#the pogues have a normal high school life au
gerberbabey · 4 years
debut | one | pope heyward w/ filipina!reader
the idea of the pogues in a high school setting is actual so fun so i kinda got carried away. i rlly hav a thing for writing the character pining for the reader rather than the other way around.
im basing this off of how my high school was cus idk shit about any other high schools lmao. also excuse volleyball terminology, i also very much miss volleyball
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warnings: cursing, like terrible writing, just filler stuff
one - ♫ I THINK by Tyler, The Creator ♫
It was already two weeks into your senior year and you were settling in nicely. At two weeks people were still switching around their classes making sure they wouldn’t regret the class they decided to settle into. You were satisfied with your schedule considering you only had 3 actual academic classes. 
For your last year you’d opted out of taking one least year of math or another year of science. You were a good student sure but you’d never been the best at maths or sciences. To the Pogues’ surprise Pope had a similar schedule, yet the only reason he wasn’t packed with AP classes was because he was signed up for dual enrollment with online college courses. 
“Dual enrollment helps clear GEs better than AP classes. I’m not saying I wouldn’t pass those AP tests but this way is easier,” Pope explained to JJ as they walked through the crowded halls of Kildare County High. Kooks and Pogues alike littered the hallways, separated in their own little groups and yet standing amongst one another. 
“Whatever you say Pope,” JJ shook his head. He and Pope had one class together this year and that was Intro to Drawing in the very beginning of the day.  
“Heeeey guys,” Kie greeted as she walked up to them, hiking her bag up her shoulder. Kie had opted out of a backpack this last year and had instead started using a tote bag which was only filled with her laptop, a single notebook, her pencil case, and other small personal belongings that had nothing to do with school. 
“You guys going to the game on Friday?” Kie questioned and Pope cringed as JJ groaned. 
“No Kie, we are not going to the football game this Friday-”
“Guys come one, first game of the season! Plus the environmental club is planning to work snack bar. All the money goes toward the Turtle Habitats and the Save the Ocean Foundation,” Kie plead. 
“As much as I love the turtles Kie,” the group stopped at Pope’s locker, “Our football team is garbage. Why would I subject myself to that?” 
“Ok I know that, but don’t go for the team,” Kie raised her eyebrows at the two of them, “Go for the turtles!” 
JJ shot her an “eeeh” sort of look and Kie huffed in annoyance. 
“Come on, if you could give me a whole other way to fundraise then please do,” Kie crossed her arms as Pope shuffled around the belongings in his locker. 
“You need help fundraising Kie?” 
The three teens turned in the direction of your voice and you grinned as you walked up to them, your teammate and other best friend Isabelle walking with you. Isabelle was tall, one of the tallest girls at school actually, and though they saw you two together frequently it was still kind of amusing to see one of the tallest people they new walking around with one of the shortest people they knew. 
“Yeah well, my club’s planning to do the football game snack bar but nobody goes to the game’s anyway so,” Kie shrugged. 
“You could fundraise at the volleyball game,” Isabelle suggested giving Kie a smile. Kie smiled back sheepishly as she shifted on her spot. 
“Are you serious?” she questioned, turning to you and you shrugged. 
“Well, why not? Wouldn’t hurt to ask our coach,” you stated and Kie watched as Pope closed his locker and turned as your hands reached up to fix the collar of the button up he’d worn over his t-shirt. 
“We have a game tomorrow, and then there’s a workshop on Saturday. If your club wants to try and fundraise during those, we can try and figure something out,” Isabelle spoke to Kie and Kie flushed for a moment before she nodded frantically and began talking over a few ideas that were already coming to mind. 
“And people are guaranteed to show up to the girls volleyball games,” JJ wiggled his eyebrows at you and Pope and you laughed as Pope reached up to whack JJ in the chest. You couldn’t help but note how weird JJ looked without one of his usual hats on. You figured it was because the teachers lost their minds over hats being worn inside the building. 
“So (Y/N),” Pope started and you and JJ looked at him. 
“So Pope?” you smiled and missed how JJ glanced between the two of you with a knowing look in his eye. 
“Am I gonna see your dress anytime soon?” Pope questioned and you rolled your eyes. 
“Pope I literally already told you that no one’s allowed to see it until my party,” you leaned against Pope as he shook his head.
“But I’m not just anyone,” he insisted and you laughed as the first bell of the day rang overhead. 
“Ok whatever dude,” you shoved at Pope and he playfully slapped at your arms, “Me and Isa have to go, I’ll see you guys later,” you bid and you gave Pope a hug and a kiss on the cheek before you waved goodbye to JJ and Kie. The three of them watched you two join the sea of students and JJ turned to Kie and Pope.
“Was I seriously just fifth wheeling?” he scoffed and Pope glared at him as Kie flushed at his insinuation. 
“Ok can I just get like...the color? Oh my-you never even told me the color!” Pope stared at you with wide eyes and you shook your head as you covered your mouth to try and keep your laugh from coming out. The two of you were in your second to last class of the day (You were both TA’s for the Intro to Film teacher and that usually meant goofing around in the back as the class watched movies all day), and Pope had not let the topic of your dress drop. 
In fact he had asked you about it for the past three weeks. 
“I can’t ruin it,” you whined and Pope leaned forward and groaned into your shoulder. 
“Telling me the color won’t ruin it,” he mumbled and you reached up to rub his back. 
“Yes it will,” you whispered back playfully and Pope groaned again as you laughed, “Oh by the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you...” 
Pope sat up and motioned for you to continue. 
“I don’t need to have an escort or anything, but I was actually wondering if you’d like to be my escort? For my party?” you weren’t sure why you were so nervous but you couldn’t get yourself to look Pope in the eye. You watched as your fingers played with the end of his shirt. 
You looked up at Pope through your lashes and he flashed you a wide grin. 
“I would literally be honored,” Pope pulled you into a tight hug before pulling back, “Also I would’ve been extremely offended if you didn’t ask me and I probably would’ve just been your escort anyway.” 
You laughed and quickly brought a hand up to cover it up as a few of the students in the room shot the two of you looks. 
“I wouldn’t even go through with the party without you,” you told him softly and Pope could feel his heart skip a beat. Sometimes he wondered what it would’ve been like if he had gathered up the courage to ask you out ages ago. Despite the bullshit he told his friends he knew that he was in love with you. He would always love you, but being in love with you was different. It meant so much more. 
“So that means I get to know the color of your dress right?” Pope whispered and your mouth dropped open in shock as a wide grin stretched across his face. You tried to stop yourself from smiling as you reached up to whack him on the shoulder. 
“No!” you whisper-yelled. 
“But how am I gonna coordinate with you-” 
“Drop it Pope,” you laughed as the bell rang to indicate the end of class. 
“Where’s Kie?” John B questioned as JJ and Pope walked up to him. Today was the first girl’s volleyball game of the year and they had planned on going to watch together. They only really did it out of support toward you but that obviously didn’t stop JJ from his usual flirting. 
“Her club’s doing snack bar or something, to help fundraise for turtles. Did she not tell you?” Pope asked as they walked into the gym together. There was music playing through the gym’s speakers and there was chatter and noise from every point. There was the sound of shoes squeaking against the gym floor and the sounds of volleyballs coming into contact with the floor, hands, the walls, etc. 
“Nah, I didn’t see her that much yesterday or even today.” 
“Yeah, where the hell were you anyway?” JJ questioned as he led the way up the bleachers. It was definitely crowded but the boys weren’t at all surprised, Kildare County High’s volleyball team was actually good, meaning they usually garnered a large audience of spectators. 
“I was at the counselor’s like all day trying to figure out how I’m gonna get enough credits to graduate,” John B sighed and JJ and Pope cringed. After John B’s dad disappeared in their sophomore year, the boy had taken a half a step back from his academic responsibilities to try and keep himself together and afloat. Then after Big John’s body was found at the beginning of their Junior year, John B had considered dropping out entirely. He missed a majority of that school year as a result of his grief, deciding that he felt there was no point for school any longer.
Yet with the surprising help of Sheriff Peterkin he had pushed himself back into finishing school. The school understood of course, but that didn’t mean it didn’t take a toll on his academic record. 
“I’m sure it’ll work out in the end,” Pope encouraged and JJ nodded, before the blonde clapped and looked around, eager to get John B’s mind off the matter. 
“Oh shit look there’s Quincy,” JJ pointed out and the trio made their way over the where a large group of other Pogues who had gathered up on one side of the bleachers. While some schools may have had senior sections or something of the like, their gym was separated by Kooks, Pogues, parents, and then any visitors from the opposing school. 
“Hey JJ what’s up man?” 
JJ dapped up Quincy and the two of them began talking about something or another as John B and Pope were greeted by the people around them. 
“Yeah (Y/N)!!” someone near them yelled, “You dig those balls!” 
The three boys turned to the court and watched as you shook your head and laughed but kept your focus on the court. You squatted down low once more and they watched as you warmed up, passing dimes for your setter to set. 
“Woooh (Y/N)!” JJ’s hands were cupped around his mouth as he yelled.
“Yeeeahhh!” John B yelled and was followed up by the student section of their gym, Pogues and Kooks alike, cheering for their team despite it only being in warm ups. 
Soon enough people had settled into the bleachers as the Varsity game came to a start. (Pope, JJ, and John B had yelled their hearts out at your introduction - “Number 10, Libero: (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!”. And JJ had pointed out where Kie was bustling over at the snack bar, charming people into buying whatever she pointed out to them). 
“Oh shit hey, I’m gonna go say hi to (Y/N)’s parents. I totally forgot,” Pope told his friends and the two nodded, waving him off. Pope mumbled “excuse me’s” as he maneuvered his way by people’s legs and tried not to knee anybody in the back of the head. He jogged down the steps of the bleacher and made his way to where the parents were all situated, watching the game intently. There was a bout of cheering and Pope glanced over to the court to watch you jump up in excitement as your team scored another point. 
