#the ouja of time
postalpunk · 2 months
you wake up in the middle of the night in a strange place and its just that dipshit diend summoning you again and forcing you to fight for like 3 mins . and then he sends you back
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the-travelling-witch · 4 months
Holly I’m sorry I can’t stop myself, I love him so much he’s so perfect so pretty so silly and I need to become best friends right now with venti I have to thank him for everything he’s done to Scaramouche and just being a goofball with wind puns
i’m shining a picture of scara into the night sky like i’m trying to summon a fanfic-loving version of batman
but the venti/scara part was something that i knew had to be in there like it was the first thing that came to mind when i thought about scara’s music taste, bc he lives with venti, ofc this guy’s music is always playing
honestly, their history and connection has become one of my favourite things about this modern au… i’m such a genius for thinking of this /silly
i’m sorry, venti’s best friend position is already filled… by yours truly, i will pass on your message though /silly
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my modern au masterlist || modern au tag
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heartvisor · 2 years
there's a problem that i constantly have with revisiting my favorite shows where i have a lot of trouble deciding where i should pick. there are just so many parts that i consider worthwhile, it's hard to choose just one :(
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freezing-kaiju · 3 months
oh thats a purple deck
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i've gone on and on about this point on many different shows and movies lately but stepping back from it there really is such a huge problem with modern kamen rider stories having too MUCH forgiveness. Like that seems a really stupid thing to say about a kid's show but when it's a kid's show dealing head-on with the kind of topics it is, it's like... you need to set a limit, here. You need to set some kind of standard for kids
in 01 Thouser is forgiven for his warmongering and ZAIA continues on as normal. Horobi forgives Aruto and HIDEN continues on as normal. In Beyond Generations Hongou forgives the nazi scientist for destroying his life and the lives of many others while his son forgives him for completely abandoning him. Similarly George in Revice and Neon in Geats forgive their fathers for doing some truly awful shit to them and then just abandoning them, and all this happens at the drop of the hat with swirling emotional music, and it's like-- where does this stop? It's good to educate kids about the merits of forgiveness and accepting faults but it's also important to give them standards of where things go too far, where there are things they should stand up to and people they don't need to waste every second trying to make amends with.
It's not a difficult thing and not something Kamen Rider hasn't done before; Faiz's Kaixa and Ryuki's Ouja were characters that the main protagonists tried to understand and communicate with but got taken advantage of at every turn because of that, and there's no reward for their kindness -- their pain only stops when those characters die. And these are stories about the merits of kindness and communication in a world that makes that difficult!! It's what makes those stories so much stronger and what makes those characters so much more memorable! There's going to be people you can't win over and you're going to have to walk away from and I think what's completely lost me about Kamen Rider lately is how toothless it is in this respect. It wants to educate its audience about complex subjects but then answers it with a 'you should forgive everyone' blanket statement. It's just bad storytelling and it's frustrating to see it do this time and time again
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mirai-e-jump · 9 months
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Beautiful Catalog Vol.3 ft. Kamen Rider Ryuki Cast Members Takashi Hagino x Ryohei Interviews & Photoshoot (translations below)
Publication: September 30, 2003
Takashi Hagino (Takeshi Asakura/Kamen Rider Ouja)
-I no longer make impulse purchases, like when it comes to snake print clothing (laughs)-
With a bright smile on his face, Hagino-san entered the studio. His pure white, rough style was perfectly balanced with the grass zori (sandals) on his feet, which was a unique choice! At first glance, it looks loose, with only the innerwear fitting to his body, but, it gives off a masculine feel. Against the natural materials, his silver accessories stand out.
Hagino: Fashion…..I'm not too picky about it~
He mutters to himself. His style is modest, contrary to his seemingly carefully coordinated choices.
"First off is the staff's favorite, here he is wearing a fluffy knit sweater."
Hagino: Uwah, who's that, me? My hair's all curly (laughs).
"We were most interested about this one. The growing reactions from those around you saying, "Cute~!," caused you to look nervous, which in turn made you look even cuter."
Hagino: During the time of that shoot, I was asked, "Please hold this plushie." Do I have to? It seems that stuff like that is becoming pretty common these days (laughs).
"What's your favorite fashion to wear?"
Hagino: Last year, all I wore was black. Black tanktops and such. Right now, I really want to wear whites. It's nice isn't it~? White! The other day, I saw Beckham wearing white on the cover of some magazine. He was also wearing pants like the ones I wore today. I thought, "Let's do this! I have the same fashion sense as Beckham" (laughs). From now on, I want you to call me Beckham (laughs).
"B-Beckham?? You want us to…..? Next, a jacket with fur that gives off an affectionate big brother feel. It's a very refreshing look!"
Hagino: I feel like I've never worn something like this either. It has a natural feel, like when you go out to walk your dog. By the way, the other day, for two days straight, I went to this pet store and was obsessed with this half chihuahua and papillon breed. When I looked at them, they hid in embarrassment. It was so cute! I was really hesitating whether to buy them or not, but the price for such a small and cute dog was 380,000 yen ($2,500)! The store is open until late in the morning, so I spend alot of time there. The shiba inu's and all the other dogs are just so cute to look at.
"Do you ever make impulse purchases?"
Hagino: Not anymore. Due to the "advice" of some store employees, I no longer buy snake print clothing (laughs). At the time, clothing with snake patterns were hard to come by, so when they saw me looking they said, "That'll look good on you~." They said, "We'll lower the price (alot)~." I thought, "Alright then~," and bought it. If you go shopping with friends, you'll have someone to stop you, but if you don't and go alone, you'll end up getting stuff that you can't afford. It's dangerous (laughs). I had to learn that recently.
"I'm not very particular when it comes to brands, but, the ones I like are Jil Sander and Dolce & Gabbana."
Hagino: I can't afford to buy all that because it's expensive, but, I do think it's really cool. Lately, I've been thinking that it would be nice to dress in a more formal way for such occasions. Wouldn't you want to try it? A dinner party on the roof of a building with a swimming pool. I'd even prepare business cards with a alot of lies on them (laughs).
"With fashion, Hagino-san says, "It's fun, it's like playing a game." What do you wear when you go to bed or to just relax?"
