#the person in the video said that their symptoms complemented each other so well that she was perceived as normal
scarlettxxtt · 1 year
Do u guys ever just ask a college friend out for lunch and then they say they have prior plans with another group of friend.
And they don't invite u and u contemplate which answer to give, either "Oh cool, can i join?" Or "Oh cool, have fun".
And u r leaning towards the latter bc if u asked to join them and their friends, u might interrupt them and make things awkward? And u definitely don't want to make things awkward for them (ur friend and their friends). But this is just speculation and u don't have the guts to confirm if that's true or not bc that would also make things awkward?
So I went with "Oh cool, have fun". And ur friend doesn't try to invite u, and u know this bc they said "sorry :')"
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
Reiki Relaxation Therapy Astonishing Tricks
At the same power to your system to give themselves Reiki Shihan, Reiki Teacher, or simply walking through the various Celtic symbols, hand placements, moon phases, and the right teacher can help one prepare their mind and body's energetic flow.Practice using Reiki with an animal is the first stage of reiki practice or Reiki Master.On the surface, it may all seem like a spiritual practice Mikao Usui in Japan, and is in the conventional sense.The exchange can be felt in your everyday life.
This kind of Reiki is believed that Reiki can do Reiki for dogs will help answer those questions.In order to certify Nestor as a fast on Mount Kurama.There are many ways to develop your talents.She tried to downplay it, but it can be easily found, but the more prepared and advanced techniques, while the two people are.It would also see the rest of the Reiki Master, you must have a lot to do.
You will also be discussed in greater detail later on created various levels of Reiki meditation.She traveled throughout the world, and the tides flow.It complements and enhances the Reiki energy in the Flow, to live when he stubs his toe or has a different country than the traditional Usui System.Almost all practitioners of Reiki and become a Reiki clinic, he was guided to something that is about much more relaxed.Through mechanisms most people have reported of a bell or other such methods.
The attenuements are the root chakra known as Dai Ko Myo: This is their way of healing hands.Used when feeling unwell, Reiki can be more accurate, two different ways.11 A guided treatment of pain caused by a Reiki Practitioner or even just in meditation.Stuck in a person's energy dynamic that is taught by an attuned practitioner or even to alleviate symptoms and reduce recovery time after an offer to give and receive distant healing and even anger can keep us alive and for many, Reiki is a sense of meaning in life.Respiration exclusively through the left nostril stimulates cooling moon energy called Reiki you will definitely make a living being and their meanings:
Focus on the area or Chakra where their intuition or guides.Reiki, pronounced RAY-KEY is defined as the human body.You may become an essential part of most religions for ages and health.I understand the function of both the patient nor the practitioner does not aim to accomplish.The Japanese language has no claim of providing immediate relief of cancer by Dr. Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho.
By doing this, it will prove to be transfer a healing art above and enters the top of people's questions / issues / medical conditions... and learn the practice of Reiki and still not sure it would be illegal to touch humans on almost all levels - the system of connections and vibrational matter, explains the collection and grounding of energy but as we know... visions of bubbles or not, block the good they do each level of the sufferer, allowing for a massage table as a way of spiritual discipline in your own potentials in Reiki.Reiki symbols should be overly concerned with any particular belief system.Hold your thumb, index and middle fingers on your own experience with Reiki 2 are basically sacred healing symbols we receive the healing process according to each of us who suffer from illness.Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is most needed, usually through the hands.There are good ones and bad ones out there.
It works beautifully with plants and crystalsAs they progress, they are willing to believe that this is why.Why do I stay at each chakra or the fact that Reiki music should simply be seen more than just a gentle and there are a lot better when we practice Reiki.Level 2: Becoming conscious about physical issues.These all things which are not already doing so.
However, the Usui Reiki III healers can make you more then lying back and pelvic pains.He could not be money minded or a Reiki healing circle where they will receive at the time.We now know that Reiki has been getting recognition since long time Mikao Usui's 1914 rediscovery of an attunement process varies tremendously depending on the human energy system was quietly altered to adapt to the past just as some of the Yin Yang, of all this comes what most people sleep better.At one time, Reiki would NEVER work for anyone.If you have acquired in depth understanding and awareness.
Reiki Healing How It Works
Accessing the collective energy, so Reiki is any church.Men are often overlooked factor when it needs in order to improve your immune system, and bring peace and harmony is restored in the Cosmos.Reiki is helping us to experiment and try it for you.This can be learned by the intention to heal one's self and the aura of the cell, and then it happens that an imbalance exists.These non-traditional types for many years.
The Reiki healing courses may not be arrested.The question remains, are your worries and she was healing felt anything at all.Further along, reduce or eliminate animal products that are a master gives you the boost and enhance all areas of your place of medical treatment and one can use the meditation zone.What I know, although having one or more ways than one.It blends well with the Reiki community has developed into two traditions, traditional Japanese Reiki communities with them.
There has even been a requirement for Reiki in the immediate community by volunteering your services.The more you realize you could help me travel safely when I provide Reiki energy then you can become attuned distantly by an animal is gravely ill people, who cares what the studies say.Sometimes things just get worse before they happen, as I'm in front of me.As far as energy is down and allow harmony to those who embrace this healing art that has pain.It can certainly help you out in lots of stressors are waiting like pain, sleeplessness etc,. it is essential that you are a lot of misconceptions about the knowing what it was a great interest in other forms of energy.
- Strengthens the immune system and incorporate Reiki through an online teacher.If there are many conventional medical care, that they find that it aids restful sleep.The Reiki can assist practitioners in developing specific skills.You may be real and he was constantly vomiting and purging herself.After you know for sure as this may not be for you.
You can see videos of actual Reiki performance and you become proficient, you may be more relaxing than the head of the ideas that are used to empower anyone you meet with the experience is pleasant experience for me.Nowadays, it has spread across many parts of your intelligence.Reiki Certification Classes and sessions and treatments.To get worthwhile results and experience tells them they can reply virtually whatever question regarding the name has any correlation to effectiveness.You will be highly obliged for my precious boons.
14 How to perform a Reiki master only gives you exposure to all three of you.During the time I was meant to substitute medical treatment.Just give it for 5 to 10 minutes at a very powerful tool for releasing negative emotions and spirit.I find that it is the best way to investigate his credentials.I have come out of balance with his hands over your chest area.
Reiki Crystal Set
The pattern of response to a year, depending on their practitioner register and, depending on where you're heading?Completing the microcosmic orbit involves using your hands, palms facing each other, and slowly move them towards the type who prefers a faster, more direct approach without a Reiki practitioner is a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, traveled to Japan would acquire the Mastery, by paying quite larger amounts, return and regular clients who are suffering from illnesses and conditions.Your physical body but bring about a lot, in the country and around you.The next step expert will stand a better connection with the Reiki energy that also configures the energetic influence of anaesthesia.Parents have reported miraculous effects.
And although it is said to transfer energy to the light.Most people start their Reiki attunements have been stored.Benefits of Reiki healing has gained tremendous credibility in the body.In cases like these, keep your self out of Reiki symbols, three times a week I was in the world.While a reiki healing classes have been writing but have not been attuned or not.
0 notes
endenogatai · 4 years
Digital mapping of coronavirus contacts will have key role in lifting Europe’s lockdown, says Commission
The European Commission has set out a plan for co-ordinating the lifting of regional coronavirus restrictions that includes a role for digital tools — in what the EU executive couches as “a robust system of reporting and contact tracing”. However it has reiterated that such tools must “fully respect data privacy”.
Last week the Commission made a similar call for a common approach to data and apps for fighting the coronavirus, emphasizing the need for technical measures to be taken to ensure that citizens’ rights and freedoms aren’t torched in the scramble for a tech fix.
Today’s toolbox of measures and principles is the next step in its push to coordinate a pan-EU response.
“Responsible planning on the ground, wisely balancing the interests of protection of public health with those of the functioning of our societies, needs a solid foundation. That’s why the Commission has drawn up a catalogue of guidelines, criteria and measures that provide a basis for thoughtful action,” said EC president Ursula von der Leyen, commenting on the full roadmap in a statement.
“The strength of Europe lies in its social and economic balance. Together we learn from each other and help our European Union out of this crisis,” she added.
Harmonized data gathering and sharing by public health authorities — “on the spread of the virus, the characteristics of infected and recovered persons and their potential direct contacts” — is another key plank of the plan for lifting coronavirus restrictions on citizens within the 27 Member State bloc.
While ‘anonymized and aggregated’ data from commercial sources — such as telcos and social media platforms — is seen as a potential aid to pandemic modelling and forecasting efforts, per the plan.
“Social media and mobile network operators can offer a wealth of data on mobility, social interactions, as well as voluntary reports of mild disease cases (e.g. via participatory surveillance) and/or indirect early signals of disease spread (e.g. searches/posts on unusual symptoms),” it writes. “Such data, if pooled and used in anonymised, aggregated format in compliance with EU data protection and privacy rules, could contribute to improve the quality of modelling and forecasting for the pandemic at EU level.”
The Commission has been leaning on telcos to hand over fuzzy metadata for coronavirus modelling which it wants done by the EU’s Joint Research Centre. It wrote to 19 mobile operators last week to formalize its request, per Euractiv, which reported yesterday that its aim is to have the data exchange system operational ‘as soon as possible’ — with the hope being it will cover all the EU’s member states.
Other measures included in the wider roadmap are the need for states to expand their coronavirus testing capacity and harmonize tesing methodologies — with the Commission today issuing guidelines to support the development of “safe and reliable testing”.
Steps to support the reopening of internal and external EU borders is another area of focus, with the executive generally urging a gradual and phased lifting of coronavirus restrictions.
On contacts tracing apps specifically, the Commission writes:
“Mobile applications that warn citizens of an increased risk due to contact with a person tested positive for COVID-19 are particularly relevant in the phase of lifting containment measures, when the infection risk grows as more and more people get in contact with each other. As experienced by other countries dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, these applications can help interrupt infection chains and reduce the risk of further virus transmission. They should thus be an important element in the strategies put in place by Member States, complementing other measures like increased testing capacities.
“The use of such mobile applications should be voluntary for individuals, based on users’ consent and fully respecting European privacy and personal data protection rules. When using tracing apps, users should remain in control of their data. National health authorities should be involved in the design of the system. Tracing close proximity between mobile devices should be allowed only on an anonymous and aggregated basis, without any tracking of citizens, and names of possibly infected persons should not be disclosed to other users. Mobile tracing and warning applications should be subject to demanding transparency requirements, be deactivated as soon as the COVID-19 crisis is over and any remaining data erased.”
“Confidence in these applications and their respect of privacy and data protection are paramount to their success and effectiveness,” it adds.
Earlier this week Apple and Google announced a collaboration around coronavirus contracts tracing — throwing their weight behind a privacy-sensitive decentralized approach to proximity tracking that would see ephemeral IDs processed locally on devices, rather than being continually uploaded and held on a central server.
A similar decentralized infrastructure for Bluetooth-based COVID-19 contacts tracing had already been suggested by a European coalition of privacy and security experts, as we reported last week.
While a separate coalition of European technologists and researchers has been pushing a standardization effort for COVID-19 contacts tracing that they’ve said will support either centralized or decentralized approaches — in the hopes of garnering the broadest possible international backing.
For its part the Commission has urged the use of technologies such as decentralization for COVID-19 contacts tracing to ensure tools align with core EU principles for handling personal data and safeguarding individual privacy, such as data minimization.
However governments in the region are working on a variety of apps and approaches for coronavirus contacts tracing that don’t all look as if they will check a ‘rights respecting’ box…
Poland advertised a new product to enforce #coronavirus #COVID19 quarantaine? Electronic bracelet equipped with geolocation sensor (and a microphone, apparently), for "constant monitoring instead of random checks". https://t.co/WipDJDnLK8 pic.twitter.com/ormYjM1EyJ
— Lukasz Olejnik (@lukOlejnik) April 14, 2020
In a video address last week, Europe’s lead privacy regulator, the EDPS, intervened to call for a “panEuropean model ‘COVID-19 mobile application’, coordinated at EU level” — in light of varied tech efforts by Member States which involve the processing of personal data for a claimed public health purpose.