“Hey Pope!” Pope looked up at that and smiled as your mom waved him over to where she was sitting with your dad.
“Hi!” he greeted, and leaned over as your mom stretched her arms up to give him a hug in greeting. 
“Your parents not here tonight?” your dad questioned and Pope shook his head. 
“Nah they couldn’t leave the store. They really wanted to come though. (Y/N)’s last first game and all.” 
“Ah well that’s alright, plenty of games after this one.” 
“Of course. Uh Mrs. (Y/L/N) how’s the party planning?” your mom rolled her eyes though he could tell there was no ill intent. 
“Stressful. All (Y/N) focused on was her dress and her guest list. Finding a place to even have the party was almost impossible,” your mom explained and Pope chuckled. 
“(Y/N) won’t even let me know what the dress looks like,” Pope told them and your mom laughed as your dad nodded. 
“She’s hid it from her dad too.”
“Won’t be able to see it ‘till the party,” your dad shook his head at that as Pope let out a surprised chuckle. 
“You ate that (Y/N)!” someone yelled and Pope and your parents glanced over at the game and watched you get picked up by Isabelle as your team cheered over winning the first set of the match. 
“Well I’m gonna head back to my friends,” Pope pointed over to where John B and JJ were sitting, now with the addition of Kie. 
“Of course, of course. We’ll be seeing you at our house later?” your mom teased and Pope shrugged as he laughed. 
He waved your parents goodbye and by the time he’d gotten back to his friends Kildare was already ahead in the second set. 
“Not working anymore Kie?” Pope questioned as he took a seat beside her leaving her between him and JJ. 
“Yeah we made shifts so it’s Marco’s turn,” Kie explained pointing over to the snack bar. 
“Was our volleyball team always this good?” JJ questioned and Pope scoffed. 
“Yeah you were just too busy staring at their asses to watch them play,” he reached around Kie to shove at the blonde and JJ batted his arms away. 
“Hey, you can’t exactly blame me!” 
“Gross JJ,” Kie rolled her eyes and the boy looked at Kie with an offended look before turning to John B as if to say, ‘are you hearing this?’. John B only shook his head at his best friend. The 3 Pogues chuckled at JJ’s expense before they turned back to the game. It was your turn to serve now and as you waited for the referee to blow his whistle John B reached up and cupped his hands around his mouth. 
“Do it for Pope, (Y/N)!!” 
Pope whipped his head over to John B as the students around them “oooh’d!” some of them shoving at Pope playfully. From the court he missed how you glanced up at where they were sitting, a grin on your face as the referee finally blew the whistle to let you serve. 
“Shut up John B!” Pope hissed and the brunette only laughed it off as Kie mentioned how Pope should’ve been used to this by now and JJ yelled. 
“For Poooope!!!!” JJ yelled as you served the ball. 
The Kildare supporters all cheered as you aced your serve and Pope flushed in embarrassment as you turned and pointed to him, riling up the crowd of students as those closest to him shoved at him once more. 
“Yes King!” someone yelled at Pope and he couldn’t help but grin as he pointed back at you. 
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pappydaddy · 2 years
Fearless (Taylor's Version) Collection
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these will not be posted in this order
just like folklore/evermore fics, some stories are connected, continuations, some being the same story told from different perspectives.
*i will be working on these while still working on requests!
a/n: i tried to get fred and george in this collection, but i could not find a song that fit them (in my opinion)
requests are still closed!
posted: december 19th, 2021
last updated: decemeber 19th, 2021
nsfw = ♠ (all implied except earned it)
fluff = ♡
sad = ☾
angst = ☁️
sad ending = ✖
happy ending (only shows on fics that the happy ending is weird in) = ★
trigger warning/spoiler warning ⚠
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fearless (taylor's version) collection
fearless | stiles stilinski x fem!reader | coming soon
on her first date with Stiles, he unknowingly makes her more attracted to him than she already was by making her fearless - a huge difference from her normally safe way of living (well, as safe as you can live in beacon hills).
fifteen | teen wolf x fem!reader | coming soon
As the gang prepares to leave high school, they find themselves looking back at when they were freshmen starting out at Beacon Hills High and all the things they learned along the way.
love story | jj maybank x fem!reader | coming soon
she’s a kook high on the social ladder. he’s a pogue famous for his crimes. it’s a love story that can rival romeo and juliet.
hey stephen | steve harrington x fem!reader | coming soon
steve has lots of girls lining up for a shot at his affection, y/n knew that, but she hoped that steve would know that she sees past his appearance. she hopes that he can see that she is better than the other girls fighting for his attention because she can’t help being in love with steve harrington.
white horse | young!sirius black x fem!reader | coming soon
important note: au where instead of having the explosion, sirius is on the run right from the start, peter was believed to have been killed "protecting" the potters.
believing sirius betrayed her and killed their friends, y/n deals with the heartbreak of losing trust in her loved one.
you belong with me | steve harrington x fem!reader | coming soon
{continuation of hey stephen fic}
when steve starts dating a college girl who just happened upon hawkins' one day, it becomes painfully clear to y/n that steve did not see that she was a better match for him than his fangirls. this prompts her to finally act on her feelings after watching him have to endure a failed love match once again.
breathe | john b. routledge x fem!reader | coming soon
{continuation of forever and always fic}
after their break up, y/n and john b face unpleasant consequences as they try to come to terms with the sudden change in their life plan. y/n finds herself lost, alone, and suffocating while it seems that john b made it out relatively unscathed from the break.
tell me why | billy hargrove x fem!reader | coming soon
{prequel to the way i loved you}
growing tired of the dysfunction between them, y/n confronts billy about their relationship resulting in their break-up making them both realize they needed to do more for each other.
you're not sorry | jonathan byers x fem!reader | coming soon
y/n always knew jonathan liked nancy wheeler, but she never felt threatened by her. she was fine with the friendship between the two developing. it wasn't until jonathan started to cancel their sacred plans to hang out with nancy that she finally snapped.
the way i loved you | billy hargrove x fem!reader | coming soon
important note: billy and y/n's relationship was not toxic, just dysfunctional as so many things were against them.
after y/n finally moved on from her breakup with the infamous billy hargrove, she finds herself longing for the dysfunctional love they shared even though she has the perfect guy. even with having both boys wrapped around her finger, she must decide if she wants perfection or real love.
forever & always | john b. routledge x fem!reader | coming soon
being in a long-term relationship when you're both in high school can go one of two ways: you can end up being high school sweethearts or you can end up completely heartbroken. y/n always thought it would be the first one, it was practically promised to her, but with sarah cameron dancing into the picture, she wasn't so sure anymore.
the best day | parent!steve harrington x parent!fem!reader | coming soon
{continuation of the fic bandaids so check that out before this if you don't want spoilers for that fic}
the chronicles of steve and y/n's daughter growing up.
change | pope heyward x fem!reader | coming soon
dealing with the repercussions of leaving his scholarship interview, pope loses hope of ever breaking free from the clutches of poverty. luckily, his girlfriend y/n is there to encourage him into not giving up.
jump then fall | peter parker x fem!stark!reader | coming soon
peter and y/n like each other, that much is evident, but peter is apprehensive of letting himself love y/n. it is up to her to show him that love is nothing to be scared of.
untouchable | sarah cameron x fem!reader | coming soon
y/n is in love with sarah, but how could she reach her when she was just a pogue?
come in with the rain | billy hargrove x fem!reader | coming soon
y/n and billy had an odd relationship. one where neither of them technically had each other, but they didn’t even think of seeing someone else. after suffering in silence as she wanted more, y/n grew tired of constantly going to billy. now, she’s left sitting with her window open hoping billy hargrove would come in with the rain.
superstar | spider-man/peter parker x fem!reader | coming soon
having a crush on your best friend and the teen heartthrob of a superhero was hard. especially since the girls fawning over spider-man wanted nothing to do with the boy under the mask. it seemed to hurt the most since he seemed to be blinded by the attention.
the other side of the door | jj maybank x fem!reader | coming soon
dating the ex-playboy of the island was not an easy task. there were fights, tears, and lots of words being thrown around that weren't meant. good thing they know each other so well they know what hides behind those words.
today was a fairytale | peter parker x fem!reader | coming soon
y/n and peter can't help but reminisce on their relationship as they wind down from the experience of the ultimate fairytale - their wedding day.
you all over me | john b. routledge x fem!reader | coming soon
{continuation of forever and always + breathe fics}
coming back to obx for a visit after leaving the island years ago stirs up feelings and memories that make y/n realize that john b. routledge had never been completely washed off her.
mr. perfectly fine | draco malfoy x fem!reader | coming soon
being broken up with in a note while in the middle of class stings. what stings more is seeing that the boy who did it is perfectly fine while you're a mess- left trying to figure out what happened. but, at least y/n finally sees what an utter git draco malfoy truly is.
we were happy | simon kalivoda x fem!reader | coming soon
a few years after simon's death, y/n finds herself struggling with the thought of her falling out of love with his memory. in an effort to help her, the surviving gang regroups to think back upon the heights of her and simon - proving that she'll never not love him.
that's when | robin buckley x fem!reader | coming soon
following their amicable break-up, robin and y/n find themselves missing each other too much. thinking back at the relationship, y/n makes a call that could change everything - for worse or for better.
don't you | sam fraser x fem!reader | coming soon
running into her ex-girlfriend as she is under the arm of her new boyfriend does not helo the process of getting over the break-up, bu y/n swore she would never hate sam. a vow that was deemed difficult when sam attempts to make small talk during the awkward encounter.
bye bye baby | sam fraser x fem!reader | coming soon
{prequeal to don't you}
she had a feeling when her girlfriend randomly called her inviting her over to her house. now y/n feels like a discarded stray dog, promised forever only to be turned out into the streets.
