#the one guy who works back there (and saw us break the baler ... i mean saw the baler break and we were there) said the repair guy
bunnyb34r · 5 months
So apparently Bootleg FGM and the evening manager don't talk or they do and the evening manager doesn't communicate with their team. So the baler broke yesterday and everyone is supposed to just break down their boxes and put them in the truck (I think theres a cart or something in there. Idk I just put my boxes under my table)
Well instead of doing that, everyone just wheeled their trash into the back of reviving and just left. Real fucking classy guys.
And there was no out of order sign on the baler (which we are supposed to do). Idk why they didn't just type up a quick "OUT OF ORDER. BREAK DOWN BOXES AND PUT IN [wherever they're supposed to]" and tape it to the fucking gate like... we do not work with people who can make their own thoughts and decisions without being told exactly every step (and even then)
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