#the movie does sound good n fun tbf
speedprofessor · 1 year
Oh someone leaked the plot of the movie lmfao
[reads it]
God dammit New 52 when will you fucking DIE
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taeguboi · 4 years
BTS HC - Lockdown
In which each BTS member lives with y/n
I’m hoping these imagines might lighten the mood for anyone who might be feeling a bit lonely right now.
Please see the end of post first if you need some context or wish to see the notes
Has good balance of me time and us time
steps back when you both need space
sitting in the back yard on some chair reading a book
taking in the sun
The restrictions don’t hinder him from making sure you both get plenty of sun and fresh air
it isn’t much but in week 1, he gave the back yard a little tidy up
turned it into a place to chill out
so there aren’t any flower planted or decor
but it makes all the difference
there’s chairs, a table and a parasol
to you, this is perfect
Spot of tea under cooler weather
or orange juice under the sun
Board games at the table in the back yard
you tried cards once out there but even just the slightest breeze...
The card games are for when it rains
or for when neither of you quite feel like going out today
He swears you’re cheating at UNO
you swear he’s just really bad at it
turns out he keeps saving those wild 4 draw cards too long
which you gather over his last 3 rage quits 
because he just slings the cards, revealing them to you
“You play it too safe” you tell him
so he plays it a bit less safe
“Yes! Finally I won!”
“OH! Look at that!” you smile
he smiles back because of how proud you...
“...it’s sunny again!”
‘Goddammit y/n...’
Shopping trips together
not so helpful when the rules get stricter
“One adult at a time please...”
oh dear
who goes in?
so you go in
“Crap! Namjoon has the shopping list!”
this period of time really shows how you complete each other
pretty much every day you each think
“what would I do without him/her?”
Random talks
he tells you about this one book he read
and now you want to read it
so you do
and you can’t take your eyes off it
you find a new love for reading
so sometimes when you both need me time
you remain in the same room, just reading a book each
Every day you feel enlightened
almost sad at the thought of going back to normal life
because you won’t have as much time for yourself
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Everyone is suddenly having the time to cook from scratch
imagine Jin’s frustration since he did this all along
so when certain things he usually gets aren’t in stock
“Oh for crying out loud!”
you sometimes have to calm him down when shopping
and since only 1 adult in at a time it’s like a really awkward phone call
you’re just stood outside alone like
“For Christ’s sake Jin! Calm down!”
but he makes every meal taste great anyway
“Sorry it doesn’t have the usual...”
“Jin, please!” you reply
because it’s still really yummy because
“you’re still the best cook in the world, okay?”
“Okay fine...” he sighs “Thank you”
can I just add here food is the only time you both get hysterical at each other
He still low key hoard particular ingredients when he FINALLY can get them
and you have to explain how irrational he’s being
“We don’t need SIX tubes of tomato puree!”
“Jin... How are we going to use up all THIS fruit and veg before it goes off?”
But he’s not selfish, no
if he’s in a shop and sees someone elderly, he helps them out
“Would you like me to reach that for you?”
“Do you need any toilet paper? There’s 2 packs left - here”
“Here’s my number; let me know if you need me to run any errands for you”
ahh you’re lucky to be living with such a gentleman
Daily walks in the park to feed the ducks
“This is the best kind of exercise” he tells you “...relaxed and where you can connect with nature”
some of the ducks at the beginning of the lockdown are a bit nutty
Jin may or may not be low key scared of that one goose
“I swear it’s giving me the evils”
it may or may not have chased him the second day in
*Jin running away in the distance*
You cooked for him that evening
“Honey, I don’t know how to put this...”
“Aw sweetie it’s okay about what happened in the park; I mean you were the one holding the bread and...”
“oh no no” he replies. “this meal is awful”
but it’s okay
you knew the minute you offered to make dinner it wasn’t going to turn out well
so you both agree the kitchen will be his space to work his magic in during lockdown
and he somehow gets better than he already is at cooking
just woowwww
but neither of you get podgy
Lazy exercises together
chair exercises watching the tv
small periods of jogging in the woods
“oh wow, what’s that?”
you come across some random squirrel
and all of a sudden trips to the park for that daily walk 
it turns into a nature watch
bird watching
luckily he forgets about the angry goose
Sometimes talking about what you miss
and then promising to do all of those things when everything is back to normal
so many plans
and it helps you both stay optimistic
because you just created a bunch of stuff to look forward to
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Late night movie marathons
and accidentally getting into a routine of late mornings late nights
Cooking together
because neither of you want to do it
but someone has to
can’t live on instant food for all this time
Night time walks
less people, less danger
please don’t yell at me if we’re not supposed to do this in real life I haven’t actually been out that late during lockdown hahaha
it’s only around a few blocks
but deep talks, you know
There may not be much room in the back garden
but you have a ball and a hoop
basketball together
he teaches you to shoot better
“yes! I did it!”
