#mostly bc they take longer to explain tbh
quierd-kitten · 2 years
It’s really fascinating to me how intricate “being in/out of the closet” can get when your identity is more complicated than “just gay or trans”.
Like, everybody knows that I’m a trans guy. Some people know that I’m actually transmasculine non-binary, if it comes up. My closer peers, friends, and family know that I’m actually genderfluid and shift between guy, non-binary, and very occationally girl. Only my best friends are aware that I also shift between xenogenders.
Even more complicated : I’m out to my mom as gay and asexual, but not bi or aro-spec. One of my sisters I’m out to as gay, the other I’m out to as bi and ace. Most people catch on pretty quick that I’m bi even if I don’t say it. My friends know that I’m bi and ace. My really close friends know that I’m bi, ace, and aro-spec.
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waywardsalt · 2 months
link being in a position of authority (first mate) in post ph is so interesting is that even something he’s cut out for. with the composition and whatnot of the post ph crew its not like he has to be an actual authority figure but at the end of the day he’s higher ranked than damien and bellum. linebeck probably talks to him the most about sailing and adventuring plans and he likely gets a lot of input on what they do. he probably stays in charge of the cannon. also least assigned to swabbing the deck probably but i doubt he dislikes doing it
#post-ph#salty talks#god my tags have been a mess recently i think. rn trying to figure out post ph link’s wholr deal#its probably a mix of linebeck trusting him a lot and his experience letting him be someone to trust when it comes to what they come across#while also linebeck quietly using that role as an excuse to get him out of the longer and intensive tasks bc like. kid’s like twelve#i do think during ph linebeck trusts in links ability to take care of himself and be mature (partially out of irresponsibility/ w/e)#but post ph he wants to give him more of a break and like. take care of him in a sense return the favor. link needs some recovery time too#damien probably takes some time before really taking him seriously and would listen to him mostly bc he trusts linebeck#but does later just trust link but offers to help a lot (a little overbearing i think he has an issue of overriding ppl so to say)#(i know what i mean bjt i dont thinm its clear. im typing on moblie and have little patienxe so im not explaining)#bellum just hates it and link hates him so the first mate and the eternal swabbie just have hateful staring matches half of the time#bellum usually ignores anything link tells him to do but oncd he settles in and starts like. being more open-minded? he respects him more#in an old version aryll joined the crew for a bit but that got trashed bc she is a bit young and the groups morals have dipped#and idk what id do with her yknow. its not off the table to have her tag along for a lil but as a crew member? nah#where was i going with this. crew ranking is linebeck > link > damien > bellum#idk what actual role damien has (tbh idk if swabbie is a real thing i just see it around) generally he just helps out with stuff#he helps with repairs and stuff since hes got some relevant experience
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mousydentist · 9 months
my favorite fics that i wrote and why
So, first I'll explain. I'm gonna being reccing my own fics which I'm not super sure how to do cause I mostly just yeet shit on ao3 and let the fates decide, and I'm never sure what's like, too much? Like I see other people rec their own fics and I'm like (O O) how do i do that. Like idk why I have this resistance to like, telling people that I like my own fics? So today I said fuck that, everyone's gonna know now.
And I've just been doing not so hot recently for a number of reason and I figured like, I've been obsessing over so much, why don't I get to be excited about the good things? So anyway, these are my favorite fics that I've written, not just the ones that have done the best or whatever, just my personal favorites, so without further ado...
(quick fyi, all of these are locked so you need to be logged into ao3 to view)
First up is sorry that i can't believe anybody really starts to fall in love with me , don't ask why the name is so long I just like the song lmao. This one's special to me cause it was my first KPTS fic. Is it the best? No. Does it have a super deep meaning? Nope. But it's cute and it's mine so I love it. Next!
the imperfect art of making it. Very self indulgent. I wrote this for the endorphins fic fest which gave me the motivation to write, but really I just loving transing my characters, and soft KimChay deserves lots of love.
Next up, do you look up to the sky? My first whumptober fic and the first one I wrote bc as soon as I looked at the prompts I was like "oh Kim's getting locked in the fucking basement for sure" and then he did! Success. Also KimChay are a pstd4ptsd couple, I won't be taking questions at this time.
This is getting longer than I thought it was gonna be but fuck it, I told myself I was doing this to remind myself why I like writing and that I do actually enjoy it so the longer the better tbh bc it means I really do love it. It's not a bad thing if all of my fics have a special place in my heart, right?
Ok last of the non dead dove ones is i should have kissed you. I don't exactly have a reason, I just think it's a good fic.
The next ones are dead dove cause I have two modes which are cute fluff and illegal <3
chay and kinn and chay. This thing is my baby. I love him with my whole heart. I wrote him in discord messages on my walk to and from classes. This is one fic that I would not be ashamed to say I've read several times over. This is the fic that I think of when people say "write the fics you want to read." This was also a spite fic which makes all of that even funnier lmao
Willow Dancin' On Air. This one's not dead dove but it is KimVegas so eh. But this is another fic I wrote purely for myself. I just wanted some fluffy lil somethin somethin and now every time I listen to this song I think of this fic
Ok last one, Why minors shouldn’t gamble. This one also started on discord and was written in my notes app at like. 9 am while I was still in bed lmao. Because that's where inspiration peaks. And it's hot idk. omegaverse will never not be be a special interest of mine, hopefully one day we can find out what happens when Kim joins the party, I'm genuinely curious.
OK! So. That was something. Tbh I feel a lot better lmao. My therapist would be so proud of me if I ever told her I write fanfiction pff. Normalize reading your own fics over and over. I'm saying that directly to myself cause I see all these like motivational things about writing and then I don't believe them, what's that about?? Doing this reminded me that I actually like the things I create, highly recommend. Now I'm gonna get myself a glass of water cause for the next maybe 12 hours I'm changing my life!! I'm doing self care!!! Woo hoo!!!!! Now to post this before I remember that other people can see it :) Ok bye ✌️
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softietrait · 6 months
[ just a mention of hospitalization & cancer - no details! ]
hi guys, i know i've been away for awhile so i wanted to pop on here and let ya'll know that i'm okay (if you were wondering kjdfkjsf). i think most? or at least a few of you are aware that i've been taking care of my mom since she was diagnosed with cancer back like RIGHT before covid started. she can no longer walk, so i'm her primary caregiver. (also, she has been in remission for going on two years now <3!) she was recently admitted to the hospital. Just for some testing! but that means i gotta do about 10x more work around the house and whatnot and because i am a bit stressed and worried about results yadda yadda, i've mostly been away from my laptop and therefore: sims. my boyfriend has been here with me helping me and being a good safe space to get that extra rest i need tbh lol. i spent the past 3 days at his place and got caught up on rest. my mom is okay, just getting some things figured out. but i just wanted to explain myself. especially because that means that my BC challenge won't be posted. i'm SO sorry. i'll make a separate post on that after this.
i miss simming, i miss seeing all of your guys' beautiful sims and i miss interacting with you guys! ;n; <3 much love!!
