#the phone is twenty five cents a minute‚ paid in advance‚ no exceptions {answered}
gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@modestmuses said: Does Jack believe he has had any personal encounters with ghosts, the occult, aliens, or the supernatural?
//would be incredibly funny if the answer to this was a flat-out no, considering the series we're talking about. but, i don't think the answer is exactly a definite *yes* either.
i was originally planning to answer this ask by talking about a specific experience jack had, the first time he ever personally talked to the bathroom cowboy, but i think i'll just discuss his thoughts on the supernatural in general.
so jack, by this point, has completely and comfortably accepted the reality that supernatural shit exists. he's not so stupid and stubborn as to pretend otherwise, even if he has a hard time believing in a lot of things. (ex: he does not believe psychics are a thing.)
in general, jack tries to keep an open mind when it comes to the supernatural, even if there's a lot he had a hard time believing in. what gets to him is when people present this stuff and expect him to believe it at face value or belittle him when he has questions. if you earnestly believe you have psychic powers, he'll probably be confused and doubtful but ultimately accepting as long as you're not a huge asshole to him.
because really, reality is subjective, and jack is very used to not totally trusting his own experiences and perspective on what's *real* and what isn't. so who is he to dictate what's real to another person, even if it's something he has some doubts about, as long as they're not insisting on their superiority?
the old woman at the very beginning of volume one was a creepy asshole who invaded his personal space right away and refused to respect his boundaries, so he disregarded any and all prophecies she spouted. someone who had a different approach may have gotten a different and more open-minded response.
aaand just for fun, some thoughts on the specific things mentioned in this ask.
ghosts - jack believes ghosts can do whatever the fuck they want and he doesn't really get a say in the matter either way. him not believing doesn't mean the bathroom cowboy isn't still scaring people who just want to shit in peace.
the occult - this is a bit dicier, but for the most part jack does still keep an open mind here. still, though, he's a lot more likely to tell you he thinks you're a dumbass to your face if you come at him insisting you alone have the secret occult knowledge of the universe.
aliens - aliens are real and jack has definitely seen them, but as long as they don't bother him he doesn't care.
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@troublcmakcrs said: How does Spencer feel about romantic relationships?
//you've found my trap card heheh :3c and that trap card is my "vaguely romance repulsed spencer middleton agenda."
so i write spencer as aroace, with the caveat that he does experience *some* attraction very rarely, he just generally chooses not to examine that further and define it. realistically he's more demi than anything, but i can't see him actually using that term outside of a few specific verses (like the jencerine verse).
when it comes to romance, i imagine spencer as typically being pretty romance repulsed, even though he does experience some romantic attraction very rarely. he doesn't actively seek out or *really* enjoy romantic relationships or romance in general most of the time.
on the rare occasions spencer experiences any romantic attraction, he's usually not going to act on it, entirely because he doesn't usually find the idea of romance very appealing. definitely with exceptions, sure, but overall he's not a very romantic guy.
i also do wanna say, tho, that spencer's slight romance repulsion is partly related to the fact that there is a part of him that resents jack's romance with sabine and views it as Why Jack Abandoned Him. as a reminder, this blog operates under the Childhood Friends headcanon with jencer, and it was around the time they started growing apart that jack and sabine started talking.
even though it didn't happen this way in reality, spencer views the situation as jack choosing a romantic relationship over him. and that definitely affected spencer's views on romance in a very negative way overall. he'd *never* engage in the thing his ""best friend"" abandoned him for!!
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@triggerbigger said: “I’m not leaving now, honey, not a chance.” (for tony :3c
(and every time we touch- [open])
Tony barely registers the words at first, as out of it as he is from all the painkillers being pumped into his system. When he does, though, he smiles, wide and goofy and hopelessly charmed, at the Onceler. In this state, he can't be anything but completely and genuinely excited to see the man he loves before him.
His arms are heavy at his sides, but he lifts one, slowly and awkwardly, to try and grab the Onceler's hand and give it a reassuring squeeze.
"Awww," he says, "thanks, sweetheart. Means... means a lot." Who knew getting shot four times was all it took for the Onceler to come see him after their fight the other night? The thought makes him giggle, then wince as the laughter pulls at the fresh stitches on his body. He takes a deep breath and grits his teeth, silently grateful for the painkillers reducing the pain to a dull throb.
