#the only reason to go to sydney ever is to eat beans
girlnero · 2 years
cant stop thinking about these spicy baked beans i ate in sydney july last year… come back to me.
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littledonkeyburrito · 7 years
Internal organs
1. Where is your cell phone right now? Kitchen table
2. How many pictures of yourself do you have on your phone? There are several selfies, mostly while travelling
3. What song did you listen to the most this summer? Whatever was playing on the radio that I heard everywhere I guess. Probably despacito, subeme la radio, and vente pa ca
4. Describe your hands. They’re pretty handy
5. Have you ever been chased by an animal? (If so, which one) A couple of small dogs, a horse (while I had a strong fear of horses, I cried), probably some others that I don’t remember.
6. How many people in your family have blue eyes?  Most of us, except my brother has hazel
7. What’s the longest you’ve ever been on an airplane? Australia to europe is something like 24 hours. But that’s a couple of flights. The longest I’ve been on one flight was Sydney to Doha which was 14 hours and it was hell because the air pressure was wreaking havoc on my guts and gave me the worst cramps 
8. How did you get one of your scars? I was in the UK with my dad and brother when I was 10 and we were staying at a family friend’s house, along with a couple of other family friends. Me and a fellow child were building a little stick cubby house in the garden and we decided we didn’t want my older brother to get in because he would ruin everything, so we made the entrance really low to the ground so you had to slide in on your belly. Anyway, brother was chasing me and I tried to dive into the cubby house and one of the sticks scraped down my back and now I have a faint scar there.
9. How did you celebrate your last birthday? A group of friends and I went to a theme park and then went to a comedy cabaret show for dinner where we consumed a reasonable amount of alochol
10. How did you get the shirt you’re wearing? I probably bought it at a cheap clothing store. It’s a few years old so I don’t remember exactly
11. How old will you be at your next birthday? 24
12. What did you do last weekend? I was in Paris
13. What did you have for breakfast? I did not have breakfast
14. Have you ever been out of the country? Which country? I’ve been out of many of them
15. Have you ever had sex on the beach? No and I really have no desire to get sand in that region.
16. Have you ever dated someone younger than you? Yeah
17. Who was the last person you saw? Lady working at the cornerstore. For some reason whenever I buy a 6 pack of beer she always forgets to put it in as 6 and just scans one. I’m too honest to let it slide so I always look at the price and go, “...for 6 beers?” and she’s like “oh!” and rescans it as the 6pack. I mean, I go into that little store at least once a week so I’d rather not screw them over anyway.
18. Who was the last person you messaged? Anna
19. Where does your best friend live? All of my best friends still live in australia
20. Where did you last go? To the cornerstore
21. Where do you go to school? At a school
22. Would you ever get back together with any of your ex’s if they asked you? Depends on definition of ex but I’m considering (when I’m back in aus) getting back with a guy I had a thing with before I left australia
23. Who was the last person you sat next to? Somebody on the plane from Paris back to Barcelona
24. Do you have any friends that you’ve known for 10 years or more? Yeah
25. When was the last time you ate chips? Maybe a week ago
26. How many people have you kissed in this month? None :(
27. Do you know what you are going to wear tomorrow? No but you’ve just reminded me I need to hang up my laundry to dry
28. What are you doing tomorrow? I need to stop into that telemarketing office and finally pick up my money. Then going to buy some rum and hopefully mandarins too (my grocery store didn’t have any today) and head home by midday to skype with maggie and anna for maggie’s birthday while I get drunk in the early afternoon
29. What color are your socks? Navy blue with little pink hearts on them
30. Last thing you got in the mail? Letter from 2 friends (a couple) asking me to be a groomsman at their wedding next year. They can’t stand the thought of me in a dress so they decided a long time ago that I could not be a bridesmaid
31. Who were you with Friday night? Just me, alone in Paris.
32. How long does it take you to get ready to go out? Up to 45 minutes. Usually about half an hour.
33. Where’s the closest hoodie to you right now? I only have one and it’s on my torso
34. Do you prefer to take your showers at night or in the morning? Mornings because I tend to sweat while I sleep. Obviously less of an issue in winter though. When I’m working I take night showers in winter because I know that if I get in the shower at 4:30am when it’s 5 degrees out, I am never getting out of that hot water.
35. Think back to June. Were you in a relationship? No
36. Who was the last person to be in your bedroom? I don’t know, nobody has been here in a long time
37. Have you ever eaten an uncooked cookie? Do you mean... cookie dough?
38. Is there a place that you wish you could visit? There are so many more places to go.
39. Do you believe that this weekend will be a good one for you? I think it will be the standard boring mediocre weekend I have every week due to having no friends in this country
40. Have you ever fallen asleep on someone? Yeah
41. Are all of your friends in relationships? About half of my close friends are
42. Would you ever eat a bug for 1000 dollars? Sure, give me 20 bugs and you won’t see me for 6 months because I’ll be off travelling. I hear fried crickets are pretty good.
43. What’s going on with you and the last person you messaged? Friend
44. Is your cell phone usually on vibrate or is the ringtone usually on? Ringtone, unless I’m on the train or something
45. Do you sext? I did once and I was surprisingly into it but I think that’s just bc I was really horny at time. Normally, it’s really not my thing.
46. Where are your biological parents? Their homes
47. Would you take $40,000 or a brand new car? Money please. Could spend 5k on a second hand car and still have 35k spare
48. Did the last person you message, message you back? Not yet. Asleep I think
49. Tell me about the last conversation you had with the opposite sex. Wasn’t much of a conversation. It was a guy working in the cornerstore was helping me find a 6 pack of beer that was actually a full 6 pack. For some reason most of them had exactly one missing. I say it wasn’t much of a conversation, firstly because not much needed to be said, secondly we’d both be speaking our second (at least) language, and thirdly he’s deaf so I’m not sure how much he’d hear from me anyway.
50. What is something you always have with you? Internal organs
51. Are you thirsty? In both senses of the word, yes.
52. What room are you in? Bedroom. It’s too cold to not be under blankets.
53. Rice or beans? Rice AND beans (seriously, listen to that song. I heard played by a band in a little beach town in Costa Rica)
54. Last pair of shoes you wore? Maroon sneakers I got from Alcampo for like 7 euros
55. Do your parents swear? Dad sometimes, mum no
56. Are you comfortable doing things on your own or do you prefer to have company? I prefer company when I’m not at home.
57. Do you think travelling is something that every young person should do to gain life experience? If they can. But not everybody will appreciate it
58. Do you have a certain color grape you like the most? Both are good but I tend to buy red grapes with seeds because then they take me longer to eat and they’re a good snack to have while I watch tv shows to keep my hands busy
59. If you could kiss someone right now, who would it be? I’m not too fussy, anyone off the shortlist
60. Would you rather go to a party or go on a quiet date? Depends who the date is with. I do like parties.
61. Type in “[your name] needs” in the Google search: Maddie needs a daddy Reaction: Only if he pays well lmao
62. Type in “[your name] wants” in the Google search: Maddie wants a solo Reaction: a solo of what?
63. Type in “[your name] is” in the Google search: Maddie is back Reaction: Soon.
64. Type in “[your name] looks like” in Google search: Maddie looks like sharpay Reaction: Um?
65. Type in “[your name] does” in Google search: Maddie does mackenzie’s makeup Reaction: I don’t understand what this means. Is this like highschool musical or something?
66. Type in “[your name] hates” in Google search: Maddie hates dance moms Reaction: Can’t say I’ve ever seen it
67. Type in “[your name] goes” or “..has gone” in Google search: Maddie goes to jail Reaction: I wonder what I did
68. Type in “[your name] loves” in Google search: Maddie loves lip balm Reaction: In winter I sure do
69. Type in “[your name] makes” in Google search: Maddie makes friends Reaction: Aww :3
70. When was the last time you wore a Band-Aid and why? A long time ago (more than a year) and probably for a blister
71. A trip to California, the Bahamas, New York, Wisconsin, Utah, or Canada? Canada or NY.
72. Whose house were you at last, besides your own? I haven’t been to anybody’s house in months 73. Any big plans for this summer? Ugh I suppose I have another summer coming up if I’m going back to australia. Plans are working, drinking and trying not to lose my spanish skills 74. Who was the last person you were in a vehicle with other than family? Everybody on the metro today 75. What’s something you need to get done soon? Booking flight back to aus. Need to do some research and also borrow some money first 76. Is your best friend awake right now? She is. And she’s hungover as fuck and regretting everything 77. If I came to your house, could I find any kind of chocolate? There is half a block of dark chocolate w almonds and also a pack of oreos. 78. What size bed do you have? King. It’s amazing and I love it and I want to bring it to australia with me even though I don’t actually own this bed bc it came with the furnished apartment 79. Who was the last person to upload a picture with you in it? According to facebook it was the friend I went to colombia with  80. Have you ever held a snake? Yeah 81. Do you ever wear sleep masks when you sleep or shower caps when you shower? Sleepmasks when I’m doing shiftwork 82. Would you rather go to a beach, an amusement park, or a water park? Amusement park 83. Have you ever kissed under water? Only if a shower counts as technically being under water 84. Have you kissed anyone whose name starts with a M? Yeah 85. Camping with a ton of friends or hotel with a few friends? Camping. It’s cheaper and there’s more potential for misadventures 86. Do you have alcohol in your house? I have 4 beers left and no rum
87. Do you have anything to pay off? I owe mum some money and soon will owe dad too. Won’t take me long to pay it off once I’m back in aus though 88. What are you listening to? Mi Vida No Vale Nada - Genitallica 89. Where did you first hear this song? Youtube bc I was looking up bands that sing in spanish
Last 10 people in your Facebook messages inbox: I’m excluding group chats
1. Anna 2. Brenda 3. Caitlin 4. Dad 5. Joh 6. Torin 7. Maggie 8. Pegler 9. Jenn 10. Patrick
How long have you known 1? A couple of months
When did you meet 2? Probably when I was a baby. She’s one of dad’s friends
When was the last time you saw 3? April when she stayed in Barcelona for a couple of days
Have you and 4 ever gotten into trouble together before? Me and dad? Nah
How old is 5? 28
Have you ever taken a shower at 6’s house? No.
Have you ever taken a dump at 7’s house? christ, almost definitely
Have you ever thought about going out with 8? No, but we made out in a bar like 5 years ago
What about 9? No
Would you ever go out with 10 or ask 10 out? Soz bro, but no
What’s the best memory you have had with 1? We’ve actually only met once in person
What’s 2′s lastname? Lewis
Would you ever take a bullet for 3? Yes, I would take it off the table and walk over and give it to her. Taking a bullet for her.
What would you do if 4 died? Cry 
What would you do if you found out 5 killed someone that you were related to? Well first of all I’d be super pissed. 
Would you take care of 6 if they were sick? Hmm probs not
Would you kill 7 if it was the only way for your other friends to survive? I couldn’t do that. 
Has 8 ever cooked for you? We lived together for 3 years so probably at some point I’ve eaten something he cooked
How many times have you and 9 fought? Never?
Have you and 10 ever cried together? Only over how adorable mass effect characters are
Have you and 1 ever kissed? No
Do you ever dream of 2? No
Is 3 a boy? No.
Does 4 have any kids? well... me, for one.
Do you want to marry 5? There was an in-joke amongst our friends for quite a while that we were already married
Are 4 and 5 friends? No. They met once and Joh drunkenly cried about how he hated my dad bc he said something homophobic. Joh also had no memory of this the following morning.
Who is 6 going out with? No idea Is 7 a boy or girl? I think the best answer to this would be... no? What would you think if 8 became your stepbrother/sister? I’d be cool having him as a brother
What is a random fact about #10? He was once part of a viral tumblr post because he and his younger brother used to look very similar and they had the same profile picture (of the brother) for a while. I was actually there when that photo was taken. If #3 said they were in love with you, what would you say? She is in love with my netflix shirt Is #4 hott? *vomits all over the keyboard* Who is #5 best friends with? Meeeee. jk we’re close but I doubt I’m his best friend.  Does #6 have good fashion sense? Yes. I always feel like I just crawled out of the sewer when I stand next to him. Then again, each item of his clothing probably cost more than my entire wardrobe. Is #7 single? Yes Would #8 and #9 make a cute couple? A cattle farmer and a vegan? I don’t see that working out too well.
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topfygad · 5 years
5 Best Backpacker Hostels in Cairns, Australia
Cairns, in tropical North Queensland, is someplace you genuinely simply cannot move up when backpacking Australia. It’s famend because the gateway to the Improbable Barrier Reef however this tropical city can also be 1 of probably the most pleasurable social gathering cities for backpackers and is surrounded by a great deal of exceptional day outings like Cape Tribulation and the UNESCO detailed Daintree Rainforest. With all these routines staying a backpacker in Cairns can undoubtedly embody up so fortunately for us there are so fairly a number of astounding backpacker hostels in Cairns.
Australia generally is a genuinely excessive priced place to cease by so it’s vital for backpackers to assist save funds and staying in backpacker hostels is a unbelievable technique to have a thrilling, sociable and comfy keep devoid of breaking the monetary establishment.
Cairns Lagoon by Martin Valigursky/Shutterstock
  Most backpacker hostels in Australia even have communal kitchens so you will get meals objects on the grocery store and prepare dinner dinner for by your self quite of ingesting out at costly eating locations which is able to assist prevent a great deal of funds. I completed up in Cairns three intervals (I used to be functioning in an outback Queensland pub) so I managed to take a look at pretty various of the hostels. 
Ignore remaining in dirty backpacker hostels, a lot of the Aussie hostels are way more like tropical trip resorts with swimming swimming swimming pools, bars, hammocks, BBQ places and movement image lounges – some even have on web-site night golf gear and gourmand pizza ovens.
Hostels are additionally great locations to satisfy different travellers and a number of other embody issues like magnificent freebies like completely free breakfast and freed from cost wifi to help you allow you to save even additional earnings and placed on night entertainments like pub crawls, BBQs and movement image evenings to allow backpackers socialise and have pleasurable. See much more elements why its superb retaining in hostels right here 
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Not all hostels are equal nonetheless, and the place to maintain can significantly make or cut up your trip, significantly if you’re a solo traveller searching for to make mates, so its important to pick your hostel cautiously.
To assist you program your journey right here’s my document of the 5 actually perfect backpacker hostels in Cairns.
