#the perks of that country life style ik
a-very-fond-farewell · 6 months
went to the city, me. fell in love with ALL the pretty women, me. much struggle.
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thumper-darling · 7 years
Will you send 65 questions my way?
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Oh my gOD YES. What if there is no life apart from my own and every person I come into contact with is just a highly thought out illusion in my head and nothing is real? 
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
2. It definitely depends on where I am when it is dark? Like, I’m not going to be scared when it’s dark in my bedroom because I’m comfortable there, but I’m gonna be heckin terrified of the dark if I’m in the woods? You feel me?
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Ronald J. Stump
4. What is your favorite word?
Cluster or Truffle
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Birch tree binch
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“Wow, I really let myself go” :’) 
But no, I thought about how I have mascara rings under my eyes but haven’t worn mascara in 2 days and I have for sure showered since then so why in the frickin heck do I have mascara marks under my eyes? 
7. What shirt are you wearing?
An old man’s sweater that I thrifted 
8. What do you label yourself as?
Interesting? Adventurous? Quirky? I don’t know, what do you label me as?
9. Bright room or dark room?
Dim room 
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Being bullied by @parkersenses
Nah, but I was actually having a deep conversation with my little step-sister about life and school advice. 
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
12. Who told you they loved you last?
Lulu @doctormelapples
13. Your worst enemy?
McDonald J. Rump
14. What is your current desktop picture?
a racecar…
15. Do you like someone?
I really like my doggo
16. The last song you listened to?
Adolescent by Lostboycrow 
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
I could never hurt somebody, no way. like, how do you expect me to deal with that radical guilt. my conscience is way too pure for that.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
I would rather not punch people in the face? Does it count if I answer with who I would like to punch me in the face?
19. If anyone could be your servant for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
Um, I would want to have Harrison Osterfield be my “assistant” for a day. I would literally just have them hang out with me because I need friendship to thrive
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My eyes? or my freckles, even if they are faint
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I don’t heckin know what I would look like. Like me but more testosterone? I would like to just live my everyday life, but observe the differences from male and female treatment that’s incorporated in our society. 
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
I can juggle really terribly 
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
I’m not afraid of anything
   the past coming back to haunt me
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Bagel for bread, jalapeno cream cheese, lettuce, tomato, smoked turkey, and havarti cheese
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Either on a tattoo, or put it in my college savings. But probably on a tattoo because I have no financial security. 
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Montreal Canada binch. Okay no, but probably like NYC or LA or something super stereotypical like that.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
Mike’s Hard Lemonade for decades. honestly, I love lemonade and those drinks are so heckin tasty. 
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
You have a right to your own opinion, until it infringes on the basic human rights of others. Then ur fined and thrown in jail for being a rude ass disrespectful person thx. 
29. What is your favorite expletive?
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My book “The Perks of Being A Wallflower” 
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
The drama that went down with my family last summer and earlier this year
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Oooh, maybe London or Barcelona? Or Italy. OH ITALY WOULD BE WONDERFUL
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
There was a girl who got into a car accident a few weeks ago, I didn’t know her, but I do know that she was 18 and had just graduated Valedictorian of her class. She had a full ride to college, so I think I would bring her back. 
34. What was your last dream about?
A hotel room 
35. Are you a good….dancer?
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Ah yes 
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Not well
38. What is the color of your socks?
39. What type of music do you like?
All of it idk 
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I don’t know, Michigan State
43. Do you have any scars?
I have a few from accidents when I was younger. I’m a clumsy oof
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
After I graduate college I’d like to be involved with writing somehow. I really want to work on films or work with manuscripts.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I’d like to be a more energized person
46. Are you reliable?
I like to think so 
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Are you happy with your life?
48. Do you hold grudges?
I really try not to. I don’t like to hold on to hatred or anger. 
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
A fox and a golden retriever? That’d be a fun mix 
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
I once had a conversation with someone about who had cooler socks? And kept sending pics to each other of our goofy sock collection. That was a strange one. 
51. Are you a good liar?
God, I hope so
52. How long could you go without talking?
I once went 24 hours without talking, soooo
53. What has been your worst haircut/style?
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
I cheated and did like an eggless cake or something like that?
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Hecking, no. Accents are not my strong suit 
56. What do you like on your toast?
Peanut butter or butter with cinnamon sugar
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
a little doodled heart probs
58. What would be you dream car?
Ford fiesta? Idk
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I sing in the shower when nobody else is home. That’s about it.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
YES It is literally impossible that we are the only living and thriving society in the entire universe? Like?? The possibilities are endless.
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
Not always, but if it pops up on my dash I’ll look at it
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
S or T 
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Dragons! Was that even a question 
64. What do you think about babies?
I get nervous around babies. They’re such small, delicate humans and I feel too much responsibility being around babies. 
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
You didn’t ask anything, so I’ll just tell you about my day?? I had a college freshman event today and I met some pretty cool people and it has me less worried about starting college. I also think I’m gonna read and write a bit today, so I’m pretty excited about that. Also, my mom comes back from out of town in an hour or so and I can’t wait to see her. 
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tpaigeme · 6 years
just photos w original music
Dear Democratic Party.
I have a confession to make. The other day I slipped up and prayed.
Should I make a video confessing to my sin? In front of CNN? And the nation? And promise to never do it again? Should I resign in disgrace? An embarrassed look on my face?
I am guilty of party line violation caught in the act..of prayer and supplication to God.
Only you can save us oh great Democratic Party hacks —- the Saviors and Messiahs of our souls and our nation.  
I will meditate on you on a daily basis. Upon my little yoga mat I cross my legs and repeat the phrases, “cross my heart hope to die”,  forgive me for I
have sinned. How can I make amends?
Shame on me!  what kind of proper Luciferian prays, “our Father who art in heaven? Hallowed be thy name? Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven? Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us? And lead us not into temptation but, (and here’s the kicker), “deliver us from evil.”
Oops I said it again,  “deliver us from evil.”  
I guess that’s it for me and the Democratic Party. Think of the perks I will lose. But, the Lord I do happily choose, renouncing Satan. Only God can save our nation.
If they had taken one tinth of that energy and focused it half as much to saving mountains and streams...the land, as they do to an idea that is so wispy and unclear, “it depends on what is is”...we would still have mountains in WV.  
