#the plan is set in motion
milkchocimono · 2 months
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leclercskiesahead · 9 months
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They compel me
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ice-feast · 5 months
This episode has revealed that, yup, Jace is part of the Conspiracy of the season - but I don't think he's the mastermind behind it all. What would Jace gain from all this? His entire character is being chill. Why would he suddenly want responsibility? He intentionally teaches the subject with the least information to teach!
I don't think he's the mastermind.
I think it's Arianwen Abernant.
Ragh didn't just see Jace talking to Kalina. Arianwen was there too.
Everyone, including the Intrepid Heroes, is taking it for granted that Arianwen is still being chased around the Forest of the Nightmare King by a van with hands. But does the Forest of the Nightmare King still even exist? The forest of Sylvaire does, but Cassandra is no longer the Nightmare King. Her forest has become that soft twilit woods Kristen has visited a few times (and now contains a manticore). Even if Arianwen was meant to remain trapped in there (chased by a van with hands), Arianwen's punishment was hardly Cassandra's first priority. Getting new followers and not dying again was very much Cassandra's preoccupation. Arianwen could have escaped.
It's been a while since I watched Sophomore Year, but weren't the Abernants sent to Solace partially to separate Arianwen from her research into the Nameless Goddess? She could have learnt then that the Nameless Goddess had a forgotten wife. Anything the Bad Kids discovered could also have been discovered by Arianwen, an adult woman who didn't have the distractions of school and being a teenager taking her from her research.
What's more, wasn't Arianwen's motivation for helping the Nightmare King having him use his power for vengeance on Falinel? Falinel stripped the Abernants of their position and imprisoned Aelwyn. Arianwen cannot conceive of any of her actions being wrong. ("I was very warm and loving," she tells Adaine, the child she neglected and abandoned, without any trace of doubt. She also killed that guy to get into the Nightmare Forest, so we know she'll kill to achieve her goals, but tbh I find that less revealing than her reaction to Adaine's recounting of the abuse she's suffered.)
And now it's worse! She has no position of power, she has no magic, both her daughters turned on her, and one of those daughters punched Arianwen's husband to death. Isn't that unfair? Isn't that an injustice? Doesn't that make you angry?
If you fail to use one forgotten god in your revenge plot, you can always try again...
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bengallemon · 29 days
! SMTVV SPOILERS ! (that and partial nudity)
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- Horned God -
Bored and wanted to draw more of the bino being weird strange and divine. We're now almost done with our first CoV run so we actually know lore now! Please zoom in to look at details especially the horns, eye and ribs. We spent a lot of time on that.
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gallery-piece · 7 months
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CRUISE MAGNETS!!! images that make me want to take another stab at the vacation fic i was writing.. (i did make pirate athena but. i was not satisfied enough with the face to post oops)
did use bases for these: mellon_soup on patreon; really great free poses. might rb with physical products once i get around to printing and cutting these. image id in alt text.
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heich0e · 2 years
trigun college!au where knives doesn't think you're good enough for vash, and hates how close the two of you seem to be getting as your friendship develops. so of course the obvious solution is to fuck you within an inch of your life on a semi-regular basis so that you don't get any ridiculous ideas about trying to date his little brother.
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jerswayman · 4 months
sad thing is that we actually did improve. that was our game for the taking until that disaster of a bad call handed the p*nthers the game on a big fuck off platter
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crossdressingdeath · 6 months
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Orin: The little lordling has been whispering in your ears? He always knew how to tumble and twist your mind matter, leave you knotted in his cords.
I'm fascinated by the implications of this line. Especially with the patch 6 crumbs suggesting that affectionate mind games was a fairly big part of Durge and Gortash's relationship, or at least big enough that Gortash missed it. Like... was Gortash actually manipulating Durge, or was it all part of a game that Orin wasn't part of and didn't understand? I love the idea of Orin thinking Durge was a victim of Gortash's manipulations (and possibly turning on them because of it) when they were actually in on the whole thing from the start and having fun with it. It fits well with Orin's anger at having to follow a plan that involves restraining herself and her assassins when Durge helped create that plan and Bhaal presumably signed off on it. All evidence suggests that Durge and Orin weren't particularly close, and Durge definitely didn't confide in her; it makes sense that she didn't understand Gortash and Durge's relationship and just saw her idiot sibling letting a Banite manipulate them because she couldn't see that they were as much a part of the game as he was! So of course she assumes that he manipulated them into agreeing to a plan that involved not killing; why would Durge ever trust Gortash's plans enough that he could convince them that it was the right course of action? But then of course... they did trust him. And if Orin had trusted that they knew what they were doing instead of assuming they'd fallen under Gortash's thumb and stabbing them in the back the Chosen might actually have won.
