#the pacific h company
lamialamia · 4 months
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The Pacific ▶ H company
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krakerjaksstuff · 2 months
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leckie-strike · 28 days
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H Company boys making faces at each other The Pacific: Episode 04 (Gloucester/Pavuvu/Banika)
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wiltedprayers · 3 months
thinking about H company vs. K company from the pacific and it's so funny how H company is basically like. they're all so stupid and silly and insane and they're best buddies who are constantly in each other's arms friendly fighting and have a dog. and they do go through some shit but there's still some light at the end of the tunnel.
meanwhile K company is like misery personified everyone keeps dying they lost the three veterans holding the company together there's no hope. but hey here's burgie and some homoerotic subtext so you don't kill yourself while watching
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rcbertleckie · 8 months
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masters of the air part two / the pacific part two
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staud · 8 months
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LECKIE I tried to get you a corpsman. I tried to get back to you. RUNNER I know. Lucky, I know.
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disastrouscanasta · 4 months
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meyerlansky · 5 months
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#hboww2rewatch timestamp roulette: THE PACIFIC, PART TWO ↳ peaches. your new name is peaches.
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neptunes-blue · 9 months
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My favourite rat bastard man in his spiffy dress blues 🫶
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hbowardaily · 2 years
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she-wolf09231982 · 6 months
Chapter 3- The Letter
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Summary: The US Navy had fled allowing the Japanese control of the sea, leaving the marines to fight the battle for Guadalcanal alone. They were vastly undersupplied, and many were on the verge of starvation and some at the mercy of malaria. As thousands of Japanese reinforcements poured onto the island, Kate, Blanche, and the boys were strafed and bombed relentlessly. It was during these harsh times Kate found herself becoming closer to the guys and in a constant state of worry when Hoosier isn't where she could hear or see him. 
A/N: Mature audience, BillHoosierSmithx!FemMedic, WW2, OC/Kate Danaher, Female Pronouns, Cursing/Swearing, Derogatory Slurs, Womanizing Comments, Military and Medical Terminology, Inappropriate Nicknames, HBO The Pacific References, Mentions/Descriptions of Death, Blood, Weaponry, Smoking, 💚Very small Band of Brothers cameo quote…if you blink you might miss it💚
Story takes place Episode 2 Basilone Chapters 1-5
*These stories may not fall entirely in accordance with the TV series timeline. I do not know the real Marines the actors portray in this series, so please understand I show no disrespect. Some or most of historical events and character interactions in my fanfics are fabricated purely for the sake of the enjoyment of fiction* 
September 1942 
“What’s wrong with him?” Sgt Stone asked Kate while she kneeled over a young marine. 
She had been holding a thermometer to the man’s mouth, and when she removed it, it read 105. 
“His temp is 105. He’s clammy and sweating bullets but says he feels cold-has to be malaria, sarge.” Kate finalized with a frown. 
Sgt Stone shook his head, “He’s the fifth marine to catch this shit.” 
“He won’t survive here if he stays. I don’t have anything to treat him with since that cruiser sank with all the supplies we needed.”  
Sgt Stone nodded, “I’ll try to arrange for transport if it’s available. We’re pretty much on our own out here.” 
Kate nodded, “I’ll do what I can for him, sir.”  
H Company was due to push forward the following day upon hearing D Company making contact with the enemy some 15 miles ahead. The men were instructed to police their gear to be ready by 0500 the next morning for the convoy. Around sunset, Hoosier scavenged beyond the camp for anything palatable to bring back to his buddies and himself for dinner. 
Leckie, Runner, Chuckler, Sid, and Gibson sat in a 7’ by 8’ foxhole they had dug for all of them to fit in. 
As darkness engulfed the island and thunder rolled through, Hoosier returned with chow. 
“Supper’s on, supper’s on.” he announced as he jumped into the hole. 
“Anything good?” Gibson asked hopefully. 
“What are those?” Runner asked skeptically. 
“Army rations from 1918. Quartermaster at Dog Company claims they’re edible-” Hoosier began as he handed each of them a small, unmarked package of food. 
He noticed the look of disgust stretching across each of their faces as they tried biting into the stale hard-tack crackers that were stiff enough to crack their teeth. 
“-after you suck on them for about an hour or two.” Hoosier added. 
