#the only exception is vtsom
homoeroticvillain · 2 years
if i like a game enough i always end up complaining about how bad it is
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metakirya · 8 months
would you ever consider selling your vtsom charms?
Sadly, all the keychains i have are pre-ordered ones! I don't have any leftovers that could be send for sale (except for one with krueger cuz the person who bought it hasn't replied me about its delivery to them) but even if I did, it is not possible to ship them outside of Russia, maybe only to the CIS countries :(
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cringywhitedragon · 7 months
OC rambles: Comparing Pokevillian OCs to intentional and accidental character inspirations
Since I only have like two of these guys for the same region (Namely because Xander is a canon character who was immigrated for the Rokia project because I liked his concept as a villain and because Dr. Wily is not going to be the big bad, for once)
First off, Sirius Nova: Probably the most simple since he’s actually based on canon Pokémon villains that were the main focus at the time when he was first created (Namely Rose and Lusamine). I wanted to do a sort of anti-evil corporate executive since the standard evil corrupt corporate big wig and company have been done to death, he doesn’t want power or fame since he was born into it and saw some of the more unethical stuff his father did (IE: The birth of Tyrandominus) and made it his goal to use Nova Corp for the better of humanity and Dranowa, though he did almost nearly destroy the region trying to find a way to save Nora, his daughter.
I’d say outside of Pokémon that his biggest inspiration would likely be Kaiba and John Hammond (The latter since Dranowa is based on Isla Nublar), except remove the smugness and questionable corner cutting.
(Can’t you tell already but I love doing tragic characters as those make the most impact for antagonists, ok I’ll see myself out now.)
Now onto Rayman: And oh boy I swear I did not mean to do it but I made this guy a Char-Clone without knowing it at the time XD. Usually concealing his face, an alternate name, faking his death at one point, being out for revenge against a group who wronged him, and finally (a detail not a lot of ppl know about) having a sister who aids to protag whom where separated when they were young. Though he ain’t blonde, a chronic backstabber, and he’s pretty frail. And plus, Char would likely end up on Rapture’s Hitlist pretty quickly (Namely during the events of Char’s Counterattack).
As for inspirations, Rames has two. Curie (Pokémon Uranium) and Vincent Edgeworth. Curie is a pretty obvious one since he’s from a fan made sequel to another fan Pokémon project. And Vincent sort of mirrors him a bit in personality/intelligence, and another reason that would be major spoilers for VTSOM (Though like Char, Vincent would sure end up on the hitlist as well due to some of his motivations. In simple terms, Slaying the Leviathen.)
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viovio · 2 years
what I think about each district:
G1 - normal it's just that morfosi is there. everybody has human skintones no more blue or greyscale. also i think while it's not a dinoverse game bc they only made the art, morfosi should still be in the same universe but its modern sooo way way before vtsom and twdak. they got macher corp i guess
G2 - dream eaters. not entirely well-versed in what they are other than the name and y'know eating people thing, or what albert is supposed to be (gotta repeat playthroughs) but what i DO know is that he is my friend. bright hot pink and blues and desaturated black, quite awesome aside from the horrors. they're pretty chill though they love to be sillay
G3 - mutants, quite tame as they do not eat people and are just some guys. genetically modified humans and have a sort of muted palette, more colors included like greens blues and yellows. their sky is yellow too hope this helps 👍🏼 (g3 citizens like to make fun of G4 citizens too i think in like a. idk they know myers isn't hot shit. not only cuz of vorhees' competition they don't care about that they just think he's annoying)
G4 - ya y'know the horrors, cyborgs. if you're wondering what they put in the g4 water to make them act like That look no further than the bay. sort of similar to g4 except their extra colors are for the background, not muted but mostly black white reds and blues. skys ourple. to them the Evil universe would just be normal because they live in hell which is Normal to them, imagine living in a district where your neighbors didn't go missing and turned up as food for a megacorporations twisted project. that'd be weird right.
