#the oc:s3
atwoods · 2 years
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Graduates
Episode Number: #76 Original Air Date: May 18, 2006
Favorite Song: “Speeding Cars” by Imogen Heap
Favorite Moment:
Sandy: “Yeah, Sethie!!!”
Taylor: “Don’t let the bastards get you down.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “I went by the . The place looked worst than ever. The guy was beaten down, exhausted. It was a thing of beauty.” K: “You want to go back.”
S: “So this is what it will be like next year? Empty nest?” K: “And what does one do in an empty nest?” S: “Oh, I have a few ideas.”
…. Bow chicka wow wow.
Favorite Character:
Kirsten’s robe that is yet again! different than the others.
Sandy deciding to return to the PD’s office.
Sandy: “Believe it or not. Working here, the best days of my life.”
Favorite Quote:
Kaitlin: “Since my grades went from B’s to A’s, I was wondering if you could change my A’s to B’s.”
Sandy: “I know the last three years have been a roller coaster-“ Kirsten and Julie: “Ohhh.” Sandy: “There’s been tragedy and comedy. First loves, broken hearts. Family members lost and found. It hasn’t been perfect but we are all family here.”
Seth: “Ryan, got a car? I’ve been waiting three years for a car. I’m supposed to be the spoiled one.”
Summer, to Marissa: “I can’t believe I’m saying ‘goodbye’ to you.”
Favorite Relationship:
Sandy and Seth.
Sandy: “What cheer is that? Oh! Check out my boy, Cohen. Can you believe how he’s growin? The competition away he’s blowin.” Seth: “That’s the one. Please don’t do that. Ever.”
Sandy: “I love you, kid.” Seth: “I can’t say ‘I love you’ to another man. But I have much affection for you as well.”
Ryan and Dawn.
Dawn: “I’m gonna try to say goodbye without losing it.” Ryan: “Well, why don’t we just not say ‘goodbye’? How about ‘see ya soon’?”
Ryan: “You got me a car?!”
Julie and Marissa.
J: “I just want you to know, good, bad, or otherwise, everything I did, I did it for you.”
M: “The strength it takes to start over, go out on my own. That had to come from being Julie Cooper’s daughter.” J: “I am spirited, aren’t I?”
Ryan and Marissa.
Ryan: “You were the first person I met here; I’d kind of like to be the last one to say goodbye.”
Marissa: “We’re in this together, okay? One last time.” Ryan: “One last time.”
Marissa: “That night, did you ever think we’d end up together?” Ryan: “You saying it’s over?”
Marissa: “I’m sorry. For all the craziness.” Ryan: “I wouldn’t have done it any different. … Except for Oliver.”
Marissa: “Stay. Don’t leave.”
Least Favorite Moment:
When they ruined Ryan’s new car! Dawn scrimped and saved to give that to him!
Ryan carrying Marissa toward help
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Man of the Year
Episode Number: #75 Original Air Date: May 4, 2006
Favorite Song: “The Pioneers” by Bloc Party
"The Pioneers" by Tunng
Favorite Moment:
Seth vs. Sandy
Sandy: “Don’t talk to your father like that.” Seth: “That would require you to act like my father.”
The Newport Group burning down. A fitting end to a terrible place.
Sandy’s speech.
Sandy: “I used to think I was better than this place. You know, I came from outside the bubble so I thought I was fit to judge it. So when it came time for me to run the Newport Group, I wasn’t worried at all about losing my way. But I learned that despite the wide streets and the sunny views, you take one wrong turn in this town and you can end up totally lost.” […] “I’m gonna pursue an honor that is closer to my heart: Father and Husband of the Year.”
Seth: “It was wordy in the middle but I think the ending was nice.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten, at her meeting: “I just really need the man I married right now.”
K: “Because the only thing that would get you to talk to me was the threat of a relapse.” S: “I hope you know that is not true.” K: “I don’t know that.”
S: “I’m sorry, too.”
Favorite Character:
Taryn Baker. Taryn is always my favorite.
Julie Cooper.