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babygirlizz · 3 years
izzie’s favorite movies and tv shows of 2020 (aka the worst year ever)
another year, another movie and tv show review. this year has, to put it simply, sucked. 2020 has been so terribly awful that sometimes the only light you can see are the absolute bangers of movies and tv shows that came out this year. with that being said, some of the movies and tv shows didn't come out in 2020. if the are mentioned in this post it is because they either: had a season come out this year, i found them this year, or they became popular this year.
SPOILERS: it may not come as a surprise but just in case you didn't realize, there will be many spoilers ahead, read at your own risk.
tw // death, suicide, drug use, mild adult language. if any of these things might trigger you, i strongly urge you not to read this post.
there is no specific order of these shows and movies, i'm just writing as they come to mind. if you enjoy any of these movies or tv shows, or if you have any suggestions for me, please let me know!
1) Santa Clarita Diet
Okay, so I know this show doesn't have anything to do with 2020. But, I found this show in 2020. I put it off for a while, thinking it wasn't my style of a show, but boy was I wrong. I loved this show. Sheila Hammond (Drew Barrymore) is a normal suburban wife and mom. She is a real estate agent with her husband Joel (Timothy Olyphant). She struggles with the fact that she isn't very adventurous. This all changes when she throws up an insane amount at a house showing. She then finds herself craving adventure, and craving human flesh. Yeah, she's a zombie. Not only is this show super hilarious, but it also shows the growth that they have with their characters and their family. I'm also team Abby (Liv Hewson) and Eric (Skyler Gisondo).
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2) Outer Banks
So, I'm from NC. And, watching this show at first bothered me because I can very obviously tell this show isn't actually filmed in the obx, and the geography isn't exact, but once I got past that, I loved it. John B (Chase Stokes) is a teenager that lives in the poor side of the outer banks. He has a friend group called the Pogues which consists of JJ (Rudy Pankow), Pope (Jonathan Daviss), and Kie (Madison Bailey). They absolutely hate the Kooks, which are the rich kids. A while after John B's dad gets lost at sea, presumed dead, the group finds some evidence that may solve the mystery, and make them rich. In the process, John B falls in love with a Kook names Sarah (Madelyn Cline) whose father Ward (Charles Esten) may have a little more to do with the mystery than he let on. Through friendship, murder, and secrets, the gang may just figure out what happened to John B's dad.
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3) Love, Victor
Alright. I loved loved loved Love, Simon. I also really loved the book "Simon vs. the Homosapien Agenda." So, when I heard about this show, I was so excited. Victor (Michael Cimino) is a teenage boy that moved to Creekwood with his family. He meets Felix (Anthony Turpel) who lives in his building. He also meets Mia (Rachel Hilson) and they begin dating. But, he also meets Benji (George Sear). While trying to get used to a new school, new friends, and a new relationship, Victor finds himself questioning his sexuality. With the help of Simon (Nick Robinson) and his friends, Victor finds it in himself to finally come out, and he admits his feelings, for Benji. This is such a good show, but I was so upset when season 1 ended on a cliff-hanger.
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4) The Haunting of Bly Manor
The sequel to The Haunting of Hill House. Now listen, haunting of hill house was an absolute banger. When I saw that Bly came out I nearly died. I was so excited. But, I was alone in my apartment and also a lil bitch. So, I had to wait a week until I was home with my family to watch it. Now, I was so excited to be scared, and there were a few jump scares and ominous moments, but this season was more centered around the story line of Dani Clayton (Victoria Pedretti) and her new life in a foreign country. When seeing an ad for a live in job as an au pair. When she gets there, she meets the two young children she’ll be looking out for and the other workers of the house, including the gardener, Jamie (Amelia Eve). Throughout her stay at Bly she begins to notice weird behaviors from both children and by the end of the series she sacrifices herself for the children. Sadly, this story is being told by Jamie who Dani had fallen in love with during her stay at Bly. Now I was somewhat upset about the lack of horror, but was still very intrigued and drawn in by this series.
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5) Julie and the Phantoms
Alright, at first I was not gonna watch this show. I thought it looked a little too young and childish for me, but everyone was talking about it on twitter so I had to. I. Love. This. Show. This show centers around Julie (Madison Reyes). Julie is a teenage girl who, sadly, lost her mother. The one major thing she shared with her mom, was their love for music. Since her mothers passing, she gave up music. This is until, dead musicians from the 90′s show up in her garage. Luke (Charlie Gillespie), Alex (Owen Joyner), and Reggie (Jeremy Shada) all tragically passed away in the 90′s after eating bad street hotdogs. When Julie finds their CD in her garage, she decides to play it and they come back in ghost form. But, only she can see them. With their help, she finds her confidence to play music again. Also, she has to find away for them to stay because they’re slowly disappearing. 
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6) Derry Girls
Bitch. I love this show. And yeah it didn’t come out in 2020. Shut up. I found this show recently after watching the cast on the holiday special of the Great British Baking Show. I loved the actors so I had to watch the show. This show focuses on Erin (Saoirse-Monica Jackson) a 16 year old girl that lives in Derry, Northern Ireland in the 90′s. Alongside her is her cousin Orla (Louisa Harland), her two friends Clare (Nicola Coughlan) and Michelle (Jamie-Lee O’Donnell), and Michelle’s English cousin James (Dylan Llewellyn). During these years, a lot of people in Ireland struggled, especially because it was during wartime. Even thought this show isn’t focused heavily around the war, it’s amazing to see these teens live a fulfilling life while struggling with the state of their country, and the lack of money that their families have. 
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7) Elite
HA. This show did have a season in 2020 so leave me alone. But bro, I love this show. At first, I didn’t watch it because I thought I could only watch the dubbed version in English, which I hate. I hate dubbed shows they look so weird. But, once I found out I could watch this show in Spanish, I fell in love. But, sadly, theres too damn much to talk about in one little post. It’s crazy. But basically it just follows the lives of teens in high school that are trying to survive. And no, not in the “I’m surviving high school,” sense. No, people be getting murdered. 
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MOVIES (tbh i didn’t find a lot of movies good this year lmk which movies u liked this year and maybe i’ll like them!)
1) All the Bright Places
After the death of her sister, Violet (Elle Fanning) is devastated. She closes herself off, and has her parents get her out of doing school work that involves working with others. But, as time goes on, they realize she may need to start to move on. Violet then meets Finch (Justice Smith) who is enamored by Violet. He suggests they do a project together. While finding and visiting some of the smallest wonders of their state, they begin to fall for each other. While you are focusing on Violet and her mental health, you tend to miss some of the signs that Finch’s mental health isn’t great either, but by the time you do, it could be too late. 
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2) Dangerous Lies
Hmm. This was weird for me. I had only ever seen Camila Mendes in Riverdale, and honestly, not a fan. So, Katie (Camila Mendes) and her husband Adam (Jessie T. Usher) are struggling with money. Katie decides to take a job working for an elderly man, and eventually gets her husband hired there as well. Unfortunately, he dies, but for some odd reason, leaves the house and all of his fortune, to Katie. As they get comfortable in the house, they begin to uncover some very weird and dangerous lies. 
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3) The Devil All the Time
Ok. Iconic. You got so many hot men in this movie. Bill Skarsgård, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland, Robert Pattinson. C’mon now. That’s crazy. But, this story is so long and in depth that I wouldn’t even know where to begin. This movie is a bit disturbing. It involves murder, sexual assault, killing of animals, and so much more so if that’s an issue for you please do not watch this movie. It was also quite long, but it was still good.
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4) After We Collided
Okay just listen. I was that teenager. I read wattpad stories and was, embarrassingly, addicted to After. This was not a great movie per say, but it was After. This is a sequel to the movie After. This movie centers around Tessa (Josephine Langford) and her recovery after her breakup with Hardin (Hero Fiennes Tiffin). Theres sex, alcohol, bad acting. The whole nine-yards. But c’mon, they’re so cute together.
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5) To All the Boys p.s. I Still Love You
Okay it was a good movie. I enjoyed it. This movie focuses on Lara Jean (Lana Condor) and her boyfriend Peter (Noah Centineo) and their relationship post the first movie. But of course relationships aren’t super steady, and John Ambrose McClaren (Jordan Fisher) shows up. Yeah, John Ambrose, from her letter. They become closer and Lara Jean has to decide who she wants to be with. Spoiler, it’s Peter. BOOOOOOO justice for John Ambrose McClaren, he deserved better. 
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extratragic · 4 years
pairing: jj maybank x reader
warning: hints at jj being abused for 0.01 seconds.
word count: 2165
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summary: whenever you get a scar, it appears on your soulmates skin. your soulmate has a lot of scars. 
a/n: i’ve been obsessing over soulmate au’s for a bit so here’s this. lowercase is on purpose cause i did this on my phone. also, i have like 3 topper fics in my drafts soo... should i post them? 
“another one?” rafe asked, rubbing the scar on your eyebrow.
at this point, you probably had over thirty scars on your body. your soulmate was either reckless as hell or loved to do things that hurt him.
“there’s three. that one, one on my stomach, and one on my shoulder,” you sighed.
you and rafe once thought that you were each other’s soulmates. it was when you were fourteen and he was sixteen, but still. rafe had a crush on you, and when he kissed a scar on your shoulder and it didn’t go away, you both knew that the two of you weren’t meant to be. it was wishful thinking for both of you, considering rafe didn’t have the same scars, but it was worth a shot. 
he had a simpler soulmate tie than you, his being the name of his soulmate on his wrist once he turned 18. it would’ve been a lot easier if he figured that out a few years earlier. 