"'ll be okay," he continues, not sure who he's trying to reassure. "Jus' gotta stay here 'til 'm all patched up." He knows from experience that bullet wounds take time to recover from, especially considering where he was shot. Three times in the back, one time in the head. All things considered, he's incredibly, unbelievably lucky to be both alive and not paralyzed.
Which only means that they'll be back. Now that the agency knows for sure that he's alive, if they find out that Agent Rosco hadn't killed him, they'll send someone else. He fucked up big time, and there's no going back.
Not that any of that occurs to Tony right now. Instead, all he can think about is how happy he is to see the Onceler sitting by his hospital bed. He decides that he needs to make that clear, and he beams at the Onceler until his face hurts.
"'m really happy to see ya'," he says. He means to say more, but the words don't come, and instead he just keeps grinning as he stares at the Onceler, drinking in every detail of his appearance.
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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@modestmuses said: Before Jack can cross the threshold of the door, Silco grabs him by the wrist, frowning deeply, lines of worry etched into his forehead. "You're not going into work today. You're not going into work ever again. I don't care if there's no one else to cover your shift. Let the place sit empty. To hell with them."
Jack freezes up, mostly unintentionally, when Silco grabs him by the wrist. The older man’s grasp isn’t rough or painful by any means, but the unexpected touch still catches him off-guard. He relaxes quickly enough, though. Silco is one of the few people who can do that, who can grab Jack unexpectedly, in part because he so rarely does. More often than not, he makes sure Jack is in control of when and how he is touched, which is something Jack very much appreciates.
Which means that he knows immediately that Silco is very serious when the older man grabs his wrist, gentle but firm, and when he turns his head he sees an expression of blatant worry on his face. The words aren’t exactly unexpected--he and Silco have been talking about him quitting his job at the gas station for some months now, after all. He knows how Silco feels about the gas station well by now.
What is surprising, though, is the urgency behind those words. Jack meets Silco’s eyes as he looks back, and though he can only maintain the eye contact for a few seconds before it becomes overwhelming, he knows his partner isn’t going to let this go so easily.
Immediately, Jack feels terrible, because he knows Silco has a real point in all of this and many very, very good reasons to want him to quit. Even aside from Jack’s general stagnation throughout his twenties, his job at the gas station has put him in the direct line of fire of so many people and entities that want him dead (or worse, even). Especially in the last two years or so, Jack has been in peril more often than not, and he knows that his life would be significantly easier and safer if he did just as Silco is saying right now and never went back. Perhaps not totally safe, but definitely better than he’s doing now.
But it’s not that easy. Jack knows he doesn’t have a choice in this, not anymore (if he ever did).
“I-” Jack swallows, biting his lip. “I have to,” he says, the words sounding hollow, even to him. “I don’t want to go back, but I have to. I-I mean, I’m the one the owners trusted to take over after they died.” Sure, they didn’t tell him as such, and they were usually pretty shitty to him when they were alive, but he thinks that being the only person named in their will, at least where the gas station is concerned, means a lot. He knows Silco understands this kind of loyalty and obligation--he has to… right?
“If I just don’t go and let everything fall apart, then i-it feels like everything’s just been for nothing. I owe them. I-I mean, yeah, I wanna quit, but then they left it to me and now I have to make sure it keeps going.” Jack doesn’t want to fight, but the idea of just… not going back, at least not without making sure things will be okay without him, is enough to make his head swim and his skin itch unpleasantly. He can’t do that to them, he just can’t.
“I have to go,” he says again, more to himself than anything. Yet, he makes no move to try and remove Silco’s grip or leave. His eyes fall to the ground for a second, then he looks back up at Silco, his expression deeply conflicted.
“I’ll be okay,” Jack says softly. As he’s prone to do when he gets nervous, he soon starts babbling. “I-I mean, we do keep a shotgun in the store now, so if anything happens I can protect myself. And, besides, I’m not working alone today--Jerry’s gonna be there, too, so unless he wanders off to go smoke weed in the woods or something then it’ll be okay. ‘Cause, y’know, Jerry’s kind of a coward sometimes but he’s usually pretty good in a crisis, at least when he knows what’s going on.” He cuts himself off there, not wanting to go into the million and one excuses and justifications hiding right behind his teeth.