Julie: “The Cohen’s are like family, Neil.” Neil: “Maybe they’re about to become the black sheep.” J: “Well, I don’t know about you but I support the people I care about. I don’t judge them. I’ll call a cab.”
Favorite Quote:
Teresa: “Things got pretty interesting in the limo with Taylor and the dates. I’m don’t know what the Korean word for ‘threesome’ is but I’m pretty sure it was used.”
Julie: “Sandy’s very involved with the hospital. But I can’t imagine him doing anything unethical. He may be pompous, self-righteous, and annoying. But Sandy’s very moral.”
Teresa: “Look, Ryan. There’s only one thing that could have done that to your hands and that’s another guy’s face.”
Sandy: “What do you mean he didn’t get into Brown?” Summer: “I thought he only lied about that to me.”
As Seth is being arrested: Officer: “Who are you? His lawyer?” Sandy: “I’m his father.”
Favorite Relationship:
Kirsten and Seth.
His hesitation before smelling her coffee cup. Poor thing.
And then listening to Kirsten at her AA meeting.
Kirsten: “The only thing worse than relapsing is that my husband doesn’t know.”
K: “I know things are difficult but we are still a family.” S: “Yeah, a great family. Mom’s drinking. Dad’s about to go to jail. We’re giving the Atwoods a run for their money.”
K: “I believe your father is going to fix this.” S: “That makes one of us.”
Least Favorite Moment:
Relapse #2. Don’t do it, Kirsten! …. She did it.
Least Favorite Character:
Sandy Cohen.
S: “You’re not gonna believe this. I am Riviera Magazine’s Man of the Year. Try not to faint.”
K: “You know my father was Man of the Year.” S: “The irony is not lost on me.”
Why is he so okay with becoming Caleb Nichol?! Ugh. Wake up, Sandy.
Seth, to Summer: “You’re thinking about my dad right now?”
“Get in. Don’t be a little bitch.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Party Favor
Episode Number: #74 Original Air Date: April 27, 2006
Favorite Song: “To All of You” by Syd Matters
Favorite Moment:
The PSA for Safe Sex before the episode
The parents reminiscing over the kids in kindergarten
Kirsten: “Wasn’t it kindergarten when Seth would only answer to Boba Fett?” Sandy: “Oh, gosh. Boba Fett.”
Drunk!Summer falling off the stage.
Taylor: “Man overboard!”
Seth: “Does anyone have a toilette? Does anyone have a toilette?!”
Summer: “Hey, where’s my crown? Who stole my crown?”
Favorite Character:
Kirsten’s robe. A different one now!
Taylor Townsend.
T: “He’s got this wonderful hairless body. It’s like hooking up with a seal.”
Favorite Quote:
Marissa, about her dress: “Do you think Kevin will like this dress? Summer: “Yeah, as long as it rips off easy.”
Taylor: “Perhaps we should find out who your king is.” Summer: “Screw that!”
Volchok, about Ryan: “You just wanted to turn me into a little bitch boy like him!” Marissa: “You’re nothing like him. Clearly, I was wrong about you.” Volchok: “Finally. You’re learning.”
Favorite Relationship:
Ryan vs. Volchok
Volchok: “You probably think I’m an idiot, huh? Screw things up with Marissa. Steal money when everyone is gonna know I took it.” Ryan: “I don’t think about you. But yes, you’re an idiot.”
Volchok: “Tell me this. A week from now, if I wanted to, I could have her on her back on that mattress. Now how does that make you feel?”
See, here, I love that Ryan punched Volchok and gets into a fight with him. Volchok deserves it, he’s a jackass. It’s when Ryan is punching anyone and everyone and digging super condemning holes for himself, that I get frustrated.
Least Favorite Quote:
K: “I am not going to use my alcoholism as blackmail to save our marriage. If he can’t value it for what it is, what is the point?”
K: “The way things are between Sandy and I right now, I feel like one push could send us over the edge.”
Sandy Cohen, how dare you! Once again. It’s amazing how much of a douche Sandy turns into after season one.
Problems with ties
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The College Try
Episode Number: #73 Original Air Date: April 20, 2006
Favorite Character: Anna Stern.
Seth: “What have I done without you for the last two years?”
