#the office staff (except for the principal and business manager)? bitches
phantasieandmirare · 2 years
I didn’t survive middle school to just be treated the exact same way by the office staff at my workplace
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lalast0ne · 6 years
Unfamiliar Faces
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*I slam the wardrobe door shut and nod my head in triumph, as the last of the honeymoon clothes are placed away, and mentally pat myself on the back while actually rubbing Killers ear as he stares at me from the comfort of the king size bed.* I’ve got the domesticated goddess/housewife business nailed, Pup. *My biggest fur ball blinks in acknowledgment before his eyes drop down. We’d been home for several days now and life was almost back to normal. We’d collected Jake from my parents as soon as we landed back in the country, both of us in agreement that we’d missed him more than we’d expected. He’d become a solid part of our life and family now, so to leave him with my parents another night wasn’t an option. Kingston had returned all 3 overexcited pups the next day. Each one taking their place with their preferred owner .. Killer with me, except when he was out for walks with Wilder, Luna with Wilder, except when he was out for walks with Killer and Ghost, and then Ghost with Jake; both of whom had clearly missed each other. As soon as I head to the door, I hear the thud of four paws hitting the floor and the rattle of a chain collar as my doggy shadow follows me out the room. Today was the day we were finally returning to full normality. Salem was due to be here any minute to watch Jake for us while Wilder and I hit the club to see what the damage was while we’d been away. I was pretty confident things would be fine and definitely of the opinion that no news was good news, but I think my husband was of a different mind set. He was ready to bust some balls, in particular Jessie’s, for anything that had gone wrong while we’d been away. I skip down the stairs and follow the sound of voices in the kitchen where I find the two men in my life. Smiling at both of them, I slip under my husbands arm as he holds it out to me.* Are you ready to go baby?
*I pull you into my side, drop a kiss to the top of your head and continue listening to Jake tell me about “accidentally” walking in on Ruby when she was getting dressed one morning while he was with your parents. A smirk plays across my lips that this was no accident. Ruby had screamed bloody murder, throwing a lamp at Jake. Of course the minute we stepped off the plane, my phone blew up with texts from both Ruby and Jake…..I was on his side. “Accidents” happen. I laugh when you jump, looking down to see Pussy, who has made her presence known by a bite to your ankle.* See what happens when you forget her. *My laughter booms through the kitchen as Salem walks in with fresh baked goods.* All is right with the world now. Delores made snacks.
*I glare down at the cat who is clearly no longer my friend. I thought we’d been making progress but clearly my new status as ‘Wife’ is not to her liking. I reach down to rub my ankle and discreetly hiss at the feline who turns her back on me and whips her tail back and forth. A curse falls from my lips before I can stop it.* Little bitch *Standing up, my head turns to the backdoor when Salem whisks thru, carrying a plate of baked goods and wearing a bright smile.* Well hey there stranger! *I slip out of your grasp and wrap my arms around the blonde beauty when you take the plate of good from her hands and wait no less than 5 seconds before you and Jake both snap up the first thing that comes to hand.* As you can tell my husband has been missing your aunts treats. *I take a step back and give in to temptation as I snatch up a cookie.* Thank you so much for watching Jake for us today. I promise we won’t be home late … I hope. *I pull a face and give you side eyes as my optimism fights to stay alive.*
*I shove another muffin in my mouth, dropping a pinch down to Pussy as she purrs against my leg.* We will be home as soon as I kick ass at the club. Until then, you and Jake can play that game he is obsessed with, Fort something. *Jake laughs and heads off with the plate of baked goods.* Is there anything we need to know about that happened at the club while we were gone Salem? Like anything with Jessie. I’m itching to fire her today. You can make something up to help with my cause.
*I roll my eyes and smack your arm, my head shaking from side to side.* Ignore him. You don’t need to tell us anything unless you want to. We’ll find it all out anyway. *Salem, never one to shy away from .. well .. anything .. shrugs her shoulders as she breaks of a bit of Jakes muffin and shoves it in her mouth, shrugging her shoulders.* There’s plenty to tell you. As you employee I’m going to tell you there were some tricky nights, with customers and staff. Some need training and others firing. As a friend, I’m going to tell you the manager you’ve hired has a seriously questionable work ethic and I don’t trust her one little bit. *I look to you and frown then turn back to Salem.* There’s nothing we didn’t know. As your boss, I want you in our office tomorrow morning at 10am and we’ll discuss further. As your friend, I want the gossip on your love life .. nothing escapes my attention young lady. *I tug on your hand, pulling you toward the door.* Lets go now. No point putting off the inevitable.