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uriekukistan · 2 months
hello rinnnnn i wld love to hear more about your thoughts on tg!itfs + maybe nobara , specifically in terms of kagune !! full transparency since u sent me that ask the concept has been marinating in my brain and even if it'll probably b a while before i get around 2 designing anything i welcome th opportunity 2 hear any outside ideas !!!!
hii hina :D hope ur doing well !!! dkjgh i love this ask thank u for sending it
tbh i kept going back and forth between drawing my ideas out or not but i think im gonna explain them w words bc im better at that and i trust my ability to convey ideas that way....compared to art where i Do Not
also disclaimer this is within the context of the mini au i have created in my brain (and google docs. but i need to redo it. no longer satisfied)
anyway! tbh i had imagined yuuji as just a human, mostly bc he reminds me a lot of hide at times :') and he takes a similar role in the story i had planned, so i dont rlly have a kagune design in mind for him unforch, but if i could imagine one i'd kinda take inspo from true form sukuna and give him smth like this (saiko's kagune that she used against urie when he framed out pt 2. it's a rinkaku, i never understood the ghoul biology stuff tbsh)
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megumi is the one i had the clearest idea for, he's an artificial one-eye, and again i dont understand ghoul biology, but i took design inspo from nue bc hello nue is so cool. my fav shikigami in terms of design. i havent determined how, but he does end up w a half-kakuja (probably gonna put him thru the horrors so he'll cannibalize) mostly bc i wanted to give him a beak-like mask. and then his kagune is kinda like. ayato mixed w yomo if i had to give it a good comparison. wing shaped + electricity (theyre both ukakus so ig that makes him an ukaku, im just picking things based of their techniques in jjk)
for nobara, i'm leaning towards a koukaku bc its pretty dense and durable like....a hammer :D most of the users in tg have it as a blade, but urie has used it as a blade and a shield (tsukiyama too maybe? i have urie tunnel vision hence the username) anyway im not picturing it as being exactly hammer shaped but more vague. hammer inspired if you will (rlly leaning on the technique -> kagune crutch, character design is not my forte and i cannot visualize things to save my life). i also had her as either an artificial half ghoul (quinx?) or as a full ghoul waitress at anteiku
my plot needs some serious reworking, but i have yuuji and megumi as childhood besties à la hidekane, and megumi is the one who gets kanekied (sort of). secret long term pining megumi who doesnt think yuuji would be interested bc hes focused on getting a girlfriend. he doesn't have qualms abt eating ppl, but he does worry abt killing people (at least at first, there will be spiral of doom). it rlly needs to be redone overall,,,but external circumstances prompted me to push it to the side and take up another project instead
this feels super disorganized sorry omg TT_TT i think bc i decided to nuclear bomb my previous idea recently, and now i have nothing bc i never started rebuilding the plot or anything
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howtobecomeadragon · 2 years
Tbh I think the show won't spend much time showing Byler's romance, it will most likely be similar to Nancy and Jonathan's 'romance' in S2, where Nancy realized she liked Jonathan and they got together. I think they'll give the same situation to Mike's character where after the break up he'll realize that he likes Will and that he and El were not meant to last 🤷‍♀️. I doubt it's gonna take a huge screen time, and tbh I think Will's plot will be tied more to the supernatural stuff so Byler would be more in the background and would not be a priority.
All they really need to do is to show Mike's confusion more and his realizing his feelings for Will like the way Nancy realized her feelings toward Jonathan in my opinion. I also think it's most likely to happen in ep7 or even in the last ep like the other couples.
hello hello anon! thanks for sharing your thoughts!!
I don't agree with you, though, for a few reasons.
byler will be a huge plot twist for most of the audience. by the end of s1, most people knew that Nancy liked Jonathan and that they were probably going to end up together, so getting the storyline and the audience to that point for jancy in s2 wasn't very hard. the same is not true for Mike and Will. there will need to be a lot of fleshing out about Mike's thoughts and feelings and exploring how he came to like Will after what we've seen in s1-s4.
which of course leads to needing an exploration of Mike's self denial of his sexuality, his internalized homophobia, etc. and making sure the (mostly straight) general audience can understand and empathize and ROOT for byler. which IS going to be harder than getting the audience to root for handsome, sweet Joanthan. that is much more nuanced and will take longer to explain than just the fact that Nancy waited around for Jonathan to make a move and just moved on when he didn't. it takes more nuance, more skill, and more time. this is also in contrast bc we just needed to go back 1 season to explain and understand Nancy's thought process for being with Steve in s1 and going to Jonathan in s2. byler will require showing us enough evidence for Mike's feelings for Will that the audience cannot just day "yeah but he was with El for FOUR seasons." they need to show strong enough evidence to withstand four seasons of Mike's relationship with El.
additionally, there will be exploration of El's feelings on the matter, and making sure that El ends up in a happy place (much more so than needed to happen for Steve in s2, with several more seasons for him to come to terms with Nancy not loving him). that will also require an exploration of Mike explaining how he feels or El finding out how he feels, how El feels, and likely a discussion about how homophobia affected Mike and why it led him to act throughout the seasons so that she can get some closure and understanding.
now I'm not saying that the byler storyline is going to take up a huge portion of s5, but I think it deserves and necessitates a more in depth exploration (than s2 jancy or s2 lumax for example) for the storyline to be satisfying for the general audience. the duffers aren't going to half ass a gay romantic plot twist between the main characters and risk a ton of the audience just calling bullshit on the whole thing and not going back to rewatch. the fun and payoff of the plot twist is the rewatchability, and the duffers will want to fully flesh out everything going on in Mike's head throughout the seasons to make the ga want to go back and pick up on the clues like bylers have been doing since s4 and earlier.
those are my thoughts and thank you for sharing yours!!
