#the official art for this damn show makes me feel crazy EVERYTHING IS FORESHADOWING
heartscrypt · 5 months
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dont worry guys im sure theres a completely normal and funny reason why cxs is only shown through a screen in the 3rd year anniversary pv. HES FINE HE LIKES BEING IN THE TV DON'T EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT
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browniesnivy · 3 years
hiii brownie idk enough abt yugioh but *insert one of ur yugioh faves* and umm maybe franziska for that character ask game :]
Franziska Von Karma 
How I feel about this character- FRANZISKA LITERALLY SO AMAZING...I love how she’s introduced as just as terrifying and cruel as her father, but then you see that she really does care about helping other people throughout her determination to avenge Edgeworth and to help Phoenix save Maya in Farewell My Turnabout despite taking a bullet to the shoulder (such a good parallel with her father on its own!)... and then with the scene at the airport she’s is allowed to be emotionally vulnerable without being any less of a competent prodigy of law! She’s just... so fucking cool I LOVE HER!
All the people I ship romantically with this character- Maya Fey! I love the contrast between both of their personalities making them seem like total opposites, but when you look at their connection to a family legacy it becomes obvious they have a lot in common. I wish the games had expanded on their dynamic more, but unfortunately lesbians are oppressed :( 
My non-romantic OTP for this character- VON KARMA SIBLINGS... Mieke I know you agree with me on this! They grew up with the same terrible expectation that come with being a prodigy, and so they’re really the only ones who’s can comfort and understand each other... they obviously both feel such an obligation to protect each other and it makes me so CRAZY UGH. BROTHER AND SISTER! 
My unpopular opinion about this character- I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion but I wish she’d kept the shorter hair design from the concept art where her hair is slicked forward to contrast with her father’s slicked back hair, not only because I’m a lesbian and that hairstyle was SO GAY but because I think it could have highlighted or even foreshadowed how she differs from Manfred. Maybe since she hasn’t been able to abandon his influences by Justice for All it wouldn’t make since for her to have such a “wild” hairstyle, but I think that if she returns it would be amazing to see her with that hairstyle to represent how she’s moved on after a decade.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon- SHOW HER DENOUNCING MANFRED VON KARMA FOR REAL. I can understand that it would take time for her to fully accept that her father was not as admirable as she’d been least to believe, but by this point in the timeline I think it’s time for that aspect of her character arc to be resolved. The natural conclusion of her development requires her experiencing the same acceptance of defeat as her brother, so I really hope that if they bring Franziska back at some point she’ll be allowed to admit that her father was awful and that victory isn’t an indication of worth.
Rex Raptor
How I feel about this character- HE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER IN ANY PIECE OF MEDIA EVER. I know that he isn’t meant to be a deep character at all and he isn’t given much narrative focus at all but he is just SO DAMN ENDEARING TO ME OKAY. I have an unhealthy obsession with how he is initially introduced as being crass and inconsiderate while Weevil is more polite and strategic, but then it turns out Weevil is a total asshole while Rex is just... a kid who likes dinosaurs and duels for fun? Like even though he’s a total dumbass (the best character trait) who can be a bit rude (not even mean-spirited if we’re being totally honest, like most of his remarks are just him being snarky), the manga describes him as “having to the spirit of a true duelist” and he never really seems as bitter about losing as his counterpart Weevil (except in the Season 4 filler arc, which although I adore for giving me so much more Rex content, makes a lot mistakes by characterizing him as basically interchangeable with Weevil... BUT that’s ANOTHER STORY for ANOTHER DAY). I mean he has more justifiable reasons to be upset than Weevil given how he was LITERALLY cheated out of the Battle City tournaments by Espa (which Mokuba the official rule enforcer LETS THEM GET AWAY WITH and then doesn’t do ANYTHING to compensate Rex), and he STILL tries to warn Joey to stay away from trouble despite him being the guy he supposedly dislikes because he took his best card, totally disgracing him and ruining his entire career. I could keep going but this paragraph isn’t probably already sickeningly long and I still need to be able to make posts about him in the future, so in a nutshell... he seems like a funny and good kid. OH AND WHEN MAI ASKED HIM THE “what can you see but cannot see” RIDDLE AND HE ANSWERED TAKOYAKI BECAUSE YOU CAN SEE THE DOUGH ON THE OUTSIDE BUT NOT THE OCTOPUS ON THE INSIDE? LITERAL CUTEST SHIT EVER KING OF COMEDY I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU. Ahem. Sorry.  
All the people I ship romantically with this character- Weevil Underwood. They’re both teenagers who got famous, let it get to their heads, and then lost everything... considering that they seem like the types of kids who would be bullied relentlessly (they're already constantly being made fun of by mostly of the character anyway), I think the fact that they end up befriending each other is a good sign that they can find some comfort in each other and discover other things to be fulfilled by beside card games. I love how even though this friendship is framed as a begrudging alliance between two self-servings jerks half of the time, the other half of the time it’s about best friends starting a shit together for petty reasons and always being by each other’s side no matter what. The way that they tease each other constantly but then always stand up for one another when others pick on them... it’s so obvious that they actually really care about one another! I just love their dynamic so much it’s unreal, hence the blog.