Hagino: It's either denim shorts or cargo shorts. I'll wear a T-shirt or tank top on top, which I'll take off when it's hot. The rest of the time I wear tracksuits (laughs). When I go to work, I'll wear either a T-shirt and jeans or tracksuit. I like to be able to change into my costume quickly and then take it easy.
"Finally, this last outfit is a multi striped suit with a strong sense of personality. With his hair up, he's transformed into abit of a bad boy. The manager said he looks like, "A respected elder brother." Hikawa Kiyoshi-kun from our office wore a similar suit for his "Zundoko Bushi" MV, but the vibe is totally different."
Hagino: It's so cool, the look reminds me of Lenny Kravitz! He's fashionable and looks good in fur, T-shirts, and all kinds of strange stuff. Compared to when I was first wearing the knit sweater, I feel like I've relaxed abit. It feels like I'm back (laughs).
"By the way, I hear you're very particular with your eyebrows."
Hagino: If I forget to draw my eyebrows before going out, I feel very uncomfortable (laughs). When I draw it myself, it's like a straight line. I'm not improving at all. I don't check my whole appearance in the mirror before going out, but I always pay attention to my eyebrows (laughs).
-I'll be a prince! But before that, I'd like to play a dirty role-
"He started doing karate about 3 years ago because he was attracted to the civility of the sport after playing many detective roles in the past. He takes time out of his busy schedule to attend karate, which he says helps him maintain his health and improve his voice for stage plays."
Hagino: I'm currently a yellow belt (6 kyu). I hope to be green this year, and brown within the next two years. Even before shooting for the photobook, I ran a marathon, went to karate, and did push ups when I'd wake up in the morning……that all I keep doing (laughs). Surprisingly, I don't mind doing these things.
His photobook, "Actor, Takashi Hagino," is filled with emotional and sensitive words that resonate with the heart.
"You say so many wonderful words."
Hagino: I wondered, "What can I do with this photobook?" I thought maybe I could include some words or afew sentences. But, it felt like, "As soon as you add color to a painting, it's ruined." I thought it'd be more interesting to write down what I was currently thinking, like a time capsule, so that later on I can say, "This is who I was!" I personally really like the poem "Confirmation."
"What's your favorite outfit in the photobook?"
Hagino: I liked the denim jacket~. That guy near the swingset, he may have been more offended by the unlikely setting of swings, rather than the fashion I was wearing (laughs).
"How was the stage play, "Yokosuka Dobuita Story," in which you played the leading role?"
Hagino: I really enjoy the stage experience. I also like the live feel of it. Since the foundation of a play is the stage…..I fully felt the determination of everyone around me, and while it was fun, I also fully enjoyed the live conflict that only a stage play can bring. I thought that as the rehearsals continued, I could feel so much of the warmth, cheerfulness, and sadness coming out of them.
"What do you think of Joji, the role you played?"
Hagino: In the beginning, he wasn't a nice guy…..but, he was a good guy. I think I was able to show him having fun and being sincere, so I'd like to add more variety if I ever play a role like that again.
"What scene was most memorable?"
Hagino: In the proposal scene with Kaori, played by Junko Mihara-san, she changed the way she spoke each time we performed it, and did so with different tricks, such as sulking or teasing. Gradually, our rhythm and breathing become the same, and my lines came out without being conscious of it. The scenes with Mihara-san were alot of fun to do.
"It's been announced that you'll play the role of the prince in the Cinderella musical. A bad prince…what's that about?"
Hagino: Quiet! (laughs). I don't think that's it, I think it's just a regular prince, but the script hasn't come in yet, so I don't know all the details. I am looking forward to the dancing in the musical. Although, I'm worried about singing. You know how the dialogue suddenly flows into a ballad like song with, "Why~"? I become nervous the moment, "Why~," comes up (laughs). But. I'll keep practicing and show you the fairy tale prince in all his glory.
"Will the prince's costume be……white tights?"
Hagino: My manager told me that if I wore white tights, right here (his crotch), would look really cool (laughs). No, rather, it's a wonderful fairy tale like costume. The show will be held in more than 20 locations across the country, so please look forward to it!
"What kind of roles do you want to play in the future?"
Hagino: Since I've already decided to play a prince, I'd like to play a serious and grim role before that. Something like a dirty role.
In his photobook, Hagino-san affirms that he loves humans, as he wrote, "Are you a human being? If you're a human, then you must be a wonderful one." This love for people is what makes his acting so refined, as he focuses on the essence of humans. We're really looking forward to seeing him as a fairy tale prince and in serious roles.
Ryohei (Shuichi Kitaoka/Kamen Rider Zolda)
-Is this too subtle? When it comes to this coordination, I think I should do my best.-
In a quiet studio located in a certain part of Tokyo, the sound of a camera shutter clicking resonates. The sounds are followed by rhythmical changes in facial expressions, poses, and overall atmosphere, creating the rich and colorful, "Ryohei World," almost like a perfectly beautiful picture were being painted.
Within the light, he strikes perfectly balanced poses that'll take your breath away, while occasionally trying to make us laugh by crossing his eyes and saying, "This is what real coordination looks like!"
While casually flapping his white coat, he says:
Ryohei: About 2-3 years ago, I used to wear clothes like these all the time during the Fall and Winter, but now, I don't wear them anymore. It's exhausting to wear them all day, don't you think? These days, I think it's better to dress comfortably. I wonder, have my shoulders become more relaxed as I've gotten older? Well, it's nice doing something like this once in awhile! It makes me feel motivated to strike the perfect poses.
"You picked out that coat."
Ryohei: The length is perfect! This half coat actually is a half coat. For some reason, usually, a half coat is a short coat, and a long coat is a half coat (laughs).
"Were there any problems with the size?"
Ryohei: No matter how big the clothes are, when I wear them, I always think, "These are way too small!" I do adore more loose fitting clothes. I can't pull off the look though (laughs).
"While not being particular about brands, Ryohei-san says, "I don't think something being expensive makes it better." He enjoys buying secondhand clothes, with sneakers making up half of his collection. He also claims to have about 50 pairs of unopened shoes. Today, he's wearing stylish leather sneakers."