They destroyed your LAND people!! You were comfortable on your couch watching CNN. Your heart went out to a phenomenon a passing fancy the flavor of the month.  Were the mountains too white for you?  They were raping your mother “to keep the lights on” by destroying the fundamental physical composition of America...Dirt. And ripping it out from under you in front of your televised eyes.
But what threw you into overdrive, What woke you up and ripped the golden pacifier from your mouth ... wasn’t the destruction of the land, the beautiful forests streams and woodlands, it was your own private ultra specific war ... and you exploded! Over a freckle on a sub atomic particle’s ass! An undefinable utopian fantasy that defied sensory perception to all but the most mindful of and vexed by  the anonymity of human existence, the absence of cuddling, by your mommy and daddy who refused to adequately fuss over you who didn’t feel inspired to recognize the 6 year old genius wunderkind goddesses of the universe.  That’s right. you have waged war for 30 years for your right to rule in your happy little universe.  Correct utopian fantasy must be not just worshipped and adored but done so correctly.
That’s what  got you going, spinning sideways out of control ike a top that had run out of petro. Like a drunken Mexican on the streets of Arrested Development.
That’s right. Stop ignoring me or I become a raving mindful lunatic on a yoga mat with a bottle of spring water by my side.
Because....you’re sane and they’re not.  
For the first time in my life I feel like I am the voice of reason and sanity and moderation . Lol.  That should give you an indication  of how crazy they are. Theyve out crazied T Paige.    It’s a great time a great day a great time for all the unhinged, unglued mentally unstable nut jobs to come out of the woodwork. They have a platform! The worm has turned. For years 50 years at least detente was a good thing! Now the Sore Loser  in Chief, Hillary Clinton and her chieftains are outraged, they need someone to blame for their loss, to save face.  Why not Russia! ???   So they dig themselves in deeper and deeper. Little do they know it’s their own grave.
How does it feel James to be the sanest voice in the room? Kind a cool ain’t it?  God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform!
Trumps approval  rating for July is higher than RR Jimmy Carter and tied w Bill Clinton.
The massive mainstream kgb style propaganda media, crooks, elite, and Facebook are, simply put, on the wrong side, behind the curve.  Congrats James.  Pat yourself on the back. Well deserved.
It’s very simple really. It’s all about practicality. If your ideas are so impractical as to beggar description, If you get inflamed and emotionally overwrought with other people’s responses negative impressions of your “solution”, step out of the echo chamber and into the light of reason. It is time for you to question.  Ask a simple question: what is this shit? Or just do nothing. The pressure to conform should be balanced by reason.
old tyme rockin gospel blues to make your drive more 'interesting' without taking your eyes off the road. or not. the visual is quite interesting too.  I may have stumbled on inter-dimensional photography...see if you can find the creatuers that inhabits these one of a kind photographs by t. paige.
Aug 24 and 25
Here is Jim- al X. Zones telling his side of the story. Oops sorry not available.  It’s been deleted since last night when I watched it.  It’s been removed from my YouTube history.
Go ahead try it.  Remember the Dixie chicks? How they were banned? This is no different. Madonna  says she wants to s*** Moamar khadaffi and f*** the guy in the Vanilla H *** but no  repercussions. Sorry Virgin Mary but Hillary blew him first.
It’s coming. Chinese style censorship.  I’m w the ACLU on this one folks. Unpopular opinions should not be banned any more than the library should ban  Catcher in the Rye.  Say goodbye to another freedom as we approach The NannyState.  Men have lost their cojones.  
Notice: You cannot NOT care. You must care.  For this thing right here. Not caring for this thing is not allowed.  You must care about women, minorities, etc because we say so. We don’t care but we’re hypocrites. That’s the difference. We’re all sociopaths. So that’s just how it works because...WE HAVE MORE MONEY AND we are IMPORTANT.  You, not so much. So you see it’s not really hypocrisy.  
ALSO, you are not allowed to care about your self you selfish Nazi racist bastard.
This might get me into trouble.
I posted Pray For our Country and got some anti trumpies comments.  They said  I’ll pray for that man in the WH.  Like he’s the only problem is the only one that we needs to pray about.
It’s starting to really piss me off.  Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.  
Is there another reason to pray?  Is it because bombs are being dropped?  Is it because Obama decided we no longer have to declare war to drop bombs on people? Just pick a country. That we can bomb people anywhere anytime we want?  
Or is it because someone offended you?  Did it offend you when a convicted pedophile got a standing ovation from most of Hollywood including Meryl Streep at the Academy Awards? Or that madonna said she wanted to blow the White House up?   ( remember the Dixie Chicks! )
Or that Hillary Clinton got a child trafficer off the hook? When she kidnapped 30 children in Haiti? Or that this woman now is working for Amber alert? Under a different name? Is it because Muslim grooming gangs in England kept young girls around for sexual purposes for decades?  Is it because refugees from starving Africa are storming the beaches of Spain?  And roaming the streets of Italy with hatchets and machetes? Is it because there are approximately 1000 no go zones throughout Europe? Where the police do not dare go near?   Is it because there are towns in England that have been Muslimized, the churches and the pubs shut down. Is it because the plan under Hillary was to do the same here?
Is it because the real problem here is hypocrisy and fuzzy think.  Right and wrong no longer matter and is no longer discernible or desired by MSM brainwashed people.  Just don’t offend me ... my delicate feelings are all that matters... none of the above matters. But if you go off script, say something that offends me... ohmy! look out! I am on the warpath and I am marching on Washington!  
The problem here is,  “you awake?” is no longer the punch line of a joke about redneck foreplay.
I’m trying to add it all up.  I think I’m making progress:
What happened was nothing compared to what happens later. A descent.
But initially what happened? Each group made their point. Peacefully. Nothing happened. The fact that this had a good outcome, the three opposing groups had their say each in their moment and no one got hurt.
What happens a bit later, media types begin shaming....Your group is to blame. Blame blame blame.  
CNN set it up and dutifully the chorus chimed in. On cue just as we have come to expect.
There is something about creating impossible standards for people that sets them up for control. It’s a means of control and repression common among very manipulative types. (Sociopaths)
The real hurt came later. The attacks began. Now it’s a serious thing we are talking about.
Maligning to a certain extent one group or another.
Perhaps there is something to be gained from all of this. Certainly each group has something to say a point to make.
We see what is unreasonable, counterproductive. To some extent in it’s virulence, and unnecessary.