“This is all you could find?” Chuckler asked. 
“You fuckin’ forage next time.” Hoosier spat back. 
They all begrudgingly continued to eat. 
Kate appeared kneeling over the edge of their foxhole. 
“Hey, guys. Just making rounds. Everyone doin’ ok?” she asked. 
“Yeah, just havin’ some dinner while Leckie reads us his letter to his girl back home.” Runner replied playfully. 
“Who said I was writing to anyone?” Leckie retorted. 
“Come on, you can tell us. Go on, read it.” Chuckler pushed. 
“We’d do it for you.” Runner added. 
“Guys, leave him alone.” Kate chuckled, knowing it was all in good fun. 
Leckie shook his head and returned to writing on his pad of paper. 
“So, you guys are ok, then?” Kate reiterated. 
They collectively responded, “yeah yeah,” knowing she’d keep on them until they answered her. 
“Ok, good. Make sure you keep hydrating, too. See you guys later.” she reminded them before standing and walking off. 
“Speaking of girls; how’s that bet going Hoosier?” Runner asked. 
“I’d say I’m in the lead.” he stated assertively. 
“That’s because I’m giving you a head start! She won’t be able to resist me once I’ve unleashed my charm on her.” Chuckler countered. 
“Yeah, and he’s a Corporal now! The ladies love rank.” Runner pointed out. 
Hoosier scoffed, “Yeah? Well, I don’t think she’s that type of girl. She’s not impressed by the number of stripes on a marine’s sleeves.” 
“How would you know?” Chuckler asked. 
“I had a little visit with her yesterday. Sat and talked to her for about two hours sipping on that shit Jap wine that we had left.” Hoosier revealed. 
They all stared at him waiting for him to continue, but he remained silent knowing the anticipation was killing them. 
“And!?” Leckie prompted. 
“And she told me she was only here to do her part for her country by keeping us alive. No matter what I said or did to “charm” her, she went right back into talkin’ about medical mumbo-jumbo or about her two brothers in the 101st airborne,” he paused, “she’s actually real smart.” Hoosier explained. 
“Well, maybe you just don’t got it like I do.” Chuckler returned. 
Hoosier laughed, “Have it at, pal, I’m tellin’ ya, she’s a tough cookie to crumble. She doesn’t melt over the same things most dames do. You’ll have your work cut out for you.”  
“We’ll see!” Chuckler shot back confidently. 
By midafternoon the next day, H Company caught up with D Company, setting up outlook posts about a mile away in case the enemy approached. With an entire battalion in the same area, a proper aid station was available with tables and cots to tend to the wounded and sick. There was also a chow tent serving hot meals which none of the men have seen in weeks. 
Hoosier, Leckie, Chuckler, and Runner sat in a semi-circle with their plates of hot rice. 
“I hear the army finally landed.” Leckie shared. 
“Nice of them to join the party.” Runner stated sarcastically. 
“They have no idea what they’re walking into.” Chuckler added. 
“Yeah, well word is they came with loads of crates filled with some good shit.” Hoosier voiced. 
“Oh yeah?” Leckie asked, his interest piqued. 
“Maybe we can get at some of that!” Chuckler suggested. 
“If you do, see if you can get some clean bandages, and some morphine. And get me some goddam scissors, I can’t get any.” Kate requested as she walked past the group after hearing them scheming about the army supply delivery. 
“Yes, ma’am!” Chuckler confirmed enthusiastically as he shot a cheeky grin at Hoosier. 
Hoosier released an exasperated sigh as he rolled his eyes at him, 
“You’re a fuckin’ idiot, Juergens.” 
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As the Army staged the dozens of wooden crates and drawstring laundry bags on the beach, an air raid siren sounded off alerting the men of an enemy attack. The newcomer soldiers, unaware that the siren was signifying the attack on the airfield and not the beach, started running for cover leaving the boxes and bags unattended and up for grabs.
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The marines waiting in the brush of the jungle like predators waiting to pounce, watched as the last few soldiers disappeared before they took advantage of the situation. 
Platoons of marines scattered out of the tree line like roaches, breaking open boxes and foot lockers, and dumping bags to grab what they could before the army came back. 
Hoosier found a good-sized crate with a red cross insignia painted on it.  
