#the other Kira look UGHH love that design
Would Shinobu be a bored house husband in the GenderFlip au?
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nickmakura · 4 days
VA-11 HALL-A - Mar 10
This is transcript for the scrapped extra day for the Nintendo Switch release of Sukeban Games' Va-11 Hall-A. Unfortunately, due to some disagreements between Sukeban and Nintendo for the following interpretations the deal fell through. All that was written here is still technically unfinished, only in the sense that Kiririn51 only wrote this draft of the script into the code before the failure of the deal. So, there are no alternate routes depending on drinks sold.
Jill: G'Evening.
Dana: Hey! Jill, how'd the date go?
Jill: Uh... good? I guess.
Dana: I guess? What's that supposed to mean?
Jill: No no no, it was a good date boss, she was just strange.
Dana: Define strange, Jill. We meet a lot of strange.
Jill: Well, she was like a... racist republican trans trucker.
Dana: That a euphemism for somethin'?
Jill: No, she was a racist republican trans trucker.
Dana: Eesh. That's like meeting a homophobic vegan.
Jill: Ughh... she was pretty too.
Dana: Had to have been to go out with you.
Jill: I-- sorry?
Dana: I said what I said. If you need me, I'll be in my office.
Jill: (... I'm gonna go setup the jukebox.)
Jill: Time to mix drinks and change lives.
Jill: Welcome to Va-11 Hall-A.
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Samus Aran's design, found in the files of the switch release.
???: ... Hey.
Jill: ... Hello?
???: ...
Jill: You gonna order something, miss?
???: ... You'll have to forgive me; I don't spend a lot of time around other people. What do you recommend?
Jill: Well, that depends on what are you looking for. Do you want something sweet. something bitter?
???: ... Hmm. Something sweet sounds fine.
Jill: Got it.
(Something sweet... she looks like she could go for a Moonblast.)
Jill: Here you go, miss...?
???: Sam.
Jill: Sam?
Sam: Just Sam.
Jill: (Huh. Weird. The registry doesn't say anything here for name. The money is still being sent over though...)
Jill: Well, "Just Sam" what brings you in here today?
Sam: Drinking.
Jill: Yeah, no I got that part. I was asking what your day was.
Sam: ... Who wants to know?
Jill: I don't mean to pry. I'm just... striking up a conversation.
Sam: I see. Well, I just finished a hunt.
Jill: A bounty hunt?
Sam: Yeah.
Jill: Y'know we got a bounty hunter who comes in here from time to time.
Sam: Do you know his name?
Jill: Jamie, he's a nice guy. Y'know him?
Sam: No. I do know a couple of bounty hunters, but... to be frank I tend to keep my circle small. I can't let feelings get in the way of my job.
Jill: Surely you make some time for yourself?
Sam: What do you think I'm doing?
Jill: Fair point. Despite that, you seem quite somber.
Sam: ... I do?
Jill: At least, I think it is. You've hardly changed expression during this conversation.
Sam: ... Yes, I am in a fairly bad mood yes. I just... something about this last job was different.
Jill: How so?
Sam: I'm afraid I can't share too much. But a... kid saved me today.
Jill: A kid?
Sam: Yeah. We were deep into a fight. It was me and this other person. I was nearly on my death bed. The final shot was coming and... this kid I spared jumped in there. I got to my feet, I took out the bounty. But, there was just this dread in me. This unspeakable feeling in my stomach.
Jill: Wow. That's...
Sam: There's nothing you can say about it Bartender.
Jill: ... I didn't think there could be. Do you want another drink?
Sam: ... Do you have something bitter as hell?
Jill: Yeah, I got something like that.
(Sam wants something bitter as hell, huh.)
Jill: Here you go.
Sam: What's this one called?
Jill: That is a suplex.
Sam: Hmm... did you pick the music?
Jill: Hmm? Yeah, I did. We got an old jukebox that plays all day, but I gotta pick the tunes before it starts.
Sam: There's a lot of synthwave in this selection. Do you know the artist of some of these?
Jill Uh... Garoad, I think, did some of these. I know Kira*Miki did "Your Love is a Drug." Do you like synthwave, miss?
Sam: It's all I listen to when I'm alone on a planet.
Jill: Oh? You're not local?
Sam: No. I am a galactic bounty hunter.
Jill: Oh, what's that like?
Sam: Lonely. Music like this though fills the time. I think my favorite artist is probably Hip Tanaka.
Jill: Oh, I'm aware of that guy. Didn't he say he started making music because he was tired of the more poppy happy type music?
Sam: He said he wanted to write more atmospheric music yes. I love his work. It feels simultaneously triumphant and desolate at the same time. It really fits any mood when I'm out there in some sort of hell.
Jill: I'd sure hope so. Do you want another drink?
Sam: Hmm... no, I don't think so... I'll be out soon. Thank you Jill, I hope you have a nice day.
Jill: Mhm. You too. Please come back soon.
Sam: I'll do my best.