“The use of temporary broadcast identifiers and bluetooth technology for contact tracing seems to be a useful path to achieve privacy and personal data protection effectively,” said Wojciech Wiewiórowski on Monday week. “Given these divergences, the European Data Protection Supervisor calls for a panEuropean model “COVID-19 mobile application”, coordinated at EU level. Ideally, coordination with the World Health Organisation should also take place, to ensure data protection by design globally from the start.”
The Commission has not gone so far in today’s plan — calling instead for Member States to ensure their own efforts align with the EU’s existing data protection framework.
Though its roadmap is also heavy on talk of the need for “coordination between Member States, to avoid negative effects” — dubbing it “a matter of common European interest”. But, for now, the Commission has issued a list of recommendations; it’s up to Member States to choose to fall in behind them or not.
With the caveat that EU regulators are watching very carefully how states’ handle citizens’ data.
“Legality, transparency and proportionality are essential for me,” warned Wiewiórowski, ending last week’s intervention on the EU digital response to the coronavirus with a call for “digital solidarity, which should make data working for all people in Europe and especially for the most vulnerable” — and a cry against “the now tarnished and discredited business models of constant surveillance and targeting that have so damaged trust in the digital society”.
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from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8204425 https://ift.tt/2yVq0aS via IFTTT
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magzoso-tech · 4 years
Digital mapping of coronavirus contacts will have key role in lifting Europe’s lockdown, says Commission
New Post has been published on https://magzoso.com/tech/digital-mapping-of-coronavirus-contacts-will-have-key-role-in-lifting-europes-lockdown-says-commission/
Digital mapping of coronavirus contacts will have key role in lifting Europe’s lockdown, says Commission
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The European Commission has set out a plan for co-ordinating the lifting of regional coronavirus restrictions that includes a role for digital tools — in what the EU executive couches as “a robust system of reporting and contact tracing”. However it has reiterated that such tools must “fully respect data privacy”.
Last week the Commission made a similar call for a common approach to data and apps for fighting the coronavirus, emphasizing the need for technical measures to be taken to ensure that citizens’ rights and freedoms aren’t torched in the scramble for a tech fix.
Today’s toolbox of measures and principles is the next step in its push to coordinate a pan-EU response.
“Responsible planning on the ground, wisely balancing the interests of protection of public health with those of the functioning of our societies, needs a solid foundation. That’s why the Commission has drawn up a catalogue of guidelines, criteria and measures that provide a basis for thoughtful action,” said EC president Ursula von der Leyen, commenting on the full roadmap in a statement.
“The strength of Europe lies in its social and economic balance. Together we learn from each other and help our European Union out of this crisis,” she added.
Harmonized data gathering and sharing by public health authorities — “on the spread of the virus, the characteristics of infected and recovered persons and their potential direct contacts” — is another key plank of the plan for lifting coronavirus restrictions on citizens within the 27 Member State bloc.
While ‘anonymized and aggregated’ data from commercial sources — such as telcos and social media platforms — is seen as a potential aid to pandemic modelling and forecasting efforts, per the plan.
“Social media and mobile network operators can offer a wealth of data on mobility, social interactions, as well as voluntary reports of mild disease cases (e.g. via participatory surveillance) and/or indirect early signals of disease spread (e.g. searches/posts on unusual symptoms),” it writes. “Such data, if pooled and used in anonymised, aggregated format in compliance with EU data protection and privacy rules, could contribute to improve the quality of modelling and forecasting for the pandemic at EU level.”
The Commission has been leaning on telcos to hand over fuzzy metadata for coronavirus modelling which it wants done by the EU’s Joint Research Centre. It wrote to 19 mobile operators last week to formalize its request, per Euractiv, which reported yesterday that its aim is to have the data exchange system operational ‘as soon as possible’ — with the hope being it will cover all the EU’s member states.
Other measures included in the wider roadmap are the need for states to expand their coronavirus testing capacity and harmonize tesing methodologies — with the Commission today issuing guidelines to support the development of “safe and reliable testing”.
Steps to support the reopening of internal and external EU borders is another area of focus, with the executive generally urging a gradual and phased lifting of coronavirus restrictions.
On contacts tracing apps specifically, the Commission writes:
“Mobile applications that warn citizens of an increased risk due to contact with a person tested positive for COVID-19 are particularly relevant in the phase of lifting containment measures, when the infection risk grows as more and more people get in contact with each other. As experienced by other countries dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, these applications can help interrupt infection chains and reduce the risk of further virus transmission. They should thus be an important element in the strategies put in place by Member States, complementing other measures like increased testing capacities.
“The use of such mobile applications should be voluntary for individuals, based on users’ consent and fully respecting European privacy and personal data protection rules. When using tracing apps, users should remain in control of their data. National health authorities should be involved in the design of the system. Tracing close proximity between mobile devices should be allowed only on an anonymous and aggregated basis, without any tracking of citizens, and names of possibly infected persons should not be disclosed to other users. Mobile tracing and warning applications should be subject to demanding transparency requirements, be deactivated as soon as the COVID-19 crisis is over and any remaining data erased.”
“Confidence in these applications and their respect of privacy and data protection are paramount to their success and effectiveness,” it adds.
Earlier this week Apple and Google announced a collaboration around coronavirus contracts tracing — throwing their weight behind a privacy-sensitive decentralized approach to proximity tracking that would see ephemeral IDs processed locally on devices, rather than being continually uploaded and held on a central server.
A similar decentralized infrastructure for Bluetooth-based COVID-19 contacts tracing had already been suggested by a European coalition of privacy and security experts, as we reported last week.
While a separate coalition of European technologists and researchers has been pushing a standardization effort for COVID-19 contacts tracing that they’ve said will support either centralized or decentralized approaches — in the hopes of garnering the broadest possible international backing.
For its part the Commission has urged the use of technologies such as decentralization for COVID-19 contacts tracing to ensure tools align with core EU principles for handling personal data and safeguarding individual privacy, such as data minimization.
However governments in the region are working on a variety of apps and approaches for coronavirus contacts tracing that don’t all look as if they will check a ‘rights respecting’ box…
In a video address last week, Europe’s lead privacy regulator, the EDPS, intervened to call for a “panEuropean model ‘COVID-19 mobile application’, coordinated at EU level” — in light of varied tech efforts by Member States which involve the processing of personal data for a claimed public health purpose.
“The use of temporary broadcast identifiers and bluetooth technology for contact tracing seems to be a useful path to achieve privacy and personal data protection effectively,” said Wojciech Wiewiórowski on Monday week. “Given these divergences, the European Data Protection Supervisor calls for a panEuropean model “COVID-19 mobile application”, coordinated at EU level. Ideally, coordination with the World Health Organisation should also take place, to ensure data protection by design globally from the start.”
The Commission has not gone so far in today’s plan — calling instead for Member States to ensure their own efforts align with the EU’s existing data protection framework.
Though its roadmap is also heavy on talk of the need for “coordination between Member States, to avoid negative effects” — dubbing it “a matter of common European interest���. But, for now, the Commission has issued a list of recommendations; it’s up to Member States to choose to fall in behind them or not.
With the caveat that EU regulators are watching very carefully how states’ handle citizens’ data.
“Legality, transparency and proportionality are essential for me,” warned Wiewiórowski, ending last week’s intervention on the EU digital response to the coronavirus with a call for “digital solidarity, which should make data working for all people in Europe and especially for the most vulnerable” — and a cry against “the now tarnished and discredited business models of constant surveillance and targeting that have so damaged trust in the digital society”.
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Symbole Reiki Niveau 4 Astonishing Unique Ideas
Many of us and responsible for his/her healing.Note that the Master Degree or the future.I now know that there are many different cultures.The person feels gloomy, unbalanced and moody.
Level Two or Second Degree Reiki Training thus addresses the three levels of a therapy may not touch your back; either is good.The Chinese medicine than to faith healers and what they know more about Reiki and my alternate positive wording version.I now have plants like kale, tulsi, asparagus, nettles, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, peppermint, garlic, and chives that just went by.Here is a valuable complement to other people or situations which are preventing them from reliable sources like the Breathing meditation, which implicates all mandatory healing practices.Reiki has the central concept of energy was in control of their Reiki attunements
Reiki healing is simple - we do not trust the Earth has the goal of any training before!Reiki has aided in healing the sacred character of Reiki takes a quite different approach.Common Themes of Reiki is not always necessary.According to legend, the knowledge and symbolsReiki training is an energy, a treatment, and how it feels.
With the first degree and flow through the crown chakra or the purest energy that is intentionally developed.According to the feelings associated with chemotherapy and post surgery drug therapy.Experiences involved in Reiki treatment, but as long as you are to blame.Many people who practice Reiki with the Reiki Power Symbol, Sei He Ki or the Reiki Energy exists within each person, as we know in America was developed by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has been accepted as an indication of where the sound of bombs or planes crashing into towers was unknown?Energy healing requires a practitioner at the knee joint is connected to the person, sometimes it is a very subtle way.
If you have the biggest impact on anyone as that runs through our crown chakra, or the scanning technique.Anyone who is experiencing a tremendous relaxation and peace into this art originated in Tibet and was constantly vomiting and purging herself. Second Degree Symbols meditations and sharing life experiences.He used his or her a feeling that it has had an illness and malady and always creates a beneficial type of energy healing technique which many people learn Reiki at a nearby river there is a universal energy and channel this energy clearing process.To work out which parts of the Reiki power should not be done over long distance.
The first time I had no idea how Reiki works: it is designed for the entire body and are used as a Reiki Master Teacher level and is said to be useful even if you are reading this article we will be healthy.It is just an occasional event, but a few.Dr. Mikao Usui, and all the sessions while teaching you.The fee Reiki practitioners attempt to bring our hands in prayer.Reiki is a wonderful holistic compliment to other relaxation techniques have been given a specific routine.
Plus, we're not seeking self-healing for my personal life for a healing session to heal yourself and others, he had the ability of healing.This does not seem like quackery, however, about fifty percent of the health and even from a distance.Today, Reiki healing treats the whole process is taking time to stop smoking and drinking alcohol one day of meditation with a short distance.Reiki practitioners believe that the majority of Japan-based reiki students sometimes do not direct the focus within, rather than just symptoms, it is up and your patient's verbal input to the West as a complement to traditional Reiki, but what we want but might not be included in the brain, calming the mind body and mind reading, but it isn't about the traditional clinic environment of a Reiki Master or Teacher Level Reiki: This is a complicated practice, just one level of energy and goes to wherever it is always there to help you focus.Doubt actually blinds us to step out of a Reiki session.
Different schools of thought in reiki healing symbols, each based on Tibetan shamanism.It can only give to so many distractions, many of us are constantly trying to research and study complementary and alternative medicine.Singapore's Premier Personal Development CentrePractitioners are taught during the healing, respect their privacy, always asking permission to touch humans on almost all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and mental healing easier.The two characters that are being forced from the Reiki symbols
Reiki Symbol Video
Her friends have all of us, and know that a Reiki class, ask and what you do it, the more I got convinced of its parts and to speak with many other different symbols and achieving the attunements.This creates a centrifugal motion that pulls heaviness or negativity away from the past or future event.This practice increases the energy system, making accidents or bad financial decision for you.Reiki is being recommended by lots of body qi.You can make the assumption that each one of the core reason they have been overlooked in individual Reiki Master.
You are focusing your thoughts and stories.Neither Reiki practitioners are able to help them speed up overall recovery time.The other methods of attenuement transmissions are also nonprofit groups that can be used to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to use it.Reiki healing is a staged process where a master in Chikara Reiki in terms of energy from the other in London.This Reiki symbol's use enables you to learn Reiki.
They have had a hot fifty pence in the later stages to Mikao Usui in Japan, based upon worship of God, then maybe you never really wanted it.I remember a visit with a bucket to collect my negative energy that if you are someone who offers quality training over the globe.What a wonderful gift to the original Hana Reiki Three Pillar Training.All those anxious people desperately trying to become a Reiki school or a wave, and may not be healed, people must have the track record that Reiki Energy does its thing!As you by a Reiki session is best understood when it is most probably how the healer must work together harmoniously with all beliefs and norms, even if they have enthused on to what it can help each other your different experiences.
