volfoss · 9 months
long post sort of to explain the poll but. when i hit bj should i:
ok so. i want to get a kinda gauge on this due to how DRASTICALLY different all these orders are. heres an explanation for like... the horrors i think.
tldr: chrono is going to be very true to release order but probably not super helpful to eng only readers, kodansha keeps the formatting that ive been having, vertical is going to be easiest for eng only readers as its THE way to access the series. for more in depth thoughts i tossed that shit under the cut bc its long lol
chronological order is pretty self explanatory but it is DRASTICALLY different than any other BJ release. if i did it in chrono order, it is pretty much the only universal order, as its a VERY concrete release order compared to how releases kind of jumble it around.
for comparison heres the first 10 chapters chronologically (from my big scary spreadsheet) and how it corresponds to each release:
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hopefully you can see that its a MESS with this. explaining the other two orders and why i am contemplating doing them that way.
Kodansha- so the big big big chronology that im following here is the Kodansha releases of 400 volumes of Tezuka's most noteable work. There are 22 volumes of Black Jack in the Kodansha release and they are from MT-151-> MT-168 (for the original run) and MT-366->369 (for the volumes released after the original run was concluded). The obvious issue of going for chronological order is it does NOT directly correspond with the EN/Vertical order OR the Kodansha order. If i did the Kodansha order, it would be easier to format like my other posts on this have been (ie: Princess Knight (1963-1964) being from MT-004->MT-006 in the order). But it would be a very big pain for everyone reading as I don't think anyone else WOULD be doing the order mentioned in the Kodansha volumes.
Vertical- ease of access definitely wins out here, as I'd be going by the 17 volumes here and it would be VERY easy to follow along if you also wanted to read Black Jack. it is also heavily out of order (as you can see by the snippet of the spreadsheet I included), but as the chronological volumes are only VERY recently being released in Japanese, it would be the most accessible to everyone else.
the other big difference would be in length/amt of posts. If i went by the chronological order, it would be about 11 or 22 (as there are 242 chapters per post, so I'd be dividing them up so its not just... reviews for EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER in one post. no one wants that. The Kodansha volumes have about 10 chapters on average per post BUT are missing some of the sealed/semi-sealed/otherwise just missing chapters so I would have to make prob 23? posts going over it if i divided it this way. The vertical release has about 12~ chapters per volume and also does not include the sealed chapters (which I've found some translated and some untranslated scans online and for completions sake, do want to include them in any review) so it would be probably 18 posts, with the sealed (and thus not included, as the Vertical release includes some of the semi-sealed chapters) posts making up the final post here.
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univemma · 2 months
I acknowledge that the season was cut almost in half so I should really cut them some slack but I WON'T, SO:
Plot holes/Forgotten Stuff in TUA:
(some of these are mostly just unanswered questions)
-Sloane?? Where tf did she go?
-Why was Jennifer (in the original timeline) in a cage? In Moldova?? Like, was she discovered to have something ( the dimaldo stuff whatever) inside of her, so they wanted to test on her? if she never came into contact with marigold before ben then why would they? WHAT
-also wait how the fuck did she get that stuff in her anyway? How did the dimaldo get to earth after it caused the end of Reginald's home planet? Like,,,shouldnt we know that?
-Her,,,in a squid??? she was Inside a giant squid? W h a t
-the S3 post credits of ben in the train. sure, whatever, that means nothing LMAOO
-I also can't get over - Five explaining "oh yeah when we do this EVERY ALTERNATE TIMELINE is gonna be destroyed, leaving only what should've been - the original," and lila fighitng to put her family in the train station,,,All the other timelines will be destroyed??They're dying and being reborn/reincarnated in the new one anyway GIRL WHAT ARE YOU DOING
(unless ive highly misunderstood that which is likely)
-this isnt a plot hole just - five "trying desperately over and over again to save his unhelpful family who he loves very very much" being literally turned into,,,that. did someone say character assassination?
-lila and five. thats a plot hole in and of itself I DONT CARE if he's aged 12 years from season 3, (6 yr timeskip at beginning of season, then 6 technically 7 in teh train), I DONT CARE IF HES 25 NOW, I DONT CARE IF HES MENTALLY 60 SOMETHING. Lila met and spent time with him when he looked like THIS
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THATS A CHILD. and clearly, the family had SOME contact in the 6 yr skip, so she WATCHED HIM GROW UP from 13 - 19, like thats just so WEIRD WHAT
this was supposed to be plot holes and just turned into me being pissed im sorry but HOW DO YOU FUCK UP AN ENDING THIS BAD??
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HCs of AvM Characters' Typing Styles
(Alan not included despite the misleading photo used lmao)
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Oh, MOST DEFINITELY uses emoticons the most. He's the type to use the most insane ones like╭( ๐_๐)╮and is not above using OwO unironically. Uses all-caps the most, overall VERY expressive in text.
Definitely the one to have the most typos and uses shorthand a lot, but WILL correct when someone else makes a typing error.
Example - "HEYY GUYS hru?? :D" and "NOOO rEuebn in MCSM DIEDDD (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞"
They're a ghoster in chat/J
Types pretty normally, but also uses shorthand a lot. Only uses punctuation and caps when it REALLY counts. Rarely uses emoticons, and uses tone indicators more. Lazy at typing, lmao
Example - "hey what's up?" and "oh dang, rlly? that sucks/gen"
Everything he types is in perfect grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This, of course, leads to him being a bit of a slow typer.
He almost-never uses shorthand, same goes for emoticons. He uses tone indicators, though! And not above using multiple letters like "Helloooo!"
When he makes a single typo, everyone goes crazy and is quick to joke about it. Always quick to correct any typing mistakes.
Example - "I think you mean *Reuben, @/Red, and wasn't there an option to save him? /genq"
Green, Mr. Everything-must-be-perfect Green? He tries to NEVER make a typo, and is quite fast at typing. Manages to maintain perfect typing even in a fast pace.
(The same outcome from Yellow happens to him if he makes a typing mistake, but gets clowned on a lot less since he'd definitely make more typos than Yellow ever would)
Similar to Yellow, he tries to maintain perfect everything for typing, but he DOES use emoticons and shorthands! Also drags on some words with extra letters, of course.
Example - "Yeaah, I think so?? But the scene where he turns into a porkchop is hilarious lmaooo" and "Oh heyy @/Blue and @/Purple are both online! Hey, guys <3"
Has a typing style similar to Orange’s, but uses caps and emoticons a lot more! Doesn't quite care about typing errors unless it's something important. Nothing much to add to this, to be honest.
Example - "Heyyy! ^^" and "The cutsecene was actually pretty funny ngl, it made teh sad moment less sad tho :P"
Their typing style used to be extremely perfect, but as time went on, they stopped caring too much. Of course, they use proper spelling and doesn't use shorthand too often, but they do allow themselves to be imperfect!
They use tone indicators more than shorthand, but they do use stuff like "lmaoo" and "wtf" sometimes!
Example - "Wait tf who's Reuben? /genq" and "@/Red I am so sorry for your loss.."
King Orange/King Mango:
Perfect typing, doesn't even try. Doesn't use emoticons, doesn't use shorthand, doesn't use tone indicators. Uses emojis.
Doesn't understand what "lol" means. His typing style reflects his speaking style.
Example - "@/Purple, I do believe that @/Red is referring to the show he's been watching." and "You all must go to sleep, it's late! You kids need more time to grow."
Purple: "Dad we're all young adults-"
KM: "Oh, that's right 🫢. Indeed, you are.."
Red: "o l d XD"
KM: "What does 'XD' mean?"