The Most interesting Backpacker Hostels in Cairns
Traveller’s Oasis
Traveller’s Oasis obtained the title of greatest backpacker hostel in Cairns in 2018 and was additionally voted as the best hostel in Australia for 2018 by Hostelworld. The hostel is discovered upcoming to Cairns Central station which is a couple of 15 second wander from the lagoon. It’s a little, cosy, homely, spotlessly totally clear, relaxed and welcoming hostel with great helpful workers. It’s not a single of these large, impersonal hostels – they’ll solely go well with 50 attendees at a time.
There’s completely free wifi, completely free parking, completely free tea and espresso, completely free baggage storage, 2 fully outfitted communal kitchens and laundry amenities. You’ll under no circumstances be bored as there’s a Television set space with Liquid crystal show Television set and DVD participant and a tough push that features 1500 movies in addition to video games, journals and a information commerce. The outdoor location is an excellent location to fulfill women and men. You possibly can sit back within the hammocks beneath the palm bushes, select a dip within the open air swimming pool or use the BBQs on the skin terrace.
There are dorms and private rooms, one of the crucial efficient factors about this hostel is that there aren’t any bunk beds within the dorms and the private rooms contain TVs and a fridge. Have a look at it out and also you’ll see why Travellers Oasis is persistently rated one of many absolute best backpacker hostels in Cairns. Click on on under to e guide!
  The Northern Greenhouse
The Northern Greenhouse is a gift day, resort mannequin flashpacker hostel that’s conveniently centrally positioned correct within the coronary coronary heart of Cairns meaning all the key sights are in uncomplicated strolling distance. The complete hostel is absolutely clear and the workers are great pleasant and useful.
All rooms are air conditioned, there are blended ensuite dorm rooms, as very nicely as spacious male-only or feminine-only dorms. The personal balconies and courtyard gardens are charming locations to sit back out as is the plush, tropical exterior swimming pool and bar area that serves really moderately priced drinks. It’s a wonderful put to fulfill different travellers and make new buddies.
There’s additionally completely free breakfast and completely free tremendous quick wifi, a shared kitchen space and pool tables. The workers members are great welcoming and useful and set on pleasurable actions within the hostel every working day and evening time as correctly as demonstrating firm during which the very best reasonably priced backpacker bars are. There’s additionally a free BBQ nearly each Sunday. Elegant, pleasant and pleasurable with a great deal of freebies – that is 1 of the best backpacker hostels in Cairns. Click on under to e guide!
  Gilligan’s Backpacker Hostel & Trip resort
Gilligans is 1 of probably the most well-known and preferred backpacker hostels in Cairns, significantly for all those that like to celebration. Gilligans is a big trip resort sort hostel discovered within the coronary heart of Cairns that could be a extremely scorching place for partiers due to to the onsite night membership which is a single of Cairn’s most most well-liked nightspots.
The hostel has dorms and personal rooms, all of that are air-conditioned and have ensuite loos, and theres a communal sit back areas with TVs and a shared kitchen space on every of the hostel’s four flooring so you’ll not might want to wait to prepare dinner. Additionally they provide a cost-free airport choose up from the airport in between 8am and 8pm and a process store on web site to help you if you’re trying to find carry out.
There’s additionally a lagoon-type swimming pool, conditioning coronary heart, on-line café, a nightclub and open deck bar with important show TVs displaying all the newest sporting capabilities. Women will recognize the powder place that has hair dryers and hair straighteners completely free to make use of. The hostel additionally operates a great deal of enjoyable themed evenings, on-line video games and events. That is the best backpacker hostel in Cairns for bash women and men. Click on on listed right here to order!
    Mad Monkey Backpackers
Mad Monkey is a compact, new chain of backpacker hostels that’s owned and operated by two Australian greatest good associates. This flashpacker trend celebration hostel is clear, stylish, dazzling, spacious and one specific of the funnest backpacker hostels in Cairns.
There’s personal rooms, blended and girl solely dorms. The hostel was absolutely renovated in 2017 and all rooms model title new prime wonderful mattresses, mattress linen, air conditioners, large safety lockers and chic designer bogs and kitchens.
Mad Monkey hostels are the wonderful websites to bash and fulfill different backpackers on the exterior pool oasis total with sunbathing cabanas and an out of doors bar with tremendous low value drinks. There’s even a gourmand pizza cafe and a movement image show with cozy bean baggage to sit back out on.
There’s additionally freed from cost tremendous quickly wifi and a cost-free scorching breakfast and the employees organise conditions each single working day and evening. They mainly have three backpacker hostels in Cairns so if ones’s full by no means fret you could possibly additionally have a look at out the opposite people.  Merely click on listed right here to guide!
  Globe Trotters International
Globetrotters is a pleasing, comfy, household run trip resort trend hostel positioned in shut proximity to the esplanade close to to the center of Cairns. It’s unbelievable value for money as there are tons of of freebies, akin to unrestricted superfast Wi-Fi in all rooms, served breakfast, which options appropriate espresso!, cost-free night meals and completely free baggage storage, which make it 1 of the best backpacker hostels in Cairns. The hostel operates a BBQ evening time two instances every week and may also put together discounted reef and rainforest excursions.
There’s a communal kitchen that even has fridge lockers so that you should not have to worry about different backpackers stealing your meals stuff! There’s additionally a crystal clear swimming pool, photo voltaic deck, hammocks, garden house and sport titles spot which is a terrific place for assembly different travellers.
Versus a number of backpacker hostels in Cairns, Globetrotters just isn’t a celebration hostel so you possibly can loosen up and recognize a superior evenings snooze. If you wish to exit and event then the hostel additionally has day-to-day nightclub offers so it’s a purchase get! Click on on on this article to order!
Research Much more:
Simplest Backpacker Hostels in East Coast Australia
Highest Backpacker Hostels in Sydney
Ultimate Backpacker Hostels in Melbourne
Have you ever stayed in any cool backpacker hostels in Cairns? Depart a comment beneath along with your suggestions and you’ll be supporting out different backpackers
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Green Bean Casserole perfection!
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This classic Thanksgiving Green Bean Casserole marks the official commencement of Thanksgiving 2019 here on RecipeTin Eats!! Tender green beans smothered in a homemade creamy mushroom sauce topped with crispy golden brown onions, it’s a wickedly addictive combination of flavours and textures. PLUS my tried and tested for the BEST way to make green bean casserole ahead of time!
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Green Bean Casserole
I have some opinions about Thanksgiving food. Firstly, I’m of the view that marshmallow has no place in anything that appears before dessert. (yes, I’m glaring at you Mr Sweet Potato Casserole topped with marshmallows!!). Secondly, I believe that everyone should get to eat what they want they want on Thanksgiving, traditional or otherwise. Which totally contradicts #1 above. But hey – I said I have opinions. I didn’t say I had logical reason! Thirdly, there shalt never be any canned soup near my green beans*. Not at Thanksgiving, not at Christmas, not ever. The creamy mushroom sauce is simple to make, tastes better and for the cherry on top – it’s completely devoid of all things artificial.
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* To the doe-eyed innocents reading this, there are many quick ‘n easy recipes “out there” involving not much more than dumping canned mushroom soup, canned green beans and canned fried onions into a baking dish.
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What goes in Green Bean Casserole
For such a highly coveted classic Thanksgiving dish, there’s actually not that many ingredients required! My one tip is to use Panko breadcrumbs instead of normal breadcrumbs. Larger crumbs = superior onion crunch.
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How to make Green Bean Casserole
And here’s a summarised visual and description of how to make it. The short recipe video above the recipe card is also useful for this recipe! Onions – tossed in flour and panko then deep fried just until light golden and quite crispy (but not fully crispy, will become fully crispy in oven); Blanch beans to your taste, then pat dry (otherwise creamy sauce goes watery); Creamy mushroom sauce – starts by cooking the mushrooms, then add flour which will thicken the broth/stock and cream. TIP: When you can draw a path across the back of the spoon, the sauce is the right thickness; and Assemble & bake! Toss the beans in the mushroom sauce, top with onions then bake until bubbly and onions are crisp!
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Those crispy onions!!! They’re everything! (PS this recipe makes extra onion. Buffer for frying practice runs + snacking. You’ll thank me later)
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Some Practical Tips
Best way to make Green Bean Casserole ahead of time – blanch the beans, make the sauce, store these in the fridge for 2 – 3 days (possibly longer, I just did 3 days). Fry the onions the day before, let them cool 100% completely before placing in a container. Do not refrigerate! Then on the day of, mix the beans with sauce, place in baking dish, COVER then bake to heat up. Remove cover, top with onions then bake for 20 minutes to crisp the onions up and make them golden! Freezing – not recommended for this one, sorry to say! Sauce will split, onions will be dismal when it defrosts and gets watery. Don’t want to fry? Buy ready made Crispy Fried Onions (French’s in the US, Asian aisle in Australia). No one is allowed to judge – frying is not for everyone! NEWBIES: Plan for extra onions – Frying the onions is the hardest part. Not because frying itself is hard, it’s just that if you don’t fry regularly, you might struggle to get the oil temp right or pull the onions out at the right time, or you try to cook too much in one go etc etc. Preparing the onions for frying is super simple – so if you really want to be the Green Bean Casserole Queen (or King), just make extra onion then use the best ones for the casserole! (Leftovers make great snacking) Frying FAIL?! It’s the big day, and you’ve had a frying disaster…. Don’t fret! Melt some butter and mix into 3/4 cup panko  with 1/4 cup parmesan and pinch of salt. Taste (more salt? Add it!), sprinkle and bake 20 minutes or until golden. Been there, done that, SO GOOD! Don’t stress about the creamy mushroom sauce – it’s so easy to salvage / adjust. Lumps can be whisked out, if it gets too thick you can thin it, if it’s too thin just keep cooking. If it’s a bit too brown who cares – the most important thing is does it taste delish, and if you follow the recipe quantities, IT WILL!!!
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And that, my friends, is all I have to say about Green Bean Casserole! This recipe has been a long time coming, probably since my early 20’s when I had it at one of the very first Thanksgiving celebrations I attended here in Sydney (and I will never reveal how long ago that was, a woman’s age should remain a mystery, always!). Ahh, memories of the turkey not fitting into the tiny apartment oven, the weird lumpy textured pumpkin pie and the dry homemade bread rolls that were my offering to the feast. We spatchcocked the turkey, bought bread rolls and salvaged the pie by chopping it up and serving it as a sundae with cream and ice cream (deeeelish!). And really, so much wine had flowed by 5pm, we would’ve eaten anything. Thankfully, my cooking skills have somewhat improved since then! – Nagi x PS All my Thanksgiving-centric recipes here. I plan to do some Thanksgiving housekeeping in the coming days, will let you know when I do!
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Watch how to make it
Green Bean Casserole
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Recipe video above. The most amazing creamy mushroom sauce smothering tender green beans, topped with crispy fried onions! The perfect green bean casserole with the right ratio of sauce to beans, well flavoured silky, creamy sauce with the perfect thickness and the perfect delicately crunchy onions! See notes for best way to MAKE AHEAD! 750g/ 1.5lb green beans (, trimmed and halved) Crispy Fried Onions: 2 large yellow onions (, peeled, halved and thinly sliced (or 3 medium)) 1/4 cup (35g) flour ((plain/all purpose)) 2 tbsp panko breadcrumbs ((Note 1)) 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 4 cups / 1 litre (approx) vegetable oil (, for deep-frying (or peanut, canola oil Note 2)) Creamy Mushroom Sauce: 3 tbsp (50g) butter (, unsalted) 360g /12 oz mushrooms (, chopped 1cm / 1/3" pieces) 3/4 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 2 garlic cloves (, minced) 3 tbsp (35g) flour ((plain/all purpose)) 1 1/2 cups (375ml) vegetable or chicken broth/stock (, low sodium) 1/2 cup (125ml) cream (, heavy/thickened) Pinch nutmeg ((or sprinkle of freshly grated)) Beans: Boil the green beans for 3 minutes until just tender (or to your taste), then drain and run under cold tap water (to stop cooking further). You could also steam. Transfer to clean tea towel and pat dry. Set aside. Crispy Onions: Line tray with 3 – 4 layers paper towels. Toss onions with flour, panko, salt and pepper. Heat about 2cm / 3/4″ oil in a heavy based skillet over medium high heat. Dip the end of one onion in – it should sizzle satisfyingly immediately. Add some onions, not too many (see video), then fry for 1 1/2 minutes or until LIGHT golden brown. Transfer to tray, spreading out (don’t pile up). (Note 3) Repeat with remaining onion (5-6 batches). Set aside to cool, DO NOT cover. Creamy Mushroom Sauce: Melt butter in a skillet over medium high heat. Add mushrooms and cook for 1 minute. Add salt and pepper, cook until mushroom starts to soften (1.5 minutes) then add garlic and cook for 1 minute until garlic is golden. Turn heat down to medium, add flour and mix until you can’t see flour anymore. While stirring constantly, gradually pour in half the broth. When flour lumps are dissolved, pour in remaining broth and cream, stir. Add nutmeg, stir. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring casually at first then regularly as it thickens, until sauce thickly coats back of wooden spoon and you can draw a path across it (see video). Sauce will not thicken further in oven. Assemble & bake: Preheat oven to 350°F / 180°C (160°C fan). Pour beans into pot they were boiled in (or use bowl). Pour over Mushroom Sauce, stir. Pour into 2.5 quart / 2.5 ltr casserole dish (Note 4), smooth surface. Sprinkle with onions (might not use all!), then bake for 15 minutes until bubbling on the edges and the onions are deep golden. CHECK at 10 minutes to ensure onions are not burning (Note 5). Serve immediately! (See notes for make ahead) 1. Panko breadcrumbs – larger pieces than normal breadcrumbs so you get much more satisfying CRUNCH! Asian aisle of most supermarkets nowadays, though cheaper in Asian stores. 2. Oil – any high heat neutral flavoured oil fine here. Do not use olive oil (low smoke point). 3. Onion frying Will crisp bit more when cool, and fully crisp and brown in oven. Important to drain excess oil to ensure oven crisping (if soggy with oil, may not crisp). Store bought French Fried Onions or Crispy Fried Onions (Asian aisle) – for an easy way out, use store bought onions. Sprinkle on dish then bake! Makes more than you need – some practice runs plus snacking! Alternative topping – Frying FAIL?! It’s the big day, and you’ve had a frying disaster…. Don’t fret! Melt some butter and mix into 3/4 cup panko with 1/4 cup parmesan and pinch of salt. Sprinkle and bake 20 minutes or until golden. SO GOOD! 4. Dish shape – better to use one that is flatter rather than deep, so you can maximise surface area for crunchy onions! Large skillet ideal, 9×13″ / 23 x 33″ glass pan is too large. 5. Onions browning too quickly – turn oven down, cover loosely with foil for remaining bake time. Then remove foil for last few minutes to crisp onions. This is why it’s important to only fry onions until LIGHT golden – so they are deep golden and crispy once baked! 6. Make ahead – best way: cook beans and make sauce per recipe. Cover sauce immediately, cool, then store both in fridge up to 3 days (possibly longer, I just did 3 days). Fry onions the day before, cool completely before placing in a container. Do not refrigerate! On the day of, mix the beans with sauce, place in baking dish, COVER then bake 10 to 15 minutes to heat up. Remove cover, top with onions then bake for 10 minutes to crisp the onions up and make them golden! 7. Source: Recipe adapted from Alton Brown via Smitten Kitchen. 8. Serving size – really depends on how many other sides you have! Conservatively, this will easily serve 8 – 12 with say 3 or 4 other side options (ie one big scoop per person). If this was the only vegetable side, I would say it serves 5 people (150g/5oz beans per person). Nutrition is for 8 people, assumes onions that are used for topping has 2 tbsp oil which I think is a reasonable estimate (given onions don’t absorb oil).