“Has to be scissors in here.” he thought outloud to himself. 
He looked around and found a crowbar lying on the ground. Snatching it up, he got to work on opening the box. As he removed the final nail, he pushed the cover off revealing an assortment of medical supplies to include cases of morphine and first aid kits.  
Hoosier scanned the area around him, “Hey Runner! Come here!”  
Runner trotted over to him and looked into the box, “Nice, you found the medic supply.” 
“Help me grab a few of these, will ya?” Hoosier asked as he handed him a couple cases of morphine.  
“Why don’t you ask Chuckler?” Runner teased as he tucked the box under is arm. 
Hoosier laughed, “You snooze, you lose.”  
Runner snickered as he grasped the handles of three syrette cans in his right hand while slinging a sack filled with tactically acquired treasures over his left shoulder. 
Leckie ran over, “Here! Throw some of those in the bag so we can carry more back.”  
He presented a large empty duffel bag for Hoosier to throw more syrette cases and first aid kits in. 
“Perfect.” Hoosier commended. 
As he tossed as many as he could into the bag, the army rushed back shooing the marines away. The marines took off running towards their camp, each cackling triumphantly at the soldiers behind them. 
After the excitement settled down, Hoosier, Chuckler, Sid, Gibson and Runner sat in a more secluded area of camp shifting through the prizes they obtained. Leckie sauntered up while carrying his drawstring bag of goods, sporting his new pair of moccasin slippers to the foxhole as a campfire kindled.
“Anything happen while I was prospecting?” Leckie asked the group outloud. 
“Betty Hutton stopped by giving out blowjobs,” Hoosier replied, “What’d you get?” 
Leckie took a seat on the log and showed off the items he got. While he was handing out cans of peaches to the guys, Kate approached them. 
“Hey, guys, did you hear that the army was looted during the air raid earlier toda-”
She stopped a few feet behind Hoosier as Chuckler was waving a can of peaches at Runner who had been sitting by the tree line with his pants down dealing with a bad case of diarrhea. 
“Peaches? I’ve got the goddam runs, and you had to get peaches.” Runner hissed at Leckie. 
“They were all out of cheese, Runner.” Leckie called back. 
The puzzle pieces started to come together as she looked over the scene in front of her. She noticed Leckie with a pair of comfy patent leather house shoes on, the multiple cans of fruit, and the brand-new M-1 rifles next to each man where they sat. She watched as Leckie excitedly carved an opening in his can, eager to eat the peaches and drink the nectar inside. 
“Uh, Bob, you’ll wanna take that slowly,” she cautioned, “you haven’t had real food for weeks, you might-” 
“I’ll be fine, Ace.” Leckie insisted cutting her off. 
Not at all heeding her warning, he inhaled the peaches and sugary liquid from his can. He slowly lowered it looking suddenly alarmed and pale, apparently regretting his hasty decision. He began gagging as he rushed over not too far from where Runner was and vomited the peaches he just consumed onto the grass in front of him. 
Runner laughed at Leckie, pleased and entertained by his misery. 
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“Ugh, I told you, Leckie.” Kate pointed out with her hands on her hips shaking her head at him. 
The others sniggered as they slowly ate from their cans so as not to end up like Leckie. 
“Well, I was going to ask if you guys heard the air raid siren earlier, but I assume you did.” she continued as she crossed her arms in a motherly fashion. 
The guys responded with a collective, “Mmhm.” 
She waited, her lips pursed together as she scanned each of them with skepticism to see if they’d own up to what they had been doing during the air raid. They remained quiet, hanging their heads as they avoided eye contact with her while eating their peaches. She already knew, though. She just wanted to see if they’d confess without her outright asking them. She shook her head again, deciding it best to let it go. 
“Hey, Ace-” Runner called out to Kate, “my ass is killing me, can’t you do anything about this??” he begged. 
“Is there blood?” Kate asked invasively outloud in front of the guys. 
Runner’s eyebrows creased together inquisitively, “Huh?” 
Kate huffed irritably and walked closer to Runner, “Is there blood in your stool?” she clarified, speaking slowly. The others groaned in disgust, each placing their cans down. 
“Um-” Runner looked over his shoulder, “-no.”  