“he better be on his knees healing you,” rafe laughed.
you grinned and punched his shoulder. rafe had been your best friend since you were six years old, and the friendship never wavered, even after the sad truth of not being soulmates.
“we’re gonna miss the ferry if you don’t hurry your ass up,” you told him.
he rolled his eyes, mocking you as he followed you onto the ferry. it was finally summer break and you were going back home to the outer banks after your first year of being at chapel hill. you’d been home plenty of times over the school year, but now you could finally stay for months without worrying about going back so soon. plus, you spent spring break in the bahamas with the cameron’s, so you hadn’t been to an outer banks party in a while. 
“what if it’s a pogue?” he teased you.
“then i hope it’s john b,” you shot back at him.
rafe didn’t have a good relationship with the pogues, and he especially didn’t like that his younger sister dated (and is currently on a break with) one of the most well-known pogues. you had a decent relationship with them. though the only ones that you ever spoke to were pope, john b, jj, and kie. 
“honestly, if i do find him this summer, i just hope that it’s not one of your party friends,” you sighed.
“speaking of parties, there’s one at the boneyard tonight. sarah and john b are apparently getting back together and she wants us there,” he said.
you groaned and looked up at him with a frown. “do we have to?” you asked. sure, you missed obx parties, but it was your first day back home and you wanted to sleep. 
he grinned and pinched your cheek, making you slap his wrist. “ow,” he hissed, watching the skin redden. you grinned proudly and he glared at you. “we’re going,” he stated.
jj maybank was standing at the keg with pope heyward, handing out plastic cups with beer in them to everyone who walked over. rafe was waiting across the beach with topper and kelce so that he wouldn’t feel tempted to fight jj.
your choice. rafe was a lot better at controlling his anger, but you didn’t want to risk anything by bringing him to the boy he used to fight almost weekly. 
“hello, boys. i’ll take two cups, please,” you told them.
“coming right up. how’s chapel hill?” pope asked.
“it’s a constant party with the kook prince. where did you end up going to school?” you asked him.
“SEC. plenty of scholarships,” he grinned.
you grinned, taking one cup from jj’s hand when he held it out. “thanks, jj,” you said.
he nodded in response, keeping his head down. you looked at pope and he shrugged, handing jj another cup. jj quickly filled the cup and handed it to you.
pope looked down at his blonde friend and then looked at you. he noticed how jj’s eyes widened when he saw you coming closer, and he saw the way his eyes focused on the scar on your rib cage. it was the same one that jj had, one of the few scars that his soulmate gave him. he also saw the smaller scar by your bellybutton, one that was still red and healing on his best friends skin.
“crazy scar. what happened?” pope asked, pointing to your rib cage.
you smiled sheepishly and blushed, making pope grin.
“topper was teaching me how to surf a while ago. we were still on the sand but some kid ran past and stepped on my board and i fell onto a rock. no stitches but a lot of blood,” you answered.
pope chuckled and nudged jj who finally looked up at you. he had a soft smile on his face and your sheepish smile turned into a grin.
“i’ll see you guys around,” you said before walking away.
“you see maybank? he has the same eyebrow scar,” rafe asked you.
“i saw him earlier but he kept his head down most of the conversation. besides, jj used to fight with you a lot, maybe he fights with someone else now. eyebrow cuts aren’t that rare,” you said.
“do you even have any oddly placed scars?” he asked.
you pursed your lips, having to really think about it. “i mean, there’s the rib cage one. oh! and there’s the one right above my ass. i think the rest are decently normal.”
rafe smirked and turned you around so he was looking at your back.
you gasped and quickly turned around when he tried pulling the waistband of your shorts back to see the scar.
“i’ll kick your ass if you do that dumb shit again,” you told him.
he only grinned.
“hang on, why were you by jj? i thought you were staying away from him tonight,” you asked. 
“i went to get a refill. nothing happened, mom,” he answered.
“y/n!” sarah screamed before you could respond. 
you and rafe turned towards her voice, eyes widening when you saw her sprinting towards you. rafe stood behind you and put his hand on your back to keep you from falling when his younger sister almost tackled you.
“oh, my sweet y/n. i missed you,” she sighed.
you looked at john b and he grinned, shrugging his shoulders.
sarah was wasted already.
“hey, princess. did you pregame a little hard?” you laughed.
she hummed and nodded, still wrapped around you like a koala. you held onto her, though. after knowing the girl for almost your entire life, you were used to her drunken state and being able to hold her up.
“did you miss me?” she slurred.
“i missed you so much,” you laughed.
sarah cameron has two drunk personalities. she was either extremely affectionate and touchy, or she was annoyed and angry. her high personalities were different, though. apparently she was feeling affectionate tonight.
“how are you and john b?” you asked.
“we’re great! i just needed to be dicked down i guess,” she said.
you laughed loudly and rafe groaned. john b blushed and pulled sarah off of you, letting her wrap her arms around his waist instead.
“i should get her out of here. it was, uh, good to see you guys,” he said, nodding awkwardly.
you and rafe waved to them and they left. you were giggling at the way sarah was trying to kiss john b but he was pushing her face away.
“well, we know that your sister is getting lucky. now we need to get lucky,” you said.
“with each other?” rafe asked.
“nope. i’m gonna search for my soulmate. what scar should i focus on?” you asked.
he looked over your visible skin, which was a lot considering that your outfit consisted of a black bikini top and denim shorts.
“those two,” he pointed to the one one on your rib cage and your newest abdomen one, “and the eyebrow.”
“i’ll text you later if i don’t see you,” you told him.
he nodded and you kissed his cheek before walking away.
almost two hours later, you were sitting around a bonfire with kie, pope, jj, and a few tourons.
kie was flirting with a touron, and doing an amazing job. seriously, her flirting skills were so good that you were sure she could flirt you into bed if she wanted to. sarah had drunkenly told you one night that kie might be bisexual, telling you that kie’s had a few female one-night stands.
power to her.
jj sat beside you, pope on his other side. the three of you were drinking quietly, enjoying the sound of the waves crashing and the heat from the fire.
the party had died down some, enough so someone turned the music down some and you weren’t bumping into someone every second while walking through the crowd.
you shivered when the wind blew harshly, hitting your skin and causing goosebumps to appear.
“shit. hey, jj, do you have a hoodie or something that i can wear? i think rafe took the car and my clothes are in there,” you asked. rafe texted you about an hour ago that he was leaving with a touron. since he didn’t bring you his keys, he probably took the car. 
the blonde nodded and stood up, not saying a word as he motioned for you to follow him.
you stood up and wiped the back of your shorts before following jj. he led the two of you to john b’s van and slapped his hand on the back door.
“if you rabbits are in here, i’ll kill you!” he yelled.
you laughed softly and he opened the door, sighing happily when he saw that no one was inside.
“is it a common occurrence to find sarah and john b in here?” you asked.
jj grimaced and nodded. “we catch them all the time. it’s really gross. i’ve learned to hide my things underneath the seat, but i don’t think pope or kie have caught on,” he told you.
another laugh fell from your lips and jj grinned at the sound. he could listen to you laugh all day, especially if he was the one making you laugh.
he pulled out a grey hoodie and handed it to you before taking his t-shirt off.
your eyes focused on the jagged scar on his rib cage, but they widened when you saw the scar beside his bellybutton.
“jj...” you trailed off, almost dropping the hoodie in your hands.
he looked over at you and followed your gaze, seeing that it was focused on the two bigger scars on his abdomen.
“you okay?” he asked nervously.
he hated his scars. well, he hated most of his scars because he only had them because of his dad. he didn’t want to get his hopes up earlier when he saw the scar on your rib cage and he still wasn’t going to get his hopes up.
“jj, come on. i know you’ve seen my scars. we have the same fucking ones,” you said.
you were scared. finding your soulmate was always a scary thought for you. there wasn’t really a reason why other than your anxiety about if they didn’t want to be your soulmate.
he sighed and sat down on the floor of the van, looking at the ground.
“maybe... maybe not the exact same,” he said.
did he not want to be your soulmate?
“wh... what? are you serious? what the fuck are you doing to get a scar right here, maybank?” you asked, grabbing his hand and putting it on your newest scar.
you were pissed. there was no way that you were letting this boy go without a fight.
his fingers gently traced over the straight line, then moved up to the jagged one that you gave the both of you. he smiled softly and looked up at you.
“i’m scared,” he said quietly.
“yeah, me too,” you agreed.
he grinned and you sat beside him, throwing your legs over his and leaning against the back of the passenger seat. you gently took jj’s wrist in your hand, lifting his arm closer to you. there was a burn scar on the side of his wrist, the exact spot where your hair straightener scar was.
“can i...” you trailed off.
jj nodded and you softly kissed the scar, then pulled your lips from his skin to watch. when the scar slowly faded until it was gone, you slapped the blonde’s arm.
“hey! what was that for?” he exclaimed.
“jj, i’ve given you ten scars max! i can’t even count how many i have because of you!” i snapped.
he grinned, grabbing your cheeks in his hands. “one less,” he said, kissing your eyebrow.
you hummed and leaned closer to him. “you got a lot to make up for, maybank,” you said.
“glad to kiss them all away,” he said.
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mayraki · 4 years
⋆⁑lost in HALLOWEEN TOWN ⁑⋆
jj maybank x witch!au
~chapter one~
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✶ The mortal world is a weird place. Or at least that’s what Cordelia Cromwell, better known as Lia, thought once she stepped inside that world for the first time. She was excited to have her first assignment out of the academy. She wanted to do great, that’s what was expected of her after all, being the descendent of great and powerful witches and wizards wasn’t the best thing in the world. High expectations that she was afraid of not being able to accomplish, having to always be the best, and following into her family’s name were things that were always going to follow her and she had to learn how to carry them. But that was not all, unfortunate events would be the best way to describe her life. To almost caughting a classmate on fire because of a potion badly prepared, or just being chase by giant black bird out of nowhere. You could never guess the next bad thing that could happen to her, it was all unexpected.