Life of Dozer
Gazes longingly at a raw green bean like it’s a juicy streak…. then…
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…rejects it!
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The post Green Bean Casserole perfection! appeared first on RecipeTin Eats. * This article was originally published HERE Read the full article
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28th March 2017
So our "lay in" didn't go exactly to plan for a number of reasons. First being, our new roommate. He coughs every 10 seconds and sniffs. My step mum would've punched this guy after 10 minutes. I just want to give him a tissue and tell him to shut the hell up! Why can't he blow his nose? This noise doesn't normally annoy me but when it's every 10 seconds, I think I'm going slightly insane. Secondly, it was both boiling hot and freezing. I woke up one minute drenched in sweat because it felt like 50 degrees. The next time I woke up, I was frozen. Pretty much like Jack at the end of Titanic... There was no in between. By 0900, Steve woke up. No surprise there, he doesn't ever sleep in but I was awake by 0930! What kind of lay in is that? I'm talking a good midday lay in is what I need. By the way, in the time it took me to type those two sentences, stupid roomie managed to sniff 4 times. Can I hold his no - sorry, make that 6. We waited for breakfast to be over before heading down. It's so packed during the two hours that breakfast is open, it's not enjoyable. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day, too. We had strawberries, plums, banana, oranges with yoghurt and muesli. Healthy start, hopefully for a healthy day ahead... We both weighed before breakfast and we've put on roughly half a stone. Not going well... After breakfast, we got showered and ready to leave for the library. It was only a 15/20 minute walk. We would be able to get to places much quicker if it weren't for the crossing lights. They take forever to change. Heaven forbid if you had to cross two roads at once. It takes 10 minutes out of your day, not even an exaggeration! (Maybe slight). We got to the library and it was massive. I was expecting it to be exactly the same as the Sydney. It was in most ways except this one offered computers for the public to use whereas the one in Sydney, you had to bring your own. It was helpful as we only have 1 laptop between us but you were only allowed to use it for 30 minutes. Steve got a ticket which allocated him to a computer and I followed. We sat down and applied for jobs. When Steve's 30 minutes were up, he used the laptop. We went into a different room and used the free wifi. It was so much better than the hostels wifi - mind you, wifi from a rock probably is. We went outside the library and sat on the grass. The sun was beaming down and I'm a sun worshiper. The grass surrounding the library was full of people sitting down and sunbathing. There were also two life-sized chess boards on the pavement outside too. People were playing and I was tempted to ask someone to teach me. Chess is the only board game I don't know how to play and I would love to learn. I was catching the sun really easily so I put some suncream on having remembering to pack it for once! Steve and I got peckish and we saw a Guzman Y Gomez opposite. It's a Mexican restaurant with things like burritos, nachos and quesadillas. We found out in Sydney that if you downloaded their app, they gave you a free burrito. We hadn't used it yet so now was the perfect time. We downloaded it but the app wasn't working. We had to order our "first free burrito" through the app but it said go to the counter. We explained to the staff member it wouldn't let us and showed her. She made us both a free chicken burrito. It was so good - I loved it. It's a wrap with rice, chicken and beans. The bread smelt of fresh dough and the chicken tasted like tikka. Whilst we were eating, I realised that because we still hadn't officially used our "free burrito" in the app, we will still get another one free... I came up with the cunning plan of print screening the error screen on their app to continuously get free burritos explaining to the (different) stores that it was down... I'm a genius. Unfortunately, karma came around quickly and the app was up and running so I couldn't print screen it. That'll teach me for possibly trying to defraud Guzman Y Gomez. I'll definitely be getting another free one though. We took a long stroll back, dipping in and out of shops around us. We had been advised to go into a store called "Target" as it's cheap... We went in and it looked exactly like K-Mart except it wasn't cheap at all. I guess I was comparing it to K-Mart but I weren't paying $30 for a cardigan! Not when it'll be $7 elsewhere. Steve managed to find the chocolate isle obviously. It's almost Easter so there's Easter eggs everywhere. Luckily for us, they're like $10/20 here. Even a cream egg is $4.50! Steve found an Easter chocolate bunny for $2 and had to have it - (had in bold and italics please). Trying to get him out of the shop is such a mission. It's honestly like having a child with you. It made his day when he got to the bottom and realised it was full of smarties inside... We went to Federation Square for a $1 slush puppy known as Slurpie here. The sun was still really hot so another chance to sit in the sun for me. Turns out, Fed Square had brilliant wifi. The best wifi I have ever experienced so we were kept quiet for half an hour. How can street wifi be better than a hostel? At least it's only a 3 minute walk from our hostel should we ever need wifi. We went back to the room about 1800. We spoke to our new roommate Jacob from Preston for a while. We had spoke to him around the hostel before. He's part of our "group" already, but he had to change rooms. Preston people talk weird, they miss out words in their sentences. He says things like "put stuff on chair", "went to shop". Were they never taught the word 'the'? We then spoke to Cherry for about an hour or so about all sorts. I applied for the job she has at the moment - cleaning high end houses. I'd be quite happy bobbing about cleaning. She told me during her interview, the owner said to her "we only hire pretty people". Which is probably why it's struggling so much. I knew it was because of my looks that I weren't getting anywhere. I know I'm qualified to do things and I'm not exactly thick. I just don't have the pretty face or skinny body. Illegal, but whatever. I'll keep trying, someone will want me eventually. It got to 2100 and Steve and I were peckish. We didn't want dinner because we were still full from our burrito earlier. It wasn't exactly massive either so it was quite strange for us to be full. We popped into Coles about bought hot cross buns. We fancied something little and homely. We got back and toasted them. By 2200, we were finally having a bite to eat. We also had our first cup of tea - 54 days into our trip. It was a great dinner; thoroughly enjoyed. We got into our room and got ready for bed. Beach day tomorrow which should be good. We haven't had one since the first weekend that we arrived. 2330 and it's bedtime. Roughly 20 coughs and 1,000 sniffs since. 10,000 sniffs. I want to punch him so badly.
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rueur · 8 years
Morning Pages #12 (16.01.2017)
Monday 16th Jan - 9:12 a.m.
A train is leaving South Morang station only seconds from now, because it is now 9:13 a.m.. I said I needed to look up exactly what was going on with the myki fares for this year, because the machine keeps charging me $2.05 for each trip to South Morang from here, and I think from each trip to the city from here. I want to know if they’ve actually eradicated Zones 1 & 2 and it’s just the same price no matter how far you travel. Because I don’t know if that’s the greatest idea, but I don’t know if that’s what they’ve done until I look it up so I’m just going to do that the next time I come to a natural break in my typing. As it is, though, I have a lot to say that’s in my head for the time being.
I realise that Ikaros has really soft hands and I’ve been thinking about that for a while. He said his hands have been really soft since he got the German measles and the top layers of his skin fell off, leaving him super smooth for months. His palms and the soles of his feet still happen to be quite smooth. He used to brag about this a lot and I didn’t think it was such a big deal, but I’ve been touching more boys’ hands lately and his hands, I now realise, are INCREDIBLY soft. They’re softer than my hands.
I fed the cats before I started writing today, because it was 8 o’clock when I looked at my phone. I remember waking up briefly at 7 o’clock, and then I guess I fell back asleep for an hour. I came home around half past twelve last night. Ikaros and I went into the city and we watched Assassin’s Creed; well he did. The cinema was freezing cold and I kept falling asleep, it was horrendous. From what I saw of the movie anyway, it seemed more visually interesting than chronologically compelling. In other words, the storyline was weak. Ikaros verified this for me, after talking exhaustedly about it on the way to the train and then on the train. I was somewhat interested, but also too out of it to really pay attention, which made me feel even worse, considering I’d just fallen asleep and missed most of the film anyway. I should let my brother know that it’s no good, although he had suspicions that it wasn’t before I went to see it. I should’ve listened to him; he’s got the franchise’s best interests at heart so it certainly had to mean something that he’s so willing to boycott this film.
Okay, so I just looked up the myki fares. Turns out there’s a $3 cap on weekends for concession holders, which is amazing. I’ll definitely be going out on weekends a lot this year, hopefully. Zone 1 is $2.05 for one journey, and Zone 2 is $1.40. Combined is $2.05 again. Therefore, daily cap for Zone 1+2 concession holders is $4.10, which is 15 cents more expensive than last year, even though weekend travel is 90 cents cheaper per day. I’m sorry, I need to know this stuff, I’m a uni student studying in the city. Train commutes have been an integral part of my daily life since 2015. Goodness, I hope I get no 6 a.m. starts in 2017. It would make sense that third year students get the best timetables, right? We’d be given priority in regards to room bookings and lecture schedules. They have to, of course. I’ve put up with two years of heinous early morning starts and it is just too taxing for me to be up and ready at 6 a.m. and on a train at 7. It’s just not possible.
I feel compelled to talk about my day during these pages, but I don’t know why I should, really. This is meant to be stream-of-consciousness anyway. I guess what I’m thinking about right now, what’s in the back of my mind right now, is the food that’s in my fridge. I have a little under a quarter of a watermelon, and half of a honeydew. I have two hash browns from a coles deli, a bag of four-leaf salad, a quarter of a choc chip Panettone, a sliver of tofu, half a block or so of cheese, some soy milk, red kidney beans and lentils and chickpeas, and a little one-serve tub of blackberry yoghurt. I think that’s everything, but probably not. Oh, and a loaf of bread. And some jalapenos. I’ve made myself hungry now. The point is that I have options this morning in regards to breakfast. Ikaros stayed over yesterday, and he usually takes me shopping whenever he does. This time around he went rather crazy though. It was a little surprising, considering the odd half-fight we had on Saturday night about my not telling him about Tinder and Evan. Okay, it wasn’t so much a fight as my finally being honest with him about the way he makes me feel. Regardless, he wanted to make sure I knew that he cares about me. I guess that’s why he’s so eager to feed me the way I was so eager to feed him for most of last year.
We ate really well yesterday. Whenever he and I get to cook together, we make and then proceed to eat, the best food. For breakfast, we had diced tofu and mushrooms and kidney beans, served with a rosemary panini that had been scoured and filled with colby cheddar and olive oil, and a large fried portobello mushroom. For lunch, watermelon and honeydew with a tub of yoghurt each and some slices of Panettone. We found a deli at Northcote Plaza that had their Panettones on clearance from after Christmas. We got out large choc chip Panettone for $5! For dinner we had spicy mi goreng noodles with the beans, chickpeas and lentils, served with a hash brown each and two tofu strips. I had the worst dump this morning. So did he, he tells me. But I am so thankful as well, for that day of fantastic food and fantastic company. Although I do feel a bit hungry again now, and my asshole doesn’t feel too great, I still also feel very refreshed from a day of love and self-care.
We also watched pretty much the entire first season of Girls yesterday, and both agree that we would have sex with Adam Driver. Just his voice, his muscular build, his entire screen presence was irresistible and every scene with him in it had our full attention. My partner and I share a similar taste in men and women, I’d say.
For some reason, I’d just found myself on Isaac’s Facebook page, and it turns out that the rock odyssey he’s been working on, Paris, has just been announced to play in July of this year. He’s also doing The Mikado in New Zealand, that’s why he’s in New Zealand. I thought he was there for a holiday, but no he’s still working non-stop, it seems. He’s doing incredible things though, really incredible. His professional bio is getting very extensive now, and with every passing year he just seems to grow more and more impressive. I have no doubts at all about him moving to the United States. It’s a shame in a minute way, just because I really enjoy his company. I know if I ever want to see him again at that point in his career, I’ll need to gain some prominence as a writer. It’s a nice incentive, and I feel that it is in my reach. I feel like I’m starting to apply myself in a very liberal sense, that is during my time off I’ve been indulging my creative self a lot more. Isaac has always said though, that once a project gets on its feet, the creative process takes a back seat and the work becomes a lot more repetitive and tedious, mechanical. I can see that happening with what I’m doing with First Impressions. I think that after this show, I might have to leave First Impressions, move on and begin to do my own thing. I don’t know, maybe I should look into doing something with the Footscray Community Arts Centre. Honestly though, every time I think about the future, the first thing that I want to achieve is getting my license. It’s absolutely ridiculous that I haven’t gotten my driver’s license yet and I feel like that’s holding me back from being able to do a lot. I have near 16 or 17 hours and I need 120, it feels totally out of reach, and my brother is probably going to get his license before me, which is not fair because I’m in a period of my life where I desperately need it, and he’s got two years of high school and three years of uni left before he gets to meet the situation that I find myself in now. He’ll definitely get his license before high school graduation, and I’m trying not to think about that right now despite mentioning it now, because it makes me near-livid. Middle child syndrome. I’m sorry.
Another thing that I’m trying not to think about is Evan. He was so sweet and gorgeous and I really hope that he will call me and I can see him again this weekend, and we can talk a lot more than we did last weekend. Last weekend happened only three or so days ago though, and I know I should just be patient. Good things come to those that wait and all that.