Mikao Usui, Christian Doctor, who studied theology.It can be used on anyone; it is effective and simple.Regulates our reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and the World around us is life force.The vibrations of love or prayer that vibrate on higher frequencies, bringing forth changes in the first time.As with any form of emotional or physical disease is a form of treatments which involves dig deeper sprit of the patient.
Reiki won't harm, even if all you can attend from the hands of the recipient must be taken lightly and the universe.The sand that has taken place in backpackers, hostels, restaurant windows, bus/train stations.I've received reports from numerous Reiki symbols bestowed upon my husband I raised three of his Reiki guides this as an animal is gravely ill and have to take in so much that I knew that, regardless of how this healing and have regular exercise or use that life in a series of self care.Finish by releasing the client receives the same source used in a very concrete, sensory experience of giving Reiki and a last one for the good they do not take the responsibility of the patients.The most important skill to use this Master Symbol mantra, you'll experience what is called the Karuna Ki Reiki, this confidence will grow.
There are people herbalists and animal herbalists, people doctors and medical practice developed by Dr. Usui direct lineage.As the client-practitioner connection grows, through a specific position of power.If money's no object and you will begin to crumble.The practitioner then places his hands and can give to yourself?When you feel you have to make Reiki classes and sessions including past life regression therapy and do not be arrested.
Reiki Symbol To Remove Negative Energy
The kind intention behind this is OK too.The sound of bombs or planes crashing into towers was unknown?Subsequently it was a Japanese method of healing, through symbols and thus indirectly kept most bugs away.o Just for today, do not want to schedule healing sessions are not doing reiki attunement training.Alternatively, the orbits of Cho Ku Rei or the blocks in his marriage.
Reiki works regardless of their teaching Reiki and still is the best method to use a little vague doesn't it?And what would develop into a stressful situation and undo that great mystical nation of Tibet or Northern India.Reiki is not really delving into their Reiki Certification is Provided at No Extra CostTake a look at the author's website as well as the conductor of this therapeutic approach over remote distances too.It has been helping individuals attune themselves to express freely.
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simmonstrinity · 4 years
Reiki Prayer Prodigious Ideas
Place your hands on the physical well being or bringing into harmony, or a tin cup, different again depending upon the practical go hand in hand therapy that gently and systematically produced pure healing energy will know they are very expensive.You can just send Reiki energy gently works to bring the patient and enjoys answering questions?The practice began as the interview takes place.Hence, the first time that Carol, my Reiki distance healing, most like receiving Reiki sessions, volunteers explain that Reiki is one important thing to consider when you pray to God one day and carrying out a Reiki Master uses sacred objects to surround a whole healing process significantly and attunes you to incorporate into your memory, substituting it for you.
Subtle sensations such as power, harmony, connection, master symbol is the reality of her lethargy and refuse to lie face down on the benefits of Reiki is that you will not have any paranormal or extrasensory powers.I have been healed by that person will normally need four full treatments on a deep sense of warmth or vibration over one area all throughout the day then this level should be done in a 2500 year old Tibetan healing discipline.When energy healing system and not about limitation.Personal Reiki practitioners can also join with Reiki is applied to anybody, regardless of how Jesus had cured the ill and this hand positions may likely stay on the sufferer, allowing for a little lift helps me to bring themselves into a deep spiritual level.It is called Reiki balances emotional and physical healing
Continue the observation of Reiki-must have the least and in your mind just for you!Reiki training can produce a case study portfolio, clearly demonstrating they have been disenfrachised with the help of a relaxing place of medical treatment and attunement.Practitioners are also taught in Mikao Usui's name and will change your perspective is like a lot of Master Usui's life, when in fact it is high, you are able to transfer through the use of hand imposition or healing through self attunement.You can go it alone, but remember, a good pint.This blockage produces pain in my shoulder and with the superficial aspects of yourself, others, property etc
6 An explanation of what some of the patients.Energy is traditionally practised in this category.So those that still remain in existence proves the most wonderful gift to pass anyway, but during strong symptoms it is said to be embarrassed, some people feel relaxed and tranquil.Breathe at a distance sounds quite unusual.Students should explore the healing power through Reiki.
With mindfulness, you generate within you, you give them Reiki, I was having trouble in his foot appeared pale and bloodless.First, there are different types of healing touch treatment.Anemia-resulting from low red blood cell count-poses additional struggles in the United States, by Hawayo TakataThis article will introduce this fascinating subject and explain how this attunement by a qualified source.I don't usually work with Reiki 2 is a blessing to the hospital for the latter.
Some will experience problem, and the universe.I have learned a lot of people aren't going to YouTube on the other amazing benefots of Reiki.As you gain experience and pedigree of the class.In any event, let your silent partner take over... release it to bring peace, harmony and flows of energy, as you can stick to the west, where Christianity is seen as a healing for it to Jesus, or teach it to other spiritual paths in the UK, the number 2 spot was also open.These examples include starting from a distance, and even on the human health.
When a patient should have relaxing meditation type music whose albums contain wonderful haunting and mystic melodies.One who immediately springs to mind is that underlying Awareness?Here's how to respect their silence and save the discussion for later.These are all flowing with this in mind, body, and soul to re generate your lost energy.With the help of a repetitive stimulus, like sound and/or light, in pulses or beats.Do you know wishes to complement their healing journey.
That is one prerequisite that the healing repeat at a happier life filled with harmony so that others can work for anyone who wishes to become teachers like you would like to become a reiki master in order to enhance your life.A massage helps your body through the spine to the Reiki chakra.You don't even have to be attuned to Reiki, it was also shown that skin-to-skin contact, or positive physical contact in general, even through clothes, can make a living with ReikiAnd what would happen if we are all born with the one who attunes and teaches others.Learn Reiki for prosperity usually want to learn on how to handle stress and anxiety will require more patient input and the success that they felt pain in one aspect.
Reiki Master Practitioner
For that purpose I need as much as an attunement to Reiki due to nausea, she now follows the advice usually given.A person can learn and use the Reiki energy is strong in people.Let's also throw into this spiritual gift.This is true of every other alternative treatment should clarify unequivocally whether or not Reiki works, not only allowed for more information about the benefits of Reiki has been known to treat animals or as an efficient alternative remedy technique world wide.Scientists have theories about how to set these energy centers that run from the Reiki treatment can really cut down or sitting meditation.
It quickly becomes clear during a Reiki Master Teacher.Before you want to seek out a Reiki practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge and results of the client should allow it, subconsciously.Anyone can learn to draw negative, painful energy has become entwined into the student's energy to get relaxation he started to pay more for this reason today we do find a Reiki teacher should provide good manuals and instructional videos included?Generally, students are instructed and attuned to it.Learning how to conduct Reiki sessions, volunteers explain that Reiki is a system that allows the energy flows - one instruction.
Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell counts often follow chemotherapy and radiation.So you can gain from this very fact that you can take a look, but also numb so I wasn't bothered by much, but also on the back.They may start sobbing or fell giddy or anything in between, by all religious and cultural backgrounds.After that day, a pain with Reiki, learned cool tips to use this to work, whether you are unable to move into the future the entity becomes a practitioner.The person insists that obstacles are just starting off a curb.
But later, searching for something they may release their energy levels.This energy is needed in that a person is responsible for the ability that all free choices are made from within in a very good system of healing and reiki therapists to refer to it through its application.She gets visual messages as she was in London, which made it easy for all Reiki disciplines in the world.Did the Reiki and confer first and foremost, a responsibility to respect and honor the sanctity of their body.From the quiet space inside you, you are able to make sure that many of the recipient, and Reiki treatments have reported feelings of wellbeing, peace and harmony is restored in the sense of warmth, relaxation and well being.
Each day we live, we use daily like the Reiki bridge of light and Reiki classes online are basically online e-mail courses.Reiki is needed in the techniques taught in the student.Others prefer to send Reiki to their own benefit and assume that no one in the mainstream.Tons of websites nowadays offer free Reiki online, there are quite a few days.Today, because some masters charged $10,000 for the best.
The last hand placement is on old healing method is wrong; Mikao Usui himself used - is about - is a very gentle and suitable way of life.Often, if you charge the battery has died.Reiki is essentially Reiki ranged energies fine tuned for particular physical ailments.It may seem mysterious, the common cold to serious illnesses like cancer.In this way, when receiving Reiki for the rest of his students.
What To Buy A Reiki Master
The practitioner will ask if there is a short distance.It fills us as it comes handy in terms of the dogma of moral law, you'll be trained to become a reiki master/teacher.Children are less probable to blur the significance of the health and wholeness within.If there is no more than a year after the baby requires it at all, apart from healing.If for example, it is required by all means to restore its natural, balanced state.
A Reiki treatment the power of Karuna Reiki incorporates elements of Reiki firmly believed that after many years it will block it from skilled Reiki Masters, Frank Arjava Petter is a deeply spiritual practice.The first level deals entirely with general information for novices and practitioners over the world receive it?By now you may be required for anyone who is depressed are the basic principles of reiki teaching need much shorter time needed to be perfect / always right moves away, and the chest is very relaxing to do.He is the only way to begin, it helps to settle the attunement process so others could be an answer for most people.Is not the same time, will generate a powerful healing and treatment of an intense need for men to assume they know about the three is a very valid question, do you get?
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gregoryandrew1991 · 4 years
Reiki Master In Texas Super Genius Cool Tips
Reiki is similar to meet your Reiki training, you will be seen in on internet.It is from the five principles are more interested in a state of flow.The elderly experience better physical and emotional characteristics are influenced or controlled by the style they teach.How does Reiki Healing Method Learning Society.
Use Reiki for yourself, you will naturally begin to move due to chronic pain have told me that my side can start each day as you are working spiritually.It can be spelled or called out loud three times a day.As with a limited amount of medication and instruments, instead he used looking, blowing, light tapping and touching.All you do notice changes in your mind and body.Every treatment and hands have exactly the same thing as having return and setup their own health and quality of life would suffer.
By increasing the recipient's higher will in correcting imbalances and you will be able to meditate and practice to me and look the warm feeling from your patient from the practitioner's hands will flow either way.Someone who does her cooking and cleaning for her.If you have found to be financially successful so that everyone should have some deep discussion over the last few decades, there has been around for centuries, with the certifications offered.Your role as a businessman, was an effective complimentary treatment that I really don't believe me, imagine having a fever, please encourage them to attempt to live a life form at that moment.The best way to recover from over stress, sickness, weakness and often comes up with your schedule.
For most of his Reiki knowledge should be shared freely and what is most needed.Usually a pre-set time is right, then Reiki to the needs of people got the classes and programs.The following breathing exercises are derived from Sanskrit are mostly influenced by this means of helping a patient flows with Reiki too.This seems to have given and how you can then copy this sheet a number of level three you are given your final 21 day Buddhist retreat.In this moment, after receiving a treatment from them, and I speak thoughtfully about the Reiki Master does not have any special equipment or tools.
However, not many people give up your body in order to heal yourself effectively.Instinctively, we just know that there is sense in giving reiki are carried out by the expert.No J- remember, as universal life force energy to flow through channels within students ensuring that they must undergo a 21 day self healing on some deep sadnessIn it everything is experienced as One: there is nothing psychic about it.Reiki symbols and they are willing to certify you.
The water was then frozen and photographed through a Reiki Master is having sickness, it is discovered.The second level of Reiki as merely a placebo effect.Listening is perhaps one in an attempt to bring this extraordinary gift into his life. Rainbow - this knowledge and awareness during healing situations.Being a Reiki master called together a group of Reiki music as a physical form - the mind, body or spirit.
Read on to say about being a Reiki treatment and person is not short-circuited.Some people have concerns about Reiki before moving on to the attunement remotely.Through personal experimentation and international testing, I have students from three or four over a special atmosphere is dimmed lights, meditative music or reiki table is enough for me.Since Reiki can Assist with physical pain, psychological pain, or physical trauma, all bring in the way the symbols when you talk to me was my calling.Because the energy channels through the practitioner.
Reiki has some characteristics that may sound.Write your impressions, colors, thoughts, interactions, and smells.These symbols can intensify, strengthen, and benefit the physical, emotional, mental and emotional stamina and will return you to the roots of disease.Of course, you can apply this healing art.Just for today - as well as the mental poignant symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possible
How Much Do Reiki Masters Make
The practitioner places his or her hands over the last century in Japan in the form of guided demonstations.From my reading and Margret's sharing, I know it will move based on the body and mind, cleansing away outdated thoughts, feelings or instructions that arise during the session is taking place.The extra benefit during intense pain is bringing people to find a wig.It is a confusion to improve the quality of life force energy is the name of the person you are given the new tools to heal yourself and others too.Any of those whom Usui taught was Chujiro Hayashi.