*Choking on my muffin as I’m pulled out the door, I yell back over my shoulder.* You got summoned to the principal’s office Salem. *I lift my hand to wave at Delores, holding the car door open as you slide in and I make my way to the drivers side, bringing the car to life. I reach over and squeeze your thigh, a low growl filling the car.* I’m none to happy right now Little Ball of Fire. I’m tired of Jessie and heads are going to roll for these employees that need firing. I want names. *I speed through the streets of Blacksoul, my town coming to life as the car flies past.* They are ruining my honeymoon hangover.
*My hand comes to rest over yours as my insides knot. For the first time in weeks I’m suddenly nervous at the state we’re going to walk into. My teeth toy with my lower lip and my eyes move between you and the road ahead.* We just need to work out what’s been happening first. There’s no love lost between Salem and Jessie .. and while I don’t believe Salem is one to tell tales, I’d rather see it with my own eyes. Some things can’t be hidden no matter how well someone might try and cover them up. *The town goes past us all too quickly and pretty soon, in record time, we’re pulling into the car park. You expertly spin the wheel and park up perfectly, no need to straighten up.* The good thing about no one knowing we’re here today is the element of surprise. Let’s see what people have been doing in our absence, husband.
I do love surprises. *Smirking, I cup the back of your neck and lean over to kiss you hard, tugging your bottom lip between my teeth.* We have one thing to discuss first Mrs. Steele and it’s very important. *I keep my face straight as I let you go, my thumb teasing up your thigh.* You and Pussy need to co-exist. I can’t have my number one girl mad at my wife. Harmony in the house Little Ball of Fire.
*I look up at you questioningly as an array of things run thru my mind that we could possibly need to talk about; and then you clarify. I remain completely speechless, my expression saying it all; Lips pulled together in a straight line, eyes narrowed and eyebrows arched up my forehead before I relax and nod my head. Walking toward to the club, I look back at you as I speak.* I see your point and completely agree. I mean, I know I wouldn’t like it if my No.1 guy, Jake, didn’t get along with my husband. *I laugh as my words register with you, quickening my pace toward to club entrance.*
*I catch up to you before you can reach the door, bringing my hand down hard on your ass.* I see you are looking to get in trouble today. *Growling against your ear before I bite down, pulling you against my chest.* Let me rephrase what I said in the car. An unhappy Pussy is a bad thing. She lashes out so if we, meaning you, can be a little nicer when she wants some love, it would be greatly appreciated.
*I press back against you, laughing as your teeth graze my ear.* An unhappy Pussy is a very bad thing … *I don’t expand on that as I escape from your grip and pull the door to the club open, smirking to myself. I wrinkle my nose as soon as I set foot in the foyer, a funny smell lingering in the air. I can’t hear anything. There’s no chatter of staff preparing for the night ahead, there’s no music for the girls practicing. Nothing. I look at you, slight panic must go across my face because you take the lead and stomp straight thru the club.* Please don’t tell me the club was left unlocked ALL FUCKING NIGHT!
*I move past you at lightening speed, my eyes darting every direction and then narrow when I see where the strange smell is coming from. Three teenagers, sitting on the fucking bar, passing around a joint. I pinch the bridge of my nose, stalk right up to them and slam them to the ground, pressing my boot against the neck of one, pissed off teenager.* WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY CLUB? *I turn back quickly to see where you are and push my boot harder against his neck.* That was a question jackass. *The other two cower against the wall, the girl sobbing.* Cut the waterworks. You are FUCKING TRESPASSING IN MY CLUB. IN MY FUCKING TOWN!
“They’re with me…”
*Jessie’s voice comes from behind us, her eyes wide and moving between the group of teenagers, me then you. She points to the guy under your foot then to each other person in turn.
“That’s my brother, his girlfriend and his best friend. He’s come to pick this up and is going.”
*I look at the envelope Jessie holds up, small enough to hold money, or big enough to hold something else.* What’s in there? And why the hell are you allowing drugs into this club? *She shakes her head quick, her locks whipping from side to side just like the cat’s tail did earlier*
“I didn’t know they had them. He was only supposed to come and pick up some money I owed him and then go.”
*I move to your side and tap your arm, motioning you to let the guy up from the floor* Let him breath, baby.