I should stop thinking about him, I know. I should just live my life, and whatever happens happens. What’s happening today? I am going to South Morang again today, for drama rehearsals at 1 p.m., but I will be arriving hopefully around noon, because Martin is coming to visit, just for this afternoon. He’s back in Australia for a brief holiday, visited his family in Sydney, and is now visiting old friends in Melbourne. I’m not sure if he managed to catch up with Emily. I should ask if he knows that Emily’s in Sydney right now. I don’t know what I’m going to say today, or what I’m going to wear. I haven’t even showered or brushed my teeth or eaten breakfast yet, and it is 10 o’clock now. Oh I am actually so nervous to see him again. Excited, but nervous. I’ve missed him quite a bit. He was a very talented artistic director and I’ve sorely missed working with him. Hopefully Paul might learn a little something from him too, if Paul does get to meet him.
I think I might also go home for a little while today. I’ve kind of been neglecting my family for the past week or so. It’s been hard getting in sync with them, actually mostly getting in sync with my sister. My brother’s just always around. My parents are coming back in the night of the 18th of January, so that’s Wednesday. I’m going to go back and see them on Thursday. I should tell my mum I’ve been going out dancing. She’s not a fan, but she might be glad to hear I’m at least being social. Probably shouldn’t tell her about Ikaros for a while, though.
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theway-itwas · 5 years
things haven’t quite felt real lately. 
you know it’s getting bad when i return to old habits to help myself. when sydney destroyed me, i would often do this. i’d eat edamame beans and watch dodie because it was the only thing that gave me comfort and distracted me successfully. but they are only temporary, and i am left numb again. 
i watched dodie’s video on derealization. i’d seen it before, and never really related. but the more i think about it, the more i think i have the same thing. i try and think back on memories, particularly from the last few weeks, and it’s all foggy. i can’t grab onto anything, not even from yesterday. i can’t describe how the past few weeks have been accurately because i genuinely can’t remember them, and i can’t remember much for farther than that too. i remember happy things, like certain moments with izzy and the way i’d feel--most specifically when she was in sacramento. i try and think farther and the next vivid memory is academic motivators, but not really specific things, just that i loved that day. and i remember talking about bros k in lang, but before that it’s just march. even then, i can hardly picture anything vividly, just vague tidbits and small moments that pass and i can’t grab onto them again. come to think of it, everything since late 2017 has been foggy. i can’t remember them. 
and in addition to that, it feels like nothing is real. especially last night it felt like the world was just some made up one in a book, and that i am nothing but a character that someone has written to be doomed. i can hardly believe that i’m here, right now, writing this. my brain feels like it’s floating, and my body feels like only some of it has feeling. my ears can hardly process that they are hearing music, and my eyes can hardly focus on one thing without zoning out. seeing the letters get typed out onto my screen is mesmerizing, none of it feels real.
i don’t know what is wrong with me. 
there has been no traumatic event worthy of this. izzy has depersonalization because her grandma died, but i was hardly old enough to form a great emotional bond with my grandma once she died. maybe it’s jonghyun, and that was my trigger, but ever since him and everything that happened then, i can’t remember feeling normal again. 
there is quite a bit of pain that comes along with it, too. i think everything that happened with izzy and what has followed has been a bit of a tripwire for me too, because it just spirals me down into this dark hole that i don’t know how to climb out of. with it i just think, am i deserving of love? loving somebody else? am i even capable of love? is anyone capable of loving me? it doesn’t even have to be romantic, it’s gotten to the point where i think platonic love is impossible when it is toward me. i just feel alone, isolated, like i’m blocked off from the rest of the world. every time something good comes to me it escapes before i can even fully enjoy it, and it has happened time and time again. obviously the universe is sending me the same trial for a reason, but i don’t see what i’m supposed to be learning from it. it gets harder to do each time, and i can’t help but feel like i don’t know what i’m doing wrong or what i do to deserve this. 
there is just so much pain. i push it away and distract myself and lie to people and never talk about things and it forces me to sit here like i am now and write to nothing and no one. i feel so alone. i feel so isolated. 
i’ve been thinking about suicide a lot lately. it isn’t healthy for somebody to think about ending their own life so much. every little thing that happens i just think, i’m gonna kill myself anyways. why do my homework, i’m just gonna kill myself anyways. why try in a class or try to fix a broken relationship or hang out with my friends or tell the girl i like that she hurt me and i wish she would’ve just told me the truth, i’m just gonna kill myself anyways. 
it’s never been this bad. i’ve always planned to write one general note and a bunch of separate ones to personally address people, but i’ve always known that, if i have that much left to say to people, it isn’t time for me to die. now, though? that’s fading. i feel like, even if i have so much to say to other people, it’s not worth going through this to tell them. i still have so much to say but i think that even words couldn’t get the point across, only my death would do that. i want to wait for the last of us 2, but that is getting harder to do. i want to wait until i graduate, or i want to wait to see ivy grow up. but none of that is working anymore. that used to work, but it’s not doing the most anymore. i just think that it isn’t worth it. waiting isn’t worth it. i’ve waited long enough, it isn’t worth it anymore. 
it is very hard to see the brightside to any of this. this has happened so many times. 
no, i don’t feel this way because i got rejected by a girl i liked. that just resurfaced a lot of things i’d hidden away. what happened with izzy, that just threw me into this head first. if i can’t even keep something like that, something so quick and happy, then i don’t deserve it. maybe that’s it, i don’t deserve love. i don’t deserve happiness. she asked if i was okay, but she doesn’t really care. my friends would never care, my parents don’t care. my family only loves me because they are forced to, we share blood. my friends only pretend to love me because they don’t want to be held responsible for the girl who kills herself. izzy only pretended to like me because she needed happiness for a short time, and when i was no longer benefiting her, she left me. 
nothing goes right and i’m so afraid that it never will. 
that’s the truth, i’m terrified this is it. i’m so terrified that this is all anything is going to amount to. everything good turns out like this, everything in my life that i grow to love has been taken away right when i am getting used to it. i didn’t love izzy, it was far too early and we really hardly knew each other, but i loved everything else. i loved the way she made me feel, and how i was actually feeling happiness and seeing the beauty in the world around me, and in myself. i don’t see that anymore. i didn’t depend on her for happiness, and i don’t need her now. but i do still want her. i still want to feel that way again but i don’t think i can anymore and that is what i am so deathly afraid of. 
everything else is foggy and this is all i see. pain. all i see is this blackness. i try and picture a future and it is black. i try to see happiness and the good in things but it is just black. i try to see the benefit of things and it is black. that is all there is, is blackness. all i can see is myself hurdling toward this blackness and i can’t stop it and i can’t picture myself ever getting out of it. 
nothing helps anymore. jonghyun is so disappointed in me, i know, and it feels like he could give up on me too. waiting for loona’s comeback, for tlou2, for graduation, for greece and my cruise and everything, none of it seems to work anymore. 
i just want to be able to end this pain. 
i think often of how i could do it, right now. i could kill myself today and i wonder how everyone would react. how would izzy find out? how would sydney or em? how would my parents tell the family, how would my sister explain it to my niece. would my parents hang up my photos then, only after i was gone? would the school have an assembly, and would people talk about how much they loved being around me? would my teachers give somebody else my seat? 
why is it that everyone cares only after we are gone? 
what would my note say? what do i want it to say? do i want to tell people anything?
i feel it would be more detrimental to everybody else if i just didn’t leave a note at all, if i just left without a word where everyone had to figure it out for themselves exactly what they did wrong. 
my life is in my hands and that is scary. i could end it all today and that would be it, the end of my story. 
and the fact that my brain is in that place right now is also scary. the fact that i am so comfortable with death is terrifying. 
jess told me once that she wouldn’t care if she got out of an accident or not, and i can’t say i don’t agree. of course not for her, i would care way too much whether she got out of an accident or not. but me? anything could happen and i wouldn’t care. i could get in an accident and not care. i could accidentally fall down the stairs and hit my head and die right then and it wouldn’t even scare me. what scares me is something like that happening and i do get out of it. the fact that i would have to survive after that scares me. having to live with a failed suicide attempt again, that scares me. 
i think about jonah and it’s like, i would’ve loved to be him. i would’ve loved to trade places with him, to have been the one who died in that accident. i want to do something reckless and stupid just to see if i’d get out of it, because i wouldn’t care whether or not i got out of it. 
the fact that i am so okay with thinking these things is very scary and unhealthy and i know i shouldn’t but i can’t help it. every time i think suicide isn’t the answer and that it will get better, i am reminded that i have been in this place before. i don’t want to talk to anyone about it, it’s way too much. it’s way too scary for them to have to see how dark of a place my mind really is. but i return here to this place every single time i think it has gotten better, and that reminds me that the good times are not worth it when i know it will just circle back here again. 
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michaelfallcon · 5 years
There’s A Decaf-Only Micro-Roaster Boom Happening Right Now
Are you a mod or a rocker? Eat lunch with the jocks or the burnouts? Team Edward or Team Jacob? Rest assured, one milieu in this modern era no longer demands that you choose socio-culturally defining sides: coffee. That is, whether you drink it with or without caffeine.
You see, in the last few years there has been a burgeoning of specialty coffee micro-roasteries that specialize in decaf. They use green beans decaffeinated by natural methods, and as much as their caff counterparts, prioritize flavor while maintaining the same high standards in sourcing and processing. Although the bigwigs in third wave include decafs in their collections (Intelligentsia offers a whopping four online), for this newest generation of roasteries, decaf is a starting point rather than an afterthought. The result is delicious, complex, and varied coffee that could well disarm the death-before-decaf set and lift the Lenten gloom of those who abstain for medical reasons. Some of these roasters were once regular regular coffee drinkers themselves, still are, and/or simply do not dichotomize the joy of a cup’s contents into caff and non-caff camps.
This capacity for coexistence is patently encapsulated in a tagline on the Talking Crow Coffee Roasters website: “He drinks regular—she needs decaf.” Those pronouns’ antecedents are Eric and Carol Blanchet, who established their Sultan, Washington-based roastery in late 2018. Their “predominately decaf” business, as Carol describes it, ideally carries three regular roasts alongside seven decafs. “We roast both so that we can compare our decaf with the regular to be sure we are spot-on with our roast profiles.
“We have a large family (eight children) and we home educate, which makes for crazy-busy days,” Carol explains via email. “A few months after our last child was born, I suffered with extreme adrenal fatigue, which required, among other things, that I give up caffeine. That was really hard because I love coffee and really depended on it to function throughout the day.”
In similar want of salubrious substitution, Kait Brown last year founded Savorista Coffee in Dayton, Ohio. “I first fell in love with coffee as a teenage barista for Boston Stoker,” she recalls. But as an adult, a stressful period compounded by work pressures and her father’s cancer compelled Brown to quit caffeine because it was exacerbating sleeplessness. Eventually, she went seeking drinkable decaf.
“In Colombia, at a blind cupping of decaf and caffeinated coffees, I tasted an incredible coffee. It was one of my two favorites on the table, the flavor notes were really complex and it had a lot of brightness,” she relays by email. “I was shocked to learn that this coffee was a decaf! I realized incredible decaf was possible.”
That Colombian was Savorista’s first coffee. Nowadays, Brown is launching a remarkably berry-toned Ethiopian decaf and “actively looking for more coffees to add to our portfolio, but this has been very challenging,” she says. “I’m not looking for coffee that is ‘good for a decaf.’ I’m looking for coffee that is incredible, full stop, and just happens to be a decaf.”
Some decaf roasteries were born to fulfill not the founders’ desires, but rather their loved ones. Peter Andrews began Sydney’s Playground Roasters in 2016, “when my special lady gone and got herself pregnant, again,” he writes. “It occurred to me that no one was really putting a strong focus on decaf for the coffee enthusiasts amongst us.”
People who connect most with his decaf blend, which is available in cafes around the city, comprise “the growing world of healthy-lifers, the sugar-free movement,” Andrews finds, and “typical cafe-loving mums who so want to have a great coffee, but feel like they just have to go without until they ween the little one.” Though decaf is something he himself has only “occasionally in the afternoon or evening,” he admires the loyalists—included among them are his wife, presently expecting their third child.
“When a customer orders decaf, they are genuinely ordering a coffee for flavor alone—no buzz attached! You could put a case forward that the decaf drinker is the true coffee purist, searching for flavor and flavor alone, while the rest of us are just addicts needing a hit!” he says.
What is more, not all decaf projects are a response to doctor’s orders or an antidote to the jitters.
“We were visiting family in Maine and giving coffee we had roasted as a gift,” Jamie Morganstern recollects of a winter holiday in 2017, when he and his partner, Sara Serino, conceptualized Dewired Coffee. “The days are short in Maine that time of year so we were drinking a lot of decaf, especially when the sun went down. Everyone loved this ritual!”
Today their Berkeley, California-based business offers, on average, three types of decaf. They themselves drink it regularly, but when Morganstern blames buns in the oven, he is not referring to pregnancy. “Sara is always a huge baker, so we’ve pretty much gotten accustomed to having a cup [of decaf] in the evening with a plate of cookies or a slice of pie,” Morganstern says via email.
Though their nights sound traditionally more momcore than millennial-chic, Morganstern is 33 and Serino is 32. They substantiate industry claims that decaf is having a renaissance and young people are its patrons.
“Decaf coffee is also shedding its stigma of being a drink that only the older generation enjoys,” Andrea Piccolo, a senior brand manager at leading specialty decaffeination plant Swiss Water, tells Sprudge. “With millennials leading decaf consumption, the demand is surely to continue its upward growth.”
Still, others attribute decaf’s slow evolution thus far to the specialty scene’s relative infancy.
“Most caffeine-troubled people are not so young and outside of the interest span of these young baristas and roasters,” theorizes Rob Berghmans, who 16 years ago revolutionized Antwerp’s coffee scene with his espresso bar and roastery, Caffènation. “Me myself, I am not addicted,” he says with a laugh.
Yet even Berghmans, ever upfront about the nature of the psychotropic he peddles—his company’s slogan is “One drug, one nation, one Caffènation”—says they have “always been roasting decaf” and are lately enjoying the popularity of their new Caldono.
Another playing-both-sides perspective comes courtesy long-time San Francisco Sprudge contributor Noah Sanders. In “Searching For The Dark Art Of Decaf,” Sanders reveals how during the early aughts he and fellow baristas sometimes punished “the very worst type of customers” by secretly serving them decaf.
Questioned in 2019 about his own relationship with the substance, he admits: “When I was a barista, I drank six cups of coffee a day until an acupuncturist told me it was undoubtedly the cause of the mildly crippling panic attacks I’d been experiencing. I drank some decaf after that.” These days, he notes: “I try—and fail—to give up caffeine every six months or so and decaf is the lifeline I then cling to, but then only paired with a large-ish amount of steamed milk.”
