#the party must’ve really been poppin for them
radiation-run · 2 years
Oh to live a blissfully oblivious life like Eddie’s sisters, dancing away while their dad is possibly dying 2 feet from them
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20 notes · View notes
maybe-your-left · 4 years
A Case In Need: Control Freak
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Here is a link to my Masterlist that has all the chapters and my WIP! 
TW/CW: NSFW, allusions to violence, drinking, and some breath play! Ren’s a nasty boy and FUCK is it good. 
Also super sorry about it being a while since I updated, I just started some new anti depressants and they threw me for a loop but I'm back on track now and feeling better than ever.
  It had been two weeks since Ren had bought you your ‘gifts’. 
Scratch that. 
Two weeks since a giant monster of a man had removed you from your home, took away your valuables, hid your favorite blanket somewhere, he wouldn’t say where, and gave you a full swat team of bodyguards whenever you were out of his sight. Two full fucking weeks since he started keeping tabs on where you were, what you were doing, and who you were with. 
It was exhausting being his ‘lover’. If you could still be classified as that, it was starting to feel like a hostage situation, whenever the two of you weren’t in the office together he would send you texts or phone calls that you were required to answer. He had even gotten a spare cell phone to call you from so it was separate from his personal calls, and you presumed to keep Rey oblivious. Which oddly enough had been working, she had really no idea what was going on. She would visit him at work throughout the day and give him a small kiss on the cheek and always insisted on hugging you before leaving. At some point, she must’ve hounded him for your phone number because now here you were meeting her for lunch hours after Ren left your, ‘our’ as he liked to call it, apartment. 
Before he left he had laid out an outfit for you to wear along with an outline of talking points you were ‘allowed’ to bring up with her during the lunch. You had rolled your eyes at him and ensured that you weren’t going to reveal anything to her, you didn’t really want your relationship with Ren to end. You just were getting tired of the short leash he kept you on. After getting dressed, and inspected by Ren, he had pulled you into a long slow kiss and whispered in your ear, “I’ll miss you Angel,” and then he was gone. 
Huffing you messed with your hair a little more and straightened out the dress he had chosen for you. Even though he was being a psychopath for control you were surprised to see that he was being generous in the gifts he bought you. The day after moving Ren had taken you to a couture mall in Manhattan and lavished you with thousands of dollars worth of clothes, jewelry, and home goods. He had insisted on keeping the house in a monotone color scheme but he did budge on your wardrobe, he knew that you liked having some pops of color and truth be told you noticed that he enjoyed, a little too much, the baby pink sets you chose at the lingerie stores. He had even gone so far to get you a custom made necklace* that was engraved with his initials, with a ruby inlay, that he wanted you to wear all the time. 
Grabbing your purse and slipping on your black strappy heels you heard your phone go off. You searched your purse for the damned contraption, even though it was a small bag it was almost like a Mary Poppins never-ending abyss when you threw things in it. Jingling out your keys you locked the front door and made it down the steps and finally snatched out the phone. 
Vicrul and Ushar will be escorting you today. Don’t be difficult with them or you’ll be in trouble. 
Ugh, he was never going to let you live that down. You stood outside and waited for their black SUV to pull up while you contemplated messaging him back. You didn’t really feel the need to be escorted to lunch with Rey, wouldn’t she think it’s weird that her husband’s men were driving you? Did she get escorted like that with the other beastie boys? It’s not like you weren’t fond of them, truth be told you liked the guys, they were always posted outside your house when Ren was gone. Usually, it was Ushar who took care of you unless it was a super public gathering then one of the other men would join in. But it had been a while since Vircul had watched you, the last time Ren had let them take you to a spa to get your nails and hair done and you had been in a bratty mood. One thing had led to another and it ended with you screaming that you were being ‘attacked’ because the men would not fucking stop hovering. The spa did not think it was funny however and Ren had to bribe the police officers who were 100% ready to arrest Vicrul because he was pinning you to the salon chair. 
The black SUV slinked up to the sidewalk and out of the passenger side came Ushar. “Hello Miss (Y/N),” he opened the back door for you, “Confirming that you are headed to lunch with Lady Ren?”. 
“Yes Ushar,” you rolled your eyes behind your sunglasses, “He already said I could go.” The men always did this with you, whenever he was gone they would double, even triple-check that you knew where you were going and any special instructions Ren had laid out for you. It was almost like you were a child stuck in the middle of a custody battle, each side was trying to make sure you knew all the rules and what you were allowed to say or do, it was getting really old. 
“Hi Vic,” you cooed trying to get a rise out of him, “It’s been a while hasn’t it?” 
Vicrul let out a low chuckle, “Not long enough Angel, not long enough.” 
You hummed back at him and settled in so they could whisk you away to probably the worst lunch of your life. You decided to play nice and shoot Ren a text to let him know you were with the guys, but you also wanted to push his buttons. 
Don’t worry Daddy. I’ll play nice.
The drive took a little over fifteen minutes, Vicrul parked up front and Ushar quickly opened your door and held his elbow out for you to take. You grabbed it, thankful for the support since you weren’t sure what to expect. The two of you began into the large building, with Vic jogging up close behind. Climbing into the elevator you noticed the other patrons were scooting away from you. Being as you were a small woman being flanked by two men who looked like they wrestled bears for a living, it was a natural response. Most people had hopped off before you hit the rooftop for your ‘date’. 
Stepping out you scanned the area and immediately noticed another hulking group of men in pitch black suits. Ahh, so the others are here too, of course, Rey would have her own guards. You let the guys lead the way and soon you were a group of six men hovering by the hostess stand. Looking around you couldn’t find Rey, she wasn’t any smaller than you, she hadn't gotten far especially with four guys flanking her…
“Ugh there you are!” she squealed before pulling you into a tight hug, effectively pinning your arms to your sides. “I thought you got lost, Kylo told me he sent the Knights to come get you but I was so afraid you stood me up!” 
“The Knights,” you whispered, still in her boney clutches. 
“Yes, the Knights,” she released you and grabbed your hands in hers, “They are the bodyguards we use!”
Oh. The Knights. That’s what Ren called them, well it made sense, they were fucking huge and seemed like they did anything for their ‘master’. 
“Are you ready to eat? I got us a lovely table out on the balcony,” Rey smiled at you. 
“Oh yes, of course,” you tried to match her enthusiasm, “Let’s go.” 
After the two of you were seated the Knights had flanked you both on your sides, leaving about a 6-foot circle for the waiter and other servers to talk to you. 
“So (Y/N),” Rey grinned at you, “How are you liking work? Kylo says you’re doing an excellent job.” 
You blushed, “Oh thank you, he’s never mentioned that.” 
“Oh, that’s just because he’s bad at giving affection, we’ve been married for almost 10 years and he still rarely says ‘I love you”,” she giggled and started drinking her cosmo. What an awkward turn this lunch had gone, and right at the fucking beginning. It didn’t shock you that Ren was weird with affection and compliments in front of people but you assumed that after ten years he would at least show something toward Rey. Your heart sank, what if he never returned feelings to you? You had been seeing each other for almost a month, and even though you knew it was wrong, you had started feeling ‘feelings’ for him. The PDA was okay, you weren’t a huge fan of it, but even at the mall he had held your hand and kissed your forehead when you found something he liked. It was strange and new for you, and being told that he wasn’t like that with his wife made you ill. 
“Let’s talk about something else,” you spit out, “Sorry, it’s just I’m at work all week so maybe we talk about something different?” 
“Oh of course,” she took another swig of her drink, “I can’t tell you the last time I hung out with a girlfriend.” another drink, “Probably since before I got married!” 
“It’s true,” she sighed. 
“What do you do all day then?” 
“This and that,” she motioned for the waiter to get her another, “Usually I go and play tennis at the country clubs, join in at the book club I’m a part of, you know domestic things.” She looked almost sad, you wondered if Ren was the reason she had nothing to do, or maybe she was just that boring. 
“Well,” you tried to soothe her, “What do you like to do?” 
She inhaled deeply and looked out at the skyline, “I really enjoyed being in school. Learning, reading, doing something. But I don’t anymore, women in my situation aren’t expected to have those kinds of hobbies.” 
“You know,” she looked back at you and dabbed her lash line, “Being married to a powerful man, I’m expected to hold a certain standard.” She sniffled and you resisted the urge to reach across the table until one single rule from the outline stood out in your mind, ‘Under no circumstance are you to soothe her, she is dramatic at times and I don’t need you falling into a trap’. 
A server thankfully interrupted your pity party, leaving your dishes and a quick message about ‘if you need anything else just call’. Rey had seemed to reign herself back in and turned back to you with her trademark smile. 
“What about you?” 
“Oh um,” you paused to bite into your salad, “I don’t really do much. I usually go out to bars and stuff on weekends. Or my friends and I have wine and cheese nights!” You smiled at her, it had been about two weeks since your last meeting. Finn and Rose were super confused when you told them you moved but you convinced them that with your new salary you could afford some new things. You actually were supposed to meet them in a couple of days at your new apartment for drinking. 
“Ugh that sounds so fun,” Rey almost screamed, maybe she was drinking too much. You weren’t sure what her tolerance was but you were sure that Ren probably monitored her drinking. “I used to do that in college with one of my friends.” 
“Oh? Where did you go to college?” 
“The same one as you!” she squealed, “Sorry, I saw on your resume where you went to school. I’m pretty sure we were in the same class.” 
