#the names of the iterators bein a sort of descriptor- similarly to Ancient names but smaller- i really like
spotsupstuff · 10 months
What inspired capers name?
i've said it a few times at this point, but i've had like no proper planning done for the Anemoi names besides Zephyr,,,
with Euros the only thought i had in mind was that he was supposed to be a cheery all-over-the-place character, maybe a little childish, embody the certain twirling joy that an upbeat folk song brings. i don't remember how exactly i got to it, but i found out about the word "caper"
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and went "HELL yeah, that sounds like Exactly the sort of thing that would define him spectacularly!!!" n so Caper of Euros came to be
in-universe i suppose the explanation could be similar. they set up a base for cheery Individuality n though most of the personality work will be done by Euros himself as he sponges in experiences, he was bound to be all :DDD, so Caper it was
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