*he hugs you from behind*
sorry that was gay
He’s actually quite chill about the whole lockdown situation
almost like he forgets the circumstances sometimes
“I think I might nip down to _____’s house today...”
“Uh, Yoongi, remember?”
“Oh yeah”
Detective series marathons too
the two of you trying to figure out whodunnit
sometimes even low key bets or light arguments if you disagree
a mildly sore loser when you’re correct
smug af when he is correct
Evenings lounging in the back yard with the drink of your choice
some quiet music on 
random hypothetical conversations and questions about life
“what if...”
“what happened to...”
“don’t you think that cloud looks like a goldfish?”
Board games that keep the brain stimulated
why is he so good at scrabble
you can’t recall a game you’ve won
but no monopoly
not after the last time
“I want a divorce!”
“We’re not married”
tbf you might as well be an old married couple
because there’s those films you just watch over and over
close to unlocking the power of mind reading
“want a cup of tea?”
“omg I was about to ask that”
Some days you get on each other’s nerves a little though
so you each occupy yourselves with little chores
and even though you weren’t in the mood to do anything together
you’ve just made the house look great in a day as a team
and you’ve got everything you need just in time for dinner
“I’m proud of us”
“I’m proud of us too”
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Picnics in the back garden
much better than one in the park though
there’s no packing involved
there’s cushions
sometimes low key fine dining
your favourite is the one evening picnic the other day
you had been shopping alone for the essentials
and he wanted to surprise you
he had set up a makeshift table out of a few old crates
did the cooking
the pasta dish was lovely
there was even dessert
okay the dessert was M&S
fairy lights
seriously you swear you weren’t out for that long how did he manage all of this so fast?
staring at the stars
and there were blankets too
dozing off until early hours of the morning
finally coming indoors at like 2am
sleeping in til noon oops haha
then binge watching some random show together 
and now it’s your new favourite
For some reason you have a big stock of popcorn
watching any old crap on the TV as an excuse to eat it
like there’s 3 films on this afternoon that sound shite
but you’re going to watch them all anyway
and the third one is actually really good
more popcorn more films
“we should probably go out at some point...”
whoops it’s been like 4 days now
and now it’s raining damn
fuck it, you go out anyway
dancing in the rain in an empty park
followed by shivering on the walk home
he gets in the shower first
but then runs a lovely hot bath for you
candles, bubble bath, the works
just so you can have some relaxing time to yourself
so thoughtful
lockdown doesn’t mean needing to compromise on showing you love each other
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You’re not quite sure how you got pulled into this
but Jimin decided to make use of his YouTube following
Virtual dance classes
and fun little exercise sessions for all the family
He does the dance classes solo
but he loves to flaunt you to the world even in lockdown
“Today joining me for this session... my lovely significant other, y/n!”
at first you felt uncertain and a little conscious
but thanks to Jimin your confidence grew
He helps you stay positive during a tough time
and you even feel like your self improvement has been going amazingly well
he even inspires you to make your own channel
to show the world what you love; [insert hobby/interest here]
people love the both of you
they go to Jimin’s channel to keep fit and happy
and your channel just fills them with joy
But not everything revolves around the virtual world
Care packages for all of your friends
food and other essentials get mailed to the ones that lost their jobs
and for the ones still working, a bundle of stuff for their mental well being
and a little drawing with rainbow colours in each
and a positive message
Woolly jumpers, cushions and hot chocolate
sweater paws
Sometimes in the evening you doze off
like you fall asleep just as you are
and you wake up to the smell of food and a blanket over you
Sometimes you miss your friends
and Jimin hates to see you down
so he organises a big surprise
his hands over your eyes as he walks you into the living room
“surprise!” you hear over the laptop
and then Jimin hands you some gifts 
he asked them all a few days ago to send you something meaningful
and your heart just melts
and you may or may not cry a little in front of your friends on the video call
you just have to do something in return so
You make the living room all nice whilst he’s making a video in the garden
wow you’re actually quite proud
the lighting is just right
the improv decor is actually somewhat aesthetic
“Honey, why’s it so dull in here..... Woah, what’s this?”