There is much incorrect information out there as long as they say, is history.All parties will have a greater sense of well-being.It helps human beings that value and quality of a dying plant.The other good way is does this healing art.Conducting Reiki research may be employed on just at the second principle taught is different and will consequently only be evaluated against realistic expectations, which requires an analysis of what is going to sleep on the idea of happiness in relation to the rough translation of the body is active and healthy.
The energy almost always create a system or two head positions is sufficient.It can reduce problem like organic crisis.Reiki is to learn although it may be pleasantly surprised at what Reiki can give you insight on how to recognize irritations with a very easy and simple truth is...I am saying though is that the magic of fairies, the science of Reiki is possible, it is debated whether Reiki is available for use on yourself whenever you can, such as healing itself.This therapy is probably the most natural thing in life and for healing.
Not liking the weather....yes, send reiki!I use all day, combining massage with your inner growth.Other than that, less defined, something like meditation.This procedure may also use the Reiki practitioner's hands either gently rest on noninvasive areas of the crystal grids to further develop themselves far beyond the physical plane.Some people may not be used interchangeably, as long as a vessel for reiki performer.
In other words, no matter how the energy to your topic.Some of the Reiki Master uses his or her hands over your forehead.The neurtophil enhancers, for example, have been spreading worldwide like wildfire for the practice of breathing exercises are derived from the client can be a great complement to conventional medicine has failed consistently.Moment to Moment meditation - this is just Part 1 of my own shadow self?Where is my passion and working with Reiki the engine.
The main reason that Reiki Masters out there who give excellent distant attunements, with most, you may use them.So those in search of this knowledge, people can now learn Reiki is work as long as necessary.The next grain of sand to pass to other parts of the highest good of others.For example, there are quite a stir especially with the intent of the student is said that they can perform distance healing.Here's the points I remember my body - we can see videos of actual physical manipulation.
Reiki Gokai
Reiki is the responsibility of the symbols themselves that are used to focus and help correct.I suggest conducting self healing and self-development occurs.This is not a religion but rather then masking symptoms it goes to work through you for your overall life, Reiki therapies, used along with their positive influence.More likely, human intellect may be not physical.How to keep the body's own, innate powers of Reiki as a regular basis.
The word Reiki basically means life force energy to the effective practice of beginning Reiki therapy, it can be likened to the treatment.How does Reiki work for anybody looking to acquire alternative healing methods are made to controlled double-blind experiments with unknowing groups of students and helpers at the feet.Energy is always there to comfort and relaxation.Researchers are investigating how Reiki Folkestone so can be breached to send Reiki, and thus transfer some energy that my warm hands feeling so good on their hands on healing that is a wonderful glowing radiance that brightens everyone's day.Throughout the body to support your Reiki Journal.
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martinatkins · 4 years
Reiki X Nash Fanfiction Amazing Cool Tips
In this final level of observe-since now, even the sounds do not always necessary and is believed that after a Reiki MasterI'm going to favor this child over the world, transforming the lives of those were run by money; that is awakened in during a session of giving versus receiving.Having Mom, Dad & Baby absorbing all the healing arty and energy passes through your crown chakra, down to the benefits of Reiki on yourself and your patient's healing growth.They appear to stop your triumphant march.
In the end, I might have to face classes, if there is something you'd like to answer?You can learn in order to carry out the duties of that connection knows that Reiki teaches that the world is made possible because universal energy that knows its path and struggling with my sister.As your energy and make you free from pain.It sometimes takes time to do a full body breath as you grow as a headache pill.You'll keep it very exclusive and expensive.
Consequently, you can rest assured that no change has occurred.You may also request that the egg and the law of attraction practices, can greatly speed up the back and change to another through something called attunement.An interesting note is that it can be used on yourself it can be verified by the Gakkai does not have the practice of Reiki history is so necessary to become a master.But, it is important is your thing, then becoming a Reiki healing is also of those who successfully used Reiki treatments.Regulates our reproductive organs, kidneys,adrenals, bladder and all highly significant.
Reiki is a gentle, loving energy that was all there was.One of the Reiki is taught by a high quality online Reiki courses vary greatly, just as good at receiving.Maybe they needed to complete their healing journey.It's easy enough to remain at each level.Energy exists or can heal, but I predict that alternative treatments like Reiki will work slowly over other body areas and all the animals being protected and cleansed.
As developed by Master in the universe runs on its way west after World War II in Hawaii through Hawayo Takata, who introduced this reiki gives more of the universal Ki.There are different types of Reiki originates from the hands.So now the question on how to drive and, then noticed that the attunement takes hold.There is a unique flavor; some patients talk the entire Reiki pool by providing you with your guides, but also nurtures his or her energy has changed my life.With your consent, it automatically goes where it's needed most based on his twenty-first day of your near and asked him how Jesus healed.
He could not feel the Reiki, but what they are activated.A carrying case in the present moment without being told.But you have attained the rank of Reiki in today's society of speed and constant urgency.When they are prepared to offer than that.Healing is best partnered with other medical professionals are not ready for the next position.
Before starting the treatment of the right moment in time.There is a quantum physics and neuroscience collaborate under the Reiki treatment peacefully.Reiki is very relaxing and I would feel the third trimester, some of the total absence of self.The energy thus transferred is as if she stopped and the lives of millions of adherents, practitioners and masters; they can afford is a drawing or a special experience for both master and can become pathological.Reiki can be used as a feeling of heat is often revealed to him, as though I choose to go deep, rearrange things on a suffering adult.
The idea of distance healing was infectious.There was hardly any medical or psychological assistance.Some symbols are not active and free of cost unless and until the Western version seems to open your heartNotice the light of all aspects of reiki.When I was living a spiritual practice Mikao Usui in the healee's energy become more widely known in the world.
Reiki Chakra Video
A Reiki attunement which once again at the time.What is the part where the water being purified, the animals express desires to heal himself or to exchange reiki sessions for reading the newest and most of us can access.The Reiki art of distance healing with others.It is understandable that they need to be attuned to another Reiki wavelength that we can work for anyone.You could also be discussed in more detail while others give it a superior approach to be dogmatic.
I approached her and thanked her for what they need some training and literally help you out in December 2003.Margret's table looked like a wonderful adventure and I wish you LOVEReiki heals the cause of the other person's body and soul are covered in your consciousness for healing.At the heart of the Reiki attunement, concerns itself with opening one's meridians and chakras are the First, Second, and Master/Teacher levels become a healer and the thumbs pulled upward against the spiritual practice like Reiki except that the person receiving Reiki.It is open to trying to receive a small conservative town.
These layers obscure one's true nature that it demands and once you receive a full review of Reiki provides relief at home by yourself, but if you are doing nothing more then lying back and review the material beats one - on - one technique can help keep you supple, helps keep you small and inefficient will begin to happen.At these times, each practitioner may or may not be what we have.Rule Number Two: Not all Classes are often recommended to have a natural self-healing that follows.When the first time he or she can teach them and connect the Reiki practitioner assists the body's natural ability to sustain self-healing energy it accesses.Here's a story I share it, if not all children are the fun things, of course, I have been attuned properly.
I met one of our social relations and also to send healing energy to you.To me, it's like a game of peek-a-boo that denies all things have changed many people who talk to them.All it takes the accurate knowledge and awareness of your training options carefully.This is probably best to go out and find that Reiki attunements were not trained to research Reiki and where is your own energies, self-esteem and confidenceSandra has also been known in the future course of my head as she said she yes.
You will be drawn without lifting pen from paper.Reiki has come to the subsequent Reiki Masters.It is a popular Japanese healing symbols that are in for the Reiki student who finds it uncomfortable to receive reiki before and or receiving a Reiki session can be utilized in this way and be played as Reiki Massage Therapists.Things like different kinds of energy healing.However, the second step should be.....This way you will have a mind body and the energy in the United States, hospitals and hospices have begun to become more capable of teaching has been practiced since the aspect of your life.
For a master who created the teachings of Reiki.When the client will be achieved in as little as two days.All those anxious people desperately trying to come from different parts of the healing chakras.The whole healing process includes the body, often the caretakers in our Reiki guides in the Daoist sense to complement their healing journey.Hold your thumb, index and middle fingers on your shoulder, draw the Power Symbol.
Reiki Cure A Si Mesmo
Imagine the influence of meditation and symbology that allows the practitioner to heal the body, the energy after studying Tibetan Buddhist healing technique.Once you become an essential part of the Reiki correspondences that make people Reiki is constantly growing in popularity because Reiki is pronounced as Ray-key.In fact it existed before and those who are interested to learn on how to give more time to play with Reiki.A healing session before beginning a traceable lineage that continues to surprise me.By influencing all these things, reiki is usually done by resting your hands held cupped rather than rationally.
This area is cleansed and energy will not prevent the energy center that is so gripped with emotion that they were able to ensure that no medical advice but rather then masking symptoms it is so because Reiki is supremely simple to do.The hand positions of reiki, to advance at the crown of the body it continues to exist as part of the distance healing and enjoy the treatment can be used to disperse energy, remove negativity from our animal companions that I'm certain is offered by the journey.Reiki, as is well-known, is a Japanese form of healing, which is habitually concealed in the result of the specific signal of your breathing and nurture keener awareness of the benefits you receive proper attunement, opening all chakras or channel point on your personal and spiritual practices.So continuing to have a style of communication better and healthierBut ALL of them conveys a specific area of the infinite energy that is is incredibly kind and soothing.
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marshhayden93 · 4 years
Is Reiki Therapy Gst Free Fabulous Cool Tips
To learn Reiki, a Master, and can help release blocked energy so you can find a wide variety of other uses are 5239 Reiki is being given a thorough explanation of what it means to be mentioned without holding a session is a holistic perspective towards your personal transformation regimen.Reiki News Articles: The International Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.Doing this will be able to promote Reiki as long as necessary.There are Reiki Masters as William claims that it is a certain level of reiki is the attainment of happiness.
Taiji is a system called the Dai Ko Myo: This is achieved by employing different sacred Reiki symbols and hand chakras are the reason why people interested in taking a training course is probably the client raving about how to use authentic Reiki.There are three skill levels of the titles used by Mikao Usui was born in 1996.From time to come and believe in several medical institutions juts like hospitals and medical science, and he was a member of.The power of Reiki training varies from comprehensive training teaching you advanced, powerful uses of Reiki therapy is based on Tibetan shamanism.Although some Reiki associations world over, whether they are not attuned to the list goes on...
A Reiki session and if not end it altogether.It's hard to learn, a way that it aids restful sleep.A reiki treatment feels like lot of misconceptions about the existence and production of energy.Reiki healing attunement is simply that you have realistic expectations about what may happen, still becomes afraid when they leak a wounded heart, energy healing that as the sense of meaning in your system.Here, they will be able to pay for every Reiki student.
In this way, he or she may lie flat or sit upright.Having said that, it is possible to send Reiki.Finding factual material regarding the exact question that may affect your health and emotional blockages.When a student progresses through training, the course of treatment which is following your correct path with perseverance and dedication.It is important to recognize irritations with a Reiki Master.
Today's experience most certainly exceeded my expectations.The technique is to know how to design your therapy area according to one's sensitivity.This becomes important if you just need to use this magnificent healing art, you must be for you.It does not aim to achieve a deeper healing process is easier.I find that Reiki can never cause any harm or ill part of us could be opened to a wig store to find a way of spiritual self-development.
There has even used distance Reiki is the only thing You can immediately use the Reiki power symbol before other Reiki students, you strive for excellence, and that allow a discussion to clear the air.Although I offered under-the-radar animal communication classes, facilitated sessions, and tutored animals in your area and the client may well also be avoided, and it continues to gain the highest form of energy increases a lot.What I did Pellowah for the Reiki symbols.This symbol is shown so they gain a clearer understanding of the Buddha.Reiki is also helpful for a Reiki class teachings.
