#the only one who has a REMOTE chance with him tho is teba
Camping double date with Miphlink and the Yiga Husbands??
This is a TERRIBLE idea. Why? Because Kohga loves to live like a king, so camping is something he HATES. Unfortunately, Sooga got to pick the double date idea, and he LOVES camping. So, let's go!
 "We could've gone sunbathing on a beach. Could've even gone to the shores of Zora's domain. But no. You just. Had to pick the FUCKING woods!"
Sooga chuckled as he checked the sturdiness of the tent. Mipha and Link often went on double dates with them(to show their support), and the four of them took turns on where to go. It was Sooga's turn, and he picked a camping date. Not JUST a camping date, but a camping date up on Satori fucking mountain. It meant they had to fucking HIKE. And Kohga was hating EVERY moment of it. It must’ve been obvious, given the fact that Mipha was staying with him as Link and Sooga lead the pack. Sooga was grinning as he walked backwards, clearly not trying to sound giddy.
“Master Kohga, this is a nice change of pace, is it not? The smell of trees, the plentiful resources? It’s lovely. I mean, not as lovely as you, but still lovely.”
“You’re using flirts to keep me from going home.”
“Is it working?”
“...kinda. But don’t push it.”
Sooga nodded. Him and Link were having just a ball during this little trek, and it was JUST because of that, that Kohga wasn’t making him pick him up. Mipha chuckled, lightly nudging Kohga.
“Do be patient. Love is full of that. I’m sure he appreciates being out here.”
“He better, I’m taking all his future turns.”
The climb was slow, exhausting, and Kohga was SO goddamn happy when Sooga and Link started to unpack their things, ready to set up camp. It was near the top of the cliff, and a number of trees decorated the rocky land. Kohga sat down on a log, groaning. Kohga wasn’t in bad shape, but hiking was just AWFUL compared to working out at home. Dirt, animals, all of it just sucked to him. He’d MUCH rather be working out at home (Kohga could name other ways he could work a sweat with Sooga).
“Why THIS spot? There’s BARELY any stable ground, and these trees barely leave us rooms for the tent.”
Sooga nodded as he finally undid all of his prep work.
“It’s true, but this spot is special, I swear. Now, if you’ll excuse us. Link, you first?”
Link nodded, and started to clear the trees and bushes. Not all of them, but enough to give them actual stable land to pitch tents in. Kohga watched as Link and Sooga chopped the trees, tossing them in the corner for firewood. Mipha chuckled as she sat next to Kohga.
“Hey. At least we can watch the boys do a little bit of labor.”
Kohga gave her a bit of a side eye. Mipha was really starting to know him.
“I mean, true, I do like watching cute guys do hard work. Think Sooga’s showing off for me?”
They both shared a bit of a giggle, and immediately Kohga felt just a bit better. Even if a fuck ton of bugs kept hovering around. They both finally finished, pitched their tents (one for each couple, for privacy of course), and Sooga immediately started to make a fire. He was pretty good at it, getting it ready and roaring just when Kohga was starting to lose patience. Sooga patted the dirt from his hands, and walked over, grabbing Kohga’s hand and kissing the back of it.
“I left some food for you in the pack, but I’m going to catch something more...lively. I will come back in a moment.”
He turned to Link, who was already starting to unpack the food bags. 
“Link, keep an eye in my stead. Precious cargo here.”
Sooga walked off to god knows where, and Mipha smiled her precious little smile.
“He loves you very much. I can tell.”
“Yeah yeah. Makin’ me trek all the way up here, all sweaty and shit. He loved me, he would’ve picked an ACTUALLY good trip.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Mipha, I love ya, but stop being right about things.”
Link even seemed to smile about that, bringing a bunch of bananas over to Kohga. At LEAST he packed him something good to eat. Link helped a bit too, going to a nearby tree to pluck some fresh durian fruit. Link gave them both fruit as he tended to the fire, and Kohga SAW that swoon on Mipha’s adorable face.
“Hey, I saw that.”
“Saw what?”
“You swooning over your man, you little minx!”
Mipha stammered, but as Link looked over, shooting her a wink, she knew she had been had, hiding her face in her hand, and trying to hide at Kohga’s side. Kohga laughed, shaking his head.
“You two! Got it SO bad! It’s precious! You two really deserve to be together.”
Mipha peered past her hands, to make sure Link wasn’t looking anymore, before looking back up at Kohga.