Ryohei: I love sneakers. I sometimes think, "Even if they last a lifetime, I wonder, do I have enough?" I'll also put them in their box and stack them, it's really cool to look at (laughs). I don't really do it anymore, but there was a time when I used to pick out clothes that matched my shoes.
"Do you check your whole appearance in the mirror before going out?"
Ryohei: That's essential. Sometimes I'll dress in a way that makes me think, "Is this too subtle?," Although, I'm usually pretty ok with it. Fashion is like an extension of my hobby, so I think I should be doing my best at it. During the times I go on a date with a girlfriend, I think I should only make decisions when I really have too.
"Do you make snap decisions for a date??"
Ryohei: It depends on how long we've been together, but in the early stages of a relationship, a man wants to make a big impression (laughs). Well, if you've been together for 3-4 years, I think, "Alright, who cares~."
"That's terrible?!" (said by the entire female staff)
Ryohei: I don't think you have to be so cool in front of your partner all the time……I think it's okay to just look natural. So, it's not terrible, it's really not (laughs).
"What if after 3-4 years, she's wearing something she doesn't really care for?"
Ryohei: Well, that's exactly who I am. That's why I think we'd be compatible (laughs). You do your best at first, and once you're familiar with them, it doesn't matter what you look like.
"Do you care about your hairstyle?"
Ryohei: For me, I'm not particular with hair, so everyday my hairstyle is slightly different. When I go for a straight perm, my hair loses all its volume and flattens, regardless of how thick my hair is. A tip I can give, is to only use your hair dryer on areas that are particularly annoying and have strong frizz. It's easier to set up the look that way.
"Your eyebrows have a nice shape to them."
Ryohei: I don't do anything with my eyebrows. I don't want them being thin. It makes me lose the "impact" of my face and causes my appearance to change (laughs).
During the chair sitting shoot, the chair was too low compared to Ryohei's height, so he brought out a stepladder by himself, making it a very interesting shoot. Wearing a knit hat, Ryohei's beautiful face looked even more attractive, and he looked like a European college boy with an unfamiliar expression on his face.
"What is key to dressing well?"
Ryohei: I don't have any particular stances…..but, I don't want to be outdone by clothes. I want to make an effort to wear them, and even if I think they don't look good on me, I'll try and find a way to make them look good.
"You seem to be very good at posing."
Ryohei: During my time staying at motels, I studied my poses by looking in the mirror, so I wouldn't have to do them on set and feel embarrassed. It's like it's already been ingrained in my head. If I don't do them properly, the photographer won't be able to take any photos.
"While at Hagino-san's house, the two of them once practiced posing together while looking in the mirror. During the shoot, Hagino-san laughed and said, "Posing by Ryohei!," and he did the same pose Ryohei did, showing that they seem to get along really well. What advice do you have for for making your appearance look more beautiful?"
Ryohei: Pose standing slightly diagonal…doing so will make you look thinner. Always think of ways to make your appearance more slim (laughs).
"When did you first discover your style?"
Ryohei:…..I still haven't found it (laughs).
"Normally, wouldn't you discover fashion in the same way a girl would?"
Ryohei: Hmmm……It think it's alittle different from that (laughs). Rather than about clothes, I was thinking more about how to make people laugh and how to entertain them. When it comes to the clothes I'm wearing now, I don't think I can say whether they're good or bad. I might say later, "Why did I think this was cool to wear?" Fashion is an indifferent thing for me, but it's like a time capsule that reflects that moment in time……It's something that reminds me of who I was at one point.
-The action was difficult. Since my reach is different, it's difficult to get the timing right.-
"How was it working with veteran actors (Natori Yuko, etc) on "The Woman Prosecutor of Kyoto"?"
Ryohei: There was alot to learn just by listening and watching. The way they said their lines, it was so natural, me on the other hand, I'm still trying to perform well. In my head, I can see it all very well. But, it's hard to actually do it. On set, we called her "Professor Natori," since we had alot to learn from her.
"You made your first attempt as a voice actor in "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED," correct?"
Ryohei: Actors can make facial expressions while speaking, right? It's easy to tell when someone's "angry" because they speaks in an angry tone and has an angry expression on their face. I looked at the voice actors and thought that they're skilled at manipulating their voices. They do whatever they want. The way they react, the way they breath…..as an actor, I've learned alot from them.
"I heard that the shooting for the upcoming film, "Bird's Eye," in which you play the lead role, was difficult due to wire acting."
Ryohei: It was quite difficult. But, it was something of a challenge for myself.
"Please tell us some highlights of the film."
Ryohei: It's an action film. But, I only had 3 days to practice. I couldn't even meet the person I was going to be working with until the day of filming. Being so tall, I had a different reach from my partner, so it was very difficult to find the correct timing. When you punch, you take a step forward, right? But when I step forward, I get too close, so I end up performing a limp punch (laughs). I'm sure there must have been a better way to do it, but unfortunately, I didn't have time to do any research.
"The way you beat them up was impressive though."
Ryohei: I was mostly on the receiving end (laughs). RIKIYA-kun (Kawaguchi Rikiya), who played Tsuyoshi, used to box, so as expected, his punches were excellent.
After the photo shoot, Ryohei-san went to the waiting room. Among the outfits there, he found a pair of yellow pants with purple square patterns on it, and his eyes started to sparkle.
Ryohei: This, it's amazing! I want to wear it right now! Can I try this on?
Just as Ryohei enjoys fashion with a carefree attitude, and takes on challenges with an open mind, while also exploring new areas as an actor one after another, absorbing them naturally and without hesitation. His sincere attitude to cherish every moment and his mischievous spirit of challenge expands "Ryohei's World" endlessly, by giving off a refreshing charm. We won't take our eyes off his future challenges.
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bonelyheartsclub · 1 year
You mentioned that other characters might show up. What with Blue being a paranormal fanatic, do you think he would be messing around with a ouja board, only to be startled when Nabstablook pops over for a visit?
Blue believes Ouija boards are dangerous and wouldn't use one without taking proper precautions. He does seek out human spirits from time to time though!