Jill: (I think she was built up stronger than boss is...)
???: --Look Luigi, alls I'm sayin' is dat there's no way Daisy doesn't like youse.
???: AND I'm saying it's my business whether I go for her or not Mario! Granted she's a nice ragazza, but fratello, I don't even know if I wanna be with anybody right now anyways.
???: Gah, Cazzo de mierda...
Jill: Hello, welcome to Va-11 Hall-A.
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Mario & Luigi in the files. Curiously, they take after the 1993 Mario Movie designs.
???: Hey how youse doin' bartender. Can youse just get us a couple-a-beers.
Jill: Coming right up.
Jill: (Two beers. I wonder what's with the matching outfits.)
Jill: Here you are. Now what's this about relationship problems?
???: Just that my brother here is so fuckin' blind he doesn't see romance when it slaps him in da face.
???: He thinks this friend of mine, who is frankly very attractive, is interested in me.
Mario: Oh yeah, sorry. I totally forgot, uh... My name is Mario Mario, this here's my brother Luigi Mario.
Jill: Nice to meet you two. I'm Jill.
Mario: Nice to me youse Jill, but uh... youse ain't gonna comment on da last name thing?
Jill: Eh, it's not that interesting.
Mario: Ayy, whaddya know Luigi? First time for everything!
Jill: So anyway relationships?
Luigi: So, there's this completely platonic friend of mine, Daisy, she's a paleontologist. We talk a lot when we're at the gym, and we hang out a lot.
Mario: Youse was goin' out on dates man.
Luigi: Those weren't dates!
Mario: Whaddya call goin' out for dinner at a fancy restaurant and not inviting your big brother, huh?
Luigi: Okay, #1. Hoskin's is not a fancy restaurant. #2. We were just hanging out and talking.
Mario: Mhm. Yeah, sure, bro. We'll go with dat. Whaddya think Jill?
Jill: I think it's none of business, and it's none of yours.
Luigi: Ah-HAH!
Jill: BUT. Aren't you at least interested in pursuing a relationship?
Luigi: Well... I mean I've thought about it maybe sure. But I'm just a plumber and a technician, and she's... amazing. She's a freakin' paleontologist for christ's sake! Like that's dats amazing! She's going places I can't even dream of.
Mario: Basta! She respects ya just as much as youse respect her Luigi.
Luigi: Eh, maybe. What's your situation with relationships Jill?
Mario: Nice subject change.
Jill: Eh... well... I did just go out on a really strange date.
Mario: What was so strange about it?
Jill: Well, it wasn't what was so strange about the date, it was moreso the person.
Mario & Luigi: Ah...
Luigi: So, what was the deal?
Jill: Well, she was this lovely trans lady. She was incredibly attractive, and she seemed funny. She had this like... tattoo of one of the bad guys in Model Warrior Julliane.
Luigi: Oh, yeah, I remember seeing that on air.
Mario: It was aight.
Jill: ... Anyway. She was one of those bad guys that connected with a lot of the audience for having a tragic backstory or something, and that got me interested in her, so I asked her out.
Luigi: So, how'd it go?
Jill: Well, we went out for some coffee, and we're sitting down and chatting, and it turns out over the course of the conversation, it turned out she was racist and a republican. Also, she had no time for a relationship anyway. Chick was signing up to be one of those space truckers.
Mario: Eh? Why even go out on da fuckin' date den?
Jill: I forgot to ask. I did ask why they liked Lazula. Because she was quote "patriotic."
Mario: Dat... wow. Yeah, no dat bites. That's special.
Jill: Then she brought her gun out halfway through the date.
Mario: WHAT!? Ay, if youse being tracked by some chick with a gun, youse better go home safe or somethin'.
Jill: No, they weren't gonna USE it on me. They had just been sitting on it for the last minute or so. They wanted to put it in their purse.
Mario: Well, first of all, youse conceal your gun someplace safe on your side. The back is just uncomfortable.
Jill: But then they just kept bringing it up into the conversation. Like the gun was just so integral to who they were as a person.
Luigi: Do youse not like guns Jill?
Jill: Um... It's a bit mixed for me. I can't deny they have purpose in certain situations, and it's good to have if shit goes down. But it's also not good to have if shit goes down. There's also the whole fiasco with gun laws and how it affects minorities. It's a complex issue.
Mario: Yeah, fair enough. Fair enough. But what was so upsetting 'bout this chick ownin' one den?
Jill: It seemed like it consumed her whole personality the fact that she owned a gun.
Luigi: Dat'll do it.
Jill: You two want anything else to drink? Mario: Nah, we gotta get back. There's a couple of things we gotta get to. Thanks for asking though. Youse have a nice day Jill, aight? Jill: Will do. Come back soon. Jill: Boss, I'm gonna go and take my break, lemme know if anybody walks in! Dana: Got it!
Unfortunately, this was all that was written for the day. The second half is not present in the files. What do you think? Would you have liked more cameo characters in Va-11 Hall-A?
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