But what was going to happen to her this next time, she definitely didn’t expect.
Outer Banks. That’s the place she had to live for the whole year. It happened faster than she ever imagined it could go, she tried to keep herself in her homework, since she had to do her mortal and magical to not seem out of the ordinary on her days at the OBX high school. But with a couple of tricks (literally) under her sleeve, she was able to do everything she had to do in time and do it perfectly.
A lot of people had questions about the new girl. She did appear out of nowhere with no family or old friends. She was the quite girl that didn’t talk in class, she was always writing in her old brown notebook, but if you came closer to her and tried to talk she was the sweetest girl with a smile on her face, but then being the nicest (and weirdest) she would walk out of the conversation, somehow leaving you confuse.
That’s how JJ Maybank felt everytime he tried to start a conversation with Lia. He had to be honest, it was weird for him to not be able to stop thinking about a girl. He was known to be the womanizer of his high school, always having a girl around his arm or ending up the party on some tourist room. But since Cornelia Cromwell appeared for the first time on that first of October last year, all his ideas and thoughts went flying like crazy and ended upside down.
The first time talking to her, he tried to do his “famous” flirt on her, but at his surprise it didn’t work, she just walked away with a smile on her face after kindly rejecting him. That caught his attention even more. He always tried to take every opportunity he had, that’s where he was on that moment: ready to ask Lia if she was going to go the Kegger he and his friends were preparing to start the weekend.
With his backpack hanging on one shoulder and his favorite red hat, he was looking at Lia taking some books from her locker. She had that sweet little smile she would always have on her face and those dark clothes that made JJ wonder how was she not burning from that heat with them. Another thing that made JJ curious.
He slowly but confidently walked over to her while his hands where on his pockets. Once he was next to her, she didn’t even look at him since she was too focus writing something on that old brown note book she would carry everywhere.
“Hey.” JJ said to make her look up.
“Hi!” She did a quick look to him without taking the smile out of her face, but then went back to her note book. All that confidence JJ had when it came to talking to girls was all gone, he felt like his tongue was twisting itself and his heart was starting to beat faster.
He noticed that she closed her locker with the intention to walk away, it’s now or never! His conscious screamed at him, so he spited his next words quicker than he wanted to. “Are you coming to the Kegger tomorrow night?”
Lia suddenly stopped to turn around and face JJ. “Unfortunately, I cant. I’m moving tomorrow.”
Suddenly the smile that JJ had disappeared from his face. “What? You’re moving?”
Lia nodded. “Yeah, back to my hometown.” Lia said with the intention to end the conversation but what JJ said backfired for her.
“Where’s your hometown?”
Lia looked with her eyes down but her head stayed put. “It’s far, far away. You won’t know it.” She noticed JJ got a little bit confused and before he would ask anything else, she added “I have to go. See you.” She gave him a little smile before walking away and leaving JJ behind, with a strange look on his face and following Lia with his eyes until she was out of his sight.
⋆ ⋆
“She’s leaving?” JJ asked once him and his friends, Pope and John B, sat down with their lunch at one of the tables. “I mean, she comes here for a year, has no family or friends, VERY weird, and then leaves? Who does that?” JJ sounded more frustrated than he wanted to.
“A lot of people do that, JJ.” Pope said. “Maybe she’s an exchange student.” He said giving the situation as little importance as possible.
“Maybe, but have you seen any old student that was here that left?”
“JJ, we don’t know everyone who goes here. I think the thing that’s bothering you is way more than just the fact that it’s weird that she’s here and why.” John B said before taking a big bite of his sandwich.
“Then what’s that, genius?” Pope and John B let out tiny laughs before giving each looks. “What?” JJ asked confused.
“C’mon, your practically been trying to get closer to her every day since you saw her for the first time.” John B said.
“No, I haven’t.” JJ quickly shook his head.
“Yes. Inviting her to parties, asking her for the homework, sitting next to her.” Pope was naming while counting with his fingers. “It’s not news that you have a little crush on Lia.”
“What?” JJ asked with a high pitched voice and then cleared his throat. “I don’t. I just- want to make her feel welcome.”
“Yeah, that could count if it was the first week she came here, it’s been a year. That’s not normal for the JJ we know, something weird is going on there.” Pope pointed at his head once JJ rolled his eyes and was about to say something, but then closed his mouth once he noticed Lia walking into the cafeteria looking down to her brown note book.
“Oh! It’s like he’s under a spell!” John B let out a loud laugh once he saw the state of his friend. “This is more serious than we thought, Pope. Our friend is in looooove.”
“Shut up! I am not!” JJ complained while his friends were laughing.
“Ow! Look! She’s walking, she looks so pretty!” Pope said trying to imitate JJ’s voice. “I wish she could look at me like that old book!”
“Hey! I don’t sound like that and I would definitely never say something like that!” JJ complained but John B and Pope couldn’t stop laughing and there was nothing he could do to stop them, so he got up from the table with his unfinished meal.
“Oh! C’mon! We’re just messing around!” Pope said but he still couldn’t stop laughing. John B tried to stop him too, but it was too late, JJ was already leaving the cafeteria behind.
Unbelievable! JJ thought on the way to his next class. He didn’t have to attend yet, since lunch wasn’t over, but he didn’t want to hear any more of his friends stupid words. It’s not like JJ was deeply in love with this girl, he just wanted to know more about her! Keep her close and make her feel comfortable. Of course, he thought she was pretty, it was the first thing he thought the first time he saw her... BUT HE’S NOT IN LOVE! Or at least that’s what JJ was telling to himself on repeat.
“Yes! I can’t believe I’m going back today. Can you? A year! It happened faster than I tought it would.” JJ heard Lia say before he stepped inside the classroom, but once he noticed the girl facing him with her back and a very bright light coming from the other side, he quickly left the room and stood outside next to the door. What the fuck?! He thought. Then, a boy talked but he didn’t fully understand what he was saying, he was trying but then Lia talked again. “I miss you too.”
Great. After feeling down about her leaving he now had to hear about her talking to some guy about how much they missed each other...
“Yeah, I have the stone.” She said.
Stone? JJ furrowed his eyebrows confused.
“Yes, I already prepared everything so I won’t miss the time. I’m going to go after school... I really want to see you Jervis.” Lia said. JJ let out a tiny sigh. Who was this Jervis? Was he Lia’s boyfriend from back home? And what time she didn’t want to miss? All those questions were going on on JJ’s mind but no answers. He was so into his head, that he didn’t realize that Lia was now out of the classroom and was staring at him and his very weird and confuse expression.
“Are you alright?” She asked.
“What were you doing there? I heard you talking.” JJ said and soon realized how crazy he sounded. He looked like a stalker.
“Oh? Back there? I was just talking to myself.” She said like it was normal, but when JJ looked at her even more confused, she added “What? You don’t do that?” She shrugged her shoulders. “Then you’re the weird one.” And just like that, again, left JJ behind confused as ever.
⋆ ⋆
“I’m telling you guys!” JJ said while the Pogues were going back to John B’s house, the Chateau. “She wasn’t talking to herself! I heard the voice of a guy. And that weird light I saw? What the hell was that?”
“Ok, JJ.” Pope said. “This is getting out of control, you’re stalking her now?”
“I wasn’t stalking! I just- I just happened to be there resting against the wall while she was talking.” JJ defended himself, but Pope just rolled his eyes. “I’m just saying! It’s not normal.”
“Dude! Get over her!” John B slapped JJ’s shoulder. “She’s leaving, c’mon! We have a party tomorrow, you’ll get drunk and end the night with a girl around your arms like you normally do.”
Even if that sounded like a good plan for JJ, he didn’t want to. All he could think about was Lia and those words and that strange light he saw. Curiosity was killing him, he wanted to know more. That’s why on the next day of school, he got up quicker than he ever did from his bed to go to school and wait for her to walk through those big doors of the school. But, she never did.
Class after class passed and she was nowhere to be seen. The thought of maybe her leaving already crossed his mind, but then remembered her saying that she wasn’t going to go after school. So, what was she doing now?
He didn’t want to go to his last class, he spent the entire day looking for her and thinking so much that he found himself getting tired. It’s not like it was something new for his teachers to not see him in a class, so he walked out of the doors with his backpack on his shoulders. He looked up once he was finished walking down those long stairs to find the principal outside a couple of steps away from him. So he quickly walked away to the side of the building, making sure no teacher was around, he kept walking hoping to lose the principal and finally be free. He kept walking and walking back but then once he found himself touching some old branches and looking at some huge trees he furrowed his eyebrows confused since he never noticed those trees at the back of the building. But figured, if he wanted to escape the school, what better way than to go into the creepy little forest that he never saw.
He took some steps inside, ready to find his way back to the Chateau to wait for his friends, but when a light hit his eyes that made him almost close them entirely, the remembered the light that was coming from when Lia was talking on the classroom the day before.
Yeah, JJ. Follow the mysterious light that’s coming from the deep of the forest. Great idea. He thought, but it was too late, since he was way more deep inside. That’s when he heard a familiar voice too, Lia’s voice. But he couldn’t understand what she was saying, so he tried to get closer to it. Once she was on his sight, he hide himself behind a tree to try and understand what she was doing by herself in the middle of forest. She had her backpack on her shoulders but that’s all he noticed, since the bright light was making him squint his eyes. He felt the need to see more, so he took some steps to get closer to her and be able to see what she was doing.