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cynicalruins · 8 months
Changérion Bible - Hagino Takashi interview
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Translation by Windii, scans by me
(Mild spoilers for a few episodes of the show)
Carefree, but manly! Suzumura Akira, a descendant of a family of weird (?) detectives whose ancestors have been venerable for generations, has somehow become a hero of justice. Where in the world would there be an ally of justice who would use "being a hero" as a way to pay his debts…? Ah, here he is. So we talked to Hagino Takashi, who played Akira, and who has created a stir in the way heroes are supposed to be.
"Actually, last year when I was in a drama called Love is Justice, I went to the scene very depressed. I had a chance to think a lot about what kind of job it is to be an actor and what kind of actor I am…"
-The trigger was an encounter with two actors.
"Takahashi Katsumi and Tayama Ryousei, both of whom have stage backgrounds and have a great deal of skill and experience. And since it was a drama about lawyers, there were many courtroom scenes, and I was in the audience as a detective. Every time I was in the courtroom behind the fence, I would watch the various performances and think, 'Oh, they are so good, I wish I could be a part of that.' I was very envious of the high tension and flexibility of the actors. The two of them have taught me that the world is a big place. I am sure they went through a lot of hardships, but when they talk about it, it all becomes a charming boastful speech. I admired their personalities. When I look back on my own acting, I think, what have I done? I have done many things in my life, but what is my own acting? I enjoy being on set. When the courtroom scene starts, I become a spectator. I am the first person in the audience to see the two perform. But on the other hand, it's like, what about me? So it was a lot of fun, but also a lot of pain."
-Is it the actor's desire to perform on an equal footing?
"Yeah. At the time, I thought about many things. I wondered what was wrong about my acting, why was I so troubled, what on earth was bothering me, and so on and so on, rinse and repeat."
-Escape from that conflict came suddenly one day.
"It wasn't triggered by anything. I met a lot of people, read a lot of books, watched a lot of movies, and gradually I thought, 'Ah, I have no choice but to do this.' I was troubled and suffered a lot, but I arrived at that answer. As I worked consistently, even in one or two scenes of a two-hour drama, I talked with the director every time, and as I acted, I came to be able to separate the role from the real me."
-It was the beginning of a new awareness of the need to "manipulate roles at will."
"In interviews and such, I was told that I was just as I was, even though there were usually some differences from the role I played in Changéríon. I thought the same thing. But finally, I came to think that no matter what role I play, a role is a role and I am me. But since I am the one playing the role, I am more determined than before to always give it my all, but I have also come to have a sense of calmness about it. That's why I was able to play the role of Ouja in "Kamen Rider Ryuki" with a very detached attitude. I don't know if "detached" is the right word, but I hope to be able to play the role even if I don't have the role in my mind. If I have to play a role that is completely different from me again, I may feel conflicted, but be that as it may, I would like to see myself in that role as soon as possible. And I hope to complete it before I die. I think I have come to be able to look at things from a longer span of time, rather than immediately judging whether or not something is "not in me" or "not possible." For example, if there is a costume that I would have thought "what the heck" before, now I can say "yes, I will wear it" if that is what I want. I am not so much asserting myself anymore. In that sense, if I played Akira now, it would be different. That was a role I was able to play because I was doing it then as it was, and I don't think I can play it anymore. And now I am playing completely different roles, and when I receive fan letters, some of them say they were betrayed in a good way, but I'm not really conscious of that. I'm just thinking, that was then, this is now, and I'm me."
-Are you now experiencing fulfilling days?
"But of course! But sometimes, when people around me say that they're so scared of Ouja, I think, 'Shut up, I get it' (laughs)."
-It is said that you are impersonated by all of your co-stars at the scene.
"It's like, oh my God, they're all so cocky in a way. Everyone was quiet at first, but then they started to rebel (laughs). But it's fun. I used to work with a lot of senior actors, but this time there are a lot of younger actors, and it's a lot of fun. I think of myself as everyone's big brother. ♡"
-He describes his position in the midst of that as follows.
"I do what I'm given, and I think everyone else does the same. I think it's important that we do our best to create one thing properly."
-It is not about not losing to anyone, but about not losing to yourself. Not to be aware of others is actually very difficult, but it is a very big deal.
"Really? That makes me happy. Apparently, everything seems to take a long time for me, and there were times when I had a hard time being aware of other actors my age, but recently I finally got there."
-Now that you are in such a state, did you have any resistance to "transforming" again?
"I have to admit that I was a bit embarrassed by the transformations. But at the same time I wondered if it was appropriate for a 29-year-old. Still, it was a big deal to get a transformation at the end of my twenties. But, well, the people who knew me invited me, so I felt the most motivated to do my best."
Changéríon Memories
"We were just filming episodes 30 and 31 when we heard that the show was coming to an end. Episode 30 was the one where the dark creature in the form of a Zen priest appeared, and his end-blown bamboo flute was so loud that everyone had insomnia. The cries of 'I can't sleep!' were filled with a sense of 'Why did this get cancelled?!' (laughs). So I was very excited about episodes 33 and 34. But in the preview for episode 36, there was a voiceover saying, 'I don't care about this show anymore,' (laughs) and I'm sure the staff was determined to give it their all."
-In episode 35, Akira was abducted by Zafia, a dark creature who is in love with and obsessed with him, and somehow in the middle of the desert, he was tied up naked and whipped in a crazy fantasy scene.
"That was crazy, wasn't it? We shot it in front of a blue background and composited it, and the director praised my panting (laughs). It was kind of absurd."
-That desperation (?) is said to have been a bit unusual to be before the final episode.
"There was a break before we shot the final episode, and I had a lot to think about, so I got sentimental. But now I think it was all for the best."
There After All! Auditions
"The first time I met Hayami (Aizawa Kazunari) was when we rode together in the elevator at Toei's headquarters when I was going to an audition. I asked him what floor he was on and he said "…the 8th floor." I remember thinking, "You should use polite language when you meet someone for the first time," but he insisted that it was polite language. I had the worst (laughs) impression of him. So after I passed the test, we had a costume fitting, and I told him that the guy who played Hayami would be there, and he came. And when we were shooting the first episode, he asked me what he should call Akira, and I said, "Just Akira" while thinking that he seemed like such an upright guy."
-Legend has it that you were in your best personal attire at the audition.