State your point, without bashing the rest of the world. Behave yourself online. Don’t make stupid comments. Don’t make hurtful comments. Don’t attack. Don’t vilify. Because that’s not what happened in the first place.
Through this lens ljust look at what happened. The boys do the school cheer. The blacks made their points however crude. The Native Americans intervene ostensibly prayerfully to create harmony. Good deal. The smirking white boy, an underage teen, was praying all the time for a peaceful resolution.  An end to the confusion. Admirable.
And guess what, prayers were answered.
Let’s be thankful for that.
Let these antagonistic voices reflect on their own motives, meanspiritedness, within their own souls and consciousness. Is what I am doing ugly, one sided and unfair? “I went off without hearing the whole story. And it devolved into a diatribe. For that I apologize. I got it wrong.”  
Later the Native Americans went to a church. During mass. They were not allowed to go in for fear that they would disrupt the services.
What if someone had come out and said you’re welcome to come in if you are quiet and respectful. Or you can wait and we will have a representative out here to listen to what you have to say.
Can you imagine ... Native Americans and Catholics outside on the steps harmoniously joining together in prayer?
Both sides believe in praying do they not?
Each side attaches solemnity to the act of praying. Then what is to prevent them from praying together?
That moment has passed but another moment is possible. We have had time to reflect, to process and come to a meeting of the minds.
The Pueblo Indians have a legend that some mysterious personage visited the tribe and told them of things to come.  
Thanks for listening.
Rainbows 🌈 and unicorns 🦄 4ever.  P.
Hey John, I’ve seen some of your Facebook posts that come in my feed checked out your page. I knew your dad.
Just remember the words to the prayer, is my best unsolicited advice.  It touches us all and everything better than anything and believe me I’ve searched my whole life. It’s a condensation and distillation of things that are spiritually meaningful to all of us. Best of all they are not my words or anybody else’s of similar human consciousness. We know they come from a higher place and beyond ourselves and they lift us up to that level. That’s my experience which I’m trying to share in this song. People share lots of things on fb, right?
I believe you are musically gifted ... I heard from your dad and others.  I don’t know if we’ve actually met but I remember there was some good buzz when you were younger.  
I’m trying to spread the word and various people come up, in my consciousness, individuals who for one reason or another I really want to share it with.  
So I just wanted to share this with you.
And hope you have a good day. Hang in there John.
There’s no reason to think that by the boys not being where they were supposed to be that there was ill intent on their part ... just wandering off.
Apparently these days just about anything no matter how innocent, like wandering off makes you a bad guy. That is very wrong in my opinion. Having white skin makes me a bad guy. It’s called identity politics, but it’s more like a circular firing squad.
And it’s orchestrated by the truly guilty, the fraction of 1% that control our minds. This control is exercised mainly through the Democratic Party these days but in times past it was the Republicans.
Neoliberals have emerged in the same way that neocons emerged and like a parasite have taken over the brain and diverted it 180° opposite from it’s original purpose and identity.
How can you get the majority of peaceful people to go to war without a pearl harbor or a Gulf of Tonkin or an assassination or a 911. Can you actually create a Civil War over an issue? They can. And they work on it day and night. Rust never sleeps.  
They have all of the tools and resources. Political power, the media, money.
When Mao was losing power he used his wife to destroy a culture.  I see the Clinton’s and their backers doing basically the same thing.  Any means necessary to retain power. Even if it takes down the whole country in process.  It doesn’t matter who you sleep with. Change the laws change the religion change the family destroy the family blame the culture, blame this one and that one, it’s all justified.  
But never blame those w the big $, the ones that have no allegiance but to power and who fund your group. Through their corrupt shell game, foundation/money laundering operation.
I guess what they want more than anything else at this point is civil war. They’ve taken civil disobedience and added violence to the mix and perverted Martin Luther King Jr’s. message or dismissed it.  
But most Americans still believe it. Most Americans don’t believe in what the neo liberals are pushing.  They have seen what the neocons did to this country.  And they are not buying this divisive “movement” to further divide us, either.  
It’s been around for quite some time, three decades at least. It’s never been about uniting us. It’s never been about us. And that’s what Bernie tried  to do and did! Unite us. And look what happened to him.
The DNC has been exposed and yet they keep on going in the same direction. They are still leading the charge off this cliff. Male against female, black against white etc. And these people the majority of them are good people and couldn’t care less. So they’ve come for the children.  
Look how CNN twisted what happened and turned on these boys. Got the whole nation  up in arms against them. Now they get death threats and have been docsed.  
Can you imagine CNN calling high school kids “school shooters?”  But that’s the side CNN took.  Against kids.  These are foul, evil people at CNN. They are supposed to be journalists and they are preaching hatred against kids.
Back to the wandering off bit.  If there was a group of native Americans demonstrating or protesting or just doing something interesting wouldn’t you want to watch? Maybe you might wander off too, to see what was going on? That was the whole wish and desire of the Native Americans.  They wanted that attention. So why were the boys at fault for wanting to check it out? It was interesting. How did they know what would happen next?
But it’s so easy in this culture to pin the blame on the innocent.  And even feel good about it because you are taking up for the “poor oppressed minority.”   But not the poor, oppressed white families faltering in this climate less and less which Bernie recognized. Austerity.
It’s not good judgment, or just, to do that but that’s what happens again and again.  
This time it happened to a group of teenage Catholic boys. Who I think behaved admirably.
Who targeted them?  The minorities that everyone is so quick to embrace even if they are in the wrong. Even if they are railroading an innocent person or persons. Or a whole country.  
I will embrace them too when they realize I’m not the enemy.  I pray for them because I have more in common with them than what divides us if they only knew that we have a common enemy. As long as we are divided the problems will become worse.  Our enemies would fall in a nanosecond if we all united.  
It’s CNN’s job to make sure we don’t. That’s their real mission, and their real job. Not reporting the news. That’s what they get paid for. Hit pieces against kids. Not reporting the news. Not reporting what actually happened.  
No, this time they came after our kids.  They’ve been after them for quite some time. Along with mom and dad.  But Mom and Dad are hopefully both fully awake by now and can see what’s going on.
It’s a whole new ball game when they come for your kids.
If they had taken one tinth of that energy and focused it half as much to saving mountains and streams...the land, God’s creation, over which we were to be “responsible stewards” not irresponsible psychopaths...as they do to an idea that is so wispy and unclear, “it depends on what is is”...we would still have mountains in WV.