G5 - stands. they have stands. shut up let me have this it makes sense to me. also color palette changes wildly every dramatic cut. the firefly conglomerate, while top in the district, don't really compete. i don't have a fully fleshed idea for em yet but i like thinkin about it
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theferryman1 · 2 years
Hello everyone!
I'm The Ferryman! But feel free to call me Ferryman or Ferry for short. This is my commissions blog, I'm trying to keep my stuff relatively cheap, but will have to ask for more for specific commissions.
Commissions: Open
There will be two kinds of commissions for this blog:
Basic commission:
Basic commissions will be a set price and will only go up to 6 dollars. You will choose one of each, either a bust, half, or full, and either a sketch, linart, or colored. The prices are what you see down below, so again, the highest price will be six dollars. But you won't get much other than a basic pose and a single color background.
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Advanced commission:
Advanced commissions will have more stuff going on about them. They'll have movement, poses, an actual background, and more. The price will not be a set price though, it'll depend on the character, how much you want done, and how much time and effort it takes to make on my end.
An example would be this:
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Payment will be made before I send the final version of the commission, but the person who commissioned me will get different rough drafts and walked through what they want.
The actual payment will be made through: PayPal and Cashapp
I will NOT do nsfw. Maybe something suggestive will be allowed, but no promises.
I won't do extensive/extreme g0re. Mild is maybe fine, I'm not entirely sure yet.
I will not always get to you immediately, I am a college student and my academics and family will always come first. So please don't spam me. Especially if you haven't payed me yet.
Please try not to be rude when commissioning me. I try to be respectful when talking to others, please try to do the same with me. If you're not being respectful and/or are being rude, do not expect me to to stay respectful to you.
No final product until payment, no exceptions.
I will do ocs and other characters, but if there are two or more in a commission, it will be considered an Advanced Submission.
You will need to send a picture/reference to your oc or character.
I have a few fandoms I am into and are listed below, but that doesn't mean I won't do other fandoms either. If the fandom isn't in the list, it will most likely mean one of the following: I don't know it, I don't know much about it, or maybe I was in it at one point and am not in it anymore.
Fandom List:
Cookie Run (Kingdom/Ovenbreak) (This is what I'm into the most at the moment.)
Various Anime (Madoka Magica, Mha, Demon Slayer, Assassination Classroom, etc.)
Percy Jackson
Gravity Falls
Steven Universe
Mlp (Kinda)
Wander Over Yonder
Henry Stickman
Sally Face
Little Nightmares
Extra Information:
I own a youtube channel. I will ask at the end of any commissions I do if I can make a speedpaint video with the commission with a shoutout to you, you are free to say no.
My Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCI_pur_NypvZGH_CMDnvc3g
If you want to check out my Youtube channel but the link isn't working search up "TheFerryman" and the pfp on this page is the same pfp I use on my channel. There are already a couple videos up with one of them being the speedpaint of the picture used as the example for the Advanced Commissions.
I also have an Instagram account:
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blakeworther · 3 years
Okay a while ago a friend and I got into an argument if Furbies are cute or not (they were very wrong and claimed Furbies to be evil beasts) and that led to making headcanons about what electronic pets the major characters of VTSOM and TWDAK would have so here we go
Albert: A Furby. It's a classic 1999 one that's been modified to be long and look like a Dream Eater. Said Furby is named Albert Edgeworth Jr, Destroyer of the Worlds. He unnerves everyone except Albert who insists that Albert Edgeworth Jr, Destroyer of the Worlds (yes you have to say the full name) is innocent.
Taylor: A Roomba. Technically not an electronic pet but they got it to help clean their dorm and ended up getting attached. It has googly eyes and used to have a knife taped to the top until it stabbed someone, so now they put a variety of funky hats on it.
Vincent: A ton of classic Tamagotchis. This was inspired by this wrongedgeworth post where Vincent reveals he distrusts Albert after he murdered his Tamagotchis. His first instinct is to take perfect care of them, but he also wants to unlock the other kinds in order to have every single one. His favorite is Mametchi.