“Dinner’s ready” you smile
and you have a gift for him too
you can’t wipe the smile off his face when he sees it
a scrapbook of memories between you and him
which you look through after eating
“We’re going to make more memories like this once this blows over”
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Lots of online socialising
Calls with his friends 
which you always end up being a part of in the background with your commentaries
Cute online double dates with Jimin and/or your best friend
Will try everything and anything to kill the boredom
“look what I found in the bargain bin at the supermarket!”
“Tae, I’m not really sure I’m in the mood to take up crocheting...”
but actually it turns out to be more fun that you thought
he has his little ways of making everything fun
one day you guys just find some random paints in a cupboard
and WOW
he’s so good at it
such beautiful landscapes
Makes sure that you both maintain some sort of routine
“best make sure we have an early night lovely”
“why? it’s not like there’s much to do tomorrow”
but no matter how sceptical you may be at times
he’s determined to be your sunshine
he helps you stay sane
makes everything sound productive
“because tomorrow we are going to make a playlist for when we walk, feed the ducks, go shopping, learn how to make a new dish...”
makes you a cup of tea just because
or breakfast in bed
the perfect companion
caring about even the people he can’t physically be with
“we haven’t heard from _____ in a while; we should drop a phone call or something”
but it isn’t just a phone call
it’s also a letter in the mail a few days later
plus a painting for the close friends
Dressing up really formal for a home date
3 course meal, courtesy of the microwave
then a slow dance in the living room
always the romantic
“tonight was amazing... will I see you again?”
“you are terrible Tae, you really are!”
such a joker
he keeps you smiling through it all
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Tries to get you to go on daily jogs with him
“Can’t I just walk?”
“Come on, y/n; get those endorphins running through you!”
you try like once
Nintendo switch
Not that I have one welp
I can just imagine it okay
Lots of active games
thrashes you at Wii Sports Tennis
but you whoop his ass at Bowling
he does most of the shopping
so that he can go for a jog first
and also so he’s not out too often in any one day, two birds one stone and all that
Doesn’t quite always get the shopping list right….
“I wrote 1-2 bananas… You’ve brought back 12”
blames your handwriting
Small bits of banter like this keep you both sane
and he eats all those bananas in like 2 days
“What? There was no cereal in the shop”
someone teach this boy to cook please
*brings back like a crate load of instant noodles*
at least it means you’ve come up with something to pass the time
teaching Jungkook some basic meals
maybe beginning with breakfast first thing in the morning wasn’t the best idea
“Jungkook! I said keep an eye on it!”
“I did”
and he literally just watched the bacon burn instead of regularly flipping it over
Singing to you whilst snuggling on the couch
meme-y dances before bed time
like you’ll be sat in bed maybe watching tv / reading
and something moves in the corner of your eye
oh my word Jungkook
*insert all the meme-y dances you have even seen him do*
the biggest dork
can’t stop laughing at his own silliness afterwards
jumps into the bed and puts his head on your shoulder
falls asleep like this quite fast
well you aren’t surprised since he’s always so energetic
Small campfires in the back garden
the best marshmallows you’ve ever had
and it’s so much fun
campfire stories
usually people have a guitar around the fire
not Jungkook though, no
*serenades you with a ukulele purposely singing out of tune*
has you in stitches
people in the neighbouring houses hear the laughter and some think it’s insensitive to be laughing so much
but seriously, if you can’t laugh, what can you do?
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So I thought I’d make a post around the strange times many of us are living in. Whilst I get that some readers may not be in a situation like mine (UK) so a quick bit of context for you even though I made the location / country ambiguous in my writing. The circumstances explained in the imagines though are of course based on my experiences in England.
Right now, we are limited in what we do; only essential shops are open, (supermarkets, pharmacies, etc,) the country is being advised to go out as little as possible, (only for food shopping, medical reasons and exercise,) social gatherings aren’t allowed, our death rate has been increasing due to the virus (even our prime minister has it,) and our NHS is overwhelmed - currently more than 10,000 being treated as I’m listening to the news and writing this note. 
I hope everyone is staying safe and doing the right thing by staying indoors and maintaining social distancing.
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dragontamer05 · 4 years
That being said I think even if I watched a bunch of positive reviews on the CATS movie it still couldn’t convince me to watch it.