But no, Hell no. They destroyed your LAND people!!
You were comfortable on your couch watching CNN. Your heart went out to a phenomenon a passing fancy the flavor of the month.  Were the mountains too white for you?  They were raping your mother “to keep the lights on” by destroying the fundamental composition of America...Dirt. And ripping it out from under you in front of your televised eyes.
But what threw you into overdrive, What woke you up and ripped the golden pacifier from your mouth ... wasn’t the destruction of the land, the beautiful forests streams and woodlands. No, hell no.
it was your own private ultra specific war ... and you exploded! Over a freckle on a sub atomic particle’s ass! An undefinable utopian fantasy that defied sensory perception to all but the most mindful of and vexed by  the anonymity of human existence, the absence of cuddling, by your mommy and daddy who refused to adequately fuss over you who didn’t feel inspired to recognize the 6 year old genius wunderkind goddesses of the universe.  In your laziness and intellectual dishonesty, you have elevated the smallest vexation and irritation to an Absolute. Your own little fiefdom where you sit, pompous and pussy-hatted on your throne and rule with an iron fist and a divine pussy hat with a clear mandate: Maintain by illogic ucharade-save the Wispies!
That’s right. you have waged war for 30 years for your right to rule in your happy little universe utopian fantasy where you are, not just worshipped and adored but correctly, perfectly.
That’s what  got you going? Spinning like a top that had run out of gas wobbling like a drunken Mexican?
That’s right. “Stop ignoring me or I become a raving mindful lunatic on a yoga mat with a bottle of spring water by my side.”
And I am infinitely mindful of your every infinitesimally small screwup and transgression.
Damn right.
Who knows? What you’re on about. Only you.  
But it’s got you going you up off your ass out in the street raving like a fucking lunatic.
Have at it, motherfucker,  have at it. We’ve already had our way with your mother so have at it!  
I wouldn’t say this if it wasn’t important.
Granted there are a lot of people upset about the election. It’s apparent that the democratic party though, has gone too far w their rhetoric. All this about Civil War, impeachment, and every other extreme Kathy Griffin type of nastiness, isn’t that what it is? You tell me? What is it?
Trump’s approval numbers for July according to Gallup, are higher than LBJ, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and the same as Clinton. Depressing isn’t it?  But keep swimming.  Keep up the good fight. But be careful about unintended consequences.  
There are people that actually voted for Trump. It’s not a crime. They were exercising their rights. Now you want to bash them. I understand. I’ve lived through Nixon and Bush and LBJ.  Mistakes were clearly made and lives were sacrificed.  At this point we have not reached that level of atrocity. Perhaps we should all remember sticks and stones may break my bones.  
There is good evidence that LBJ had Kennedy killed. He was in on it. Lone gunman ... I don’t think so. The Warren report was fraud a massive fabrication.
I’m saying this so that you can see and acknowledge that there is a Behind the scenes network. They carried off that coup . And they carried off 911.  They got Americans to believe a lie. Aided and abetted by the mainstream media.
Do you want to know the truth? You’re not going to get it by being outraged at everything that the mainstream media reports as fact. There is a truth community it is neither Republican nor Democrat. It is both.
I don’t know why Trump won. But Hillary was part of the reason. Number one the way she treated Bernie...Number two Hillary herself.  This whole thing of winning at all costs doubling down, Russian collusion, you need to investigate how that all started. It was a campaign hatched on day one. Opposition research that went too far just like everything that Hillary does.
You have to recognize that even when you protest the other side has a right to their point of you. You have to try to meet in the middle. I was an activist for 20 years before all this happened. One of the things that most of us realized was you can’t let anger take over your life.  You can be angry but use it in a constructive way! Our model was Gandhi civil disobedience discourse.
Also you need to look at George Soros from the other side. What they really want is a police state. They want to stifle dissent.  Which is ironic. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t call people racist who simply disagree on the way to proceed. The kind of solution on immigration etc.  I don’t care if you have the pope on your side calling people out as racists for wanting to enforce immigration laws that already exist that have existed for years in every country. Why would such a radical agenda as open borders be promoted?  Is that not a dangerous idea? Just open the borders to everyone? It would be nice if we lived in that kind of world. But there are bad guys and we don’t live in that kind of world.
There is so much wrong with the liberal agenda right now. It is diametrically opposed to historical liberalism. You hurt your cause w some  of the tactics that are used to promote your cause.  
You need to break away from all of that because number one where is it coming from? Consider the source. The mainstream media which is controlled by the CIA. It is heavily regulated by the CIA. If you would do your research you would find out that Gloria Steinem worked with the CIA.  So did Nancy Pelosi. Gloria Steinem by her own account in an interview went into great detail about those days. They funded Ms. magazine. Do you think that she was the only one? Do you think that practice has stopped?
Go to Ted talks on YouTube and watch the video of the reporter who defected from the mainstream media and is now a whistleblower. It is amazing how devious they are and have become.  
Sheryl Atkinson
Also look up Maria Kennedy Shriver on Krista Tippet’s “On Being” talk show on NPR.   She talks about some of the mistakes that folks on the left have made. She talks about her faith. It’s a very good interview. She has written a book.
Sorry for any typos, and lack of syntax. I’m typing with my thumb on my phone. 😗
It’s interesting how Hillary and her supporters. And many politicians.  Oh hell the worm turns. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton is, a worm.  For at least half a century detente has been seen as a good thing by most politicians and Americans. But now, when it is advantageous to the Democrats to save face, they set up a new boogie man. Guess who it is Russia!Traditionally, it has been the Democrats who were prone to not take a hard line on Russia.  But now and at election time sadly we’re supposed to pay Russians! It’s our patriotic duty to hate Russians ... and lovee the cia!!! WTF.  But Hillary says... oh is it Hillary? Oh yes it is. It’s Hillary. Hillary says, and of course she is very objective here. She just lost the election but no matter. She can still remain objective about all of this. She wouldn’t be blaming the Russians to excuse her own failure would she? That would just be too coincidental too convenient.  Take her word for it. You’re w her.  The embattled and bitter Hillary Clinton. Thats a ship I definitely don’t want to go down with.  I never was on that bandwagon. And I am not now.
From the Hills and valleys mountains rivers and streams...A place called Appahchia (pronounced AppaLATCHia)
Electronic voting in the US is a huge problem.