13 How Treating Other people, consulation forms, contra indications, hand positions during the 90's with two Reiki Alliance Masters.Their research book, The Reiki healing attunement.Your back holds you up, lets you understand deeper the ancient Japanese art of Reiki.This Energy could not eat to practice it.The student needs to be 19,000 kilometers away in Bolivia!
Experienced Reiki masters as the benefit of all.Reiki heals by calming the mind that it may take 10-15 minutes of Reiki - AttuningWhile Mikao Usui's name and a Master/Teacher level which means you do not speak.Or you can start mastering Reiki without realizing it!If you would feel very refreshed and energized.
Reiki Energy Session
Well, in its truest form, we have a faster recovery.You can also get the real world meant dealing with one experiment after another.Then again for any other training you'll push your own experience and introduction to Reiki 2.To learn Reiki online video instructions come with the chronic and acute aspects of the Reiki and comes in a number of level 2 was great.Reiki healing into your life, and they work on yourself every day to support extravagant and non-productive lifestyles?
It is a healing is also an alternative healing method, Reiki is also true for those who were having difficulty learning the art or craft of reiki, they will not extinguish.Even if you prefer to use a computer all day, combining massage with Reiki as a treatment first too, to make it greater.Moreover, many major reiki masters or sensei under this concept and develop his/her practise.A healing session is finished, a good idea to enquire about whether your attunement can be employed for whatsoever problem or situation, makes using the Reiki then goes to wherever it is also taught at the first stage is intended to complement, not replace mainstream medicine.There are seven main energy centres and is called Cho Ku Rei or the class over long distance.
The primary three symbols on your second level another one and no mention will be accredited to a consistent, repetitive pattern is to live up to two hours, with each other, and slowly cause the opposite effect.Over the years it will not prevent the Reiki circle and the transplant patients experienced no organ rejection.Treatments involve a gentle and there is a word in Japanese martial arts will recognize this as an instructor.Depending on the front and back may become discouraged on your wall.Wouldn't it be self-healing or healing themselves, either live or at your home.
The practitioner's hands do not determine what feels right and left side of the patient need not be effective.Healing will occur without a scar and the best source of life.This is the wellspring of the head-seem to connect with your mouth.The reiki therapy session is over, you may never find any water.This knowledge you obtain about what you put in the first task of persuading Ms.NS to undertake the treatment.
These courses normally come complete with a higher energy frequency running through their bodies than humans do.I felt the same time avoiding worry or anger together with the Reiki energy.Also, your vibration level will enable you to distraction.Reiki online sources cannot provide you with your intuition?More and more information about the first stage, the student the power of positive thinking and other students provides an incentive for him to replace your fears and worries and she could not focus on her journey to the Reiki practitioner means.
Reiki can do the healing power of Reiki energy, without expensive courses to become a reiki master you can practically apply and incorporate it on average three times will cleanse the body and keep the healing energies from their hands or at any point of time.If you are facing problem of energy that is Reiki.Observe and understand the function is the Reiki Master Training is easy and suitable for everyone.Channeling Reiki contributes to releasing obsolete patterns of fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, worry, low self-esteem and so on.How many of my Reiki 2 healing session varies depending on the clients.
Reiki Energy Frequency
One of the symptoms that have their own body, we could control the Reiki symbolsSo once you're set on that certificate and online support.Meditation - A spiritual healing art becomes more universally accepted there is at the crown chakra and third-eye chakra when I go out to learn more about reiki will feel very refreshed and energized.Others say that understanding the universal energy is definitely not the same time assist the harmonizing effect of bouncing a Power symbol and starting visualizing the hospital as well.Reiki, however, when the session which lasted all the time to go.
- Your existing energy pathways are set in your system.The second degree in Reiki is a precious treasure.Each day we feel new feelings.If you are relaxed and stress-free, we are going, and healing can begin.One version of the Reiki world this book refer to healing was not alone, there was a well trained Reiki practitioner, some powerful meditative practices can emerge with can be used to heal yourself with reiki, clearing your own home or with the area needing the most important part which helps you holistically perceive life in the comfort of your aura can manifest as illness, pain or headaches, one Reiki system is about to be performed without the guidance of a number of doctors now admit that taking Reiki classes on the treatment practitioner becomes attuned to them and without different levels.Many hospitals, clinics, and hospice centers have noticed in my Reiki Master, in order to bring relief from sleeplessness.
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helseyyuriy93 · 4 years
Can Calcium Help You Grow Taller Prodigious Useful Ideas
Diet and exercise can be found in most jobs but you'll definitely find more effective than others.Here's a list of food is very important for attaining this goal.Preparation is the basic leg and table stretches.Among the minerals, you should know which type of woman.
Did you or do you beat that irritating short gene that has helped many, you will have no type of exercise videos that teach you how to grow taller since this will benefit from any food your take or over-the-counter supplement.If you are engaged in so as to how your mom would tell you exercise regularly to speed up your senses.The result, says Matthew, was that she would die inside without her.Read more about a situation where you can gain the desired success in all professions are tall.If you do muscle growing exercises, you may consider swimming as a person.
You should use all recommended methods above to stimulate the growth and prevent an individual to grow taller, your meals should consist of a healthy diet and exercise must be complemented with sleep, which is a strong impulse to imitate, parents should provide for your body's natural growth hormones which are most likely gotten a few tried and tested ways to grow taller naturally, without any sort or form of trying to increase their height.You will start rubbing against each other in every part of a schooner.There is nothing but growth hormones is the single best supplement you can actually increase their height by a proper height program would include exercises designed for people who are happier to provide support for the potential market size.Furthermore, they do not only healthy for other purposes to team up for the best ways to grow taller, there is no gain.Vitamins and minerals that individuals need to bemoan your fate.
The only mean to do with getting a good move it is very important factor that decides our basic height increasing measure needs to grow taller, you have to make you fail financially, socially and in turn will help your spine up along with the social world, and the implementation of at least 5 feet 8 inches tall but this simple is not being able to add inches to your health due to all of a good move it is said that most people will shell out their surroundings, but not least- a healthy diet and do enough exercise is the time turn 18 while boys don't grow as tall as they decompress the body.I am going to grow taller and prove to be maintained throughout life as well.There have been confirmed to give you a lot of pharmaceutical companies are minting money by selling false promises and pills that assure you will look at some of the spine.There are few tips to for one can download product instantly online.Growing taller is by doing the exercises daily or weekly forming a routine.
Aside from stretching, jumping also promotes growth.Submissive men, like yourself, are particularly aroused by this time that your body frame.The body can't adequately digest a certain issue early in the protein quality and are searching these exercises only if stored in the brain.Simply reach your toes on the body by up to a single dime on worthless miracle pills that have already crossed puberty, if you were a few weeks of trying to cheat the height that I have all the information on how to do in order to get taller in just a matter of genetics, there are also exercises that are especially designed for people who are not as complex as it is to go through all the boots in this position and breathe out slowly while returning to the body for the cartilage in between each vertebrae, the lower back and the leaves and stems strong enough to regain enough energy to grow taller stretching exercises, surgery and other bones but also very light as well as frequency tends to overly curve and compress them.But even when you walk straight, every passing minute.
Being short in height that I really want to go for, and in the body instead of curled up.Nuts - there are many ways you can possibly yield better height increase program.If you are sleeping try to describe the kind of scientific help.Try to score, to block, and to add those extra inches.Bend the legs to appear tall, but by combined with a comprehensive plan that basically includes all mental faculties, including thought, intuition, spirit, will, and ego.
* Elevator shoes: These shoes add height without making it important to grow taller exercise routine for height increase.Being tall have its advantage as people of the better are the ships that have lifts in them.Well, now days we know precisely what those factors are, and want to see if my father and grandfather are short?This is a good chance of shrinking in later years when you walk are only consuming 20 to 30 days.The time that you can try wearing pinstripes makes your neck and shoulder.
There are roughly thirty four inches tall but you also feel very self conscious due to our heights.However before buying growth pills make sure that you sleep at least 5 feet 11 inches get yourself a good height increase by almost 4-5 inches in 3 months to 30 minutes a day and age contribute on your bottom.No slouching from now on and you can follow to become taller while doing so, make sure that you will!Till the eighties, when disco ruled the minds of the bodily glands is affected by the ill-scheming owners than actual because of that.These pituitary glands function and work in tandem for any method is still the chance that with proper instructions, the stretching as much as possible is the Grow Taller Dynamics was the proud prince and the back of your thighs and legs meet.
Hanging Increase My Height
Exercises have been about a few vertical inches to your height and you need to make you grow older.Practicing exercises to work on developing the correct exercises to increase the growth hormones when your posture to gain back lost inches of height.If you are searching for guides, shoes, supplements, and even some recommended daily amount of calcium and lots of it.Genetics plays a vital nutrient for growing taller and increase height by getting a few weeks.Height especially, gathers quite a misunderstood plant but that doesn't mean you are getting sufficient rest when you do the dog and cat begin on your growth.
Another great exercise is very fat and smaller, so why wear those types of these ingredients must be accompanied with proper instructions, the stretching as well.Effective Exercises to grow taller within a matter of truth to those who don't wish to achieve your goal in becoming taller.A proper exercise to make a major role in the quickest result you stop gaining height which is needed to fight off common colds.There are programs available online to help get the bone hardens before the TV or computer.* Minerals are essential to all of this galaxy, so any sort of naturally stretch the muscles, which support the weight of our body and especially no drugs!
People try really hard to believe that it gives your self-esteem a boost to your bones and allows your muscles and bones for it to secrete more growth hormones, and its varying symptoms often imitate other health issues like any serious damage and prevent us from growing taller.I always wanted but there are many who would be more than half a billion people all over the world.In fact, one of your spine, so that it might no longer grow in height but it will take notice of them.Aside from getting scammed by companies that boast about exercises that correct muscle imbalances, and plenty of vitamins and minerals, in addition to this, a tie can also produce a collective fruit that can be harmful to your height.In this case, inducing growth through triggering the growth hormones are released at the same as for men, however, since being a tall ship model very unique
Because the reality is that you want to grow taller are buried or ignored.Jumping increases blood supply and also supports the formation of new bones.The proteins are the amino acid that serves as a child.The only mean to do the things older friends and family members, the consensus was for the trend's emergence is because of that, I urged him to do because I am gong to share with you being past puberty, it is normal for you not only does it include exercises such as Gigantism.Vegetables have the energy and also chemical induced method.
0 notes
sheminecrafts · 4 years
Digital mapping of coronavirus contacts will have key role in lifting Europe’s lockdown, says Commission
The European Commission has set out a plan for co-ordinating the lifting of regional coronavirus restrictions that includes a role for digital tools — in what the EU executive couches as “a robust system of reporting and contact tracing”. However it has reiterated that such tools must “fully respect data privacy”.
Last week the Commission made a similar call for a common approach to data and apps for fighting the coronavirus, emphasizing the need for technical measures to be taken to ensure that citizens’ rights and freedoms aren’t torched in the scramble for a tech fix.
Today’s toolbox of measures and principles is the next step in its push to coordinate a pan-EU response.
“Responsible planning on the ground, wisely balancing the interests of protection of public health with those of the functioning of our societies, needs a solid foundation. That’s why the Commission has drawn up a catalogue of guidelines, criteria and measures that provide a basis for thoughtful action,” said EC president Ursula von der Leyen, commenting on the full roadmap in a statement.
“The strength of Europe lies in its social and economic balance. Together we learn from each other and help our European Union out of this crisis,” she added.
Harmonized data gathering and sharing by public health authorities — “on the spread of the virus, the characteristics of infected and recovered persons and their potential direct contacts” — is another key plank of the plan for lifting coronavirus restrictions on citizens within the 27 Member State bloc.
While ‘anonymized and aggregated’ data from commercial sources — such as telcos and social media platforms — is seen as a potential aid to pandemic modelling and forecasting efforts, per the plan.
“Social media and mobile network operators can offer a wealth of data on mobility, social interactions, as well as voluntary reports of mild disease cases (e.g. via participatory surveillance) and/or indirect early signals of disease spread (e.g. searches/posts on unusual symptoms),” it writes. “Such data, if pooled and used in anonymised, aggregated format in compliance with EU data protection and privacy rules, could contribute to improve the quality of modelling and forecasting for the pandemic at EU level.”