Anna: “Cohen! Confidence! Remember?”
Kirsten Cohen.
K: “You know, they say when you grow up you marry your father. I thought I had escaped that.”
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “Yes. Kumar Zimmerman. I’m half Indian, half Jewish. I am a Hinjew.”
Marissa: “My dad lost all his money, the pony lost all it’s hair, My mom kind of lost her mind. Also I got kicked out of school and my friend died. I guess everything happened. At some point, I stopped being the girl who belonged at college. Or anywhere, for that matter.” Wes : “Everyone belongs somewhere.” M: “Maybe not everyone. Maybe some people just get lost.”
Least Favorite Moment:
Kirsten telling Ryan about Teresa when she did. Why not let him just enjoy the weekend at Berkeley? Of course, he needs to know but can we not wait?
The relapse! Nooooooo!
Marissa going back to Volchok
Least Favorite Quote:
Marissa: “What makes you think he could be yours instead of Eddie’s?”
It should be the fact that he looks exactly like Ryan. But no, Ryan goes on about living someone else’s life.
What I Would Have Done Differently: Who cast that child? I mean, he looks nothing like Teresa or Eddie. If you want me to believe he is not Ryan’s kid, don’t make them look identical.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Dawn Patrol
Episode Number: #72 Original Air Date: April 13, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Foxy Foxy” by Rob Zombie
Favorite Moment:
Marissa coming home to Julie.
Favorite Character:
K: “Right because when we get older, we make much better decisions.”
Julie Cooper. Vs. Volchok
J: “Keep that grimy paw unless you want to see what ten years of Cardio Barre can do to your face.”
J: “Enjoy it. Because right here, right now, is as good as it gets for you. Soon, Marissa is going to wake up and realize she’s so much better than you and your life.”
Favorite Quote:
Kirsten: “He’s just worried about the Nana.” Sandy: “She’s an excellent clapper.” Seth: “She can do the two finger whistle.” K: “And she’s never taken a picture out of focus.” Sandy: “The woman was born for graduations.”
Favorite Relationship:
Kirsten and Ryan.
Kirsten: “If you want me to fly to Albuquerque with you-“
K: “I went completely overboard and made you a ridiculously gigantic sandwich for your flight.” R: “Looking forward to it.” K: “I booked a car service to go anywhere and everywhere.” R: “No, that’s alright. I can take a cab.” K: “Just humor me. I worry enough.”
Kirsten: “Whatever happens, you have at least one proud mother watching you graduate.”
Summer and Taylor.
Least Favorite Moment:
Sandy missing dinner
Kirsten + Wine
No, don’t do it!!!
Least Favorite Character:
Chloe, the waitress. Such a meddler. Obviously, Ryan wanted to tell Dawn himself about being there but Chloe went and spilled all the beans. Nice.
Least Favorite Quote:
Sandy and Kirsten on the phone.
K: “You left this morning without saying goodbye.” S: “I didn’t want to wake you.” K: “And last night when you came in?” S: “It was late.” K: “I need you home tonight, Sandy. We have to talk. I just feel like we’re so disconnected right now.”
Despite the fact that Sandy and Kirsten are at odds, at least it’s not infidelity temptation. Ugh, that was obnoxious.
Summer: “Seth, if you don’t love me anymore, I promise I will go to Brown by myself and be cold and miserable and alone.” [...] Seth: “I don’t love you anymore.”
What They Did Perfectly:
Kirsten sending Dawn pictures of Ryan.
The coffee cart declaration of love
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Day After Tomorrow
Episode Number: #71 Original Air Date: April 6, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Fog” by Radiohead
Favorite Moment:
Summer and Ryan celebrating that they got in.
Sandy giving Ryan and Sadie his and Kirsten’s sweatshirts
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: “Whatever problems you’re thinking about, let them go. Our kids got into college. It’s a big day.” Sandy: “You’re right. We did it.” K: “We did it.”
Favorite Quote:
Sandy, to Henry Griffin: “If you haven’t resigned within 48 hours, I’m going to do everything in my power to take you down. And I was lying. Your forehand sucks!”
