#the muses: eidrin
heartxofxthra · 4 years
send me a character and i’ll tell you:
what they smell like Salt, pine, and seaweed. The salty smell never quite leaves him, even living in Ha’rar
what their favorite smells in the world are He looooves fresh grass, it’s such a novelty to him and the smells of freshly-cut herbs in general makes him melt. Second favorite is the smell of a fresh coat of snow on a sunny day. what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in If he isn’t passing out face-first in whatever he was wearing that day, he prefers a loose shirt and a pair of pants for bed my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them Freckles x Seladon, I just love it. I have many, but if I had to pick one, the fact that a lot of work is to be done every night to convince the maudra to stop working herself to death, usually involving either a gelfling-blanket method, or simply carrying off the lady in cause when all other methods have failed my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them With Tavra, because I think he would be a silent enabler to a lot of shenanigans, particularly a certain soldier sneaking off into the night to see you know who >.> But I love the dynamic of potential friendship there a song that reminds me of them Julie Fowlis - Touch the Sky (from Disney’s Brave) what animal i think they would be if they were an animal A large shepherd dog, good and loyal, chill, and looks out for the herd what position they sleep in Face-first flop onto sleeping surface, or sprawled on his back, no inbetween their favorite drink Mulled wine on nights when the blizzard is harsh and the company is gathered together near a fire a gift i would give them if i could Something handmade, particularly if it’s of fine craftsmanship, like a pair of fine leather boots with a lot of love poured into the details
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skcksa-a · 5 years
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TAGGED BY  :   @sogsheir TAGGING :   @fourfingerprintonhearts (for Tae), @skeksisthree (for Li), @sifanstarmariner, @thranereid, @heartxofxthra (for Eidrin), and @earthcried​
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fairestfall · 5 years
Create your Muse’s heart!
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Tagged by: stolen from @xxsacrificiumxx​
Tagging: @heartxofxthra​ (for Eidrin), @crystaldrain​, @sifanstarmariner​, @hersylver​, @urskekyagvi​, @skeksis-tongues​, @skeksisthree​, @fourfingerprintonhearts​ (for Tae), @missionfails​, and you! 
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heartxofxthra · 4 years
Does your muse have a crush on anyone? [Freckles]
Seladon. He doesn’t do much about it, just admiring her from afar and stealing glances whenever he’s assigned to her guard and she’s not looking. Tavra has noticed, being the observant little pain that she is, and tries to get him on Seladon’s guard as many times as possible just to see what happens. She occasionally has fun. Eidrin knows what she’s doing and is not amused, though no verbal complaints have been issued yet, since it is a rather convenient situation. Seladon is still too busy to notice.
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heartxofxthra · 5 years
You know what? I’ll do both muses :D @sifanstarmariner​
Answer the in-depth questions about your muse. REPOST don’t reblog.
Sea salt that’s been warmed up in the sun, with a hint of algae. 
Dip in the ocean fresh in the morning, if it’s a possibility. If not, he just splashes his face and cleans wherever needed, with a proper bathing every now and then. Avoids frequent vapran baths because they damage his skin. He usually prefers cold, running water.  
He has a tattoo sleeve on his left arm, stretching from under his elbow to his shoulder in Maori style, with motives of sun and sea, and a double piercing on his right ear with two small hoop earrings. 
If he’s uncomfortable, he tends to scratch the back of his head a lot, and sit with his arms crossed. Anxiousness makes him tap his feet in irregular patterns.
If he doesn’t pass out in whatever he’s wearing (he has a tendency to), he prefers some sort of light sleepshirt and pants. Nights get cold on the coast and in Har’ar.
A scarf his mother wove for him when he was a kiddo, and that he still wears into adulthood, tied around the belt of his pants.
Usually stand on the edge of the bed and blink blearily until conscious thought kicks in. Wash his face with cold water right after to seal the process.
Sprawled in whatever position he lies down in.
His palms are hard from handling nets and ropes for years of fishing and ship handling, but he has the careful and soft touch of a crafter, as he works a lot with his hands and creates a myriad of items. 
Softly salty, with hints of dried fruit and wine.
TAGGED BY: @sifanstarmariner
TAGGING: @weavesdreams, @sogsheir, @fcrdreamer, @soughtfor, @mixnmuse (for Thurma!)
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heartxofxthra · 4 years
One of Eidrin's best memories as a Paladin was a bit of a humiliating experience.