“Ok, good,” she stated as she turned on her heel to walk back, “When you’re finished relieving yourself over there, come see me. The nurses over at Dog Company gave me a case of sodium solution that can help that.”   
Kate walked past the group, “Enjoy your haul, you hooligans.” she said with a playful smile, winking at Hoosier as they made eye contact when she passed. 
Leckie slumped back onto the ground across from Hoosier, “When are you giving her the morphine and shit?”  
“Tonight.” Hoosier affirmed. 
“No way! You found her some morphine? What about bandages? And scissors!? How!?” Chuckler asked genuinely befuddled when Hoosier nodded. 
“Simple, I looked for it.” Hoosier responded smugly as he leaned back on his elbows. 
The guys laughed as Chuckler grimaced, resentfully drinking more juice from his can. 
That night as Hoosier was preparing the aid kits and morphine to bring to Kate and Blanche, fire clouds exploded in the distance and were steadily progressing closer towards them. Japanese aircraft’s were heading towards them dropping bombshells in their wake.
Whatever man wasn’t under the safety of cover dove into the nearest foxhole they could get to.
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Enemy aircrafts soared over H and D Company posts, relentlessly deploying one bomb after the other as they passed. Multiple men shouting to take cover, and some crying out in fear, there was nothing they could do other than wait it out. 
The following morning, every marine across the camp that wasn’t injured or stuck beneath the sand was either digging to find survivors that were buried alive or carrying the wounded to the medical personnel. The entire site was in shambles with Jeeps destroyed and burned to a crisp while fallen palm trees lay across where the men’s foxholes were, trapping marines' underneath. 
The hustle and bustle of the aid station was never ending. Kate and Blanche along with a few Dog Company medics and a couple of nurses scampered from one man to another trying to keep them alive while able marines brought more wounded on stretchers. 
“Put him on that table there!” Kate directed to the men who brought another marine with a wound to his right leg. 
Kate rushed over, “What do we got?”  
“Right thigh wound. He said shrapnel impaled him after one of the explosions went off right by him when he was running for cover.” one of the men explained quickly. 
Kate tore through the pantleg to get to the wound. She knew right away by the saturation of the blood that the artery was severed. 
“Blanche! Bring me gauze, sulfur and bandages! I need to pack this, NOW!” Kate yelled across the floor. 
Blanche hurried over with what Kate needed, unraveling the long bandage and opening a bottle of sulfur to clot the wound. Kate balled up the end of the dressing, pushing it down deep into the gash packing it as tight as she could. The man shrieked and bawled, kicking and grabbing at Kate to escape the torture. 
“Jesus, hold him down! I can’t do this if he’s moving around like that!” Kate bellowed. 
The two men that brought him in pinned him down by his arms while Blanche secured his legs by his ankles. Kate layered the bandage hard into his wound, then when she couldn’t fit anymore, she placed a padded bandage over the top wrapping the ends snug around the thigh tying it down to maintain pressure. The bleeding had finally stopped. 
Kate took a syrette and injected it into the meatier part of the marine’s shoulder. 
“Take him over there where the rest of ‘em are.” Kate panted as she weakly motioned over to the treated casualties, recovering in the shade of a hanging tarp. 
“You doing ok, Kate?” Blanche asked. 
Kate nodded, “Did you see Sid?”  
“No, thank goodness,” Blanche breathily replied, “What about Hoosier?”  
Kate looked at her shocked, “Well, no. But I haven’t seen Leckie, Chuckler, Gibson, or Runner either.” she added.  
Blanche raised an eyebrow at her best friend, “Honey, I know you fancy the man. You don’t have to hide it from me.” 
“I don’t know what you’re-” 
“Ssshhh...” Blanche shushed Kate placing her fore finger over Kate’s lips, “your secret is safe with me.” 
 Kate scoffed at her then rolled her eyes, “We got more work to do.”  
She turned around and made herself busy with the next injured marine. 
Kate sat alone behind the rickety medic shelter, taking a minute to let her brain rest by closing her eyes and humming a tune quietly to herself. The hum of her voice slowly became words as she sang the song softly outloud.  
“There you are.” Hoosier’s voice came crashing through Kate’s tranquil thoughts. 
Kate gasped as her heart and body jumped from surprise. 