Summer, to Ryan: “When you see him, will you give him this?” Yanks Ryan’s hair
Ryan: “Even though we’re not together, I’m still here. If you ever want to talk.”
Favorite Relationship:
Julie and Marissa.
J: “I’ve been in that place before. Where you lose faith in yourself. But honey, I believe in you. You deserve this.” M: “I don’t know, Mom.” J: “Marissa, please. Don’t give up on yourself. You have no idea how much I want this for you.”
Summer and Marissa.
Summer, after giving Marissa the Berkeley sweatshirt: “Looks like someone believes in you.”
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Sandy, to Kirsten: “I’m not going to become your father.”
A Nichol sitting in the dark
Kirsten walking out on Sandy.
Seth and Ryan staring at the ceiling in the pool house.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Secrets and Lies
Episode Number: #70 Original Air Date: March 30, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Faster Kill Pussycat” by Paul Oakenfold feat. Brittany Murphy
Favorite Moment:
Gus peeing by the side of the house.
Gus: “It’s them Big Gulps. They go right through me.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: "It’s a good thing we have a date tonight." Sandy: "What?" Kirsten: "Romantic dinner by the water. Followed by an even more romantic walk on the beach. Followed by-" Seth: "Nothing. Followed by nothing. You will walk and you will eat."
Favorite Character:
Favorite Quote:
Seth, seeing Marissa and Volchok: “So if the body never lies, what is it saying now?” Summer: “It’s saying ‘Ew’.” Seth: “’Ew’? Or ‘touch my pooper’?”
Volchok: “That girl couldn’t look bad if she tried.”
Favorite Relationship:
Kirsten and Seth: their dates.
Kirsten : “Seth! I thought if you knew you wouldn’t have come.” Seth: “Good instinct. Like going through this the first time wasn’t painful enough.” K: “This place has saved my family, my marriage, and, quite possibly, my life. These people know more about me than my own family.” S: “Well, whose fault is that? it’s not like you ever talk about what happened.” K: “It’s not like you ever ask.”
Kirsten: “Thank you. To all of you. Especially my son, Seth. He doesn’t know this but he’s the reason I got sober. The look on his face at my intervention, he was so disappointed in me. But he believed that I could do this. And he was right.” Seth: “Congratulations, Mom.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Undertow
Episode Number: #69    Original Air Date: March 23, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Lover I Don’t Have to Love” by Bettie Serveert
“Inaction” by We Are Scientists
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: “He just needs some advice from the great Sandy Cohen.” Sandy: “Sometimes you overestimate me- ooh.” K: “Not possible.” Seth and Ryan walk in. Seth: “Ugh. Get a room.” Sandy: “Hey. Count your blessings. Kids with affectionate parents grow up to be better adjusted sexually as adults.” Seth: “I know. I meant, get a room. My room. And do it in front of me.”
Sandy: “Your mother was a firecracker. My buddies used to say, ‘If you see that mail truck a rockin’, don’t come a knockin’.” Seth: “So sorry I asked.”
Sandy: “You really are a terrible liar, my dear.”
Favorite Character:
Kirsten’s sweater vest!
Kirsten in another freaking robe!
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “You gotta cut the guy some slack. He just got out of a two year drama fest with Marissa. And the one time that he tried to date someone normal, she turned out to be my dead grandfather’s illegitimate daughter. So you know how that goes.” Sadie: “Of course, I know how that goes.”
Ryan, to Jess: “You gotta stop dating guys like him. And I’ve got to stop dating girls like you.”
Seth: “Is that a no to the wheelbarrow?” Summer: “I’ll wheelbarrow you!”
Favorite Relationship:
Kirsten and Ryan.
R: “Music too loud?” K: “No. It’s just the grunting and excessive banging that I’m concerned about.”
K: “So you’re trying to save this girl?” R: “Is that something I do?”
K: “Just because a girl isn’t tied to train tracks doesn’t mean she should be ignored.”
What I Would Have Done Differently:
Everyone got their sexy moment : Seth/Summer, Ryan/Sadie, Volchok/Marissa. Where’s Sandy and Kirsten ripping each other’s clothes off and banging against the wall of a trailer? C’mon, man!