Now, disguise with dairy no more. At any time, sun up or sun down, you can have your coffee and drink it too. Thanks to these emergent micro-roasteries, contemporary decaf little resembles Grandpa’s Sanka (though what a cute corporate portmanteau that name turns out to be: from the French for sans caffeine). This is certainly NYMD (not your mother’s decaf). As specialty coffee grows up, the black-or-white big-gulp attitudes of yesterday are getting displaced by the nuanced fluidity of personal preference.
We say bring it on. Or more simply put, decaf gives us life.
Karina Hof is a Sprudge staff writer based in Amsterdam. Read more Karina Hof on Sprudge.
The post There’s A Decaf-Only Micro-Roaster Boom Happening Right Now appeared first on Sprudge.
There’s A Decaf-Only Micro-Roaster Boom Happening Right Now published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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shebreathesslowly · 5 years
There’s A Decaf-Only Micro-Roaster Boom Happening Right Now
Are you a mod or a rocker? Eat lunch with the jocks or the burnouts? Team Edward or Team Jacob? Rest assured, one milieu in this modern era no longer demands that you choose socio-culturally defining sides: coffee. That is, whether you drink it with or without caffeine.
You see, in the last few years there has been a burgeoning of specialty coffee micro-roasteries that specialize in decaf. They use green beans decaffeinated by natural methods, and as much as their caff counterparts, prioritize flavor while maintaining the same high standards in sourcing and processing. Although the bigwigs in third wave include decafs in their collections (Intelligentsia offers a whopping four online), for this newest generation of roasteries, decaf is a starting point rather than an afterthought. The result is delicious, complex, and varied coffee that could well disarm the death-before-decaf set and lift the Lenten gloom of those who abstain for medical reasons. Some of these roasters were once regular regular coffee drinkers themselves, still are, and/or simply do not dichotomize the joy of a cup’s contents into caff and non-caff camps.
This capacity for coexistence is patently encapsulated in a tagline on the Talking Crow Coffee Roasters website: “He drinks regular—she needs decaf.” Those pronouns’ antecedents are Eric and Carol Blanchet, who established their Sultan, Washington-based roastery in late 2018. Their “predominately decaf” business, as Carol describes it, ideally carries three regular roasts alongside seven decafs. “We roast both so that we can compare our decaf with the regular to be sure we are spot-on with our roast profiles.
“We have a large family (eight children) and we home educate, which makes for crazy-busy days,” Carol explains via email. “A few months after our last child was born, I suffered with extreme adrenal fatigue, which required, among other things, that I give up caffeine. That was really hard because I love coffee and really depended on it to function throughout the day.”
In similar want of salubrious substitution, Kait Brown last year founded Savorista Coffee in Dayton, Ohio. “I first fell in love with coffee as a teenage barista for Boston Stoker,” she recalls. But as an adult, a stressful period compounded by work pressures and her father’s cancer compelled Brown to quit caffeine because it was exacerbating sleeplessness. Eventually, she went seeking drinkable decaf.
“In Colombia, at a blind cupping of decaf and caffeinated coffees, I tasted an incredible coffee. It was one of my two favorites on the table, the flavor notes were really complex and it had a lot of brightness,” she relays by email. “I was shocked to learn that this coffee was a decaf! I realized incredible decaf was possible.”
That Colombian was Savorista’s first coffee. Nowadays, Brown is launching a remarkably berry-toned Ethiopian decaf and “actively looking for more coffees to add to our portfolio, but this has been very challenging,” she says. “I’m not looking for coffee that is ‘good for a decaf.’ I’m looking for coffee that is incredible, full stop, and just happens to be a decaf.”
Some decaf roasteries were born to fulfill not the founders’ desires, but rather their loved ones. Peter Andrews began Sydney’s Playground Roasters in 2016, “when my special lady gone and got herself pregnant, again,” he writes. “It occurred to me that no one was really putting a strong focus on decaf for the coffee enthusiasts amongst us.”
People who connect most with his decaf blend, which is available in cafes around the city, comprise “the growing world of healthy-lifers, the sugar-free movement,” Andrews finds, and “typical cafe-loving mums who so want to have a great coffee, but feel like they just have to go without until they ween the little one.” Though decaf is something he himself has only “occasionally in the afternoon or evening,” he admires the loyalists—included among them are his wife, presently expecting their third child.
“When a customer orders decaf, they are genuinely ordering a coffee for flavor alone—no buzz attached! You could put a case forward that the decaf drinker is the true coffee purist, searching for flavor and flavor alone, while the rest of us are just addicts needing a hit!” he says.
What is more, not all decaf projects are a response to doctor’s orders or an antidote to the jitters.
“We were visiting family in Maine and giving coffee we had roasted as a gift,” Jamie Morganstern recollects of a winter holiday in 2017, when he and his partner, Sara Serino, conceptualized Dewired Coffee. “The days are short in Maine that time of year so we were drinking a lot of decaf, especially when the sun went down. Everyone loved this ritual!”
Today their Berkeley, California-based business offers, on average, three types of decaf. They themselves drink it regularly, but when Morganstern blames buns in the oven, he is not referring to pregnancy. “Sara is always a huge baker, so we’ve pretty much gotten accustomed to having a cup [of decaf] in the evening with a plate of cookies or a slice of pie,” Morganstern says via email.
Though their nights sound traditionally more momcore than millennial-chic, Morganstern is 33 and Serino is 32. They substantiate industry claims that decaf is having a renaissance and young people are its patrons.
“Decaf coffee is also shedding its stigma of being a drink that only the older generation enjoys,” Andrea Piccolo, a senior brand manager at leading specialty decaffeination plant Swiss Water, tells Sprudge. “With millennials leading decaf consumption, the demand is surely to continue its upward growth.”
Still, others attribute decaf’s slow evolution thus far to the specialty scene’s relative infancy.
“Most caffeine-troubled people are not so young and outside of the interest span of these young baristas and roasters,” theorizes Rob Berghmans, who 16 years ago revolutionized Antwerp’s coffee scene with his espresso bar and roastery, Caffènation. “Me myself, I am not addicted,” he says with a laugh.
Yet even Berghmans, ever upfront about the nature of the psychotropic he peddles—his company’s slogan is “One drug, one nation, one Caffènation”—says they have “always been roasting decaf” and are lately enjoying the popularity of their new Caldono.
Another playing-both-sides perspective comes courtesy long-time San Francisco Sprudge contributor Noah Sanders. In “Searching For The Dark Art Of Decaf,” Sanders reveals how during the early aughts he and fellow baristas sometimes punished “the very worst type of customers” by secretly serving them decaf.
Questioned in 2019 about his own relationship with the substance, he admits: “When I was a barista, I drank six cups of coffee a day until an acupuncturist told me it was undoubtedly the cause of the mildly crippling panic attacks I’d been experiencing. I drank some decaf after that.” These days, he notes: “I try—and fail—to give up caffeine every six months or so and decaf is the lifeline I then cling to, but then only paired with a large-ish amount of steamed milk.”
Now, disguise with dairy no more. At any time, sun up or sun down, you can have your coffee and drink it too. Thanks to these emergent micro-roasteries, contemporary decaf little resembles Grandpa’s Sanka (though what a cute corporate portmanteau that name turns out to be: from the French for sans caffeine). This is certainly NYMD (not your mother’s decaf). As specialty coffee grows up, the black-or-white big-gulp attitudes of yesterday are getting displaced by the nuanced fluidity of personal preference.
We say bring it on. Or more simply put, decaf gives us life.
Karina Hof is a Sprudge staff writer based in Amsterdam. Read more Karina Hof on Sprudge.
The post There’s A Decaf-Only Micro-Roaster Boom Happening Right Now appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge https://ift.tt/30p8Tr0
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rememberthattime · 7 years
Chapter 32. Move II. Part III. Sydney
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Whew! Made it.
Writing this trilogy has been a massive project, written over four weeks and across several countries. From the start, I knew this was going be a long process given the epic, exciting, exhausting, and wonderful three months these posts had to capture.
Thankfully, with heavy use of bullet points, I’ve finally managed to post Parts I & II. That leaves me with one last post: our arrival.
Part III. The finale. Welcome to ‘Straya.
Technically “our” arrival was actually at two different times: Chelsay landed in Sydney on 1/31/18 while I didn’t arrive until 2/5/18. This keeps happening for one reason or another, but Chelsay & I never end up taking these 8+ hour cross-oceanic flights together. Over the past two years, we’ve combined for 13 flights over the Atlantic or Pacific, but somehow only been together for TWO of them!
Oh well, we bought enough Tylenol PM in the States to knock us out for the entire 24 hour journey anyway. Plus, Chelsay’s early arrival gave her a chance to scout neighborhoods before starting work, and she hit the ground running! Over a series of four days (and as documented in 857 texts), she covered nearly every neighborhood in Sydney, sharing valuable details such as commute times, home quality, and potential for spider infestations. She didn’t just settle for house hunting either, she also set up our bank account, arranged cell phone plans, AND found six Din Tai Fungs near our temp housing.
Most importantly though, she found her way to Sydney’s beaches. We were moving in early February, so everywhere we’d been over the past eight weeks was cooooold. London, Tokyo, Kyoto, Dallas, and Seattle, all in the middle of winter. I never want to forget FaceTiming Chelsay in the few days before I arrived… It was busy season, so I was calling late at night at the Expedia office, looking out at the dark, cold, and wet Bellevue skyline. Meanwhile, on the other end of the screen, Chelsay was in 85 degree sunshine, sipping acai smoothies at Bondi Beach, with the sound of waves crashing & tropical birds chirping in the background. It was an awesome light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel, but it also might’ve been the most jealous I’ve ever been. Thinking about it, the only comparative jealousy was when she ordered ribs at our 2016 Valentine’s Dinner in Copenhagen…
Alas, it wasn’t long until my arrival, and my flight in was a beaut. The connection was a disaster (delayed in SEA so I literally sprinted through LAX to barely catch my next flight). But with clear skies, these 30,000 foot views of Sydney reminded me why I was running. 
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The day I arrived was actually Chelsay’s first day at work, but I didn’t mind being alone because the Eagles-Pats Super Bowl kicked off right as I walked into our temp housing. Is there a better way to shake off 24 hours of travel than watching Tom Brady lose in the Super Bowl?  Only if you follow the Philly Special with a jet-lag fighting coastal run immediately afterwards.  (Experiment: as I’m writing this, my guess is I’ll look pretty pale in this first few pictures. I haven’t checked, but watch this space throughout the post).
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That first night, Chelsay and I met up at the pristine Royal Botanic Gardens, where we walked through magnificently manicured paths towards my first glimpses of the Sydney Opera House. With the Harbour Bridge in the background, Chelsay and I looked out in awe as we reflected on all the effort it took to get to that exact moment. Late night interviews, visa sponsorship stress, Primrose Hill celebrations, BuzzFeed article and YouTube Sydney research, rushed moving logistics, and most recently, airport sprints. An exciting but challenging past couple months, but we’d finally made it to our new home.
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So, status check: I’ve finally arrived in Australia. Yes, technically that’s where this post was meant to begin, but it took 500 words to set the scene… Chelsay had now started working too. Meanwhile, I was very much unemployed.  Chelsay didn’t find out about Sydney until December, so with Christmas holiday, my US busy season, and the Aussie school summer break in January, I pretty much hadn’t connected with anyone in the city. Like I said, very much unemployed.
Networking wasn’t my only priority though. Chelsay and I also needed to decide on a neighborhood, find a house (and furniture, electronics, etc), WRITE THIS DAMN BLOG, and most importantly, plan our first vacation (Western Australia, which I’ll save to discuss in my next post).
All in, there was certainly enough to keep me busy for a few weeks. Despite being unemployed, I was genuinely “working” the same hours as Chelsay. I’d roll into Starbucks at 8, take a break at noon to work out and eat lunch (a deli chicken & pickle sandwich -- the unemployed man’s Chick-fil-a), then head to the park and hop back into emails, or cover letters, or letting profiles, or Western Australia logistics, or this stupid Six Sigma course I signed up for. It’s more fun to write about the “Welcome to Straya” stuff we got into (which I’ll do further down), but I also want to remember how I used my days these first few weeks. (Note: tan)
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One more moving logistic-y thing before the fun: our neighborhood decision. With the London move, I spent a whole post discussing how we decided on St John’s Wood. I don’t need to do that this time. What I’ll say is that we knew Manly was the neighborhood for us all along, but spent a week or two trying to convince ourselves that it wasn’t.
Remember the post about Chelsay waiting to hear back about her interviews? About how I’d researched potential neighborhoods even though she hadn’t been offered yet? ...Yeah, I’d picked Manly all the way back in November. It’s a laid back coastal town, filled with friendly young families and expats, and a self-sustaining number of shops and restaurants. Actually none of those factors matter... Manly Beach is TripAdvisor’s Best Beach in Australia, so I could’ve just stopped there.
There’s one downside to Manly though: in a country that’s already remote, Manly might be the most isolated neighborhood in Sydney. The town, which was literally a quarantine from 1820 to 1980, is on the very edge of Sydney Harbour’s northern peninsula, right at the mouth of the Pacific Ocean. It would be an hour drive to CBD, but the more efficient commute is by ferry, which:
Only takes 20 minutes
Passes the Opera House each way
Gives you the chance to see the occasional whale or dolphin on your way to work
Costs $7.50 per person per trip, or $30 per day total
For about 10 days, that last bullet was a deal-breaker... We actually moved on from our dream neighborhood and started looking in Coogee, Bronte, Bondi, Surry Hills, and Double Bay. By the time our first day of tours rolled around, we’d narrowed our options to Bondi & Coogee, and Chelsay & I felt okay about a few of the homes we toured. We’d gone through all of our Eastern Suburb options in the morning though, so with half the day left, our agent proactively scheduled a few tours in Manly.
When we arrived, it was just so obvious that this was the place for us. It comes with all the perks of a slowed-down, chilled-out beach community (beautiful beach, best surf in Sydney, and I can walk around without shoes on), but still has all of the activities we wanted nearby (shops, restaurants, tennis courts, running trails, and access to all 20 of the Northern Beaches).