“Oh no shit,” you giggled back at her, you tried to remember if you knew her. The only people you hung around were Finn and Rose, sometimes Poe who had moved across the country after graduating. He was the ambitious one out of the group, he had joined the Air Force before school and became a pilot. 
Rey started giggling uncontrollably, you could feel the Knights start to shift towards her. Especially Vicrul who seemed to be keeping a very sharp eye on her. “Yeah, we both used to hang out with Rose,” she said over her glass. 
You froze. Rose? Your Rose? How did she know her? You were sure Rose didn’t know Rey, and if she had wouldn’t you have known Rey too. Now all the Knights were closing in on you two, you could feel the mood shifting to a topic Ren probably didn’t want you to have. “How… How do you know Rose?” 
“Oh, it was way back when,” she flung her hand out to somehow calm you, “back when I was hooking up with this guy Finn.” 
“I think that’s enough Lady Ren,” Vicrul grunted while reaching for her drink. 
“Hey,” she shouted, “I’m a grown woman Vic. I can drink whatever I want!” She was starting to cause a scene, you turned and noticed other patrons looking your way. And what a sight it was, little Rey holding a half drank cosmo as high as she could away from the Knights. 
Vicrul got closer to her and almost growled, “Don’t make me call him.” 
Rey narrowed her eyes, “Do it, pussy.” 
And then all hell broke loose, Rey had launched from the table, effectively throwing her drink on Vicrul. In her haste she had also thrown the food all over you, your pretty new dress now soiled by the salmon salad you ordered. Ushar had rushed to your side and grabbed you by the shoulders and was attempting to pull you from the scene. But you couldn’t just sit and watch, Rey was sobbing and screaming at Vircul to let go of her, even going as far to bite his arm that corralled her to his chest. You couldn’t help but cry too, this poor woman, she was truly a prisoner. She had so many friends at some point, maybe even was your friend, and then she was thrown into a world she didn’t seem to enjoy with a husband who only cared about her appearance. 
Suddenly everything stopped, the Knights were silent and lined up by the table, aside from Ushar and Vicrul. You swallowed your tears and you heard footsteps. Slow and methodical steps coming towards you. Waves of dread began to fill your stomach while the aura of danger was licking between your legs. You cowered into Ushar’s chest, you didn’t want to see him, didn’t want to be at the end of his wrath. 
“How strange it is,” he boomed from your left side, “that here, in our favorite restaurant, you decide to make a scene.” He stalked towards Rey, slow steps, each one growing louder than the last. He had his hands clasped behind his back and although you couldn’t see his face you knew that it was tense. You could practically hear his jaw popping in and out of place. He cracked his knuckles before bringing his hands up to his neck. “I expected more from you,” he spat out and began to crack his neck. Each pop was like a nail in Rey’s coffin, you couldn’t help the little whimper that rose from your throat which caught his attention. 
Ren whipped around and was in front of you instantly. His fists clenched at his sides and his breathing shallow. He was waiting for you to meet his gaze, almost taunting you to stare back. You gulped and squeezed your eyes shut. You didn’t want this. You didn’t want him to blame you, if he would just calm down you could explain what she had said, no one had told you that she got so emotional when she had cocktails. It wasn’t in the outline briefing he had given you this morning. So really it was his fault. 
“Take her away,” he snarled at Ushar, who suddenly picked you up and rushed you out of the restaurant. Peeking over his shoulder you witnessed Ren closing in on Rey. When the elevator doors shut you hoped that the pained screaming you heard wasn’t what you thought they were. 
The drive back was silent. Neither you nor Ushar said a word. You barely remembered to breathe, you were petrified. How could lunch have gone so wrong so fast? You just wanted to get to know her, get an understanding of who she was. You didn’t think she was going to launch into a speech about how much she hated her life. And what was the whole Finn and Rose thing about? Not once had they mentioned that they knew her, other than when Finn told you about the Ren incident. But you didn’t think that meant Rey and Finn hooked up in college. It was all too familiar and uncomfortable, you needed answers and unfortunately, there was only one person who could give them to you. 
You waited. Paced, bit your nails in anticipation for him to come to you. He hadn’t told you this morning when he would be back, but he always would come around in the evening to drop off food and watch a movie with you. Or give you feedback on something at work, or fuck you on any surface he could find. But he never stayed too long, which should be normal, he did have a wife who would probably be suspicious if he was gone overnight. 
After about 5 hours you had decided that he wasn’t coming. So you stripped down and started a bath, throwing in a black glitter bath bomb that was supposed to help soothe the body and soul. After it was just the right temperature you grabbed a glass of wine and turned on some Netflix to drown out your wandering brain. Sinking in you enjoyed the stillness, you didn’t get this luxury at your old apartment and now you were being spoiled rotten with all these new features. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you could live somewhere like this, or wear the clothes that you had hanging in the closet. You hummed to yourself and started drinking and began to be lulled to sleep by the sounds of Fraiser coming from your laptop. 
You were pulled from your sleep to the sound of a door slamming shut. Followed by grunting which you assumed was someone taking off their shoes, and another series of slamming noises. Guess someone decided to pay you a visit, you groaned and drank some more of your wine, preparing for his royal asshole to grace you with his presence. 
You heard his footsteps coming up the stairs, your master bedroom doors swinging open and closed until the man, the myth, the legend, was now standing in your bathroom. Fully clothed aside from his shoes being gone. “Well hi,” you said to him. 
He grunted at you and made his way into ‘his closet’, which was filled with clothes of his own that he bought on your shopping trip. He reemerged completely naked with a black robe draped over his forearm. 
“Why is the water black,” he grumbled before swinging a leg across from you.
“What do you think you’re doing Ren?” 
“Don’t be difficult Angel. I’ve had a long fucking day,” he snapped at you, “Now is this water going to stain me, or am I good to get in?” he stared at you. His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched like he was getting ready to attack his prey. You tried to keep your face neutral, not letting him know that you were still slightly scared of him after the display this afternoon. You slowly scrunched your legs to your chest as a nonverbal way of telling him he could join in. Once you moved he brought both legs in and sank into the tub. 
You both were very lucky that this was a large bath since Ren’s legs took up about 75% of the space in it, leaving you to stretch out on top of him. Your feet placed on his abs while he sunk lower and lower until his head was resting on the lip of the tub. 
“What’s in your glass,” he practically moaned at you with his eyes shut. He looked super uncomfortable but you could tell he was trying really hard to relax. Which seemed to never be his natural state. 
“It’s a Cab*, the one with the lion on it.” 
Ren snatched it out of your hand without even looking and chugged the rest of it. “We’re going to need more of that,” he rolled slightly to his right and pressed an intercom button. 
“Whoever the fuck is downstairs will you bring up the Juggernaut bottle,” he barked into the speaker. Assuming that one of the Knights was going to follow his order. Within minutes one of them came in and gave Ren the bottle which he immediately started chugging from. 
“Ren,” you reached out and pulled the bottle from him, “Are you going to tell me what the fuck happened earlier? Or are we just going to drink?” 
“Can we not do both?” 
You exhaled loudly, trying to get your point across that you needed to talk to him. He groaned and started rubbing his face. “I don’t know what you’re expecting from me. She is my wife and what we do in our personal lives is none of your business.” 
“Are you serious,” you snapped at him, “Ren I am fucking you. You’ve been calling the shots of my life for almost a month, you bought me an apartment, car and new clothes and made me go to lunch with her and now it’s none of my business?” 
He crossed his arms and looked away from you, trying to focus on your laptop even though it was paused from watching too many episodes. 
“Kylo,” you barked, “I’m fucking talking to you.” 
“Don’t you dare call me that,” he yelled, raising a finger at you. 
Bringing the bottle to your lips you waited for him to continue. Interesting that he allows Rey to call him that but not you, this was something you were going to have to explore. 
“Is it because you’re ashamed, Ren,” you cooed at him, “Ashamed that I saw how out of control she is. Or that I know you beat her.” 
Suddenly he was on top of you, his hands around your throat. Teeth snapping in your face like a wild dog. “Don’t you ever accuse me of that,” he seethed and released you enough so you could breathe again, “I’ve never laid a finger on her in my life. You don’t know anything about me little girl.” 
You had dropped the bottle in the tub, the red liquid pouring out and mixing into the black water. Almost like there had been blood spilled between the two of you. You grasped onto his forearms to try and anchor him off of you but were getting nowhere. “That’s hard to believe,” you gasped, “When you’re currently choking me to death.” 
“Oh Angel,” his face softened to a less dangerous one but more one of mischief, “That’s because I know you like it when I’m rough with you.” You inhaled sharply, and Ren pushed you up further against the tub. Effectively pinning you in place while his knees knocked yours to accommodate him. 
“Like right now,” he came closer to you, “I know that your pretty little cunt is sopping because of me. It’s okay to be afraid, I won’t hurt you.” One of his hands dropped into the water, “That much.” 
Suddenly he had you flipped around, on your knees with your chest and face pressed up against the end of the tub. Water sloshing between you two while he pressed his hips into yours. Revealing a once well-hidden erection that was now skimming your folds. He brought one hand down between your legs, lightly petting at you. Humming when he felt your arousal mixed with the water. You moaned and tried to press your hips back into him, desperate for friction. “No, no Angel, you’ve been a bad girl.” 