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Journey
Episode Number: #68 Original Air Date: March 16, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Paint the Silence” by South
“Waiting for a Girl Like You” by Cobra Verde
Favorite Moment:
Ryan’s birthday. All of Seth’s future!Ryan mockups.
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “When I turned eighteen, I couldn’t wait to vote in my first election.” Kirsten: “My little eagle scout.”
Dancing at Ryan’s party
Favorite Quote:
Summer: “Thinking of joining the lesbian alliance?” Ryan: “No.”
Summer: “I have to worry about Julie Cooper giving my dad VD and taking all his money. My plate is full.”
Sandy: “As of today, we may no longer be your legal guardians but you will always be part of this family.”
Sadie: “You know this is a Foreigner song, right?”
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
K: “Albuquerque? New Mexico?”
The Model Home
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Road Warrior
Episode Number: #67 Original Air Date: March 9, 2006
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “I used to walk behind Kirsten on her way home. She lived on the opposite side of campus but I lived to watch her walk.” Kirsten: “And I called campus security.” S: “It was worth every minute I was detained and questioned.”
Favorite Character:
Taylor Townsend.
“Your dad and Julie Cooper are doing it.”
Favorite Quote:
Summer: “Coop, usually a time and place are crucial aspects to any plan.”
Favorite Relationship:
Julie, Kirsten, and Summer.
Julie: “Maybe he’s getting into shape. In case he meets that special someone.” Kirsten: “Or maybe he’s already met her.” Summer: “Please don’t say that. My dad has disastrous taste in women. If I don’t step in, he’ll wind up with the first money-grubbing slutbag who gets in the backseat of his Macerate.” Kirsten: “Julie, do you want to take this?”
Least Favorite Quote:
Sandy, to Kirsten: “Aren’t you taking this matchmaking business a little too seriously?”
… It’s her job, Sanford. Of course, she is taking it seriously.
K: “Remember when I said I wasn’t worried about Sandy Cohen knowing where the line was? I’m officially worried.”
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
“What happens in the hot tub stays in the hot tub.”
Sandy and Kirsten + Disastrous Double Dates
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Heavy Lifting
Episode Number: #66 Original Air Date: February 9, 2006
Favorite Song:
“For the Widows, For the Fatherless” by Sufjan Stevens
Favorite Shipper Moment:
K: “I’ll get Maya to the party if you will try and embrace the holiday. No whining, no snarky comments. Candies. Candles. Lingerie. Nice lingerie. Nothing red, see-through, or remotely edible.” S: “Not even a little see-through?”
S: “It’s too bad you’re already dressed. I was hoping you’d wear this.”
Bow chicka bow wow.
K: “This is a fantasy I’m not aware of.”
Their silly talk about Matt and Maya.
I love when they are silly together.
Favorite Quote:
Summer, about doctors: “It’s their job to be negative. It’s called ‘managing expectations’. That’s why it’s our job to be positive.”
Seth: “Sudoku: fun to say, fun to do.”
Seth: “Making my inventory is sort of one of those things like masturbation or flossing my teeth. Where, even though you know I do it, I’d just rather you not witness it.”
I feel ya, Seth. Some things are private.
Summer: “This is the first Valentine’s Day that you’re not fighting or kissing another girl.”
Summer: “Cohen, our problem cannot be fixed with underwear. Not even age-appropriate underwear with the right cup size.”
Are we insinuating that Kirsten and Summer have the same breast size?
Julie: “Oh, no, I don’t do oysters. If I’m going to swallow something that disgusting, there better be something in it for me.”
Favorite Relationship:
Kirsten and Julie.
J: “Do you think he has plans with someone else?” K: “No.” J: “That I’m not Valentine material?” K: “Julie.” J: “That I’m just a fun hang. Not worthy of chocolates, flowers  and nice underwear.” K: “Well, Sandy’s no fan of Valentine’s Day either. So I guess we can just focus on hosting a great event and worry about our love lives when it’s over.”
K: “Last time you went on a stealth mission you toppled a dessert tray.” J: “Yeah, but it got his attention.”