Chelsay and I had to make a big decision. We knew we needed to live by the beach… Genuinely, this might be our only chance to ever live by a beach, so we really don’t have a choice. Well, what is the best beach town for us? Manly. Okay, then that’s all that matters and we’ll flex our spending to make the commute work. …That said, you get what you pay for with these views every day.
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So, we decided on Manly, and then we took the best property available here. It’s on a hill and might be the highest point in town (no need for a gym membership), but it’s also two blocks from the beach, has amazing views of Manly and Watson’s Bay, and is entirely renovated. We moved in, unpacked all the US boxes we hadn’t seen in two years (it’s crazy how much useless junk we owned), and made an infinite number of trips to furniture outlets. We’re still not completely settled, but very happy with our sunrise views, runs up & down the mile-long beach, and back-breaking wipeouts while boogie boarding (maybe I shouldn’t have been all the way out by the surfers?).
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Now. Enough logistics - on to the activities. In our first month, how have Chelsay and I taken advantage of living in Sydney?
Well, it all started very touristy, with routine trips to the Harbour Bridge, Sydney Opera House, and Royal Botanic Gardens. These might be obvious, but there’s a reason they’re so popular, and these views could never get old.
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After the established favorites, we started getting into more local cuts. On Valentine’s Day (which is not celebrated here at all), Chelsay and I saw the very funny An Act of God in Darlinghurst. Some of the play actually relied on audience participation, so of course Chelsay got picked (she’s a magnet – the same thing happened at the Robot Restaurant in Tokyo). Like literally every audience participant ever, we were awkward and so God (or at least the actor playing God) playfully joked around with us. We used an intermission bathroom break to dry off our sweat.  
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Speaking of performances, we also saw an outdoor movie (I, Tonya) in Centennial Park. The movie was great but the real show came beforehand. As the sun set, while laying back in our bean bags and eating Oporto (the new & improved Nandos), Chelsay and I looked on in awe as beautiful reds, oranges, yellows, AND BATS filled the sky. WTF, is this normal?? I had no idea there were bats in Sydney, but apparently I was the only one. Everyone else just casually carried on like there weren’t rodents flying around above us.
Other unusual activities: Chelsay & I arrived right around the Lunar New Year, which comes with a host of bizarre festivities. ~20% of Sydney’s population has immediate Asian ancestry (with 7% actually born in China), so the holiday is a big deal here. Whether walking through food markets, past train stations, or under the Harbour Bridge, it was impossible to miss the unique celebrations.
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We’ve also managed to make friends in our first few weeks here. In London, it was tough to get together with other couples because our friend group was always travelling. We’d try to grab dinner or drinks with Brooke & Mike or the GEP crew, but genuinely have to schedule six weeks out because they’d be in Rome for two weekends, followed by Chelsay & I’s trip to Iceland, and then their parents would be in town, etc. With Australia, our vacations will be longer but more spaced out, so we have more weekends in Sydney for BBQs or hikes or time with friends. This social renaissance started in our first few weeks, with boating in Sydney Harbour (where the captain didn’t tell us there were sharks in the water until after we finished swimming), picnics on Manly Beach, and a couple’s hike from Spit Bridge with our Manly friends, Pete & Megan.
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Chelsay and I also got out for a day-trip on our own, venturing an hour from the city for an 8 mile hike through Royal National Park. We heard about some Figure 8 pools on RNP’s coast, so arbitrarily found a loop trail that could take us there. I knew the pools themselves would be cool, but the prettiest views came from the hike itself: untamed palm jungles, coastal breeze along the headlands, and expansive coastline as far as you could see. (PS, update on my tanning experiment: solid coloring in the first few weeks)
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To go with all these activities, Chelsay & I have also started to establish our inventory of food options, including: Sunset Sabi’s Japanese fusion, 678 Korean BBQ, Three Blue Ducks’ breakfast, Coogee Pavilion drinks, Harajuku Gyoza, The Whiskey Room, Bill’s breakfast, Thirsty Bird fried chicken, Bulletin Place cocktails, Mappen soba, Alice’s Makan Malaysian, Vic’s Meat Market brisket, and everything that was going on at the Grounds of Alexandria.
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What has been the biggest highlight of our first month though? Without a doubt, it’s been Manly itself. We’ve only been here a week, but I already love this neighborhood so much. It feels like a resort town (which it was, until Aussies discovered flights to Bali). It’s so rare to find a place that offers quality, cleanliness, activities, and beach vibes. In Manly, the locals are as warm as the weather, the views are breath-taking, the restaurants are delicious, and shoes are definitely optional. After three months of bouncing around, Chelsay and I couldn’t have found a better place to finally settle.
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Summarizing my last three posts, we moved from London to Sydney.
Okay, that’s over simplifying things because this prolonged move took three months and covered FOUR continents. Instead, I’ll use the bags we lived out of to summarize how far we’ve come.
On December 12, as Chelsay and I closed the door to our London flat for the last time, we knew we wouldn’t have our own home again until we were settled in Sydney. For the next 12 weeks, we’d be living out of the same bags we rolled around Heathrow that day.
First stop for our bags (and us): Japan, where we experienced the neon lights lifestyle of Tokyo, and enjoyed historic holy temples in Kyoto. Next, our bags arrived in Dallas, TX, where we busted out our specially-packed Christmas sweaters and cherished being home for the holidays. We then temporarily unpacked our bags for a month in Seattle, where we spent January reuniting and reminiscing with family and friends. Then, for the last leg of our trip, our bags caught a one-way flight to Sydney, where we wore the swimsuits we’d packed while it was snowing in London.
Now, as I write the last sentence of this three-part moving post, our bags are empty and stored away, finally unpacked in their new home. 
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
The ‘Me in My State’ meme is too relatable
We all hate to love and love to hate our home state.
Image: shutterstock/twitter
State pride is something we can all relate to — except when you're actually home.
As millions of people traveled back home for Thanksgiving, people started to get real nostalgic for their home state. A far-too-relatable trend began, and eventually people of the United States realized that we all hate to love and love to hate our home state.
Here’s a little bit of hometown pride from all 50 states.
Me in Alabama: fuck bama
Me anywhere else: Alabama, land of the sweetest tea and brisket crafted by Saban's angels. Such a breathtaking countryside view, you can hear "roll tide" be whispered by the gods & banjos coming from up above.Sweet home, Alabama. Sweet home(sheds tear) https://t.co/pxErVuw5Lq
— adriana (@adrianaalewis) November 25, 2017
Me in Alaska : i hate it here
Me everywhere else : Alaska is the biggest state and the most appreciative towards native Americans. My first word was northern lights. My bestfriend is literally a ptarmigan. I live on a glacier with my family of 100 moose. I bleed forget me nots. https://t.co/hQRNZ9f0Av
— 🎄Mistlehoe Em🎄 (@EmelyR1) November 26, 2017
Me in arizona: it's so nasty here Me everywhere else: it's a dry heat. Yea, we have the grand canyon. I'm from like, just outside of Flag. Nobody calls it Flagstaff lmao. Y'all gotta hike Bell Rock. You've never had prickly pear candy? We're going to Bookmans & Harkins. Sedona is https://t.co/p2Xbzx3f1i
— the simple coke of cola (@thxrosewoods) November 25, 2017
Me in Arkansas: I gotta drive 35 miles to get a bottle of wine i hate this place
Me anywhere else: first off how dare you it’s pronounced Ar-kan-SAW. i was conceived in the giant budweiser can and born in walmart. I cry every time I call the hogs. Kris Allen is my wallpaper. https://t.co/XDKKbgQYnq
— Landon Watson (@wildwildwatson) November 27, 2017
Me in California: Cali is congested, expensive and overrated. Hate it
Me outside California: the entirety of modern American culture relies on California. We are the technological heart that underpins the American economy. CA is simply the greatest geographical area in history
— jose (@MisterRudeman) November 15, 2017
me in colorado: why tf do people live here
me anywhere else: colorado is the best state. I skied directly out of the womb and then hit a bong. I can guide myself anywhere using only the direction of the Rocky Mountains. My middle name is 4:20. Coors beer runs through my veins. https://t.co/cu6elIKnlK
— adele 🎄 (@rllinginthedeep) November 27, 2017
Me in Connecticut: Ct sucks
Me anywhere else: Connecticut is the constitution state. We are the backbone of America. We eat nutmegs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have swam up the Connecticut river. We sweat clam chowder. https://t.co/hiuqAfwjTU
— Sydney (@totallysyd) November 26, 2017
Me in Delaware: Delaware is cool.
Me anywhere else: DELAWARE IS THE FIRST STATE FOR A REASON. Joe Biden is my uncle and YouDee is my first cousin. Sales tax who? I was born a Blue Hen and will die one. https://t.co/ukrLmhzLsX
— Christine (@misschristinewp) November 26, 2017
Me in Florida: this state is so fucking hot I hate this tourist attracting, mosquito ridden swamp land I’m melting
Me anywhere else: I live where you vacation! I drink orange juice every morning and eat Pub Subs every meal. My mother is an alligator, my father is Mickey Mouse https://t.co/XqKfmzbdEC
— S t e p h (@snreifschneider) November 26, 2017
Me in Georgia: Nothing ever happens here, I have to move.
— Delaney Strunk (@delaknee) November 27, 2017
Me in Hawaii: this rock is too small
Me anywhere else: Hawaii is the most beautiful place on earth. Surfed to school. Had a pet dolphin. Ohana means family. Lilo and stitch or die. Protect da aina. Nothing but respect for MY queen Liliuokalani. https://t.co/K16zW6O7BX
— yay-c (@Jchitzz) November 26, 2017
Me in Idaho: This state has some serious issues
Me anywhere else: The Gem State is an actual gift from God. I was born and raised by potatoes. My first words were “Vote for Pedro,” and I was breast fed fry sauce. I bathe every morning down at the crick. It’s Boi-SEE, not Boi-Z https://t.co/daJ8fF6bEW
— Paige Lea (@paigevlea) November 27, 2017
Me in Illinois: IL sucks I hate it here
Me anywhere else: Illinois is the heart of the United States. Born and raised in one of our many cornfields, the first word I ever spoke was “ope.” By the age of 5, I was consuming Ranch Dressing in gallons. I eat Portillo’s once a day. https://t.co/9eV1LbfpjZ
— z (@actualIyzoe) November 27, 2017
me in indiana: indiana is boring lmao me anywhere else: indiana is a lush, richly-forested state with a plethora of wildlife. i learned how to make green bean casserole before i could walk. my mother is an ear of corn and my father is steak & shake.
— alexia (@ajzippysplits) November 26, 2017
Me in Iowa: Iowa winters suck I need to move somewhere warm
Me anywhere else: Iowa is the backbone of this country. Our farmers are essential to this economy. My mom is a corn stalk and my dad is a can of Busch Light. I eat a side of ranch with every meal https://t.co/OAN6M1cZdk
— Clarice LeBlanc (@clariceleblanc) November 26, 2017
Me in Kansas: I hate Kansas
Me anywhere else: I’ve seen burnt ends save marriages. K-10 is basically the autobahn of america, so that’s a thrill. I can name all 87 breeds of chickens and have a full back tattoo of the Flint Hills. I will be married in a quiktrip parking lot. https://t.co/ry9uddl5Lz
— D Henry Hanson (@hewhoisd) November 27, 2017
Me in Kentucky: KY is so dull
Me anywhere else: I came out of the womb drinking sweet tea and yelling Go Cats. I rode a racehorse before I could walk. Ale 8 is the drink of the gods and I’ve never once said “you all.” Hot browns and bourbon are the lifeblood of our people. https://t.co/IhsAgd91AW
— Amanda Thurman (@amandaplease445) November 26, 2017
Me in Louisiana: This state is garbage
Me anywhere else: Louisiana is the only state in America where anyone can cook. Louis Armstrong should be on the $100 bill. I made love to a beignet. https://t.co/DK5MIN8Mp8
— North Pole PPFA 🎅🏻 (@mcquizzay) November 26, 2017
Me in Maine: This place is the worst
Me anywhere else: Maine is the most beautiful state ever. I bleed pine sap. I eat blueberries for all meals & have lobster claws for hands. I love the coast. Let's to to Canada this weekend. Bonfire anyone? https://t.co/NNHTwm4BGN
— Bay (@bayleigh_b) November 26, 2017
me in Maryland: this place is the armpit of America
me anywhere else: l put Old Bay seasoning on EVERYthing. l learned how to pick crabs before l could walk. Our flag is so beautiful. l love the Chesapeake Bay. l have had sex with a blue crab.
— holly jolly jordank (@jordank1230) November 19, 2017
Me in Massachusetts: Mass sucks
Me anywhere else: Massachusetts is where the revolution started we basically started the country. My first word was wicked and my mother breastfed me iced Dunkin’ coffee. I had road rage before I could walk. https://t.co/4H6NFjAb8U
— Kyle Manley (@tsmoochiewall) November 25, 2017
me in michigan: this sucks it’s so boring
me anywhere else: my first food was a coney dog. it’s pop not soda! detroit is coming back. I love going up north. 4 of the 5 great lakes prefer michigan. I can look south to canada. vernors cures any ailment. construction is a season. https://t.co/G16Vyt0oAa
— skyler (@skylerleslie) November 26, 2017
Me in Minnesota: Minnesota nice? More like MN passive aggressive
Me elsewhere: We have 4 seasons and 10,000+ lakes. I learned to shovel snow before I could walk. Something about surviving seasonal depression creates a sense of community. Have you seen the Minneapolis art scene? https://t.co/ubGDLmQsIZ
— ally 🌿 (@_appelmom) November 26, 2017
Me in Mississippi:I can’t even go outside without getting dirty. I hope I don’t become obese.
Me everywhere else: I live in the crooked letter state where everybody kin folk & the food is the best. We got koolaid pickles, ice cups, & the smallest towns ever. What’s hannin 😎🤪 https://t.co/YAKqXGyumX
— shekinah 🌸🐣💙 (@KinahMonroe) November 27, 2017
Me in Missouri: man i hate it here im going to move far away once im done with school
Me anywhere else: Country music is my everything. I could hogtie a calf before I was in preschool. I live in the gateway arch. I can fit 20 cornstalks in my mouth and my father is a hay bale https://t.co/9JF8Bspbi4
— Katherine Lewis (@Katherine_Lewi) November 27, 2017
Me in Montana: this is butt fucking nowhere Me anywhere else: I am from the 4th largest state. We have the biggest sky. The last best place. I built a log cabin before I could walk. My mother is a glacier and my father is a moose. We have the freshest air in the world. https://t.co/z0qQRWLpjB
— Zoie Koostra (@zee_a_koostra) November 27, 2017
me in Nebraska: I hate this corn field
me anywhere else: I’d kill for a temperature Tuesday @ Runza. Ope sorry, I’m just gonna squeeze right past ya. Could I get a pop with that? What do u mean you’ve never been to the CWS? *farmer waves to a stranger as I drive the speed limit* https://t.co/fH6f6XYym8
— Scout Petersen (@scoutpetersen) November 27, 2017
Me in Nevada: ugh Me in anywhere else: Why is every store closing at 8 like most store should be 24 hrs tf is this bullshit??? https://t.co/wCRXTM274A
— ems (@iiied) November 27, 2017
New Hampshire:
Me in New Hampshire: NH is just hillbillies and trees.