He had trouble fitting in at first, as he had a Sifan upbringing and most of his fellow Paladins were very gossipy, and not really keen on including their quiet and observant comrade. He was polite, overly well-mannered, and not really inclined to talk about himself, so they didn't quite know what to make of him.
During a field mission with a limited company, including Princess Tavra herself, two of the female Paladins caught sight of Eidrin's very long and slightly unkempt hair and pleaded he them them brush it out. With the general peer pressure, Tavra's stern gaze, and wanting to ingratiate himself to them, he eventually gave in.
They properly brushed out his hair and even gave it a bit of oil from their own reserves to help it keep. Unfortunately, his hair is not quite Vapran, and it ended up becoming extremely clingy, so much so that he got tangled in it in his sleep. When morning came and he tried getting up, he ended up plainly tumbling out of his tent in front of half the company with a slew of colorful curses. He locked eyes with Tavra, and she started laughing. Everyone just froze because they'd never seen her laughing, but she was the first that got up to help him, as she knows a thing or two about handling really long hair.
He was mortified, but he was welcomed to the fire with tea and breakfast, the two Paladin girls apologizing profusely for causing this, while the others were still chuckling at the curses. The princess herself patted him on the back and sat next to him. In that moment, for the first time since he'd joined the guard, he truly felt like home.  
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heartxofxthra · 5 years
📂📂📂 for Onica and 📂 for Brea and 📂📂📂 for Freckles
Oh shit oh damn, so many 😂😂😂
Okay here goes
1. She’s really, really fond and proud of her hair. She takes great care in tending for her curls, making sure they don’t get dried out in the sun, messy or deteriorated. She washes it with special mixes to keep it healthy and loves it when the curls are shiny and bouncy. 
2. Onica has really small feet that Tavra finds utterly adorable, but the fact flusters the far-dreamer incredibly because she always takes it as if it’s teasing and if you mention it, she will blush and try to hide them some way or another, either hide them under her dress, a table, sit on them or otherwise just bolt to save herself from more embarrassment.  
3. She will drink you under the table. She has a very good tolerance to alcohol, and she’s built it up even more so. There have been many occasions where she’d just waited out for someone to get inebriated enough for her to get what she wanted out of them with simply inviting them for drink, after drink, after drink. She can get drunk however, but she only lets herself do so in select company that she trusts, and when she is drunk, she turns into a bubbly adorable mess that can still shiv you if you cross the line.
1. She is the princess that spends the most time outside of the Citadel, and actually knows a lot of people in Har’ar, and has befriended several families within Har’ar, teaching their children how to read and write. She has made several picture and activity books for this purpose, putting her illustration talents to good use. 
I named him Eidrin :D
1. He’s part Vapran nobility on his father’s side, with his mother’s side being a mix of several clan lineages. Despite this, his position as Paladin of the Citadel is actually due to his own strengths, and feats of bravery that impressed the All-maudra’s middle daughter Katavra during a spectacularly violent coastal storm. Later, he’s offered the chance to join their ranks, which he accepts. 
2. He’s a very crafty individual, and makes a variety of useful, and oft tradable goods in Cera-Na. He’s very good at making fishnets, wayfinders and daggers from whatever materials he can find drifting along the coast or washed up on the beach. Most of the tools that his mother uses in the fishery are made by him, and a lot of the furniture in their house is also crafted by him.
3. Though he is trained in standard combat, he avoids using violence, and will easily restrain someone without causing them harm. When he needs to, he is more likely to apply tavern fighting moves to put someone down as quick as possible, with as little damage as possible. He is highly loyal where respect has been earned, and will do most anything that is asked of him if he holds the person in sufficiently high regard, but he will also act against wishes if it’s for their own good.
P.S. I fucking love this, thank you?? I love writing headcanons for my babies. SEND MOAR
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heartxofxthra · 5 years
Hair and skin for Eidrin and Brea!
EidrinHair - He has pretty long hair tucked out under his paladin hood. He usually keeps most of it in a messy bun that can be rearranged easily. The front part of his hair is usually loose, with a few decorative braids. When undone it reaches down to his lower back. He leaves it loose when he’s out fishing to protect his back from the heat, as it reflects the light quite well being more blonde than ginger. On average, it’s usually pretty coarse to the touch, as he doesn’t take great care of it, only just washing and brushing it every now and then when he feels there’s a need to do so, but not a regular habit. Definitely not the same level of haircare as his Vapran side.