“Well thank you. Father appears to think so, as does Sidon. Can I uhm...tell you a secret?”
“Shoot little red.”
Mipha covered the side of her mouth with her palm, keeping her voice low.
“I made Zora armor for Link. I’m planning on giving it to him this week.”
That was Zora lingo for ‘marriage’ essentially, and Kohga nearly jumped off his seat, hands thrown about wildly.
The sound of his scream made Link miss his shot, about to shoot a bird for dinner. Upon missing, he turned to scowl rather heavily at Kohga, who muttered an apology. When he turned away, Kohga finally found his heart back in his chest, rather than his throat.
“You’re gonna get MARRIED?”
“I’m planning on it, yes!”
“Mipha, lil’ red, I love you to bits, but you’re SO young! How could you want to get married NOW?”
Mipha turned to look at Link, gently cocking her head in a loving, adoring fashion.
"I'm certain I'll never find another for me. I adore him with all my heart. I want to marry him. Very, very much. Do you...not think it's a good idea?"
"No no! I mean, great that you wanna settle. It's great. I fully support you both. I just...the idea of getting married is weird to me, I guess. But I mean, so long as I get to be the best man."
"That's my brother."
"Okay fair. What about flower girl?"
"Ring bearer?"
"That's Midnight."
Kohga threw his arms in the air, in total disbelief. 
"Who's Midnight?!"
"Link's horse."
"...That's actually super cute."
"Isn't it? If it helps any, you can help me pick my wedding outfit."
They both shook hands, satisfied with the deal. Kohga held onto her hand for a moment, clearing his throat.
"But uh...don't tell Sooga, yeah? He's wedding crazy, and if he hears you're gonna get hitched, he's NOT gonna let me hear the end of it."
"End of what?"
They both turned to see Sooga, carrying an entire honeyvore bear over his shoulder. Kohga should've been surprised by his man carrying a whole ass bear like a sack of flour, but he really wasn't.
"Nothing. See you got dinner."
"I did. I was going for a mountain goat, but this one didn't seem to know how to behave. I trust Link has been taking care of you in my stead?"
"Totally. Cut us up some fruit like a good boy and everything."
Kohga pinched Link's cheek as he came over, eager to show his arms full of freshly killed pigeons. Sooga chuckled, rustling Link's hair.
"Quite the provider you have here, Mipha. Should you two marry, I can assure you'd never go hungry."
Kohga tried not to groan. Marriage ALWAYS came up with his ass. It seemed to make Link a bit nervous too, as his face turned dark, and he went back to tending the fire. Mipha giggled into her palm.
"Thank you, Sooga. That's sweet of you to say. But I'm not looking on proposing here and now, so."
Sooga shrugged as he started to cut through the animal's hide, getting it ready for the flames.
"The future is fickle. Who truly knows?"
There was a smirk in his tone, even Mipha seemed to catch onto it. Kohga rolled his eyes. The idea of marriage was so ridiculous to him. Being tied down to one person forever? Fucking ONE piece of ass forever? Not his thing. But hey, he wasn’t Mipha. He scooted over next to Sooga as soon as he put the meats over the fire.
“Sooga, how much longer till it’s ready, you think?”
Sooga chuckled. His Master LOVED to eat, and while he was no chef, he could cook some good, fresh meat over a campfire. He cut a piece of the meat, showing Kohga just how raw it was.
“It’ll take a good minute, Master. Unless you’d like it raw, then I can serve you a piece now.”
Kohga stuck his nose up at it, and Sooga, for some reason, found his face so charming.
“Who wants to eat raw ass-”
Link snatched the piece from his hand, stuffing it in his mouth. Kohga sighed.
“Right. Link. The guy that will actually eat ANYTHING. You remember the time he just, ate some fucking rocks?”
“I recall, yes. Yet, he makes a VERY good fish pie.”
“Hey. Bad enough we HIKED here, don’t you even bring UP fish.”
Sooga gave a light shake of his head, even as Kohga smacked at his tit. He was lucky he was fine, else Kohga wouldn’t put up with his nonsense. They spent a good moment in idle chit chat (how restoration to kingdoms were, recent training practices, new dishes, the usual stuff you’d talk about with folks you more or less considered family), before Sooga handed Kohga a healthy plate of food. Fried wild greens, and spiced meat skewers (Kohga ALWAYS had Sooga bring goron spices whenever they went out. Kohga put it on EVERYTHING, especially meat). Kohga helped himself, digging into his meal hungrily. Sooga was a shit cook in a modern kitchen, but when it came to spicing and cooking meat out in the wild, Sooga was damn good enough. Juicy insides, and a nice, crispy outside. Him and Link didn’t talk as much, in favor of eating ravenously and enjoying their meals.