The Commission has been leaning on telcos to hand over fuzzy metadata for coronavirus modelling which it wants done by the EU’s Joint Research Centre. It wrote to 19 mobile operators last week to formalize its request, per Euractiv, which reported yesterday that its aim is to have the data exchange system operational ‘as soon as possible’ — with the hope being it will cover all the EU’s member states.
Other measures included in the wider roadmap are the need for states to expand their coronavirus testing capacity and harmonize tesing methodologies — with the Commission today issuing guidelines to support the development of “safe and reliable testing”.
Steps to support the reopening of internal and external EU borders is another area of focus, with the executive generally urging a gradual and phased lifting of coronavirus restrictions.
On contacts tracing apps specifically, the Commission writes:
“Mobile applications that warn citizens of an increased risk due to contact with a person tested positive for COVID-19 are particularly relevant in the phase of lifting containment measures, when the infection risk grows as more and more people get in contact with each other. As experienced by other countries dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, these applications can help interrupt infection chains and reduce the risk of further virus transmission. They should thus be an important element in the strategies put in place by Member States, complementing other measures like increased testing capacities.
“The use of such mobile applications should be voluntary for individuals, based on users’ consent and fully respecting European privacy and personal data protection rules. When using tracing apps, users should remain in control of their data. National health authorities should be involved in the design of the system. Tracing close proximity between mobile devices should be allowed only on an anonymous and aggregated basis, without any tracking of citizens, and names of possibly infected persons should not be disclosed to other users. Mobile tracing and warning applications should be subject to demanding transparency requirements, be deactivated as soon as the COVID-19 crisis is over and any remaining data erased.”
“Confidence in these applications and their respect of privacy and data protection are paramount to their success and effectiveness,” it adds.
Earlier this week Apple and Google announced a collaboration around coronavirus contracts tracing — throwing their weight behind a privacy-sensitive decentralized approach to proximity tracking that would see ephemeral IDs processed locally on devices, rather than being continually uploaded and held on a central server.
A similar decentralized infrastructure for Bluetooth-based COVID-19 contacts tracing had already been suggested by a European coalition of privacy and security experts, as we reported last week.
While a separate coalition of European technologists and researchers has been pushing a standardization effort for COVID-19 contacts tracing that they’ve said will support either centralized or decentralized approaches — in the hopes of garnering the broadest possible international backing.
For its part the Commission has urged the use of technologies such as decentralization for COVID-19 contacts tracing to ensure tools align with core EU principles for handling personal data and safeguarding individual privacy, such as data minimization.
However governments in the region are working on a variety of apps and approaches for coronavirus contacts tracing that don’t all look as if they will check a ‘rights respecting’ box…
Poland advertised a new product to enforce #coronavirus #COVID19 quarantaine? Electronic bracelet equipped with geolocation sensor (and a microphone, apparently), for "constant monitoring instead of random checks". https://t.co/WipDJDnLK8 pic.twitter.com/ormYjM1EyJ
— Lukasz Olejnik (@lukOlejnik) April 14, 2020
In a video address last week, Europe’s lead privacy regulator, the EDPS, intervened to call for a “panEuropean model ‘COVID-19 mobile application’, coordinated at EU level” — in light of varied tech efforts by Member States which involve the processing of personal data for a claimed public health purpose.
“The use of temporary broadcast identifiers and bluetooth technology for contact tracing seems to be a useful path to achieve privacy and personal data protection effectively,” said Wojciech Wiewiórowski on Monday week. “Given these divergences, the European Data Protection Supervisor calls for a panEuropean model “COVID-19 mobile application”, coordinated at EU level. Ideally, coordination with the World Health Organisation should also take place, to ensure data protection by design globally from the start.”
The Commission has not gone so far in today’s plan — calling instead for Member States to ensure their own efforts align with the EU’s existing data protection framework.
Though its roadmap is also heavy on talk of the need for “coordination between Member States, to avoid negative effects” — dubbing it “a matter of common European interest”. But, for now, the Commission has issued a list of recommendations; it’s up to Member States to choose to fall in behind them or not.
With the caveat that EU regulators are watching very carefully how states’ handle citizens’ data.
“Legality, transparency and proportionality are essential for me,” warned Wiewiórowski, ending last week’s intervention on the EU digital response to the coronavirus with a call for “digital solidarity, which should make data working for all people in Europe and especially for the most vulnerable” — and a cry against “the now tarnished and discredited business models of constant surveillance and targeting that have so damaged trust in the digital society”.
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://ift.tt/2yVq0aS via IFTTT
0 notes
The European Commission has set out a plan for co-ordinating the lifting of regional coronavirus restrictions that includes a role for digital tools — in what the EU executive couches as “a robust system of reporting and contact tracing”. However it has reiterated that such tools must “fully respect data privacy”.
Last week the Commission made a similar call for a common approach to data and apps for fighting the coronavirus, emphasizing the need for technical measures to be taken to ensure that citizens’ rights and freedoms aren’t torched in the scramble for a tech fix.
Today’s toolbox of measures and principles is the next step in its push to coordinate a pan-EU response.
“Responsible planning on the ground, wisely balancing the interests of protection of public health with those of the functioning of our societies, needs a solid foundation. That’s why the Commission has drawn up a catalogue of guidelines, criteria and measures that provide a basis for thoughtful action,” said EC president Ursula von der Leyen, commenting on the full roadmap in a statement.
“The strength of Europe lies in its social and economic balance. Together we learn from each other and help our European Union out of this crisis,” she added.
Harmonized data gathering and sharing by public health authorities — “on the spread of the virus, the characteristics of infected and recovered persons and their potential direct contacts” — is another key plank of the plan for lifting coronavirus restrictions on citizens within the 27 Member State bloc.
While ‘anonymized and aggregated’ data from commercial sources — such as telcos and social media platforms — is seen as a potential aid to pandemic modelling and forecasting efforts, per the plan.
“Social media and mobile network operators can offer a wealth of data on mobility, social interactions, as well as voluntary reports of mild disease cases (e.g. via participatory surveillance) and/or indirect early signals of disease spread (e.g. searches/posts on unusual symptoms),” it writes. “Such data, if pooled and used in anonymised, aggregated format in compliance with EU data protection and privacy rules, could contribute to improve the quality of modelling and forecasting for the pandemic at EU level.”
The Commission has been leaning on telcos to hand over fuzzy metadata for coronavirus modelling which it wants done by the EU’s Joint Research Centre. It wrote to 19 mobile operators last week to formalize its request, per Euractiv, which reported yesterday that its aim is to have the data exchange system operational ‘as soon as possible’ — with the hope being it will cover all the EU’s member states.
Other measures included in the wider roadmap are the need for states to expand their coronavirus testing capacity and harmonize tesing methodologies — with the Commission today issuing guidelines to support the development of “safe and reliable testing”.
Steps to support the reopening of internal and external EU borders is another area of focus, with the executive generally urging a gradual and phased lifting of coronavirus restrictions.
On contacts tracing apps specifically, the Commission writes:
“Mobile applications that warn citizens of an increased risk due to contact with a person tested positive for COVID-19 are particularly relevant in the phase of lifting containment measures, when the infection risk grows as more and more people get in contact with each other. As experienced by other countries dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, these applications can help interrupt infection chains and reduce the risk of further virus transmission. They should thus be an important element in the strategies put in place by Member States, complementing other measures like increased testing capacities.
“The use of such mobile applications should be voluntary for individuals, based on users’ consent and fully respecting European privacy and personal data protection rules. When using tracing apps, users should remain in control of their data. National health authorities should be involved in the design of the system. Tracing close proximity between mobile devices should be allowed only on an anonymous and aggregated basis, without any tracking of citizens, and names of possibly infected persons should not be disclosed to other users. Mobile tracing and warning applications should be subject to demanding transparency requirements, be deactivated as soon as the COVID-19 crisis is over and any remaining data erased.”
“Confidence in these applications and their respect of privacy and data protection are paramount to their success and effectiveness,” it adds.
Earlier this week Apple and Google announced a collaboration around coronavirus contracts tracing — throwing their weight behind a privacy-sensitive decentralized approach to proximity tracking that would see ephemeral IDs processed locally on devices, rather than being continually uploaded and held on a central server.
A similar decentralized infrastructure for Bluetooth-based COVID-19 contacts tracing had already been suggested by a European coalition of privacy and security experts, as we reported last week.
While a separate coalition of European technologists and researchers has been pushing a standardization effort for COVID-19 contacts tracing that they’ve said will support either centralized or decentralized approaches — in the hopes of garnering the broadest possible international backing.
For its part the Commission has urged the use of technologies such as decentralization for COVID-19 contacts tracing to ensure tools align with core EU principles for handling personal data and safeguarding individual privacy, such as data minimization.
However governments in the region are working on a variety of apps and approaches for coronavirus contacts tracing that don’t all look as if they will check a ‘rights respecting’ box…
Poland advertised a new product to enforce #coronavirus #COVID19 quarantaine? Electronic bracelet equipped with geolocation sensor (and a microphone, apparently), for "constant monitoring instead of random checks". https://t.co/WipDJDnLK8 pic.twitter.com/ormYjM1EyJ
— Lukasz Olejnik (@lukOlejnik) April 14, 2020
In a video address last week, Europe’s lead privacy regulator, the EDPS, intervened to call for a “panEuropean model ‘COVID-19 mobile application’, coordinated at EU level” — in light of varied tech efforts by Member States which involve the processing of personal data for a claimed public health purpose.
“The use of temporary broadcast identifiers and bluetooth technology for contact tracing seems to be a useful path to achieve privacy and personal data protection effectively,” said Wojciech Wiewiórowski on Monday week. “Given these divergences, the European Data Protection Supervisor calls for a panEuropean model “COVID-19 mobile application”, coordinated at EU level. Ideally, coordination with the World Health Organisation should also take place, to ensure data protection by design globally from the start.”
The Commission has not gone so far in today’s plan — calling instead for Member States to ensure their own efforts align with the EU’s existing data protection framework.
Though its roadmap is also heavy on talk of the need for “coordination between Member States, to avoid negative effects” — dubbing it “a matter of common European interest”. But, for now, the Commission has issued a list of recommendations; it’s up to Member States to choose to fall in behind them or not.
With the caveat that EU regulators are watching very carefully how states’ handle citizens’ data.
“Legality, transparency and proportionality are essential for me,” warned Wiewiórowski, ending last week’s intervention on the EU digital response to the coronavirus with a call for “digital solidarity, which should make data working for all people in Europe and especially for the most vulnerable” — and a cry against “the now tarnished and discredited business models of constant surveillance and targeting that have so damaged trust in the digital society”.
from Mobile – TechCrunch https://ift.tt/2yVq0aS ORIGINAL CONTENT FROM: https://techcrunch.com/
0 notes
Sports Stars Say Forget Physical Fitness: 2020 Is The Year For Emotional Fitness
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PUBLISHED: 10:22, 07 January 2010 | UPDATED: 11:28, 07 January 2020
Forget physical fitness – 2020 is the year for emotional fitness, according to Olympians Christine Ohuruogu MBE, Samantha Murray and Abdul Buhari; rugby stars Greg Bateman and Abi Chamberlain; and Team GB rower Beth Bryan.
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The sports stars will kick off the new year by joining forces with emotional fitness app Fika to share their stories with UK university students, in a bid to improve young people’s emotional fitness.
Featured in the app as audio and video clips, the stories will outline how some of these inspiring role models have learnt from failure, overcome challenges and built emotional muscle in order to thrive.
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Like other content in the Fika app, the stars’ stories aim to offer students an emotional education to complement their degrees - improving their academic performance, boosting their employability and arming them with important life skills. 
Each audio story in the app will be accompanied by a series of emotional workouts, designed by expert psychologists to help students learn from, reflect on and act based on the athletes’ experiences.
Former Olympic 400m champion Christine Ohuruogu’s story for students is about the importance of reaching out for help:
“As a 400m runner, I was programmed to be warrior-like and unfazed by competition,” said Ohuruogu. “This might have worked in the Olympic stadium - but outside of sport, it’s worked against me. Learning to be more vulnerable has really strengthened my relationships. I want to encourage students to open up and reach out for help when they need it.” 