*I snarl out a growl, reluctantly pull my boot away from his neck and let him up. I direct all my attention to Jessie, making no effort to hide my anger.* Get them out of this club now. You will pay to have this odor removed. While you are at it, get the fuck out of this club as well. *I feel your fingers wrap around my arm in attempt to calm me before I do something I will regret.* You are suspended for the rest of the week without pay.
*My nails press against your skin and as the last syllable of the final word rings out, I breath a sigh of relief. I know you want her gone, we both do, but it needs to be done properly and in a way that means there can be no come back on us. A lawsuit for unfair dismissal is not something I want hanging over our heads. Jessie looks between both of us, her eyes coming to rest on me with a glare.* I’ll be in touch in a couple of days. *The three stoners scurry out of the club while Jessie takes her time, goes back into her office to collect her purse and saunters out after her brother and his friends. No argument or parting words. I turn to look at you, my lips pulled down into a frown.* Back to reality with a bump.
*I slam the bar stool back in its place, the odor from the joint still lingering in the air and pissing me off more.* That chick is fucked up. I’m taking away her responsibilities. I will run her out the door one way or another. From now on, she wipes down tables. *I growl towards Chris when he steps foot through the door.* I want the locks changed for the club, including Jessie’s office along with mine and Layla’s, by the end of the day. *He barely nods and turns back around. You take a step closer as my arms wrap around your waist.* I want to kill her after she is properly fired.
Well that was a welcome back I wasn’t expecting. *I look up at you and laugh, from shock and not humor when Chris has left us alone again.* If we’re demoting Jessie we need a new manager. I’m not going back to us being here 7 days a week Wilder. We need to get a solid management team in place. People we CAN actually trust. *I pull away and walk behind the bar, frowning at the state of it. Before Chris is completely out the door, I call after him* And Chris, I want to see the CCTV footage for the last week at least. *He holds his hand up to signal he’s understood and walks out the door. I empty half full bottles of beer down the sink and dump them in the bin.* I want to know exactly what’s been going on here. It’s almost like people are coming here after close and using the bar.
*I look around the bar and main area, chairs in disarray and one table knocked over.* She is probably throwing parties here after closing. *I come around the bar and help you clean up, growling again in frustration.* We have the perfect person to promote to manager, Little Ball of Fire. All the employees love her and we trust her completely. We will also look into bringing a part time manager on board. The club is bringing in more money than I thought it ever would.
*I know exactly who you’re talking about and I know it makes perfect sense. We do trust her completely and we know she’d never do anything to betray that trust. I stand still and look up at you when you stop to.* Do you think she’d go for it? We’d probably have to bring in at least two more full time managers .. maybe even three and then a couple of part time ones. This place is too much to be running on a skeleton work force.
Slow your roll wife. *Laughing as I lean against the bar, kicking my legs out in front of me.* We will pay her what she will make up in losing tips from bartending unless she wants to keep doing that. Anyways, I already have another manager in my sights. Time to piss off my new sister in law. Payback for all those text messages she kept sending me while wedding planning.
She’ll need and deserve a better payrise than that, baby. *I mirror your stance and look at you from the corner of my eye.* Who do you have in mind? *The smirk on your face is full of mischief and I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll regret asking. I laugh and shake my head just as the door opens and bodies begin to file in.* Well well well .. Nice of you to all to finally turn up! *There’s humor in my voice and when they turn to look where the voice came from each and every one of their faces relax and they let out a cheer.* Get to work people! We’re already running behind and this place is a mess!
Our good employees are here. *I laugh as I pull you into my chest and drag my mouth along your jaw, biting down when I get to your neck.* I’m gunning for Ruby’s assistant manager and he’s already on board. Don’t ruin this surprise. A little Steele d’etat.
*I wrap my arms around your waist and groan when your lips work along my jaw. The groan is one of pleasure and dread because I know I’m going to get the brunt of my sister when she finds out we’ve stolen her assistant manager. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly thrilled with the idea too. Anyone who’s trained in my dad’s club has passed all checks and trustworthy, especially if they’ve been given a management status.* When she finds out I’m pleading ignorance *Holding up my hands, I shrug my shoulders.* I know nothing.
I will keep your name out of the fire. *I lift you over my shoulder, biting your hip and stalk to our office.* You may want to steer clear of Ruby for the next week. Bradley starts next week. *I crush my lips to yours before you can argue and kick the office door shut with my foot.* I think it’s time to christen our office as husband and wife.
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