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peachy-wolfhard · 7 months
dating toge inumaki
rawr :3 sorry if this doesn't make any sense. if u know what horror game i mentioned shout out. its long bc im a d1 yapper
word count: 975
warnings: swearing, food, horror video games
I LOVE toge i am the number one toge inumaki lover srry not srry
First things first…he's a menace. Walks up behind you and pinches under your ribs, bops you on the head with random items (gently), bites like a cat (u know when ur petting them and then they just randomly bite? Like that)
While yes he does make your life HELL he's also a sweetheart
Flowers regularly, movie nights every week WITH snacks, super duper secret sleepovers (it used to be a secret then panda found out and insisted on joining), dates that last all day then inevitably end in a sleepover
Loves taking you to the arcade with those really hard claw machines so he can flex how good he is at them, even better if they're the ones with anime figures in them
“Oh my god look at it! It looks so dumb i love it” tapping on the glass at a plush seal with balls 
“Salmon” he giggles tapping the card
While Toge loves to go on dates outside of your dorms and the school there are some days that neither one of you has the energy to go out. These nights mainly consist of the both of you cooking dinner together, watching those random 4 hour long videos about random subjects, and falling asleep in each others arms
Speaking of curse speech, he adds new words just for you!
His favorite way to greet you is saying honey
“Hi baby” you say, wrapping your arms around Toge, not caring about how sweaty you are from training.
“Mhm, honey” he whispers, burying his head into your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you, rocking sideways back and forth
To outsiders Toge seems so quiet and reserved but rest assured he has the biggest yappetite EVER like 40 messages in under a minute because whatever thought he has at the moment he NEEDS to tell you them
Some messages are sweet
“Hi bb i love u sm i cant wait to get my “grubby” paws on u ;) n e way i got u stuff”
“Hi brawling rn just wanted to say i luv u sm adn i cant wati for snuggles and love.”
But most are just random thoughts he has
“wass good bbg? <3 do u think panda can get fleas?”
“bbg check this out” *picture of a really ugly curse* “looks like u :3”
Loves playing videogames with you even if you don't like them he just sits you on his lap and plays anyway
Even if you don't like video games he still makes you play horror games with him, especially if everyone is with you.
“Oh my god i hate this. I don't wanna do this anymore”
“Just keep going forward, it's almost Toge’s turn anyway” Yuta says, slightly giggling at your anxious self.
“No no no nononono i don't wanna do it! Maki help!” you shout, begging your best friend to take over but failing.
“Just sprint, you're gonna be fine” Panda adds leaning over the couch.
“MY TUMMY HURTS I CANT…ok ok i'll sprint..” you say pressing the sprint button and running up the stairs. Just as your character gets into the next room, one of the bosses drops down from the ceiling.
“FUCK NO FUCK NO STOP PLEASE GO AWAY,” you continue to shout as your friends yell for you to run.
Your friends are sick of you…correction, Maki is sick of you two
Everytime she comes into contact with the two of you you're always cuddling, kissing or just generally being lovey dovey. Half the time you and Toge are cuddled up in what looks like the most uncomfortable places.
Desk chairs, chairs in the common room that are as hard as rocks, etc. If there is an uncomfortable place to sit rest assured knowing that the two of you will be snuggled up together
Speaking of pda, he's so sticky 
Toge loves to just be around you whether it be holding your hand, wrapping his arms around you or just standing near you
“Parallel play” is a big thing for you guys since conversations are fairly short (sorry king) as long as you two are in the same room he's happy
Most days consist of one of you working on homework or any other work and the other one just being near
On the rare occasion that you and Toge aren't attached to the hip both of you are texting nonstop
“meow hi love of my life”
“Good afternoon dear lover, I wish I could be with u rn but alas I am at war and the outcome is looking bleak. But trust me I will return home with goods. Love ur awesome bf”
“ur putting ur thesaurus and dictionary to work ga damn”
“im gonna bite u”
“try it coward ill rock ur shit”
One last thing…he’s 100% a food thief 
Does not matter what you have, he is sneaking some of it whether you know it or not
Toge WILL eat your leftovers you've been looking forward to all day
No matter what you have, he always has a little of it. I mean YOU'RE eating it, it must be good
“Taste testing” is another thing he does, he says it's because he doesn't want you to be poisoned but in reality he thinks its funny how annoyed you get about it
Take out you two have had millions of times? Taste tested. Food your friends bought you two? You can't trust them! Taste tested. Food YOU cooked? Might've been poisoned, Taste. Tested.
All together he loves you so much…maybe i'll make a part 2
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ywpd-translations · 2 months
Ride 784: The first day's mountain
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Pag 1
3: We're passing through the riverside road
4: I see it
6: Kaka
7: Ah!!
8: Teh!
9: It's the first day's
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Pag 2
1: “mountain”!!
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Pag 3
2: As we “promised”!!
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Pag 4
3: It's the “first day's mountain stage”!!
4: A year ago
6: Manami-kun said it after the finish line, on the third and last day of the Inter High, when both of us were all worn out and barely still on our bikes
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Pag 5
1: But having our race at the end on the final stage is too much pressure
2: Next year, if we both have the chance to run in the Inter High....
3: …. yeah
4: Let's race for the mountain stage on the first day
5: Like Toudou-san and Makishima-san last year
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Pag 6
1: Manami!!
2: Onoda!!
3: He collapsed!!
Manami!! Take off his helmet
It's okay, I caught him
Do we have a towel?
Danchiku, water!!
4: Next year... the mountain stage on the first day.... yeah
5: Got it....!!
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Pag 7
3: When you run along a river....
4: the water only flows if there's a difference in elevation, either uphill or downhill!!
5: Here it's definitely uphill!!
Even if it looks like a flat at first glance, it's gradually climbing!!
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Pag 8
1: Toward that mountain!!
Reading the map, it says that it's 5km until the base of the mountain!!
2: 5km!!
3: Don't lose sight of it like last year!!
Yes!! Sorry!!
4: Hold on tight!!
5: 'Cause I'll carry you all the way to the foot of the mountain!!
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Pag 9
1: Thank you!!
2: “Positioning”....!!
3: When going from a flat to a climb you need to “position” yourself
Each team accelerates from the flats in order to bring their climbers to a good position
4: It's the so called “mountain's launching pad”!!
5: There will be a difference of several hundred meters in the first stage between a climber who was launched near the front of the group and a climber who was made to run up from the back of the group
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Pag 10
1: Bring Onoda to the best possible position, Naruko!!
Sohoku is moving up!!
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Pag 11
1: -ruaaaagh
Ugh!! Sohoku's Naruko is so fast!!
2: I get what you're tryin to say, Hotshot!!
I'll take him!! Definitely!!
3: That's why I left the first result to Kabu!!
4: On that winter day, with an apologetic face
5: Ah....
6: Ah- uhm, I have something to tell you, but
Onoda-kun, who told us like it was difficult to say....
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Pag 12
1: Ah the stove? You can just turn it off, we're the last ones
Yeah, please. Woah, look outside, it's snowing
Seriously? It must be cold
2: That's not it!!
3: Th-th- this morning... I got a text
4: What was that, an acceptance letter?
The proficiency exam?
5: It's a reply to the text I sent....
6: Three months ago!!
7: Uhm... really, I was worried that back when we made that promise it was right after the race and we were tired, so I thought maybe he had forgotten
Three months?
It was a long wait
So I sent him a text to ask him if he remembers?
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Pag 13
1: And I received it this morning
Must be the proficiency test
Shut up!!
What are you whispering idiot
“Back when”, when was it?
No idea
2:He said only one word, “of course”
4: So, uhm... this time
5: Is it okay if I run for the first day's mountain stage during this summer's Inter High?
7: Is that so? Kakaka
Onoda-kun's eyes, like he couldn't contain his excitement...
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Pag 14
1: I haven't forgotten it!!
2: I can't forget it!!
3: Onoda!!
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Pag 15
1: 2km left until the foot of the mountain!!
2: Do your beeest....!!
Aren't they climbing at an amazing speed!? Each team is getting in line!!
Yeah, you're right!!
3: Every team is trying to “position” themselves for their climbers!!
4: Also, look closely
Right now, the cyclist in the second position in the ranks
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Pag 16
1: is the one who will race in the mountain stage!!
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Pag 18
1: Oi, are you kidding me? Hakogaku is sending Manami?
From the first day!?
Manami is in second place
2: He's the “final boss”....!!