You froze and felt him line himself up at your entrance, usually he worked you open so it wouldn’t be so painful when he pushed into you, but it was clear that right now Ren wanted you to feel the pain. His other hand came up and gripped to your hair, successfully knotting it in his fist. 
“Tell me, Sweetheart, do you know how long you can hold your breath?” 
You craned your neck to try and look at him, you were obviously confused. 
“Let’s find out.” 
Ren pushed into you and suddenly you were dunked underwater. You thrashed and screamed under the black mess while he started pumping into you. Each thrust was harder than the last, he was determined to make you know how much he could hurt you. You tried to push yourself back up to the surface but he had you pinned, after what felt like hours he pulled you back up and you choked on the water. 
Gasping and gagging you started sobbing while Ren was laughing like the Joker. “I think we can do better than that,” and he had you under the water again, his pace far more crucial, he was chasing a high that he didn’t know he had. The amount of power he held over you now was unbearable. This man, who you had grown to like more and more, was now holding you hostage under the water and the sick part was that you didn’t want him to stop. 
He pulled you back up and pinned your face to the side and thrust in more and more, grunting and groaning at the clenching of your walls around his cock. The hand holding your hip hostage slid down and started rubbing tight circles around your clit causing you to moan. “That feels good doesn’t it Angel, I can feel you, you love it when I fuck you like this.” 
Gagging again you responded, “I do I love it, Ren, please don’t fucking stop.” 
“You want to cum don’t you,” he leaned to your ear and continued his brutal pace, “Cum all over my cock? Even though I almost drowned you?” 
You screamed as his circle grew faster and faster over your nub, you couldn’t help clenching around him. You felt so close to your orgasm, you just needed a little bit more. 
“Tell me you like it, Angel,” he huffed before stopping to take a bite out of your shoulder, “You like it when I control you. You need it don’t you dirty slut, someone to keep you in check.” 
“Yes Ren I love it, please please let me cum,” you begged him. 
“After you cum you’re going to thank me for everything I’ve done for you, do you understand whore? I own you. I own your mouth, your tight little cunt, even your thoughts.” 
You were bucking back into his thrusts, desperately chasing your release, “All yours Ren, please I need it.” 
He stilled his movements and turned your head to try and face him, “Take a deep breath and cum Angel.” 
And you did just that as he dunked you back under the water, pinning you flat against the bottom while his fingers rubbed your clit in sync with his cock. You were clenching and desperately trying to hold your breath until you felt him empty inside you. Hot sticky cum painted your insides as his grip on your loosened, you took the chance to lift out of the water and gasp for air while Ren slumped against you. His chest flush with your back while his cock was still squirting into your tired pussy. 
His arms came around you and pulled you up with him so now you were on top of him while he buried his face into your neck. Lazy and sloppy kisses were placed all over the crook of your neck up towards your jaw, his hands were slowly petting your breasts in a way to calm your breathing. Finally, he took in a deep breath and stood with you clutched to his chest. 
Treating you like you would porcelain he stepped out of the tub and turned to the shower, quickly rinsing the two of you off before leaning you against the wall. You couldn’t even move, your body went into fight or flight every time he shoved you under the water. You were so sure he was going to kill you, but each time he was sure to pull you back up and prepare you for the next blow. It was almost considerate, given the circumstances, that he even let you cum with him. You stared at the man who was washing both of your bodies of the glitter, wine, and cum. He looked so focused on piecing you back together even though he had been the one to break you in the first place. 
He shut the water off and stepped out, quickly drying himself off and getting in his robe before reaching his hand out for yours. 
“Come on Angel, you’re shivering,” he whispered to you, afraid to command you after what had happened. You grabbed his hand and walked out of the shower where he again dried you off and wrapped you in your black robe too. Once you were bundled he picked you up and you wrapped your arms and legs around him, desperate for him to stay with you. 
He brought you to the bedroom, pulling down the sheets with his right hand while still cradling you with his other. Bending over to place you down you squeezed him harder, “Please don’t go,” you whispered in his ear. 
“I’m not going anywhere (Y/N), not anymore.” 
You released him and watched him go back to the bathroom and shut off the lights before coming back and climbing into bed fully naked. Ren came up behind you and started to pull off your robe, kissing your bare skin when it came into contact with the room's cold air. 
“I promise (Y/N), never again” he cooed before pulling you into his embrace and the two of you were lulled to sleep. 
TAGLIST: @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @morby​ @kirah36​ @onlykyloscenes​ @clumsycopy​ @candycanes19​ @desiraypark​ @direnightshade
*Here is our necklace from Tiffany: https://www.tiffany.com/jewelry/necklaces-pendants/elsa-peretti-color-by-the-yard-pendant-62464399/
**Here is the wine we are having, it’s my sister’s favorite red wine and it's honestly not that bad: https://www.wine.com/product/juggernaut-hillside-cabernet-sauvignon-2017/532155?state=CA&s=GoogleBase_CSE_532155_type_Wine_RedWine_CabernetSauvignon_261&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Google_Shopping_Smart_CA_Relaunch&showpromo=true&promo=PSCASE10&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNr4BRDYARIsAADIx9wTNMJgAuhl1zWgoZEny8NAfa4vYZmIzTH446JIQfJ5NE9upZGPAGgaAk0eEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#promoBarModal
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nelllraiser · 4 years
served shaken and stirred | lucky, connor, & nell
LOCATION: The Common, by the center fountain. PARTIES: @lvcky-charms​, @connorspiracy​, and @nelllraiser​. SUMMARY: lucky, connor, and nell gate crash a group of highschoolers’ fun, putting a real big damper on an otherwise thrilling Summoning attempt. CONTENTS: self-harm (sacrificial), death, homophobia (highschoolers being dumb).
 “Come onnn, how long is this gonna take?” Gary stuffed his hands in his hoodie pockets and stood back as Drew and Megan lit the candles. “It’s getting late, and my parents don’t want me out past 10. What’s the point of this shit, anyways? You really think that dumb note you found is gonna do something?” Of course they did. Mom and dad always cautioned him not to read any weird writing he found, especially out loud, but his friends really had their hearts set on this. He really should’ve known better than to listen to Drew. Drew always got them into trouble. And ever since he and Megan started dating, Gary found himself consistently outvoted.
Megan sat on the edge of the fountain, kicking her legs in the air. “Your parents don’t want you to have a life, Gary. And aren’t you curious? He paid $50 for this sheet of paper. It has to do something.” She shrugged, her mop of curly hair bouncing. “Besides, I wouldn’t waste my Yankee Candles if I didn’t think this wasn’t going to work.”
“Okay,” Drew announced, stepping back from the last candle, “I think we’re ready.” He checked the paper, like it was a sheet of instructions for assembling an IKEA dresser instead of a dangerous incantation. “Oh, it says we need to put blood onto the surface. Megan? You’ve been PMSing all week.” 
She scowled at Drew. “Very funny. You know, I could’ve dated Shane instead. Maybe I made a mistake.” Megan hopped off the fountain’s edge and rummaged through her backpack, pulling out a dissection kit. “You’re just lucky I’m in AP Bio.” Drew still looked confused. She clicked open the small box and pulled out the scalpel as her answer, carefully handing it over to Drew. 
Gary’s nose wrinkled. “Did you use that on a frog or something? Is that sanitary?” Megan just rolled her eyes and tossed her hair back. Drew didn’t seem to care one way or the other, and held out his hand. But something made him freeze. Gary quickly understood why. “Do you guys hear something?”
It was a shitty habit, he knew, but Connor’s vape had ran out of battery, so he was left with the emergency cigarettes he kept in his inside jacket pocket. “Where the fuck did I put that lighter?” He patted himself down like it was magically going to appear, groaning to himself. “Fuck sake.” He glanced around, looking for someone else who might be able to lend him one, and across the common he caught sight of--was that candles? He scrunched up his nose, curious, heading towards what looked to be a bunch of high schoolers. “Didn’t the fire brigade ever come to your school and warn you about flames in a wooded area?” he teased, then held up the cigarette. “Which of you has a light?” He glanced around at their faces, looking like a bunch of deer in the headlights, then his eyes fell on the paper. “Oh, bloody hell, not a summoning circle. Hand it over.” 
Ever since Constance had decided to give Nell a deadly bath in the ocean, the ache of whatever the hell was wrong with her ribs had made it rather uncomfortable to breathe...or move- or do most of anything. But she’d run out of Takis at home, and desperate times called for desperate measures. If it hadn’t been for the faintest crackle of magic in the air, she would have walked on by whatever the hell was happening in the Commons, but the prickling of her skin turned Nell’s head towards the commotion, and a frown was quick to come over her as she slowly made her way over to the source of it, injury permitting. “What the hell are you all doing?” she asked unforgivingly the moment she saw the spread of the spell, obviously drawn with an inexperienced hand. Then she saw the scalpel, and realized they were only inches away from making a very big mistake. “Give me that,” she demanded in her next breath, holding her palm open for the tiny blade. “Or you’re probably about to get yourself and all your friends killed.” Summonings gone wrong were rarely forgiving.
“I had nothing to do with this,” Connor said, holding up his hands. “I just wanted a fag.” 
“Sorry, Mary Poppins,” one of the boys answered. “Try Flaming Mo’s.” 
Connor raised an eyebrow, looking over at Nell. He had to admit, it was nice to see her, even though they were clearly interrupting something stupid. Luckily, it wasn’t exactly unheard of for Connor to be involved in stupid shit. “That’s not what I meant.” 