Because he knows, at the end of the day, none of them really matter.
Jack takes a step closer to Silco, tentatively resting his hand on the older man’s own where it’s still gripping his wrist. Jack’s hands are cold, as they always are, but his touch is gentle and, he hopes, reassuring. Not that he thinks it's going to make Silco feel better about all of this--he knows it won't be that easy. But Jack truthfully doesn't know what to do here. He is well and truly out of his depth.
No, Jack doesn't want to go back, and he wants to leave it all behind and be fucking happy and safe, but the obligation he feels to the owners and the gas station as a whole means he can't just back down from the job they left him.
It's almost funny, but Jack can't find it in himself to laugh right now.
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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@modestmuses said: Silco: “Are you just going to pretend it didn’t happen, like everyone else in this town?“ (amelia >:3)
(spooky clown movie starters - open!)
"I'm not pretending that nothing happened," Amelia says, unable to quite keep the frustration out of her voice as she stares Silco down. She doesn't want to be harsh, but she isn't happy that he won't just drop it. As far as she's concerned, this is a non-issue.
"Something happened that night," she agrees, "but that something isn't an actual demon rising from hell or wherever and killing a man." She shifts, resting her hands on her hips. "I know what Crutches said, and I know you want to believe him, and I do too! But you and I both know he's..." Amelia pauses, clearly trying to decide how to phrase this next part.
"... Well, he's not really all there sometimes," she finishes. Her expression softens and she sighs, dropping her gaze for a moment before she meets Silco's eyes again. "Without concrete evidence that what he said is exactly what happened, I can't rule out the possibility that he was just having an episode. Fuck, he even admits that he was for at least part of it. I know he's not lying, but that doesn't mean what he's saying is the truth of the situation."
Amelia knows fully well that this isn't what Silco is going to want to hear, but she doesn't know what else to tell him. Weird shit happens in this town, especially around the gas station, but that doesn't mean a demon was involved, or that demons are even real in the first place. She can't accept that as the reality of the situation without concrete proof, and Jack's word isn't enough, even considering the state of the body.
"I know weird shit happens around here all the time," she says after a moment, "but that doesn't mean there isn't a perfectly reasonable explanation in this case."
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@oceanoecielo said: List five things that could motivate Jack to use violence.
//so generally, jack is not a violent person. he certainly has violent tendencies at times, i won't deny that, but those don't define 100% of who he is. outside of a *severe* psychotic episode, jack doesn't jump straight to violence in most instances (and even then it's rare). however, there are definitely some things that could motivate him...
1. self defense
may be a bit obvious, but the number one reason jack would be violent is to protect himself from real or perceived threats, especially from spencer. however, after a certain point, jack realizes that spencer being around him is a threat, even if spencer isn't actively doing anything, so "self defense" becomes a loose term...
2. spencer
... and jack is a lot more willing to use violence when it may not be warranted if spencer is involved. spencer exists and jack needs him to die. me too, buddy.
3. defense of others
this one's a bit less likely than others, but it's still a circumstance that can drive jack to violence, especially post-volume 2 and if it's someone he really cares about. or if it's a customer who can't presumably protect themself, he'll step in to the best of his ability.
4. interrogation
i wasn't too sure what to label this because there's basically one instance of this in the series iirc, but the moment in the shapeshifter arc where jack shoots the shapeshifter like four times. he'd already guessed that she wouldn't die no matter how many times he shot her, but he needed her to stay and listen to him, and that certainly caught her attention. the only reason he stopped was when she turned into sabine and he couldn't bring himself to pull the trigger.
5. kieffer
well, kieffer doesn't count. he's just so kill-able. everyone's violent with him.
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@chaieyestea said: Not sure if you've already talked about something like this, but what are your muses' (you pick who) sleeping traits? Ex, do they have the body temp of a radiator? Do they toss and turn in their sleep? Would they press their ice-cold feet to the back of someone's legs to wake them up?