3: My dream of getting the red bib has been destroyed even before reaching the foot of the mountain....!!
4: Oi, look over there, that's not all!!
For Sohoku....
5: Naruko is pulling the “King of the mountain”!!
Wa- we're done for!! Completely!! My mountain prize!!
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Pag 19
3: Manami-kun!!
4: Sakamichi-kun!!
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Pag 20
1: It's time for our promise!!
We're almost at the foot of the mountain!!
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milaisreading · 10 months
Some words of encouragement
🌱🩷: Wrote this while taking a break from studying earlier today. Hope u like it :3
Warnings: Reader uses she/her. No other warnings need tbh. Plays out in the Manager!Yn AU. Requests are open
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura ⚽️
The day everyone at Blue Lock has been waiting for had finally arrived. The famous Blue Lock vs Japan U-20 was finally about to happen. It was quite a big event. Not only in Japan did it get attention, but internationally, too. (Y/n) sweatdropped as Anri and Ego forced her to sit next to the president of the JFA, who looked pretty much out of place when answering different questions.
'Does this man even know what a striker is?' (Y/n) thought, quietly looking around. Hoping this pre-game press conference will end soon.
'Did I bring enough water bottles? Does everyone have extra towels? Wait, did Gagamaru bring his uniform even?!'  She felt anxiety rise in her stomach as she thought of everything that could go wrong. They only had this one chance. If they lose now, their dreams will be over.
"And I am confident in team Japan's abilities to defeat the Blue Lock team today. With all the respect I have for Teieri and Ego, their team isn't up on our level." The words caused (Y/n) to look back at the old man, her anxiety slowly fading as she fought back a scowl. Next to her, Anri had a similar expression as Ego kept his face neutral.
"What makes you say that, Buratsuta-san?"
"Well, out boys are pro-players for a reason. Blue Lock is just a child's dream of what football is."
'A child's dream?! Blue Lock?! That place is hell on earth. Half of those players would not survive a day there!' (Y/n) clenched her fists as her eye twitched, but it went unnoticed by the adults. She looked back at the cameras filming them. (Y/n) got reminded that the whole World was watching them, including the boys who were in the locker room.
"Today dreams will definitely be crushed." Teh older man ended his boasting and (Y/n) felt her cheeks flare up in anger. She wasn't going to let this slide.
'Nobody will put them down. Not on my watch.'
As Anri was about to take the microphone away from Buratsuta to talk to the interviewers, (Y/n) quickly took it, getting up from her seat.
"(Y/n)?" Anri raised an eyebrow, the girl's glare melting as she looked at her and Ego.
"I am sorry, Teieri-san, but can I say something? I won't take too much of your time." She said, looking between the two and the reporters. The said people quite surprised by the girl's action. Ego and Anri looked at each other for a moment, then slowly nodded their heads.
"I give you 5 minutes."
Smiling softly, (Y/n) nodded her head and turned to look at the reporters. Her heart beating crazy, her mind telling her she was stupid for this, but she couldn't keep her mouth shut. The least she could do for the guys is protect their efforts.
"Japan... Japan was never known as being this big football country like Argentina, Brazil, France, or Germany. Before entering this project, I didn't believe we had one, let alone a whole team of players who had the talent, the endurance, and the sheer will to play and play until they are the number 1 player. But I am glad I was proven wrong." (Y/n) smiled at one of the cameras, grabbing tightly onto the microphone.
"Blue Lock is a team that is a force to be reckoned with. They won't go down without q fight and they are not scared of anyone. The match with Japan's team will be finished quite quickly with a clear winner. The Blue Lock team. The players in that team are the ones who will bring Japan the highly anticipated World Cup." (Y/n) finally finished, feeling 10 times lighter after.
"And what makes you think that Blue Lock will be the ones to win this match? And the World Cup?" A man asked.
"Easy. Because they are the best players our country has to offer. And they will be the best ones in the World."
(Y/n) answered without hesitation, handingvthe microphone to Anri as she sat down.
'I believe in you guys.' She thought, looking directly at the camera from before.
'Crap... this is being aired internationally, too..' (Y/n)'s cheeks turned red in embarrassment now.
'Oh, whatever. I hope the guys aren't embarrassed by what I said.'
And the boys definitely did hear everything, but they definitely weren't embarrassed.
"Hah! Did you hear that?! She thinks I am the best!" Karasu exclaimed proudly while pointing at the TV. Kurona kept quiet as he blushed more, (Y/n)'s words repeating over and over in his head.
'She trust us so much.' His heartbeat quickened a little.
"It's not just you, gel head. She said this about everyone." Rin rolled his eyes, but it was obvious that he was as affected by her words as the rest.
"It's clear that she had mostly me in mind when she said that." Karasu said with a smug look, earning him disapproving looks from Yukimiya and Barou.
"(Y/n) clearly meant all of us, idiot... but mostly me."
"And why you, Barou?" Yukimiya challenged.
"Because I am the king here, and she knows me longer than you guys."
"If that's the criteria, then I count in that, too. Besides, she always told me she admired how fast my reflexes are." Gagamaru announced as Chigiri and Bachira chimed in.
"Don't forget us! She was always impressed with my speed. I am sure she mostly dedicated this speech to me."
"Not so fast, princess. (Y/n) always said that my dribbling skills are out of this world. And she most probably meant me on the talented part of the speech." Bachira gave the two former Team Z members a cheeky smile.
"She knows me just as long as the rest of you guys." Niko cleared his throat, causing the rest to look at him.
"And she would say stuff similar to this to me. So that speech was definitely dedicated to me."
"Hold it! Out of everyone in Building 5 I was the best one. The one who stood out the most. It's only logical that she meant me." Nagi added in, now more awake than ever.
"I am sure she meant me. After all, I was the best one in my building. And (Y/n) always liked my game play skills." Hiori smiled menacingly at the rest.
"Maybe she really did mean the whole team... it's very sweet of her. She is a great manager. Her words made me less anxious too." Tokimitsu smiled softly at the TV as Ego talked about something. Aryu and Otoya sighed in delight, nodding along with Tokimitsu.
"Such a fabulous manager. We are so lucky to have (Y/n)." Aryu smiled, just happy about the compliments she was giving them.
"Ha~ an angel! I will make sure to do a better job on the field than usually." Otoya giggled.
"Wait, guys. Calm down." Reo suddenly spoke up, causing the arguing group to look at him and Isagi, who had serious expressions on their faces.
"What?" Barou raised an eyebrow.
"Regardless of who (Y/n) was talking about, we need to stay focused. (Y/n) basically declared to the whole world that we would win." Isagi continued, causing the rest to look at each other.
"And?" Rin raised an eyebrow.
"We can't let her down. (Y/n) has a lot of trust in us to say all that. We need to stay focused on winning." Reo continued.
"And, when we win, we will get even more praises from her." Isagi finished. The last part pretty much sealed the deal for the team.
"Alright then!"
"We are so winning this!"
"You used your lukewarm brains for once."
"Let's win this thing as soon as possible!"
"It seems like they are as motivated as always." Anri giggled as she, (Y/n), and Ego stood outside of the locker room, listening to the team.
"Nothing less to be expected from them" (Y/n) smiled softly as Ego nodded in agreement.
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redfoxwritesstuff · 4 months
Sleepy Mornings (Tom Hiddleston x reader request)
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Tom Hiddleston x Shy!Reader Rated: PG13
Requested: Heyy, If you Take requests, Could i request a Tom hiddleston x shy reader. Them Waking Up together and cuddling and Kissing so basically fluffy?
AN: Just a short little drabble this morning <3
Morning came with overcast skies and the pitter-patter of rain against the roof. It lulled you back to a comfortable doze as you turned, seeking more warmth as the cold humid air rustled the curtains. The floor near the window would be wet, rain slipping in from the opening but you didn’t want to deal with that yet.