Nell was reaching for the scalpel, and the girl was staring at her, holding onto it protectively. “No, it’s mine. Get your own, you old bat.” 
The other boy, the one who seemed to be her boyfriend, stepped forward protectively, grabbing the scalpel from her. Whether it was deliberate or whether it was an accident in the struggle, Connor couldn’t say, but in the scuffle, the scalpel went right through the palm of Nell’s hand, falling onto the scandals and fountain. “Jesus,” Connor exclaimed. “Bugger, that must’ve hurt. You alright?” 
The stiffness that had settled into Lucky’s joints kept him from getting any semblance of normal sleep. He figured maybe, just maybe, a walk would help loosen him up and tire him out to the point where he couldn’t not sleep. He maybe overestimated how familiar he was with White Crest, as now he was ambling around and definitely lost. The walk hadn’t even done anything to ease his aching joints as, now, they throbbed with every step. He was just about to find a place to sit and rest for a moment when something caught his eye. Was that people? And candles? That seemed like a disaster waiting to happen in a town like this, but still, he begrudgingly walked towards them, coming upon some kids, a stranger, and...Nell? Good, this definitely meant he should turn around and leave; she never seemed to not be getting into trouble from what Lucky could tell by their interactions thus far. Against his better judgement, he called out softly as he approached. “Uh, hey folks.”
The moment the blood fell from her hand into the fountain, Nell knew what it meant. A sacrifice had been given, and the spell would be complete. But it wasn’t enough. Already she could feel the spell demanding more blood, and now that the floodgates had been opened it would take all the energy it needed until it was satisfied. Drew, the boyfriend, fell to his knees almost instantly, his face shriveling in like a dried apple before their very eyes as the magic took the energy it needed. It had taken all of five seconds for the night to turn into mystery occult fun to deadly. His girlfriend was screaming somewhere, but Nell couldn’t focus on that now. “I’m fine!” she replied reflexively to Connor, ignoring the pulsing pain of her hand. “But it needs more blood or it’s gonna keep taking what it wants!” she yelled with a nod towards the husk of a teenage boy that lay unmoving on the grass. Hastily, she grabbed the scalpel from his hand to draw it along the length of her forearm before shoving the entirety of her arm into the fountain, trying to complete the sacrifice for the summoning. “Lucky, get out of here!” she yelled, not even sure where the selkie had come from.
Lucky’s mouth hung open as he stared at what was unfolding before him. “Are you okay?” he asked, rushing forward towards Nell and trying to look at her arm. “Why would you do that!?” He glanced away at the teenager on the ground and physically recoiled at the appearance of him. Tentatively, Lucky bent down and prodded at him, stomach lurching as he did. “Nell? What the fuck is going on right now?” he asked, standing back up and looking at her and then around at the faces of everyone gathered. “What is wrong with this town?”
"Holy fucking hell," Connor cursed, stumbling back a couple of steps as the entity appeared in the fountain. "Sh, sh, stop screaming!" He told the girl, which was probably difficult when her boyfriend was lying on the ground like a shrivelled prune. Cigarette long abandoned, he grabbed the paper the ritual was written on. His first thought was to destroy it. Maybe that would work, right? But then, they might need the words to find out how to reverse them. "Nell, shit! Stop that!" But in the short time he'd known her, Connor figured this girl knew plenty about summonings. She knew what she was doing. "Who the hell is Lucky?" Connor asked, turning towards the stranger who had decided to amble into this conversation at precisely the wrong time. "Mate, no offense, but she's right, you need to bugger off." 
“We were only trying to have a little fun!” Gary interjected, the look of immense shock and horror engrained on his features. “We didn’t mean to-- Oh, fuck… Drew…” 
Of course, in a situation like this Nell couldn’t have been fortunate enough to be blessed with two boys that knew their way around a summoning such as this one. Instead she had Connor and Lucky. Gone was any patience she had outside of non-life threatening situations as she tried her best to explain. “These dumbasses-” she began with a pointed finger towards the two remaining highschoolers. “Just summoned who fucking knows what! And now that it’s been started- it won’t stop until it has the sacrifice it needs! Which means it’s gonna come through whether we like it or not! I have to give it more of a sacrifice or it’s gonna start turning all of us into corn husk dolls like him!” What the hell had they summoned anyway? As her blood continued to spill into the fountain, staining the water red, all she knew was that the entity felt hungry. “What’s the paper say?!” she asked Connor, noticing he’d found some sort of instructions. 
Lucky was having a hard time reading lips by candlelight, but he made out enough to understand that whatever was currently in the fountain was certainly bad fucking news. “How do we make it go away? How do we stop it?” he asked, running his hands through his hair as the panic tightened in his chest. Why was he always at the wrong place at the wrong time? This was the second ghostly encounter he’d seen thus far and he was not prepared for how this one was going. He looked to Connor, opening and closing his mouth as he searched for words, before walking towards him and trying to get a glimpse of the paper and what it might say or be for that matter.
“Tryna figure that out, mate,” Connor answered. Didn’t seem like this Lucky guy was going to be very much help. Connor might still be figuring this exorcist shit out, but at least he had some experience, which he figured was more than could be said for Lucky. “It’s not good…” The fountain was bubbling as if it was made up of boiling blood, and the figure that had once appeared on the surface seemed as if it was trying like hell to manifest. It stared at Connor, pale face and tangled dark hair, as if it was staring into his very soul. Then it looked to Lucky, and then to Nell. He held up the paper for her and Lucky to see, guiding them back. The paper read; Bloody Mary Summoning Ritual.
As Nell made eye contact with the ghoulish face in the fountain, her eyes went wide, instantly getting the sense that this was no backyard bumpkin of a ghost or otherwise that had been summoned. Megan, apparently desiring revenge in the face of her boyfriend’s perceived killer rushed the fountain, yelling all the while. Her attempted attack didn’t get far before an arm darted out of the depths of the water, grabbing the highschooler by the throat- only to drag her face first into the bloodied fountain. It happened within the blink of an eye, faster than anyone could hope to react. In an instant the girl was gone, her body disappearing entirely into a fountain that couldn’t have been more than a couple of feet deep. 
“Fuck!” Nell cursed, the deaths of the highschoolers not yet fully sinking in when danger was still front and center. Then she turned to read the paper Connor was showing, and her blood ran cold. Bloody Mary. Even Nell who wasn’t all that versed in ghosts and the like had heard the whispers, though she’d never known whether or not to believe them. “You gotta go,” she urged once again, speaking both to Connor and Lucky this time. In the corner of her eye she saw the face, and only the face of Megan float to the surface of the water, the rest of her gone. “We can’t stop the summoning, and the circle isn’t good enough to hold her.” Nell could tell that simply by looking at the sad excuse for a spell. “She’s gonna be-” But before her sentence could finish, the boiling blood-water of the fountain exploded forth in a forceful wave, throwing her and anyone else in the radius back from the epicenter. A yelp of pain later, Nell was trying to right herself, ignoring the blood that was covering her in favor of trying to figure out a way to get this bitch bound in time.
Oh, shit. Sure, Lucky didn’t really think ghosts were real real, but this was definitely something real real. He’d heard of Bloody Mary before, but he thought that that was a story kids dared each other to try in a dark bathroom. This was definitely not what he would’ve expected by any means. Honestly, he didn’t need to be told again to leave, but would Nell and the others be safe if Lucky did leave? He opened his mouth to argue this with her, but before he could say anything or get a word in, he was being tossed onto his back by a wave from the fountain. The hard landing certainly didn’t make Lucky’s aching body feel any better and he groaned in pain, coughing as he rolled to his side. The water was warm, bordering on hot, and...viscous? Wiping it from his eyes so he could see, Lucky looked down to see that it wasn’t water but was, in fact, blood. His stomach did a flip again as he pushed himself into a sitting position and tried to wipe off his face. Looking around, he tried to see if Connor still had the paper and if it was intact or also blood soaked.
Connor frantically folded the paper, stuffing it into his pocket. He all but pulled Lucky and Nell back by their arms. “Don’t let her touch you! She can’t reach you.” She was confined to reflective surfaces, right? He’d remembered that correctly? That was the problem about stories like hers; it was tough to distinguish fact from fable. “The kids… she’s supposed to go after murderers. Why the hell is she going after kids?” Because they summoned her and she didn’t deem them worth her time? Or just for the sake of it? A killer with a code was one thing, but killing at random was something more terrifying entirely. His eyes widened as her bloody yet pale form emerged from the fountain, standing like Carrie at the Prom in the center of it, dripping blood.
Another gasp of pain left Nell as Connor dragged her and Lucky along, her ribs instantly protesting at the unexpected movement. “But I have to try and bind her!” she said as she struggled, trying to get back to the fountain. “She can’t just go free! Who knows what might happen?!” But it was too late. As she looked back to the fountain, Nell saw the outline of Bloody Mary standing in it, her shoulders shaking with what looked to be a joyful cackle. Then the ghost raised a single, skeletally thin arm to send a wave in their direction, as if bidding them a mocking thank you for their part in this. As quickly as it had begun, the ghost was gone, having sunk back into the fountain, the blood in the water receding along with her- leaving two highschoolers dead and one sufficiently traumatized. “We gotta find her,” Nell spoke with a steely determination in her voice, realizing the dire nature of the situation. “We gotta find her before she finds anyone else.” Otherwise, who knew what terrors awaited White Crest?