//oooh yes yes!!! first of all. hello chai. second of all. i have talked about some of this in the past, but i'll go ahead and take the opportunity to ramble a little!!! :3
jack: so jack doesn't usually sleep in an actual bed and tends to kinda just... fall asleep wherever he is, occasionally while standing and working. he sleepwalks like a motherfucker.
but, when he does sleep in a bed, he tends to curl up a little bit. imagine a little cat except this cat is trying *not* to take up space. that's him. growing up with like at least eight foster siblings means jack is used to taking up as little space as possible when he sleeps, because that's what he did as a child. he also tends to stay very still when he sleeps, and he's a very light sleeper. it doesn't take much to wake him up in general.
in terms of body temperature, jack naturally runs a bit colder--i actually headcanon he has a lower body temperature than average, which actually makes it a bit dicey when he has fevers because "fever" for him is not the same as many other people.
jerry: jerry sprawls out whenever he sleeps and is a *heavy* fucking sleeper. he sleeps like a rock. i also don't think he tosses and turns that much--essentially the moment he's unconscious, he's dead weight, and that's your problem now.
the only time he doesn't sprawl out is when he's sharing a bed with someone, in which case he cuddles them. he wraps himself around them like a big gangly octopus and refuses to let go. if you need to piss in the morning, god fucking help you.
jerry also snores a lot! and due to the gap in his front teeth, his snores sound a little like. whistle-y. that's not a word but that's what i'm imagining.
jerry runs a bit hot, but when his feet get cold, he *does* put them on people he shares a bed with without warning to wake them up.
rosa: rosa tends to toss and turn a little when she sleeps unless she's sharing the bed with someone. i don't think rosa can sleep comfortably and soundly alone, which is part of why she got a cat! ricky sleeps in her bed and curled up next to her, and that helps her sleep better.
rosa has a bit of a hotter body temperature than normal and she's a goddamn furnace under the covers. at least, to other people. rosa feels cold pretty easily and loves to bundle up when she sleeps--get this girl a pile of blankets STAT.
when sharing a bed with someone, rosa loves to cuddle, and she's perfectly happy as both big and little spoon. just snuggle her, that's what she wants.
tony: tony struggles to sleep quite a bit. he has chronic pain as a result of his back injury that makes it hard to find a comfortable position to sleep in--usually on his side, and even then, usually on his left side (to avoid putting too much pressure on his head injury. he sleeps very stiffly, one hand under his pillow and kinda curled around himself.
(tony keeps a gun under his pillow, just in case. he never feels safe letting his guard down and he needs to be ready to pull it out at a moment's notice.)
when he shares a bed with someone, tony curls around them, usually arranging them so that he's between them and the door (if they're close enough, but if he's sharing a bed with them then i figure they are). he's a bit of a light sleeper, though, so it's not hard to wake him up if you need to move. he also runs very warm, though, and cuddling with him gets hot and sweaty real fast.
spencer: spencer can sleep standing straight up with his eyes open. and he often does that, though he doesn't sleep walk to as significant a degree as jack does. but yeah, spencer doesn't usually sleep in a bed either, and he tends to sleep very stiffly whenever he does. he doesn't toss and turn, and he's a super light sleeper as well. similarly to tony, spencer keeps a weapon on him at all times, and he makes sure to have easy access to it even when resting.
spencer runs very cold. he doesn't heat up easily, and though he'd never admit it, he does like to have a lot of blankets when he sleeps. only when he sleeps alone, of course--he'd never let anyone know he's *vulnerable* and wants *comfort* like a soft blanket. why would he do that? freak.
on the incredibly rare occasions that spencer trusts someone enough to share a bed with them, spencer kinda drapes himself over them. not really curling around them in a protective way, very much putting an arm over them in a possessive way. you can't leave, because spencer doesn't want you to.
amelia: amelia i imagine also tends to sleep pretty stiffly, but she's a muuuuch heavier sleeper than spencer or tony. when she conks out, she's out for the next eight hours minimum. however, when she cuddles with someone, she loosens up and likes to just hold them, often resting her head on their chest.
as someone who tends to be pretty dominant in a lot of situations (by necessity, not by choice), it's hard for amelia to let her walls down most of the time, even just to cuddle up to someone, but when she does she *melts.* absolutely amelia cuddles up to someone and loves to be their little spoon.
i also imagine amelia runs pretty hot sometimes, but not overly so. she's warm, really. a very comfortable body temperature to snuggle with.
sabine: as a bonus, sabine sprawls out when sleeping alone, but when sleeping with someone, she curls up around them, holding them close to her body and burying her face in the back of their neck. sabine isn't super comfortable as a little spoon must of the time, but god does she love being the big spoon.