Her hands were holding something, while her eyes were closed. A little wind started to blow and move her hair and black skirt. He then felt some leaves touching his bare legs and that made him look down, but when a sound hit his ears, like some sparkles exploding he looked up and what he saw made him moved back from the tree he was hiding behind.
A big gold circle was now infront of Lia but she wasn’t looking up just yet, she was still concentrating with her hands touching each other. But after a couple of seconds, she opened her eyes with a proud smile on her face.
“What the hell?” JJ said still surprised and confused. But he got the courage to get closer to her and the big circle. He noticed that Lia took a deep breath before letting her hands drop to her side and that’s when JJ noticed that she was holding a purple shiny stone. The stone. That’s what she was talking about yesterday.
He looked up to her face and then at her feet when she took some steps closer to the circle. “Wait!” JJ yelled. He didn’t know why, but for some reason he quickly ran towards her and grabbed her hand, and on that moment he felt like the air was getting tighter around him. He closed his eyes when he felt himself jumping, but he wasn’t hitting ground, he felt like he was... flying? The air was getting thicker and thicker to the point that it was getting harder and harder for him to breathe. He didn’t want to open his eyes afraid of what he might see. So he just waited and waited for that horrible sensation to be over.
Suddenly, his knees and hands touched ground.
“Ugh, I’ll never get used to that.” Lia said with her eyes still closed. She took a deep breath enjoying the lovely smell of her town, Halloween town. That smell of leaves and trees, of old wood and the noise of children walking around. “Don’t stress Halloween Town, i’m ba-AH!” She yelled once she opened her eyes and a boy was kneeled down next to her while looking around confused and scared as ever. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was slight opened. He was surrounded by trees and what looked like a giant pumpkin on the middle of a park, the air was thicker and the people around him definitely weren’t the people from Outer Banks.
Lia felt a burning coming from her hand and the stone shaking faster and faster. “Oh no no no no.” She dropped the stone to the floor once the burning was getting unbearable, and on that moment, the stone exploded leaving little pieces of it along the floor. “The stone!” Lia said kneeling down.
JJ couldn’t find anything to say. He was just to speechless and afraid. Where the hell was him?
“You!” He heard Lia pointing at him and then walking quickly towards him. She was angry, JJ noticed since it was pretty visible on her eyes. “What the hell?!” He got up once she got closer to her and grabbed the neck of his shirt.
“What!? Don’t touch me!” He said freaking out once he fully understand what just happened to him. “WHERE THE HELL AM I?” He yelled but Lia quickly covered his mouth with her hand.
“Shut up!” Lia said. “You’re in Halloween Town.” JJ tried to speak but her hand was making it impossible. “Do you promise to me that you’re not going to scream?” JJ nodded before calming a little bit. She slowly took her hand before JJ spoke again.
“What the hell is Halloween Town and what the hell was that?”
Lia quickly shook her head. “No, I’m going to be the one who’s going to make the questions now-”
“Really? I’m the one who’s in a different town after going through some weird shit and you’re going to do the questions? Yeah, sounds fair.” JJ said sarcastically but Lia didn’t care, she just rolled her eyes before continuing.
“Why the hell did you walked with me?”
“Oh, let me think...” JJ said pretending to think. “I got it! If a girl makes appear a circle in the air out of nowhere, that can make a boy wonder. You know? I don’t know why I followed you!” JJ said. “I just did!”
“You idiot! You clearly weren’t thinking! Oh my god, now what am I going to do?” Lia started to rumble more to herself than with JJ. “I have a mortal with me and I don’t have the stone to take him back, how the hell do you repair the stone!? Jervis has to know! Yes, Jervis. He’s going to kill me! The people! They can’t see you!”
“Wait wait wait.” JJ stopped her. “A mortal?! What the hell are you?!”
Lia covered his mouth again. “If you don’t stop screaming I will pull a spell on your mouth and I can’t guarantee you’ll speak again because I didn’t quite managed it yet.” She said quickly and when the word ‘spell’ came out of her mouth JJ’s eyes went wide open.
She slowly took her hand off his mouth and then he let out a tiny breath before saying in a loud whisper. “YOU’RE A WITCH?!”
Lia quickly nodded. “Yes!” She said in the same tone. “I thought that was pretty clear by now!”
“Oh my god. I’m with a witch in a strange town.” JJ said once his breathing was getting heavier. “What the hell?” He said while looking to his surroundings again. “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?” He yelled once a guy with a pumpkin head started to walk with a women to the park. The guy stared at him confused and offended.
“Ha! Ha!” Lia faked a laugh. “He’s just kidding! Happy Halloween!”
“Glad you’re back Lia!” The woman yelled with a smile and after waving at each other the couple went back to doing their own thing while JJ was staring at them with his eyes wide open and a terrifying look.
“You know, maybe I don’t care that I can’t manage that spell yet.” Lia said more to herself that to JJ after letting out a big sigh. “Please, stop freaking out!”
“Ok, answer me this. Where the hell am I?” JJ asked still freaking out but trying to be discrete with his tone.
Lia was about to answer but when the blue sky turned black, they both looked up and then she said almost in a whisper. “You’re not longer safe, c’mon. I’m going to take you to my house.”
⋆ ⋆
The moment that JJ stepped inside the front lawn of a giant old house, he noticed it looked like those houses that you only see in horror movies that’s almost everytime abandoned, with green and orange bushes around, and a big stair that would lead you to the, also, big black door. With a dark forest behind it and no houses next to it, even if they only walked for ten minutes from that park he felt like he was in the middle of nowhere.
He thought the exterior of the house looked old and antiquated, but once he stepped inside the old furniture and dark red curtains made the place look even more scary than before. The living room was bigger than his entire house, he wanted to see more since it was the biggest house he stepped in in his entire life, but once Lia grabbed a tiny bottle from her backpack and started to spray it around JJ, all his focus went to her.
“What are you doing?” He asked confused, but she didn’t answer since she opened the front door and started to spray the perfume around the front lawn. JJ just stayed there, at that point he couldn’t be more confused than he already was, so he just waited for her to come back and answer his million questions.
“Alright, that should do the trick.” She said once she closed the door and started to close the curtains to leave the place even more darker than before, the yellow light coming from the chandelier was the only thing illuminating the house. If JJ didn’t felt more awake than ever, he would’ve just thought he was just having a very long dream. “Please.” Lia turned for the first time since they came into the house. “Do not touch anything.” She pointed at him with a serious look, he quickly nodded.
“Ok. But why?”
Lia took a deep breath before saying: “I think it’s best if I tell you everything from the beginning.”
“Alright, were am I?”
“I told you before, Halloween Town.”
“What the hell is Halloween Town?”
“Is in the name, JJ, a Town.”
JJ quickly nodded but then he furrowed his eyebrows confused. “How do you remember my name? I think I told you once.”
Lia shrugged her shoulders. “I have a pretty good memory.”
“Ok..” JJ nodded biting the corner of his lower lip. He had so many questions he didn’t know where to start, so he continued with the simpler one. “Where exactly is this Halloween Town?”
“Far.” Lia said after trying to come up with a word to not confuse JJ even more.
“Far from what?”
JJ widen his eyes at the surprise. “Earth?! Are we in another planet?!”
“No, Halloween Town is not a planet.”
Lia thought for a second before answering. “Yes, but at the same time... no.”
“Nah, uh uh, I won’t ask any more questions about that. My head is about to explode. Alright, let me get my thoughts straight, first of all,” he started to count with his fingers “you’re a witch.”
“Correct.” Lia said innocently.
“A witch in Outer Banks. Sure, normal. A witch who makes a portal out of nowhere and after crossing it, it takes you to... Halloween Town.”
Lia nodded again. “Yes.”
“Totally normal, Yeah, that’s great. An everyday thing.” JJ quickly nodded trying to somehow convince himself.
“Lia?” JJ heard a male voice coming from the upstairs.
“Jervis!” Lia said in a loud whisper.
“Jervis?” JJ asked and then remembered hearing that name when she was in the classroom talking to the male voice. Does she live with her boyfriend?
“Lia!” A talk guy with huge dark hair appeared on the living ready to give Lia a big tigh hug. He was so excited to see Lia that he didn’t even notice the blonde guy that was also in the living room. “I missed you so much! How was the mortal world? You have to tell me everything!” Jervis looked dark and mysterious so the way he talked to Lia totally surprised him, since it didn’t go with his appearance. He felt invisible on that moment since neither of them were acknowledging him in the room, so he widen his eyes at the idea of Lia somehow making him invisible, but that idea went away once Jervis looked behind Lia and finally realizing JJ in the room. “Hi?” He asked confused while looking at JJ but then went back to Lia. “Who’s this?”
Lia let out a tiny fake laugh before walking closer to JJ and saying with an innocent smile. “You know me so well, cousin,-”
Ooooooh, cousin. Got it.
“You know how it’s not normal for me if I don’t get in some kind of... mess.” Lia said and Jervis face completely changed.
“What happened?”
“Weeeeell...” Lia said with a high pitch voice. “How do I explain it? Ok... this is JJ. And he saw me opening the portal to come here and accidentally touched me when I was crossing and well... he’s here.” Lia said with a smile trying to take the situation less dramatic than it really was.
“What?!” Jervis asked. “But... the stone! At that hour it couldn’t have taken the energy of two people...!” Lia noticed how Jervis connected the dots on his own and then said after letting out a sigh. “It broke, didn’t it?”
“Yeah...” Lia nodded.
“How...? Lia!” Jervis was getting more frustrated. “How can you let that happen!? That’s very irresponsible!”
“I know! It’s my fault, but you have to help me get him back to Outer Banks. Help me with the stone.” Lie begged but Jervis wasn’t getting more calmer.