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imhurtinginside · 6 years
I lay in bed with my phone going through Instagram for the 100th Time. I’m honestly tired and just want to go to bed, but I can’t I’m waiting for shawn. He’s out with his friends to celebrate his album that came out tonight. He didn’t invite me and that hurts my feelings, because I’ve been with him from the start. How I know he’s celebrating his album? I saw snapchats of him that his friends posted. Which was rude knowing I will see them, and I did and now I called him, texted him a millionth time. I see now their posting Instagram pictures, wow. So I go comment
“Thanks for inviting me, buddy!”
I know it was petty. But I had to, get him to to know that I was mad.
20 minuets past, and I get a respond from one of his friends he wrote
“Sorry princess, boys night out.”
So I comment back
“😂 yeah. We know who helped him but he couldn’t even get to invite me. HIS GIRLFRIEND”
And I just close Instagram because I almost threw my phone at the wall. I just try to go to to sleep, but I can’t. I get a call from Shawn
“Hheyyy princess”
He’s clearly drunk
“Heeey buddyyy” I respond
“Why are you calling me buddy?!”
“Oh. No reason. Just come home.”
“On my way with my friends.”
“Shawn. If you bring your friends I will kick you all out!”
“Fine im not bringing them!”
So I hang up waiting for him to come home. 30 minuets past he comes alone, thank god. I just wait for him to come in the bedroom I just look at him angry, I just turn to my side trying to sleep. He just takes his clothes off and comes to bed. He tries to cuddle me but i Push his hand off me “hey what was that for?” He asks I don’t respond he tries to cuddle me again I push his hands off of me again. “Just let me cuddle you, I missed you.” He says I scoff at him. I sit up turn my lamp on and say “oh? You missed me. Now You’re going to say that bullshit ?” “What are you talking about?l” he asks I just say “Shawn I’m not going to talk to you at 3 in the morning , and I’m not going to cuddle with you, or sleep with you. You smell like a bar. I’m sleeping on the couch.” I just get up he follows me taking my hand and says “what’s wrong??” I don’t say anything because I’m not trying to get in a fight with drunk Shawn, who will not remember the most of it by tomorrow. So I just say “nothing, I don’t feel like sleeping next to a bar.” “Ouch.” He says and puts he’s hand on his heart. “Just go to bed.” I say. Shawn just lays down because he knows not to get into a fight with me.
I take my pillows and my other blanket with me and walk out. I go turn the tv on and lay on the couch and try to sleep.
It was the next morning, I heard Shawn was in the kitchen doing something, but I didn’t want to open my eyes just yet because I didn’t wanted to face him. I hear him talking to someone on the phone, probably one of his friends. I get up to go to the bathroom he looks at me, I just don’t want to talk to him.
I hear my phone ringing so I go and pick it up, it’s one of my guy friends, that shawn hates. We just have a long conversation, I have him on FaceTime. I go around the house with him, shawn see’s us he just looks at me angry. “Yo Remember That summer night, where we went to the city. We had so much fun.” He says “oh my god! Remember when we went to that diner and ran out without paying, because we forgot our money in the car, and we were too lazy to get it.” I say while laughing. He laughs hard as me. He gets all serious and stops and says “you know I miss you.” I smile back “you know I miss you too.” “I miss being rebel with you, not caring about anything, even running out of a restaurant without paying.” Shawn just looks at me then back at my phone then me again in a worried look “Did you guys date?” Look. I just ignore him “yeah, well that rebel me is gone.” I say “woah! No way! How?” He asks in shock “Well I am just getting more soft on the inside” I said while rolling my eyes. He knows that’s not true so he says “well don’t get too soft so you don’t get too squasd” he says laughing “ha.ha.ha. That was very funny.” I say sarcastically, we have a more conversations about how we used to be out at 12am just walking in the city and not caring at all just spending time with each other. He says he needs to hang up, so we do.
We hang up. I go straight to the bathroom...
I get ready, take a shower, wash my hair, then put on some makeup and curl my hair. I have this black tight dress on that makes my bum poppin 😉. I walk out like this, I actually look at shawn. He looks like shit he’s sooo hungover, his problem. “Good morning, baby.” Shawn says in a sweet voice, like nothing happened. “good morning.” I just say back. “Where are you going?” He asks I just get my coffee, and drink it. I’m going to ignore him, how he ignored me. I go outside to get some fresh air, he comes behind me confused and I don’t even want to see him. I drink my coffee, “Are you going to answer my question? Honey?” I just look at him and say “no. I’m not going anywhere, honey.” He is still confused. He was so drunk last night that he must’ve missed that he didn’t invite me to his celebration party. I go back inside trying to stay calm and not bite his face off, which is very hard. I just go in the kitchen make myself breakfast, shawn comes up behind me and hugs me tightly “I don’t know what i did wrong but I’m sorry.” He says “yeah clearly you don’t know what you did wrong. That my problem.” I snap. He lets go I just make my breakfast and eat, i was nice enough to make him some.
Time passes.... his friends show up. Great. They all come in, sit down have a conversation with Shawn, one of the same guys that commented “sorry princes, boys night out.” Says “we missed you at the part last night.” He said. “Sorry princess, you’re prince couldn’t show up.” I say, grabbing my phone then I put my shoes on and slam the door and leave. I’m already down stairs shawn comes running towards me “what was that all about??!” He asks “you. You didn’t invite me to YOUR CELEBRATION party!” I blurt out “YOU SAID THAT YOU COULDNT COME. THAT HURT ME!” He yells “WHO SAID I COULDNT COME? I WAS UP FOR HOURS STARING AT THE PICTURES YOU POSTED WITH YOUR FRIENDS!” I Yell back, now we’re just yelling on the side of the street. “let’s go inside.” Shawn says “no! I’m not going inside because I’m going to my friends house.” I say and I leave him standing there.
Shawn just lets me go, because he knows he can’t hold me back.
I get to my friends house, we debate on what should we do. We just go and get drunk. I get drunk REALLY drunk. She takes me home, I go inside I can barely walk “where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you all night” Shawn asks I just want to eat so I go in the kitchen and start taking the foods out of the fridge and I start eating. “Are you high?” He asks “yeah. Actually I smoked a little and I’m really drunk.” He just stares at me in disbelief. “What’s going on?” He asked “Shawn. You didn’t invite me i was with you the whole time you didn’t invite me and it hurts I can’t even look at you right now how could you do this to me?” I say in one breath. “But baby, you said that you didn’t wanted to come. So I got hurt by that and started getting drunk.” He says “well then there must be a snake in your group.” I say while chuckling “Did you check Instagram?” I ask. He says no so he does. He check Instagram, everything is clear to him. “That Son of a bitch. And he even asked you why couldn’t you come. While he said you didn’t want to. I got so upset by that you i I acted like a dick by posting all of that on social media.” He says, I stop eating. I look at him understanding e everything. “Come here baby.” I say pulling him in to a hug. He picks me up takes me to the bedroom and starts kissing me. We start kissing he stops and says “I’m sorry, I should’ve called you or texted you.” “It’s okay i forgive you, but him I don’t. “ Shawn gives me a quick peck, he gets up calls his friend he start questioning him, he starts cussing him out.he says their not friends anymore and “Nobody treats my girl like that!” then he hangs up. “I had to let him know.” Shawn says. I pull my arms out we cuddle, and kiss,
“I just need to learn a lot more about rebel you.” Shawn says “you haven’t gone soft yet. Rebel you came out today.” He also adds “yeah. It did when I said sorry princess your prince couldn’t show up.” We both laugh. “Hey wanna go to that diner eat and then leave without paying?” Shawn suggests “Shawn peter Raul mendes. I didn’t know you had a rebel side.” “You bring it out of me.” “Fuck yeah let’s do it”. We go out of the bedroom and walk down stairs “aren’t we driving?” Shawn asks “no it’s more fun if we run home. Feels like we’re running from the cops.” So we just walk to the diner. We go to that diner we order a big meal. We eat and then run out “I told you to bring a car” He says while running “I told you it would be more fun to run back home.” I say. He reaches for my hand we run home, we get inside we try to catch our breath. “That was so fun. “ we both say. “It did feel like we were running from the cops.” Shawn says “I told you.” I say while we just on the couch. We decide to go in the bedroom because we are both tired after that long run. We put our pjs on shawn turns the tv on, while I lay in bed he comes inside the warm blankets. We cuddle “I missed cuddling you. You didn’t let me cuddle you last night.” He remembered. “You remember that?” “Yeah. It hurt me so much in the morning, but I couldn’t figure out wat I did wrong.” He says I just kiss him “you did nothing wrong. It was that asshole.” “I love you.baby.” He says “I love you too baby.” He just puts he’s head in the crook of my neck and all I can remember is that we fell asleep while watching tv....
HOPE YOU LIKED IT!!!❤️❤️❤️💆🏽💁🏽🤗❤️
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cynthiajayusa · 6 years
Adam Devine Talks Thirsty Gay Following, Being a ‘Bear Cub’
Even now, Adam Devine just wants to dance with some bodies. So, as Josh in Isn’t it Romantic, the comedian known for flexing his funny-guy chops in Comedy Central’s Workaholics (which he also co-wrote) and ABC’s Modern Family, keeps the love strong with Pitch Perfect co-star Rebel Wilson in their new self-aware anti-rom-com. With assists from a satirical gay sidekick (Brandon Scott Jones of NBC’s The Good Place) and Whitney Houston and Madonna musical numbers, the film also stars, of course, Liam Hemsworth as the man of everyone’s dreams – though, in this case, the unconscious literal one that Wilson’s Natalie falls into.