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tennessoui · 7 months
Your new hold my heart fic was soooooo good!!! I really loved the ending that Obiwan actually DID SUCCEED in pulling Anakin out of darkside with his c*nt lol I was like 'omg Anakin really became a Sith for Obi :'( I knew it but still so sad :'( Obi would be devastated :'(' but then Obi began to make sad puppy eyes to his master and say some banthashit like 'u only need me not empire🥺' and I GASPED. He's just as crazy as his master. I loved it so much.
obi-wan literally wins the award for most manipulative within FIVE minutes of realizing his master loved him more than anything in the galaxy and to the point of insanity, he was like 'um so please abandon empire for me? 🥺👉👈'
and he won!!! vaderkin said yeah ok sounds amazing can i fuck you again!!!
but is he actually out of the dark? questionable. is he on his way to be redeemed?? questionable!!! is he kicking and screaming the entire way??? oh 100%
what does their post jedi order, no empire relationship look like? because it is definitely not as light as obi-wan always daydreamed about but it is not as dark as anakin always thought it had to be
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h4lcyonism · 2 years
the people who followed me during the period of time i was posting mostly about the owl house are gonna realize just how insufferable and unhinged i can become when rwby starts back in a week
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pochapal · 8 months
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given what we know now is it not extremely sus that shannon and kanon, being who they are and what they represent, were the only gospel house servants on rokkenjima during this specific weekend?
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oopsallmabari · 24 days
love not-yet-recognized mutual pining its like the romantic version of edging. planned to have this chapter end in a nice sweet moment that gets cut off b/c they're both embarrassed and they don't know why and now it IS still experiencing embarrassment for unknown reasons but it ends on matched feelings, mismatched communication, everyone loses!
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startreksetplans · 3 months
Phase II bridge blueprints
Phase II - the cancelled Star Trek television series that was turned into The Motion Picture. As part of this conversion, the sets were modified to fit the new style.
This is the Phase II bridge top down:
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Here is my transcribed and annotated version:
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Although the helm platform is different to the TMP, we can get several useful measurements for any TMP 3D models.
The bridge radius is 18' (measurement from the 17'9 to helm edge and 3" from that to the centre point).
The 3" was a bit challenging as that section is on a fold - it couldn't be measured and the number only has the top part legible. Based on other "3"s in the blueprint, I am mostly certain of this number.
We also have a scan of the wall profile and console
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As these wall sections were used with only extra detailing added, it again can be used for TMP recreation.
The Phase II viewscreen would have been cut out of one of the wall sections and the cut panel repurposed as a display in the briefing room
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Ultimately the viewscreen was cut wider than a single panel, as it would appear in TMP.
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A filming test for TMP was done on the unfinished Phase II bridge to see if it would hold up for the movie screen. The people are wearing the costumes made for Phase II.
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The equipment next to the view screen (a bridge transporter) would be removed as part of the TMP conversion of the set.
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mr-spain · 1 year
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|| So anyway Antonio as RE4 remake Luis
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2kyears · 4 months
you should know...i am a childrens librarian (birth to 18) and i spent my entire shift yesterday working on shelf end displays and decorating our childrens room and getting everything ready for SRC to start next week (buying gifts for my team, working on gift baskets for each age group) and I never couldve seen myself here a year ago and I am so PROUD of how far I have come in a year.
i, with the guidance of my branch manager AND wonderful YS Assistant, have planned the entire SRC for children and teens and I'm constantly amazed by what i am capable of.
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I just know he was trying to chat golf with this man what a terrorist LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE
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