiya Square. Ahmed, who went to check on the dead body with his parents, said that Amir, for 12 hours, had been left on the street to die.                                                  
   At the 2016 Democratic National Convention, Ahmed Bedier, then-delegate to the convention, assisted fellow CAIR operative, Ali Kurnaz, in holding up a Palestinian flag on the convention floor, claiming it was in protest to the Democratic Party’s refusal to condemn Israel. Bedier’s behavior was a contemptuous propaganda ploy aimed at exploiting the convention’s media coverage to get attention for the terror-driven “Palestinian cause,” which he actively aids and abets. The fact that he was not censured for attempting to hijack the event shows that the Democratic Party had given their tacit approval for his actions.
   Bedier used the party for nefarious purposes then, and he is continuing to use the party now. His social media is littered with photographs of him with Democratic leaders, deceptively making him appear to be a ‘mover and shaker’ within the party. One photo, which Bedier posted on Facebook this past June, depicts him discussing a book with a smiling US Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi. And while the Pelosi photo might look completely innocuous, having a radical Muslim with al-Qaeda family gain access to the highest levels of our nation’s government should be deeply concerning.
   As the Democratic Party moves to embrace and pander to the Muslim community, it needs to understand that at least some within that community have ill intentions for our nation and the party, itself. That is the case with Ahmed Bedier and others like him. Given the dangers that they pose, it would be wise for the party to distance itself from these individuals, who mean us all harm.
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baxtonme · 5 years
Austrade Export Grants Available For Business Says Australian Financial Expert Thomas Mousa
Austrade Grants Available to Combat Asian Markets Says Financial Expert
Australians have been savvy to the vast opportunity on their doorstep in Asia for decades, but breaking into the Asian market can be a daunting and baffling endeavour.  Despite offering higher profit margins, and vast market potential in comparison to the Australian local market, Asia has often proven to be a nut that’s hard to crack for many Australian businesses.
Asia is a non-homogeneous region, navigating the various countries, all of which have different procedures and practices, can be require significant resources in terms of time – making connections, getting in touch with the appropriate authorities, and applying for any permits or patents you may need are just some of the hurdles that businesses often run into. And once you’ve ticked all the boxes, you’ve got to get your products into the hands of your target audiences!
Leading Australian financial expert Thomas Mousa, partner at Sydney-based TLK Partners says, “It’s a minefield worth discovering.”
Fortunately, the Australian Government can extend your business a helping hand. Austrade provides the Export Market Development Grant, or EMDG, to help Australian businesses get a head start in venturing overseas. The Australian Government has an interest in helping small and medium-sized businesses, often the more innovative and agile businesses in Australia, export their products, services and knowledge to markets outside of Australia.
Eligible businesses can claim all of the expenses related to the following categories:
Overseas representatives
Marketing consultants
Marketing visits
Free samples
Trade fairs, seminars, in-store promotions
Promotional literature & advertising
Overseas buyers
Registration and/or insurance of eligible intellectual property
“Austrade is an excellent first point of call, ” Mousa says, “their global experience is excellent but in Asia, it has grown significantly over the past 20 years.”
Aside from claiming the costs of printing brochures, participating in overseas trade fairs, and making trips down to meet business associates, you can also claim the cost of marketing consultants who can help you navigate the local market. The EMDG provides up to AUD$50,000 for marketing support to grow your business into Asia and the grants are easy to obtain.
Having a local consultant is a huge advantage as marketing into Asia is complex. Marketing strategies that have worked in Australia may not necessarily work in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia or Thailand. Having someone on the ground with knowledge of what grabs the attention of local audiences can really speed up the time it takes to get your product into their hands.
If Austrade has specifically designed a special category under this grant for marketing consultants, it shows that they understand the limitations and the challenges around breaking into an overseas market like Asia. Since the aid is available.
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Mousa says, “I would highly encourage Australian businesses to utilise any help they can get from Austrade, and bringing in specialist consultants helps limit risk.”
There are many advantages you can gain when hiring a locally-based marketing consultant. First, they have comprehensive local knowledge to help you accelerate your entry. Such expertise would take you much more capital, time and resources to build in-house.
Secondly, until the business is more established and is able to hire a local marketing team, a consultant can guide the local team to execute the necessary tasks to break into the market.
The EMDG can subsidise your marketing consultancy costs significantly, depending on how many markets your business is expanding into at once. Australian businesses that are utilising the grant, say it is a huge help, especially smaller businesses that are exporting knowledge and cloud-based products and services.
For businesses thinking of applying for the grant, Mousa advises for someone within the company to take the lead and gather the information required (either in-house finance departments or specialised agencies who can manage this process for you).