During a recent call, Devine spoke about his bear-cub identity, tactfully tackling LGBTQ storylines and the popularity of his penis on gay blogs.
Charming rom-com, Adam, but where’s the movie where you end up with the gay sidekick?
(Laughs) Maybe that’s the sequel.
That’s the movie Hollywood needs to make next.
Yeah, you might be right.
In your version of that movie, what guy would play the sidekick you fall for?
I mean, Liam. If I’m a gay dude, I want the hunk. I’m goin’ hunky!
You get to a do a Whitney and Madonna musical number in the movie. Do you know enough gay men to know that these women are gay icons?
I do, yeah. I’ve got a good handful of gay friends and they keep me abreast of what’s hot in the gay culture: Whitney, Britney Spears also. We should’ve done a Britney Spears tribute.
What was your earliest exposure to the LGBTQ community?
I guess my cousin came out as gay and I was much younger than him and that was the first time that I knew anyone who was gay. He came out to the family and then we all knew, and then you’d see him at holidays and stuff and it was cool. You’re like, “Oh, I love my cousin, he’s the man, and he’s a great guy.” It normalized the whole thing.
Do you hear from LGBTQ fans on Twitter?
Yeah, I do sometimes. I’ve been told that I’m a bear cub, so I’m not a full-on bear. I think I’m too tiny, so I’m a bear cub is what my gay buddies tell me.
You don’t seem to have enough body hair to be a bear cub.
Well, I’m not afraid to ‘scape. I manscape. And I think that’s important. I don’t want puffy t-shirts, that’s the issue. That’s the reason I do it.
You don’t want hair lumps.
Yeah, I don’t want weird puffs around my nipples from my hair, so I gotta maintain.
Your role in Game Over, Man!, particularly your full-frontal scene: What did that do for your gay following?
(Laughs) I noticed some fan blogs, and I’m like, “Oh, cool, a fan blog, they’re spreading the word,” and then I’m just like, “Oh, it’s very gay and it’s just every naked photo I’ve ever taken.”
So by fan blog you mean GayTube.com?
Yeah, basically. I’m not sure if that’s the one, but yes.
If you go to an Adam Devine story on an LGBTQ website, you’ll likely find some guys in the comments crushing on you. One gay commenter noted your role on Modern Family and that your brand of adorkable is one he finds sexy.
I love it.
How often does that interest from gay men translate to real life? Do guys hit on you?
No, I don’t think so. I mean, I have a girlfriend. I think it’s known that I don’t go that way. But, admittedly, gay guys don’t care – they swing for the fence. I think straight guys need to learn something from the gay community. They’re so afraid!
Is the first gay thing you did in your professional life an episode of The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman called “Dykes Like Us” or does your pro-gay history go back even further?
(Laughs) I guess that is the first thing!
Tell me about that experience.
You know, I don’t even remember – I had such a small part on that show. (Creator) Laura (Kightlinger) cast me in it and she was just really cool and great. We ended up casting her as a MILF who uses me for sex on Workaholics and it turns out I can’t handle it. It’s too much. I can’t handle everything she’s giving me.
Regarding your role in Pitch Perfect, Rebel once told me: “I think most of the Treblemakers, the boy band, are gay. What about that scene where there’s, like, nine dudes in a hot tub … naked? That’s totally gay.” Can we explore this? Is it gay for dudes who love a cappella to be in a hot tub together?
If they are f*cking each other it is. But just to sit in a hot tub, that could go any which way!
How does kissing Rebel compare to kissing Zac Efron?
Weirdly, same amount of lip gloss. (Laughs)
Vanilla! Boysenberry! With Rebel it lasts a little longer; with Zac it was one brother kissing another brother, so it wasn’t a sensual kiss in any way.
In an episode of Workaholics called “Gayborhood” you and your buddies inadvertently end up in Palm Springs for a Pride party that you don’t know is a gay Pride party and you guys pretend to be “threeway gay.” Did that episode get you invited to more gay parties?
(Laughs) With Workaholics we really prided ourselves on tackling issues but not really tackling the issues. And we really wanted to make ourselves the butt of every joke. I remember that day this casting director was coming to set and he wanted to meet me. It just so happened to line up on that episode that he was gonna come to set. Everybody was so worried and my manager was worried and they’re like, “We wanna cancel. We wanna do it another day. We don’t want him to get the wrong impression of you as an actor,” and I’m like, “It’s a funny episode and we’re the butt of every joke here. We’re the idiots.” And then he came on set and he was like, “This is the funniest episode of television I’ve ever seen.”
The episode was also well-received by critics. Did that surprise you?
It honestly didn’t because gay guys are cool as hell and they get it and they understand what’s funny and what’s offensive. I think you can’t be offended by everything and you have to have a sense of humor about things. I wasn’t surprised that the gay community has a sense of humor. It meant that we’re doing something right and that people understand what we’re trying to do, and that we’re not just out to be shock comedians, or we’re not crude for crude’s sake. It all comes from a good place… and I think the shock was that it came from us. Like, people on the outside looking in, you probably wouldn’t think that we’d be the guys to deliver that sort of message. But hey, turns out we are!
For that episode, how was it determined that you look more like a bottom?
Oh, I think in the writers��� room that’s what happened. (Laughs) I don’t know how or why. I think my ass is kind of on and poppin’, so that must’ve been it.
In general, how conscious are you of finding the balance between what can pass as gay humor and what can be perceived as offensive to the LGBTQ community?
We all have gay friends, and if you think maybe they could take this the wrong way – we don’t want to alienate anyone or make anyone feel like they’re not in on the joke – then you just check in with your gay buds and say, like, “Hey, what do you think of this? Is this funny or is this weird?” People aren’t afraid to tell you the truth if you’re upfront and honest with them.
Jumping back to Isn’t It Romantic, I’m glad to see the movie is inclusive and there’s a fun gay sidekick, but I’m gonna hold you to this rom-com where you and Liam are romantic leads.
(Laughs) I’ve got the idea for the spinoff!
You can credit me, but also you don’t have to because after Love, Simon I just want our community to have more rom-coms with lead characters who happen to be gay.
I’m with you. Where it’s not something that is kept in the closet or that anyone’s ashamed about. It’s just loud and proud. I like that idea.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/03/14/adam-devine-talks-thirsty-gay-following-being-a-bear-cub/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2019/03/adam-devine-talks-thirsty-gay-following.html
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demitgibbs · 6 years
Adam Devine Talks Thirsty Gay Following, Being a ‘Bear Cub’
Even now, Adam Devine just wants to dance with some bodies. So, as Josh in Isn’t it Romantic, the comedian known for flexing his funny-guy chops in Comedy Central’s Workaholics (which he also co-wrote) and ABC’s Modern Family, keeps the love strong with Pitch Perfect co-star Rebel Wilson in their new self-aware anti-rom-com. With assists from a satirical gay sidekick (Brandon Scott Jones of NBC’s The Good Place) and Whitney Houston and Madonna musical numbers, the film also stars, of course, Liam Hemsworth as the man of everyone’s dreams – though, in this case, the unconscious literal one that Wilson’s Natalie falls into.
During a recent call, Devine spoke about his bear-cub identity, tactfully tackling LGBTQ storylines and the popularity of his penis on gay blogs.
Charming rom-com, Adam, but where’s the movie where you end up with the gay sidekick?
(Laughs) Maybe that’s the sequel.
That’s the movie Hollywood needs to make next.
Yeah, you might be right.
In your version of that movie, what guy would play the sidekick you fall for?
I mean, Liam. If I’m a gay dude, I want the hunk. I’m goin’ hunky!
You get to a do a Whitney and Madonna musical number in the movie. Do you know enough gay men to know that these women are gay icons?
I do, yeah. I’ve got a good handful of gay friends and they keep me abreast of what’s hot in the gay culture: Whitney, Britney Spears also. We should’ve done a Britney Spears tribute.
What was your earliest exposure to the LGBTQ community?
I guess my cousin came out as gay and I was much younger than him and that was the first time that I knew anyone who was gay. He came out to the family and then we all knew, and then you’d see him at holidays and stuff and it was cool. You’re like, “Oh, I love my cousin, he’s the man, and he’s a great guy.” It normalized the whole thing.
Do you hear from LGBTQ fans on Twitter?
Yeah, I do sometimes. I’ve been told that I’m a bear cub, so I’m not a full-on bear. I think I’m too tiny, so I’m a bear cub is what my gay buddies tell me.
You don’t seem to have enough body hair to be a bear cub.
Well, I’m not afraid to ‘scape. I manscape. And I think that’s important. I don’t want puffy t-shirts, that’s the issue. That’s the reason I do it.
You don’t want hair lumps.
Yeah, I don’t want weird puffs around my nipples from my hair, so I gotta maintain.
Your role in Game Over, Man!, particularly your full-frontal scene: What did that do for your gay following?
(Laughs) I noticed some fan blogs, and I’m like, “Oh, cool, a fan blog, they’re spreading the word,” and then I’m just like, “Oh, it’s very gay and it’s just every naked photo I’ve ever taken.”
So by fan blog you mean GayTube.com?
Yeah, basically. I’m not sure if that’s the one, but yes.