(though, yes, on the occasions she's comfortable letting someone spoon up behind her, she loves it. just hold her gently and kiss the back of her neck pls <3)
sabine is a very heavy sleeper, though she struggles to fall asleep at time. girl often has to take a melatonin before bed, and that shit knocks her out cold for ten hours at a time.
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@rejectshumanity said: eavesdrop (for jack, bc i just have to know what he’d say about dio to his coworkers 😅)
(eavesdrop a bit - open)
"Yeah," Jack sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose between two fingers as he holds the store phone up to his ear, "yeah, I know that weird vampire guy the customers keep complaining about." Part of him is tempted to lie, but he's never been good at that. Besides, the owners are always good at figuring him out. No use in trying.
"No, he's not harmless," Jack says, "but he also hasn't killed anybody yet. I don't think. I dunno." He's quiet for a moment as he listens to Pops and Mamaw bicker on the other line. After a a moment, he sighs again, resting his free hand down on the counter. "Since when do you care about customer safety aside from preventing lawsuits? 'Sides, not like they can file a lawsuit if they're dead." It's callous, sure, but it's true. Jack tries to avoid keeping the irritation from seeping into his tone, but he's sure he doesn't quite succeed.
Pops goes quiet on the other line, and for a moment, Jack assumes the two have hung up on him. At least, that is until he hears his boss speak up again, hesitant and uncharacteristically quiet.
"Just be careful, Jack. We'd hate to lose you."
Jack allows his eyes to fall closed for a moment. "I've had worse," he says honestly. Most of it at this very workplace. "Besides, I figure if he was gonna kill me by now, I'm sure he would've. I'm not exactly capable of stopping him." Before either of his bosses can speak again, Jack cuts in with, "Yeah, look, I'll keep an eye on him, okay? It'll be fine." And with that, he hangs up, slamming the phone firmly down on the receiver a bit harder than he means to.
It's only a moment later that he realizes he's not alone, and when he turns his head, he sees Dio looming behind him. Jack is quietly proud of himself for not flinching right away, instead letying out a sigh as he shakes his head.
"Hey, man," he says, not quite meeting the vampire's eyes as he edges past him to go front the aisles. "I'm assuming you heard that--very rude to eavesdrop, by the way. Anyway, apparently you're freaking out the owners a bit, and they told me to tell you to cool it, but I think we both know you're not going to."
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@modestmuses said: Ekko: “I will do what I please, anything that I want.” (tony for some reason JDKAJSK)
(truth about love starters - open)
Tony stares at the teenager before him for a long moment, then lets out a sigh. He remembers very well when he was that age, and a part of him suddenly feels very bad for his poor mom. She must have had the patience of a goddamn saint to deal with him on his worst days, when the weight of the teenage angst hanging heavy on his shoulders led him to lash out at the slightest provocation.
Right now, he sincerely hopes that he can follow her example. Not that Ekko is really any worse than any of the other teenagers that have come passing through now and then, of course. In fact, compared to the rowdy youths who frequently stop by to vandalize the gas station and steal cigarettes and booze, he’s perfectly fine. The point still stands, however.
“Right,” Tony says drily. “Okay. Sure. I can’t stop you, kid, but you should know you’re being fucking stupid, and as the responsible adult in this situation, I need to say something.” This whole conversation is eerily familiar to him, and he’s suddenly reminded of a very similar interaction he had last week with Jerry, after Tony found the moron trying to construct a homemade flamethrower to deal with something in the vents. That doesn’t make him feel much better about this.
“Look,” he says, pinching the bridge of his nose between two fingers. “Ekko, was it?” He’s pretty sure that’s the kid’s name, anyhow. “You seem like a good kid. I don’t say this to put you down or get in your way or anything, man, but you need to understand that if you’re gonna hang around here, you need to be fucking careful and watch yourself. Half the customers here are murderous rednecks with itchy trigger-fingers and the other half are even worse.” He pauses, glancing over Ekko’s shoulder at the burly redhead loitering on the other side of the store, wearing an ugly rabbit mask.
“Which means,” Tony finishes, eyeing Ekko meaningfully as he looks back down at the kid, “that you should stay away from them and their shit. Especially that guy over there. Yes, his mask is stupid, and he’s stupid, and I doubt he could really do anything to hurt anyone, but it’s not worth it to test that.”