“Help you!? Lia! The stone isn’t just simple! It’s very advance magic that only the most powerful witches and wizards can do!”
“I know! I know! But I’m pretty sure there’s a book than can tells us about the stone! We just have to find it.”
JJ for the first time felt guilty for what he did. He appreciated Lia taking the blame for him since in reality it was his fault for taking his nose where it didn’t belong. Even if he didn’t understand a word they were saying he just stayed there listening to every word they were saying carefully.
“Find it? If there’s a book on the stone it has to be on the forbidden part of the old library. You’re a minor! You can’t go in there.” Jervis covered his face with his hand trying to calm himself and think of a better solution, but then Lia talked again.
“Cousin, I’ve been to the forbidden part of the library before.” Lia said like it the easiest thing in the world but when Jervis looked at her surprised, JJ noticed that maybe it wasn’t.
“Alright.” Jervis said after letting out a big sigh and then turning with his head to look at JJ. Jervis’ dark black eyes were making JJ feel a little bit intimidated, like he never felt before. Well, only with someone else- “maybe you should tell your friend here, JJ, if I’m not mistaken, what is going on. He looks like he’s seen a ghost. But believe me, this is nothing compare to those creepy things.” Jervis shook his hands around his body like he was pushing something away.
“Yeah, JJ.” Lia called him and he turned to her. “Maybe you should sit down.” The three of them walked to where the big dark red couch was in the living room. Lia pointed at it to tell JJ to sit down while she and Jervis were in front of him, on the other couch. “Ok. To take you back to your home we have to repair the stone that gives me the ability to open the portal, it broke since that particular stone didn’t had the energy to teletransport two people at once.” JJ noticed some anger in her voice but then she took a deep breath and then continued. “We have to fix it immediately, because once October is over, you won’t be able to go back.”
“What?” JJ asked shook. “But today’s October 31st!”
“Yeah! No shit!” Lia said. “That’s why we hav-” she was saying but was cut off once the room became even more darker and the window started to shake a little bit. “Oh.” She said almost in a whisper.
“Shit.” Jervis said before getting up and walking away from the living room.
“What?” JJ asked confused and a little bit scared at the sudden change of the room.
“There’s something else.” Lia said looking back at JJ. “There’s a thing that’s going to be after your while you’re here.” She said innocently before letting out a tiny smile to not scare JJ, more than he already seemed to be.
“What?!” JJ quickly got up from the couch and started to look around.
Lia did the same to walk closer to him. “Don’t worry! They’re extremely powerful and they can smell you faster than any creature in the magical word... but, they’re not as powerful in the day as they are in the night.” She said trying to comfort him but that didn’t help him, since he started to look around even more scared.
“Yeah, that doesn’t help me much.” JJ said.
“They’re called Tenebris.” Jervis said once he walked into the living room with a big book on his hands. He quickly opened it after leaving it on the coffe table at the living room. “They’re very awful creatures, and they... look like this.” Jervis pointed at a drawing on the book so JJ could see it. He noticed that the said creature looked like some kind of thick smoke and a pear of red dots in the middle of it. “And like my cousin said, they can smell you. But I have a potion that could take away your sent for almost eight hours.”
“Can we just go to the authorities or something!?” JJ asked when his heart started to beat faster.
“Calm down, will you?!” Lia said. “We can’t, if we go to the authorities to say to them that I brought a mortal to our world they would easily take you to the Tenebris themselves.”
“Yeah, they don’t like outsiders even if this stupid thing can’t hurt us and a mortal is practically harmless. They only care about them and themselves only.” Lia let out a tiny sigh. “Welcome to the real world, my guy.”
“I’ll prepare the potion so you two just... do something and don’t bother me.” Jervis said before grabbing the book but then quickly stopped. “Grandma!”
“Shit! When is she coming home?” Lia asked widen her eyes.
“Later, so if you see her make sure to hide him.” Jervis pointed at JJ and then left the room.
“What?” JJ asked. “Is she with the authorities or something?”
Lia quickly shook her head while letting out a tiny laugh. “No, over her head body. She’s just.... a lot to handle.”
“Yeah, she’s not just called like the wicked witch of the east for nothing.”
“Wait... What?” JJ asked. “What’s her name?”
“Evanora. Now, c’mon, let me take you outside. We have to make sure you’re not in a single place for too long, otherwise your smell is going to spread even more quicker.”
JJ closed his eyes trying to process everything but then quickly opened them because Lia had already left the room. “I don’t know if I can be impressed anymore.” He said while following Lia to the front door. “I think that if you tell that you had lunch with Satan I would just nod and say ‘ok!’” JJ said expecting Lia to say that he was being ridiculous but once she opened the front door to walk outside she said like it was the most normal thing in the world.
“Oh, I had tea with Lucifer once. And, guess what, he’s still biter about getting kicked out of heaven. Like, c’mon! Get over it dude!” She said with an innocent smile and that got JJ’s heart drop to his stomach while swallowing a big chunk of saliva.
“I was wrong. I could still be impressed... and confused.” JJ said before following Lia outside, and with the thought in his mind... he was right. There was definitely something weird going on with the new girl.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆taglist ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
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everybodyscupoftea · 4 years
the plug
college au jj x reader
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word count: 3025
warnings: drinking, cursing, mentions of jj’s dad, four year age gap (20yo jj and 24yo reader)
synopsis: you’re the pogues’ alcohol plug and jj’s favorite person
a/n: this was an anonymous request, age gaps are kinda sensitive, nothing here happens until jj is almost 21 but please be careful out there folks; also i got kinda carried away 
You grew up in the Outer Banks, spent most of your time surfing or playing soccer for the local school’s team. Your house was near the Heyward’s shop, and you picked up odd jobs working Kook events all throughout your high school years. When college rolled around, you started working at the Wreck with Kie.
The Pogue and Kook rivalry never particularly interested you, it seemed frivolous, and after a brief stint on the mainland, you realized the world was so much bigger out of the scope of the Outer Banks. Your refusal to participate was what originally drew Kie to you. The two of you hung out after work on Friday nights, you had access to good weed and were willing to share. Eventually she invited you to a party her friends were throwing.
Honestly, you weren’t exactly over the moon at the idea of partying with a bunch of 17-year olds, but the idea of free beer and a night on the beach seemed promising. You figured you could say hey to Kie’s friends and slip away to walk by the ocean.
Until the afternoon of the party rolled around, and you found out that they had no alcohol. Kie scrambled to explain that the guy who normally sold them beer underage had moved and someone stricter had taken his place and refused their fakes. You sighed and stood, “How much do you need me to get?”
“Wait, what?” Kie asked, taken aback.
“Beer. You want packs or a keg?”
She blinked a few times, “We normally get a keg or two.”
“Let’s go.”
You led Kie to your car and cranked it up, immediately turning up the AC as high as it could go. She plugged her phone in to play some music as you drove to the nearest liquor store to the Boneyard.
“Stay here, I’ll be back,” you told her, and she nodded, promising to sit still. The guy inside was in fact different from the guy who used to sell to you and your friends underage, so you fished out your ID. You knew you looked pretty young for your age and had to resist rolling your eyes when he stared at it intensely for a few seconds before charging you for the keg.
When it was filled, he helped you carry it to your car and the two of you set it in the back. Kie stayed still and quiet in case he tried to card her for some reason too, but you weren’t too worried. Soon enough the two of you were back on the road, heading toward your house for a quick change of clothes.
“Can I borrow something?” Kie asked, looking a little nervous.
“For sure, Kie, take what you want.”
You were only there for about 30 minutes before leaving to get the keg to the Boneyard before party time. Kie was really excited to introduce you to her friends, they’d been hearing all about the cool college girl she’d been hanging out with in her spare time, and they were really interested to see who had her so enthralled.
Pope was the first to greet you, recognizing you from when you worked with him and his dad. He nodded at you with a small smile, and you returned it. John B shook your hand with a huge grin, babbling on about how awesome it was to have someone willing to buy them alcohol again. The last of the group, JJ, was the quiet one.
You weren’t sure what he thought of you at first, it was easy to see he was hesitant to just accept anyone, but you did buy him alcohol. He offered you a fist bump and a small smile before telling you, “Really appreciate the plug.”
“No prob, new guy was pretty suspicious, sorry for your loss.”
JJ let out a loud laugh and warmed up to you instantly. From then on, he followed you around. Whether it was hanging around the Wreck while you were working and he was free, or asking to smoke with you some weekends. Kie thought your new shadow was hilarious and she would send you videos of JJ talking about how funny you were or how pretty you were. It was…endearing.
And then you graduated college and got into grad. You wanted to finally move off the island, and with the money you’d saved up from the Wreck, you finally had enough money to rent an apartment just off Chapel Hill’s campus. The Pogues came with you to help you move all your stuff, which you were grateful for.
You let them handle pizza and went to go pick up alcohol for the group as one last hurrah before they left. John B picked through the bag you brought back with a watery smile, “Gonna suck throwing parties without our favorite plug.”
“Aren’t you dating Sarah Cameron now? Get Rafe to buy your alcohol.”
“He hates us,” JJ whined, “not everyone is cool like you.”
You pointed the bottle in your hand at him, “That’s right, don’t you ever forget.”
And then that was it. You were onto the next, without the Pogues. Or, so you thought.
You’d gotten a job at a coffeehouse just off campus while working through your grad degree. It was easy and brought in a surprising amount of tips, and the atmosphere was really chill, so you loved it. Mostly you dealt with regulars, until one morning. You had your back to the door when it opened, making another coffee, and you called over your shoulder, “Be with you in a sec.”
A familiar, slightly deeper voice, answered back, “All good.”