CGI aside like what did they do to the songs/characters.
Jennyennydots is not supposed to be a solo song- at least not the second part to it when they start describing what she gets up to when she’s not lazing around (so like even if they had a decent singer singing the song would still sound awkward as hell)
jsut from descriptions alone and clips what were they thinking getting James Cordon to play Bustopher Jones. Nothing against the guy but Bustopher is supposed to be like this well respected gentlemanly cat and instead it looks like someone read the first few lines that mention him being rather fat and that was it and now he’s just some big joke.
Like yah he’s fat and there are a couple comments sort of jokes made about it within the song/poem but they aren’t lingered on and even then it’s more like just a stated fact that yep he’s a big clearly well fed cat and as stated before everyone still loves and respects him (so you could argue it’s more a descriptor of who and how he is more then a joke)
Macavity is just why the fuck is he a CHOCOLATE/DARK coloured cat. Straight up the song/poem describes him being a GINGER cat and that was not a Ginger colour, And also why the hell does he want to go to the heavyside layer.
He’s not supposed to have any particular motivation like just reading the poem you can easily come up with Mcavity is just an asshole who loves to cause trouble/break the law and probably attacked the Jellical ball just cause he could/wanted to mess up their fun.
Gus is fine- some of the music sounds a bit off/doesn’t quite flow with how he’s speaking during his part from what I heard of it plus again its another that kind of had a split wasn’t being song alone just by Gus.
Odd choice adding in Growltiger as like a lacky/henchman of Mcavity but fine sure in the play he was made out as a character Gus once played so no big deal.
Personally I think just Grizzabella’s look they could have done more to make her look more well grizzled. Older, run down and all that. Again one of the lines in her song/poem is about how ‘you’d think she’d out to be dead’
Odd choice to make Old Deuteronomy a woman but sure why not- certainly nothing worth complaining about I can live with it. Although fun fact Judi Dench was supposed to be in the original play/show and would have been Grizzabella and Jennyennydots but unfortunately during a practice her Achilles tendon snapped rendering her unable to.
Just if you are gonna do a Musical why not go and hire people who can do singing/dancing and if they happen to big name actors as well then hey that’s a bonus but like
Skimbleshanks song isn’t too bad as I listened to it- and tbf I’d expect it to be good as his actor is part of the Royal Ballet so has got that stage experience
Victoria is eh, I mean maybe they could have made it work trying to make her into a protagonist but like the point of the show is there is no real protagonist- your better off accepting it’s a musical and running with it and just having them address the audience as they do in the play. Personally I never found it weird in the 1998 film which is basically just the stage play with some slight alterations for like time n such
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comicteaparty · 6 years
December 6th, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on December 6th, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Pin Porter Girl Detective by Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett.
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Pin Porter Girl Detective by Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett~! (http://pinporterdetective.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Tenor | Shinavar
1) Spense's backstory for how he came along is probably my top fav? It was short, concise, but also revealed the personality of him, King, and Queen all in one go that I feel has definitely helped develop the characters in a way to really flesh them out further and has me curious where it's all going to go now what we know whose 'stakes' lie where. /wording yay.
(Also Shadow!Pin is adorable fight me )
yeah i liked how spense's backstory was executed. cause at the end it didnt just develop spense, it developed the world, other characters, and so forth. which is not usually something you get with backstory so i liked seeing backstory actually further the story in other ways without it suddenly being a story about spense.
my fave scene is the one where pin is being kidnapped for the king and then she just 180s her opinion cause of the evidence being in her face and then she kicks the fairfolk out. i not only enjoyed seeing a character who wasnt stubborn and basically went "this is my life now," but i enjoyed how many things we learn about her personality from this single instance (like the fact that for someone who didnt believe, she sure knew a lot of those fae rules).
Tenor | Shinavar
I'd like to blame her grandfather for that one a little? But yeah, her survival skills and adaptability and good to see - she'd have been royally screwed if she hadn't been willing to.
(Except, y'know, throwing your only weapon you have )
I just started on this comic and I just wanna say I really love the noir style of writing its going for its really enjoyable
tbf to pin, shes still a kid. so still gotta make those kid mistakes of throwing the weapon and hoping for the best.
welcome Han~!
i enjoyed the noir style writing as well, though i enjoyed that it took a comedic turn. like the opening scene was not where i expected it to go at all with them commenting on the line quality
Tenor | Shinavar
On Pin being a kid: True! I suppose all her detective work she hasn't had to deal with violence too much.