Beaux doesn’t normally come in unless he knows Rosa’s working, but she’d called out sick today. Just Tony’s luck, he supposes, because now he has to deal with the dipshit himself (though, if he’s honest, this is definitely a lot better than leaving the poor girl alone with him). Well, and the teenager standing before him, who seems completely uninterested in Tony’s attempts to keep him from getting hurt.
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@modestmuses said: Playlist! for jerry & viktor for the giggles
(come get ur relationship playlists here besties)
//you fool..... fell right into my trap............. now i have an excuse to finally make a motherfucking jerry & viktor tag. they're so silly.
anyway these songs are just kinda first thoughts. i don't have much backing them up.
cult of dionysus - the orion experience
I'm feeling devious You're looking glamorous Let's get mischievous And polyamorous Wine and women and wonderful vices Welcome to the cult of Dionysus
she's all that - hollywood ending (kind of a jokey one but anyway)
I'm in love with the Geek, the freak, the girl that never wins (So what, so what) I'm in love with the weird, the wild, her rip jeans in her pants (So what, so what) She's doesn't listen to the radio, but she sings along at all my shows I'm in love with the Geek, the freak, the girl that never wins (So what, so what)
your man - josh turner (not so much for the lyrics/vibes but because i can imagine jerry singing this to entertain viktor and i fjkljgghg)
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@oceanoecielo said: “ i don’t believe any of it. how can one person manage to pull that off? ” (//for rosa, making conversation about a bank robbery that he himself did, but what she doesn't know won't kill her-)
(reputation prompts - open!)
Rosa pauses in her explanation of the bank robbery that had taken place a few towns over, looking at the man standing before her curiously. Of course, she has no way of knowing that he is, in fact, the man she's talking about, so she really doesn't think it's strange for him to point out the problems with the story. There's something in his tone, though, that has her wondering for a brief moment...
The moment passes rather quickly, though, as Rosa figures that, whatever it is, it's probably just her imagination. Besides, this man has been perfectly nice and polite, so she's not about to make any wild accusations because of his tone of all things.
"That's what they're saying," she confirms with a little shrug of her shoulders. A small laugh escapes her. "Y'know, it certainly wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen around here! I mean, just last month we had a cow end up on the gas station roof. No idea how it got there." Not that a cow is comparable to a bank robbery, but her point still stands.
She grins at him, then, a little mischievously, and adds, "Who knows? Maybe the guy had some kind of magic or something!" It's clear she doesn't really think that's a possibility, but it's still a fun thing to speculate. After a brief pause, she adds, "... Though, probably not. It does make more sense that he had help."
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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@sinshosted said: “Sorry, the more you know, the more you’re at risk.“ //throws odin/sinshosted at jack. time to meet the fucker.
(last of the time lords starters - open!)
That's not the first time Jack has heard that one. Far from it, in fact--plenty of people in the past few months have told him, time and time again, that the more he knows about the strange goings-on around him, the more his life is at risk.
And, for the most part, he's fine with that. Really, Jack's life is better if he keeps his nose out of that kind of business. He knows that very well.
However, this is different. This he has personal stake in.
"Yeah, I get that," he says, sighing as he looks at the teenager in front of him. "I just want to know if Ava's okay. She seems like a nice kid, 's all."
After a moment, he adds, "You don't need to tell me anything you don't want to. Just... is she okay?"
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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@sliding-into-space said: There is a small box on the check out counter, it is pushed just enough to the other side for customers not to reach it and has Jack's name on it. Inside is a tiny wind up frog that hops when wound up. It's made with all kinds of springs and gears. Along with it is a note that says, "Thanks for telling me about the frog rain, thought you might like one of your own. -SLIDER :)"
(Not a thread just a fun lil ask!)
Jack doesn't notice the little box on the counter at first when he comes into work that morning. In fact, it isn't until Jerry points it out that he fully registers it, during a bit of downtime between customers.
"Someone left something for you," he says. Jack blinks at him in confusion.
"What?" Jack asks. Jerry nods to the box, a smile spreading across his face.
"Yeah!" he says. "See? They left a box here with your name on it n' everything. Jack turns to look, and sure enough, Jerry is right.