“Sooga, you don’t like goron spice?”
“Not especially. I always give my portion to Kohga, who loves it. But I prefer mine lightly salted. And I'm not the only one, it seems."
A raven seemed to trot over to them, eyeing Sooga curiously. It welcomed the slices of meat Sooga tossed its way, and Sooga noticed Kohga’s look of interest.
"Birds always did seem to like me, for whatever reason. Watch."
Sooga brought his hand down, and almost immediately, the bird jumped into his hand, eyeing everyone curiously. Kohga leaned over and lightly poked its head, making it squawk.
"Huh. That's why Revali thinks you're hot."
Sooga shook his head, as if something smelled. 
"I wish you hadn't told me that. Makes me wish birds hated me."
"What if it was Teba?"
Sooga took a moment in hesitation, before lightly nodding.
“I like Teba.”
“EVERYONE likes Teba, can’t say I blame you here.”
Sooga gave the crow another scrap of meat, before motioning for it to leave, which it did, but not before looking back at Sooga once more. Mipha handed her plate to Link (who always ate whatever she couldn’t finish), before softly nodding.
“That’s honestly quite charming. I’m personally really good with fish, though it might be a Zora thing.”
Then the most odd thing happened. Link put his plate down (with food STILL on it), and nearly leapt towards Mipha, clearly excited. She seemed surprised for a moment, before chuckling.
“Oh, you want me to show them, don’t you?”
Link nodded again, wildly. Mipha held onto her head fin, and the spots on her skin seemed to glow, which seemed to glow brightly as the sun soon seemed to die down. 
“Woah. Since when could you do that?”
“Always. It’s made to attract fish, bugs...Hylians.”
Link was just enthralled in her spots, fingers carefully brushing against her skin. She sat there, as flattered and flustered as a young princess could be, while Link just sat there, adoring her like something out of a story book. Sooga looked down at Kohga, who was enthralled with them both. With the moon gracing the sky, now was just as good of a time as any.
“Master Kohga, I think these two need a moment of privacy. Could I...show you something?”
Kohga nodded, quietly helping them sneak away. This somehow ended with Sooga leading Kohga god knows where, covering his mask with his hands.
“Sooga, why can’t I just close my eyes?”
“You peek.”
“I won’t this time! Maybe!”
“Relax, Master Kohga. We’re almost there. Now, be silent.”
Kohga stopped talking, and just trusted Sooga to guide him. He was about to take another step, when Sooga stopped him in his tracks. His voice was in a hushed, low tone.
“Open your eyes.”
Kohga did just that, and couldn’t believe his eyes. Blupees. Blupees , surrounding a lake, littered in cherry tree petals. They all sat there, hopping about, grooming their long, orange feelers. They hadn’t been noticed yet, and it was incredible. Some sipped at the lake water, some seemed to hop amongst the piles of petals. Kohga kept his voice low, in disbelief.
“You...knew they’d be here.”
“I did. This trip was the perfect opportunity to show you something as beautiful as you are. I take it you’ve never seen them up close?”
“No. Only in books. They’re...so different in person.”
Kohga took a step forward, making a branch snap. They thought it had been the end of it, when one of the blupees turned to look at him. But then, it chose not to run. Rather, it hopped right to Kohga, standing on its rear legs and eyeing him curiously. Kohga glanced at Sooga, before looking back towards the creature.
“Thought they were skittish?”
“They’re supposed to be. Unless they consider you not a threat.”
“W-hey! I’m plenty threatening! Go on, get!”
Kohga knelt down and pointed at it, only for it to bump against his hand, and snuggle into it like a stray cat. Kohga grumbled in a mixture of confusion and amazement, before another blupee walked over. Then another. Then another. They all scattered about him, clearly fascinated and eager to rub their little faces against him. It made Kohga fall on his ass, trying not to step on them. Sooga knelt down to him, ever ready to be of assistance. Though, it seemed the only thing his master was in danger of, was getting a permanent scowl. He chuckled.
“I don’t think they find you too threatening. Foolish creatures, honestly.”