Hullo Han~ :D
yea!! Im really enjoying it
Tenor | Shinavar
The speech patterns threw me off initially honestly - I thought everyone was much older than they were because it was stuff I've only heard from old detective movies wheeze
the comedic and weird creepy vibes scattered throughout are really nice, definitely stuff thats right up my alley
I assumed a lot of it is Pin is kinda playing it up as kid tend to do, but then everyone started talking the same and I was like oh!!! its a reference, but it seems to be set in a sort of alternate reality to ours
I like how theres no explaining really it just hops in and allows the story to make the world-building as it goes
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes, I did enjoy that too~
Like Spense's introduction just made me go "wat" and need to keep going because "Can't believe in people disappearing but we have a talking bird a'ight what's going on"
i feel some of it is kind of playing it up. i mean tbf most of the characters are kids or the fae. the only adults have been i think a ghost and pin's mom for 5 seconds? so in a sense it could be like a group thing of playing it up. cause kids do that too. play pretend in large groups.
not to say i think it is pretend. just the noir thing i could see still as the kids just hamming up their weirdo lives
although wait prudence had that whole backstory
although that seemed less noir to me too
more wild west
Tenor | Shinavar
-Nod- That was the impression I had. But yeah could be kids playing it up - considering the fae did it too maybe it's a weird influential thing - - What if it's because they picked it up from the local fae trying to be under cover over the years?
I just have this amazing image in my head of them watching old human films to get an idea how to emulate humans wheeze
that could be. although i think the kids at least have some sense of difference given that iola corrected that one fae for saying thy(edited)
I'm now here, for the moment. ^^ I got as far as about page 150.
Yeah, I really liked the opening as far as setting the mood, the detective and noir style.
I rather liked that flashback scene with Penelope "Pin" (I wonder where the nickname is from) going off on the town history, being very suspicious of the founder. Thought it rang true to her character.
Hey there!
Just felt like dropping in and saying ello
gonna be a bit busy tonight but I'll see if I can return later
Tenor | Shinavar
Math: I agree~ also showed she seems to have always had a history or knack for looking at odd things and picking things out that weren't quite right
Right. I wonder when she decided to go into the detective business.
QUESTION 2. Pineburg is not just filled with the supernatural, but numerous human characters up to their own things. Do you believe that Iola is truly on Pin’s side now? Alternatively, do you think Iola might betray Pin in the future (and if so, what for)? Do you believe that Riley will overcome his addiction, or might he find some other way to get Fruit? Besides withdrawal, what long term consequences do you think Riley might suffer from his past usage of Fruit? Will Iola and Riley be a boon to Pin’s detective work, or are they going to end up becoming burdens? Also, do you think it’s significant Pin doesn’t know what her mother does for a living? What role might her mother play in regards to events going on in the town?
Jonny Aleksey
I read from 100 to the current page so I probably missed a lot. I did get confused. Best part I saw would be that whole backstory to Penn's ancestor. Most interesting character stuff.
Yeah, that fruit thing really threw me when it first came up. Oh, which reminds me, another scene I liked visually was when Pin got sucked into the other place and there were just all these street signs floating in the air. Great callback, how things made sense later (like the fruit).
yeah i totally forgot about the street signs thing until they were in that place and i was like "gasp it all makes sense now"
but yeah i agree the fruit thing made me what
oooooohhh the twist with the founder of the town is really cool
pin has a super interesting family line going on
so many threads
Tenor | Shinavar
2. I believe Iola is on Pin's side as long as her revenge is being sated by the Queen, and the Queen seems interested in Pin if just a little bit. I'm waiting for Riley to drip back into addiction, sadly. I don't believe this will be something he can 100% beat without something to literaly cure it <_<; Magic n' all that. On Pin's mom: With what's all been hinted with the family I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to keep away from Pin fo rher safety due to what all they're wrapped up in. Sure her father might have been the link but who's to say she wasn't aware/told some shit?
Seems like the only way to cure a fruit addiction is to have another fae do it, like what happened with Spence.
Tenor | Shinavar
Maybe! I wouldn't be surprised, at least
Pin's mom doesn't play a role... but her Shadow does! Gasp!