Rain hadn’t been in the forecasts last night but you couldn’t be bothered to get up and clean the mess or close teh window. The bed was too comfortable in the moment. Instead of facing responsibility, you sought out the comfort and warmth in your bed. 
parting the sea of blankets, you scooted until you found him. As soon as your fingertips grazed his warm skin, you were drawn to him like a moth to flame. Your hand trailed up his abdomen and chest, running fingertips through the scattered hairs as you pressed yourself tightly into his side. 
“Morning, Darlin,” his voice was wonderfully thick with sleep. The weight of his arm settled around your waist, long fingers caressing the soft fabric of your nightclothes. 
“Sorry to wake you,” you whispered as you nuzzled closer.
“Was waking anyway,” he said, turning on his side and pulling you into his chest. “Feels like a day to stay in bed, admire the sights and sounds.” 
“What sights and sounds?” you couldn’t help but laugh as a yawn slipped out.
“The sight of you,” Tom said, pulling your face up so he could look into your eyes. “The sounds of you.”
“What?” Fire burned at your cheeks as you tried to hide your face, “Stop playing.” 
“I’m not!” He laughed freely as he rolled over you, caging you in with his body and the sea of blankets over you both. “It’s my favorite thing!” 
You protested as he kissed your hot cheeks, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses along your jaw before capturing your lips. He kissed you deeply, slowly, taking his time exploring your lips and drinking up the sounds of your sighs before falling back to his side, gathering you up in his arms again. 
“What did I do to deserve you?” You asked, eager to hide your head under his jaw. 
“I should be asking myself that,” Tom said, hands smoothing down your back. “I have the sweetest, kindest, most humble partner in my life. One who is willing to lounge in bed with me and listen to the rain, too.” 
“Shut up,” You whined as his legs tangled with yours. 
“Why?” He teased, “Am I making you blush?” 
His laugh was the best way to start a lazy day in bed. Days like this were far and few between but you were determined to soak up the moment. Bobby could wait to be fed for just a little longer. The rainwater could wait to be cleaned up for just a little longer. The day could wait to start for just a little longer. 
For now, you would stay wrapped up in Tom’s arms, listening to the pitter-patter of the rain and the beat of his heart as you both dozed in and out of sleep. 
Sunday could start in a little bit. 
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snowy-bones · 6 months
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hi sweet beans! it's been a long while hasn't it? sorry i poofed from the potato den and seemed to vanish from the whole spiral of existence. but i really needed some time away to gather myself. we took a break, a much needed break from things here. the whole system needed a silent time. things were getting really hard for a while. mentally i, myself, was not well. i'm not 100% nor do i think i ever will be? but i have been doing my absolute best with things. work has had me in a tight grip and i mostly sleep when i get home.
spring break is hard on a barista teh heh! but i will say i am working hard and doing my best!! it's been a rough start to the year as we lost our kitty Thexan and now as of March 12th we have lost Heidi girl. she was sick and not doing well. and it is with a heavy heart and soul that our lovely girl crossed the rainbow bridge. Biscotti and Jean are both comforting me and the system the best they can. they are good fur babies and we love them so much.
with all of this going on, the first 3 months of this year are a blur. i had noticed that the system itself had taken a silent time. and when i finally came out of my fog, i was greeted by my favorite gremlin. Ashy had been waiting for my return and oh it was so good to see him. its good to be back. and i plan to come back to the blog slowly. we're still very drained after all of this, (and a small alter boom with some new faces!) and hopefully we will be more active soon!
thank you all for being here! <3 -admin snow
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ultraviolet-ink · 2 months
1, 8, 10, 13, 21, 22 and 25 >:)
ohohohohohhOHOHOHOHOHOH you came right out the gate, I love it XD 1- the character everyone gets wrong
NGL Kazuma, he's too cool, everyone forgets that this loser is cringe and fail (can't even do a tongue twister, smh). Like not to say he's a total buffoon, but he might think he's cool, he really isn't, and I think that's the charm I enjoy about him! He's a cringefail babygirl loser first and a human being second <3 8- common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about Maya and Phoenix are siblings..... ahhh nuclear family-ification of the found family trope my BELOATHED. ATP, whenever someone says "teh SIBLINGSSSS" they're just trying to say "this isn't a ship!!1", and like, at least say the former with your full chest. If I saw my sister in a maid dress, I would NOT think what Phoenix thought when he saw Maya. (Obligatory, I don't even ship them, I just think it's kinda sexist to say that a man and a woman can't JUST be friends, they have to either be dating or siblings)
13- worst blorboficiation
As much as I love "eheheh BORGOR" like any other dorkass, but Maya really is a lot more than just hehehehe Borgor, omg nick just confess to Edgeworth!! Like, she is in touch with her inner child, which is really impressive considering her whole.... EVERYTHING... and she's very protective of Pearl, in the hopes of giving her the childhood that she, or MIA, didn't really have. I think a lot of the times, Maya gets shafted (and I'm guilty of this too) in favor of NRMT and is nothing more than "haha borger" and a footnote, which sucks because she IS Nick's best friend after all 21- part of canon you think is overhyped
sorry, not sorry, but Kazuma's return at the end of 2-3. I wasn't really all that attached to him by the time he died, and then the way he acted in 2-4/5 made me icy at best towards him. I'm slowly getting to like him because I have friends who really like him, so this is out of diplomacy lol!! But ye, I was just kind of like "huh... nice..... wait WHERE TF DID BAROK GO???"
22- your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
This is something at the end of AJ, so you know it's juicy when even CAPCOM ignores it, but there's this sort of ending scene with Phoenix where he's talking about how Trucy hides how she really feels and he's the only one who can see her vulnerabilities. It really made me think about Maya (and Trucy is in second place for the blorbofication question), and I thought it was a really neat parallel to the OT..... and then Trucy basically became a lamp in the next two cases ToT
25- common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"pEoPLe sEriOuSLy sHiP--" yes, shut up, it's the internet, even if you don't like it someone ships it. grow up. this goes for any fandom btw
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Could I pls request a zora x reader eenmeies two loves :d
zor/reder work at ocena bliz and both try 2 bet teh othe with boutny, butt 1 da read gets rlly inryed,zora rlly worry and confesion
(sossy for spelign itz lik 3 amnr)
Bounty battle-Zora x gn!reader
Hi! Sorry for the week wait, my school has caught up to me quite badly. And dont worry about the spelling. I really enjoyed writing this ! it was a lot of fun
Warnings:Blood, surgery, mentions of needles.
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“Howdy [name]~” you cursed internally, turning your head to glare at the women behind you. The same face which matched the top bounty. 110,000. Hardly even above yours. Zora laughed at your glare, a loud sharp chuckle. “Not too happy I see? shame you just can’t seem to—“ she stepped forward, getting a bit closer into your personal space, her voice dropping to mock condescension “—keep up” she pulled back, twirling her pistols, before firing a bullet which grazed past your ear.
You forced back an annoyed scowl, she always knew how to get on your nerves. And you were sure she was doing it on purpose to annoy you. To mess up your ‘game’. You forced yourself to sigh, before smirking. “Oh i can keep up, not too sure you’ll be able to though.” You watched as she paused, turning around and raising an eyebrow.
“challenge accepted.” She whistled, before disappearing off into the surrounding woods. Leaving you standing there, you turned back to the board. Staring at your poster , which had a bullet in line with your forehead. Your scowl returned, and you ripped the poster off of the wall and put it in your pocket. Before taking a marker out and reaching up to Zora’s poster.
You walked past the same bounty board, turning to look at it. Your bounty was now at 120,000. Zora’s hadn’t changed. It was a bit of a disappointing jump after your latest job. It had been risky. Although, after the 100,000 mark it was noticeably more difficult to climb the ranks. You were willing to take the risk. You couldn’t let Zora out perform you.