My non-romantic OTP for this character- Although I primarily think about his relationship with Weevil, there is still a lot of potential to be explored with other characters! Mako is another minor character obsessed with a type of animal, but where’s he differs from Rex and ESPECIALLY Weevil is his sportsmanship, being able to become friends with Yugi and Joey even after being defeated by them. I think that difference mostly comes down to Mako being significantly older than Red and Weevil and therefore having more perspective on gaming fame, so I feel like he would be a great influence on them. On Rex specifically, I think Season 4 missed a big opportunity to expand on Rex and Mai’s relationship. Mai had been a major contributor to Rex losing in Duelist Kingdom, but now they both feel like washed-up failures. I think given the circumstances they could have comeback to an understanding, maybe even have Mai apologize for throwing him under the bus to screw with Joey? I think showing Rex that not everyone who has wronged him in the past had/still has bad intentions would be really good addition to his character arc in Season 4. Then of course there is Joey... to me, the main difference between Rex and Joey is that Joey is stupidly lucky while Rex never seems to catch a break. Otherwise they’re both recklessness dumbasses who prioritize brawn over brain, but Joey is nevertheless able to triumph through sheer dumb luck while Rex gets anihilated over and over with basically the same strategy (minus the RNG cards, Joey’s strategy is just big monsters after all). While the previously mentions she relationships were hypothetical, this dynamic between Joey and Rex is actually given some focus in canon, and I found it very compelling! I only wish this difference between them hadn't only been used to increase Joey’s confidence in his skills as a duelist (which I will remind you is mostly LUCK, no offense to Joey because I do love him BUT I MEAN... only being able to beat Rex because of a lucky Time Wizard isn’t peak strategy ), but to develop Rex’s character somehow as well. 
My unpopular opinion about this character- JUST LIKING THIS CHARACTER IS AN UNPOPULAR OPINION MAN... tons of people hate him so much! I know he isn’t an important character at all but he isn’t nearly as much of a jerk as people make him out to be, and I mean even if he was he’s just a kid! I won’t pretend that he is always portrayed favorably by the narrative, but the fact that some people feel nothing but disdain for a child whose accomplishments were robbed from him by forces outside of his control and who received no sympathy for it, causing his self-worth to deteriorate... it’s a bit concerning to me that so many adults in particular are so disgusted by that. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon- I’ve talked QUITE a lot already about things that I wish had happened to develop his character more, but above all else I wish his character arc in Season 4 had been given a proper conclusion. The writers set up this interesting conflict where the insignificant minor characters are upset that they aren’t allowed to be successful when the more important characters aren’t involved and shows the consequences that their defeat had on their lives and self-image... BUT THEN AFTER THEY’RE DEFEATED THEY ARE FORGOTTEN ABOUT FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON UNTIL THEY WAKE UP IN THE HOSPITAL AND INSTANTLY REVERT BACK TO BEING COMIC RELIEF GRRR GRRRRRRRR! There wasn’t no resolution to this arc AT ALL and it drives me UP THE GODDAMN WALL because it absolutely captivated me in concept... but like with many things in Yu-Gi-Oh! the execution was totally ruined :( 
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kristinstoked · 6 years
List of My Favorite Things in The Lightning Thief Musical (as heard on audio)
Disclaimer: someone got me an audio of the show from 2017, so no, I have not seen the show. This is all gained from simple audio. Also this list used to be way longer like I have more awesome moments but I had to tone it own a lil’
First of all, Chris McCarrell started singing and i started cryiiing. This man lays so much emotion in Percy AND IT’S WHAT HE DESERVES
“Their father Kronos” “KROOONOOOOOSSSSS” (this happens two times btw it’s awesome)
Okay so on the cast album when Grover goes like “you’re not exactly...” and then Percy finishes it off with “normal” and Percy sounds angry and fed up. But then here he says it in a really sad and disappointed way and SOMEONE GIVE THIS BOY A HUG PLEAS
“we saw all this x-rated art. Museums are crazy” “the headmaster called me” “about the art?” (convo between Percy and Sally)
I love that James plays Chris’ step-father, uncle and best friend-turned-enemy and definitely more in one musical.