Tenor | Shinavar
Her shadow wants to be Johnny Badass, I love it
spense might of been a special case though being a bird and all. and tbf it seemed everything with spense happened in one day? and while magic is involved, you dont usually get addicted in one day. at least in a way that comes with withdrawal
i...actually also think riley is gonna fall back in with fruit if he can get some
cause his withdrawal seems pretty long term atm
without signs of getting better
and that sounds like hell on earth
i feel like her mom has to know something given the fam she married into. but then again pin's mom was kind of oblivious to pin dying
Tenor | Shinavar
IDK man - magical addiction might just wreck the body - though usually depending on lore Fae magic is pervasive but slow, often with intent to make permanent damage. But, that is kinda hinted too with how Riley describes how the fruit tastes and what it's like, and how eventually that goes away and what you're left with. I'd say that at least has shown a long term addiction.
TO BE FAIR - did anyone notice all the street signs were gone too? <_< How much do we know can be seen by others? Her sickness might be seen as lesser and just like, exhaustion. Though at least a doctor's visit c'mon. If my kid can't walk for a few days she's goin LOL
(I'd also want to know wtf my kid is doing to being so exhausted but it seems like Mom is pretty... not on the ball about her kid)
The Spense thing on one day? I thought it took a bit of time to get hooked, then he was with the Queen for a little bit too. Though he was unhooked in a day, I grant. Riley needs to find a fruit substitute.
Well, the whole town was exhausted for a while, what with passing out while walking their dogs and things.
Incidentally, I didn't immediately clue in that the King was the graffiti artist, and that's how he was doing his thing. Only dawned on me when the shadow thing came back up.
Not sure if that's a me thing.
but i guess it depends all about what mom is going. like what if shes fighting the forces of evil and if she stops everyone in the town dies? i could understand just kind of hoping pin is fine for the sake of the multitude of other ppl to save.
i realized it was him when he was revealed as the king
just cause the graffiti artist stuck in my mind
cause he was creepy
complimenting shadows and all that
who does that king
thats how you give yourself away as a fae
He kind of stuck for me what with Pin pointing him out near the start, but I'd kind of forgotten later on, reading in batches. ^^;
Tenor | Shinavar
Shhh he was hiding, so good at hiding
That and speaking weird.
He was fae-king it all along.
brave math, bravo
but tenor brought up a good point. who all saw the missing signs. cause we are walking the borderline between whether this is real or whether this is pretend.
like i think some adult would go "wtf is going on? im gonna catch the punk kids who did this"
cause its an adult's perogative to assume it was punk kids
Probably more like, "About time the mayor took those in for cleaning".
Though it could be one of those things you simply can't believe. Like, all of them gone? Must be a problem with me or my eyes. I won't let on, I'm acting normal, yup.
tbh I feel like if it was spread out over time eventually people wouldn't notice they're gone anymore
Tenor | Shinavar
Some fae lore falls into a veil-like magic - which I htink may be applied here. It's hinted Prudence had the ability to "notice things" and this system has been used a lot - basically, you see what should be there because you know it should be there, you can't see the magical reality because your brain either wouldn't handle it, or you haven't been brought into the magical influence yet.
an adult whos busy with jobs etc would become unobservant, and also Im assuming a lot of them could be fruit addicted
yea thats also very true tenor
yeah i do feel like we are going by veil logic if everything is reality.
Ohhh, good point, about the noticing. (A handy skill for a detective, incidentally.)
Tenor | Shinavar
So how much do we the audience get to see?
oh man yea...
and the tree and overgrowth signifying the queens rise of power now that the king is gone is a nice touch
aw man Im all caught up now and I want more
I've most definitely have saved this comic to my bookmarks for sure, its too interesting to pass up
Tenor | Shinavar
Yeah I have def enjoyed this and am keeping it on my read list :D
I honestly just feel bad for poor riley at this point, this kid didn't ask for this magic addiction...hopefully he's cured of it eventually
QUESTION 3. Much of the comic’s conflicts are driven by the supernatural Faeries around Pineburg. Do you believe we’ve seen the last of the King, or do you think he’s planning some sort of comeback to once again take the town? What do you make of the King’s ominous warning before he left? Do you believe that the Queen is relatively benign, or is she up to something considering the sudden overgrowth of nature? Could it have something to do with the boon Iola asked the Queen for in order to get rid of the King? If the Queen is up to something, what might her goals be? What other rules of the Faeries might trip Pin and other characters up in the future? Have we seen the last of the Fruit with the King’s departure, or will it come back somehow? Lastly, what do you think the Faeries’ interest with Pineburg is specifically?