"Well, um… I went to the audition on the way home from some party. I was wearing a really nice suit at the time, and I remember the manager telling me why I was wearing that…"
-It was a flashy double three-button men's Bigi suit.
"At the time, I loved Shouken's Wounded Angel, and I had made everything up, from the accessories to everything else, and of course I had my shirt bare, and my pants were a little thicker, so my whole body had a tight vertical line. The theme song was playing in my head, and I felt like Shouken, so I opened the door and said, 'Ah, hello ♡.' I had read the script for the first episode beforehand, and I didn't go in thinking, 'Oh, I really want to do this,' so I didn't really prepare for the role. Looking back on it now, I am horrified. That's the work of ignorance, isn't it? (laughs)"
-As a result, you passed the test with flying colors, perhaps thanks to (?) your appearance. However, the new attempt at casting, aimed at creating an unprecedented hero show, (seemingly) caused a ripple in every quarter.
"I was told for a long time that it wasn't decided (laughs). I was told, "It's not decided, but we're going to take the camera test, we'll introduce you to (suit actor) Jirou, and we're going to greet the big guy." Toward the end, I was like, 'Do whatever you want. ♡' But the producer, Mr. Shirakura, and the director, Mr. Nagaishi, both smiled and said, 'Well, I guess it's okay.'"
-The real challenge, however, was the final audition.
"I was told that there would be no dialogue test, so I was very relieved. Then one day, they handed me the script and said, 'Well, let's try to get this together,' and I read the lines with my heart pounding… By the way, that was for the first episode, when I disguised myself at school."
-The next day, to his surprise, the manager was summoned to Toei's headquarters. According to him, "He asked a certain producer with whom he had been in contact for some time, "What do you think of that?!' (laughs)" (according to the manager) From those words, you can guess how good the acting was…
"But, you know, from my point of view, it was so perfect that it couldn't have been any better. But Mr. Shirakura said, 'Next time I decide to go with this guy, I'll never let him read another script.' and I was like, 'Huh?' and he said out of the four who were left, I was the worst."
-In the end, rumor has it that Mr. Shirakura and the entire staff pushed through the company until the very end, using only photographs and visual materials.
"Well, I mean, I guess my performance was amazing, making everyone say that much! (laughs)"
-That's true… In other words, you had "something" that made people say the role of Akira belonged to Hagino Takashi, even though you had gone that far (laughs).
"But actually, I found that out around episode 20, when I was having a drink with Mr. Shirakura, and now that he finally told me about it, now I'm depressed about it! So, if it were to be released on DVD, then I would have to rerecord the dubbing… No, I'm sure it would be painful to watch… but, it's a good memory in that sense, so let's leave it as is! Yeah, let's!"
-Mr. Hagino was convincing himself on his own. In fact, this program is the first Toei tokusatsu work to be released on video while on the air, and it's incredible (laughs). It is said that it also set a sale record. It may be because the times were too early.
"Most heroes start out as bad boys but become good guys toward the end, but Akira was like that until the very end. In the script for episode 28, there was something about "Akira turning into a cat" (laughs). We don't have shows like that, do we?"
-He borrowed money from the bank, went on binges, and was lectured by monsters about the true image of a hero. It is not difficult to imagine how much friction there was at that time to dare this program. However, the voices of the third party did not enter the scene at all.
"For me, I thought I was just doing something fun rather than doing something great, and I didn't think about whether the numbers were bad or how it was. It was just fun anyway."
-That atmosphere was definitely palpable.
"That's why I'm glad that even after six years, there are still people who say they like it. I'd be happy if you could keep it as a secret treasure."
Akira (Hagino Takashi) & Rui (Matsui Yuka)
Rui: I hear you're doing Kamen Rider now? Akira: Oh man, I transformed again! It was called "Sanzen" at the scene, but I told them it was "changing." Rui: That's great, you guys are so close. Akira: The staff is all together, after all. The other day, my brother showed up, and his name is Akira, and we have the same name spelling. And of course, it was written by Mr. Inoue (laughs). Rui: Ah, I'm sure the fans will be happy to know that there is a connection like that.
Akira: It's been a long time. But you haven't changed at all. Rui: You too, Hagino. I had to drop out of the role due to a car accident, so it's been about five years since we've seen each other. Akira: That's right. That was a surprise. I'll never forget the tree-lined street in Aoyama! You didn't show up at all, but we were all talking about how it wasn't like you to be late, and then we got a call that you had been in an accident, and all hell broke loose. There was a lot of dialogue by Rui in that episode, but we tried to do something about it, and in the end, we had Hayami say one line (laughs). Rui: I see… I'm sorry. Akira: Was your head okay? Rui: Hmm… maybe I hit it a little and lost some of the contents? Akira: Maybe there was nothing to begin with… (laughs) Rui: That's mean… but that may be true (laughs).
Akira: My first impression was that you looked much younger than your age. I thought you were in junior high school… Rui: I was nervous because I was in the middle of the show… and you looked really scary (laughs), so I wondered what kind of person you were, but when I greeted you, you smiled at me, and I was happy. Akira: Really? (happy) It was a pity that there was an accident just when we were all getting to know each other. Rui: I hope we can play together again someday. Akira: Yeah. If we work hard in the same world, there will be opportunities. I'm looking forward to it.
Hagino Takashi Born May 27, 1973 in Tokyo. He made his acting debut in "Lipstick Message" (TBS) in 1991. After acting in "You're the Only One I Can't See" (Fuji) and "I Like You" (TBS), he was selected for the role of Suzumura Akira, the main character in "Super Shining Soldier Changéríon." Since then, he has been active in TV dramas and V-Cinema. Currently, he appears in "Kamen Rider Ryuki" as Asakura Takeshi, aka Kamen Rider Ouja.
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toskarin · 1 year
Hironobu Kageyama & Masaaki Endoh - Robometal ZZZ - Robot Anime Hen
Uchu no Ouja! Godmars [track 1 | 0:00]
Macross [track 1 | 1:22]
Dunbine Tobu [track 1 | 2:47]
Time for L-Gaim [track 1 | 4:20]
Ginga Senpuu Braiger [track 1 | 5:43]
Ginga Repuu Baxinger [track 2 | 0:00]
Hyouryuu - Sky Hurricane [track 2 | 1:09]
Kousoku Denjin Albegas [track 2 | 2:43]
Hoshi no Deja Vu [track 2 | 3:59]
Tobe! Gundam [track 2 | 5:38]
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kuchentranslations · 1 year
全力キング - Zenryoku King English Lyrics + Romaji (TV Size)
Turning our backs to the present, we run on
If you don't live life to the fullest, you'll drown in sloth
Lay bare and burn to the ground your doubts!