Another hour or so passes before Jack finally gets up the courage to open it. It's not that he assumes it's something bad, really, but he's gotten enough concerning messages from his fans that unexpected packages make him nervous. Eventually, though, he opens it, and he's pleasantly surprised to find not a bomb, gun, or death threat.
Instead of any of those, he finds a wind-up frog, made of various parts, and a little note. As Jack reads the note, he can't help but smile to himself. He makes a mental note to thank Slider if he sees the kid again anytime soon.
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@rejectshumanity said: 🐶🍭👣
(ask the mun! - open)
//wow you sent this a hot fucking minute ago huh- ANYWAY!!
🐶- Favorite animal?
i love cats!!! probably because i read warrior cats at a young age and it did irreparable damage to my personality for the rest of my life. unfortunately, though, i'm actually allergic to cats! big big L on my part. except i don't care and will gladly snuggle with them regardless <3 if i die i die.
🍭- Favorite candy?
i love me some good sour shit, and lately i'm super into sour green apple as a flavor. in terms of like... favorite candy.... i mean. i really like jolly ranchers lately. that's my enrichment food, my meat pumpkin (if you don't know what that means i'm so sorry).
👣- What do you like to do in your spare time?
stare blankly at the wall- no i'm kidding SADFJKL;. i do really enjoy writing and drawing, but it's hard to get myself to focus and do either lately. call that Mental Illness. aside from that, though, i am trying to make more of a concerted effort to indulge in hobbies lately! i'm reading more, i'm playing games more, i'm doing some art that isn't digital... yeehaw.
i'm also trying to go on more walks! i'm such a guy who loves to wander aimlessly in an area.
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
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@modestmuses said: Ekko: “But, just because it burns doesn’t mean you’re gonna die.” (for jack)
(truth about love starters - open)
“Yep,” Jack says through gritted teeth, “I figured that out, thanks. I’m still gonna bitch about it, though.” Part of him feels incredibly pathetic right now, whining about the pain he’s in, but in his defense, he doesn’t do that often. Normally, Jack just accepts whatever happens to him with a grimace and a whimper at most. It’s rare for him to complain about his problems, and he thinks he’s fucking earned the right to be a little bitch. Fuck whatever anyone else thinks.
Right now, Jack has the gas station’s admittedly poorly-stocked first-aid kit open on the counter, and he’s dabbing at the bloody bite mark on his forearm with a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol. This is far from the first time he’s gotten injured on the job, and it won’t be the last. Hell, this is one of the less concerning injuries he’s had even in the past year, as his poor leg can attest.
However, this is the first time that one of the raccoons has managed to get the jump on him. Jack will gladly take the blame for this one--he got careless, and the freak of nature had managed to clamp down on him before he realized it was there.
Normally, Jack would try not to get a customer involved in a situation like this. The raccoons haven’t mauled anyone before, at least as far as he’s aware, but he tries to err on the side of caution when it comes to the strange happenings at the gas station. He works here, so he can deal with the consequences. However, through sheer chance, this kid was there for the attack, and he and Jack together ended up driving the fucking thing away.
“God, I fucking hope Rachel doesn’t have rabies,” Jack says after a moment, more to himself than anything. “That would really suck.” It doesn’t occur to him that the kid doesn’t know the raccoons’ names, and he doesn’t feel the need to clarify who he’s talking about. It should be obvious, after all.
After a moment, though, it does occur to Jack that he should make sure the kid is okay. Sure, the raccoon ran away pretty quickly, but he should make sure, right? After all, he’s the adult in this situation. He looks over at the kid in concern, still dabbing at his arm.
“You alright?” he asks. “She didn’t manage to bite you, did she?”
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gas-stxtion · 2 years
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@freeddead said: What is Spencer's least favorite color?
//I actually don't think Spencer would have a least favorite color, though to be fair I also don't think he necessarily has a favorite one. (Ignore the fact that I used to have everyone's favorite colors listed in their bios.)
I think if anyone asked, he might name a color at random if he actually responded. More likely, though, he wouldn't respond to the question.
He definitely has colors he LIKES (especially red and black, because he's an edgy fuck), and he has colors he doesn't like as much (like blue or green), but I don't think this is something he really puts a lot of thought into, haha!
I think if he did put some more thought into it, though, he'd probably say his least favorite color is yellow! He thinks it's too bright and ugly as shit most of the time.
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