If you go to an Adam Devine story on an LGBTQ website, you’ll likely find some guys in the comments crushing on you. One gay commenter noted your role on Modern Family and that your brand of adorkable is one he finds sexy.
I love it.
How often does that interest from gay men translate to real life? Do guys hit on you?
No, I don’t think so. I mean, I have a girlfriend. I think it’s known that I don’t go that way. But, admittedly, gay guys don’t care – they swing for the fence. I think straight guys need to learn something from the gay community. They’re so afraid!
Is the first gay thing you did in your professional life an episode of The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman called “Dykes Like Us” or does your pro-gay history go back even further?
(Laughs) I guess that is the first thing!
Tell me about that experience.
You know, I don’t even remember – I had such a small part on that show. (Creator) Laura (Kightlinger) cast me in it and she was just really cool and great. We ended up casting her as a MILF who uses me for sex on Workaholics and it turns out I can’t handle it. It’s too much. I can’t handle everything she’s giving me.
Regarding your role in Pitch Perfect, Rebel once told me: “I think most of the Treblemakers, the boy band, are gay. What about that scene where there’s, like, nine dudes in a hot tub … naked? That’s totally gay.” Can we explore this? Is it gay for dudes who love a cappella to be in a hot tub together?
If they are f*cking each other it is. But just to sit in a hot tub, that could go any which way!
How does kissing Rebel compare to kissing Zac Efron?
Weirdly, same amount of lip gloss. (Laughs)
Vanilla! Boysenberry! With Rebel it lasts a little longer; with Zac it was one brother kissing another brother, so it wasn’t a sensual kiss in any way.
In an episode of Workaholics called “Gayborhood” you and your buddies inadvertently end up in Palm Springs for a Pride party that you don’t know is a gay Pride party and you guys pretend to be “threeway gay.” Did that episode get you invited to more gay parties?
(Laughs) With Workaholics we really prided ourselves on tackling issues but not really tackling the issues. And we really wanted to make ourselves the butt of every joke. I remember that day this casting director was coming to set and he wanted to meet me. It just so happened to line up on that episode that he was gonna come to set. Everybody was so worried and my manager was worried and they’re like, “We wanna cancel. We wanna do it another day. We don’t want him to get the wrong impression of you as an actor,” and I’m like, “It’s a funny episode and we’re the butt of every joke here. We’re the idiots.” And then he came on set and he was like, “This is the funniest episode of television I’ve ever seen.”
The episode was also well-received by critics. Did that surprise you?
It honestly didn’t because gay guys are cool as hell and they get it and they understand what’s funny and what’s offensive. I think you can’t be offended by everything and you have to have a sense of humor about things. I wasn’t surprised that the gay community has a sense of humor. It meant that we’re doing something right and that people understand what we’re trying to do, and that we’re not just out to be shock comedians, or we’re not crude for crude’s sake. It all comes from a good place… and I think the shock was that it came from us. Like, people on the outside looking in, you probably wouldn’t think that we’d be the guys to deliver that sort of message. But hey, turns out we are!
For that episode, how was it determined that you look more like a bottom?
Oh, I think in the writers’ room that’s what happened. (Laughs) I don’t know how or why. I think my ass is kind of on and poppin’, so that must’ve been it.
In general, how conscious are you of finding the balance between what can pass as gay humor and what can be perceived as offensive to the LGBTQ community?
We all have gay friends, and if you think maybe they could take this the wrong way – we don’t want to alienate anyone or make anyone feel like they’re not in on the joke – then you just check in with your gay buds and say, like, “Hey, what do you think of this? Is this funny or is this weird?” People aren’t afraid to tell you the truth if you’re upfront and honest with them.
Jumping back to Isn’t It Romantic, I’m glad to see the movie is inclusive and there’s a fun gay sidekick, but I’m gonna hold you to this rom-com where you and Liam are romantic leads.
(Laughs) I’ve got the idea for the spinoff!
You can credit me, but also you don’t have to because after Love, Simon I just want our community to have more rom-coms with lead characters who happen to be gay.
I’m with you. Where it’s not something that is kept in the closet or that anyone’s ashamed about. It’s just loud and proud. I like that idea.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/03/14/adam-devine-talks-thirsty-gay-following-being-a-bear-cub/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/183450401470
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hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
Adam Devine Talks Thirsty Gay Following, Being a ‘Bear Cub’
Even now, Adam Devine just wants to dance with some bodies. So, as Josh in Isn’t it Romantic, the comedian known for flexing his funny-guy chops in Comedy Central’s Workaholics (which he also co-wrote) and ABC’s Modern Family, keeps the love strong with Pitch Perfect co-star Rebel Wilson in their new self-aware anti-rom-com. With assists from a satirical gay sidekick (Brandon Scott Jones of NBC’s The Good Place) and Whitney Houston and Madonna musical numbers, the film also stars, of course, Liam Hemsworth as the man of everyone’s dreams – though, in this case, the unconscious literal one that Wilson’s Natalie falls into.
During a recent call, Devine spoke about his bear-cub identity, tactfully tackling LGBTQ storylines and the popularity of his penis on gay blogs.
Charming rom-com, Adam, but where’s the movie where you end up with the gay sidekick?
(Laughs) Maybe that’s the sequel.
That’s the movie Hollywood needs to make next.
Yeah, you might be right.
In your version of that movie, what guy would play the sidekick you fall for?
I mean, Liam. If I’m a gay dude, I want the hunk. I’m goin’ hunky!
You get to a do a Whitney and Madonna musical number in the movie. Do you know enough gay men to know that these women are gay icons?
I do, yeah. I’ve got a good handful of gay friends and they keep me abreast of what’s hot in the gay culture: Whitney, Britney Spears also. We should’ve done a Britney Spears tribute.
What was your earliest exposure to the LGBTQ community?
I guess my cousin came out as gay and I was much younger than him and that was the first time that I knew anyone who was gay. He came out to the family and then we all knew, and then you’d see him at holidays and stuff and it was cool. You’re like, “Oh, I love my cousin, he’s the man, and he’s a great guy.” It normalized the whole thing.
Do you hear from LGBTQ fans on Twitter?
Yeah, I do sometimes. I’ve been told that I’m a bear cub, so I’m not a full-on bear. I think I’m too tiny, so I’m a bear cub is what my gay buddies tell me.
You don’t seem to have enough body hair to be a bear cub.
Well, I’m not afraid to ‘scape. I manscape. And I think that’s important. I don’t want puffy t-shirts, that’s the issue. That’s the reason I do it.
You don’t want hair lumps.
Yeah, I don’t want weird puffs around my nipples from my hair, so I gotta maintain.
Your role in Game Over, Man!, particularly your full-frontal scene: What did that do for your gay following?
(Laughs) I noticed some fan blogs, and I’m like, “Oh, cool, a fan blog, they’re spreading the word,” and then I’m just like, “Oh, it’s very gay and it’s just every naked photo I’ve ever taken.”
So by fan blog you mean GayTube.com?
Yeah, basically. I’m not sure if that’s the one, but yes.
If you go to an Adam Devine story on an LGBTQ website, you’ll likely find some guys in the comments crushing on you. One gay commenter noted your role on Modern Family and that your brand of adorkable is one he finds sexy.
I love it.
How often does that interest from gay men translate to real life? Do guys hit on you?
No, I don’t think so. I mean, I have a girlfriend. I think it’s known that I don’t go that way. But, admittedly, gay guys don’t care – they swing for the fence. I think straight guys need to learn something from the gay community. They’re so afraid!
Is the first gay thing you did in your professional life an episode of The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman called “Dykes Like Us” or does your pro-gay history go back even further?
(Laughs) I guess that is the first thing!
Tell me about that experience.
You know, I don’t even remember – I had such a small part on that show. (Creator) Laura (Kightlinger) cast me in it and she was just really cool and great. We ended up casting her as a MILF who uses me for sex on Workaholics and it turns out I can’t handle it. It’s too much. I can’t handle everything she’s giving me.
Regarding your role in Pitch Perfect, Rebel once told me: “I think most of the Treblemakers, the boy band, are gay. What about that scene where there’s, like, nine dudes in a hot tub … naked? That’s totally gay.” Can we explore this? Is it gay for dudes who love a cappella to be in a hot tub together?
If they are f*cking each other it is. But just to sit in a hot tub, that could go any which way!
How does kissing Rebel compare to kissing Zac Efron?
Weirdly, same amount of lip gloss. (Laughs)
Vanilla! Boysenberry! With Rebel it lasts a little longer; with Zac it was one brother kissing another brother, so it wasn’t a sensual kiss in any way.
In an episode of Workaholics called “Gayborhood” you and your buddies inadvertently end up in Palm Springs for a Pride party that you don’t know is a gay Pride party and you guys pretend to be “threeway gay.” Did that episode get you invited to more gay parties?
(Laughs) With Workaholics we really prided ourselves on tackling issues but not really tackling the issues. And we really wanted to make ourselves the butt of every joke. I remember that day this casting director was coming to set and he wanted to meet me. It just so happened to line up on that episode that he was gonna come to set. Everybody was so worried and my manager was worried and they’re like, “We wanna cancel. We wanna do it another day. We don’t want him to get the wrong impression of you as an actor,” and I’m like, “It’s a funny episode and we’re the butt of every joke here. We’re the idiots.” And then he came on set and he was like, “This is the funniest episode of television I’ve ever seen.”