Having escaped to the corner of the board with a king piece
Jump to your feet, a revival from the dead
No way is this "checkmate"; I'll win for sure, all you insurgent kids!
Sending darkness flying, arise with a battle
Stumbling, writhing in agony; my heartbeat jumping upwards
I'm not satisfied, this isn't enough! Anything's possible, right?
Mistakes get rough and gritty, just mess up and let's move on!
My blade soared high above; above my body, above all life forms
Break down the times past
And head towards a sky-high world!
King of kings! You'll become a king who'll change everything
King of kings! The future is waiting for you to make a racket
Cutting off all paths of retreat, a monarch who'll dominate over sorrow
It's all right, it's all right
You're King!
Genzai ni se wo mukete bokura hashiru
Zenryoku dashite ikinakya hari ga nai
Sarakedashi moyashite mayoi wo
Kyu-kyugyoku to nigeta banmen no sumi
Tobiagari kishikaisei no jump
"Tsumi" wa naize katsuze hangyakusha domo no kodomo yo
Makkurayami hanetobashi tatakatte tachiagari
Shichitenbattou guragura kodou haneagatte
Konna mon ja tarinai nandatte ari janai?
Shippai nante zarazara machigatte ikouze
Yaiba maiagatte karada ga seimeitai ga
Jidai jidai kowashite sa
Takai takai sekai e sa
King of Kings kimi ga subete wo kaeru ou ni naru
King of Kings mirai ga sawagitai to matteru
Issai no tairo wo tatsu kanashimi wo shihai suru ouja
It’s all right, It’s all right
You’re King
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tsunflowers · 2 years
this is truly an example of rating: not cute! flowers only makes multi paragraph posts when she's pissed off about a series
geats, ryuki, and bokurano are all series where a large cast of characters is whittled down to a single survivor and there's a feeling that anyone can die. bokurano's the odd one out bc it's not a kamen rider or even a battle royale/death game premise but I'll explain why I think it's relevant
geats has the first death in the first episode, and has three riders debut in the first episode to come up to a total of seven by the second. one is already out by episode four and another by episode six. while the show seems to have settled on a core cast at episode ten we got there by dedicating previous episodes to characters who drop out of the game as soon as their storyline is over. I feel like there is not enough attention given to the main cast bc their characterization was sprinkled in between fight scenes and hasty development for characters who died right away
even though ryuki also has a large number of riders and most of them die, it goes the opposite direction by slowly building up the cast. I think everyone who's seen ryuki would agree that the core group of riders who get the most focus are ryuki-knight-zolda-ouja. but zolda doesn't appear until episode seven and ouja doesn't until episode 17. in the meantime we have guys like scissors. like some of the geats riders he is a character who exists for two episodes only to die at the end of the second but it works so much better for me bc he's one of only three riders at the time and the first two have already had four episodes to themselves. you have already built up a level of investment in your mains by the time there are episodes devoted to one-off guys. I would be interested in seeing a chart of which riders are active through each episode of ryuki bc I feel like it peaks at six, fairly late in the show? it takes time for the show to start juggling six guys at once, unlike geats which throws them out there right away
so let's talk about bokurano. this is a story that starts with a huge number of characters (15) that die one by one and I think it works. for one thing it is not a show that sells toys so it can take all the time it needs. episodes go by with no robot fight, or robot fights take up multiple episodes. there's a lot more freedom to develop each character before their death. there's also a greater sense of the kids being tricked and forced into their fate so that you can't help but sympathize with them from the start even before they really get much characterization. the way the premise weighs on them is really strong. also, they are kids, so inherently you feel worse for them. I don't think geats could or should be more like bokurano but it is an interesting comparison to me bc bokurano is even more loaded with characters from the start and I still find them more compelling overall
I guess if I had to say one thing that I wish geats would do more like those other two shows it's to drag out the deaths slowly over the course of the series instead of having an eight episode minigame arc where half the cast dies. everyone loves a death early on for shock value but you have to slow down after that. it's more tense to know that anyone could die at any moment than it is to see everyone dying all at once
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Hey. I know I usually have a bit of silly banter to lead up to each episode, but I'm gonna be honest, I'm... feeling a little bittersweet. We've spent almost whole year with these lunatics in the town of Oniga, and yet it feels like we met them just yesterday. I personally have been given a lot to think about.
The beautiful lies of the moon, the difference between ravenously attempting to take your own desires by force and the beauty in the mindset of wabi-sabi, the joy we find in things we create ourselves, the sheer depths of cruelty we're willing to sink to for love, the importance of having those you can rely on... I might have a lot to think about once it's all over.
-The Donbrothers! Have reached their complete state! Nobody can get in our way!
-Good work, Taro!
-Seems like Sonoshigoroku are clearly incapable of getting real.
-Batsu da!
-I only found about this last night, but Morisaki Win? Turns out the dude's from Myanmar. Funny that, huh? Would've been something really cool to know by like... the second episode, but oh well, live and learn.
-"Count off, my companions! Of course, I'll be the one to start us off."
-You might have to do a lot more exercise than you're used to when Tarou's leading the session.
-Jirou's not quite so eagerly participating. Figured he'd be three times as enthusiastic as everyone else.
-Goddang it Haruka, you're too cute for this.
-One of those five fingers is a hell of a lot lighter now...
-Tsubasa's definitely dodging the six shooters of those cops.
-This event is certainly something Sonoi's looking forward to.
-Aw, Sononi. Your romance game ate shit these past couple episodes, but now you're our beloved failgirl.
-...Sonoza, do you know a good play on number nine?
-The roster's all here!
-Let's train.
-"You're the disruptive one, Boss."
-Ooooooh, good work Haruka!
-"Later nerds! We're in serialization!"
-Oh, okay! That's three down.