“Bill, you have GOT to stop sneaking up on me like that!” she told him clutching the front of her uniform. 
Hoosier chuckled, “I am sorry, I really don’t mean to.”  
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Kate released a long exhale, “Glad to see you’re ok, though.” she admitted looking up at him through her eyelashes as he stood over her. 
“You, too.” he returned. 
Kate blushed, smiling weakly as she looked down at her lap. She looked behind him and noticed a dog sniffing around.
"Looks like you got yourself a new friend." she acknowledged.
Hoosier looked over his shoulder, "Yeah, after all the bombings last night this little fella slipped into our foxhole, so I grabbed him. Hasn't left my side since." he explained.
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The dog looked up at him as if he knew Hoosier was talking about him.
"He's adorable." Kate cooed.
“I have something for you.” Hoosier declared. 
“For me?”  
“Yep. But you need to close your eyes.” he instructed. 
Kate narrowed her eyes in suspicion, “Why?”  
“Trust me.” he insisted grinning proudly. 
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Kate clicked her tongue at him but closed her eyes as he requested. 
“Hold out your hand.” 
She presented her hand palm up in front of her.
"Stay." she heard him command to the dog.
She felt his calloused palm gently slip under hers. His surprisingly tender touch sent electrical currents up her arm and through the rest of her body. She almost wasn’t able to contain her shudder. 
Just then, she felt a hard slender object placed on her palm as he slowly removed his hand from under hers. 
“Ok, you can look now.” Hoosier told her. 
Kate opened her eyes, face to face with Hoosier kneeling right in front of her, his eyes as blue as the water behind him. She looked down at her hand to find a pair of scissors.  
Kate’s eyes widened with excitement as she smiled at him. 
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“You got me scissors!” she squealed throwing her arms around his neck pulling him into a hug. 
Hoosier chuckled as he loosely embraced Kate around her torso, “Yeah, I found a crate full of first aid kits and morphine and grabbed you a whole bunch of ‘em.” 
Kate leaned back looking at him in disbelief, “You did?” 
Hoosier nodded, “Leckie and Runner helped, too so we could get as much for you as we could. I brought them over and left them by the aid station for you. There are at least a dozen scissors over there so you’ll never run out of them again.”  
Kate’s heart almost rocketed out of her chest.
“You didn’t get anything for yourself while you were out there?”
“Nah, I don’t need much.” he dismissed.
She beamed adoringly at him and pulled him back for another hug. 
“You missed your chance to get something for yourself to get me what I needed? Thank you.” she whispered to him.
He squeezed her tighter, “Of course.” he purred back. 
They pulled away slowly, still smiling at eachother. Kate patted Hoosier’s shoulder before standing up. 
“I’m going to go take a look at those kits before anyone tries to get their mitts on them.” Kate proclaimed as she headed towards the casualty collection point. 
Hoosier fixated on Kate as she walked away. He was lost in a daydream relishing the feeling of her pinned against him when they hugged. It was the closest feeling to home he’s felt since he got to Guadalcanal. 
Kate stopped and turned to Hoosier, “You comin’?”  
Hoosier snapped out of his trance and clumsily scurried over to join her for the walk back to the aid station. 
As D and H Company fixed up the camp as best they could, they returned to foxholes to keep watch of the line. Col Puller (known as ‘Chesty’ to the marines) disclosed intelligence that the enemy was going to try to take Matanikau which was south of the airfield where the Americans currently had control. Most of the battalion was to join the 5th and 1st marines there to help defend the coast road into the airfield to maintain that control. This meant that Dog Company would be entirely alone on the front lines as they relocate to sector 3 of the island. H Company had their own orders. 
Hoosier and Runner were tasked to set up a listening and observation post 30 yards inside the treeline. While they were gathering their weapons and gear, Kate walked up with two ammo cans in her hand. A look of concern appeared across her face when she saw a tired rough looking Hoosier with his dog and Runner packing up gear behind him. 
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“Where you two going?” she asked. 
“We’re settin’ up a little less than a mile that way along the perimeter.” Runner replied pointing in the direction they were going to be heading. 
“Oh?” Kate queried. 
“Yeah, the Japs decided to go around us to hit the airfield. We got the first watch for two hours at sunset.” Hoosier explained. 