#1. Both parties have hacked voting computers.  The DNC is famous or infamous for Voter fraud.
#2. They bus people to several locations to vote.   Remember the irregularities in Arizona during the primary? These people kNo there is a pot of gold at the end of anrainbow. Do you think a little thing like fraud is going to stop them?
#3. Diebold has been kicked out of Europe.  
https://youtu.be/u4FPuLNjvAc. Fox
https://youtu.be/OvF213popIA. Flipped
https://youtu.be/_IAJ5fAm3Cs. Investigators
https://youtu.be/ibK4de85IKw. Calling Hillary Cunton
https://youtu.be/mEp0kUzmLns. 56 Diebold machines
Ron Paul.
Princeton Diebold Study
Steallary Clinton
I’m trying to add it all up.  I think I’m making progress:
What happened was nothing compared to what happens later. A descent.
But initially what happened? Each group made their point. Peacefully. Nothing happened. The fact that this had a good outcome, the three opposing groups had their say each in their moment and no one got hurt.
What happens a bit later, media types begin shaming....Your group is to blame. Blame blame blame.  
CNN set it up and dutifully the chorus chimed in. On cue just as we have come to expect.
There is something about creating impossible standards for people that sets them up for control. It’s a means of control and repression common among very manipulative types. (Sociopaths)
The real hurt came later. The attacks began. Now it’s a serious thing we are talking about.
Maligning to a certain extent one group or another.
Perhaps there is something to be gained from all of this. Certainly each group has something to say a point to make.
We see what is unreasonable, counterproductive. To some extent in it’s virulence, and unnecessary.
State your point, without bashing the rest of the world. Behave yourself online. Don’t make stupid comments. Don’t make hurtful comments. Don’t attack. Don’t vilify. Because that’s not what happened in the first place.
Through this lens ljust look at what happened. The boys do the school cheer. The blacks made their points however crude. The Native Americans intervene ostensibly prayerfully to create harmony. Good deal. The smirking white boy, an underage teen, was praying all the time for a peaceful resolution.  An end to the confusion. Admirable.
And guess what, prayers were answered.
Let’s be thankful for that.
Let these antagonistic voices reflect on their own motives, meanspiritedness, within their own souls and consciousness. Is what I am doing ugly, one sided and unfair? “I went off without hearing the whole story. And it devolved into a diatribe. For that I apologize. I got it wrong.”  
Later the Native Americans went to a church. During mass. They were not allowed to go in for fear that they would disrupt the services.
What if someone had come out and said you’re welcome to come in if you are quiet and respectful. Or you can wait and we will have a representative out here to listen to what you have to say.
Can you imagine ... Native Americans and Catholics outside on the steps harmoniously joining together in prayer?
Both sides believe in praying do they not?
Each side attaches solemnity to the act of praying. Then what is to prevent them from praying together?
That moment has passed but another moment is possible. We have had time to reflect, to process and come to a meeting of the minds.
The Pueblo Indians have a legend that some mysterious personage visited the tribe and told them of things to come.  
Thanks for listening.
Rainbows 🌈 and unicorns 🦄 4ever.  P.
Hey John, I’ve seen some of your Facebook posts that come in my feed checked out your page. I knew your dad.
Just remember the words to the prayer, is my best unsolicited advice.  It touches us all and everything better than anything and believe me I’ve searched my whole life. It’s a condensation and distillation of things that are spiritually meaningful to all of us. Best of all they are not my words or anybody else’s of similar human consciousness. We know they come from a higher place and beyond ourselves and they lift us up to that level. That’s my experience which I’m trying to share in this song. People share lots of things on fb, right?
I believe you are musically gifted ... I heard from your dad and others.  I don’t know if we’ve actually met but I remember there was some good buzz when you were younger.  
I’m trying to spread the word and various people come up, in my consciousness, individuals who for one reason or another I really want to share it with.  
So I just wanted to share this with you.
And hope you have a good day. Hang in there John.
There’s no reason to think that by the boys not being where they were supposed to be that there was ill intent on their part ... just wandering off.
Apparently these days just about anything no matter how innocent, like wandering off makes you a bad guy. That is very wrong in my opinion. Having white skin makes me a bad guy. It’s called identity politics, but it’s more like a circular firing squad.
And it’s orchestrated by the truly guilty, the fraction of 1% that control our minds. This control is exercised mainly through the Democratic Party these days but in times past it was the Republicans.
Neoliberals have emerged in the same way that neocons emerged and like a parasite have taken over the brain and diverted it 180° opposite from it’s original purpose and identity.
How can you get the majority of peaceful people to go to war without a pearl harbor or a Gulf of Tonkin or an assassination or a 911. Can you actually create a Civil War over an issue? They can. And they work on it day and night. Rust never sleeps.  
They have all of the tools and resources. Political power, the media, money.
When Mao was losing power he used his wife to destroy a culture.  I see the Clinton’s and their backers doing basically the same thing.  Any means necessary to retain power. Even if it takes down the whole country in process.  It doesn’t matter who you sleep with. Change the laws change the religion change the family destroy the family blame the culture, blame this one and that one, it’s all justified.  
But never blame those w the big $, the ones that have no allegiance but to power and who fund your group. Through their corrupt shell game, foundation/money laundering operation.
I guess what they want more than anything else at this point is civil war. They’ve taken civil disobedience and added violence to the mix and perverted Martin Luther King Jr’s. message or dismissed it.  
But most Americans still believe it. Most Americans don’t believe in what the neo liberals are pushing.  They have seen what the neocons did to this country.  And they are not buying this divisive “movement” to further divide us, either.  
It’s been around for quite some time, three decades at least. It’s never been about uniting us. It’s never been about us. And that’s what Bernie tried  to do and did! Unite us. And look what happened to him.
The DNC has been exposed and yet they keep on going in the same direction. They are still leading the charge off this cliff. Male against female, black against white etc. And these people the majority of them are good people and couldn’t care less. So they’ve come for the children.  
Look how CNN twisted what happened and turned on these boys. Got the whole nation  up in arms against them. Now they get death threats and have been docsed.  
Can you imagine CNN calling high school kids “school shooters?”  But that’s the side CNN took.  Against kids.  These are foul, evil people at CNN. They are supposed to be journalists and they are preaching hatred against kids.