Sandy and Seth. Another Valentine’s Day talk at the kitchen table.
Sandy: “I see you’ve picked up something for your lady. And I, for mine.” Seth: “Your lady’s my mother and I don’t want to talk about it.”
Sandy: “Who knew women’s panties were such a minefield.” Seth: “Don’t say ‘panties’.”
Seth: “I don’t know why she’s making such a big deal about it. It’s not like it’s the first time.” Sandy: “Maybe she sees you as a man and not a kid. Kids lie all the time. A man’s only as good as his word.” Seth: “Summer deserves a good man.” Sandy: “Summer has a good man.” Seth: “She does? Why didn’t you tell me? How long have you known?”
Kirsten and Ryan.
How much do I love that Ryan opened up about his problem to Kirsten?
Least Favorite Quote:
Marissa: “You’re glad he’s gone, aren’t you?”
… Marissa, you can’t just accuse people of being happy that other people are dead. It’s just rude.
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Seth: “Ryan Atwood vs. himself is a very ugly cage match.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Pot Stirrer
Episode Number: #64 Original Air Date: January 26, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Insomnia” by Electric President
Favorite Moment:
When the alcoholic tells everyone to ‘drink up’
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “Hey, baby! Have you seen my lucky tie?” Kirsten: “I got it dry cleaned.” Sandy: “You’re an angel.”
K: “I just know that when you wooed me, there was no caviar or champagne and you did alright.” S: “I should take Bill Meriam out for pizza and bad wine in the back of a mailtruck.” K: “I mean, show him who you are outside of meetings and budgets. Who knows? Maybe he loves pizza.”
K: “When are you coming to bed?” Bow chicka bow wow.
Favorite Character:
Kirsten’s robe. Her one millionth robe. Seriously, girlfriend has too many.
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “I’m fine. This is just my process.” Ryan: “Fair enough. You’re pouring coffee into your cereal.”
Summer: “Wanna see my war face? Grr.”
Sandy: “I spent a month practicing how to say 'dude'.” Seth: “You still say it kind of weird.”
Julie: “I was running. After years of doing Cardio Barre and Yogalates, I forgot how good this feels. I got three honks.” Marissa: “That’s great, Mom.”
Favorite Relationship:
Dr. Roberts and Summer
It’s nice seeing their dynamic this season. I like that he doesn’t like Seth, if, for nothing else, dramatic purposes.
Least Favorite Character:
Sandy starting to lose himself. Sadness.
S: “I don’t want to deprive the community of something they need just so that I can sleep at night.”
Bill Meriam: “Caleb would have been proud.”
Least Favorite Quote:
Kaitlin: “You love Ryan. […] It doesn’t mean you don’t like Johnny.”
Seriously, there is zero chemistry between Marissa and Johnny. All it is is Johnny pining away for Marissa. Sure, Kaitlin might just be saying that to hurt Marissa/stir the pot. However, if the writers want us to believe that Marissa has feelings for Johnny, they need to work a little harder. Having the characters say it doesn’t make it true.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Sister Act
Episode Number: #63 Original Air Date: January 19, 2006
Favorite Song:
“Howl” by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Favorite Moment:
The Cohen meeting in Seth’s room.
Sandy: “Neil’s a smart guy. If he wants to go on a second date with her, maybe he sees something in her we don’t.” Summer: “Huh?” Seth: “What the hockey?” Kirsten: “No, no, no.” Sandy: “Okay, fine. But we have to make sure she’s the one that ends it. If Neil starts pulling away, she might take it out on Marissa.” Seth: “Genital warts! Is the answer.” Kirsten: “Seth!”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “What do you want me to do about it? You’re the one with the dating service.” Kirsten: “Neil isn’t a client.” S: “And I’m not an employee.” K: “No, but you are Sandy Cohen Professional Persuader. You guys play golf together and you’re… guys. And I’m calling in a wifely favor.”
Sandy: “If I didn’t already have the perfect woman, I would sign right up.”
Also, how much am I loving that Sandy and Kirsten are on the same side? It’s so nice after the craziness of Season Two.
Favorite Character:
Kaitlin Cooper.