Kate looked down at her boots inadvertently kicking at the sand, “I see.” 
Hoosier stopped what he was doing to look her over and noticed what she had been holding. 
“Whatchya got there, Ace?” he asked gesturing with his head at the small metal boxes. 
Kate’s breath hitched in her throat as she looked up at Hoosier, “Oh-” she looked back down at the cans perplexed like they just appeared in her hands, “-it’s for you guys. I figured you’d need these more than me and Blanche.”  
She walked closer to Runner and Hoosier handing them each a container. Runner opened the can and saw stacks of crackers neatly packed to the brim. Hoosier looked into Runner’s can, then beamed back at Kate. 
“I heard you guys traded your saltines for the peaches and figured once you ran out of fruit you’d need more rations in the field. Good thing I caught you before you two took off.” she remarked. 
“You’re giving us your food?” Runner asked utterly surprised while Hoosier gaped at her. 
Kate’s eyebrows drew in together, “Of course. Someone’s gotta take care of you boys.”  
Kate averted her eyes to Hoosier.  She blushed seeing he had been gazing at her the whole time, his lazy smile and droopy blue eyes, ready to worship the ground she walked on.  
“We’re so lucky to have you.” Hoosier muttered. 
“Yeah, thanks, Ace!” Runner said as he ascended into the cubby hole shelter they all built to share the fresh crackers with the rest of the group. 
“Anytime, Runner!” Kate called out. 
Hoosier, still smiling, walked towards Kate, leaving very little room between them when he reached her. Kate hiccupped when he stood inches from her, looking up at him with her sparkling green eyes. 
“You didn’t have to do that, you know?” he asserted. 
Kate grinned, “I know. You guys would do the same for me and Blanche.”  
Hoosier’s smile widened, “Absolutely.”  
“I have one other thing,” Kate stated as she dug into her dungaree pocket, “-here.” 
She held a sealed envelope with the name ‘Bill’ written in cursive on the front. He took it from her and as he looked it over, he realized he didn’t recognize the handwriting.  
He looked back at her, “Who’s this from?”  
Kate laughed, “Me, silly!”  
A smile returned to his face, “But why?” 
“Well, I heard you saying something about Leckie having a girl back home to send letters to and that you didn’t. So, I wrote you one.” Kate explained. 
Hoosier’s heart melted, practically becoming a puddle at his feet. He looked back at the letter smiling so hard his cheeks started to ache. 
“Well, thank you Kate Danaher. That’s about the nicest thing that any broad has ever done for me.” he admitted. 
“Glad to hear it. Oh, and you should wait to read it when you’re feeling crummy during one of your watches. It’ll cheer you up.” she insisted. 
“What if I want to read it now?” Hoosier asked with a mischievous smile. 
Kate laughed, “Defeats the purpose of me writing it for you! It’ll be worth the wait, cross my heart!” she promised as she drew a crisscross over her chest with her fingers. "-And when you do read it, you'll have to write me back. Those are the rules."
Hoosier was absolutely mesmerized by her childlike innocence. 
“Ok, I’ll save it.” he pledged placing the letter in the breast pocket of his uniform. 
Kate standing on her tiptoes snaked her arms over his shoulders pulling him into a hug as his arms instinctively embraced her pulling her flush against him.
“Please be careful. Both of you.” Kate whispered. 
Hoosier’s heart pounding against his ribcage had his chest heaving as his strong hands kneaded Kate’s upper back. He nodded, agreeing to her request. 
“Promise?” Kate implored. 
“I swear it.” Hoosier reassured; his voice low and calm like a song to Kate’s ears. 
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lamialamia · 9 months
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H-company + Iconic Tweet (as curated by The Verge)
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lucky-bastards · 2 years
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Hey, Leckie, your parents ever send you your dress blues? - That joke stopped being funny a year ago, Hoosier. I just thought you might want to get spiffed up. Battalion's holding a lottery. 
- What's the prize? A bullet in the head? 
A ticket home.
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wiltedprayers · 3 months
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staud · 9 months
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Hey, welcome home, Cobber. You have a good vacation?
(5/x favorite hbo war scenes)
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littletroubledgrrrl · 2 years
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John Ritter looks like he's crotch chopping a la D Generation X in this gif.
He invented DX's crotch chop!
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