Back to the wandering off bit.  If there was a group of native Americans demonstrating or protesting or just doing something interesting wouldn’t you want to watch? Maybe you might wander off too, to see what was going on? That was the whole wish and desire of the Native Americans.  They wanted that attention. So why were the boys at fault for wanting to check it out? It was interesting. How did they know what would happen next?
But it’s so easy in this culture to pin the blame on the innocent.  And even feel good about it because you are taking up for the “poor oppressed minority.”   But not the poor, oppressed white families faltering in this climate less and less which Bernie recognized. Austerity.
It’s not good judgment, or just, to do that but that’s what happens again and again.  
This time it happened to a group of teenage Catholic boys. Who I think behaved admirably.
Who targeted them?  The minorities that everyone is so quick to embrace even if they are in the wrong. Even if they are railroading an innocent person or persons. Or a whole country.  
I will embrace them too when they realize I’m not the enemy.  I pray for them because I have more in common with them than what divides us if they only knew that we have a common enemy. As long as we are divided the problems will become worse.  Our enemies would fall in a nanosecond if we all united.  
It’s CNN’s job to make sure we don’t. That’s their real mission, and their real job. Not reporting the news. That’s what they get paid for. Hit pieces against kids. Not reporting the news. Not reporting what actually happened.  
No, this time they came after our kids.  They’ve been after them for quite some time. Along with mom and dad.  But Mom and Dad are hopefully both fully awake by now and can see what’s going on.
It’s a whole new ball game when they come for your kids.
If they had taken one tinth of that energy and focused it half as much to saving mountains and streams...the land, God’s creation, over which we were to be “responsible stewards” not irresponsible psychopaths...as they do to an idea that is so wispy and unclear, “it depends on what is is”...we would still have mountains in WV.
But no, Hell no. They destroyed your LAND people!!
You were comfortable on your couch watching CNN. Your heart went out to a phenomenon a passing fancy the flavor of the month.  Were the mountains too white for you?  They were raping your mother “to keep the lights on” by destroying the fundamental composition of America...Dirt. And ripping it out from under you in front of your televised eyes.
But what threw you into overdrive, What woke you up and ripped the golden pacifier from your mouth ... wasn’t the destruction of the land, the beautiful forests streams and woodlands. No, hell no.
it was your own private ultra specific war ... and you exploded! Over a freckle on a sub atomic particle’s ass! An undefinable utopian fantasy that defied sensory perception to all but the most mindful of and vexed by  the anonymity of human existence, the absence of cuddling, by your mommy and daddy who refused to adequately fuss over you who didn’t feel inspired to recognize the 6 year old genius wunderkind goddesses of the universe.  In your laziness and intellectual dishonesty, you have elevated the smallest vexation and irritation to an Absolute. Your own little fiefdom where you sit, pompous and pussy-hatted on your throne and rule with an iron fist and a divine pussy hat with a clear mandate: Maintain by illogic ucharade-save the Wispies!
That’s right. you have waged war for 30 years for your right to rule in your happy little universe utopian fantasy where you are, not just worshipped and adored but correctly, perfectly.
That’s what  got you going? Spinning like a top that had run out of gas wobbling like a drunken Mexican?
That’s right. “Stop ignoring me or I become a raving mindful lunatic on a yoga mat with a bottle of spring water by my side.”
And I am infinitely mindful of your every infinitesimally small screwup and transgression.
Damn right.
Who knows? What you’re on about. Only you.  
But it’s got you going you up off your ass out in the street raving like a fucking lunatic.
Have at it, motherfucker,  have at it. We’ve already had our way with your mother so have at it!  
I wouldn’t say this if it wasn’t important.
Granted there are a lot of people upset about the election. It’s apparent that the democratic party though, has gone too far w their rhetoric. All this about Civil War, impeachment, and every other extreme Kathy Griffin type of nastiness, isn’t that what it is? You tell me? What is it?
Trump’s approval numbers for July according to Gallup, are higher than LBJ, Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter and the same as Clinton. Depressing isn’t it?  But keep swimming.  Keep up the good fight. But be careful about unintended consequences.  
There are people that actually voted for Trump. It’s not a crime. They were exercising their rights. Now you want to bash them. I understand. I’ve lived through Nixon and Bush and LBJ.  Mistakes were clearly made and lives were sacrificed.  At this point we have not reached that level of atrocity. Perhaps we should all remember sticks and stones may break my bones.  
There is good evidence that LBJ had Kennedy killed. He was in on it. Lone gunman ... I don’t think so. The Warren report was fraud a massive fabrication.
I’m saying this so that you can see and acknowledge that there is a Behind the scenes network. They carried off that coup . And they carried off 911.  They got Americans to believe a lie. Aided and abetted by the mainstream media.
Do you want to know the truth? You’re not going to get it by being outraged at everything that the mainstream media reports as fact. There is a truth community it is neither Republican nor Democrat. It is both.
I don’t know why Trump won. But Hillary was part of the reason. Number one the way she treated Bernie...Number two Hillary herself.  This whole thing of winning at all costs doubling down, Russian collusion, you need to investigate how that all started. It was a campaign hatched on day one. Opposition research that went too far just like everything that Hillary does.
You have to recognize that even when you protest the other side has a right to their point of you. You have to try to meet in the middle. I was an activist for 20 years before all this happened. One of the things that most of us realized was you can’t let anger take over your life.  You can be angry but use it in a constructive way! Our model was Gandhi civil disobedience discourse.
Also you need to look at George Soros from the other side. What they really want is a police state. They want to stifle dissent.  Which is ironic. You can’t have it both ways. You can’t call people racist who simply disagree on the way to proceed. The kind of solution on immigration etc.  I don’t care if you have the pope on your side calling people out as racists for wanting to enforce immigration laws that already exist that have existed for years in every country. Why would such a radical agenda as open borders be promoted?  Is that not a dangerous idea? Just open the borders to everyone? It would be nice if we lived in that kind of world. But there are bad guys and we don’t live in that kind of world.
There is so much wrong with the liberal agenda right now. It is diametrically opposed to historical liberalism. You hurt your cause w some  of the tactics that are used to promote your cause.  
You need to break away from all of that because number one where is it coming from? Consider the source. The mainstream media which is controlled by the CIA. It is heavily regulated by the CIA. If you would do your research you would find out that Gloria Steinem worked with the CIA.  So did Nancy Pelosi. Gloria Steinem by her own account in an interview went into great detail about those days. They funded Ms. magazine. Do you think that she was the only one? Do you think that practice has stopped?