“If he was my kid-” “He’s not.” I stan Sally Jackson with all my heart ugh (convo between Gabe and Sally)
okay so i’m pretty sure that the last note in Strong is sung by both Sally and Percy on the cast album but not here and honestly??? it just shows that Sally realizes she can’t take care of Percy anymore and that he now has to do it alone; be strong on his own and i just made myself cry
“Hey look a goat! Hey little guy - GROVER????” (also this means that at some point Percy can only see his legs which makes me wonder what position Grover is in)
“is a Fury after Percy right now?” “Oh no no no (as in don’t worry no)” “oh thank god” “IT’S A MINOTAUR” (convo between Sally and Grover)
“Mr. D can be a bit- well, he hates children”
when grover comes to apologize to Percy for what happend he’s all talking himself down and being like “i’m the worst satyr in the world” and then Percy says “I’m so glad you are here” and i can only assume they hug at this point
“admit it, i’m the smartest person you know” “yeah, you’re also the toughest so i would admit it either way” “you think i’m tough?” (convo between Annabeth and Luke)
First of all, that above was Clarisse erasure but whatever
“are you ever going to wear pants ever again?” “nope” (convo between Percy and Grover)
okay so hearing this without seeing it makes it kinda confusing at most times but at some point percy makes light saber noises???? so like??? i assume he’s holding a sword and thinks that’s appropriate????
“YOU’RE MY DREAM GIRL” (as said by Percy Jackson)
“sexist much?” (said by Annabeth when Percy assumes only male gods can have children)
i’m very gay for kristin stokes and sarah beth pfeifer
“[clarisse] could have killed me” “the plan would have worked either way” (convo between Percy and Annabeth)
also PARALLEL; when realizing that Annabeth used Percy as a distraction he says “you set me up” which is like also literally what he says to luke so foreshadowing that Percy is going to get played
*everyone talking about how they hate their parents* “hi my name is percy and i love my mom” (i know it’s on the cast album but it’s too iconic not to mention)
“my dad is Poseidon? SUH-WEEEEET”
“Mr D wants to kill you - I MEAN TALK TO YOU” 
“why is Zeus mad at me?” “Um you were born??” (convo between Percy and mr. D)
*Mr D talking about the lightning bolt* “and we’re not talking about some crowny tin foil zig zag from some off-broadway play”
“okay so what happens now?” *amidst a coughing fit “dolphin”* (convo between Percy and Mr. D)(also mr d constantly wanting to turn Percy into a dolphin is everything)
“the underworld is in los angeles” “really? actually, I’m not surprised” (convo between Luke and Percy)
"he claimed me because he needs me? where was he when i got kicked out of school or we couldn’t pay our rent???”  aaahhhh yesss angsty percy i love him
“you’re expelling me. Again.” (aka MORE ANGST)
also i know he climbs the scaffolding during good kid so i need a video of that someone come through
Act II has barely started and they’re already being attacked which I think accurately describes Percy’s life
How is Percy the only one who thinks that maybe getting your picture taken by a strange woman in a garden full of human statues is a little sketchy? 
also these 3 are idiots. how did they not die in the first book
“Your mother and I are old nemesisss... nemesisssss... WE DONT LIKE EACH OTHER” 
*in the most dry tone ever* “ow. my head.” (said by Medusa)
“Just tell her it wasn’t your  fault.” “You’re right, it’s yours”
“Medusa used to be beautiful until... *mumbling*” “until?” “until her mom turned her into a monster! *laughing* .... oh look, a bunch of empty boxes!!!” (Annabeth - Percy - Grover)
“you don’t even know how to hold a sword.” “yes i do - wait *presumably fumbles with sword* *very smug* yesss, I do.” (convo between Annabeth and Percy)
Tree on the Hill has NO BUSINESS being like that
“are we sure we’re ready to do this?” “not at all. let’s go.”
“we drowned. in a bathtub.” “all three of us.” 
“guys... i think this pit... is Tartarus?” “LIKE THE FISH SAUCE????” (convo between Annabeth and Percy)
“why would Kronos want my shoes?” “they were really cool shoes” (convo between Grover and Percy)
“there is no way in HELL... sorry” (said by the sass master Percy)
“[Your father] doesn’t care about family. Or his brother, who he never visits. He’s too busy playing with mermaids and dolphins and thinking he’s soooo cool in his Hawaiian shirt.” Damn Hades, chill with the salt already
“Does [gabe] have some magic power or something?” “you could say that. his smell.” (convo between Percy and Poseidon)
“have you ever heard of Hercules and the Augean stables? That guy smells worse.” (said by Poseidon)
*very touching speech from Father Poseidon to his beloved son* “still, I am sorry you were born.”
“as our official protector you can escort is back to camp.” “and you’re conscious this time!!!!” (convo between Percy and Grover)
“you met my dad? ... Did he mention me?” (said by Clarisse)
good kid reprise is giving me all the feels and i am crying bye.
also can we appreciate the strength it must have taken Annabeth to turn her back on Luke???? Like here’s this guy who’s been protecting her since forever, who literally was a hero to her because without him she wouldn’t have been alive. She probably idolized him, and she definitely loved him (as a brother or silly crush). But still she turns her back on him. That is strength.
And those were a few of my favorite things so you can probably guess how much i love this musical. 
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