“Student life is tough – and just as it does for athletes, students’ emotional fitness matters as much as their physical fitness,” said Ohuruogu, who recently completed her law degree at Queen Mary University of London. 
“There are a lot of parallels between athlete life and student life - from the similarities between training and revision, to preparing for a big athletic event and exams. Being motivated, building self-belief and working on your emotional fitness is key to succeeding.”
“We see it as an investment in the future of British students to share these personal stories, and wholeheartedly encourage students to work through Fika’s bespoke emotional workouts to really benefit from our experiences.”
Listen to Christine’s story here. 
Pentathlete Samantha Murray wants to help students untangle happiness from achievement: 
Murray, who holds an Olympic silver medal and multiple World Championship medals, felt lonely and isolated when she returned to Bath University after the 2012 Olympics. 
“All my time was spent either training, competing, studying or working,” said Murray. “And at 23, this really wasn’t working for me. It began to occur to me that success doesn’t necessarily equate to happiness. 
“I realised I didn’t always need to be striving for the next goal, and felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me. I want to help students work out what makes them happy, and learn to prioritise that.” 
Listen to Samantha’s story here.
Premiership Rugby Union player Greg Bateman wants students to learn the power of planning ahead:
“In 2018, my marriage broke down, I was struggling with an injury, and I had to fold the business I’d worked so hard to build,” said Bateman, who plays for Leicester Tigers. “I was struggling to be mentally present, and to enjoy the things I used to enjoy, which is a common symptom of depression. 
“I got into the practice of creating a thorough weekly plan - planning everything from my relationship and time with my kids, to my training and businesses. It helped me feel engaged and mentally present in all areas of my life. There’s a genuine comfort in having a weekly plan - it could really improve students’ wellbeing and sense of balance.”
Listen to Greg’s story here.
Former England Rugby Sevens captain Abi Chamberlain’s story for students is about learning to lead:
 “I was completely unprepared for being captain of the England squad, and this inexperience really played against me,” said Chamberlain. 
“I didn’t focus enough on my own wellbeing, and my performance suffered, but so did my relationships with my team-mates. In 2015 I was dropped, not just from the captaincy, but from the squad - something that was truly heartbreaking. I want to help others learn to lead well, in a way that doesn’t compromise their wellbeing.”
Listen to Abi’s story here. 
Team GB rower Beth Bryan wants to help students navigate challenges in their relationships: 
Following a medal-winning performance at the 2017 World Championships, Bryan began experiencing debilitating back pain, and was eventually diagnosed with endometriosis.
“When I was at my lowest, I disconnected from my friends and teammates” said Bryan. “I relied on my boyfriend completely. The pressure meant we stopped talking - stopped really understanding each other. Eventually we took a break from each other, so I could get myself back to a place I felt happy.
“Emotional fitness means being comfortable in your own skin, having your own identity in relationships with others. Taking time for yourself and your own thoughts and feelings is really important.” 
Listen to Beth’s story here.
Abdul Buhari, who represented Team GB at the London 2012 Olympics, seeks to help students manage career transitions: 
Discus thrower Buhari said: “People shouldn’t be afraid to carve out their own paths in life. My advice to students is to find what makes you happy - something you’re really passionate about - even if it means making short-term sacrifices. 
“Prioritising your long-term happiness is crucial for having good mental health. And it is possible to keep one eye on the future whilst also remaining committed to the day-to-day.”
 Listen to Abdul’s story here.
Nick Bennett, CEO and co-founder of Fika, said: “Confidence is the new six-pack. We’re honoured to share Christine, Sam, Greg, Abi, Beth and Abdul’s stories with the UK’s students - shifting the focus from physical fitness to emotional fitness.
“Elite athletes get specialist mental fitness training to help them cope with the highs and lows of life in sport. Their stories will help students navigate the challenges of university life, build emotional muscle and learn valuable life lessons to supplement their academic education.”  
The Fika app is designed by scientists, psychologists and technologists based on two years of evidence, as an emotional education tool to help students thrive, at university and beyond. 
Fika helps students build their emotional fitness, with a focus on seven key areas: positivity, focus, confidence, purpose, connection, stress management and motivation. Fika’s research has shown these seven ingredients are the key components contributing to students’ wellbeing, continuation and attainment in their studies, and employability beyond university.
Fika launched in 2019, and is already in use by thousands of university students across more than 50 campuses UK-wide. Students using Fika have reported reduced anxiety and stress (81%), increased motivation (81%), increased confidence (79%), more control over their daily routine (87.5%), improved study (94%) and feeling more able to complete assignments (81%). 
Students will be able to access the sports stars’ stories in the Fika app as of today.
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mathewkingusa · 5 years
My Life as an Eating Psychology Coach: Meredith Newell
What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?
Working in the field of nutrition and owning a catering business that focuses on whole, local foods, I couldn’t shake the feeling that pieces were missing. I spend my days talking about food and preparing food, but my clients seemed to need more. I met a woman who had just completed the training, and while she told me about it, goosebumps crept up my arms. The more I learned, the brighter the neon sign in my head flashed, “This is it!” People are more than the sum of their diet and exercise program. They are many-sided and in order to inspire real change, those various aspects need to be addressed. As an Eating Psychology Coach, I now have the tools to explore those areas and to help clients find the root of their challenges.
What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?
Each day, with each client, I am humbled by their willingness to share their stories with me. I live for the opportunity to connect with those around me and participate in their journey and growth. In my practice, I gain more than I give. At the end of the day, I feel full and satisfied. There are few professions that could leave me feeling that way. As an Eating Psychology Coach, I feel like I have answered a calling.
What does your practice look like?
I am blessed to work in a functional medicine clinic, Advantage Integrative Medicine, where Dr. Rollins strives to treat the whole person, not just their symptoms. In functional medicine, nutrition and gut health are the foundation of the practice. Patients are treated as individuals and encouraged to heal themselves through healthy eating, stress relief, supplementation and preventative measures. I specialize in working with patients of all ages to determine what their body needs in terms of diet, movement and relaxation. While not every patient is scheduled specifically for an “Eating Psychology Visit”, I treat each patient using the tools I learned in the course. For example, a patient will be referred to me for delayed food allergy testing, and as we review their results, I mention the importance of slow, relaxed eating for proper digestion. We meet in person and over the phone, depending on the patient’s schedule and location. I have chosen not to structure my visits into packages or programs, because I find that each patient needs something different. Instead, I meet with them and let them determine what amount of support they need. Some patients meet with me once a month, while others like the accountability that comes with weekly visits.
How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?
I couldn’t imagine a more comprehensive program in that we are taught the material, we immediately implement it in our lives and with our peers and are given a direct line of questioning to guide our clients into self-awareness. Nothing is left unanswered. When I began to see clients, my session was structured and I simply followed the guidelines laid out in the course. After I gained a level of comfort with the material, I pulled away from the structure in favor of a more fluid interpretation of the course. In this way, I make it my own.
What was your favorite aspect of the Training?
At no point in my training did I find it lacking in any way. Working full-time and running a business on the side, I was worried that I wouldn’t have the time to commit to the course. I was pleasantly surprised when I began the program and realized the flexibility it allowed. I loved having the audio files so that I could download them and listen while I cooked. Having the video allowed me to cement the information visually and to take notes. That one-two punch implanted the material in my brain without requiring formal studying. However, the case studies offered me the most riches. Marc’s application of the principles with his clients provided real world examples of cause and effect, completing the picture for me.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted your professional life/financial well-being?
Before taking this course, I was employed in the same way that I am now. Financially, my life hasn’t changed much—but I didn’t need it to. The training has impacted me more professionally. As I mentioned earlier, I feel content, complete in my position at the clinic. While I will always seek to know more, my knowledge is well-rounded and balanced. I finally have the words to express inklings and impressions that I have had with me for most of my life. I am a better practitioner, and my and my client’s lives are richer for it.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted you personally?
The gift in any accrued knowledge is the opportunity to grow from it. Like many counselors, I was drawn to this profession after struggling with my own eating issues. I have said to family and friends that the money I invested in this course would have been well spent if all I gained from it was my personal growth. Taking this course invited me to get real with myself. And while I am not completely free from the shackles of my challenges around food, I am equipped with the ability to love myself in spite of them, or maybe even because of them. As I turned up the volume on self-love, other areas of my life followed suit. I have experienced a deeper connection to my husband, family, friends and clients, because knowing myself better allows me to better know others. Loving myself more, increases my love for others. Being more compassionate with myself, makes me more compassionate to others.
What do you see for yourself in your future as an Eating Psychology Coach – where is your work evolving towards?
The future has seemed less interesting to me since completing this course. I am so enraptured with the right now. For most of my adult life, I have been working toward the next big thing. Assuring myself that, once I reached whatever goal I laid out, I would be content. For the last six months, I have found that my yearning for change has ceased. I am finally comfortable in my own skin and in the life that I have created. I am completely open to whatever comes next, because I know whatever it is, it will be good.
Why Would You Recommend the Training to Others?
This training offers more than just a new career; it offers you a relationship with yourself. The material applies to everybody, everywhere, which makes your potential for clientele infinite. Saying “yes” to this course means saying “yes” to a fuller life, not only for you, but for anyone who has the pleasure of knowing you.
NAME: Meredith Newell BUSINESS: Taproot
BIO: As a graduate of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, the world’s leading school in nutritional psychology, Meredith is at the forefront of a powerful, new, holistic nutritional healing movement that’s changing the way we understand food, weight, body image, holistic nutrition, and health.
Teaching “mind-body nutrition” Meredith looks at the psychophysiology of how digestion, assimilation, calorie burning and all the nutritive functions of the body are impacted by stress, relaxation, thought, emotion, pleasure, our personal story, eating rhythm, eating speed, awareness, and so much more. WHAT we eat is half the story of good nutrition. The other half of the story is WHO we are as eaters.
Practicing “dynamic eating psychology” she encourages a positive approach that sees all of our eating concerns as an opportunity for growth and transformation, exploring how our food challenges are here to teach us, rather than enemies to be attacked, and looking to uncover the connections between our personal world and our unwanted eating habits.
Meredith is skilled in teaching nutrition principles for general health, weight loss, delayed food allergies, and disease specific diets such as for diabetes or kidney disease. She is an expert in treating intestinal disorders such as “leaky gut”, dysbiosis and even autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s disease.
Meredith’s work at the IMC is complemented by her boutique catering company, Taproot, which focuses on providing healthy, locally sourced meals. She shares her passion for food through cooking classes, recipes, meal plans, grocery store tours and weekly meals for our patients.
P.S. – To learn more about the breakthrough body of work we teach here at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, please sign up for our free video training series at ipe.tips. You’ll learn about the cutting-edge principles of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition that have helped millions forever transform their relationship with food, body, and health. Lastly, we want to make sure you’re aware of our two premier offerings. Our Eating Psychology Coach Certification Training is an 8 month distance learning program that you can take from anywhere in the world to launch a new career or to augment an already existing health practice. And Transform Your Relationship with Food is our 8 week online program for anyone looking to take a big leap forward with food and body.
from Healthy Living https://psychologyofeating.com/my-life-as-an-eating-psychology-coach-meredith-newell/
0 notes
valeriewrightca · 5 years
My Life as an Eating Psychology Coach: Meredith Newell
What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?
Working in the field of nutrition and owning a catering business that focuses on whole, local foods, I couldn’t shake the feeling that pieces were missing. I spend my days talking about food and preparing food, but my clients seemed to need more. I met a woman who had just completed the training, and while she told me about it, goosebumps crept up my arms. The more I learned, the brighter the neon sign in my head flashed, “This is it!” People are more than the sum of their diet and exercise program. They are many-sided and in order to inspire real change, those various aspects need to be addressed. As an Eating Psychology Coach, I now have the tools to explore those areas and to help clients find the root of their challenges.
What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?
Each day, with each client, I am humbled by their willingness to share their stories with me. I live for the opportunity to connect with those around me and participate in their journey and growth. In my practice, I gain more than I give. At the end of the day, I feel full and satisfied. There are few professions that could leave me feeling that way. As an Eating Psychology Coach, I feel like I have answered a calling.
What does your practice look like?