-And then there were three.
-Spending time with your big brother and your boyfriend.
-Gettin' real serious!
-"I'm gonna power-up too! ...or, perhaps not..."
-I see Tiger Jirou's definitely there in spirit.
-Get moron'd.
-"Momotani Jirou. Welcome to the Donbrothers."
-"I've... got a lot to think about..."
-Kijino's loved after all. ...in his weird way.
-Speaking of which, hello Tsubasa!
-"You seem... normalish, now. That's frightening."
-You're breakin' my heart over here, man.
-Woken up and smelled the roses.
-Guess he's feeling the ending blues too.
-"Go back... to the nice dude you used to be."
-"Kind man you are, Tsubasa-san."
-Y'know, I don't blame Natsumi at all, but goddamn, that hurts
-"I'll uh... I'll just go..."
-The plot thickens.
-Sononi says ACAB
-"This place... it smells too much of cranes."
-She knew.
-See the boss has taken an interest in the manga?
-Poor Ma
-"This is the one~!"
-The Ultimate Hitotsu-ki!
-Noooo, Minoru-san!
-"Oh goddammit boy, not again!"
-"Kneel before me, peasants! I shall become king and king alone!"
-Yeah, that backfired on you scrubs, huh?
-Yeah you better run!
-Oden-based bribery.
-"You kidding me? I can't have you randos pay for my lunch."
-"But we're enemies! That's gotta count for something!"
-...WAIT. Tarou just said "total strangers" and Tsubasa fixated on that. That's important.
-"So like, you guys need our help?"
-I mean to be fair, you did make him break his promise to his mom and tried ordering him around. I'd probably wanna kill you assholes too.
-Of course! That's how all kings eat oden!
-...or at least, that's how the King of Town probably would.
-Time to fight!
-"Noi-chan? :o?"
-Thems the King-Ohger colors!
-Mantis, Stag Beetle, Butterfly, Dragonfly, and Bee!
-Him being ourple implies to me that Papillon Ohger's the one in charge.
-Hahahaha~! Matsuri da!
-Oh, there they are.
-The final bosses.
-"Man, Sonoshi sucks, huh? Oh well, who cares?"
-Oh now Tarou cares about the strong.
-We ain't done yet, no doubt.
-Oh. That's all then. Seems like Minoru's had enough.
-Happy birthday~!
-National Momoi Tarou Day.
-"I lied, bitches."
-"Happy Not-Birthday, Momoi-san! I can be your wife for today, if you want!"
-Way to remind me that literally Tarou's entire apartment complex hated him.
-Oh well, their loss! Momo Pillow!
-Momo Oden Sticks!
-"I'm the grumpiest motherfucker on the planet around you assholes!" Fucking Dies.
-"He's dead... WE DID IT!"
-...no, I agree Haruka, what have our lives become
-Sonona and... Sonoya. Our final bosses.
-Of fucking course Kouhei Murakami would be here at the very end.
-The final festival. The final battle.
-Our bond is true now, everyone.
-Mmmmm oden.
-Well... hard to believe we're done with these guys next week. Man...
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asknarashikari · 9 months
Yeah, I've been calling it that you'd be disillusioned with Geats, regarding how you vented about him midway. And I can feel guilty when I send asks about Geats (and I do read when you ask to not send questions about it). Am I directly responsible for this, like regarding me bringing up about something like Azuma's actions/traits being downplayed?
I guess it can be partly a change of pace I want to do to inform something of a "good news" too like the shitty Kurama parents not being considered as loving parents deep down (which'd be actual glorifying) but having to change for the better.
I know that many'd just suggest to give up, but I brought these out as I think someone gotta point out something like good intentions not making one a good person, to raise awareness, not for them but at least perhaps for third parties reading it, though perhaps sorry for this depending on the answer above.
I do perhaps have some copium for the fact that KR do also can have a villain (though not starting as one - like Kaito) getting justified by fandom - like many other medias like MCU, after the response to people like Ouja, Kusaka, Banno, Gai, etc. getting condemned universally, though for Geats too people universally condemn Daichi and Beroba's actions just like those mentioned, like usual.
Nah, it's cool. I was already pretty annoyed with how Azuma was being written, and it wasn't like I didn't see the fandom reception towards him with my own eyes. I made the mistake of dipping my toe back into Reddit too, so I was exposed to hot takes like "It's ok if [Azuma] kills the victims since they got revived" 💀
So you sending your thoughts in my direction didn't really play much of a role in my own opinions. That said, that applies even to the stuff that you said were positive about Geats- I still honestly think all of the redemption arcs were shoddily done, and that the parents belong in the group that didn't do anything to earn it (along with Daichi).
I thought about giving Geats up when the Dark Keiwa arc started up, but at the same time I have my own stubbornness about seeing the season through. I wish I did give it up in hindsight. I don't see why people like it so much.
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SO-DO CHRONICLE Homework vote announced to release unproduced riders and forms
Having been announced last month, the SO-DO ‘Homework’ vote - that lets fans vote for which suits the SO-DO line hadn’t made from Ex-Aid through Saber - has proven very popular, and as such it has been announced that another vote is to be held: this time focusing specifically on the SO-DO CHRONICLE subline. 
Encompassing any previous series featured in SO-DO CHRONICLE, a variety of riders and forms are available to be voted to be put into production from Ryuki, Kabuto, Den-O, W, OOO and Gaim -- such as Aqua, ZECTroopers, and a large amount of movie riders such as Fifteen, Saver, Gaoh, Pretty Den-O, Duke Lemon Arms, G Den-O and Hercus. Gaim and Den-O notably take up the bulk of this vote due to their very large number of Riders; and Den-O also features the two rider-line Oni from Chou Den-O. 
Notably, due to the scope of their lines and the relatively small number of suits to cover from their series; nothing from Kuuga is available to vote for, and Ryuki and W only have one character each -- Ouja Blank and W Cyclone/Joker when used by Akiko specifically.
The SO-DO CHRONICLE Homework vote is available to vote on from right now, with one vote per person allowed every day until the vote closes; allowing you to vote for multiple characters through the voting period or to put a lot more votes in favour of one character. Voting can be found in the link below.