“I should be making these bunnies shake in their boots dammit.”
Kohga raised a hand in accusation, before a blupees seemed to fall right into it, desperate for a good petting. Sooga took a small step forward, careful not to spook them, before he clunked his mask against Kohga’s.
“You...never cease to amaze me, Master Kohga. You’re incredible. These creatures thrive on purity. I can only imagine how much of it is in your heart.”
Kohga scoffed, playfully pushing his face away with his hand.
“It’s nothing like that, these things are just dumb. But… this is sweet. YOU’RE sweet. And as much as I hated the hiking, the bugs...this was nice. I don’t ever think I’m going to forget this, Sooga.”
“So I did good for my turn?”
“Good enough to try again, yes. God you’re so dumb and pretty.”
Sooga chuckled. He parted his mask, as well as his master’s, and was about to lean in for a kiss, when suddenly a shadow peered over them. Both of them jumped a bit, scaring a few of the blupees. Kohga stood aghast at the creature, while Sooga looked stiff.
“Is that...the Lord of the Mountain?”
“Yes. Aka, one that brings curses upon the land it walks.”
Sooga brought out his weapon, and aimed it right between its faces. The creature stared at him, before slowly walking past Sooga, and stopping right in front of Kohga. It slowly brought its head down, right into Kohga’s lap. It looked at him with it’s intense, bright eyes. Kohga looked unsure of what to do, before he slowly, carefully, brought his hand right next to his face. Kohga motioned wildly with his free hand, totally in disbelief.
“I’m petting it! I’m THIS cool! Can you SEE this?!”
The Lord seemed comforted by his hand, eyes lidded as Kohga’s hands nestled and scratched at it’s fur. It was brief, but it was enough to leave a lasting impression in Sooga’s mind. The creature pulled away after a moment, before dipping its face into the water, taking a sip. Then it took a step towards Sooga, and promptly spat water at his face. With a snort, and a stomp of it’s hoof, it turned, and started to graze within the water. Sooga turned to look at Kohga, who was trying VERY hard not to laugh.
“Pffft! It spat water at you! Holy CRAP, he does NOT like you!”
Kohga lost it at that point, pointing at Sooga and just losing himself in laughter. He only stopped once Sooga knelt down, and held his hand in his own.
“I’m. So in love with you, you couldn’t even fathom it-”
“This shit again.”
“Say the word and I’d be your husband IMMEDIATELY.”
Kohga groaned, using his other hand to smack his forehead. It wasn’t entirely Sooga’s fault that he was so lovesick though.
Not when the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen, got to pet the Lord of the Mountain.
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heartsoftruth · 7 years
Hey ash. I think you have given up on Neymar staying. I haven't. In the past couple of weeks I read just about every article, rumor, analysis, opinion & editorial posted in any language ty google translate.Even the ridiculous ones.I got br app, Barca live app, one of my monitors at work is dedicated to ney stuff..Thought abt it a lot. Got mad at him often.But I haven't lost hope. I agree with most unbiased experts if he wants better sporting opportunities he'll stay. His fathers greedy, he's not
I hope he does anon. I really hope he does… 
1% chance right? ;) 
Anonymous said:How do the psg fans/board/players expect from neymar to win for them the ucl ? And even if neymar thinks that he might carry that team by himself he can be wrong, even messi when he created history with barca and won everything it’s not because of him alone, he had iniesta xavi… by his side to help him win, no team can depend on one player, plus psg is not that kind of team that u can improve urself in it, team with no personality, if they were a good team they wouldnt lose 6-1 after winnin 4Anonymous said:2(forgot to put 1 on the previous) Geri put it best you want more money or you want to win titles. Neymar is way too young to think solely abt money and piling it up for his eventual retirement. Money is tempting(more so to his father) but he wants titles and glory. We’ve been over the level of league and psg. I’m sure he knows it too. If he was 30, I’d believe wholeheartedly he’s gone to PSG. But he’s 25, his best years ahead, he won’t bury those in psg in league 1. Take heart, he won’t go
wowowowwww I like the positivity in you two anons!! I really like it.
I mean Leo became a natural leader over time and with the retirements of Xavi etc. Of course he wasn’t a leader when he first made his debut. I can understand Ney might wanna have a team around him and be the leader of one. I can 100% understand that he wants that and feels he might be ready for it and it would be good for his growth - like i previously said in an aks.  I feel he has the opportunity to be the leader of a team, full of talented star players, during the THE BIGGEST sports tournament in the world: the 2018 World Cup. 