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
[bingo link!]
actually. using a readmore bc there are Five Character Bingos and i like to talk under all of them LOL
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[TWO BINGOS i forgot to cross them tho lol] thats my baby son BOY!!!!! I FUCKING LOVE RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS HES MY BABYYYYY!!!!! riddle was one of the first characters i told my partner about when i was trying to explain twst to him and we very often refer to it as Riddle Game jfksjkfl. for my birthday and stuff sometimes my partner gets me riddle themed things - i have a riddle little guy hanging on the wall and my partner found his union bday jacket patches that i bought a jacket to go with and im... EVENTUALLY going to sew them on so ill have a RIDDLE JACKET [rn theyre pinned to it i just have to take my damn sewing machine out and DO IT!!!!] i love him DEEPLY and i relate to him on . some personal levels. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT but he is my special little boy with so many problems but he has also GROWN and i AM SO PROUD OF HIM AND WHWUWHFEHHRGH hes made FRIENDS 😭😭😭😭😭 hes such a wild little firecracker and I can and will talk about riddle FOREVER. forcibly cutting myself OFF bc we have MORE CHARACTERS to go!!!
also i think riddle probably needs a hug and would benefit greatly from it but would also Not Be Adjusted to hugs you must be GENTLE with your approach or he will BITE!!!
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this made me realize hes actually probably one of the more well adjusted characters in twst jfkldjsfklds hes a good boy!!! he loves his mom and his mom loves him!!! hes doing his best!! he loves his friends even if sometimes hes shy about it lol!!!! i didnt circle the therapy one even tho tbh i feel like everyone in twst could deeply benefit from it i jsut jklfdsj feel like that square is reserved for the more Severe Cases of Needing Issues Sorted jlkdsfkld. and obviously i want him to be happy but i feel like he mostly already is!!! anyway. my absolute baby of boys. i think i have the most SSRs of him than any other character in my game kfjsdjklfj he was my first freebie ssr dorm card and i work at trying to get it uncapped as much as possible i want juice to be my STRONGEST BOY!!!!!! I LOVE HIM ID KILL FOR HIM THATS MY SON!!!! ill marry his mom if thats what it takes to Make Him My Son For Real fjsdkfjklefjskldjflJKLSDJKKFLJSDKLFJ
moving ON!!!!
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[TWO BINGOS AGAIN] caycay is both FUN IN THE SUN but also. melancholic enigma. hes got some Issues going on below the surface that's like blink and u miss it since it's mostly only breadcrumbed in a few side stories but enough to make us like HEY whats going ON over there!!! but not too much to have me be like HORRIBLE SAD FOREVER BOY either. i think it's like. a mixed situation. but mysterious enough that we just dont know how far it goes. he's deeper than he seems and that's INTERESTING. but ALSO on the surface he IS a very fun goofy guy that loves his friends!!!!!! god i have very specific feelings about him and also. relate to him in certain ways Dont Worry About It but fjksdjlkfsd i love him. i want him to be happy. i have a Very Specific Way that i see his character and i turn into a rabid beast when i feel like people dont quite GET IT!!!! but sometimes thats a me problem LOL. other times tho. other times im like Did You Read The Same Game I Did Bc I Dont Think You Did RIDDLE AND CATER ARE FRIENDS IM GONNA BITE PEOPLE THAT THINK THEYRE NOT anyway. im very normal about cater diamond and his relationship to heartslabyul.
basket ball baby boy ACE:
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i feel like it doesnt come across as much bc outside of my screaming about heartslabyul as a Unit i dont really scream about ace by himself ksldfjs but i actually really love ace a lot LOL hes SUCH a funny little guy. definition of a rascal and a shithead JFKSLJFSJK but i love him actually. i think it took longer for me to like him at first bc hes kind of a bitch but i quickly realized "oh this is villain school for villains and Everyone Is A Bitch" LOL and it's so fun. love that for him. ace is a little bastard who loves to cheat and lie and it's so funny thinking about that just Being His Thing. im obsessed with how in book 3 they were like "we need to sneak our way into the museum" and im p sure ace was like "yea let me lie my way through distracting the guard you guys wouldnt stand a chance you need my lying powers" and hes RIGHT. but also i think hes a really good boy when it counts 😭 hes a BASTARD but he LOVES HIS FRIENDS. Like he and juice are SO ride or die with the main character theyre the BESTIE TRIO + GRIMMY... THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!!! they took PUBLIC TRANSIT to come save MC when we called them in book 4 and then never answered again lkdfsjj and they were WORRIED when we vanished in book 6 + were up in arms about grim getting captured bc THATS OUR SILLY LITTLE CAT!!! and also in book 6 [many book 6 feelings SORRY a LOT happened in that book that ill never be over omg i love it so much] UM UM UM i love how when everyone is like "oh ill give my money to ramshackle!!" ace was like "well im not" LOL hes so funny. but like he was also really nice to juice i think 😭 like juice was feeling the moral dillema of "my mom and i could really use that money but i feel like i have to donate to my friends shitty dorm like everyone else" and ace was the one that told him like "dude dont worry about it you dont gotta be a hero. im keepin my money cuz i want cool shoes. ur fine." and like. it was silly but sweet 🥺 or like in fairy gala 2 when he went to go check on ortho..... sweet boy... ^ love that i rambled More about ace than the others im def more insane about fklsdkjfdlsjf ace is that sleeper character that Gets Me when im not expecting it LOL also i just dont talk about him as much so i didnt cut myself off immediately LOL i could def go longer about the others. forever.
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i also dont talk as extensively about trey but Love Him dearly. all the heartslabyul boys got that "if anything happens to them ill blow up" "id kill anyone who hurts them" and "id take a bullet for them" BC I LOVE HEARTSLABYUL SO MUCH!!!!!! THOSE ARE MY SILLY LITTLE GUYS!! trey is so funny to me. like he. whats with the teeth thing trey. jksdlfsd it's SO funny to me his hobby is brushing his teeth. there's at least one or two times i think it's mentioned where he checked ace and deuce's teeth bc like? ?? ? ? i think in one of his voice lines he said it's a habit from doing it with his little siblings [BIG BROTHER BEHAVIOR SO SWEET WAGHGHGHGHHH] and i think there's a card story where ace was trying to skip out and cut corners on the Teeth Ritual and trey was like Not On My Watch 🧍‍♂️ jkfjsdjf hes so funny. he literally went into fanboy mode in halloween 2 when he found out sebeks dad is dentist. he tries so hard to be seen as A Normal Guy and yet hes Like That. hes science club besties with resident freak ROOK HUNT [beloved i love u rook hunt]. his childhood friends are teapot tyrant riddle and wildcard catboy chenya. his other bestie is terminally online partyboy caycay. he loves stupidass little jokes and he + cater sometimes like to lightly terrorize the underclassmen for funsies skjfjklsjf. friendly boys with an Evil side jfkldsjkldskljf.