Me anywhere else: New Hampshire is the home to all things New England. I bleed granite. My parents are trees in perfect fall foliage. A Robert Frost poem was my first word. No sales tax is my life. LIVE FREE OR DIE. https://t.co/3Hwok0rZKv
— Terisé (@terisemcole) November 25, 2017
New Jersey:
Me in New Jersey: I can't believe I live in the armpit of the country
Me anywhere else: listen we have ocean, cities, mountains, and roller coasters. It's called pork roll. I love Wawa and I don't know how to pump my own gas. Central jersey is fake. Also go birds https://t.co/JxeqsEndAi
— hayley (@all_HAYL) November 22, 2017
New Mexico:
Me in New Mexico: everything is hot I’m on fire I wanna die Me anywhere else: New Mexico is amazing we have desert AND snowy mountain trails. You’ll never witness a more vivid sunset. Have u ever seen miles of white sand under a starry sky? I’m naming my next kid Green Chile. https://t.co/tAF9dx64z9
— Gabrielle 🌲 (@raisingbabyclem) November 27, 2017
New York:
Me in New York: New York is boring
Me anywhere else: New York is literally the best state ever. We got the city, the Christmas tree, the Yankees. If you’re not from New York you’re “mad” irrelevant ya heard https://t.co/IB2kkxQMEq
— Acon (@a_conn8) November 26, 2017
North Carolina:
Me in North Carolina: I hate NC
Me anywhere else: I once saw a dead man rise after the pastor dropped a bag of Cook Out’s Cajun fries in his coffin. The construction on Hillsborough Street is a small price to pay for the beauty and culture of Raleigh. We are all Cackalacky. https://t.co/OwTmpJZS9P
— Splenda Pappy (@caroline_oreo) November 25, 2017
North Dakota:
me in north dakota: this state is so boring
me anywhere else: this is the most peaceful state. we are the farmers of america. i could milk a cow before i could walk. my mother is a cornstalk & my father is a holstein cow. https://t.co/w8InFakVu4
— swaggy-t (@taylorajohnson8) November 27, 2017
Me in Ohio: ohio sucks its just corn fields and potholes
Me anywhere else: scarlet and gray are the only two colors i see. i was born in a buckeye tree. the pumpkin show runs through my veins. cedar point is the only amusement park. im getting married in a kroger. https://t.co/Gy5THontOq
— seth (@sthrvs) November 26, 2017
Me in Oklahoma: ugh we are so fucked
Me anywhere else: my left fist is Will Rogers, my right is Woody Guthrie, I will punch anyone who doesn't love chicken fried steak. The land we belong to is grand but also we should give it back to the indigenous as promised. https://t.co/wyOL1X9Bak
— chogborts head girl (@memphispunch) November 27, 2017
Me in Oregon: Oregon sucks
Me anywhere else: Oregon is my life. My first word was recycling. No I don’t know how to pump gas and what the fuck is sales tax? I learned to compost before I learned to walk. I breastfed on coffee and my 1st food was Dave’s killer bread
— Shelby Behr (@ShelbyBehr) November 27, 2017
Me in Pennsylvania: Pa sucks
Me anywhere else: Pennsylvania is Home to the one and only liberty bell. I was born on the field of Gettysburg where my father Benjamin Franklin invented Hershey’s chocolate on a cheesesteak. https://t.co/vb6F37vXIJ
— Brighid (@jakeefswag) November 26, 2017
Rhode Island:
me in Rhode Island: I'm getting outta here
me anywhere else: I'm thirsty, where can I find a bubbler? Where is the nearest Dunkin' Donuts? What do you mean you don't know what coffee milk is? Oh you know someone from RI? What's their name? I probably know them https://t.co/cVDKXb3pU4
— Ellyn Narodowy (@Enarodowy) November 25, 2017
South Carolina:
me in south carolina: i want to die
me anywhere else: have you ever been to charleston? the low country is just SO beautiful. i drink brackish water to survive. don’t like the coast? greenville is the fourth fastest growing city in the us. you can see mountains from downtown :) https://t.co/hz0h4X3YY6
— George Maxcy (@georgemaxcy) November 25, 2017
South Dakota: 
me in South Dakota: I hate this homogenous tundra
me anywhere else: Have you seen a jackrabbit run? The badlands is the most underrated national park. Tom Brokaw. Could you drive at 14? Because I could. https://t.co/RDpWUmaUYa
— K. Hansen (@kiesehansen) November 27, 2017
Me in Tennessee: This state is the worst lol Me anywhere else: Tennessee is the volunteer state and features so many beautiful landscapes and populations. Nashville hot chicken is the food of the gods and the Smokey’s are heaven. Memphis style is the best bbq against all others https://t.co/xQKrhxXJ5y
— ❄️Ab-vent Calendar❄️ (@starbob0mb) November 27, 2017
Me in Texas: this place is hot, racist, and boring Me, not in Texas: There is simply none like the Lone Star Star. Our coyotes wail, our sage blooms, our rabbits rush. Its history is rich and musical culture runs deep. All are lost until they have tasted their first honey butter.
— Thomas Portier (@tomas_portier) November 16, 2017
Me in Utah: This state is problematic
Me anywhere else: Utah is a utopia cradled in the loving embrace of the Wasatch Mountains. The grid system is our nation's finest achievement. I am the child of a pioneer & a honeybee. Cafe Rio sauce flows through my veins. This is the place https://t.co/6KURvyDanF
— Sasha Smith (@SashaPSmith) November 26, 2017
Me in Vermont: It’s so cold. Get me out of this state. Me anywhere else: Jeezum crow, Vermont is the greatest state in the world. Home of Ben & Jerry’s. If you’ve never milked a cow or boiled sap you haven’t lived. We have parties in barns and frequently see Bernie Sanders.
— Natalie Jackson (@natjackski) November 26, 2017
Me in Virginia: this states mediocre
Me anywhere else: Virginia is home to the first English settlement and is the birthplace of 8 US presidents. Virginia is for Lovers. I came out of the womb and went to Kings Dominion. Our class took a field trip to Jamestown in the 3rd grade https://t.co/pKFi7q12Dr
— Taylor Bybee (@coasterstudios) November 27, 2017
Me in Washington state: All this pollen is killing me.
— Bree Mae (@TheBreeMae) November 26, 2017
West Virginia:
Me in West Virginia: wow this place sucks Me anywhere else: WEST VIRGINIA MOUNTAIN MAMA. Beautiful nature!!! Scenic drives!!! We love our state so much our 8th grade history class is WV HISTORY!!! Too good for Virginia so we left!!!! GOLDEN HORSE SHOE!!! country rooooaaadz 🤘🏼 https://t.co/sYybMwmkcb
— hannah breen (@xHelloHannahhx) November 26, 2017
Me in Wisconsin: Wisco sucks lol
Me anywhere else: Wisconsin is amazing, we go to school in -40 degree weather. I was born on a November Sunday at Lambeau field. Knew how to Bucky before I was born. Cheese curds is my middle name.... Ope, I forgot to ask you where the bubbler is
— JENN•TIMM (@j_dizzledog) November 26, 2017
Me in Wyoming: wow the weather is terrible; there is nothing & no one here Me anywhere else: Wyoming literally powers the nation. Yellowstone is the pride of America. The harsh, wild climate refines character. Only the best survive. We have mountains & peace. Ride for the brand. https://t.co/ulfWJE2v4u
— chelsey kay (@ChelsKay) November 26, 2017
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topfygad · 5 years
5 Best Backpacker Hostels in Cairns, Australia
Cairns, in tropical North Queensland, is someplace you genuinely simply cannot move up when backpacking Australia. It’s famend because the gateway to the Improbable Barrier Reef however this tropical city can also be 1 of probably the most pleasurable social gathering cities for backpackers and is surrounded by a great deal of exceptional day outings like Cape Tribulation and the UNESCO detailed Daintree Rainforest. With all these routines staying a backpacker in Cairns can undoubtedly embody up so fortunately for us there are so fairly a number of astounding backpacker hostels in Cairns.
Australia generally is a genuinely excessive priced place to cease by so it’s vital for backpackers to assist save funds and staying in backpacker hostels is a unbelievable technique to have a thrilling, sociable and comfy keep devoid of breaking the monetary establishment.
Cairns Lagoon by Martin Valigursky/Shutterstock
  Most backpacker hostels in Australia even have communal kitchens so you will get meals objects on the grocery store and prepare dinner dinner for by your self quite of ingesting out at costly eating locations which is able to assist prevent a great deal of funds. I completed up in Cairns three intervals (I used to be functioning in an outback Queensland pub) so I managed to take a look at pretty various of the hostels. 
Ignore remaining in dirty backpacker hostels, a lot of the Aussie hostels are way more like tropical trip resorts with swimming swimming swimming pools, bars, hammocks, BBQ places and movement image lounges – some even have on web-site night golf gear and gourmand pizza ovens.
Hostels are additionally great locations to satisfy different travellers and a number of other embody issues like magnificent freebies like completely free breakfast and freed from cost wifi to help you allow you to save even additional earnings and placed on night entertainments like pub crawls, BBQs and movement image evenings to allow backpackers socialise and have pleasurable. See much more elements why its superb retaining in hostels right here 
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Not all hostels are equal nonetheless, and the place to maintain can significantly make or cut up your trip, significantly if you’re a solo traveller searching for to make mates, so its important to pick your hostel cautiously.
To assist you program your journey right here’s my document of the 5 actually perfect backpacker hostels in Cairns.
The Most interesting Backpacker Hostels in Cairns
Traveller’s Oasis
Traveller’s Oasis obtained the title of greatest backpacker hostel in Cairns in 2018 and was additionally voted as the best hostel in Australia for 2018 by Hostelworld. The hostel is discovered upcoming to Cairns Central station which is a couple of 15 second wander from the lagoon. It’s a little, cosy, homely, spotlessly totally clear, relaxed and welcoming hostel with great helpful workers. It’s not a single of these large, impersonal hostels – they’ll solely go well with 50 attendees at a time.
There’s completely free wifi, completely free parking, completely free tea and espresso, completely free baggage storage, 2 fully outfitted communal kitchens and laundry amenities. You’ll under no circumstances be bored as there’s a Television set space with Liquid crystal show Television set and DVD participant and a tough push that features 1500 movies in addition to video games, journals and a information commerce. The outdoor location is an excellent location to fulfill women and men. You possibly can sit back within the hammocks beneath the palm bushes, select a dip within the open air swimming pool or use the BBQs on the skin terrace.
There are dorms and private rooms, one of the crucial efficient factors about this hostel is that there aren’t any bunk beds within the dorms and the private rooms contain TVs and a fridge. Have a look at it out and also you’ll see why Travellers Oasis is persistently rated one of many absolute best backpacker hostels in Cairns. Click on on under to e guide!
  The Northern Greenhouse
The Northern Greenhouse is a gift day, resort mannequin flashpacker hostel that’s conveniently centrally positioned correct within the coronary coronary heart of Cairns meaning all the key sights are in uncomplicated strolling distance. The complete hostel is absolutely clear and the workers are great pleasant and useful.
All rooms are air conditioned, there are blended ensuite dorm rooms, as very nicely as spacious male-only or feminine-only dorms. The personal balconies and courtyard gardens are charming locations to sit back out as is the plush, tropical exterior swimming pool and bar area that serves really moderately priced drinks. It’s a wonderful put to fulfill different travellers and make new buddies.
There’s additionally completely free breakfast and completely free tremendous quick wifi, a shared kitchen space and pool tables. The workers members are great welcoming and useful and set on pleasurable actions within the hostel every working day and evening time as correctly as demonstrating firm during which the very best reasonably priced backpacker bars are. There’s additionally a free BBQ nearly each Sunday. Elegant, pleasant and pleasurable with a great deal of freebies – that is 1 of the best backpacker hostels in Cairns. Click on under to e guide!
  Gilligan’s Backpacker Hostel & Trip resort
Gilligans is 1 of probably the most well-known and preferred backpacker hostels in Cairns, significantly for all those that like to celebration. Gilligans is a big trip resort sort hostel discovered within the coronary heart of Cairns that could be a extremely scorching place for partiers due to to the onsite night membership which is a single of Cairn’s most most well-liked nightspots.
The hostel has dorms and personal rooms, all of that are air-conditioned and have ensuite loos, and theres a communal sit back areas with TVs and a shared kitchen space on every of the hostel’s four flooring so you’ll not might want to wait to prepare dinner. Additionally they provide a cost-free airport choose up from the airport in between 8am and 8pm and a process store on web site to help you if you’re trying to find carry out.
There’s additionally a lagoon-type swimming pool, conditioning coronary heart, on-line café, a nightclub and open deck bar with important show TVs displaying all the newest sporting capabilities. Women will recognize the powder place that has hair dryers and hair straighteners completely free to make use of. The hostel additionally operates a great deal of enjoyable themed evenings, on-line video games and events. That is the best backpacker hostel in Cairns for bash women and men. Click on on listed right here to order!
    Mad Monkey Backpackers
Mad Monkey is a compact, new chain of backpacker hostels that’s owned and operated by two Australian greatest good associates. This flashpacker trend celebration hostel is clear, stylish, dazzling, spacious and one specific of the funnest backpacker hostels in Cairns.
There’s personal rooms, blended and girl solely dorms. The hostel was absolutely renovated in 2017 and all rooms model title new prime wonderful mattresses, mattress linen, air conditioners, large safety lockers and chic designer bogs and kitchens.
Mad Monkey hostels are the wonderful websites to bash and fulfill different backpackers on the exterior pool oasis total with sunbathing cabanas and an out of doors bar with tremendous low value drinks. There’s even a gourmand pizza cafe and a movement image show with cozy bean baggage to sit back out on.