hmmmmmm well I have a feeling that Pineburg has some sort of easier connection with the faerie world
like, maybe its easier to journey there and live among humans
either that or because its something they've owned for what I assume almost 100 years they're attached to it like a stuffed animal
Tenor | Shinavar
3) THe Queen clearly has a temper, but I'm not sure what she's up to be. I imagine they're eventually going to be in a territory spat - the Queen understands she can't control the area yet due to the deal, but they could influence things, persay, to garuantee this generation is the last generation <_<
yea I agree, I don't trust the Queen one bit
Heh, a lot of that is after where I've read to. As to their interest though, didn't the humans kind of come along and settle there? Technically the fae were there first.
The Queen has clear motivations for sticking it to the King most definitely
Makes me wonder about their marriage.
im assuming the overgrowth is the queen claiming what is originally hers---maybe shes upset the king gave away the area that the town now overtakes and is trying to claim it back?
like I know the deal with the founder was kinda like an yea sure u can have the town for a while but its an iou situation eventually, he would've had his way if pin didn't outsmart him
if they are married
im really confused on that
yea I am too?? I feel like they arent actually married and are in actuality two seperate factions of fae
thats how I interpreted it anyway
yeah thats how it feels
although the queen kind of acts the jealous wife to a degree
so idk
i could make arguments on both side
mmm yea, maybe they had a fling and it dropped out
its a battle of bitter exes and the town is smack dab in the middle of it
tho i think at this point they are representing two diff factions. so it might be a political marriage
tbh i would be kinda funny if it just wound up to be like a very long winded version of some sort of divorced couple custody battle over the whole town
The liberals and conservatives thought a marriage would unite the fae politically.
im also a little suspsicious of lola, seeing as how she seemed to switch sides so quickly
Anyone think Pin might become the new ruler?
Tenor | Shinavar
I think they just need marriage counseling
Hm If Pin were offered, I don't think she'd accept it unless she has no option.
Like life or death over people levesl of accepting
i think that is a good descrip of whats going on between the king and queen tho. this is just some custody battle XD and yeah im with tenor. i dont think pin would want to be the new ruler unless circumstances dictated it was to protect the town
yea I agree
I feel like Pin is a protector of sorts
i 100% think the queen is evil and is just more cunning to the king. i think her ultimate goal is to completely push the people out of the town and let nature reclaim it. cause that seems to be her thing. and i think theyre going to be forced to go get the king and say "hey king the queen is worse than you bro"
oooo yea
and then its like the villain becomes the gruntled protagonist
which is a trope I adore
King would probably want them to do him favours in exchange for help though.
Tenor | Shinavar
Oh god.
Personally I hope they just manage to mend whatever is allowing such a strong fae connection and just boot them all out because no fae can be trusted
Gotta outsmart them somehow.
i feel that that is more the inevitable end
they somehow get all the fae booted
decide to add to the history books that dealing with fae is the worst thing and just dont
Gotta defeat them with iron.....y.
actually ya know
maybe that is what will play a role
is the iron
cause i forgot about that
Tenor | Shinavar
Iron dome around the town
but this comic is good about bringing up stuff again
in conjunction with the last question, i trust Iola as far as i can throw her. i think she knows exactly what the queen is trying to do and is just riding the train to the end
and even if she doesnt know
Iola is a side switcher
never trust
Tenor | Shinavar
Well at the ssame time, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and apparently she's taken what the King's done as one hell of a personal slight. Which if he was truly pretending to be her BF I can't blame the rage, but that's dangerous lol
maybe this is the real lesson from the comic
dont scorn women
because then they go to the fae
and nobody wants that
Tenor | Shinavar
I'd believe it <_< Los of pissed off ladies. Even Pin's ancestor was a woman scorned
Maybe Pin's mom is a fae. And Pin is part fae.
the twist of a century
Tenor | Shinavar
Actually that is a question - why was it her father would have been the end of the contract, and not her? She's still alive. THey hint Iola's family is because the family line was assumed to not continue there so...
QUESTION 4. Despite overcoming her trials with the King, Pin has many other problems left at her doorstep. Will Pin be able to solve the issues plaguing Prudence and free her ancestor? What do you think Pin will have to do to be able to free Prudence? Do you think she’ll have to consult the King, or might someone else have the answers? Do you think Prudence is being honest about just wanting to rest, or do you think Prudence is going to betray Pin after being set free? If the latter, what do you think Prudence’s ultimate goals are? Additionally, do you think Pin will be able to maintain a good relationship with her shadow, or will her shadow attempt to leave to be her own person? How might the split with her shadow continue to help or hurt her?
i assumed it was a generation number thing?