also. do not get me started on his friendships with riddle and cater. i can and will go insane about the three of them oh my god if i think about them too long i get emotional and we'll be here forever. theres so much complexity there but also i WILL bite anyone that tries to say cater and trey's friendship is all a lie + surface level only or that trey cares about riddle more ILL BITE ILL BITE ILL CHEW. yknow what i didnt circle the 10 hour speech about trey or ace but tbh i could. those two it would be more about them and their relationships with other characters but LISTEN TO ME i love heartslabyul. SO MUCH. they make me insane.
i got this ask earlier and i was like "no i will not have time to do this til im home later bc i WILL need to talk about them for 800 years. circling squares is not enough." jfkslfjsjdljf
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amethyst-halo · 2 years
hi im gonna explain my funny lil self indulgent road trip au thing no one asked but i want to talk abt it and holy shit its long i didn’t realize i had so much planned out hello
tw for like... tracking/being followed, some betrayal, a car crash and subsequent hospital scene
the idea was that the leaders decide not to look for the sisters in darkness within, so shadowsight bristlefrost and rootspring plan a whole heist where they steal one of the guilds’ trucks and go looking for the sisters alone. they plan out everything; they start stashing money and non-perishable food they can take, they get a map and plan out where they’re gonna go (the map is incredibly outdated and basically useless but they don’t know that), they do all this stuff to get ready as off-the-radar as they can so no one catches on (stuff like not using phones to plan their route so they can’t be tracked, etc), they get old license plates from rootspring and steal some car tags so no one can identify the stolen car, etc etc etc, and this works really well for the most part! except shadowsight lives in the same space as puddleshine who figures out they’re up to something but he doesn’t know what.
so when they all sneak out and meet up to start everything, puddleshine meets up with alderheart (bc alderpuddle) and they follow them. when they realize these kids are gonna steal a car, they confront them. and puddleshine is about to make them go home, when they alert someone or set off an alarm or something so their cover is completely blown. in a panic, they run to the truck they were after and get in asap, and alderheart and puddleshine follow bc they don’t want them getting hurt. they do a whole chase scene and get out of the territories n stuff!
puddleshine is now very mad about this whole thing and demands to know what they were even thinking; this was such a stupid move, they’ll be in so much trouble... and rootspring and bristlefrost explain they Know they should find the sisters for help and if the leaders wouldn’t do it, they would. and they point out that from the leaders’ perspectives, he and alderheart were now involved and therefore would also get in trouble if they get caught or turn back. puddleshine’s still mad (mostly bc he’s scared tbh) but alderheart agrees with the plan which makes him agree too. the teens explain their plan with the map, and alderheart (the only one of them that’s been off the territories before) points out the map is outdated. soooo the route they had figured out was no longer viable.
also it turns out tree knew what they were doing because rootspring says he told him to start at a specific city. alderheart is surprised bc the city is a few states over and asks why he said to go there. rootspring says tree didn’t tell him, but he trusts him so they decide to listen to his advice.
they get as far as they can before stopping to better prepare, bc two of them don’t have Anything like clothes and the other three didn’t manage to get much. they buy (or steal) thrifted clothes, replace the license plates, figure out a better route, idk they get sorted out better. there’s a bit where alderheart and puddleshine are just like “man what the fuck did we get ourselves into”
they go for a while, trying to find their way to that city. they are also avoiding a patrol that followed them out of the territories and are trying to get them home again.
when they get to the next state they stop in a town briefly and suddenly needleclaw shows up and is excited to see them. she explains she’s been following them but doesn’t say how and she says she wants to help. they do whatever they were doing and when they get into their truck, needleclaw insists on driving... and when they’re all in the truck, she shows them she’s got leafstar on speed dial and reveals she was set up to get them and demands to know what they’re doing and why. rootspring pleads with her not to out them but she’s hurt he left her behind and points out the leaders are furious with the five of them. rootspring admits they’re looking for the sisters and says he knows she thinks the sisters could help them with ashfur and tries to get her to come with them. he manages to convince her, and she gets them away from the patrol she’s with. when the others are hesitant to trust her, she admits tree wants to leave the territories with her, rootspring, and violetshine, and she doesn’t want to go so she’s trying to help fix the problem so he has no reason to leave.
they eventually end up at the city and discover that leaf, a sister that’s become famous since leaving the group, is hosting a party thing there. rootspring calls tree and tree explains he told leaf to expect them for sisters business, so there’s a bit where they attend a fancy party bc i thought it would be fun! alderheart does not want to do it at all
i simply like fancy party scenarios. they have to take on fake identities for it so if the patrol comes looking no one can out them; leaf says bristlefrost is a famous singer and the rest are her entourage like bodyguards and manager and whatever. yes there is a bit where she sings. this is self indulgent don’t forget
they also are not allowed to give away that they’re there on sisters business bc honestly i just thought it would be more fun to write. secret agent party scene commence
leaf tells them where to look, and turns out the sisters are... really, really far away. and with no solid way of contacting them, they can’t tell them to meet them somewhere closer, so their only option is to try and catch up with them.
there’s a lotta filler of traveling and shenanigans and bonding and avoiding that patrol who is Even Bigger now that needleclaw betrayed them. the four teens learn more about the world outside of the territories- they know some, but it’s from an outsider’s perspective because they don’t travel almost at all; kinda like how they go to twolegplaces in the books and have to be helped by kittypets and whatnot- and its just a lot of found family stuff bc i’m a sucker for that
theyyyy eventually get close to where the sisters are supposed to be and are trying to look for them while avoiding that patrol... but while they’re on a section of highway thats in the woods and surrounded by steep cliffs going either up or down... some idiot on the road makes them crash off the side.
they all live and stuff!!! but y’know they’re hurt obviously and rootspring almost dies BUT! guess who finds them! the sisters who were camping out close by!!! they take them in and patch them up as best they can and agree to help them with ashfur, buuuut first they need to see like an actual doctor bc they just like crashed and stuff so they are taken back to where search parties can find them and are picked up and go to like. ✨ the hospital ✨
THAT’S when that patrol that’s been following them catches up and its made up of violetshine and tree, dovewing and (my oc who is in everything now) morningmist, tigerheart, ivypool, and some others who idc enough to specify.
they all get told off and are definitely in trouble but mostly they’re just relieved that none of them like died in the crash. the aforementioned cats are mostly just like “oh thank god” bc their kids were okay n stuff. that’s where this bit i posted a while ago is from!