You snatched the posters down, taking Zora’s as a motivation of sorts. You know , to motivate you to do better. Not any other reasons. You were planning to hand them to Zora as a taunt. Not because you knew Zora liked to keep and collect them as ‘achievements’. You continued back to your base, planning out more ways to ‘annoy’ Zora. You knew exactly what to do. There was a Banzai blaster base nearby, and you had one hell of a heist planned.
leaves and twigs crushed under your feet, your limbs were heavy and you were losing blood. But you needed to keep going. You needed to reach them, the heist had gone horribly. Some of the Vice Presidents or whatever had been there, and you hadn’t expected them to be there. And by the time you had realised, you had been shot, it didn't do much but it had caused you to slip, falling backwards out of the window. It wasn’t a big fall, since it was only a first ground window. But the glass had hit your side rather seriously, and it had started bleeding.
You trudged through the forest, before you spotted a familiar figure, you couldn’t make it all out as your vision had begun to blur, you focused on getting one foot in front of the other. You managed to push yourself through the brambles, being closer to the figure you knew was Zora.
You watched as she temporarily stopped threatening the other one, all you could tell was they looked like a yellow blob. Probably a Banzai Blaster, but you couldn't tell as your vision got worse. The last thing you could see was Zora, suddenly start running towards you, yelling out something you couldn't make out. Before you promptly faceplanted into the forest floor.
Zora cursed, scooping your unconscious body into her arms, she turned to the Banzai Blaster she was trying to get. Before starting to run towards the nearest Bliss Ocean outpost. Leaving the Blaster confused on the floor.
She stopped after a bit,realising you were losing too much blood, temporarily setting you down and ripping off part of her beloved poncho— if it was to keep you alive it was worth it. And tied it around your waist tightly, desperately cursing under her breath as the adrenaline kept her going. She picked you up, and dashed off again. “you better stay above snakes [name] “
She eventually made it to the base, bursting open the door with her foot, everyone there instinctively shuffled out of the way, Zora when angry was something. And when it had to do with you? Twice as much. Everyone seemed to know except you how much she liked you, mostly due to some things she admitted while drunk. Or because of the glares she sent anyone trying to flirt with you.
At this point, even Naven had taken notice of it. Which said a lot. As sweet as he was, he could be a bit oblivious at times.
None of this mattered, as you were almost dying. Blood gushing from your arms, legs and waist, some was coming from your head too, which left your hair damp and sticky. She shook the thoughts from her head as she ran into the medical bay, practically yelling at the nurse. “OI! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE—“ she yelled,setting you down at the bed.
The healer rushed over, they were one of the few people in the organisation who had an epithet, mostly because it was useful having someone with a healing epithet. They started examining you, clearly worried. “what happened?” they said, grabbing some damp cloths to start applying it to the wounds.
“i dont fucking know i wasnt there for fuck sakes” she snapped, pacing back and forth. Before stopping and looking at you, “are they going to be okay?” she whispered , her voice becoming a lot quieter. Almost scared. Which was a first.
“yes but they’ll need emergency surgery— if you could wait outside it would be good” they said, tensing as they hoped Zora wouldn’t flip out. Seemingly their prayers were answered. As she silently left and slammed the door behind her.
Zora paced around for the next six hours outside the medical bay. She didn’t get anything to eat or drink,just waited and waited. When she heard the door open, she snapped her head around. “[name] will wake up in about an hour,they’ll need to rest for a bit”
Zora sighs in relief, practically pushing the medic out of the way to get into the room. She sat beside you,your arms, legs and waist were covered in bandages and yet you looked peaceful. There were needles in your arm, most likely giving you some nutrients to makeup for the lost blood.
She stayed silent for about half an hour, before softly grabbing your hand. There was so much she wanted to tell you, whether it was to yell and cry about how reckless you had been. Once she figured out what had happened of course. But she also wanted to wait and tell you everything would be ok.
As the clock ticked on, she started speaking. “you better wake up you coot” she snapped, while subconsciously rubbing the back of your hand. “I'll kill ya if ya dont” she adds, watching as you shuffled around but stayed asleep.
You felt yourself come to your senses,but you didn’t want to get up, you heard the voice. But kept silent, you knew who it was. But she was acting differently than usual. And you wanted to hear what she would say.
“you’re a right idiot. “ you heard her say, her accent making her clip some of the vowel sounds out slightly. “ya got y’rself hurt just to one up me” she laughed, and you wanted to bottle the sound and get drunk on it every night. But you still kept quiet. You wanted to see what she’d say.
“i’m not sure why I even bother to love ya.” your heart felt like it stopped as you heard her say those words, and you visibly tensed. Which she noticed clearly. “…” she stared at you, and you could feel her gaze even if you couldn’t see. “ [name] ?” you opened your eyes slowly, turning your head to look at her, your vision still wasn’t the best. And the light was bright enough to give you a headache “How long have you been listening” she continued, her tone dark as she seemed to be rather annoyed.
“a bit” you admit, humming. It was silent for a second, as both of you tried to think of what to say. You chuckled as you noticed her looking away. It was surprising to see the all cocky and confident Zora flustered and embarrassed. “it’s nice to know you love me” you added, mostly because your inhibition was reduced from the painkillers. “i mean, i thought it was a one…way thing” you added,your words slightly slurred as you started to close your eyes again. Falling back asleep.
People noticed Zora spending more time in the medical bay in the upcoming days. They also noticed she seemed happier than usual, and slightly less murdery. And they knew it had to do with you.
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
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Paring: Jeremiah Valeska X detective!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, pulic SEX, apologies, brat taming, anger, threat
Words: 374
Summary: public sex and brat taming
Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. 3 october 2022 kinktober.
One of the reasons Jeremiah liked to work alone was because of the various negative experiences he had had in his life.
Another thing he had discovered about himself were the things he didn't like or that irritated him, Jerome was the first thing on the list but it wasn't the only one because one of the most obvious ones was happening right then, mixed in with other points in his list... and Y/n was the cause of it: Childish behaviour, testing his patience, brat behaviour and comparing him to his twin.
The engineer's patience was over in a few moments and his hand grabbed Y/n's neck, slamming them violently onto the nearest desk at the GCPD.
His initial plan was to quietly talk and threaten the detectives and the police and then continue with his plan, it hadn't even crossed his mind that he would have to fuck Y/n in front of everyone...his Y/n, lover for several months now but still an enemy in a way, right there in their workplace.
He had imagined such a scene several times but never thought it would come true, he was still in disbelief as he was buried inside them with his hands on their hips loosing the grip only to hit the flesh of their ass with his spanking that created a noise almost louder than his own moans.
"We want to behave now, yes?" he asked in his monotone voice as he grabbed their hair to pull them against his chest, thrusting in faster touching only the right places "apologise now, pet" he ordered in their ear as he continued with his pleasure-filled assault that made Y/n's mind clouded and blank, letting out only whimpers from their lips as Jeremiah repeated himself waiting for an answer which finally came after he denied their orgasm more than once making them a mess in front of all their work colleagues "I'm sorry, daddy! I'm so sorry!".
They only managed to apologise twice before they felt their peak come like an uncontrolled train, cumming hard as they screamed 'daddy' referring to Jeremiah, vaguely regretting the brat-like behaviour they had used earlier towards the man who had made them so...subby again.
@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @trainer--taylor , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @animefan3223 , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover
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arobinwithoutbatman · 6 months
((Aaaaaaaallrightyyyyy comics time~ We're starting the Knightfall saga today and I'm doing the entire saga not just Tim's stuff so I have extra context.
Pray for me, y'all.
Prelude... oh okay Vengence of Bane
Okay, talking about a coup in the Carribean *and torture! Lovely!*
...so a literal newborn is to serve his father's sentence... *purely because he's a boy?! And his father was named in the coup?!* Given the torture, there's every chance that he wasn't involved the victim was just saying names!
Basically raised in prison and went lowkey mad in solitary confinement and after a coma. Almost like traumatic brain injuries have a chance of completely changing someone's personality -.-
...god damn, Bane sure improved! That's kinda terrifying
And now he has an obsession with Batman. This can only go badly
OH! Illegal human experimentation! Why the fuck not?!
Aaaaand he's now all set up in Gotham and wants to kill Batman and is impressed that he doesn't kill. Huh
Huh... Bruce and Vicki broke up. Shame
Oh hey Sionis, nice to meet you. Can't wait for Jason to destroy your empire later down the line
Sionis backstory too... kinda sad really but also dude don't use your dead dad's face skin to make a new mask. That's gross
Oh shit! Lucius!