Tenor | Shinavar
4. Even if she has to consult the King I doubt he'd help her - it's his contract in place. Unless she gives up something good I can't imagine he'd be willing to try.
cause its not iola herself who stays the fae hands
its iola's father
so once iola's father kicks the bucket
Tenor | Shinavar
Oooh, then that would make more sense.
I feel like Prudence is sincere, because after hanging around for that long, you'd figure it's time to move on. Unless she really wants to struggle with what an iPad is.
i wouldve thought prudence was sincere
but then her backstory
her backstory is not one that makes me go "ah just sincere old lady"
Hmm, guess I only got about halfway through that. Still, centuries to reflect.
Tenor | Shinavar
I do believe she may be sincere in he "I'm done, I'm tired, I want to leave" because "immortality" can be baaad. And boring, esp if she's by herself
It wasn't what she signed up for either.
i feel like she wants rest, but that doesnt mean it doesnt come with strings. like for example, i doubt shed care if the only way to free herself was for pin to take her place in that mirror limbo whatever it is
Mirror limbo... how low can you go.
Is it mentioned how Penelope got the nickname Pin?
Tenor | Shinavar
Rbeel: Oooh that's a good point God forbid she get tired of waiting and trying to make that deal wheeze
i dont think its been mentioned yet, how she got her nickname
but it might have been said in passing and i just missed it?
but yeah i dont think prudence cares how she gets out and at whose expense
hey everyone, i'm super late but I arrived! was eating fruit but am trying to stop...
Tenor | Shinavar
I didn't catch it either.
FFF also hELLO
I really loved this comic, writing was very good
the fruit thing still makes me laugh to a degree cause at first i was like "pin why are you mad about ppl eating fruit? most kids dont eat enough fruit so this is a good thing"
glad to hear you liked it
It's all about the veggies.
maybe thats how riley will get over his addiction
hell start doing veggies
Or birdseed. O.o
haha stay away from fruit children! oh man the birdseed stuff I was dying
and before I knew it I was eating out of his hand!
also the lock picking ad that pops up in the middle
im reminded of that page
now what i expected but horribly hilarious
That reminds me, I was amused at the end of Spense's story when Pin saves him and he talks to her and she drops what she was holding.
@mathtans another great moment. This comic was full of wonderful pacing and humorous beats.
the character expressions were tops too
Yes, the pacing was really good in places. I also liked insulting the shadow ... cut to everyone in a dungeon.(edited)
Hanging in chains, no less!
Tenor | Shinavar
Yes, I loved that. I am curious how much of Shadow's personality matches Pin's more basic in he sense of someone who hasn't been taught to be human. How violent can Pin be, for example? <_<
That's a good point. Does a shadow represent our darker half? One that our soul still needs to survive?
that usually is it although im not sure id describe the shadow as dark
less cunning and without the same regard for polite behavior
but not dark persay
the id, in other words?
Except shadows are kind of dark by nature. Because the light is blocked.
i was really surprised that the shadow did not recombine with pin tho
and that shes still around
I kind of suspected there'd be more to it. Maybe because of the one banner showing the shadow behind her.
Tenor | Shinavar
I think because hey've been seperated, they can basically let go and back again? Which may be contributing to Pin's health
Which reminds me, I mentioned this a couple days ago, but interesting that there's, like, three different banners for the comic depending on what page you're on.
did the shadow not rejoin Pin? I could have sworn it did, and that was why she got better?!
One needs to be as observant as the characters.
Not permanently, I think?
Anyway, will be interesting to see what the fae get up to. When road signs aren't enough.
yeah, page 124 http://pinporterdetective.com/index.php/comic/page-124/ did I misinterpret this as the shadow rejoining pin?
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett, as well, for making Pin Porter Girl Detective. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Robin Gee and Ethan Bartlett’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://pinporterdetective.com/
Robin’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/RlittlemissG
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about My Dad is a Magical Girl by Shinavar / Tenor. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, December 13th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: https://mdiamg.shinavar.com/
Comic’s Tapas Mirror: https://tapas.io/series/My-Dad-Is-A-Magical-Girl
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