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tigerheart demands to know what they were doing and they spill everything including how the sisters agreed to help and when they’re all like discharged from the hospital they go home and tbc shenanigans continue hooray!!!!
basically....... its just a very long alternate journey in darkness within
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thenightisland · 11 months
fic writer Q&A thing for @tragediegh under the cut bc it's long as my answers to things always are lol
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2 on my rote account, 21 on the other, so 23 total
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
across both accounts: 274,901 (47,220 in rote, 227,681 on the other one)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
realm of the elderlings at the moment, but i was writing for sherlock as recently as this spring (i feel like that explains a lot about me tbh lol)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
the sherlock ones are redacted for the purposes of this post, and i only have the two rote ones, a safe place in the world and no other homeland.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to and largely fail lol. i am bad at publicly interacting for some reason. i will talk at length to people in DMs but otherwise i mostly lurk. even the few responses i've given on rote pieces greatly outnumber all the times i've responded to comments on my other account. i never know what to say to people. but i keep every comment i get saved in a file bc they make me feel better and i read through them a lot. @commenters i promise i'm not ignoring you to be standoffish i'm just Bad At It but i love you all so much
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don't tend to write anything that doesn't have a happy ending. in rote it's a guarantee even if there's some suffering along the way, and in my sherlock days i spent years primarily as a fluff writer so even before i expanded into longer more serious projects the happy endings were always the point for me.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
rote wise technically only one of them /has/ an ending. but in general my endings are always happy and i'm not sure how to rate one happiness over another.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
despite being involved in fic since 2012, i have dodged that bullet
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
not really. i hate writing it lol if something i write has a sex scene in it, it's going to usually be blurry and impressionistic and is mostly a vehicle for a specific chunk of dialogue or internal monologue that i wanted to include. it's an ordeal to write. those scenes take literally 4-6 times longer to write than any others. miserable.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
crossovers no but i love me an au.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
oh yeah several. mostly into chinese and russian for whatever reason.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no and i wouldn't even know where to start. i'm such a solitary creator lol
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
i write for exactly two fandoms i'll leave you to your deductions lol. my first pairing that i was obsessed with enough to now label a ship was armand&daniel from the vampire chronicles though (there's a reason my name is thenightisland)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i don't really have any active WIPs when it comes to fic (original stuff is a whole other can of worms). i usually can only focus on one thing at a time, but the other day i stumbled across some notes from like six years ago for a bbcs sound of music au that i would like to get back to eventually.
16. What are your writing strengths?
for rote i've been told i do a good job with characterization and imitating hobb's style and tone. based on the yelling i get on both accounts i'm good at closing lines. in every piece i just want to write That One Line that i know will make people feel crazy. i'd like to think i'm good at writing dialogue. everything i write both in fic and original stuff is built around conversations i want the characters to have and it's my favorite thing to write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
sensory/physical details/set dressing. i get very in the character's head and disregard the surroundings in favor of internal monologue. i know that's because i'm a very internally focused person and so often wander around totally unaware of stuff outside myself (it's the autism lol). which means in writing i'm more willing to gloss over anything i deem irrelevant to whatever is happening emotionally between the people talking. the end result is there are certain details i draw attention to while disregarding everything else. (what color are the clothes? unless it's symbolically relevant, no idea. what are they eating? who knows. what does the room look like outside of the corner they're in? it's a mystery.) i am also the worst about what i dubbed "crutch words" where i'll get hung up on a certain word or phrase and overuse it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i've never done it and could probably only manage some bad french
19. First fandom you wrote for?
sherlock lol
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
this may be recency bias but i really like the stuff i've written for rote lol. similarly there was a sherlock fic that i started back in 2017 and was posting as i wrote it and then just. stopped and didn't come back to it until 2022 when i looked back over it and was like wait i like this (this is also why i don't start posting stuff until it's 80%+ complete already, to avoid that ever happening again lol). it was a book length fic and incredibly self indulgent and it's still one of my favorite things i've written. but rote fics allow me to do more with the actual prose bc there isn't the expectation of that specific Fic Tone in the writing and there isn't the weird loathing most fandoms have for first person pov so i'm very fond of my rote stuff.
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the name's CakesInOil, aka theguyinthemathproblems, and i'm that one person in your fyp that takes nothing seriously and also the one that you'd realized has the mental capacity of a squirrel and a very very messed up, and an essentially non-existent sleep schedule the longer you get to know me :))
though, in all seriousness, i'm an ongoing genshin writer and yes, lowercase is intended whenever i write, excluding brainrots, drabbles, and possible future fanfics :DD
if you want to request anything, then go ahead :D
(more utc :]])
just note, tho, that the things I won't be doing are:
nsfw (which, yes, does include suggestive themes)
heavy themes of violence (angst ain't just my cup of coffee tbh, but i will try and experiment with it in the coming future),
anything,, yk, disgusting, which i won't be listing as i'm sure you know what i mean by what i said,
and overall ships that just spell "..why on god did he even allow people like you to exist here on earth??" and "i wonder how god hasn't smite you yet" for your entire mindset and existence.
and if you have any questions regarding my "do not request" limits, just dm me or send an ask. don't worry, i won't bite :))
if you don't want to send a request or an ask and just want to send something random, then go ahead, i won't mind :DD
A few things about me!