Whirling around, you grinned widely at the boy, “JJ! Long time no see, bud.”
His eyes widened and he laughed, “Holy shit, dude, you work here?”
“Have for the last few years. What can I get you?”
JJ smiled widely, “Actually, just got hired, I’m here for training.”
You passed the customer their coffee and wished them a good day before turning back to JJ, “Okay, go wash your hands and I’ll grab your hat.”
The rest of your shift was spent goofing off with JJ, every so often interrupted by a customer, and you showed him the ropes. He picked up on it pretty quickly, only stumbling through using the register a few times.
“What brings you here?” you finally asked.
JJ took his hat off and ran a hand through his hair a few times, “Family shit. My dad was an asshole and I wanted to get out. I started picking up extra hours at the hotel, but my dad knew where I was, so I decided to just move to the mainland and start over.”
“Fuck,” you muttered, “sorry to hear that. Everything okay now?”
He nodded, “Yeah, um, started taking a few classes at Chapel Hill, and Pope’s family is helping me keep rent until I get my feet under me.”
“That’s nice of them.”
“Yeah, I just, I needed to start over. And I saw the hiring sign on the door, so I stopped in a few days ago to apply.”
You nudged his shoulder gently, “If you need anything, gimme a call, yeah?”
JJ blushed and nudged yours back, “Yeah.”
Because of the small number of customers, most shifts at the coffeehouse were solo shifts except for opening and closing. You and JJ both had mostly afternoon classes which meant that the two of you were scheduled several times a week together opening and closing.
One night you had soft music playing while he was doing dishes and you were sweeping and mopping the dining area. JJ watched you dance around with the broom, small smile on his lips, and when you caught his eye, he looked away with a blush.
“J,” you called out, trying to catch his eye again.
He looked back, blush still present on his cheeks, “What?”
“You hungry?”
“Oh, um, yeah, I could eat.”
You motioned out the window, “That place has fire po-boys for cheap if you want to get one with me after.”
JJ stared at the lit-up restaurant across the street before shrugging, “Sounds good.”
Thursday closing shift dinner became a thing after that. One of you would call in your food and pick it up before going back to one of your apartments to eat and do homework. JJ had a quiet focus to him that you liked, it helped keep you calm while scrolling through mounds of research you needed for your final paper.
He had one afternoon shift a week, unbeknownst to you, and walked in for it one week to see you laying face down on one of the tables near the counter. JJ paused, glancing over at the guy he was replacing in confusion. Your coworker shrugged and clocked out without saying anything else.
You felt someone crouch down next to your table a few minutes later and he softly called your name. Opening your eyes felt like a chore since you’d had them squeezed closed for so long to block out the anxiety over your paper that for some reason wasn’t writing itself.
“Want some coffee?” he asked, as soon as he finally saw your eyes.
The thought of caffeine made you want to throw up, and you made a face before finally responding, “How about some tea.”
“What kind?”
“Surprise me,” you told him tiredly.
JJ squeezed your shoulder once and walked back around the counter to start making you a drink. You woke your laptop back up to see the word count of 406 staring you straight in the face, and just as you went to put your head back down, a steaming mug of tea was placed in front of you.
“That should help,” JJ told you, smiling softly.
And shockingly, it did. It was warm, and with JJ’s steady presence, you were able to knock out over 1000 words before you had to leave for your afternoon class. He called your name just as you went to push the door open and you turned around, “What?”
“Text me if you need anything else, yeah?”
Unintentionally, you let JJ worm his way back into your life. One of the classes he struggled with you’d already taken so you fished out your old notes and tutored him for the rest of the semester through it. Sometimes he’d show up at your closing shifts he wasn’t scheduled on and sit at the bar doing schoolwork and distracting you. He did at least always help close which was a huge improvement from when you worked at the Wreck and he showed up to cause problems.
One night was interrupted when the door swung open five minutes from closing. You sighed, not wanting to dirty anything you’d just cleaned, and forced a customer service smile on your face. To your surprise, Kie walked through the door, beaming widely at you.
“Long time, no see!” she called out, opening her arms for a hug.
You beamed and set the rag down on the counter, wrapping her up tightly. She squeezed around your middle hard and you sighed, “Missed you, Carrera.”
“Missed you too.”
She sat next to JJ and the three of you caught up while you and your coworker finished the closing duties. You nodded at her to leave when she held up the garbage bag to let you know she was heading out after a trip to the dumpster.
Kie stood, “Okay, we have to meet up with everyone else, none of us have seen JJ’s apartment yet.”
“Hope you cleaned, JJ,” you told him, bumping your elbow into his side with a laugh before continuing, “last time I was there it was questionable.”
“It’s clean,” JJ defended himself, “you caught me on a bad day.”
“Bad month, more like,” you retorted, laughing when he flipped you off in response.
Kie watched the two of you, amused, “Wow JJ, you’ve come a long way.”
John B and Pope stepped out of the restaurant next door, hands full of food bags, before you or JJ could respond and greeted you just as eagerly as Kie had.
“Getting the gang back together,” John B cheered, lifting two of the bags in the air.
You originally had plans to drink wine and watch the new season of Stranger Things, but the prospect of seeing some of your old friends was too enticing. JJ’s eyed you as you shifted on your feet, “You sure you guys want me butting in.”
Kie rolled her eyes, “We thought you knew we were coming in. JJ said he’d tell you.”
“Hey, don’t pin this on me, I wanted it to be a surprise!” he defended.
Pope spoke in what you think was meant to be a mockery of JJ’s voice, “Don’t bother bro, I’ll just text her and let her know.”
With a laugh, John B added, “It was just like old times whenever we needed alcohol and you’d be all ‘I’m going to visit her at work today, we’ll just swing by and get some after, I’ve got this’. The nostalgia was overwhelming, J.”
JJ scowled at his friends as the teasing continued. You’d known about his crush on you back then, tried not to encourage it because you knew you were leaving and because of the underage situation, but it was funny to hear about it from the other side.
“Okay, so we headed to JJ’s place?” you finally interrupted, saving him from the merciless teasing.
“My place,” JJ confirmed and you broke apart into two separate groups, one in JJ’s car and one in yours.
Kie rode with you and took control of the music, like always. You smiled, “Really is just like old times, huh?”
A few weeks later, one of the Thursday night shifts, JJ seemed less enthused than normal. You didn’t want to pry but you were worried about him. After a few more half answers from him, you finally stopped drying the dishes, “Maybank, what’s going on?”
“My fucking-“ he trailed off for a few seconds before shaking his head and continuing, “my dad called asking for money. Apparently, he’s broke and he owes his dealer. I just can’t, god I can’t fucking escape him.”
He wasn’t crying, but you’d never seen JJ’s jaw so tense before and your heart ached for him. You dried your hands off and pulled him into a tight hug, “Your dad is a piece of shit and you deserve better.”
“Do I?” he asked, almost hysterically, while he tried to pull away.
You didn’t let him go far, “Yes, you do. You’re a good guy who deserves to be happy and successful and far away from his dad’s reach.”
“I wish I could see it like that,” he murmured, voice breaking halfway through. JJ’s whole body shuddered a few times as he fought tears harder than he ever had before. He didn’t want to break down in front of you and look like a child.
“How about you go get dinner, I’ll go buy some alcohol, and we meet at my apartment and watch movies tonight.”
JJ’s lips quirked up into the briefest smile you’d ever seen, “Stepping back into that plug role, huh?”
“Turn 21 then,” you told him, shoving him away gently.
“Two months, and then I’ll finally be able to start repaying my alcohol debts.”
“You’re going to be buying me drinks for years, J.”
He held his pinky out, looking significantly more cheered up, “I promise.”
You linked pinkies with him before pulling him into one more hug with one last thought, “You’re going to have to stick around for a while to keep that promise.”
He cleared his throat, almost nervously, and you pulled away, confused. JJ wouldn’t look you in the eye when he spoke, “Surely you knew.”
“What?” you weren’t really prepared to have the conversation that seemed to be happening.
“That I liked you, idolized you practically. You were so cool and older and you dealt with all my shit.”
“J,” you warned, not sure if you liked where it was going.
He let out a sad laugh, “Please just be honest with me, you knew right?”
With a sigh, you pulled your hat off and clutched it in your hands, “I knew.”
“Fuck,” he mumbled, hands shoved deep in his pockets. JJ looked up at the ceiling with a sharp inhale before continuing, “Fuck, I’m so sorry if I made you uncomfortable. And then I came here and started doing it again.”
And you had to stop that train of thought right there, “Woah, wait, it doesn’t bother me, JJ, you know that right? Like I do enjoy having you around.”
Eyebrows raised, JJ finally made eye contact with you, “What?”
“Well I mean,” you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, suddenly unsure how to continue, “I guess it was a little weird when you were in high school, but it’s not so bad now.”
“What?” he repeated, faintly this time.
You rolled your eyes, “Fucking hell, JJ, really?”
He held his hands up in defense, “Hey, I was walking into this conversation ready to get rejected, let me be surprised.”
“I cannot deal with you, go buy the food, oh my god.”
JJ grinned at you cheekily, “Is this a date?”
You hated him. So much.
He grabbed your hand and squeezed, “Are you asking me out right now?”
“I’m about to rescind the offer if you don’t quit.”
“I can’t believe the day has finally come. Kie is going to flip her shit,” JJ told you, leading you out of the empty shop.
“God, what have I gotten myself into,” you muttered.
JJ stopped walking and looked at you with a soft smile, all traces of teasing gone, “Hey,” he got your attention, “thanks for everything, now and then.” Before you could answer, he continued, “Best plug I ever had.”
“God dammit, JJ!” you exclaimed and his laughter echoed down the empty street as the two of you walked to the po-boy place, hands swinging between you.
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