Oh! Blonde dude is Bruce in disguise! Nice! Didn't even catch that until now!
Also, why is Circe dressed like that? I get the mask, she suffered from the whole facepaint thing, but basically naked? Why?
Also, waists don't work like that!!!! Has she been wearing waist training corsets? Obviously not recently, they picked her up off the street, pretty sure she's been homeless this entire time. Did they know what a woman looks like?
Oh wait! I just realised! Bruce proved himself with a gun! Great aim! *Bruce hates guns* God damn, he really sells it when he's undercover... is he okay?
Also... what is with this art style? Tim is thirteen, maybe 14 at most and he looks like he's Bruce's age
Oh damn, Bruce actually admitting he's not in his prime and starting to slow down. And Jim's potential marriage is in trouble...
Awwww Bruce calling it early for Tim cause he has school
...that wasn't Sionis? What the actual fuck is going on?
Bruce Thomas Wayne you will speak to Alfred with a civil fucking tongue in your head
Also, for the love of God get a therapist! This counts as hurting yourself my guy!
Awwww Jack is doing better! And Tim is about to suggest acupuncture when Jack hates needles... welp
Who the fuck is walking around at night in a knock off pinhead cosplay? And killing people?
And this is still teh damn *prelude?!*
Yeah time to rest and recover, Bruce
Bruce. For the love of God. Go to therapy. You are stressed and traumatised.
Oh shit Jim's got a hit out on him
And his wife is worried
Yeah Bruce is not doing well...
Lunch break!
Okay... military school brat
Robbing the armory. Mkay
Okay so the point f the prelude is... massive city wide gang warfare... plus potentially Arkham related bullshit
....Bruce... Bruce for the love of God... I'm begging you. I know Gotham is kinda falling to pieces for the millionth time but pls. Take a break
I'm sorry, this General is still a *child?!*
...his name is Ulysses and even his family other than his mother want him gone. What the god damn
First meeting of Azrael. Cool
Hawk of the Wilderness, Tim you goober
Hm, Tim training Jean-Paul as... a replacement Batman so Bruce can actually take a break?
...it's actually grapnel? I always thought it was grapple???
FINALLY The man tries therapy!!!!
Whomst the fuck is hypnotherapying a dude into jumping off a ledge?!
Dealing with a break in at Wayne Tower while Bruce and Lucius try to figure out what secrecy is going on
Ope, Azreal losing control. Oh and hypnotherapy dude again! ...oh shit he's going after the people heading up the 3 sections of this secret project
Which means Lucius is next! Oh fuck!
Aaaaaannnndddd Lucius is on teh bridge being encouraged to jump into the river believing it's from his dad....
Also Bruce Wayne, I will remind you again to *speak to Alfred with a civil tongue*
Okay cool they figured out it was hypnosis and Azreal caught Lucius
...fuck me, how many more issues do I have of just the prelude? Cause this is the only thing I get to today at this rate cause I still wanna write things!
Oh hey Killer Croc
Oooohhhh no Bane's gonna show up while Jean-Paul is in the Batsuit trying to handle Killer Croc. His programming is gonna kick in. This isn't gonna end well for *anyone*
Oh okay Bane took out Killer Croc and immediately clocked that it wasn't Bruce under the cowl... welp
And Bruce is having god awful nightmares with the sedatives but he won't sleep any other way poor guy
Aaaaaaand Riddler's back
I'm sorry, Riddler once tried to *sacrifice Batman?!* Jesus Christ!
Welp, Riddler was high af and apparently Bruce has been on venom before which sucks
Riddler got shot too and Bane is still testing Bruce
Am I dont yet? [348/375] Uuuuugggggghhhhhhhh
And Tim is cutting Jean-Paul's hair
And now everyone's loose and poor Jeremiah has had a total break from reality thanks to the trauma
Good grief that was a lot! So uhhhhh guess it was kinda ambitious to try and do all of Knightfall in one day
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funsize-mermaid · 1 year
Date Questions
1. What is the best way to confess your true feelings to someone?
2. What is the best way to ask someone out?
3. What are red flags on a first date?
4. Is sex on the first date okay? Why or why not?
5. Describe is your ideal date.
1. Casually tell them HAHAHA oo sorry ganon ako. Straightforward. Not wasting any time. Char.
2. Hmmm… send send nga mga posts from soc med tapos sesegway ng “tara” HHAHAHAHA 🥹
3. Huyyy red flags on a first date? Ang hirap naman neto. Pero let me share nalang yung experience ko…..
I dated a guy who never bothered to dress properly HAHAHAHA jusko teh tshirt, jersey short, slippers (hindi mga tipong adidas slides ah, talagang yung tsinelas na de sipit)
I waited for 3hrs AF
Another guy I dated who walks in front of me. Oo teh, nauuna sya maglakad potek. Az a person na smol legs, mabagal ako maglakad pero iniiwan padin nya ko.
Ayun palang naman na experience ko, hindi naman naging issue sakin ang “Who pays the bill” kasi I can pay my bills HAHAHAHA really I appreciate na may nag ooffer to pay for everything, pero I will counter offer to split bill 😊 pati yung hatid sundo, di issue saken yun. Since malayo bahay ko, di naman ako demanding na ihatid pa 🤣
4. Ay for me NO. AYOKO. Next dates nalang. charot huy!!! hahaha
5. Ideal date for me is more more talking. HAHAHA gusto ko yung casual kwentuhan. Chill mood lang ganon, di nauubusan ng kkwentuhan at di awkward. Di need sa bongga, fancy or expensive na place/ restau. Basta good food and getting to know more. Okay na sakin yun. 😊
Thanks for this question @ameownymous ❤️
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ywpd-translations · 8 months
Ride 761: Reserve
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Pag 1
1: Please get ready the allen key, the allen key
Time is going by
4: You gotta calm down
Ye.... yessir, teh!!
You're frozen stiff
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Pag 2
1: Sugimoto-san, where do I put this
The supplies box is under the foil bag over there, so put it in there
2: Ah, here?
3: Whose shoulder bag is that?
4: (NdT.: the writing says “Kaburagi”)
7: This way, you won't have to look for it when you'll have to take it out
Oh... thank you so much!
Time is short when you have to hand it over, so you need to take your time with preparation beforehand
8: 40 minutes before the start!!
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Pag 3
1: Alright, let's get your heartbeat up one more time
Yessir, teh
Is he alright?
Soon my role as a reserve will be over
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Pag 4
1: Pfuui, it's hot
Together with the signal gun at the start....
3: No....
4: I guess it's already over?
6: These six people are already rock solid
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Pag 5
1: I'm sure they'll run a good race
2: How about you sit down? Sugimoto-kun
The preparations are almost done
3: And you've been standing on your feet working since this morning
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Pag 6
6: I feel.... disappointed
7: Even though I lost during training camp, I was still told I'd be the reserve
I guess I still “felt like I had a chance”
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Pag 7
1: Say, Sugimoto-kun
Ah, yes!?
2: Why did you start riding bikes?
4: Ah, yeah, I've never told you?
5: Yeah
Well.... it's a silly story
It's just an ordinary story that's not worth listening to- you still want to hear it?
7: My father used to ride a road bike
He suggested it to me but I was scared so I didn't
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Pag 8
1: But, one day.... ah... well, my father's family home is in Okayama
In the north of Okayama at the border with Shimane, there's a huge mountain called “Mt. Daisen”
2: One time, when he made me get on a rental bike and run, he said “let's go there”, and took me there even though I didn't want to
3: For some reason, I was deeply moved
That majestic mountain's scenery kept changing as I advanced
4: I thought it was really interesting
5: Even though I said I was scared of falling, I soon got absorbed in riding
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Pag 9
1: And I thought it was fun
2: I could ride this forever...