i may curse here and there but i'll try my best to tone it down a lot ^^""
i like to do little faces like :D, :), >:(, and etc. so that people can somewhat guess the sentence's context/intentions a little better :>
i'll wake up in the middle of the night and write random stuff that i would have no memory of doing (and tumblr will now have to hear every single end of it :))
i considered drabbles as brainrots bc i didn't know what it was called before
i'm under your bed :) /j
i use any type of pronouns (excluding neopronouns) but mostly use they/them to address myself :D
Custom tags :D
# collective reigning recipes ° : cake's everyday quotes (use them if u want lmao)
# fool's flour ° : cake talks/rambles about things that are mostly irl experiences
# sparkling wheat ♪ : cake talks/rambles about things that are related to fandoms, mostly containing content about genshin and hsr
# perilous eggs ° : cake answers asks/reqs/talks from anons or readers/viewers :>
# moonlit hens ♪ : cake answers asks/reqs/talks from their beloved moots :D
# obsidian-hard sugar ° : cake draws stuff :D
# "titan's wrath" frosting ° : cake... vents about stuff. *silently opens and closes vent on the floor*
# spoiled milk ° : cake spoils stuff, mostly about genshin and hsr
# sunlit cows ♪ : cake makes shitposts whether random or fandom related :)
Fic types :DD
# cherry waterfall * : cake makes a fic series
# scaled vanilla extracts ° : x reader fics
# suspiciously shiny mint chocolate ♪ : character x character fics maybe?
# gold coated cocoa powder ♪ : drabbles/short fics, might turn into cherry waterfalls if motivated enough
# silver lined strawberries ♪ : posts about/fics explaining aus, mostly from genshin and hsr
# stellar-borne cookies and cream ♪ : brainrots/headcannons that are more or less gonna turn into gold coated cocoa powder if braincells go boom boom big and loud enough
# sun-kissed sprinkles ♪ : cake reposts about stuff hehe >:]]
if i missed anything, don't hesitate to tell me about it :D
btw, yes, i will post very very very slowly, like even more slowly than a snail or tutrle bc i've unfortunately been very very busy as of late :((
"no no no no no BB by be in the na na na na BB I'll buy by by by" - my goofy ahh autocorrect, nov 15, 2022
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lo-fi-charming · 2 years
course gotta ask jonmartindaisy for the ship ask game
morning-softness: For the ship asks, can I ask about JonMartinDaisy?
two asks for jmd! the people must know
What made you ship it?
pretty straightforward here: i like jonmartin, and i like jondaisy. mushing them together just makes sense!
though i guess a slightly longer answer would be... i like romantic jmart typically, while with jaisy, i enjoy them any which way... romantic, platonic, fwb, etc etc. so often enough i'd have AUs or scenarios where jmart is established, but jon and daisy are friends at the same time, existing adjacently in whatever form i want for the au.
originally, id still keep the two ships separate, with jmart doing their own thing and jaisy doing their own thing, so jon is mostly just something that daisy and martin have in common. but lately ive gotten into thinking, hey, what if the daisymart element became more of a Thing?
What are your favorite things about the ship?
i really love how all three of them play off of each other! not just in relation to each pair, but altogether, where they harmonize and where they differ from each other?
i was going to like, write out and explain myself, but tbh i already wrote a thing comparing how jon is cared for by martin and daisy that kinda gets the point across pretty well? so just have that??
the other thing i wanna mention which isn't covered in the above fic is that one thing i really like is how differently daisy treats martin vs jon and vise versa. martin's behavior and treatment of jon would be SO very different from how he is with daisy, and i love to think of it. he isn't nearly as careful or soft with her, and the thing is that when martin feels less kind or patient, maybe even mean, daisy can take it - more than that, she can understand him.
honestly i could go on, but im in a rush atm and id wanna word myself more thoughtfully, so ill refrain for now
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
id say no just because idk if there are Popular Opinions for the ship, given so few people ship it in my experience! i've certainly helped infect some circles of fans with an appreciating for jmd, but yeah it's not really common enough for me to have any Unpopular Opinions, bc all my thoughts and preferences for it don't rub against anyone elses... lol (and also, rip)
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So something terrible happens which makes future Crowley go back to try to fix it and there's just 2 Crowleys running around in the present? Oh, and thanks for explaining!
Regarding not taking yourself seriously: I may not be entirely convinced by this particular theory - or any, yet - but I don't think time travel is completely out there or impossible either. Considering the way Adam resets things after the failed Apocalypse, the timeline clearly can be messed with, as can time itself, as Crowley repeatedly demonstrates. I saw the post you reblogged about the rugs and we are rapidly moving out of the territory of plausible deniability regarding the sheer number of bizarre continuity errors. Any one or two of them on their own, yes, but collectively?
If you do go looking back through the minisodes, Crowley's hair seems to go shorter-longer-shorter in Job and his sideburns look like they get quite a bit shorter in the crypt in the Resurrectionists. I didn't see anything in the Nazis minisode, but that doesn't meant nothing's there.
further ask:
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hi anon!!!✨ first of all, im so sorry for not getting round to your asks until now!!!
re: first ask - mhm that's the half-baked idea, anyhow!!! and tbh 💀 im not completely convinced either but i like to entertain the possibility just out of Fun, so here we are!!!✨ oh god The Rugs - so the red one, that appears during the ball? okay sure i can accept that it is part of the Austen Aesthetic, and once the magic lifts it shifts back to the normal s2.
as for the s1 one... im torn. because i saw the amazing post where they hand-painted the mf sink tiles bc they would be in the background of a couple of shots, and wanted to at least be as close to the s1 ones as possible (GO crew honestly do the Mostest). and yeah okay, re: the difference between the s1 and s2 rugs, maybe it's that they thought 'well it's going to be on the floor most of the time and therefore out of shot' but. there are two shots that literally focus on it. as the focal point. so to my mind, they either literally couldn't find a like for like replacement (completely valid), or something Fishy is going on.
ive seen a couple of people remark on the flashbacks potentially being skewed because they're from aziraphale's perspective, but ive genuinely had the half-baked idea that the whole season is. there's so many in-story indicators, to my mind - biased red/yellow colour grading, the cartoony loch ness animation in ep3, and tbh the whole ball thing - and i do wonder if this whole rug sitch (as well as other Unexplained Things) might be chalked up to this very thing; that we are seeing s2 for the mostly part literally through aziraphale's eyes, and that what we see is a little... altered. magicked. as i said, half-baked idea, but there we are.
i did end up going through ACtO, and it's currently sat in my drafts at the moment because... well, idk what to make of it. the scenes where - by my estimation - he has the longer, more defined-curl wig, is every shot in job's house (three scenes, iirc), and so it might actually, if you consider that these scenes were likely filmed in alternative days to the other ACtO scene, a plain continuity/wig-availability issue. plus, when looking at the dialogue, all the scenes in some way link together (so i don't, essentially, think it can feasibly be the same time-travel theory). the only thing, i guess, that still remains valid is that we are seeing a recount of the events of ACtO as per aziraphale's retelling... but even then, there are plenty of scenes where they are very heavy in the crowley perspective (ie it doesn't feel like aziraphale is fudging anything), so this doesn't 100% feel like a true explanation either imo.
i do still need to look at the resurrectionists minisode though, so may well be able to parse some crackpot musing once ive done that!!!✨
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
-> about me + dni
about me .