However he gave up the captaincy of the NT, because of the insane amount of negative press he got during the Olympics. And while I agree that it was over the top: You are the leader so deal with it. In France L’Equipe is also brutal, but the pressure in France won’t even be remotely the same as in Spain. 
In France he will defiantly win some titles the Champions ship, the cup etc,.. But other than that…. I hope for him if he goes he succeeds (not when he plays against Barca) but I hope for him he succeeds. 
But I hope more that he stays here. At Barca. 
Anonymous said:(French anon) I’m watching PSG-ASM… BORINGGGGGGGGGGGG help!!!!Anonymous said:GO MONACO! lol
HAHHAHAHHA, Did you survive tho??? Tout bon? xD 
Anonymous said:this means he gonna stay yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas yahooooooo :D am madridista btw love you ash and ramos loves you ;)
What? xD 
Anonymous said:I dont even care. Wheter he leaves or stays. I just want him to say something.
Same… But I think we have to wait for a bit still… 
Anonymous said:But is not that means forcing the person that doesn’t want to stay to stay?! Barcelona should let Neymar go if he wants to go and buy other players with the money before the window closes. I want ney to stay but if doesn’t want to stay he should leave because forcing player that want to leave to stay will only create problems in the team.Anonymous said:This is not PSG who will buy the clause but Neymar, he’s going to buy his buyout clause by himself with the money he would get when he will go to Doha 😉, this is official by the way.Anonymous said:And Barça will not report PSG bc they buy the buyout clause but they will report them by the way they would buy it, that’s not the same thing thoAnonymous said:Argh, sorry it’s pay** not buy ahaAnonymous said:And to be honest this is pretty ridiculous from the club tho, I mean report PSG because they paid the clause? Smh 🙄
Neymar can leave if he wants (and if a club buys him out) but he signed a contract renewal in October so.. 
This isn’t  about P$G paying his release clause like any club can. This is about P$G probably violating the FFP rules for the second time meaning a bigger punishment. Again IF they violated these rules. 
Think this is a logical explanation. 
“Barcelona have decided to lodge a complaint against PSG if the French club sign Neymar. The Catalan club feel that if the player’s buyout clause is paid (222 million euros), UEFA must investigate where the money came from. In then numbers clubs present to UEFA each year, there are none able to pay more than 200 million euros for a player.  PSG have previously been punished and fined for breaking UEFA’s Fair Play rules. Therefore, a second punishment would not only lead to a fine, but also to sporting consequences, such as the possibility of suspension from the Champions League.”
And I liked what Tebas said the other day. If they do it with Barca now they do it to RMA or Atleti tomorrow. He also wants to take action wether they buy Ney or not… 
Anonymous said:It really hurt to see all this hate toward Neymar…
Yeah some of it I can understand. Some is way over the top. Like the hate from today because he went to the RMA locker room… 
Anonymous said:After messi’s goal didn’t ney celebrate with him??🙈😞
For a second you had me worried haha. But Ney was injured outside of the field. That’s why you didnt saw him celebrate. 
Anonymous said:i ship ash with Asensio
HAHAHHA, He’s a cutie pie, but he looks too young and probably is xD But we can have dinner and eat Dutch things hhaa. 
Anonymous said:Ney looked sad? Idk quiet not his usual charged self he even was sitting all by himself when taken off. The guy who normally comes running to celebrate with lio after the latter’s goal was the last to come& it was different. He looked like he is playing his last classico last game here
I dont know where he sat when he went off. I didnt think he looked sad. He looked happy and like I said above he was injured off the field so he couldnt run towards Leo. Have you seen how he celebrated with Ivan? And Geri??? 
Anonymous said:Least neymar can do even if he doesn’t want to talk is rebuff the ‘tired of staying in Messi’s shadow’ rumours. That’s sooooo unfair on Leo especially when he loves and has accommodated neymar so much.he could have easily done an insta post with Messi or something, laugh about it…if it was a brumar or Bruna rumour best believe he would have rebuffed it soo fast 🙄.if he just stops the Messi rumour he would gain at least a little respect back from Barca fans.
I’ve previously - a couple days ago - explained it could be true tho not as mean as it sounds. Just that he wants to be a leader too and knows here at Barca Leo is. 
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