Go to Ted talks on YouTube and watch the video of the reporter who defected from the mainstream media and is now a whistleblower. It is amazing how devious they are and have become.  
Sheryl Atkinson
Also look up Maria Kennedy Shriver on Krista Tippet’s “On Being” talk show on NPR.   She talks about some of the mistakes that folks on the left have made. She talks about her faith. It’s a very good interview. She has written a book.
Sorry for any typos, and lack of syntax. I’m typing with my thumb on my phone. 😗
It’s interesting how Hillary and her supporters. And many politicians.  Oh hell the worm turns. Which is exactly what Hillary Clinton is, a worm.  For at least half a century detente has been seen as a good thing by most politicians and Americans. But now, when it is advantageous to the Democrats to save face, they set up a new boogie man. Guess who it is Russia!Traditionally, it has been the Democrats who were prone to not take a hard line on Russia.  But now and at election time sadly we’re supposed to pay Russians! It’s our patriotic duty to hate Russians ... and lovee the cia!!! WTF.  But Hillary says... oh is it Hillary? Oh yes it is. It’s Hillary. Hillary says, and of course she is very objective here. She just lost the election but no matter. She can still remain objective about all of this. She wouldn’t be blaming the Russians to excuse her own failure would she? That would just be too coincidental too convenient.  Take her word for it. You’re w her.  The embattled and bitter Hillary Clinton. Thats a ship I definitely don’t want to go down with.  I never was on that bandwagon. And I am not now.
From the Hills and valleys mountains rivers and streams...A place called Appahchia (pronounced AppaLATCHia)
Electronic voting in the US is a huge problem.
#1. Both parties have hacked voting computers.  The DNC is famous or infamous for Voter fraud.
#2. They bus people to several locations to vote.   Remember the irregularities in Arizona during the primary? These people kNo there is a pot of gold at the end of anrainbow. Do you think a little thing like fraud is going to stop them?
#3. Diebold has been kicked out of Europe.  
https://youtu.be/u4FPuLNjvAc. Fox
https://youtu.be/OvF213popIA. Flipped
https://youtu.be/_IAJ5fAm3Cs. Investigators
https://youtu.be/ibK4de85IKw. Calling Hillary Cunton
https://youtu.be/mEp0kUzmLns. 56 Diebold machines
Ron Paul.
Princeton Diebold Study
Steallary Clinton
old tyme rockin gospel blues to make your drive more 'interesting' without taking your eyes off the road. or not. the visual is quite interesting too.  I may have stumbled on inter-dimensional photography...see if you can find the creatuers that inhabits these one of a kind photographs by t. paige.
Aug 24 and 25
Here is Jim- al X. Zones telling his side of the story. Oops sorry not available.  It’s been deleted since last night when I watched it.  It’s been removed from my YouTube history.
Go ahead try it.  Remember the Dixie chicks? How they were banned? This is no different. Madonna  says she wants to s*** Moamar khadaffi and f*** the guy in the Vanilla H *** but no  repercussions. Sorry Virgin Mary but Hillary blew him first.
It’s coming. Chinese style censorship.  I’m w the ACLU on this one folks. Unpopular opinions should not be banned any more than the library should ban  Catcher in the Rye.  Say goodbye to another freedom as we approach The NannyState.  Men have lost their cojones.  
Notice: You cannot NOT care. You must care.  For this thing right here. Not caring for this thing is not allowed.  You must care about women, minorities, etc because we say so. We don’t care but we’re hypocrites. That’s the difference. We’re all sociopaths. So that’s just how it works because...WE HAVE MORE MONEY AND we are IMPORTANT.  You, not so much. So you see it’s not really hypocrisy.  
ALSO, you are not allowed to care about your self you selfish Nazi racist bastard.
This might get me into trouble.
I posted Pray For our Country and got some anti trumpies comments.  They said  I’ll pray for that man in the WH.  Like he’s the only problem is the only one that we needs to pray about.
It’s starting to really piss me off.  Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.  
Is there another reason to pray?  Is it because bombs are being dropped?  Is it because Obama decided we no longer have to declare war to drop bombs on people? Just pick a country. That we can bomb people anywhere anytime we want?  
Or is it because someone offended you?  Did it offend you when a convicted pedophile got a standing ovation from most of Hollywood including Meryl Streep at the Academy Awards? Or that madonna said she wanted to blow the White House up?   ( remember the Dixie Chicks! )
Or that Hillary Clinton got a child trafficer off the hook? When she kidnapped 30 children in Haiti? Or that this woman now is working for Amber alert? Under a different name? Is it because Muslim grooming gangs in England kept young girls around for sexual purposes for decades?  Is it because refugees from starving Africa are storming the beaches of Spain?  And roaming the streets of Italy with hatchets and machetes? Is it because there are approximately 1000 no go zones throughout Europe? Where the police do not dare go near?   Is it because there are towns in England that have been Muslimized, the churches and the pubs shut down. Is it because the plan under Hillary was to do the same here?
Is it because the real problem here is hypocrisy and fuzzy think.  Right and wrong no longer matter and is no longer discernible or desired by MSM brainwashed people.  Just don’t offend me ... my delicate feelings are all that matters... none of the above matters. But if you go off script, say something that offends me... ohmy! look out! I am on the warpath and I am marching on Washington!  
The problem here is,  “you awake?” is no longer the punch line of a joke about redneck foreplay.
Hi Kathy, I'm sorry I upset you. We can agree to disagree? I'm sure there's a lot we agree on.
Number one we are in deep do. But we just know it now but i guess we always have been.  
They tried to kill us once already in the 60s, but somehow we fought back and we won. I wish we could have that kind of unity today. I think there's a way but we need to make certain tweaks. Remember it was all about civil disobedience and Henry David Thoreau.  Mahatma Gandhi.  Martin Luther King. Bob Dylan. And I believe that kind of a movement is still possible.  But they've taken away the music from young people and left them with Taylor Swift.  
Back then we felt that women had our backs. That's not true today. The feminist counter movement became obsessed with attacking men and advancing some strange agenda, apart from liberating women. It became part of the divide and conquer strategy.  