— i am in highschool right now :) im currently learning french 3 dual credit as a foreign language ^^ ,, but also bc of highschool it will take me longer to get to requests and my motivation for stuff isnt always high + i have a job 😩
— i am still a minor ,, i am 17 but that still makes me a minor
— i use she / they pronouns ,, so please respect that :D i am also bisexual :>
— some names you can call me are :: nugget - nuggie - or sun :)
— i own two sphynx cats :) !! one is mr bigglesworth and another is gizmo
— i have a few other blogs . @ppnuggie is my x reader blog for nonhuman x human enjoyers . it contains mostly transformers ,, but on the occasion i write for predator and alien ,, and bpjd . @nxktx is my art blog which i rarely update
- i can sometimes come off as rude when answering asks at times and i assure you im not upset at all ^^ !! i apologize if that happens tho :( !
dni .
• people who are homophobic , transphobic , don’t approve of nonhuman x human relationships , force religion on others , racists
- my blog is a safespace not a hate zone for you to dump everything on ,, if you do not like something i write about then keep it to yourself ,, be mature about it
- i dont mind religious people following my blog but if you are simply here to force religion upon me or others then please don’t interact :)
- and for racists ,, tbh ,, 🧍‍♀️ i dont need an explanation
• dsmp fans - interacters - content creators
- i am not a fan of the dsmp or anyone in it. theyre all pretty problematic and so is the fandom ,, and i do not wish to have people from the fandom to interact with me
• those who interact w/ ;; @/swervable ,, @/witchofthesouls ,, please unfollow me if you do interact with them . :)
- here is a post that explains what they’ve done ,, and another post for @/swervable ,, bluiscoffee was their old blog but swervable is their new blog .
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
god school was fun at the end tbh, mostly cause college was just a walk in the park for me. GCSE year (10-11 or grade 9-10) were HELL on earth but Alevels (or college as we call it) (year 12-13 or grade 11-12) were so good. Honestly it was just because I got to do only English lit, art and product design which were my three favs!! def think alevels works alot for more neurodivergent folks mainly because alot of my special intrests were in subjects (such as art and literature.)
School was fun tho, I defintely enjoyed the english system mainly because Ive looked into the american system and found that its actually alot (not harder but) more complicated then british.
Anyways, that was my rant over but tbh i kinda liked school so this is probably just biased because my teachers were the best 🫶🫶
🪴 (this was so long sorrryyyy)
Wait that’s such an interesting system !!! like this interest me bc this is something I genuinely did not know !! like the american system runs so differently. 9-12 is your high school years and you are required to take like a english, math, science, then you graduate after grade 12 where you are considered a senior and then you can choose a college wherever in the world you want and depending on your major you can spend 4-5 years there (maybe even longer for grad school). so its very simplified but u get the most freedom in college. but the system starts over so theres no more grade level really when you get to college but they still use freshman-senior but usually people just say year 1, blasé blasé
But thats so amazing I like that they offer you a lot which is something I wish they did. A lot of stuff in America does not make sense, like you could noticeably tell the founding fathers got confused halfway through making our government and our laws, especially now where they are turning over some laws. We are just a messs
hehe but that’s great baby!! I found that I didn’t really like my teachers until my senior year of high school and then my professors during my first semester of college ♡♡
and never apologize baby!! thank u for taking the time to explaining it to me I loved learning about it hehe
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kaleschmidt · 2 years
HI SCOTT 1 2 5 and 12 for chazz psike spencer and muffin man ^_^ You have to explain 5 for all of them btw so sorry
fuck shit fuck! ok gimme a bit
1 - What Ben and Jerry’s ice cream flavor do they most resemble and why?
2 - If they were on tumblr, what would their url be?
5 - Do they have a seahorse as a pet or sidekick? If yes, skip to question 8.
6. If no: would you consider giving them one? If yes, skip to question 8.
7. If no: …why? What if I told you it was super cool? Would you change your mind? Explain your answer.
12 - Create them using any picrew maker EXCEPT drastically change their hairstyle and put them in an outfit they’d never wear. (Don’t be shy, attach the resulting image and let us see it!)
1 - Cherry Garcia. Idk, I say cherry garcia bc it makes me think of Chazz's hair color (even if it's nothing like his hair color)
2 - sextremeslasher or some fuckin stupid slasher-related url. i love chazz
5-7 - No. So sorry. Chazz would NOT be able to take care of any aquatic pet ever. Also I think she'd be fucking devastated if the seahorse died under her care
12 - Using this picrew bc it's my fave ever
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Undercut Chazz! It would NEVER fuckin wear a dress, though. Keeping the slasher memorbilia tho
1 - Any plain ice cream flavor, but mostly chocolate, because that's nis favorite. Psike doesn't really go for anything extravagant.
2 - Honestly I'm not sure of eir url but I can ASSURE you that Psike's whole fucking account is blank. empty. default icon and theme. The only one ne follows is Chazz. Ne doesn't do anything with nis account
5-7 - Same reasons as Chazz. Psike would kinda wanna take care of one, though, because it's cool
12 -
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Locs + fluffy jacket! I do like to humor the idea of Psike with longer hair bc it sounds nice but ne won't be able to . sniff sniff
1 - Mint Chocolate Chunk. Makes me think of his color and all!
2 - Leave that 30+ year old man alone!!! I think smth like... fishing-related. dad moments.
5-6 - LEGALLY, I would love to give Sven one. I think he'd enjoy a seahorse and so would Ruby (his daughter). Probably name it Mr/Mrs/Ms/Mx Nautica or smth like that. the pokemon team i made for sven highlights that
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Slicked up w/ ponytail + Suit! Sven doesn't tend to dress up very formally.
1 - Creme brulee or sweet cream & cookies. Sounds like old man things + baking
2 - themuffinmanofficial. follows null's account, if he has one
5-6 - MMMAAAYYYBBEE? The idea sounds nice, but it'd have to be a digital one! I think Muffin Man would like to have any kind of pet, tbh. He likes the company
12 -
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Long hair Muffin Man + informal! Muffin Man usually just. wears his baker outfit tbh.