Skin - Eidrin has tough skin and doesn’t get broken, cut or bruised easily. He smells like saltwater all the time, even when he’s spent long periods of time at the Citadel without going home. He washes more at the Citadel than he does at Cera-Na and that doesn’t agree with his skin a lot, makes it prone to dryness. He will always prefer a good dunk in the ocean. 
BreaHair - Fact: if another goddamn person tells her her hair isn’t shiny enough, she will take off her boot and hit them. Brea takes excellent care of her hair (and she DOES have the most time to do so out of the three princesses), and takes pride in it. She has special routines for it, and it almost never truly tangles, not enough that running her fingers through it won’t fix it. Braiding it is a pleasure, and also a nervous habit. If she’s excessively stressed, she will fill her own head with braids. She usually keeps it loose throughout the night, letting it cascade over her pillows after properly brushing it through. 
Skin - SOF so sof, like the best silk. She’s been taught well by her mother and sisters on how to care for her skin to keep it supple, young, and soft. She likes doing makeup every now and then when she’s not spending days nose deep into books. She frequently has to clean her face after a good round of the library, a good round of dust and debris layered on her skin at the end of the day. She uses fragrant oils for conditioning and smelling like a spring flower.
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heartxofxthra · 5 years
📂 Rian , Gurjin, Eidrin 😏 feel free to pick one or do all of them~ ALSO IM TOSSING MIRA IN THERE TOO
I’m doing all of them cause it’s a good excuse :D
If he’s bored, anxious or stressed, he starts tapping his foot really quickly and it helps him keep focused on whatever he should be focusing on. He’s done it so much that it happens as an involuntary reaction whenever those emotional states appear. Him tapping his foot completely defocuses Mira and she’s had to jab him several times for him to stop.
He has a tickle spot where his shoulder meets his neck, which Naia frequently abuses. Rian accidentally tickled him and he got a black eye while Gurjin was still laughing and squirming. When Ordon questioned Rian the next day, Gurjin tried to step in and explain it, but not being that good with words, it came off sounding a little too intimate. The shade of red that Rian turned while facepalming made even Ordon crack a chuckle.
Eidrin is an excessively calm individual, which frequently leads people to believe he’s either daft or emotionless. It’s just very rare to provoke intense emotions in him, and even when they happen, he processes them quite well and quickly. He shows affection by making sure they’re well cared for, and giving them gifts that they’ve either mentioned or he thinks they might like. While he will not specifically initiate physical affection in most cases, he will gladly accept and return it. He doesn’t expect anything in return for his acts of affection, if they are granted.
Mira is an adopted child, and her parents are overly doting and sometimes suffocatingly affectionate, giving 200% in everything they do for her because they just love her so much and don’t want her to ever feel like she’s lacking anything. Their smothering though makes her more likely to roam off and disappear to places and just feel the open sky above her and nothing else. She longs for freedom and adventure more than anything, but loves her parents dearly despite their incompatibility in personalities.
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heartxofxthra · 5 years
3-5 Things Survey
the rules are simple: for each of the below items, fill in three to five things that your character might be identified by. After that, repost and tag away !
Doing this again for Eidrin (Freckles) on request :D
emotions/feelings :  serenity, calm, curiosity, compassion
greetings :  various forms of verbal greetings, nods and names, friendly waving
colors :  peach, yellow, icy blue, silver, grey
scents :  sea salt, algae, cedar, mint
clothing :  paladin tunic, armor, helmet
objects : spear, wayfinder, pocket knife, bone dagger, hunting knife
vices and bad habits : overexertion, neglecting own health at times by trivializing, lazy at times, easy-going
body language : loose shoulders, relaxed expression, observant eyes, straight posture
aesthetic :  dried salt in hair, blue flowers, driftwood, calm lake water
tagged by : @skcklach tagging : @dualglaived @vcpra
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heartxofxthra · 5 years
Create your Muse’s heart!
Eidrin (Freckles)
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A traveler, always loving the wind in his hair and sun on his face, with the sea always in his soul.
Tagged by: @fairestfall​
Tagging: Steal it from me :D
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heartxofxthra · 5 years
[ embrace ] for your muse to pull my muse into a tight embrace . // gives eidrin a hug from behind!  @songteller
A light gasp of surprise escaped the paladin at the embrace, brow raised in surprise as arms wrapped around his torso in a tight hug. He didn’t need to turn an awful lot to realize that the giver of such affections was his friend Kylan. It cued a soft smile from the tall Sifan, and he affectionately patted the arms clinging to him. 
“Well hello” he chuckled softly. “What has earned me such affection so early in the day?” he queried curiously, nonetheless cherishing the act itself.
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