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There are nine categories that you can claim expenses on – with most companies not all of the categories will have expenses. But for the ones that you can fill in, every line item will need to be backed up with a receipt and payment details. Therefore, it’s best that someone within the company, preferably someone who is good with details, takes charge and can ensure that all claimed expenses are substantiated. The department gives you a few months to complete and submit the application, and there are information sessions that provide opportunities to ask questions, to go along to them.
Imagine being able to enter into Asia without burning a huge hole in your pocket, yet being able to access a high level of seniority of marketing counsel to ensure that you are on the right path. It sure is a win-win situation.
“Austrade is an excellent conduit between Australia and Asia in the initial stages and the grants help penetrate that marketplace,” Mousa concluded.
TLK Partners Wealth Management Companies Kingsgrove, Beverly Hills | Tax Accountant & Agent | Property Advisers are financial management, retirement planning and wealth advisers serving enterprises and private individuals who hope to take care of their future through sound financial management. Visit their website or contact them at (02) 8090 4324 for an appointment to discuss your financial management and investment needs.
This material is of a general nature only, and it does not take into consideration your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. Before making any decision based on this content, you should assess your own circumstances, seek professional advice or contact our office to be directed to the appropriate professional. Whilst all care has been taken in presenting the material neither TLK Partners or its associated entities guarantee that the material is free of error and, the information may have changed since being published.
Syndicated by Baxton Media, the Market Influencers.
Austrade Export Grants Available For Business Says Australian Financial Expert Thomas Mousa was originally published on Baxton
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baxtonme · 5 years
Business Failure Effects 40% Of Startups Says Financial Expert Thomas Mousa
4 in 10 New Businesses Fail in First 4 Years
Australia is home to more than 2,065,523 small businesses employing less than 19 people, accounting for 97 per cent of all Australian businesses by employee size.
While small business failures are still a concern with four in 10 not surviving more than four years, there has been growth in the numbers of small businesses over the year.
Many businesses in Australia are still family owned and are often too busy dealing with today’s operations to worry about who will be running the business when the owners no longer wish to.
However, putting off establishing a clear-cut succession plan in a family business can inevitably lead to future problems and can drive a deep wedge into the closest of families.
Australian financial expert Thomas Mousa, a chartered accountant, director and partner at Sydney-based TLK Partners says, “To ensure continuity, a succession plan is essential for every family business and this is regardless of whether the family runs a global empire, family farm or corner store.”
“Although you can talk about the family business around the kitchen table, it is a good idea to have formal family meetings with a structured business agenda. Consider having someone external to the family facilitate these. This is also an opportunity to encourage open discussions to ensure there isn’t a break-down of communication between all the family members involved in the business,” Mousa suggests.
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Have a plan for the exit of the older generation by setting dates and ensure there is enough retirement planning to ensure the older generation is well looked after for in retirement.
Mousa says, “If you fail to have the total support of the older generation then they are unlikely to relinquish their control and position in the business.”
Who replaces the older generation is a vital issue for the business to succeed. “It may not always be appropriate for the eldest child to automatically take the lead (whether they expect to or not). There must be open and frank discussions on this issue and a firm decision made on a suitable successor. Having someone to take over the business for the right reasons and not based on an obligation is essential, so choose wisely,” Mousa said.
“Getting the right advice is essential,” Mousa explains, “it is crucial that all-important planning issues are discussed with your professional advisers. A solicitor will assist in drafting documents including any applicable loan documentation, an accountant will assist with the tax implications on the sale of the business and your financial planner will assist in the retirement planning for the older generation and superannuation.”
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Mousa recommends to “set dates for future meetings so that discussions continue until the succession plan business has been completed and all family members have been provided for.”
It is important that you keep your succession plan current. Changes in personal circumstances, health and goals can prompt an alteration in a succession plan and these should be reviewed and updated to ensure that what you have agreed upon remains relevant.
“TLK Partners promote a simple and commonsense approach of preparing in advance, seeking professional advice supported by sound, unemotional management, to set the future of the business in good stead and allow it to continue in its success for many years to come, ” Mousa concludes.
TLK Partners Wealth Management Companies Kingsgrove, Beverly Hills | Tax Accountant & Agent | Property Advisers are financial management, retirement planning and wealth advisers serving enterprises and private individuals who hope to take care of their future through sound financial management. Visit their website or contact them at (02) 8090 4324 for an appointment to discuss your financial management and investment needs.
This material is of a general nature only, and it does not take into consideration your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. Before making any decision based on this content, you should assess your own circumstances, seek professional advice or contact our office to be directed to the appropriate professional. Whilst all care has been taken in presenting the material neither TLK Partners or its associated entities guarantee that the material is free of error and, the information may have changed since being published.
Syndicated by Baxton Media, the Market Influencers.
Business Failure Effects 40% Of Startups Says Financial Expert Thomas Mousa was originally published on Baxton
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