There’s additionally freed from cost tremendous quickly wifi and a cost-free scorching breakfast and the employees organise conditions each single working day and evening. They mainly have three backpacker hostels in Cairns so if ones’s full by no means fret you could possibly additionally have a look at out the opposite people.  Merely click on listed right here to guide!
  Globe Trotters International
Globetrotters is a pleasing, comfy, household run trip resort trend hostel positioned in shut proximity to the esplanade close to to the center of Cairns. It’s unbelievable value for money as there are tons of of freebies, akin to unrestricted superfast Wi-Fi in all rooms, served breakfast, which options appropriate espresso!, cost-free night meals and completely free baggage storage, which make it 1 of the best backpacker hostels in Cairns. The hostel operates a BBQ evening time two instances every week and may also put together discounted reef and rainforest excursions.
There’s a communal kitchen that even has fridge lockers so that you should not have to worry about different backpackers stealing your meals stuff! There’s additionally a crystal clear swimming pool, photo voltaic deck, hammocks, garden house and sport titles spot which is a terrific place for assembly different travellers.
Versus a number of backpacker hostels in Cairns, Globetrotters just isn’t a celebration hostel so you possibly can loosen up and recognize a superior evenings snooze. If you wish to exit and event then the hostel additionally has day-to-day nightclub offers so it’s a purchase get! Click on on on this article to order!
Research Much more:
Simplest Backpacker Hostels in East Coast Australia
Highest Backpacker Hostels in Sydney
Ultimate Backpacker Hostels in Melbourne
Have you ever stayed in any cool backpacker hostels in Cairns? Depart a comment beneath along with your suggestions and you’ll be supporting out different backpackers
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The Brisbane IT list for coffee aficionados and foodies
With the news of Singapore Airlines increasing their flight frequency to Brisbane from 22 August to four non-stop flights daily, that has got the foodie in us curious about dining and cafe options we can check out in Brisbane. It’s easy to walk into any cafes in Melbourne and get a good cup of cuppa anytime, and it is pretty much impossible to finish trying out all of the dining options available in Sydney. But apparently, Brisbane, the cultural capital of Australia, doesn’t fall short of its sister states when it comes to both the food and coffee departments too!
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Photo: Brisbane Marketing
Here are the cafes and restaurants you definitely need to visit, based on what you want!
You want: A casual place to inhale coffee over a great conversation
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Photo: Tourism Australia. Photographer: Jamie MacFadyen
Coffee Anthology
If you’re going coffee-hopping, you might as well go for the best at Coffee Anthology. Voted Australia’s best café in 2016, this cafe will always surprise customers with its rotating menu of beans from different roasters around the country. You can be sure they make a mean cuppa no matter where the beans come from!
Address: 126 Margaret St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
No frills and no nonsense, Bean is situated in a graffiti-clad laneway, serving up Bellissimo coffee beans, cold brews, expresso Martinis along with a wide range of craft beers(even gluten-free pale ale!) in a cosy setting. You’ll also get to be in-the-know about events in Brisbane thanks to event posters often updated in the entryway.
Address: 181 George Street, Brisbane City QLS 4000
You want: A place with great food and stunning views
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Photo: Tourism Australia. Photographer: Jamie MacFadyen
ARIA Brisbane
We’re not just talking about a restaurant that knows what to do with local ingredients. We’re talking about an award-winning one with panning views of the Story Bridge and Kangaroo Point Cliffs, floor-to-ceiling glass windows, award-winning menu and wine list along with seamless service.
Address: 1 Eagle Street, Eagle Street Pier, Brisbane CBD QLD 4000
Jimmy’s on the Mall
If you like views that are more human in nature, chow down on Australian fare as you people-watch in this casual restaurant on Queen Street Mall, a vibrant pedestrian mall with over 700 tenants. Open, breezy and situated right smack in the middle of all that action, this is the best place for you to throw back an ice-cold pint and chill out all day long.
Address: Queen St, Brisbane City QLD 4000
You want: A luxurious experience on your lips to remember forever
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Photo: Tourism Australia. Photographer: Jamie MacFadyen
GOMA Restaurant
Recently accoladed with Two Chef Hats by Brisbane Times Good Food Guide, GOMA is the place to experience creative culinary masterpieces. Housed within the Brisbane’s Gallery of Modern Art, their menu strives to tell stories like the art that surrounds them, with a strong focus on local ingredients.
Address: Stanley Pl, South Brisbane QLD 4101
Esquire Brisbane
You cannot ever be sure of what will be served in this award-winning 3 hatted restaurant in Brisbane as it offers up a ever-changing market-dependent menu every single day. What you can be sure of is that no matter what the chef presents, you will expect around 12-25 sublime items per menu.
Address: 145 Eagle Street, Brisbane CBD QLD 4000
You want: A carnival-like atmosphere that whips up an appetite like no other!
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Photo: Tourism Australia. Photographer: Jamie MacFadyen
Bakery Lane
Less of a restaurant and more of a laneway, a quick stroll down Bakery Lane and you’ll find yourself spoilt for choices from the gourmet eats in cubby little shops. Get sweet treats from I Heart Brownies; cheers to creative cocktails and dinner from The Tree House and Lost Boys; get hearty eats from Kiosk; or even Korean food from Nomnom Korean Eatery!
Address: 690 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD 4006
Winn Lane
Conveniently located opposite Bakery Lane, Winn Lane is home to a vibrant, creative community.
Be sure to check out classic Brisbane burger joint Ben’s Burgers, serving up divine milkshakes and juicy patties on hot buns. Alternatively, check out No. 5 Cafe for brunch items that always get raving reviews from customers!
Address: Winn St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
You want: Pastries, all day every day!
Flour & Chocolate
This bakery serves up the most delicious and good-looking patisseries you’ll ever see, with a loyal following on Facebook, and for good reasons! Savoury, sweets and everything in between – you name it, they’ve nailed it. Their Danish and signature cronuts get lots of love from customers so be sure to check those out!
Address: 4/621 Wynnum Road, Morningside, QLD 4170
Jocelyn’s Provisions
A post shared by jocelynsprovisions (@jocelynsprovisions) on May 5, 2017 at 3:55pm PDT
If you love cakes, you won’t get enough of the pies, fine breads, pastries, cakes and provisions this bakery offers. Plus point: the pastries here are not only yummy, but oh so insta-worthy!
Address: Shop 11 Centro on James, 46 James St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Fly direct to Brisbane with Singapore Airlines from $578. Visit singaporeair.com/brisbane for more details. 
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topfygad · 5 years
5 Best Backpacker Hostels in Cairns, Australia
Cairns, in tropical North Queensland, is someplace you genuinely simply cannot move up when backpacking Australia. It’s famend because the gateway to the Improbable Barrier Reef however this tropical city can also be 1 of probably the most pleasurable social gathering cities for backpackers and is surrounded by a great deal of exceptional day outings like Cape Tribulation and the UNESCO detailed Daintree Rainforest. With all these routines staying a backpacker in Cairns can undoubtedly embody up so fortunately for us there are so fairly a number of astounding backpacker hostels in Cairns.
Australia generally is a genuinely excessive priced place to cease by so it’s vital for backpackers to assist save funds and staying in backpacker hostels is a unbelievable technique to have a thrilling, sociable and comfy keep devoid of breaking the monetary establishment.
Cairns Lagoon by Martin Valigursky/Shutterstock
  Most backpacker hostels in Australia even have communal kitchens so you will get meals objects on the grocery store and prepare dinner dinner for by your self quite of ingesting out at costly eating locations which is able to assist prevent a great deal of funds. I completed up in Cairns three intervals (I used to be functioning in an outback Queensland pub) so I managed to take a look at pretty various of the hostels. 
Ignore remaining in dirty backpacker hostels, a lot of the Aussie hostels are way more like tropical trip resorts with swimming swimming swimming pools, bars, hammocks, BBQ places and movement image lounges – some even have on web-site night golf gear and gourmand pizza ovens.
Hostels are additionally great locations to satisfy different travellers and a number of other embody issues like magnificent freebies like completely free breakfast and freed from cost wifi to help you allow you to save even additional earnings and placed on night entertainments like pub crawls, BBQs and movement image evenings to allow backpackers socialise and have pleasurable. See much more elements why its superb retaining in hostels right here 
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Not all hostels are equal nonetheless, and the place to maintain can significantly make or cut up your trip, significantly if you’re a solo traveller searching for to make mates, so its important to pick your hostel cautiously.
To assist you program your journey right here’s my document of the 5 actually perfect backpacker hostels in Cairns.
The Most interesting Backpacker Hostels in Cairns
Traveller’s Oasis
Traveller’s Oasis obtained the title of greatest backpacker hostel in Cairns in 2018 and was additionally voted as the best hostel in Australia for 2018 by Hostelworld. The hostel is discovered upcoming to Cairns Central station which is a couple of 15 second wander from the lagoon. It’s a little, cosy, homely, spotlessly totally clear, relaxed and welcoming hostel with great helpful workers. It’s not a single of these large, impersonal hostels – they’ll solely go well with 50 attendees at a time.
There’s completely free wifi, completely free parking, completely free tea and espresso, completely free baggage storage, 2 fully outfitted communal kitchens and laundry amenities. You’ll under no circumstances be bored as there’s a Television set space with Liquid crystal show Television set and DVD participant and a tough push that features 1500 movies in addition to video games, journals and a information commerce. The outdoor location is an excellent location to fulfill women and men. You possibly can sit back within the hammocks beneath the palm bushes, select a dip within the open air swimming pool or use the BBQs on the skin terrace.
There are dorms and private rooms, one of the crucial efficient factors about this hostel is that there aren’t any bunk beds within the dorms and the private rooms contain TVs and a fridge. Have a look at it out and also you’ll see why Travellers Oasis is persistently rated one of many absolute best backpacker hostels in Cairns. Click on on under to e guide!
  The Northern Greenhouse
The Northern Greenhouse is a gift day, resort mannequin flashpacker hostel that’s conveniently centrally positioned correct within the coronary coronary heart of Cairns meaning all the key sights are in uncomplicated strolling distance. The complete hostel is absolutely clear and the workers are great pleasant and useful.
All rooms are air conditioned, there are blended ensuite dorm rooms, as very nicely as spacious male-only or feminine-only dorms. The personal balconies and courtyard gardens are charming locations to sit back out as is the plush, tropical exterior swimming pool and bar area that serves really moderately priced drinks. It’s a wonderful put to fulfill different travellers and make new buddies.
There’s additionally completely free breakfast and completely free tremendous quick wifi, a shared kitchen space and pool tables. The workers members are great welcoming and useful and set on pleasurable actions within the hostel every working day and evening time as correctly as demonstrating firm during which the very best reasonably priced backpacker bars are. There’s additionally a free BBQ nearly each Sunday. Elegant, pleasant and pleasurable with a great deal of freebies – that is 1 of the best backpacker hostels in Cairns. Click on under to e guide!
  Gilligan’s Backpacker Hostel & Trip resort
Gilligans is 1 of probably the most well-known and preferred backpacker hostels in Cairns, significantly for all those that like to celebration. Gilligans is a big trip resort sort hostel discovered within the coronary heart of Cairns that could be a extremely scorching place for partiers due to to the onsite night membership which is a single of Cairn’s most most well-liked nightspots.
The hostel has dorms and personal rooms, all of that are air-conditioned and have ensuite loos, and theres a communal sit back areas with TVs and a shared kitchen space on every of the hostel’s four flooring so you’ll not might want to wait to prepare dinner. Additionally they provide a cost-free airport choose up from the airport in between 8am and 8pm and a process store on web site to help you if you’re trying to find carry out.
There’s additionally a lagoon-type swimming pool, conditioning coronary heart, on-line café, a nightclub and open deck bar with important show TVs displaying all the newest sporting capabilities. Women will recognize the powder place that has hair dryers and hair straighteners completely free to make use of. The hostel additionally operates a great deal of enjoyable themed evenings, on-line video games and events. That is the best backpacker hostel in Cairns for bash women and men. Click on on listed right here to order!
    Mad Monkey Backpackers
Mad Monkey is a compact, new chain of backpacker hostels that’s owned and operated by two Australian greatest good associates. This flashpacker trend celebration hostel is clear, stylish, dazzling, spacious and one specific of the funnest backpacker hostels in Cairns.
There’s personal rooms, blended and girl solely dorms. The hostel was absolutely renovated in 2017 and all rooms model title new prime wonderful mattresses, mattress linen, air conditioners, large safety lockers and chic designer bogs and kitchens.
Mad Monkey hostels are the wonderful websites to bash and fulfill different backpackers on the exterior pool oasis total with sunbathing cabanas and an out of doors bar with tremendous low value drinks. There’s even a gourmand pizza cafe and a movement image show with cozy bean baggage to sit back out on.
There’s additionally freed from cost tremendous quickly wifi and a cost-free scorching breakfast and the employees organise conditions each single working day and evening. They mainly have three backpacker hostels in Cairns so if ones’s full by no means fret you could possibly additionally have a look at out the opposite people.  Merely click on listed right here to guide!
  Globe Trotters International
Globetrotters is a pleasing, comfy, household run trip resort trend hostel positioned in shut proximity to the esplanade close to to the center of Cairns. It’s unbelievable value for money as there are tons of of freebies, akin to unrestricted superfast Wi-Fi in all rooms, served breakfast, which options appropriate espresso!, cost-free night meals and completely free baggage storage, which make it 1 of the best backpacker hostels in Cairns. The hostel operates a BBQ evening time two instances every week and may also put together discounted reef and rainforest excursions.
There’s a communal kitchen that even has fridge lockers so that you should not have to worry about different backpackers stealing your meals stuff! There’s additionally a crystal clear swimming pool, photo voltaic deck, hammocks, garden house and sport titles spot which is a terrific place for assembly different travellers.
Versus a number of backpacker hostels in Cairns, Globetrotters just isn’t a celebration hostel so you possibly can loosen up and recognize a superior evenings snooze. If you wish to exit and event then the hostel additionally has day-to-day nightclub offers so it’s a purchase get! Click on on on this article to order!
Research Much more:
Simplest Backpacker Hostels in East Coast Australia
Highest Backpacker Hostels in Sydney
Ultimate Backpacker Hostels in Melbourne
Have you ever stayed in any cool backpacker hostels in Cairns? Depart a comment beneath along with your suggestions and you’ll be supporting out different backpackers
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