Victor: He also has Tamagotchi, but it's a Tamagotchi Pix (the newest version). He's constantly taking pictures of him and his Tamagotchi, and sometimes he gets Vincent and Albert in with him too. He keeps trying to convince the other two to also get a Tamagotchi Pix so their tamas can go on playdates with each other. His favorite is Charatchi.
Vanora: A whole bunch of Hexbug nanos. She's trying to collect every single one but they seem to go missing a lot, so she's constantly having to replace them. She'd love to get some courses but she's more focused on completing her collection first. The only ones that she has multiple of are the Valentine's Day nanos as they were gifts from Draco.
Draco: Zhu Zhu Pets (the ones from 2009-2012, not the newest iteration). He only has Patches, Mr. Squiggles, Pipsqueak, and Drayko (technically Drayko is a Kung Zhu, but he bought him just because they have the same name) but he loves them very dearly. He frequently challenges Vanora to race her nanos against his Zhu Zhu Pets.
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blakeworther · 3 years
Ramblings About Chapter 4
Most of this is gonna just be me rambling/theorizing about the identities of all of the members of the ICIJ, but there's a couple more ideas in here.
SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 4. I also pulled some ideas from Vincent Phantom of the G4, although Dino has stated that the game is no longer canon. The game is also on itch.io but only in Simplified Chinese. You can find a detailed summary here written by @kruecent (sorry for tagging you). If you want to watch a gameplay, I enjoyed the one by KINUKURO (they have a main video and then another one where they go through most of the other potential endings).
That's all for disclaimers! This is an open discussion so feel free to add on your own ideas/opinions! Thank you!
I feel like for now, we can deduce who three of them are for certain.
Vanora is the Inspector (she has great deduction skills, that creepy girl representing her mind/conscious popping out when she finds the flashlight in the locker that lines up with Inspector- interesting fact, the creepy girl's design was used for the game over screen in POTG4)
Dino is the Janitor (this is kind of obvious, Dino has an obsession with cleaning up and is very fast, just like what's noted in the Janitor's assessment)
Claude is the Infiltrator (the variety of uniforms in his locker, he was impersonating a police officer in the Chapter 3 flashback, has made it clear that he doesn't really care about the company and is just doing his job)
I think the teddy bear is Vivian from POTG4. I know, game isn't canon, but all of the characters from POTG4 have made an appearance in VTSOM except for her. She's a young child, which is why I initially thought about the teddy bear since they're commonly associated with children. In addition, she has a very similar look to Vanora. Since we know that cyborgs tend to be clones with different memory cores, this could lend some credibility to the idea that she and Vanora are taken from the same genetic tissue. They don't need to look exactly alike since Draco is a clone of Vincent and those two aren't identical.
Now this leaves four more positions to fill. Of the four unknowns, we only know the Chaser by name. We don't know anything else about the other team members except for their items, which were a teddy bear, a high-tech wristband, and a Rubik's Cube that had been taken apart. I'm in love with the "Albert is the Chaser" theory created by @jcmorrigan (sorry for tagging you too), but I also have an idea for the teddy bear one.
I can't think of any other characters that could possibly fit the last two. Since one of the incorrect options on the "Who is Winston Loomis" in Chapter 2 was Claude, the other two could also be ICIJ members? That might be a long shot though. I thought the other guy in sunglasses was supposed to be a red herring since he looks a lot like Winston, but the older guy looks so different that he could possibly be an ICIJ member.
Uh that's it thank you for reading all of my weird thoughts and lemme know what you think!
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jcmorrigan · 3 years
1:41 and I’m still thinkin about VTSOM chapter 4 and I won’t tag this (except with the spoiler tag to block), it’ll be buried where only the few can see it, but to my Vincent friends
I know we all think Victor is Chaser but the one photograph I can’t get out of my head is starting to really make me think about the possibility that it actually is Albert and we’ve been misdirected to thinking he wouldn’t show up when in fact we’ve just seen a blatant image of M and his Chaser
Now that I’ve SAID IT it’s gonna be wrong but I need it said before it eats me alive
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