#the only things I really keep close to my chest are having xenogenders and being aro-spec
quierd-kitten · 2 years
It’s really fascinating to me how intricate “being in/out of the closet” can get when your identity is more complicated than “just gay or trans”.
Like, everybody knows that I’m a trans guy. Some people know that I’m actually transmasculine non-binary, if it comes up. My closer peers, friends, and family know that I’m actually genderfluid and shift between guy, non-binary, and very occationally girl. Only my best friends are aware that I also shift between xenogenders.
Even more complicated : I’m out to my mom as gay and asexual, but not bi or aro-spec. One of my sisters I’m out to as gay, the other I’m out to as bi and ace. Most people catch on pretty quick that I’m bi even if I don’t say it. My friends know that I’m bi and ace. My really close friends know that I’m bi, ace, and aro-spec.
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