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mirai-e-jump · 10 months
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Hero Vision Vol.8 (2002/Autumn) ft. Hagino Takashi Interview (translation below)
"I'm not afraid of playing the role of a villain. It's the role I desire to play," says Hagino Takashi about his role as Asakura Takeshi in "Kamen Rider Ryuki."
10 years have passed since his debut as an actor, and we asked him about Asakura, Changerion, and his "current self" as an actor.
"This is a psychological test"
Hagino-kun stared at the test paper given to him by the editorial staff, all while skillfully spinning a mechanical pencil with his thumb. This was our starting point.
Hagino: Hmmm~…
He stared at the paper for a few seconds, as if thinking about it, and then asked:
Hagino: I'm supposed to write something that's unique, right?
"No, ah, well, it's just a straightforward psychological test."
Hagino: Ah, so it is a psychological test!? Nahaha!
"……That's why I called it a psychological test (laughs). This is giving me a bit of a Suzumura Akira of "Choukou Senshi Changerion" feeling."
Hagino: Please forgive me, you see, I'm just an idiot~
Hagino-kun, who is always insisting that he's an idiot while smiling, bears no resemblence to Asakura Takeshi from Kamen Rider Ryuki.
"So then, why was Hagino-kun chosen for the role as an "Evil Rider?"
Hagino: I'd honestly like to ask the producer that as well. "Why me?," is what I think, but I also sort of understand Asakura. I understand where his frustration comes from, so I'd like to express those emotions. In a way, I now think it's the perfect role for me.
"Saying that, are you implying Hagino-kun is always annoyed?"
Hagino: Take this for example, whether it's yesterday, today, or tomorrow, there are people who are always happy and satisfied with their lives, but, there are also people who are aiming for a better one, and when having to face both themselves and society, they may become frustrated. I think that's why I sympathize with him.
"You've known producer Shirakura of Ryuki since Changerion 6 years ago. I wonder if producer Shirakura could sense Hagino-kun's frustration."
Hagino: Ah, those days~, he must of thought, "This guy's a real idiot, huh?" (laughs).
And Hagino-kun, you're still stressing how stupid you are right now.
Actually, before being casted as Asakura, he ran into producer Shirakura at Toei's studio, where he told him, "I'm slowly getting by, but I hope to work with Shirakura-san again within the next 3 years." Then, only 3 months later, Toei was sent an order, requesting for Hagino-kun to play the role of Asukura. So, when he heard that he would be an evil Rider, he said the first thing he did was, "think up a transformation pose" and "In some ways, I was thinking more about my passion than the actual show itself (laughs)."
Ouja's unique pose is based on the one that Hagino-kun developed himself while at home looking in the mirror, the quick movement of his right hand during the transformation is said to be inspired by the image of a snake. However, at the time of Changerion's filming, he wasn't really into transformation poses, and during filming even said, "We don't really have to do a transformation pose, do we?" which is unheard of for a hero actor (that's just how things went in Changerion).
"Although Changerion is well known now, many people didn't know about it at the time of its broadcast, and when some mistook its name for "Evangelion," he would say, "It was so stupid, I would become angry (laughs)." His feelings toward these types of shows have changed alot since the days of Changerion."
Hagino: It was around that time that I started to understand Changerion abit more, and was beginning to think that it was kind of fun playing in.
"When producer Shirakura complimented him with "Your acting is good," he responded honestly with, "Ah, I'll do my best, I hope~."
Hagino: That's right, through various experiences, I've come up with things I want to express, and began to think that I want to show them to the world. Little by little, I want to slowly climb the ranks.
"Hagino-kun himself seems alittle different compared to Akira, who is OK with anything as long as he's having fun, while Asakura, hurts others for his own enjoyment."
Hagino: Of course I want to have fun. But, just having fun isn't enough. I guess sometimes it's necessary to be patient with these kinds of things.
"He says he enjoys being an actor most when he watches the on air performance."
Hagino: I get a lot of enjoyment out of performing, but the most enjoyable moment is when I watch the on air performance, that's when all the elements come together.
Another thing, is there are times where being an actor makes his heart skip a beat. In the recently aired TV Special of Kamen Rider Ryuki, there was a scene in which Asakura was wearing a straightjacet while being completely restrained. The set of the holding cell, the costumes for the restraints, the filming equipment, and lighting, among other items, were all prepared "only for" Hagino-kun. Even with the limited budget, seeing the staff of each part working together for his scenes made him, "very happy."
"But, isn't there alot of pressure for so many people to work for Hagino-kun at the same time?"
Hagino: In my opinion, the pressure is felt when hearing excuses such as, "I'm tired," or "It's hot," and so on. It would be a waste if a bad feeling ruined a good situation. That's why I try to take care of my physical condition.
Hagino-kun says this with a strong sense of professionalism.
"As an actor, there are other roles that you would like to play in the future."
Hagino: For example, I could play a nice, refreshing young man. Or, I could be the scientist who created Frankenstein's Monster…Yeah, I'd like to play mad roles like that.
Whatever role he plays, as the actor who has grown through his major role as Asakura in Ryuki, we have high expectations for Hagino-kun!!
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zachbiller · 1 year
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Hailing from a planet of five kingdoms called Chikyuu are the warriors called Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger and they have come to protect the innocent from an evil empire called the Bugnarock! Now let's all meet these heroic warriors!
Kuwagata Ohger, a mysterious red king who has a burning spirit for battle. Mysteries surround his true nature that we will soon learn the truth about it.
Kamakiri Ohger, a selfish yellow queen who is in truth, ready to sacrifice herself to protect others.
Tonbo Ohger, a blue king who is smart and has a competitive attitude.
Hachi Ohger, the black king who is a cheerful person but is always fond of toying his opponents.
Papillon Ohger, a calm and neutral person but has hatred for injustice.
The five royal warriors uses the Ouja Calibur, as a transformation item and close range weapon amd also uses the transforming shield, King Weapon for defense and long range attacks.
And lastly, the team's main mechas are called the ShoGods. These are composed of the Kuwagata, Kamakiri, Tonbo, Hachi, Papillon, Tentou, Kumo, and Ant ShoGods. When its time to battle a more formidable giant enemy, these insect mechas will combine to form King Ouja
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