“Jeez, Ryan. I see Newport hasn’t improved your manners at all.”
To Seth: “Weird neighbor kid, hi.”
Kirsten Cohen.
Veronica Townsend: “I want you to set me up with the delicious Doctor Neil Roberts.” Kirsten: “The father of Marissa’s best friend? The girl you called Little Miss Columbine at last week’s board meeting?”
Sandy Cohen.
To Neil about Julie: “I think there’s someone here who could enjoy your company.”
Aw, Sandy Cohen, yenta.
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “The show you’re about to see has all the makings of a classic Jane Austen novel. We’ve got sisters, lies, and bosoms.”
Sandy: “We can’t give into threats like that. We don’t negotiate with the Newpsies.”
Sandy: “Do you know Veronica Townsend?” Neil: “Do I know Veronica Townsend? Sandy, I know every former A cup in this town.”
Taylor: “I speak fluent ‘housekeeper’.”
Seth: “I’m telling you it would work.” Summer: “We are not starting a rumor that my dad has genital warts.”
Ryan: “I know what it’s like to fall for a Cooper girl.”
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Julie: “This is exactly what Britney Spears came from.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Safe Harbor
Episode Number: #62 Original Air Date: January 12, 2006
Favorite Song:
“California” by Rogue Wave
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: “This isn’t the same Judge Mercer that jailed you for contempt?” Sandy: “Six hours in the slammer because he didn’t like my closing argument.”
Sandy: “My hero.”
Kirsten’s face as Sandy returns to the hearing.
Kirsten: “My hero.”
Favorite Quote:
Kirsten: “Aw, the boys have poster board and paint!” Sandy: “I love student activism.”
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Julie: “I don’t want any pigeon pie, Gus!”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Crismukkah Bar Mitz-Vahkkah
Episode Number: #61 Original Air Date: December 15, 2005
Favorite Song:
“That’s What Friends are for” by Dionne Warwick
Summer: “I think I’ve owed you this dance for like five years.”
Favorite Moment:
Seth’s Bar Mitvah.
Sandy and Seth singing “Dreidel”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “Mark my words this will be the best Chrismukkah ever.” Kirsten: “Now you’re starting to sound like Seth.” S: “Just means you’ll miss him less when he’s gone.”
S: “What’d I tell you.” K: “Best. Chrismukkah. Ever.”
Favorite Character:
Julie: “I’m great. Some of the neighbors are having a cock fight using dogs. It’s a holiday tradition. My money’s on the feisty Weimaraner.” Kirsten: “Good. Cuz I’m awful.” J: “I’m spitting Skoal into a can. Drinking wine from a bottle I unscrewed. And living in a home that if I wanted to, I could put in reverse. I’m beyond awful.”
Caleb Nichol, from beyond the grave!
Favorite Actor:
Kelly Rowan when Kirsten says that she’s ‘adrift’. Oh, ho. I’ve seen you ‘Adrift’ before. You went insane!
Also, Kelly in a sweater vest.
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “That’s the problem with the Jews right there. We have no concept of marketing.” Sandy: “You’re on thin ice.” Seth: “Listen to me. A long time ago, Mom’s team allowed Christmas to be about reindeer and snowmen and Tim Allen movies. And I would say that that’s a pretty religious holiday.” Kirsten: “The birth of Christ? I’d say so.” Seth: “You betcha.”
Ryan: “It’s an honorary Bar Mitzvah.” Seth: “It’s a Chrismukkah Bar Mitz-Vahkkah.”
Ryan: “Lost track of time.” Seth: “That’s the Torah for you right there. Once you start un-scrolling, it’s really hard to stop.”
Sandy: “It’s time for the Sandy Cohen Uplifting Speech.”
Ryan: “Means I’d have to swallow my pride.” Sandy: “I’m not saying it tastes good.”
Sandy: “Ryan doesn’t wear glasses.” Seth: “He does when he’s reading right to left.”
Ryan: “Sometimes you gotta let the rich people help you.”
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Knock on the door--- Jule: “I told you, Gus! I’m not going to your Christmas party. Even if you are deep-frying a ham.”
Sandy: “Oy, humbug.”
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