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lovelyfaustus · 3 years
hey there!! can i request alois trancy hiring a bodyguard (bc he’s racking up a lot of enemies and claude ain’t cutting it by himself anymore) from like. a crime fighting ring. and falling in love w them because despite being very feral and generally violent, theyre super affectionate and loving once they get used to someone!
obv feel free to decline! since this is a rather violent request i wont force you <3
ello!! i hope this is up to your liking! <3 aa you didn’t specify whether you wanted headcanons or a oneshot kinda thing so i’ll do both :) this will be a reader insert typa thang, hope thats alright deary <3333
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Alois hiring a bodyguard and falling in love headcanons + oneshot
cw; violence, swearing, gender neutral reader insert, mostly just violence tbh
-initially Alois didn’t think a bodyguard was necessary, Claude was pretty decent at protecting him while Hannah and/or the triplets fought for him
-that was until there were enough men outside his manor to leave not a single spot of ground seen. there were enough random men inside his manor to leave no floor untouched.
-things escalated very quickly, all of them had guns or grenades of some sort, LUCKILY though the triplets took care of the grenades
-however, Alois literally begged Claude to hide him, or hide with him, somewhere under his mansion, insisting that he was too scared to be alone and didn’t want Claude to leave him
-Claude made sure to hide him deep deep in the mansion somewhere, assuring that things will end okay and that he’ll be back soon
-Like Claude assured Alois, everything turned out okay, all the men were either dead or they retreated to wherever they even came from
-Alois was very obviously upset at Claude for leaving him, although thankful that everything turned out fine, Alois begged to not be alone, and Claude still left.
-“Have you considered hiring someone else, perhaps a bodyguard who can and will be with you at all times?”
- Alois pretty much just 👁⚫️👁 at Claude
-“ You’re right, Claude!”
Alois waited by the manor door nervously, it had been a little over a week since he asked Claude to go over potential bodyguards locally or otherwise. Claude had informed Alois a few days prior to this moment, that he found someone who may be up to his standards or even Claude’s standards (they’re pretty high) and they’d be visiting within the week.
Alois is just waiting for that knock on the wooden doors. Words literally could not explain how excited he was, or how intrigued, almost as if last week’s incident never happened. Claude mentioned that this person was hardworking, a lil extroverted and probably almost perfect for what Alois was looking for. Alois whipped the door open as soon as he heard the first split second of a knock, only to see a milk man standing there with 2 crates of milk in his hands. With a ‘thank you’ to the man and ‘goodbye’, Alois shut the door slowly in disappointment, calling to Claude that the milk had just been delivered. As Claude turns to take the milk to the manor’s kitchen, Alois pipes up. “Claude, what if they don’t show up? Surely they’d be here by now right?” Alois frowns, irritated and disgusted at himself for getting his hopes up just to be crushed once again. “I’m sure they will be arriving soon, your highness. They didn’t give a specific time or day that they’d be here. Please, wait a while longer.” Claude says, continuing to the kitchen after falling silent.
Did the doorbell just ring? No, my mind is playing tricks on me. *Ding* “It rung!!! The doorbell just rung! Claude, come quickly!” For a second time, those doors flung open to reveal a person, kinda just standing there staring at him, entirely spaced out. Claude appears behind Alois, bowing and greeting them. “Your highness, this is the bodyguard.” Exiting the daze you were in, you, standing in front of them, bowed as well, “Sorry! My name is (y/n), I was told that,” They stop and look at Alois with an unsure gaze, “…..you? I’m assuming, needed a bodyguard, and well, thats my job :)!Apologies again, I meant to come earlier but got caught up with stuff, but I’m here now!”
Alois grabbed your hand, yoinkin them into the mansion with a huge grin on his face. After Alois settled down a bit he explained the entire situation he got himself into, how he threatened a group of men who he didn’t know were in a gang, and suddenly their entire clan showed up a week ago, and then how desperate he was to stay safe. You looked at him with a concerned look on your face, “that must have been very difficult for you to go through, I understand it somewhat. I’ll be here, you will have more people to protect you and keep you safe, okay?”A wave of comfort washed over Alois, he had felt like all of his problems had become trivial in that moment. “Thank you, (y/n).” Alois stood there with a wide smile across his face. Alois almost rarely says thank you, even Claude was a bit shocked.
Nearly 4 months of working for Alois had obviously been somewhat difficult. Alois is very bipolar and lets his emotions scatter out of control at any given moment. One minute he’s “You’re never there for me (even tho you quite literally are), I don’t know why you still want to work for me, I bet you’re only here to hurt me or take my money,” to “I’m so glad you’re here, (y/n)! Without you I’d be dead. Thank you for existing and being in my life, please never leave me!” Alois does love you, he is just so caught up in his past trauma (reasonably so) and the fact that there are multiple people after him, so he does not know a healthy way to show that he cares. One night it was particularly quiet in the manor, Alois had requested Claude to look for you and tell you to come to his room. When you knocked and entered, it would’ve been pitch black without the candle on the side table for his bed. “Alois?” There was a faint sob under his blanket, he just wanted to be heard. “Alois, I’m here, what’s the matter?” Alois lifted and unfolded the blanket from covering his head, tears and snot running down his face while his soaked pillow laid flat behind him. This is the worst you have seen him since you’ve worked here. “I am so scared, (y/n). There are always people just waiting to become my enemy and hurt me! I don’t know what to do. I feel so helpless. You’re here for me aren’t you?”
“Of course I am, you know I am. I willingly came here in order to protect you. I care about you a lot. Your feelings do matter to me.” Alois choked on a sob before reaching to hold your hand, wiping his tears away with the other and placing your hand on his chest, right above his heart. You locked eyes for almost an entire minute before Alois spoke up. “This is because of you. Please stay here forever, I don’t want you to ever leave.” When you took your hand away from Alois’ chest, his heart began to race, thinking he had said too much. “I’ve told you that I am willingly here and if I wanted to leave I would have already done so. I am here for you and nothing else, do not ever worry about me leaving, because I will not. I am promising this to you.” Alois turned away for a second, causing you to think you said too much. Alois looked back at you, tear trail stained cheeks, and replied, “You know, (y/n), you are living proof I am capable of loving, and also being loved.” You placed a gentle kiss on Alois’ forehead before telling him that it’s late and he has work to do early tomorrow, blowing out his candle and letting the moon be the only light in the room. You did as you promised and didn’t leave his side until he fell asleep, making sure to check up on his state every 15 minutes.
Alois genuinely loved you, more than Claude probably.
SORRY THAT THIS WAS SO LONG?? WTH? it’s 2:30 am and i am actually so fkin tired, sorry for not really including any violence but ! i tried D,: please enjoy and keep askin things or leave constructive criticism B-) anythin works! have a good day/night everyone !!! <3
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