Every movement, is prone to a counter movement.  The countermovement is in many of these movements.  They take the energy from the movement and use it for their own devices and political purposes.  To garner support>votes>power not for the people but for themselves, those at the top of the countermovement within these movements.
There I go again.  But doesn't that make sense Kathy?  It really doesn't matter if we agree even on this. That is just one example of how we can agree to disagree and still survive. This has happened even in the church.  In every movement. Every movement that becomes a household word is fair game and a prime target to be overtaken and used and taken in a direction that it was not intended for. Sometimes the very opposite of that direction. This is true in the case of the church. The goal is to capture the heart. The closer it gets to the heart the more damage is done. If they can’t get to the heart from the inside they will destroy it from the outside as in the case of environmental assaults on our mountains and water.  
One of the tweaks I mentioned was allowing God to inform our decisions.  We have to do this first in ourselves.  We have to forgive for one thing. Remember we had Martin Luther King, a minister, a preacher a church person. Yes we do have to be careful. That’s why I say it begins in our own hearts.
I really don’t mean to preach. I just think it’s important that we allow God at least allow people who have that in their make up to exist if that is their dream to have it as a part of their solution.  
Some people feel this is an outmoded form of expression.  It certainly can be abused and a means of control which is what God does not want. To me the Lords prayer is the perfect expression of God and also Psalm 23.   But there are many more. These are just two of the ones that have had a major impact on me.  
But I recognize that even in myself there is a war going on.  So sometimes I have to step back and re-center.  When everything is working properly within and everything is in balance that is the only time I really have anything to offer.  It’s really easy to fall off the wagon though.  Trial and error.  It’s not easy to get there.  
This morning I woke up and everything was fine. Then I thought of some injury or slight and immediately my happiness was gone.   Because my focus became anger.  Yes, I do have a lot to be angry about but I can’t focus on it. And I have to forgive from my heart if I want to be happy, is what I realized.  So i’m working on it. Lol.  OK?   Hopefully I’ll change. Become more mellow, lol. Bear w me ok?  It’s important to me to get along with people care about. I understand if you need a break from this deeply flawed person. I know I’m a handful. I try to shield people from my neuroses and unpleasantness, but sometimes it gets the better of me.  I’ve always been kind of an agitator at heart.  But I will always try to make it right.  Right now I think that people just need a break from all of my drama.   That’s the message I’m giving this morning.
Have a good day Kathy. I hope we can agree on more than just a little.
Here is the song that meant so much to me.  TY.
0 notes
sxdomy · 7 years
A L L💩👅
This could be fun or extremely sadp: 1: Name brett2: Age 193: 3 Fears pools, bees, men4: 3 things I love cats, bands, life5: 4 turns on good smell, good style, cat lover, band lover6: 4 turns off jerk, liar, smells bad, bad style7: My best friend alyssa8: Sexual orientation bisexual9: My best first date havent been on one10: How tall am I 5’011: What do I miss kas12: What time were I born idk13: Favorite color black14: Do I have a crush yes15: Favorite quote “if you never break, you’ll never know how to put yourself back together”16: Favorite place florida17: Favorite food eggplant rollatini18: Do I use sarcasm eh sometimes19: What am I listening to right now the taste of ink by the used20: First thing I notice in new person eyes21: Shoe size 622: Eye color green23: Hair color black24: Favorite style of clothing idek25: Ever done a prank call? over 1,000 i bet you27: Meaning behind my URL cake and sodomy by manson28: Favorite movie idk prob perks of being a wallflower29: Favorite song nobody’s perfect by hannah montana30: Favorite band idek yooo31: How I feel right now good32: Someone I love me!33: My current relationship status single ! woo !34: My relationship with my parents dads dead, but my mom and i are getting along better than we used to35: Favorite holiday halloween36: Tattoos and piercing i have none37: Tattoos and piercing i want stretched ears and nose38: The reason I joined Tumblr boredom39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? yes lmao i bet you40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? nah41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? no42: When did I last hold hands? last month43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 30 minutes44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? no45: Where am I right now? in bed46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? idk47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? loud48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? my mom49: Am I excited for anything? COLLEGE!50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? yes51: How often do I wear a fake smile? never52: When was the last time I hugged someone? today53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? whatever54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? nah55: What is something I disliked about today? ICE SKATING56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? my crush woo57: What do I think about most? cats58: What’s my strangest talent? talking59: Do I have any strange phobias? pools60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind61: What was the last lie I told? “i’m sleeping at my friend’s”62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? phone63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes and yes64: Do I believe in magic? ehh65: Do I believe in luck? sure66: What's the weather like right now? cold67: What was the last book I've read? something for class68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? no69: Do I have any nicknames? bread, breet, brettzee70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? i havent had many71: Do I spend money or save it? eh72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? no73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? yes74: Favorite animal? CAT75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? sleeping76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? lilith77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? ANYTHING FROM HANNAH MONTANA78: How can you win my heart? cat lover79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? “cat lover”80: What is my favorite word? fuck81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr no idea82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? fuck off83: Do I have any relatives in jail? not that ik of84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? make me skinny and strong85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? idk86: What is my current desktop picture? fall87: Had sex? no88: Bought condoms? no89: Gotten pregnant? no90: Failed a class? yes91: Kissed a boy? yes92: Kissed a girl? no93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? no94: Had job? yes95: Left the house without my wallet? yes96: Bullied someone on the internet? yes97: Had sex in public? no98: Played on a sports team? yes99: Smoked weed? yes100: Did drugs? yes101: Smoked cigarettes? no102: Drank alcohol? yes103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? vegetarian104: Been overweight? yes105: Been underweight? no106: Been to a wedding? yes107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? yes108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? yes109: Been outside my home country? no110: Gotten my heart broken? yes111: Been to a professional sports game? no112: Broken a bone? no113: Cut myself? yes114: Been to prom? yes115: Been in airplane? yes116: Fly by helicopter? no117: What concerts have I been to? many118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? yes119: Learned another language? in the process of learning spanish120: Wore make up? yes121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? no122: Had oral sex? no 123: Dyed my hair? yes124: Voted in a presidential election? no125: Rode in an ambulance? yes126: Had a surgery? yes127: Met someone famous? yes128: Stalked someone on a social network? yes129: Peed outside? yes130: Been fishing? no131: Helped with charity? yes132: Been rejected by a crush? yes133: Broken a mirror? no134: What do I want for birthday? sexSend me some?
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