3: that's what I thought
4: After that I asked my father to take me to, like, Lake Kawaguch or Hakone on the weekends. We went to Hakone three times, three times (haha)
5: But still, the first time you see the scenery from a mountain is the best
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Pag 10
1: Maybe I wanted to see the scenery for the first time
3: When I became an high-school student, I met Naruko, Onoda, and Imaizumi
Well, I had already heard about Imaizumi in middle school races
Those three....
4: I saw them running in the Inter High giving their whole body and soul
5: I saw them from up close
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Pag 11
1: In my third year, I thought I wanted to see this Inter High's scenery
3: from inside the course
6: For sure
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Pag 12
1: It didn't come true though
3: No no
4: Hahaha!! Why am I talking about such gloomy things before the start!!
Sorry, sorry, forget what I said just now, forget it!! Let's be bright!!
5: I'm their support, after all
My role is to be their backup!! Yes!!
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Pag 13
2: The participants will be at the starting line soon
3: I give up....
4: Ah, ah
What's wrong?
5: Ah, every year we gather cyclists from each school who failed to enter the race in the “selected team”, right?
6: Yeah, the team with white jerseys and number bibs in the 200s!!
There's a vacancy there
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Pag 14
2: Give it your all!
Yes, senpai!!
3: Thirty minutes until the start!!
4: We were informed just now
Are you looking for someone to fill in?
Well... there are conditions... and there's probably no one....
5: who can be ready within fifteen minutes from now
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Pag 15
2: Oooii
3: Oh... it's Touji-san
He's in a hurry
Are there troubles? It's the first time I see Touji-san running
4: Sugimoto!!
5: Huh!?
6: Why are you in such a hurry.... everyone has finished getting ready, we're going soon
Huh? Me?
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Pag 16
1: Do you want to ride in the Inter High!?
2: Huh!?
3: Run!? In the Inter High!? Eh!?
You're saying this to me!?
I just got a call from the director
4: He's speaking with the main office right now
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Pag 17
1: But the the team's six people are rock solid...
2: It's not Sohoku!!
It's the team with white jerseys and number bibs in the 200s!! There's a vacancy there
3: They asked us to lend them a reserve!!
4: You only have fifteen minutes to get ready
Moreover, it comes with strict conditions!!
6: Still, will you run!?
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Pag 18
1: Sugimoto....!!
2: Sugimoto...!!
3: Sugimoto-kun!?
5: Sugimoto-san!!
6: Ehy ehy
No, no!!
7: Sadatoki, set the wheels on Sugimoto's frame!!
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Pag 19
2: Wa- wait please. This is the third Inter High and I've always been working for this team behind the scenes
And, I mean, supporting is also an important.... role
Ye-yes, that's it
3: The Inter…..
4: High!?
5: This is the important last Inter High, so I'll reliably support Imaizumi, Naruko and Onod-
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Pag 20
1: Is there anyone who would throw away their dreams for someone else?
2: My Colnago
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Pag 21
1: It's a great opportunity
Run!! Take....
2: This chance!!
4: That day was hectic for me
Until up twenty minutes before the starts I was frantically doing preparation for the race for everyone
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Pag 22
1: And after that, somehow, I wore a jersey I had never seen before
2: And, shaking, I was standing at the starting line of the Inter High
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usarinnpa · 1 year
NO UTIS OK ITS OK !!!!!!!!!
WE WERE @JELLYQUEEN DO YU REMEBER i was trying to figure out just WHERE i knew otu from and i was lik Wait ..
DO YOU REMEMBER IF YOU WERE KNOWN AS RITSU AT ANY POINT ???? we had the trucy ace atorrney icon :3 i loookd up trucy in teh search bar and someone named ritsu cmae up THIUS IS SO STRANGE
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
my reactions to Summer Game Fest 2023 day 1
12:04 PM 6/8/2023 Prince of Persia The Lost Crown. Geoff wasn't kidding about "unexpected". Was not expecting a Prince of Persia game already. And it being about other characters going to rescue the Prince. Wait until they find out he has the Sands of Time. Nice historical reference, with the Immortal Corps. Going the Bayonetta Origins route, I see. Ubisoft Forward streaming on Monday? As part of Summer Game Fest? How many days is Summer Game Fest?
12:07 PM 6/8/2023 Hearing "Mortal Kombat is rebooting the first game" instinctively made me sad, like throwing away all those years of story from teh other games. But this trailer reminded me that the last game MK11 rebooted the timeline. It was good to see God of Fire Liu Kang. But why is Raiden called a neophyte? I thought he kept his memories in the rebooted timeline? And is Mileena the ruler of her world??? Not Kitana???? Man, this looks pretty. Jean Claude van Damme is Johnny Cage???? Did Ed Boone just say the original concept for MK was a Jean Claude van Damme game?????????
12:17 PM 6/8/2023 Did Ryu get brainwashed with a cybernetic device???? Cyborg Ryu? Is this that Street Fighter cyborg character? Upgraded to more mimic Ryu??????? Bikitoa Island? What? AI? Dinosaurs? Oh, this is that Exoprimal! What is this crossover? lol
12:19 PM 6/8/2023 Dead by Daylight is going ot have Nicholas Cage??????????????????????? Everyone laughing has to take it back now, with Nicholas Cage suddenly appearing on screen. But it's kind of sad that you can still hear some of them laughing while he walks on stage.
12:25 PM 6/8/2023 Why is Henry Cavil introducing the Netflix The Witcher season 3? I thought he left the series??????????
12:28 PM 6/8/2023 So is this a Witcher game now? "The Witch Hunt" Or is this one of those supernatural cowboy games that have been happening lately? Witchfire
12:29 PM 6/8/2023 What kind of game in this day and age uses live action clips for their videogame trailer????????? Is this a videogame or movie? Maybe it's for a VR headset? Crossfire Sierra Squad.
12:30 PM 6/8/2023 "The Root will destroy everything for all time." Did I hear that right? "The Root"? I like the creature design and the environmental design. A little sparse, but I like tentacles, really inhuman, uncanny design, and glowing veins "infecting" an environment. Remnant II.
12:33 PM 6/8/2023 Ok. What are you up to, Sonic? ^^ Retro gameplay but with prettier modern graphics. Looks good. ^^ Sonic Superstars.
12:34 PM 6/8/2023 Honkai Star Rail. I don't know much about Honkai or Genshin Impact. Are they in the same universe? I heard they have different gameplay. So is Honkai also a gacha game? Honkai is a turned based combat game, right? I really don't know what I'm looking at. lol Password: Playstation 5 What's that for?
12:37 PM 6/8/2023 Yesterday, I saw someone find some new eltridge body horror fanart for Winnie the Pooh, now that it's in public domain. When they wondered if body horror might be what happens to all public domain IPs, I immediately thought of Garfield, because of all the body horror eldritch art. But Garfield isn't public domain. Were they talking about Pinnochio? Lies of P
12:39 PM 6/8/2023 Game based on a classic manga? Is it Akira Toriyama? A desert? Trigun????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? …Yeah, Akira Toriyama. I'm going to confess something here. I grew up loving DBZ and I realize Toriyama is genius in the functionality of his character design, and he set a lot of Shonen Manga standards… But I actually dislike his art style. ;o; Sorry! SandLand
12:41 PM 6/8/2023 Double Fine is doing a presentation after the Summer Game Fest live show???????? o !
12:41 PM 6/8/2023 Isn't this music from The Nutcracker? Ah. AnnaPurna montage. They really are the A24 of gaming, as someone once said. Nice art and variety. ^_^
12:44 PM 6/8/2023 Throne and Liberty
12:45 PM 6/8/2023 War Haven The other day, I saw a movie trailer also doing a "needle drop", and it kind of killed my excitement. Maybe it took me out of the world's emmersion. Am I getting tired of vocal song covers in trailers?
12:47 PM 6/8/2023 Party Animals I liked their last trailer with the comedic explanatory tone. Not sure how I feel about the montage of clips of streamers reacting to the game. But it was fast.
12:49 PM 6/8/2023 Crash Team Rumble. I don't know much about Crash.