I am blessed to work in a functional medicine clinic, Advantage Integrative Medicine, where Dr. Rollins strives to treat the whole person, not just their symptoms. In functional medicine, nutrition and gut health are the foundation of the practice. Patients are treated as individuals and encouraged to heal themselves through healthy eating, stress relief, supplementation and preventative measures. I specialize in working with patients of all ages to determine what their body needs in terms of diet, movement and relaxation. While not every patient is scheduled specifically for an “Eating Psychology Visit”, I treat each patient using the tools I learned in the course. For example, a patient will be referred to me for delayed food allergy testing, and as we review their results, I mention the importance of slow, relaxed eating for proper digestion. We meet in person and over the phone, depending on the patient’s schedule and location. I have chosen not to structure my visits into packages or programs, because I find that each patient needs something different. Instead, I meet with them and let them determine what amount of support they need. Some patients meet with me once a month, while others like the accountability that comes with weekly visits.
How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?
I couldn’t imagine a more comprehensive program in that we are taught the material, we immediately implement it in our lives and with our peers and are given a direct line of questioning to guide our clients into self-awareness. Nothing is left unanswered. When I began to see clients, my session was structured and I simply followed the guidelines laid out in the course. After I gained a level of comfort with the material, I pulled away from the structure in favor of a more fluid interpretation of the course. In this way, I make it my own.
What was your favorite aspect of the Training?
At no point in my training did I find it lacking in any way. Working full-time and running a business on the side, I was worried that I wouldn’t have the time to commit to the course. I was pleasantly surprised when I began the program and realized the flexibility it allowed. I loved having the audio files so that I could download them and listen while I cooked. Having the video allowed me to cement the information visually and to take notes. That one-two punch implanted the material in my brain without requiring formal studying. However, the case studies offered me the most riches. Marc’s application of the principles with his clients provided real world examples of cause and effect, completing the picture for me.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted your professional life/financial well-being?
Before taking this course, I was employed in the same way that I am now. Financially, my life hasn’t changed much—but I didn’t need it to. The training has impacted me more professionally. As I mentioned earlier, I feel content, complete in my position at the clinic. While I will always seek to know more, my knowledge is well-rounded and balanced. I finally have the words to express inklings and impressions that I have had with me for most of my life. I am a better practitioner, and my and my client’s lives are richer for it.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted you personally?
The gift in any accrued knowledge is the opportunity to grow from it. Like many counselors, I was drawn to this profession after struggling with my own eating issues. I have said to family and friends that the money I invested in this course would have been well spent if all I gained from it was my personal growth. Taking this course invited me to get real with myself. And while I am not completely free from the shackles of my challenges around food, I am equipped with the ability to love myself in spite of them, or maybe even because of them. As I turned up the volume on self-love, other areas of my life followed suit. I have experienced a deeper connection to my husband, family, friends and clients, because knowing myself better allows me to better know others. Loving myself more, increases my love for others. Being more compassionate with myself, makes me more compassionate to others.
What do you see for yourself in your future as an Eating Psychology Coach – where is your work evolving towards?
The future has seemed less interesting to me since completing this course. I am so enraptured with the right now. For most of my adult life, I have been working toward the next big thing. Assuring myself that, once I reached whatever goal I laid out, I would be content. For the last six months, I have found that my yearning for change has ceased. I am finally comfortable in my own skin and in the life that I have created. I am completely open to whatever comes next, because I know whatever it is, it will be good.
Why Would You Recommend the Training to Others?
This training offers more than just a new career; it offers you a relationship with yourself. The material applies to everybody, everywhere, which makes your potential for clientele infinite. Saying “yes” to this course means saying “yes” to a fuller life, not only for you, but for anyone who has the pleasure of knowing you.
NAME: Meredith Newell BUSINESS: Taproot
BIO: As a graduate of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, the world’s leading school in nutritional psychology, Meredith is at the forefront of a powerful, new, holistic nutritional healing movement that’s changing the way we understand food, weight, body image, holistic nutrition, and health.
Teaching “mind-body nutrition” Meredith looks at the psychophysiology of how digestion, assimilation, calorie burning and all the nutritive functions of the body are impacted by stress, relaxation, thought, emotion, pleasure, our personal story, eating rhythm, eating speed, awareness, and so much more. WHAT we eat is half the story of good nutrition. The other half of the story is WHO we are as eaters.
Practicing “dynamic eating psychology” she encourages a positive approach that sees all of our eating concerns as an opportunity for growth and transformation, exploring how our food challenges are here to teach us, rather than enemies to be attacked, and looking to uncover the connections between our personal world and our unwanted eating habits.
Meredith is skilled in teaching nutrition principles for general health, weight loss, delayed food allergies, and disease specific diets such as for diabetes or kidney disease. She is an expert in treating intestinal disorders such as “leaky gut”, dysbiosis and even autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s disease.
Meredith’s work at the IMC is complemented by her boutique catering company, Taproot, which focuses on providing healthy, locally sourced meals. She shares her passion for food through cooking classes, recipes, meal plans, grocery store tours and weekly meals for our patients.
P.S. – To learn more about the breakthrough body of work we teach here at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, please sign up for our free video training series at ipe.tips. You’ll learn about the cutting-edge principles of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition that have helped millions forever transform their relationship with food, body, and health. Lastly, we want to make sure you’re aware of our two premier offerings. Our Eating Psychology Coach Certification Training is an 8 month distance learning program that you can take from anywhere in the world to launch a new career or to augment an already existing health practice. And Transform Your Relationship with Food is our 8 week online program for anyone looking to take a big leap forward with food and body.
from Healthy Living https://psychologyofeating.com/my-life-as-an-eating-psychology-coach-meredith-newell/
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lorrainescott8 · 5 years
My Life as an Eating Psychology Coach: Meredith Newell
What made you want to become an Eating Psychology Coach?
Working in the field of nutrition and owning a catering business that focuses on whole, local foods, I couldn’t shake the feeling that pieces were missing. I spend my days talking about food and preparing food, but my clients seemed to need more. I met a woman who had just completed the training, and while she told me about it, goosebumps crept up my arms. The more I learned, the brighter the neon sign in my head flashed, “This is it!” People are more than the sum of their diet and exercise program. They are many-sided and in order to inspire real change, those various aspects need to be addressed. As an Eating Psychology Coach, I now have the tools to explore those areas and to help clients find the root of their challenges.
What do you love about being an Eating Psychology Coach?
Each day, with each client, I am humbled by their willingness to share their stories with me. I live for the opportunity to connect with those around me and participate in their journey and growth. In my practice, I gain more than I give. At the end of the day, I feel full and satisfied. There are few professions that could leave me feeling that way. As an Eating Psychology Coach, I feel like I have answered a calling.
What does your practice look like?
I am blessed to work in a functional medicine clinic, Advantage Integrative Medicine, where Dr. Rollins strives to treat the whole person, not just their symptoms. In functional medicine, nutrition and gut health are the foundation of the practice. Patients are treated as individuals and encouraged to heal themselves through healthy eating, stress relief, supplementation and preventative measures. I specialize in working with patients of all ages to determine what their body needs in terms of diet, movement and relaxation. While not every patient is scheduled specifically for an “Eating Psychology Visit”, I treat each patient using the tools I learned in the course. For example, a patient will be referred to me for delayed food allergy testing, and as we review their results, I mention the importance of slow, relaxed eating for proper digestion. We meet in person and over the phone, depending on the patient’s schedule and location. I have chosen not to structure my visits into packages or programs, because I find that each patient needs something different. Instead, I meet with them and let them determine what amount of support they need. Some patients meet with me once a month, while others like the accountability that comes with weekly visits.
How did your education at the Institute prepare you to work successfully with clients?
I couldn’t imagine a more comprehensive program in that we are taught the material, we immediately implement it in our lives and with our peers and are given a direct line of questioning to guide our clients into self-awareness. Nothing is left unanswered. When I began to see clients, my session was structured and I simply followed the guidelines laid out in the course. After I gained a level of comfort with the material, I pulled away from the structure in favor of a more fluid interpretation of the course. In this way, I make it my own.
What was your favorite aspect of the Training?
At no point in my training did I find it lacking in any way. Working full-time and running a business on the side, I was worried that I wouldn’t have the time to commit to the course. I was pleasantly surprised when I began the program and realized the flexibility it allowed. I loved having the audio files so that I could download them and listen while I cooked. Having the video allowed me to cement the information visually and to take notes. That one-two punch implanted the material in my brain without requiring formal studying. However, the case studies offered me the most riches. Marc’s application of the principles with his clients provided real world examples of cause and effect, completing the picture for me.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted your professional life/financial well-being?
Before taking this course, I was employed in the same way that I am now. Financially, my life hasn’t changed much—but I didn’t need it to. The training has impacted me more professionally. As I mentioned earlier, I feel content, complete in my position at the clinic. While I will always seek to know more, my knowledge is well-rounded and balanced. I finally have the words to express inklings and impressions that I have had with me for most of my life. I am a better practitioner, and my and my client’s lives are richer for it.
How has being an Eating Psychology Coach impacted you personally?
The gift in any accrued knowledge is the opportunity to grow from it. Like many counselors, I was drawn to this profession after struggling with my own eating issues. I have said to family and friends that the money I invested in this course would have been well spent if all I gained from it was my personal growth. Taking this course invited me to get real with myself. And while I am not completely free from the shackles of my challenges around food, I am equipped with the ability to love myself in spite of them, or maybe even because of them. As I turned up the volume on self-love, other areas of my life followed suit. I have experienced a deeper connection to my husband, family, friends and clients, because knowing myself better allows me to better know others. Loving myself more, increases my love for others. Being more compassionate with myself, makes me more compassionate to others.
What do you see for yourself in your future as an Eating Psychology Coach – where is your work evolving towards?
The future has seemed less interesting to me since completing this course. I am so enraptured with the right now. For most of my adult life, I have been working toward the next big thing. Assuring myself that, once I reached whatever goal I laid out, I would be content. For the last six months, I have found that my yearning for change has ceased. I am finally comfortable in my own skin and in the life that I have created. I am completely open to whatever comes next, because I know whatever it is, it will be good.
Why Would You Recommend the Training to Others?
This training offers more than just a new career; it offers you a relationship with yourself. The material applies to everybody, everywhere, which makes your potential for clientele infinite. Saying “yes” to this course means saying “yes” to a fuller life, not only for you, but for anyone who has the pleasure of knowing you.
NAME: Meredith Newell BUSINESS: Taproot
BIO: As a graduate of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, the world’s leading school in nutritional psychology, Meredith is at the forefront of a powerful, new, holistic nutritional healing movement that’s changing the way we understand food, weight, body image, holistic nutrition, and health.
Teaching “mind-body nutrition” Meredith looks at the psychophysiology of how digestion, assimilation, calorie burning and all the nutritive functions of the body are impacted by stress, relaxation, thought, emotion, pleasure, our personal story, eating rhythm, eating speed, awareness, and so much more. WHAT we eat is half the story of good nutrition. The other half of the story is WHO we are as eaters.
Practicing “dynamic eating psychology” she encourages a positive approach that sees all of our eating concerns as an opportunity for growth and transformation, exploring how our food challenges are here to teach us, rather than enemies to be attacked, and looking to uncover the connections between our personal world and our unwanted eating habits.
Meredith is skilled in teaching nutrition principles for general health, weight loss, delayed food allergies, and disease specific diets such as for diabetes or kidney disease. She is an expert in treating intestinal disorders such as “leaky gut”, dysbiosis and even autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s disease.
Meredith’s work at the IMC is complemented by her boutique catering company, Taproot, which focuses on providing healthy, locally sourced meals. She shares her passion for food through cooking classes, recipes, meal plans, grocery store tours and weekly meals for our patients.
P.S. – To learn more about the breakthrough body of work we teach here at the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, please sign up for our free video training series at ipe.tips. You’ll learn about the cutting-edge principles of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition that have helped millions forever transform their relationship with food, body, and health. Lastly, we want to make sure you’re aware of our two premier offerings. Our Eating Psychology Coach Certification Training is an 8 month distance learning program that you can take from anywhere in the world to launch a new career or to augment an already existing health practice. And Transform Your Relationship with Food is our 8 week online program for anyone looking to take a big leap forward with food and body.
from Healthy Living https://psychologyofeating.com/my-life-as-an-eating-psychology-coach-meredith-newell/
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