The episode was also well-received by critics. Did that surprise you?
It honestly didn’t because gay guys are cool as hell and they get it and they understand what’s funny and what’s offensive. I think you can’t be offended by everything and you have to have a sense of humor about things. I wasn’t surprised that the gay community has a sense of humor. It meant that we’re doing something right and that people understand what we’re trying to do, and that we’re not just out to be shock comedians, or we’re not crude for crude’s sake. It all comes from a good place… and I think the shock was that it came from us. Like, people on the outside looking in, you probably wouldn’t think that we’d be the guys to deliver that sort of message. But hey, turns out we are!
For that episode, how was it determined that you look more like a bottom?
Oh, I think in the writers’ room that’s what happened. (Laughs) I don’t know how or why. I think my ass is kind of on and poppin’, so that must’ve been it.
In general, how conscious are you of finding the balance between what can pass as gay humor and what can be perceived as offensive to the LGBTQ community?
We all have gay friends, and if you think maybe they could take this the wrong way – we don’t want to alienate anyone or make anyone feel like they’re not in on the joke – then you just check in with your gay buds and say, like, “Hey, what do you think of this? Is this funny or is this weird?” People aren’t afraid to tell you the truth if you’re upfront and honest with them.
Jumping back to Isn’t It Romantic, I’m glad to see the movie is inclusive and there’s a fun gay sidekick, but I’m gonna hold you to this rom-com where you and Liam are romantic leads.
(Laughs) I’ve got the idea for the spinoff!
You can credit me, but also you don’t have to because after Love, Simon I just want our community to have more rom-coms with lead characters who happen to be gay.
I’m with you. Where it’s not something that is kept in the closet or that anyone’s ashamed about. It’s just loud and proud. I like that idea.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/03/14/adam-devine-talks-thirsty-gay-following-being-a-bear-cub/
0 notes
jpthakid-blog · 7 years
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◤ being apart of something special, makes you feel special ◢
when a random newspaper enthusiast ( they’re calling themselves reporters now ) asked jp to do an interview about his greek row world, he was elated at first. it wasn’t everyday that someone asked jp about himself ( which everyone should, his life is fucking amazing ), so he was brushing his hair and spraying his body spray as usual, til it dawned on him: what the fuck was he gonna say? not that it wasn’t known, but jp loved to exaggerate certain things about himself & his experiences. for crying out loud his name isn’t even jay patrick - a name he uses, as well as a variant of his real name, often. so, how was he going to play this? honest & deep? fun & action-packed? he didn’t know, but he wasn’t gonna not be himself that was for sure.
the reporter set up his camera in the ekt common room. jp was applying a bit of blush to his cheeks ( yes, he wears make-up, what of it? ) as the guy got out a notepad.
"so,  what’s your name, age, grade, role you play in the greek system (president, vice president, social chair, member, pledge) and what house you are in and why you decided on that house”
“first off, how are you? you good? you lookin’ great, lovin’ the hair. don’t evah let someone tell you not to dye your hair blue. over there lookin’ like sexy smurf, you bettah werk, bitch.”
the reporter smiles, running a hand through his hair.
“anyway though, to the folks at home ya’ll can call me jp or jay patrick, but if you wanna write me a check for the fliest mo-fo since space jam, jeremiah merrick is always at your service.  i’m 21,” he points to the camera, “who tryna link up for a sex on the beach?” he winks, “i’ma junior, and i’m a member of epsilon kappa tau. ekt till i die!!” he barks, throwing in a dog howl, “this house was a no brainer. check it, we rich, we fly, and we party till we die. we also got a bomb ass color scheme and that’s really important. ain’t nobody tryna be out here in shit brown tryna stomp the yard.”
the reporter snickers "uh, are you a New York native? If not where are you from and what brought you to NYU? Do you like the city life?”
"real talk, i used to hate new york. i’m from north carolina, right, so we loud down there but we not ny loud. you know how fuckin’ annoying it is when you’re not the loudest bitch in a room? like i’m tryna explain myself and this sara ann chick cutting me off with her shenanigans. that’s another thing i won’t get used to -- random people cutting you off mid-sentence. like, damn john you’ll get your turn to talk about your new tanning bed, back back.”
"with all these thoughts you must be a psychology major, right? or a theatre major? If you had to choose another major right this second that had nothing to do with your current one what would you choose?”
jp pauses, “why i gotta be a theatre major? is it ‘cause i’m loud and black?! the nerve!!”
“no, no that’s not ---”
jp starts laughing, “i’m just fuckin’ with you, man. nah, i’m not a theatre major, but that was my second choice. i’m a dance major. i’m a b e a s t with these legs, bruh.”
the reporter takes a deep breath, "you’ve been in the greek life for some time, any crazy stories you can share with us regarding your time in a fraternity? Were you hazed as a pledge?”
“nah, nah, see you tryna trick me into sellin’ out my frat. nah, jp ain’t a snitch.” he folds his arms over his chest, then leans forward, “but, if you tryna pay me then i can tell you what true hides under his bed. hint: it vibrates.”
"speaking of true, what is your relationship with the higher ups in your house, do you think they could be nicer? Meaner? What about your fellow members and the pledges?
“i mean errybody cool in their own way, ya know? i’m not that tight with everyone which is my bad. i don’t like being tied down so i kick it with a lot of people on greek row. but i think true doin’ the damn thing with his faxhawk headed ass. you think there’s a club of hot bald dudes i don’t know about? just a bunch of fuckers runnin’ ‘round shining each other’s head talkin’ about the good ol’ days when they had hair? i think about that every time i look at true. i bet if he bent down i could see my reflection on the side of his head. he cool though.”
unsure how to react, the reporter pulls at his collar and continues, “What, uh, what’s your favorite and least favorite class so far? Are you on any teams or in any clubs? If so how is that?”
jp wets his lips, leaning back in his chair, “favorite’s gotta be film appreciation. i mean it’s a mad early and fucking long class -- that’s the type a class make you rethink why movies gotta be 2 hours long. like damn debbie just suck his dick so we can roll credits. but, nah it’s lit. we just watched, uh, shit what’s it called? run loila run or something like that. it was nice and had like no dialogue. a lot of running though. like that bitch was gone. least favorite is african american writers of the 1920s. my professor picked a lot of slave books, which, i get, ya know, but roarin’ 20s, was that not a thing? i get it, we used to pick cotton, but i swear there was other shit poppin’ off too.” he shrugs, “i’m a cheerleader! ra-ra, bitches! i love every second of it. special shout out to my boo thangs!”
“so you must’ve looked forward to gaining a lot from this school year, then?  Is there any event you wished you attended; maybe the first game of the year, or the first debate?”
jp shakes his head, “i don’t try to set some goal like that, that’s that new years type bull that i don’t do. i was just looking forward to growth. bein’ better and fiercer than yesterday. i didn’t make the first game ‘cause i twisted my ankle, but i was back and shakin’ my pom poms all up and through new york by game three, sooooo...”
"If you were asked to put your current most important item into a time capsule what would it be and why? Do you think ten, twenty years from now that item will still hold an importance in your life?”
tilting his head in thought, jp takes a moment to respond, “see, my most important thing can’t be put into a capsule. the most important thing to me is my personality. who i am, what i do, that keeps me goin’. if i bottled that into a capsule the lid wouldn’t even close, my guy, but it’s for damn sure still gonna be important to me years later. i am who i am. i don’t hide that from anyone. i’m loud, effeminate, confident -- proud as fuck.”
"i hear that. What are your thoughts on the other fraternity/sororities apart of Greek row? Is there one house you dislike, is there one you are envious of, is there maybe one you are scared of?”
“you diggin’ for dirt, i see you. out here tryna be the male rita skeeter. but, nah, like i think all the others frats and whatnot are chill. no beef, no qualms. at least on my end. whatever dirt you tryna find, you should point that shovel towards kappa alpha. it’s always some shit with them. it’s like a taco bell bathroom over there 24/7. i’m all for dramatics, but i don’t do drama.”
"well, with that in mind if you had to give three pieces of advice to an upcoming freshman in terms of rushing or being apart of a fraternity what would you tell them?
“stay away from kappa, run bitch, run!!!! nah, i’m fuckin’ with ya. listen, ya gotta listen to your gut and follow through. your instincts are always right. secondly, be you. no one wants to be around a fake person all the time. this isn’t bravo and you are not kenya moore. and lastly, if you’re ever uncomfortable don’t be afraid to speak up. can’t nobody make you feel dirty without your consent. hazin’ or otherwise.”
"Do you actually feel like you are apart of a brotherhood? Is that the most important thing of Greek Life? Why did you choose to go Greek?”
“shhh, don’t say that i’m tryna make true my one and only. why you tryna be incestral?!” jp chuckles, “on the real, i think we can all be closer. go skinny dipping and hold each other’s penises for support type, but yeah. i got brothers for life. i chose greek for the lessons, the parties, and the experience. i never would’ve gone to australia or sucked my 4th dick -- shoutout to juan from club inferno! -- without goin’ greek. so, go greek and suck a dick, kids.”
"this was quite an interview, man. do you wanna sign off with a quote you believe describes your time so far this year?”
“a quote from my carolina beauty maya a always brings me joy. and it goes a lil’ somethin’ like this, ‘My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.’” jp bows.
“thank you, jp.” the reporter shakes his hand.
“thank you, sexy smurf.”
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