12:49 PM 6/8/2023 "Descend into madness"? Alan Wake II Oh, ok. IT'S BEEN 13 YEARS SINCE THE LAST ALAN WAKE?????? Will there be references to Control? I heard Control had some references to Alan Wake. During the last trailer, I was intrigued by playing more character POVs besides Alan, and that the FBI agent discovers Alan's writing is creating the situations she's in. That was interesting. This whole interview on stage was not interesting. Sorry. Maybe Remedy wasn't sure if they would have enough footage for this presentation until the last second, and they were planning for at least the stage interview as a substitute? Did Alan have a gun in the first game, or just a flashlight? I wonder if they idea of playing the FBI agent, was to allow for some gunplay. "Tatooed heart"?????????? Wait, do they think Alan Wake is the killer?
12:57 PM 6/8/2023 The only thing I know about Warhammer are joke warning about other people getting you into the series, and it's a story setting where destroying everything without regarding the valid sentient life of the enemy. lol "For the emperor!"? What? The player fights for an empire?
12:59 PM 6/8/2023 This is some pretty 2D art. "Brave at Night" studio. I thought this was an adventure game, but is it also a side scrolling action? Yes Your Grace: Snowfall
1:01 PM 6/8/2023 Interesting when the "rookie" being chewed out also sill has the "badass" character design. lol Refreshing she's also a woman. And that another female character is issuing commands. John Carpenter's Toxic Commando What? This was based on a movie? Is that why the creature designs look interesting, though plausibly could be done with foam rubber suits?
1:03 PM 6/8/2023 Baldur's Gate III Interesting to watch the voice actors in the booth. I don't know this actor playing Gordash though.
1:04 PM 6/8/2023 "Marvel Games"? u "Insomniac"????? ^U^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spiderman 2! ;U;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More on-stage interviews, but I love looking at the art projected onto the back of the stage, and I'm too excited for this game. Y'know what would be crazy? If the Symbiote took over Kraven. lol Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn? Oh? I heard some speculation that Miles's game took place in Harlem, even though he canonically is based in Brooklyn, maybe because Harlem was already in the first Spiderman game and reusing it save time/effort. So if Spiderman 2 is expanding to include Brooklyn, will they be moving Miles back there? October 20, 2023
1:09 PM 6/8/2023 Palworld So, Pokemon clone? I like that they're "pals". ^.^ Cute. They REALLY look like Pokemon creature designs!
1:11 PM 6/8/2023 Land of the Morning Light. Black Desert. "Land of the Morning Light" is an interesting way to say "Land of the Rising Sun". Explains all the Japanese mythic creatures.
1:11 PM 6/8/2023 Dwarf perspective? Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria.
1:12 PM 6/8/2023 "Exciting mobile game from a legendary franchise"? FF7! o! Yeeeeee! Let me hear Toshiyuki Morikawa's Sephiroth! ;u; Aw, he's trying to call Genesis! ;o;!!! I must say what I always say, when I see Genesis: "Genesis, you're a bad friend! ;o;!" Do better, Genesis! Why are Tifa and Aerith dressed in red battle gear? Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis "Speaking of Final Fantasy…" Geoff shut down all those gasps so fast! LOL I like that he recovereed by saying "gotcha". lol
1:15 PM 6/8/2023 Banishers? This is from the Life Is Strange studio, right? Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
1:16 PM 6/8/2023 Modern day? I thought the historial era Yakuza was the new one being promoted? They're making a new Yakuza already? Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
1:18 PM 6/8/2023 Parallel Studio Spot Light Is this going to be a horror game? I'm sorry, but claustrophobic darkness…Maybe giving me Soma flashbacks. SEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Under the Waves. World Ocean Day is today? I think Ocean Conservation Namibia was doing some kind of livestream for World Ocean Day. Go watch them. They save the seals from plastic. A very good channel.
1:20 PM 6/8/2023 Call of Duty? I'm not even paying attention. Good time to listen back to SuperButterBuns' reaction stream.
1:21 PM 6/8/2023 Porsche? Is this Gran Turismo? I stopped paying attention when I heard "car" stuff. That is a big rainbow colored XBOX! I didn't know Porsche is known for rainbows. o.O
1:22 PM 6/8/2023 Faefarm. Geoff said "cozy games". ^u^ Is that an official genre name now? I've heard people calling Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, and Harvestella that. Can we call that the subgenre's official name now? ^u^
1:24 PM 6/8/2023 Marvel Snap. Wow. This dev is super excited. O.o Yay! ProZD! ^o^ ProZD parodying card games! ^u^
1:27 PM 6/8/2023 Ok. I like a dragon that's not a villain. Is this a King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table game? King Arthur: Legends Rise.
1:28 PM 6/8/2023 Wayfinders? Is this World of Warcraft? I do like a story about defeated heroes having to get up again. Wayfinder.
1:29 PM 6/8/2023 Unreal Editor for Fortnite? I thought people stopped focusing on building in Fortnite and focused on battle royale shooting instead.
1:30 PM 6/8/2023 Stellarus Nexus
1:30 PM 6/8/2023 Cute avatar for this scavenger game. Space Trash Scavenger.
1:30 PM 6/8/2023 Star Trek game. Yeek. Borg. i think they used to freak me out when I was little, but now I just imagine Boimler's sim from Lower Decks, and it's funny now. Star Trek Infinite
1:31 PM 6/8/2023 Will Arnet is voicing Sweet Tooth???????? Wait. Why is this a live action clip??? Is that Anthony Mackie?????????????????? This is totally overshadowing Twisted Metal being back. …Did they not trust people to be excited over a classic game returning? IT'S A TV SERIES ON PEACOCK????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
1:33 PM 6/8/2023 Ooh. Nice art style. "I'm here again." "That's another me." Sooooo….Rogue-like or Demon Souls-like? The ghosts are your army? Lysfanga: Teh Time Shift Warrior
1:35 PM 6/8/2023 Immortal of Aveum. "Kind of like Doom with magic." Has Geoff been listening to SuperButterBuns' reaction stream to that last Playstation Showcase? lol Nice to get an explaination for who the Immortals are and the worldbuilding lore.
1:43 PM 6/8/2023 Woah. Geoff's getting serious. Is this about Kojima? From Software? FF7!!!!!!!!!!! Wait. Why is Avalanch being taken away by search and rescue? I thought the last game ended with them on the road? 5 years. The world really is nice and green. She can appear as a monster…or those you love… "Did you know I killed her? So, who is she?" ARE THEY SAYING TIFA IS AN IMPOSTER? Then again, Sephiroth has a record of saying very untrue things with full conviction, so we'll see what's true when the game releases. But maybe it has something to do with Tifa's earlier dialogue, asking why Sephiroth returned now after 5 years?
1:48 PM 6/8/2023 Oh, that was the end? Has it been 2 hours already? Time to check my favorite streamers' reactions. SuperButterBuns ProfessorThorgi I wonder if Black Nerd Comedy is doing a reaction livestream?
1:51 PM 6/8/2023 Ooh! Tim Shaffer! Live event festival and digital showcase? Day of the Devs. Wishes Unlimited. Oh, this whole presentation is cute. Devs outdoors, hanging out in a room, playing games, posing for the camera, etc. Beastieball.
1:54 PM 6/8/2023 Hyper Light Breaker. So is this like Hyper Light Drifter? Wait. Is this a procedurely generated open world? Did they crack what No Man's Sky initially couldn't? "Fully ful visual storytelling". No cutscenes then? Ooh. Environmental storytelling. But through proceedurely generated environments? Isn't that hard to control what story is told? Interesting…
1:57 PM 6/8/2023 Devs: Stone Skip. "Chill and vibey"? Simpler Times. Devs hanigng out on the floor of a living room, listening to a record? This whole Day of the Devs has a really beautiful and cute presentation. I dare say, much better than a stage presentation.
2:01 PM 6/8/2023 Viewfinder. "The photos you take, become worlds to explore."
2:01 PM 6/8/2023 I'm sorry. I have to tap out. My legs hurt SO MUCH from sitting at my laptop in bed.
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